Reality Shaper - v002

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Reality Shaper

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Ability Score Improvement, Uncontrollable Omnipotence
2nd +2 Shaper Type, Shaper Type Feature
3rd +2 Shaper Type Feature
4th +2 Enhanced Release
5th +3 ─
6th +3 ─
7th +3 Shaper Type Feature
8th +3 Enhanced Release Improvement
9th +4 ─
10th +4 ─
11th +4 Shaper Type Feature
12th +4 Uncontrollable Omnipotence Improvement
13th +5 Shaper Type Feature
14th +5 ─
15th +5 Shaper Type Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 ─
18th +6 Soul Shaper
19th +6 ─
20th +6 Complete Understanding

Reality Shaper

eality Shapers are extremely rare individuals Proficiencies
that are able to warp and alter the very fabric Armor: None
of existence. Their power stems from a natural Weapons: None
inborn ability to mix the arcane, the psionic, Tools: None
and other unknown dimensional abstracts.
With their powers being unpredictable by Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom,
nature, many Reality Shapers go their entire Charisma
lives without realizing the abilities they possess, often times Skills: Choose two from arcana, history,
accessing them by chance and accident. The few who do nature, and insight
learn to tap into their latent abilities either become godlike in Equipment
power, or are erased from all of space and time. You start with 6d8 worth of gp and may choose any items as
detailed in the starting equipment section in the PHB, in
Class Features addition to any equipment granted by your background.
As a Reality Shaper, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d4 per reality shaper level
Hit Points at 1st level: 4 + your
Consitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 + your
Constitution modifier per reality shaper
level after 1st

PART 1 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza 1

Butterfly Effect Starting at 1st level, and again at 16th level, you can increase
an ability score of your choosing by 2 points, or two ability
At 1st level, some of the changes you make to reality scores by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score
physically manifest in the form of small, glowing Butterflies. above 20 using this feature.
The Butterflies are the physical representations of the
paradoxical nature of altering reality across space and time. Shaper Types
They are intangible if touched and give off 5' of dim light. Starting at 2nd level, your powers begin to awaken further as
They flutter aimlessly around you and cannot be separated you discover how you shape reality. Choose one of the
from you. Certain abilities will increase the total number of following Shaper Types: Shaper by Words, Shaper by
Butterflies around you, known as your Butterfly Effect total. Dreams, or Shaper by Art.
Many of your abilities will require you to make a saving
throw, called a Butterfly Effect saving throw. A Butterfly
Effect saving throw is 1d20+your spellcasting modifier minus Enhanced Release
the total number of Butterflies in your Butterfly Effect total, At 4th level, you have learned to better release the
DC 2. On a successful save, the ability works as normal. On a paradoxical Butterflies that surround your body. When you
failed save, the compounding paradoxes backlash and willingly release Butterflies, you may half the amount of
release. You take 1d6 per the number of Butterflies in your damage (rounding down) you would receive normally.
Butterfly Effect total in damage as you begin to become At 8th level, you can release Butterflies even when not
untethered from reality. Your Butterfly Effect total then resets resting. As an action, you may release up to half of your
