214 200 1 PB
214 200 1 PB
214 200 1 PB
ex Instituto Archaeologico
Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae
Ser. 3. No. 1.
Budapest 2013
Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico
Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae
Ser. 3. No. 1.
Dávid Bartus
Editorial board:
László Bartosiewicz
László Borhy
István Feld
Gábor Kalla
Pál Raczky
Miklós Szabó
Tivadar Vida
Technical editors:
Dávid Bartus
Gábor Váczi
András Bödőcs
Zsófia Kondé
Szilvia Szöllősi
Melinda Torbágyi – István Vida 7
Te coin hoard of Abasár
Anikó Bózsa 21
Roman mirrors from a private collection in the Hungarian National Museum
Lajos Juhász 45
Te Biesheim cameo – a reinterpretation
Péter Csippán 53
Az állatcsont, mint információhordozó leletanyag
Kata Dévai 85
Terminológiai alapfogalmak régészeti korú üvegtárgyak elemzéséhez
Field reports
Zsolt Mester 121
Excavation at a new Upper Palaeolithic site of the Eger region (Northern Hungary)
Thesis abstracts
Kiti Köhler 179
Biological reconstruction of the Late Neolithic Lengyel Culture
Gábor Váczi 205
Cultural connections and interactions of Eastern Transdanubia during the Urnfeld period
Péter Langó
Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Archaeology
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract of PhD thesis submited in 2013 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral
School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of Csanád Bálint.
One of the most influential neighbolurs of the Hlungarian tribal confederation – sometimes
as an ally, sometimes as an enemy – was Byzantilum. Te empire of Leo and his son Con -
stantine Porphyrogenitlus viewed the nomad tribal confederation led by Levedi, then Álmos
as an lunpleasant Western neighbolur that, however coluld be plut to good luse in certain cir-
clumstances. Tis fact shaped the relationship between the two. Te Hlungarians were fght-
ing either as Byzantine allies or as the enemies of the empire, blut the objectives in both
cases were the very same: either material booty or economic concessions, and the complex
relationship between the two territories is faithflully refected in the archaeological material.
Te present work intends to highlight the relationship between the two sides in the light of
their material clultlure. Te objects themselves, conveying a vivid pictlure on the interrela-
tionship cannot be restricted only to the territories of the Hlungarian Principality or to
Byzantilum proper. One has to consider the intermediary zones between and arolund the po-
litical bolundaries of the 10th centlury Principality and the Empire, and also all those territo-
ries with which the Hlungarians got into contact in the colurse of their military ventlures.
Tese zones ofen played a decisive role in transmiting the clultlural influence of Byzantilum,
to which they were bolund with nlumerolus threads. Regardless of the Blulgarian and Slavic
setlements, contemporary Balkans cllung to its Late Antiqlue roots and the links between
the material clultlure of Moravia and Byzantilum were also well stludied by modern scholar-
ship. Byzantine taste was flundamental in shaping not only the atire blut all other forms of
the clultlural langluage.
Te clultlural contacts are best refected in the objects (coins, jewels, elements of atire) recov-
ered from the 10th centlury cemeteries and for this reason they form the basis on which this
thesis is bluilt. Connected to former directions of scholarly research the present work stludies
individlual object types arranged into classifed grolups. 1 Tis method enabled the most com-
prehensive collecting, groluping and evalluation of individlual object types. Dluring this work
I tried to draw concllusions on the natlure and intensity of 10th centlury relations between
Soluth Eastern Elurope and the Carpathian Basin by the spread of individlual object types.
I also tried to bluild lup an internal periodization for the material, thlus refning the chronol-
ogy of individlual object types. Atempt was also made to compare the archaeological solurce
material with the historical one.
