Dvs 3132

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This information is collected in accordance with the Vital Statistics Act and Regulations.

It is required by Vital Statistics to provide a service; and may be used for statistical and
genealogical purposes or delivering joint provincial and federal programs. Collection is
authorized under s.33(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act. Questions about the collection can be directed to Vital Statistics at
vsregistries@gov.ab.ca or 780-427-7013 (toll free 310-0000 within Alberta).

Protected A (when completed)

Carefully read this Legal Name Change Application and the Legal Name Change
Information Guide before completing this application.

Take the original signed Application for Change of Name in person to a registry agent office;
photocopies, faxes and emails will be rejected.

Legal Name Change

Service Request Number: Certificate Delivery Mode:
Mail or Call Box Number
Cash / Debit or Credit Card / Money Order / Certified Cheque Non-Certified Cheque

Note: When paying by non-certified cheque, this application is held for 14 days before it is processed.


Notify: Amend: Initials: Date:

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Applicant's Affidavit l The applicant must swear/affirm this affidavit in front of a Commissioner for Oaths or
Notary Public in Alberta.

Applicant's Application for Change of Name
I, make oath and say:
Current Name of Applicant
I am 18 years old or older,
I am younger than 18 years old and (check one of the following)
legally married,

living in an adult Interdependent relationship (like common law, but different),

the parent of a child,

the legal guardian of a child,

widowed, or

• I am a resident of Alberta and reside at the physical address listed in the Applicant’s section of this application.
• I am not changing my name, or the name of anyone named in this application, to avoid criminal or civil liabilities.
• I understand that if a criminal record exists for anyone in this application, who is 12 years old or older, their new name (in this
application) will be cross-referenced to their criminal record.
• I understand that anyone changing their name in this application is not eligible to legally change their name if any of the following
apply to them. This applies only when the conviction/designation happened after they were 18 years old.
• Been convicted of an offence under section 490.011(1)(a), (c), (c.1), (d), (d.1) and (e) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
• Been designated a dangerous offender under section 753 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
• Been designated a long-term offender under section 753.1 of the Criminal Code Canada.
• Been a person who law enforcement has designated a high-risk offender.
• I understand that if I am changing the name of a child, I must have the consent of all the parents recorded on the child’s birth
certificate and all the child’s court appointed guardians (if any). If I am unable to obtain all the consents, a court order from the Alberta
Court of King’s Bench may be required to dispense with the required consent.
• I understand that if I am changing the name of a represented adult, I must have the consent of all their guardians. If I am unable to
obtain all the consents, a court order from the Alberta Court of King’s Bench is required to dispense with the required consent.
• I have disclosed all previous legal name changes (if any) for everyone changing their names in this application.
• The information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Note to Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public: If there are any additions or changes on this affidavit (including to the
jurat), ensure you place a check mark at the beginning and at the end of each of the changes and then write your initials
beside each change. Unless changes are authenticated by your initials, the affidavit will not be accepted by Vital Statistics.

Sworn/affirmed before me at

in the Province/Jurisdiction of X
Signature of Applicant
Dated .

Signature of Commissioner for Oaths in and for Alberta/Notary Public

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 2

SECTION A Applicant's Proof of Identity
Applicant Information You (the applicant) must present your Proof of Identity document in person with
this application at the registry agent office. (see “Proof of Identity Document” in
the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

Box A-01 Proof of Identity u

Your (the applicant) full name on your Proof of Identity document

given and all middle names last name

Proof of Identity - Type of Document Presented Proof of Identity - Document Number

Proof of Identity - Document Expiry Date Proof of Identity - Date Document Issued
(if the document has an expiry date) (if the document does not have an expiry date)

Date of Birth (month by name/day/year)

Current Physical Address (see Alberta Resident in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

Street Address City/Town Province Postal Code

Mailing Address (if different from physical address)

Street Address/Post Office Box Number City/Town Province Postal Code

Telephone Number Email Address


Date of Birth (month by name/day/year)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/

Yes No

You (the applicant) must answer all the following questions as you are only able to
legally change the name of certain persons. (see “Whose Name can you change?” in
Box A-02 Names to be Changed the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions and additional requirements

● Are you changing your own name? No Yes

○ If yes, complete “Section B” in this application

● Are you changing the name of a child to whom you are a parent or legal guardian? No Yes
○ If yes, how many children are included in this application?

