ACT Search of Records Application
ACT Search of Records Application
ACT Search of Records Application
Application details
This application is being made by an: Individual (person) Organisation* Agent †
* To make an application on behalf of an organisation, in addition to the requirements mentioned below you must provide authorisation on a letterhead from
the organisation explicitly stating you have permission to request this information on behalf of the organisation, signed by a person with authority to do so.
† For an agent (the agent) to make an application on behalf of another person (the applicant), this form must be completed by the applicant, who must also provide
a letter authorising the agent to present this form on their behalf. The agent must provide the identification of the applicant (identification requirements mentioned
over the page), in addition to their own identification.
Applicant details - individual (details refer to the person completing the form)
Surname Given name Other names
Date of birth Business hours contact number Driver licence number*
27/08/1997 0499155095 5472827
Residential address *Must be completed if requesting a search relating to your driver licence.
5/129 Railway Parade Granville NSW 2142
Email address
Email address
3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs All yrs 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs All yrs or Date range: To
Place a tick against the information you wish to be to be confirmed or denied. CSO to complete
Is the name above recorded as the registered operator? Yes No
Is the vehicle registration current or expired? Current Expired
Is the vehicle recorded as stolen? Yes No
Has the vehicle been issued with a defect notice that remains unrectified? Yes No
Has the vehicle been recorded as being written off? Yes No
Payment method
Cheque - Cheques must be in Australian dollars and will only be effective means of payment if honoured on presentation.
- Cheques should be made payable to the Road Transport Authority, ACT.
Credit Card - Access Canberra is committed to ensuring your financial details are secure. Due to this we advise against sending your
credit card details in written form. To make a credit card payment (Mastercard or Visa only), please ensure you provide us with your
business hours telephone number. Access Canberra will contact you to arrange payment when your application is being processed.
Alternatively you can submit this application in person and make payment at an Access Canberra Service Centre. For Service Centre
locations, opening hours and acceptable payment methods please visit or phone 13 22 81.
I declare that all of the preceding information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have attached all the required documentation
where specified. I am aware that if I knowingly provide false information on this application form I may be prosecuted.
Signature Arslan Date 07 / 05 / 2024
Privacy Statement: The personal information on this form is being collected by Access Canberra (part of the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development
Directorate) for driver licensing purposes as authorised by the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1999 and for vehicle registration purposes as authorised
by the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1999. The information may be used for the administration of driver licensing and vehicle registration legislation
and enforcement. Access Canberra will include your information in its “one client record” so that it can be used in respect of any other dealings that you might
have with it. Information about your identity, which forms part of your one client record, will also be used for administrative purposes, including to confirm
that we are dealing with the correct individual. Your personal information may be used or disclosed to other ACT Government Directorates, Commonwealth,
State and other Territory government agencies, transport authorities, law enforcement and court agencies, authorised by law; the Motor Accident Injuries
Commission; Austroads Ltd; the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator; the National Capital Authority and individuals, their agents or insurers following a report
provided to the police of a motor vehicle accident. If you choose not to provide the personal information requested on this form, we may not be able to process
your request. Personal information for this application is not normally disclosed to overseas recipients unless required by law. You can get more information
about Access Canberra’s privacy policy which explains how it handles your personal information, including how you may access personal information about
yourself, seek correction of your personal information held by Access Canberra or complain about an interference with your privacy from
Office use only