to 0. If you drop to 0 HP and then die as a result of this effect, reality shaper level of Butterflies. You may use this part of the
you are instantly erased from reality and never existed in the feature twice before requiring a long rest to use it again.
first place. You cannot be revived or brought back by any
means. Soul Shaping
During a short rest instead of healing or at the end of a
long rest after healing, you may willingly release any amount At 18th level, you have learned to mold reality in such a way
of Butterflies in your Butterfly Effect total and take the that even a creature's soul becomes malleable. As an action,
damage associated, up to your reality shaper level. target a creature within 120 feet that you are aware of. You
must make a Butterfly Effect saving throw. If successful, the
Uncontrollable Omnipotence targeted creature makes a Wisdom saving throw contested
against your spell save DC. Any creature immune to being
At 1st level, your reality altering powers are both Charmed is unnaffected. If the creature is successful, nothing
unpredictable and unstable. happens. If the creature fails, you may change its alignment
At anytime, the DM may ask you to roll 1d20. On a result of to any other alignment of your choosing and add a number of
1, excluding yourself, every creature, item, and object within Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal to the creature's
30 feet of you makes a Constitution saving throw. The CR or level. If you failed your Butterfly Effect saving throw, do
creature, item, or object with the lowest roll is affected by a nothing.
special use of the spell True Polymorph, but does not make a Changing a creature's alignment may have unintended
Wisdom saving throw. Roll 1d100 and look at the outcomes and consequences. A Chaotic Evil creature bent on
corresponding number on the Uncontrollable Omnipotence destroying the world that is changed to Lawful Good may
Chart at the end of this class section to determine what the experience internal struggle due to its new nature conflicting
target turns into. The duration is permanent, if the target with what it thinks. The changes and outcomes are up to the
drops to 0 HP it does not revert back to its original form, and DM.
can only be reversed by a Greater Restoration spell cast by at
least a 15th level spellcaster. Add 10 Butterflies to your Complete Understanding
Butterfly Effect total.
At 12th level, through constant focus and practice, you At 20th level, through vigorous contemplation, reflection, and
learn to force an omnipotent outburst as an action. Excluding introspection, you have realized the very nature of the reality
yourself, every creature, item, and object within 30 feet of you in which you and others exist. You must stow this dangerous
makes a Constitution saving throw. The creature, item, or revelation away because simply knowing it threatens your
object with the lowest roll is affected by a special use of the very existence.
spell True Polymorph, but does not make a Wisdom saving As a bonus action, you can contemplate reality and unleash
throw. Roll 1d100 and look at the corresponding number on the knowledge you have garnered. You must immediately
the Uncontrollable Omnipotence Chart at the end of this make a Butterfly Effect saving throw. On a successful save,
class section to determine what the target turns into. The you may use one of the following reality altering effects
duration is permanent, if the target drops to 0 HP it does not within a range of 120 ft:
revert back to its original form, and can only be reversed by a
Greator Restoration spell cast by at least a 15th level
spellcaster. Add 10 Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total.
You can use this feature once at any time before requiring a
long rest to use it again.
Ability Score Improvement