○ If yes, complete a “Section D” in this application for EACH child.

● Are you changing the name of your spouse to whom you are legally married? No Yes


● Are you changing the name of your partner with whom you are in an Adult Interdependent Relationship? No Yes

○ If either of the above answers is yes, complete “Section C” in this application.

● Are you changing the name of a represented adult to whom you are a guardian? No Yes
○ If yes, complete “Section A” and "Section B" as if the represented adult is completing this application. (see “Changing Represented
Adult’s Name” in the Legal Change of Name Information Guide as restrictions and additional requirements apply)

Page 3 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Applicant Changing You (the applicant) must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that contains your
legal name. A Legal Name Document & Proof of Identity document are not the same.
Own Name
You (the applicant) must present an acceptable Legal Name
Document that contains your legal last name. (see “Legal
Name Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Box B-01 Change to Applicant's Legal Last Name u Guide as restrictions apply).

(1) Print your Last Name exactly as it is recorded on your Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your Last Name as recorded on your Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my Last Name to:


You (the applicant) must present an acceptable

Legal Name Document that contains all your legal
first and middle names. (see “Legal Name
Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Box B-02 Change to all the Applicant's Legal Given Name(s) u Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print all your Given and Middle Names exactly as recorded on your Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your Given and Middle Names as recorded on your Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my Given and Middle Names to:


Box B-03 Applicant's Previous You (the applicant) must disclose all your previous legal name changes (if
any) (excluding by marriage or adoption). (see “Previous Name Changes” in
Change of Name Information u the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Have you ever legally changed your name (not including by adoption or marriage)? Yes No
(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for you.

You (the applicant) must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for yourself.
• If you are providing a Certified Criminal Record Check, an Electronic Fingerprint Report is not required
(a Certified Criminal Record Check is fingerprint based).
• If you are providing an Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information Check (PIC), an
Box B-04 Fingerprints u Electronic Fingerprint Report is still required.
(see “Electronic Fingerprint Report” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials): Certified Criminal Record Check received (initials):

If you are 18 years old or older, you (the applicant) must provide a Criminal Record
Check for yourself.
• If you are providing a Certified Criminal Record Check, an Electronic Fingerprint
Report is not required (a Certified Criminal Record Check is fingerprint based).
• If you are providing an Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information
Check (PIC), an Electronic Fingerprint Report is still required.
Box B-05 Criminal Record Check u (see “Criminal Record Check” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions apply)

Certified Criminal Record Check received (initials): Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information Check
OFFICE USE ONLY OR received (initials):

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 4

Applicant Changing
Spouse/Partner's Name

See “Changing Spouse/Partner’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
Box C-01 Spouse or Partner u restrictions and additional requirements apply.

I am changing the name of my:

Spouse, to whom I am legally married (complete Box C-03)
Partner, with whom I am in an Adult Interdependent Relationship (complete Box C-04)

Box C-02 Spouse/Partner's Information

Sex Date of Birth (month by name/day/year) Place of Birth (city/town province/state country)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/


You must provide a government issued marriage certificate if you are changing the name
Box C-03 Marriage Information u of your spouse. (see “Changing Spouse/Partner’s Name” in the Legal Name Change
Information Guide as restrictions and additional requirements apply)

Full Name of your Spouse (as shown on marriage certificate)

C Date of Marriage (month by name/day/year) Place of Marriage (city/town province/state country)

P OFFICE USE ONLY Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/
Yes No
L Notify
You and your partner must EACH sign a "Statutory Declaration: Adult Interdependent
T Relationship" below if you are legally changing your partner’s name. (see “Changing
E Spouse/Partner’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions
Box C-04 Statutory Declaration of and additional requirements apply)
O Adult Interdependent Note to Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public: If there are any additions or changes on
N this statutory declaration (including to the jurat), ensure you place a check mark at the
E Relationship u beginning and at the end of each of the changes and then write your initials beside each
change. When changes are not authenticated with your initials, the statutory declaration
will be rejected.
O Statutory Declaration: Adult Interdependent Relationship Statutory Declaration: Adult Interdependent Relationship
X In the matter of this legal name change application: In the matter of this legal name change application:
I ___________________________________________ do solemnly declare: I _______________________________________ do solemnly declare:
O full name of applicant full name of partner
N I am currently living in an interdependent relationship with the person named I am currently living in an interdependent relationship with the person
L in the adjacent statutory declaration. named in the adjacent statutory declaration.
Declared before me at _________________________, Alberta Declared before me at _________________________, Alberta
on _______________________ X_________________________ on _______________________ X_______________________
date Signature date Signature
X__________________________________________________________ X________________________________________________________
Signature of a Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public in and for Alberta Signature of a Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public in and for Alberta
(also print name and expiry date) (also print name and expiry date)