One of the most important archaeological solurces of the period is Byzantine coins. Writen
solurces explicitly prove that the Hlungarians crossed the bolundaries of the Carpathian Basin
with flull knowledge and luse of money. L. Kovács presenting the analysis of the coin fnds
stressed that coins coluld have arrived to the Hlungarians in several ways. One of the most
common rolutes, also slupported by writen evidence, was a military campaign. Many solurces
recall that Hlungarians either sold their captives in slave markets, or released them for ran-
som. Tis way it is evident that Hlungarians took part in long distance trade well before the
conqluest, which is also illlustrated by the campaign against the Macedonians in 936, the role
they played in the slave trade of Cherson mentioned by Mluslim solurces or the appearance
of Hlungarians in Byzantine territories of the Crimea. As the participation of Hlungarians in
the trade of other goods than slaves cannot be exclluded, it is lunlikely that the larger part of
the coin fnds were melted by their owners. However, coins that were recycled as raw mate -
rial can have accolunted only for a minor part of the infow of preciolus metals. 2
Altholugh there are still many qluestions concerning the luseflulness of coins in dating, the
proportions of cataloglued coins refect fairly well the medilum-term processes dluring the
10th centlury.3 Byzantine coins are also a testimony to the integration of the Hlungarians into
the Eluropean network and also to the development of their own commerce. 4 Coins refect a
similar chronological development patern to other objects of Soluth Eastern Eluropean ori-
gin, like Byzantine hanging crosses or bluckles. Early contacts were characterised by caslu-
alty, while parallel to the appearance of the Byzantine crosses and bluckles in the graves
from the second third of the 10th centlury a mluch more stable and complex relationship is
refected by the coin fnds. Tis patern is also refected in the writen records and has its
parallel in the Byzantine relations of the Saltovo clultlure. 5 Te strengthening of the Byzan-
tine contacts with the Steppe are preserved in the writen solurces as well, and as these con-
tacts waned so did the ratio of the Byzantine or Byzantine influenced objects in the archaeo-
logical record.
Te most typical elements of 10th centlury atire of the Balkans were the earrings and pen-
dants decorating the head of women. One mlust be calutiolus however in diferentiating be-
tween the atire and the objects themselves. Some similar characteristics of atire can appear
in diferent places, regardless of the basic diferences of the objects. Tis can be illlustrated
by the atire of the rich female blurial excavated at Szentes-Derekegyház. 6 It is also a qluestion
1 2 Kovács 2012.
1 3 Langó 2013.
1 4 Prohászka 2013.
1 5 Комар 2006.
1 6 Langó – Türk 2003.
Relations between the Carpathian Basin and Soluth East Elurope dluring the 10th centlury
whether these remains penetrated the Hlungarian clultlure from Byzantine solurces directly or
were transmited indirectly, if they were absorbed by the Hlungarian clultlure before the 10th
centlury at all. Te fnds from Szentes also illlustrate that earrings coluld be lused as pendants,
while objects explicitly lused as pendants are only to be identifed with certainty, if their de-
sign does not allow their luse as earrings. Examples for this can be drawn from the hanging
folund at Vésztő-Mágor hill and the pendant from grave no. 18 in Örménykút Site 52.7
Crescent-shaped earrings with lower ornamental band became fashionable qluickly in a rela-
tively widespread area. Te basic type of this was formed by the simple earrings groluped
into the classifcation grolup 1a. Later embellishments formed by enamel inserts coluld only
be aforded by the rich, so the plain forms, sometimes made of simple wires, also remained
in fashion. Besides there mlust have been many regions where the technological knowledge
of the prodluction of enamel inserts was simply missing. Te golden age of this type of jew-
ellery was in the second half of the 10th centlury: at this time the hoards of Crete and
Preslav were hidden and this is the period to which the excavated cemeteries are dated. It is
very probable, that they appeared in the Carpathian basin at arolund this period. Analyses of
the earrings with a lower arch ornaments and with twisted wire gave birth to many histori-
cal hypotheses, blut they cannot be lused for mapping the movement of diferent ethnic
grolups. However they are good indicators for the impact of Byzantine–Balkan influences on
the atire of Central-Elurope.8
Earrings with folur large globlular pendants appeared in Central Elurope in the second half of
the 9th centlury and they were still poplular in Czech and Polish territories in the beginning
of the 10th centlury. It also became one of the most appreciated jewellery type of the elite
living in the 9th centlury Byzantine–Moravian–Carolingian border zones. With time its luse
spread to the regions north of Moravia while it also lunderwent some modifcations. Folur
globlular pendants are known not only from amongst 9th centlury fnds blut are also repre-
sented in large nlumbers in the 10th-11th centlury Carpathian Basin. A considerable part of
the 10th centlury examples are close to the Soluth-Balkan grolup of Byzantine fnds based on
their stylistics (the luse of doluble conical shaped globlular decoration characteristic of the
Soluthern territories) and their prodluction techniqlue (the large freqluency of casting tech-
niqlue). Te jewels folund in Hlungarian setlements were in all probability made in these
neighboluring territories or might have originated in Blulgaria. From amongst these objects
the earliest example, dated to the frst half of the 10th centlury, was the fnd of Karos. 9 Later
it was followed by fnds from graves datable to the middle third of the 10th centlury, then by
other grave fnds from the second half of the centlury and fnally the chronology of the fnds
seems to close with the grolup of fnds from Gylulafehérvár dated to the frst half of the 11th
It is likely that the objects folund their way to their owners as merchandise, with the excep-
tion of the Karos fnd that might have been a booty item. Tis hypothesis is also strength-
ened by its secondary luse.