2 PART 2 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza

1. You permanently erase a creature with a CR or level of Power in Words
1+your spellcasting modifier or less from existence. The Beginning at 2nd level, you may choose 5 transmutation
creature then never existed and only you are aware of the cantrips from any arcane spellcasting classes. The cantrips
changes to reality. Add a number Butterflies to your chosen must require voice as a component. Each time you
Butterfly Effect total equal to the CR of the erased finish casting any transmutation spells, add a number of
creature. Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal to the level at
2. You create any amount of creatures whose total CR or which the spell is cast. Your spell attack is your proficiency
level equals 1+your spellcasting modifier or less. The bonus + your Intelligence modifier. Your spell save DC is 8 +
creatures behave and look in any way you determine when your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
creating them, such as personality, appearance, etc., but When casting a reality shaper spell of 2nd level or above,
gain sentience once created. The creatures may have any make a Butterfly Effect saving throw before the spell is cast.
items or gear with a total value equal to 100 gp or less. On a successful save, the spell works as normal. On a failed
Add a number of Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total save, nothing happens and the spell fails
equal to the total CR or level of created creatures.
3. You permanently erase an item or object from existence. Articulation
The item or object cannot be larger than 30x30 feet, nor You improve upon your ability to say words and reinforce
have a value exceeding 20,000 gp. The item or object then those words with power.
never existed and only you are aware of the changes to At 3rd level, you learn 2 + your Intelligence modifier
reality. Add a number of Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect transmutation spells up to the 1st level from any spellcasting
total equal to 1 per 2000 gp (rounding up) in total cost of class that requires voice as a component.
the item or object. Every odd level after 3rd, you can increase the level of
4. You create an item, object, or terrain. The item or object transmutation spells you can cast by one additonal spell level
must be equal to or less in value to 20,000 gp. The terrain and may swap out any spells you know for different spells
cannot be more than 100x100x50 feet in dimension. The that meet the criteria listed previously, but only up to the new
terrain can be of any type (stone, earth, water, etc) and any spell level you can cast.
combination of types. The terrain may be specifically
designed into intricate patterns and landscapes, even Enunciation
taking the form of structures, or be more natural in At 7th level, you learn to command the Butterflies that
appearance. The terrain replaces the current landscape, surround you to reinforce your damaging spells. Make a
excluding any artificial structures. Artificial structures sit Butterfly Effect saving throw. On a successful save, you may
or meld into the new terrain. The terrain may include add 1d6 of Force damage to a single trasmutation spell's
flora, such as trees and other greenery, or may be barren. damage roll that you cast per Butterfly in your Butterfly
Add a number of Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total Effect total once. On a failed save, no damage is added. You
equal to 1 per 2000 gp (rounding up) of the total cost of may use this ability twice before requiring a long rest to use it
the item or object, or 10 for terrain. again.
5. You can cast the spell Wish once, but only for spells and At 13th level, you may double the amount of damage dealt
only up to the 7th level or lower. Add a number of by your Butterflies.
Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal to the level
of the spell cast with Wish. Fluent Shaper
On a failed save, nothing happens. You may not use this At 11th level, you have mastered the language of shaping
feature again until after finishing a long rest. reality with words and can connect phrases together with
precision and fluency matched by none. Whenever you cast a
transmutation spell, you may cast an additional
Shaper Types transmutation spell simultaneously as long as its casting time
is 1 action.
As reality shapers explore their powers, they begin to channel Additionally, you can concentrate on two reality shaper
them through different ways. Some find that spoken words of spells at once, but in addition to concentration saving throws,
power harness their abilities the best, while others prefer you must also succeed a Butterfly Effect saving throw to
creating physical representations of the things they wish to maintain concentration on both spells.
breath into reality. Yet some dream their realities into At 15th level, you may cast another additional
existence. The way in which a reality shaper controls their transmutation spell in the same way.
power changes the color of their Butterflies, seemingly
altering the type of parodoxes and scars they inflict on the Shaper by Dreams
Many shapers find that their dreams have the most impact on
Shaper by Words reality. These reality shapers learn to put themselves into
The simplest yet most effective way to bend the cosmic fabric special, lucid, meditative-like dreamstates while staying
is by vocalization. Reality shapers that vocalize their will via psionically aware of the real world. Although dreaming only
words emulate the spellcasters who channel their arcane subtly affects reality, the prospect of creating entirely new
energies through incantations. These reality shapers focus worlds within the dreamstate makes the shaper by dreams a
their power into the transformation of material and energies powerful individual. Your Butterflies appear green in color
within reality. Your Butterflies appear red in color and your and your spellcasting modifier is Wisdom. Your spell save DC
spellcasting modifier is Intelligence. is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