Page 5 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

You must present an acceptable Legal Name
Document that contains the legal last name of your
spouse/partner. (see “Legal Name Document” in
Box C-05 Change to Spouse/Partner's Legal Last Name u the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions apply)

(1) Print your spouse/partner’s Last Name exactly as it is

recorded on their Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your spouse/partner’s Last Name as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my spouse/partner's Last Name to:


You must present an acceptable Legal Name

Document that contains all the legal first and
middle names of your spouse/partner. (see
“Legal Name Document” in the Legal Name
Box C-06 Change to Spouse/Partner's Legal Given Name(s) u Change Information Guide as restrictions

(1) Print all your spouse/partner’s Given and Middle

Names exactly as they are recorded on their Legal
Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your spouse/partner’s Given and Middle Names as recorded on their Legal Name Document?
Yes u I would like to change my spouse/partner’s
Given and Middle Names to:

Box C-07 Spouse/Partner's Previous You must disclose all your spouse/partner’s previous legal name changes
(excluding by marriage or adoption). (see “Previous Name Changes” in the
Change of Name Information u Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Has your spouse/partner ever legally changed their name (not including by adoption or marriage)? Yes No

(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for them.

You (the applicant) must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for your spouse/partner when you are
legally changing their name.
• If you are providing a Certified Criminal Record Check, an Electronic Fingerprint Report is not required
(a Certified Criminal Record Check is fingerprint based).
• If you are providing an Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information Check (PIC), an
Box C-08 Fingerprints u Electronic Fingerprint Report is still required.
(see “Electronic Fingerprint Report” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials): Certified Criminal Record Check received (initials):

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 6

If your spouse/partner is 18 years old or older, you must provide a Criminal Record
Check when you are legally changing their name.
• If you are providing a Certified Criminal Record Check, an Electronic Fingerprint
Report is not required (a Certified Criminal Record Check is fingerprint based).
• If you are providing an Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information
Check (PIC), an Electronic Fingerprint Report is still required.
Box C-09 Criminal Record Check u (see “Criminal Record Check” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions apply)

Certified Criminal Record Check received (initials): Un-Certified Criminal Record Check or Police Information Check (PIC)
OFFICE USE ONLY OR received (initials):

Your spouse/partner must consent to their name being legally changed. (see
Box C-10 Spouse/Partner's Consent u “Changing Spouse/Partner’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information
Guide as restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a spouse/partner of the applicant named in this

Print full current name of spouse/partner
application and consent to my name being legally changed as noted in this application.
Signature of spouse/partner

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to spouse/partner

Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

Page 7 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Applicant Changing
Child's Name

You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-01 Change to Child's Legal Last Name u contains the legal last name for your child/ward. (see “Legal
Name Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Child 1 Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print your child/ward's Last Name exactly as recorded

on their Legal Name Document:
(2) Do you want to change your child/ward's Last Name as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Last Name to:


You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-02 Change to Child's Legal Given Name(s) u contains all the legal first and middle names for your child/
ward. (see “Legal Name Document” in the Legal Name
Child 1 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print all your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names exactly as
they are recorded on their Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Given

and Middle Names to:

Box D-03 Child's Information u

Child 1
Sex Date of Birth (month by name/day/year) Place of Birth (city/town province/state country)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/


You must disclose all your child/ward’s previous legal

Box D-04 Child's Previous Change of Name Information u name changes (excluding by adoption or amendment).
(see “Previous Name Changes” in the Legal Name
Child 1 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Has your child/ward ever had their name legally changed (not including by adoption or amendment)? Yes No

(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for them.

Box D-05 Fingerprints u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, you must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for them
Child 1 when you are changing their name.