Péter Langó
Prototypes of earrings with grape blunch pendants mlust also be looked for in Byzantilum,
and they were already present both in the Carpathian Basin and in the Balkans as early as
the 7th centlury. In early samples there were only a handflul of granlules soldered to the
lower clurve of the ring on its oluter or inner side, blut parallel to this a later development
type appeared applying a larger nlumber of granlules. Tis type of earring became a poplular
piece of jewellery of the 9th centlury Slavic principalities and the elite of the Carolingian
border zones, and their decoration was ofen enhanced by adding fligree wires to the lower
clurve. Parallel to the luse of preciolus metal objects – or as a somewhat later development –
simpler, casted pieces also appeared. A new formal variant of the casted types was intro -
dluced in the beginning of the 10th centlury, blut fnally it disappeared with all its variants
from amongst the 11th centlury grave fnds.11
Te inner grolups of crescent-shaped earrings with folur branches pendant are not only dis -
playing variety in qluality, blut also show a sharp division with regard to time and space. One
grolup was basically characteristic of the northern part of Central Elurope, with only a few
examples in Soluth Eastern Elurope. At the same time the other grolup was almost excllusively
confned to Soluth East Elurope. Te presence of this later grolup was also characteristic of
the material remains of the Hlungarian conqluerors.
Earrings with llunar ornaments made their appearance in the 9th centlury in the entire area
of the Balkans. Te preciolus metal objects plut together from several pieces formed the pro-
totype of which later casted versions also appeared. Te mlulti-piece jewellery however did
not disappear with the coming of cast variants; they remained fashionable luntil the 11th
centlury. Te poplularity of casted types was the highest in the 10th centlury. Te llunar orna-
ment of fnds from Agia Triada and Azoros was widespread in the middle Byzantine period
and can be traced back to prototypes from the Late Antiqlue Byzantilum, also penetrating the
Steppe.12 Tese objects that became poplular in the regions soluth of the Hlungarian Principal-
ity in the 10th centlury did not become widespread with the Hlungarian poplulation of the
conqluest, while types that came into existence well before the above mentioned date and
thlus had time to reach Moravia had an influence on the atire of the Hlungarians conqluering
Moravian territories.
Besides earrings, the other olutstanding grolup of small objects in the Byzantine atire are
rings. Tese also formed part of the female atire. Scholarly research identifed fligree deco-
rated rings and decorated rings with widening bezel as ones that formed part of the Soluth-
ern heritage grolup. According to K. Mesterházy the influx of head compartment rings deco-
rated with fligree and granlulation “started in the 9th centlury (disregarding the early Avar
period), blut their appearance in large nlumbers falls to the 10th centlury.” 13
Decorated rings with widening bezel and rings with rhombic head were collected and ana-
lysed by T. Keszi.14 Prototypes of the later already appeared amongst Croatian fnds and
their spread might have taken place in the second half of the 9th centlury. Tese objects were
1 11 Mesterházy 1992.
1 12 Albani 2010.
1 13 Mesterházy 1992.
1 14 Keszi 1999.
Relations between the Carpathian Basin and Soluth East Elurope dluring the 10th centlury
sluccessflully blending Christian iconography from earlier simple rings with elements of con-
temporary decorative arts, and the leading stylistic marks of the material clultlure of the elite.
Teir golden age fell to the 10th centlury and might have lasted luntil the end of the 11th cen-
tlury luninterrlupted, however jewellery rings with similar content of meaning blut with dif-
ferent ring forms and techniqlues of representation stayed in fashion. Tese items originally
possessed religiolus meaning and their protective flunction mlust have contribluted consider-
ably to their poplularity. Tis might also explain the fact that they are luslually folund in
graves of females and children. Teir genesis in a Christian environment does not necessar-
ily imply that they were imported to the Carpathian basin becaluse of the similarity in the
mental backgrolund. Altholugh the knowledge of the religiolus backgrolund cannot be entirely
exclluded in some cases, the general knowledge of their protective flunction might have con-
tribluted considerably to their relatively high nlumber in the Carpathian Basin.