PART 3 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza 3

Lucid Dreamstate You learn the spell Sleep. Casting the spell requires a
At 2nd level, you are able to put yourself into a meditative Butterfly Effect saving throw, and it may only be cast while
dreamstate as an action. While in this state, you are you are sleeping or in the dreamstate, and it cannot be cast at
considered prone, your movement is reduced to 0 feet, and higher levels. On a successful save, you cast the spell like
you automatically fail Dexterity-based and Strength-based normal except the spell's range is equal to your psionic
saving throws. You may not make any checks or do any awareness range and the duration is until dispelled. The spell
actions that require physical movement. Maintaining this does not require components. On a failed save, the spell fails
dreamstate requires concentration. If your concentration is and you do nothing.
broken, you immediately wake up. As a bonus action while you are sleeping or in the
You are psionically aware of your surroundings (blindsight) dreamstate, you may attempt to pull a sleeping ceature's
up to 30 ft, and are able to communicate telepathically with consciousness into an alternate dreamworld reality. You may
any creatures up to this distance, but they are unable to target any number of sleeping creatures within 120 feet that
respond. You are unaware of anything beyond this distance. you are aware of. You must immediately make a Butterfly
The distance of your psionic awareness increases by 5 ft Effect saving throw. On a successful save, the targets make a
every level, as does your telepathy. Additionally, this psionic Wisdom spell saving throw. If the targets succeed their saving
awareness is also in effect during normal periods of sleep. throws, do nothing. If the targets fail their saving throws, they
The dreamstate does not count towards a long or short are pulled into a dreamworld that you create. Only one
rest. dreamworld may exist at a time.
At 11th level, you learn to better utilize the rest gained from The dreamworld may be up to 100 x 100 x 50 feet in
entering into this dreamstate by resting in your dreamworld. dimension. It may cosmetically appear in any way you
As an action while in a dreamworld and at the end of your choose, and as any shape you choose, so long as there is a
turn, you may gain the benefits of a long rest so long as you bottom, top, and sides that come to an end (even if the ends
have not used any actions of any kind your previous turn. You are superficial and appear to continue). The terrain in the
may use this part of this feature once before requiring a dreamworld can be of any type (stone, earth, water, etc) and
standard, non-dreamworld long rest to use it again. any combination of types. The terrain may be specifically
designed into intricate patterns and landscapes, even taking
Ideal Dreams the form of structures, or be more natural in appearance. The
Beginning at 2nd level, your idealized dreams subtly impact terrain may include flora, such as trees and other greenery, or
reality. You can use the following reality altering effects while may be barren. The terrain cannot deal damage to any
sleeping or while in the dreamstate: creatures within the dreamworld.
As an action within the dreamworld, you can alter the
1. You dream of a world in which your allies are healthy and dimensions, landscape, or terrain freely.
uninjured. As a bonus action, heal a target creature within The targets appear as they would in the normal world, with
120 feet that you are aware of up to your reality shaper all of their gear, items, stats, weapons, and with their current
level in their hit die. If the amount healed would put them HP. On their turn, they may move, attack, or do any other
over their hit point maximum, they gain temporary hit actions as normal, as well as cast any spells, use any feats, or
points equal to the remainder. This effect spends their hit anything else that can be done normally in or outside of
die like normal. You may not heal a target for more hit die combat. If they use consumable items in the dreamworld,
than they currently have available. Add a number of they receive any benefits as normal, but they do not expend
Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal to the the items in the real world. Conversely, using spell slots in the
amount of hit die used. dreamworld expends them in the real world.
2. You dream of a deathless world where everyone lives an If the targets are hindered by terrain or structures in the
eternal life. As a bonus action, choose any number of dreamworld, an Investigation check contested against your
targets within 120 feet that you are aware of. Until the spell save DC will reveal them to be superficial in nature and
beginning of your next turn, if the chosen targets fail a they may freely move through them.
death saving throw, it instead counts as a success. If the If the targets receive any damage within the dreamworld, it
chosen targets succeed on a death saving throw, they are is converted into an equal amount of Psychic damage and
instead considered stable at 1 hp. Add a number of dealt to them in the real world. This type of damage does not
Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal to the total wake them up. If a target falls to 0 HP in the real world, they
combined level/CR of all chosen targets divided by your are removed from the dreamworld.
Wisdom modifier (rounding up, minimum 1).
3. You dream of a world without conflict or strife. As a
reaction targeting a creature within 120 feet that you are
aware of that has initiated an attack, you may impose
disadvantage on the attack or spell attack roll. Add a
number of Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total equal
to the level/CR of creature divided by your Wisdom
modifier (rounding up, minimum 1).
At 3rd level, your dreams begin to manifest in an alternate
dreamworld reality and you are able to pull a sleeper's
consciousness into that reality.

