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Dividing Voltages
The easiest way to accomplish this division is using a few resistors to form
a voltage divider. The resistors are wired up in series to create
intermediate voltages based with the desired division. The above example
could be accomplished as follows:
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This voltage divider uses the input as the top of the resistor ladder and
ground as the bottom. The actual division is defined by the proportion of
resistance between the two resistors.
Notice the above circuit does not work out to an exact division by 20. This
is because the resistors used are commonly found resistor values.
Precision resistors with exact tolerances can be used but are often not
needed since the original output of sensors typically varies. Here the
resulting output voltage is slightly below the maximum of 5V but with a
reasonable A/D converter like the 10-bit converters used in the BrainStem
GP 1.0 module would still offer plenty of dynamic range in the sensor
Amplifying Voltages
The equation for amplification is the exact opposite of dividing. You want
to multiply the output voltage from a sensor to gain the full range of your
A/D input or other interfaced circuit. Lets say you have an accelerometer
which measures accelerations in g (gravity) units. A sensor like this may
have a response of 312mV/g which means the sensor will generate 0.312V
for each gravity unit of force it encounters. Now, say you would like to
measure up to 2 gravity units (2g) with your detector with the full range of
your 0-5V A/D converter. This means you need to multiply the output
voltage of your accelerometer by a factor of about 16 to get the desired
range and sensitivity in your measurements. So we want to accomplish the
following pictorially:
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There are some things to note about this circuit. Again, changing
resistance values gives a different voltage amplification (multiplication).
The small numbers indicate the pins of the 741 package that you would
connect to for this circuit (it is an 8 pin chip). Also, notice the additional
power supply which is both positive and negative. This is very common for
Op Amp circuits. Since the Op Amp is powered by a plus/minus voltage of
9V, the absolute output can at best be 9V. In practice, the output voltage
will probably be slightly less.
The gain for this amplifier may not be exactly linear, depending on the
input and output voltages. This can often be hidden in the noise of the
sensor and accuracy of the A/D conversion on the other end but it should
be considered. The higher the gain of an amplifier, the larger the margin of
error and noise.
Shifting Voltages
Shifting voltages can be a requirement for sensor data that are generated
symmetrically about a common (often ground) voltage. A simple example
of this would be a motor acting as a generator where spinning in one
direction creates a positive voltage and spinning in the other direction
creates a negative voltage. Since most common A/D converters in
microcontrollers deal with a 0-VCC range for conversions, sensors that are
symmetric about the ground voltage reference need to be shifted into the 0-
VCC range.
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This circuit is a two-stage summing amplifier using an Op-Amp chip (the
1458) that houses two op-amps on a single chip. Notice there are some
fixed values of resistors that essentially create a voltage summing circuit.
The input on one side is a resistor network that creates a fixed voltage to
sum with the input voltage. The variable resistor values change this
resistor network's set voltage. You could substitute a potentiometer for R1
and R2 to make the addition variable, by twisting the potentiometer.
The addition circuit also requires a plus/minus 9V power supply for the op-
amps. In addition, a tap from the 5V supply used for the logic is used
although this could be done with the positive 9V side as well, provided the
voltages are computed correctly.
Combining Conversions
Say you have a sensor that creates -100 to 100V and you want to read the
value with a 0-5V A/D converter. You would need to scale down the original
voltage to -2.5 to 2.5V first and then offset the result by adding 2.5V to get
the result into the desired range of 0-5V for your A/D converter. You can
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chain together the conversions for such an effect which would look like
this pictorially:
Conversion Impurities
The above conversions all introduce impurities in the resulting signal in the
form of noise, non-linearity, and other corruptions of the original input
voltage. Care must be taken to minimize the number of stages and also to
order them for reduced error. Testing and careful thought can typically
reduce these impurities to a minimum but they cannot be disregarded.
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Thermistor symbol
ΔR = kΔT
ΔR = change in resistance
ΔT = change in temperature
k = first-order temperature coefficient of resistance
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posistor. If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing
temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient
(NTC) thermistor. Resistors that are not thermistors are designed to have
the smallest possible k, so that their resistance remains nearly constant
over a wide temperature range.
1 Steinhart-Hart equation
2 B parameter equation
3 Conduction model
4 Self-heating effects
5 Applications
Steinhart-Hart equation
The error in the Steinhart-Hart equation is generally less than 0.02°C in the
measurement of temperature. As an example, typical values for a
thermistor with a resistance of 3000 Ω at room temperature (25°C = 298.15
K) are:
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B parameter equation
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Conduction model
Many NTC thermistors are made from a pressed disc or cast chip of a
semiconductor such as a sintered metal oxide. They work because raising
the temperature of a semiconductor increases the number of electrons able
to move about and carry charge - it promotes them into the conduction
band. The more charge carriers that are available, the more current a
material can conduct. This is described in the formula:
Most PTC thermistors are of the "switching" type, which means that their
resistance rises suddenly at a certain critical temperature. The devices are
made of a doped polycrystalline ceramic containing barium titanate
(BaTiO3) and other compounds. The dielectric constant of this ferroelectric
material varies with temperature. Below the Curie point temperature, the
high dielectric constant prevents the formation of potential barriers
between the crystal grains, leading to a low resistance. In this region the
device has a small negative temperature coefficient. At the Curie point
temperature, the dielectric constant drops sufficiently to allow the
formation of potential barriers at the grain boundaries, and the resistance
increases sharply. At even higher temperatures, the material reverts to NTC
behaviour. The equations used for modeling this behaviour were derived
by W. Heywang and G. H. Jonker in the 1960s.
Another type of PTC thermistor is the polymer PTC, which is sold under
brand names such as "Polyfuse", "Polyswitch" and "Multiswitch". This
consists of a slice of plastic with carbon grains embedded in it. When the
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plastic is cool, the carbon grains are all in contact with each other, forming
a conductive path through the device. When the plastic heats up, it
expands, forcing the carbon grains apart, and causing the resistance of the
device to rise rapidly. Like the BaTiO 3 thermistor, this device has a highly
nonlinear resistance/temperature response and is used for switching, not
for proportional temperature measurement.
Self-heating effects
When a current flows through a thermistor, it will generate heat which will
raise the temperature of the thermistor above that of its environment. If the
thermistor is being used to measure the temperature of the environment,
this electrical heating may introduce a significant error if a correction is not
made. Alternatively, this effect itself can be exploited. It can, for example,
make a sensitive air-flow device employed in a sailplane rate-of-climb
instrument, the electronic variometer, or serve as a timer for a relay as was
formerly done in telephone exchanges.
where I is current and V is the voltage drop across the thermistor. This
power is converted to heat, and this heat energy is transferred to the
surrounding environment. The rate of transfer is well described by
Newton's law of cooling:
The current and voltage across the thermistor will depend on the particular
circuit configuration. As a simple example, if the voltage across the
thermistor is held fixed, then by Ohm's Law we have I = V / R and the
equilibrium equation can be solved for the ambient temperature as a
function of the measured resistance of the thermistor:
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The dissipation constant is a measure of the thermal connection of the
thermistor to its surroundings. It is generally given for the thermistor in still
air, and in well-stirred oil. Typical values for a small glass bead thermistor
are 1.5 mW/°C in still air and 6.0 mW/°C in stirred oil. If the temperature of
the environment is known beforehand, then a thermistor may be used to
measure the value of the dissipation constant. For example, the thermistor
may be used as a flow rate sensor, since the dissipation constant
increases with the rate of flow of a fluid past the thermistor.
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