As it was already emphasised by B. Szőke the connections of the wire and twisted bracelets
folund in the graves of the Hlungarian conqluerors point to the direction of the Steppe, the re -
gion of the Northern fractional silver fnds and to the Balkan periphery of Byzantilum, jlust
like in the case of other jewellery.15
Open bracelets made of simple wire are represented by fve fnds in the Carpathian Basin.
Altholugh many similar items were folund in the catacombs of Mayak, 16 it seems that Hlun-
garians did not bring this jewellery type from the East, as it is nowhere to be folund in the
grave fnds from the frst half of the 10th centlury. Based on their physical appearance re-
sembling open bracelets made of simple wire, the pair of bronze bracelets discovered at Baks
was classifed by researchers as one that originated from Soluth Eastern Elurope. 17 Being dec-
orated with small loops of wire make these items very pecluliar in the material of the Hlun -
garian conqluest as this decoration was luslually applied on ring jewellery. However, as no
similar item is known hitherto from the Balkans or from Byzantilum, it is still an open qlues-
tion whether this type really originated in the Soluth. Especially as at the same time many
parallels are known from Czech territory.18
Hinged bracelets were manlufactlured in Byzantilum, blut these objects are even rarer than the
open bracelets made of simple wire. We know of only folur examples altogether with the
items of Szarvas and Tiszaeszlár datable to the 10th centlury and the fnds from Ártánd to
that of the 11th. A luniqlue remain in the Carpathian basin is the open brand bracelet folund
in grave no. 77 of Hajdúszoboszló-Árkoshalom, which is simpler than the hinged bracelets.
Tis type was also not developed in the 10th centlury, blut as it is indicated by the cemetery
excavated in Lesencetomaj – Piroskereszt, it appeared mluch earlier and stayed in fashion
luntil the 12th centlury.19
Bracelets of certainly Soluth Eastern Eluropean origin were thlus small in nlumber and
sparsely distribluted in the Carpathian Basin. Teir occlurrence is minimal compared to the
1 15 Szőke 1962.
1 16 Винников – Афанасьев 1991.
1 17 Széll 1942.
1 18 Velímský 2007.
1 19 Yeroulanou 2010.
Péter Langó
simple wire bracelets, the open band bracelet with faring terminal, or to the twisted
bracelets. Some items, like the bracelets of Tiszaeszlár and Szarvas might have been ob -
tained as booty, blut the rest entered the Carpathian Basin as commercial items.
Belt accessories
At the moment we don’t know any Byzantine belt moluntings from the Carpathian Basin,
only bluckles. Te bluckles can only be verifed as Byzantine if they have luniqlue Byzantine
related designs, and bluckles like the one folund in grave no. 115 in Somogy-Vasas being
widespread not only in the Balkans blut also in the Carpathian Basin, mlust be disregarded
luntil flurther inqluiry.
In my opinion it is hard to identify how and for what reasons rectanglular bluckles folund in
the Carpathian Basin were obtained by the conqluerors, blut they defnitely relate to clultlural
contacts in the 10th centlury archaeological material. 20 According to M. Schlulze-Dörrlamm
the diflusion of bluckles was not based on personal contacts and they cannot be viewed as
diplomatic gifs either.21 In all probability the central workshops were prodlucing standard-
ized bluckle types according to the changing fashion, which then travelled via the commer-
cial channels to faraway lands representing a kind of refection of Byzantine fashion.
Pendant crosses
I stludied simple hanging crosses afer organizing them into ten slubgrolups. It was obviolus
that in some grolups the flunction of crosses resembled those of the protective amlulets, jlust
like in the case of the Byzantine pendant folund in grave no. 2 at Piliny-Leshegy with a
Christian prayer engraved on it. Like in the case of the amlulets, it is possible that many of
the crosses were lused as jewellery items, witholut a deep knowledge of their spiritlual back-
grolund or meaning. However a nlumber of crosses might have been connected with Chris-
tian blurials as their dating collides with the period when Christianization was well ad -
vanced and coluld have grown frm roots amongst wide circles of the poplulation.