4 PART 4 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza

Your consciousness must also appear within the dreamworld Shaper's that require a physical representation of the objects
as a mirror image of yourself and functions similarly to the and creatures they wish to create often times find that clay is
targets. Any damage you receive in the dreamworld converts the best outlet. These shapers tend to have an artistic
to Psychic damage in the real world, but does not affect background. Your Butterflies appear purple in color and your
concentration for the purpose of maintaining your spellcasting modifier is Charisma. Your spell save DC is 8 +
dreamstate. You may take actions and bonus actions within your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
the dreamworld, but doing so requires succeeding a Butterfly
Effect saving throw before each one, or else the dreamstate Shaper's Clay
ends on a fail. All other activities do not require Butterfly At 2nd level, due to your natural artistic inclination, you can
Effect saving throws. A failed Butterfly Effect saving throw infuse common clay with your reality altering powers. During
causes the dreamworld to collapse and you and the targets to a short or long rest, you can create up to 1 Shaper's Clay,
wake up. provided you have the materials to do so. Trying to create an
The targets and yourself initially appear within the additional Shaper's Clay while your current maximum total
dreamworld wherever you decide. If you or the targets are still active causes an active one to return to common clay.
attempt to heal in the dreamworld, via spells, items, or other The Shaper's Clay is an extension of its creator and will
means, nothing happens. obey any commands issued to it by its creator, even more
If your dreamstate ends, if all targets are awakened in the complex instructions, but it is not intelligent enough to do
real world or removed from the dreamstate, or if you drop to anything on its own. It shares a telepathic link with its creator
0 HP or below in the dreamworld or real world, the and can be issued commands through it, acting as almost an
dreamworld immediately collapses and the targets wake up. extra appendage to its creator. Left unattended, the Shaper's
After successfully pulling any targets into the dreamworld, Clay will not even fight back while being attacked. During
add a number of Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total combat, the Shaper's Clay shares your turn.
equal to the total level/CR of all pulled in targets divided by At 3rd level and again at 7th level, your maximum number
your Wisdom modifier (rounding up, minimum of 1). of Shaper's Clay increases by 1. The Shaper's Clay stats and
You may willingly end the dreamworld at any time as a actions are detailed in the Shaper's Clay statblock.
bonus action. Doing so wakes up any targets within it, but
may not wake you up. Kneaded Clay
If you failed your initial Butterfly Effect saving throw, the At 11th level, you command your Butterflies to knead your
dreamstate does not manifest and you instead do nothing. Shaper's Clay while using its Shaper Shift action into a more
malleable and robust effigy. When the Shaper's Clay
False Inhabitants successfully transforms into a creature, item, or object, it
At 7th level, you enhance your dreamworld by learning to gains 1d6 temporary hit points per Butterfly in your Butterfly
create illusions within it. Upon creating a dreamworld, you Effect total.
may also create a number of illusions equal to 1 + your At 13th level, you may double the amount of temporary hit
Wisdom modifier. The illusions function identically to the points gained this way.
spell Major Image, but do not require components, nor do
they require concentration. The illusions last as long as the Firing
dreamworld remains in effect. Controlling all the illusions At 15th level, using cosmic energies to distort space around
only requires a single action, instead of actions for each one. your Shaper's Clay, you are able to temporarily connect it to a
distant star. This heats the clay to incredibly high
Counting Butterlfies temperatures for several effects. Immediately after your
At 13th level, you gain control over your Butterflies and are Shaper's Clay finishes using Shaper Shift, you may choose
able to have them assist in putting targets to sleep. Before one of the following effects:
rolling the hit point dice for your Sleep spell, you may make a 1. Terracota: By limiting the heat from the star, you fire your
Butterfly Effect saving throw. On a successful save, you may Shaper's Clay to be physically stronger at the cost of
add 1d6 per Butterfly in your Butterfly Effect total to the total longevity. Your Shaper's Clay deals an additional 1d10 in
hit points your Sleep spell is able to affect. On a failed save, damage of the same damage type as the original spell,
the spell fails and you do nothing. attack, effect, etc, and receives +2 AC or AC effect bonus.
Timeflow Discrepency Your Shaper's Clay crumbles to dust at the end of its
At 15th level, you are able to slightly disconnect your created Shaper Shift time limit and cannot be given a bonus
dreamworlds from the real world's timeflow. You and any action to return to its original form.
targets within your dreamworld receive two turns instead of 2. Porcelain: By unleashing the full heat from the star, you
one while in combat, and while outside of combat your fire your Shaper's Clay to have increased longevity at the
dreamworld's timeflow is double that of the real world's (1 cost of its durability. At the end of the Shaper Shift time
minute = 2 minutes, 1 hour = 2 hours, etc). limit, if your Shaper's Clay uses a bonus action to
You may take two turns in the dreamworld, or one turn in maintain the the transformation, do not add more
the real world followed by one turn in the dreamworld, in that Butterflies to your Butterfly Effect total. Your Shaper's clay
order. also has -1 AC, 1/2 its maximum HP, cannot be healed or
repaired, subtracts 1d4 from all damage done, and cannot
Shaper by Art be given a bonus action to return to its original form.