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials):


Page 8 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Consents CHILD 1
Box D-06 Child's Consent u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, the child/ward must consent to their name being
legally changed.
Child 1 12 Years or Older
Child's Current Name
Last Name Given and all Middle Names

Child's New Name

Last Name Given and all Middle Names

I, __________________________________________________, am 12 to 17 years old and give my consent to the

Print full current name of child/ward
applicant to legally change my name as noted at the top of this page. X_______________________________
Signature of child/ward
X_______________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to child/ward
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

Box D-07 Child's Parentage u

Print the names of the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate.
Child 1
Name of Mother/Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate Name of Father/Co-Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate

All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-08 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 1 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #1 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-09 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 1 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #1 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-10 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 1 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #1 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 9

Applicant Changing
Child's Name

You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-01 Change to Child's Legal Last Name u contains the legal last name for your child/ward. (see “Legal
Name Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Child 2 Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print your child/ward's Last Name exactly as recorded

on their Legal Name Document:
(2) Do you want to change your child/ward's Last Name as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Last Name to:


You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-02 Change to Child's Legal Given Name(s) u contains all the legal first and middle names for your child/
ward. (see “Legal Name Document” in the Legal Name
Child 2 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print all your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names exactly as
they are recorded on their Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Given

and Middle Names to:

Box D-03 Child's Information u

Child 2
Sex Date of Birth (month by name/day/year) Place of Birth (city/town province/state country)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/


You must disclose all your child/ward’s previous legal

Box D-04 Child's Previous Change of Name Information u name changes (excluding by adoption or amendment).
(see “Previous Name Changes” in the Legal Name
Child 2 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Has your child/ward ever had their name legally changed (not including by adoption or amendment)? Yes No

(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for them.

Box D-05 Fingerprints u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, you must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for them
Child 2 when you are changing their name.

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials):


Page 10 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Consents CHILD 2
Box D-06 Child's Consent u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, the child/ward must consent to their name being
legally changed.
Child 2 12 Years or Older
Child's Current Name
Last Name Given and all Middle Names

Child's New Name

Last Name Given and all Middle Names

I, __________________________________________________, am 12 to 17 years old and give my consent to the

Print full current name of child/ward
applicant to legally change my name as noted at the top of this page. X_______________________________
Signature of child/ward
X_______________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to child/ward
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

Box D-07 Child's Parentage u

Print the names of the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate.
Child 2
Name of Mother/Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate Name of Father/Co-Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate

All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-08 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 2 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #2 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-09 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 2 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #2 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-10 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 2 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #2 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 11

Applicant Changing
Child's Name

You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-01 Change to Child's Legal Last Name u contains the legal last name for your child/ward. (see “Legal
Name Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Child 3 Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print your child/ward's Last Name exactly as recorded

on their Legal Name Document:
(2) Do you want to change your child/ward's Last Name as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Last Name to:


You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-02 Change to Child's Legal Given Name(s) u contains all the legal first and middle names for your child/
ward. (see “Legal Name Document” in the Legal Name
Child 3 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print all your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names exactly as
they are recorded on their Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Given

and Middle Names to:

Box D-03 Child's Information u

Child 3
Sex Date of Birth (month by name/day/year) Place of Birth (city/town province/state country)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/


You must disclose all your child/ward’s previous legal

Box D-04 Child's Previous Change of Name Information u name changes (excluding by adoption or amendment).
(see “Previous Name Changes” in the Legal Name
Child 3 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Has your child/ward ever had their name legally changed (not including by adoption or amendment)? Yes No

(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for them.

Box D-05 Fingerprints u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, you must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for them
Child 3 when you are changing their name.

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials):


Page 12 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Consents CHILD 3
Box D-06 Child's Consent u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, the child/ward must consent to their name being
legally changed.
Child 3 12 Years or Older
Child's Current Name
Last Name Given and all Middle Names

Child's New Name

Last Name Given and all Middle Names

I, __________________________________________________, am 12 to 17 years old and give my consent to the

Print full current name of child/ward
applicant to legally change my name as noted at the top of this page. X_______________________________
Signature of child/ward
X_______________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to child/ward
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

Box D-07 Child's Parentage u

Print the names of the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate.
Child 3
Name of Mother/Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate Name of Father/Co-Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate

All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-08 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 3 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #3 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-09 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 3 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #3 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-10 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 3 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #3 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 13

Applicant Changing
Child's Name

You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-01 Change to Child's Legal Last Name u contains the legal last name for your child/ward. (see “Legal
Name Document” in the Legal Name Change Information
Child 4 Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print your child/ward's Last Name exactly as recorded

on their Legal Name Document:
(2) Do you want to change your child/ward's Last Name as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Last Name to:


You must present an acceptable Legal Name Document that

Box D-02 Change to Child's Legal Given Name(s) u contains all the legal first and middle names for your child/
ward. (see “Legal Name Document” in the Legal Name
Child 4 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Print all your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names exactly as
they are recorded on their Legal Name Document:

(2) Do you want to change your child/ward’s Given and Middle Names as recorded on their Legal Name Document?