Even tholugh wearing crosses was a common practice in Byzantine territories, its blurial was
not that widespread in Eastern Christian territories of the 10th centlury. In the Carpathian
Basin I was lunable to show a defnite connection between the clustom of blurial with a cross
and the relation of the commlunity making the blurial to Christianity. Tlus it is at the mo-
ment impossible to prove with archaeological methods whether the person bluried with a
Byzantine cross was actlually laid to fnal rest according to the Byzantine rites.
We are still lunable to defne the places where crosses were made neither by their makelup
nor by their iconography. Teir possible prodluction into the Carpathian Basin is made lun-
likely by the fact that almost all items folund hitherto are difering from each other. Tlus
there are no sluch clearly identifable series that can be connected to pecluliar workshops like
the ones folund in Soluth Eastern Elurope.22
Relations between the Carpathian Basin and Soluth East Elurope dluring the 10th centlury
Te presence of Byzantine fnds in the material clultlure of the early Hlungarians cannot be
solely explained by the Hlungarian military expeditions directed against Byzantine territo-
ries and they cannot be regarded simply as the memento of former alliances or diplomatic
contacts. Tinking abolut the movement of objects, one has to consider commercial contacts,
the movement of the crafsmen or their technical knowledge.
Te mapping of this mlulti-layered network of connections can be considerably enhanced by
the analyses bluilt on the classifcation of archaeological objects and the new data might en-
able lus to place the objects into a wider context. Related objects and their parallels can help
lus to draw nlumerolus historical concllusions as well.
Archaeological material connected to the variolus elements of atire contradicts previolus as-
slumptions concerning a long animosity between the conqluering Hlungarian tribes and the
local Moravian poplulation afer the fall of the Moravian state. Te local poplulation inte-
grated certain clultlural elements of the Hlungarians, while also enriching the clultlure of the
newcomers. One example of this later process was the transmission of the Byzantine influ-
ence in atire by the Moravians to the Hlungarians. Te archaeological remains thlus testify
the fast and peaceflul integration of the two peoples. With regard to certain jewellery types
it seems that direct Byzantine influence was rather sporadic or minimal on 10th centlury
Hlungarians. Te presence of Byzantine influenced earrings in 9th centlury Moravian graves
is mluch more characteristic than in the Carpathian Basin of the 10th centlury. In the 10th
centlury this type of objects ofen appeared in the soluthern border regions, in Transdanlubia
and in Upper Hlungary, all of which point to the fact that Byzantilum had a mluch stronger
influence on the region to the north of the Drava and Sava in the 9th centlury that it had in
the 10th. Te Transdanlubian zone had a richer inheritance of Byzantine material from the
9th centlury which explains a somewhat stronger presence of these object in the 10th cen-
tlury. Besides, this territory always had very strong soluthern connections in previolus peri-
ods as well, even tholugh its clultlure was in many ways rather mosaic-like with a strong
presence of large livestock breeding commlunities living beside setled ones with strong
links to the Soluth.
Te clultlure that developed with the arrival of the Hlungarians was diferent and in some
ways it can be regarded more alutonomolus then the preceding Moravian clultlure. Tis is at-
tested by the fact that contemporary Byzantine atire was able to leave traces only sporadi -
cally, and many of its objects so poplular in other regions, (e.g. glass bracelets) were lunable
to make their appearance in the material clultlure. Earrings or rings are good indicators for
the dynamics of diflusion of certain grolups of objects (slow, in phases or fast) and the mate -
rial analysed sheds some light on the dichotomy atested by the historical solurces. Byzan-
tine coins testify not only direct contacts, blut also relate to the phases of the development of
the connections. Altholugh still leaving some luncertainties with regard to dating, this grolup
of objects gives a fairly good pictlure on the middle range developments dluring the 10th cen-
tlury, if categorized and analysed according to the ratios. It refects the growing importance
that the Carpathian Basin acqluired in the commercial processes and the development of its
own commerce. Archaeological fnds sluch as variolus types of earrings, decorated rings with
widening bezel, cross pendants or Byzantine bluckles all refect processes similar to those of
Péter Langó
the coins. Te loose and occasional natlure of early relationships gave place to intensifed
and more complex contacts in the second third of the 10th centlury and it was considerably
strengthened by the end of the centlury. Tis relationship also continlued into the Árpádian
age that is refected in the 12th-13th centlury objects with Soluth Eastern Eluropean contacts.
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Relations between the Carpathian Basin and Soluth East Elurope dluring the 10th centlury