PART 5 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza 5

Shaper's Clay
Tiny Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class 5
Hit Points 1
Speed 0ft.


1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)

Senses Telepathic link with creator, 120ft, passive

Perception 0
Languages Understands creator's will via telepathy
Challenge 0

Shaper Shift. The Shaper's Clay's creator can use an

action to touch and mold it into an effigy of a
creature, item, or object. The creature must have
a CR or level equal to or less than 1/4 its
creator's reality shaper level, rounding down. The
item or object must have a gp value equal to or
less than 100 x its creator's reality shaper level.
The creature, item, or object must be something
the creator has seen and touched, or something
they are incredibly familiar with (such as through
intense study and research).
The creator must immediately make a Butterfly
Effect saving throw. On a successful save, the
Shaper's Clay transforms into the chosen
creature, item, or object and gains the stats and
abilities of it as detailed in the PHB, MM, or
other reference book, except its Wisdom and
Intelligence scores remain the same, as well as
its alignment. It also retains its Telepathic link
with its creator. Add a number of Butterlfies to
your Butterfly Effect total equal to the CR or level
of the creature chosen, or the value of the item
or object chosen divided by 100, rounding up
and minumum of 1.
After 1 hour, the Shaper's Clay returns to its
original form, or it may automatically use a bonus
action to maintain the transformation and reset
the time limit, and its creator adds the same
amount of Butterflies as before, but without a
Butterfly Effect saving throw. As a bonus action,
the Shaper's Clay can return to its original form.
On a failed save, do nothing.
If the Shaper's Clay drops to 0 HP, it reverts to its
original form and is destroyed.

