Reality Shaper - v002
Reality Shaper - v002
Reality Shaper - v002
Reality Shaper
eality Shapers are extremely rare individuals Proficiencies
that are able to warp and alter the very fabric Armor: None
of existence. Their power stems from a natural Weapons: None
inborn ability to mix the arcane, the psionic, Tools: None
and other unknown dimensional abstracts.
With their powers being unpredictable by Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom,
nature, many Reality Shapers go their entire Charisma
lives without realizing the abilities they possess, often times Skills: Choose two from arcana, history,
accessing them by chance and accident. The few who do nature, and insight
learn to tap into their latent abilities either become godlike in Equipment
power, or are erased from all of space and time. You start with 6d8 worth of gp and may choose any items as
detailed in the starting equipment section in the PHB, in
Class Features addition to any equipment granted by your background.
As a Reality Shaper, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d4 per reality shaper level
Hit Points at 1st level: 4 + your
Consitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 + your
Constitution modifier per reality shaper
level after 1st
Armor Class 5
Hit Points 1
Speed 0ft.