Yes u I would like to change my child/ward's Given

and Middle Names to:

Box D-03 Child's Information u

Child 4
Sex Date of Birth (month by name/day/year) Place of Birth (city/town province/state country)

Registration Number Amendment Number Amend/


You must disclose all your child/ward’s previous legal

Box D-04 Child's Previous Change of Name Information u name changes (excluding by adoption or amendment).
(see “Previous Name Changes” in the Legal Name
Child 4 Change Information Guide as restrictions apply)

(1) Has your child/ward ever had their name legally changed (not including by adoption or amendment)? Yes No

(2) If Yes, provide the details in a box in "Section E" of this application for EACH name change ever processed for them.

Box D-05 Fingerprints u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, you must provide an Electronic Fingerprint Report for them
Child 4 when you are changing their name.

Electronic Fingerprint Report received (initials):


Page 14 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

Consents CHILD 4
Box D-06 Child's Consent u If your child/ward is 12 years old or older, the child/ward must consent to their name being
legally changed.
Child 4 12 Years or Older
Child's Current Name
Last Name Given and all Middle Names

Child's New Name

Last Name Given and all Middle Names

I, __________________________________________________, am 12 to 17 years old and give my consent to the

Print full current name of child/ward
applicant to legally change my name as noted at the top of this page. X_______________________________
Signature of child/ward
X_______________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to child/ward
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

Box D-07 Child's Parentage u

Print the names of the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate.
Child 4
Name of Mother/Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate Name of Father/Co-Parent recorded on your child/ward's birth certificate

All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-08 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 4 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #4 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-09 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 4 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #4 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number
All the parents recorded on your child/ward’s birth certificate in Box D-07, must consent to their child’s
Box D-10 Parent/Guardian's Consent u name being legally changed.
All your child/ward’s court appointed guardians (if any) must also consent to the child’s name being
Child 4 legally changed. (see “Changing Child/Ward’s Name” in the Legal Name Change Information Guide as
restrictions and additional requirements apply)

I, __________________________________________________, am a parent/guardian of child #4 named in this

Print full current name of parent/guardian
application and, consent to the legal change of my child/ward's name as noted at the top of this page. ________________________
Signature of parent/guardian

X__________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of witness Print full name of witness Relationship of witness to parent/guardian
Address of witness City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number

DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06 Page 15

• Record the details of every previous legal name change processed (if any)
SECTION E (excluding by adoption or marriage or amendment) for everyone named in
Previous Change of this application. (see “Previous Name Change” in the Legal Name Change
Information Guide as restrictions apply)
Name Details • If you require more boxes, attach the additional details on a separate page to
this application.

Who is the Change of Name for (please indicate one) Applicant Spouse/Partner Child/Ward
What was the full name changed FROM (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

What was the full name changed TO (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

Date Change of Name Registered Where was the change of name granted Change of Name Registration Number
(month by name/day/year) (include Province and Country)

Who is the Change of Name for (please indicate one) Applicant Spouse/Partner Child/Ward
What was the full name changed FROM (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

What was the full name changed TO (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

Date Change of Name Registered Where was the change of name granted Change of Name Registration Number
(month by name/day/year) (include Province and Country)

Who is the Change of Name for (please indicate one) Applicant Spouse/Partner Child/Ward
What was the full name changed FROM (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

What was the full name changed TO (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

Date Change of Name Registered Where was the change of name granted Change of Name Registration Number
(month by name/day/year) (include Province and Country)

Who is the Change of Name for (please indicate one) Applicant Spouse/Partner Child/Ward
What was the full name changed FROM (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

What was the full name changed TO (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

Date Change of Name Registered Where was the change of name granted Change of Name Registration Number
(month by name/day/year) (include Province and Country)

Who is the Change of Name for (please indicate one) Applicant Spouse/Partner Child/Ward
What was the full name changed FROM (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

What was the full name changed TO (as shown on Change of Name Certificate)

Date Change of Name Registered Where was the change of name granted Change of Name Registration Number
(month by name/day/year) (include Province and Country)

Page 16 DVS3132 Rev. 2022-06

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