6 PART 6 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza

Uncontrollable Omnipotence Chart 70 Spear, PHB pg 149
Dice 33 Red Dragon 71 Beholder, MM pg 28
Roll Item/Object/Creature Wyrmling, MM pg 98
72 Greatsword, PHB pg
1 Rat, MM pg 335 34 Chest, PHB pg 150 149
2 Battleaxe, PHB pg 35 Centaur, MM pg 38 73 Rug of Smothering,
149 MM pg 20
36 Whip, PHB 149
3 Phase Spider, MM pg 74 Antitoxin (vial), PHB
334 37 Ankheg, MM pg 21
pg 150
4 Bucket, PHB pg 150 38 Wooden staff, PHB
pg 150 75 Treant, MM pg 289
5 Unicorn, MM pg 294 76 Acid (vial), PHB pg
39 Flying Sword, MM pg
6 Book, PHB pg 150 20 150
7 Gibbering Mouther, 40 Shovel, PHB pg 150 77 Baboon, MM pg 318
MM pg 157 78 Pick, miner's, PHB pg
41 Mimic, MM pg 220
8 Grappling Hook, PHB 150
pg 150 42 Glaive, PHB pg 149
79 Boar, MM pg 319
9 Ancient White 43 Umber Hulk, MM pg
292 80 Abacus, PHB pg 150
Dragon, MM pg 100
44 Torch, PHB pg 150 81 Skeleton, MM pg 272
10 Halberd, PHB pg 149
45 Basilisk, MM pg 24 82 Warhammer, PHB pg
11 Lizardfolk, MM pg 149
204 46 Parchment, PHB pg
150 83 Lich, MM pg 202
12 Flask, PHB pg 150
47 Giant Scorpion, MM 84 Rapier, PHB pg 149
13 Gnoll, MM pg 163
pg 327 85 Quazit, MM pg 63
14 Potion of Healing,
PHB pg 150 48 Chain, PHB pg 150 86 Shield, PHB pg 145
15 Tyrannosaurus Rex, 49 Pony, MM pg 335 87 Ghost, MM pg 147
MM pg 80 50 Bell, PHB pg 150 88 Scale mail, PHB pg
16 Backpack, PHB pg 51 Raven, MM pg 335 145
150 89 Sprite, MM pg 283
52 Dagger, PHB pg 149
17 Cat, MM pg 320 90 Perfume (vial), PHB
53 Quipper, MM pg 335
18 Barrel, PHB pg 150 pg 150
54 Pot, Iron, PHB pg
19 Eagle, MM pg 322 150 91 Troll, MM pg 291
20 Hammer, PHB pg 55 Doppelganger, MM 92 Sickle, PHB pg 149
150 pg 82 93 Wyvern, MM pg 303
21 Giant Shark, MM pg 56 Ladder, PHB 150 94 Jug, PHB pg 150
57 Wraith, MM pg 302 95 Dryad, MM pg 121
22 Waterskin, PHB pg
150 58 Basket, PHB pg 150 96 Morningstar, PHB pg
59 Xorn, MM pg 304 149
23 Polar Bear, MM pg
334 60 Blowgun, PHB pg 97 Vrock, MM pg 64
24 Net, PHB pg 149 149 98 Maul, PHB pg 149
25 Octopus, MM pg 333 61 Yeti, MM pg 305 99 Ancient Red Dragon,
62 Clothes, common, MM pg 97
26 Longbow, PHB pg
149 PHB pg 150 100 Chalk, PHB pg 149
27 Giant Crab, MM pg 63 Iron Golem, MM pg
324 170
28 War pick, PHB pg 64 Plate armor, PHB pg
149 145
29 Elephant, MM pg 322 65 Gargoyle, MM pg 140
30 Manacles, PHB pg 66 Ink Pen, PHB pg 150
150 67 Goristro, MM pg 59
31 Hill Giant, MM pg 68 Arrow, PHB pg 150
69 Bullywug, MM pg 35
32 Pike, PHB pg 149

PART 7 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza 7

Multiclassing as a Reality Shaper
A character must begin the game as a Reality Shaper; you may
not multiclass into it. There are no restrictions for beginning
the game as a Reality Shaper then taking levels into other
classes, however.

Lifespan and Vigor

Due to a Reality Shaper's vast power held within a mortal body,
their overall health and longevity tend to be diminished. A
Reality Shaper's overall lifespan is reduced by 1/2 of their
race's typical average lifespan. A Reality Shaper can strengthen
and train their constitution to somewhat offset the
deterioration their bodies endure from their immense powers,
but their reduced lifespan can never be changed.

Altering the Timeline

Many of the Reality Shaper's features cause potential alterations
to the timeline. For instance, several include the ability to
erase a creature or object from existence, and the creature or
object never existed in the first place.
It is not mandatory for the DM to then rewrite the entire
story, or alter events. The DM has the option to do so, if he or
she wishes, but the paradoxical butterflies help bridge this
gap. They are the result of the alterations to reality, and so
nothing needs to be changed.
There is also the possibility of the same issue arising from
the Reality Shaper being erased from existence. This paradox
can be explained through flavor, if the DM wishes. Perhaps
upon being erased, a new species of butterfly suddenly came
into existence, or perhaps a burst of butterflies erupt from the
Reality Shaper upon erasure. The exact event is up to the DM's

8 PART 8 | Reality Shaper v002 Aaron Mendoza

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