Melted Swords and Broken Metal Vessels A
Melted Swords and Broken Metal Vessels A
Melted Swords and Broken Metal Vessels A
3.7 Ser. 3. No. 7. | 2019
Dissertationes Archaeologicae
ex Instituto Archaeologico
Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae
Ser. 3. No. 7.
Budapest 2019
Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico
Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae
Ser. 3. No. 7.
Dávid Bartus
Editorial board:
László BartosieWicz
László Borhy
Zoltán CzaJlik
István Feld
Gábor Kalla
Pál Raczky
Miklós Szabó
Tivadar Vida
Technical editor:
Gábor Váczi
Szilvia Bartus-SzÖllŐsi
ZsóFia Kondé
Budapest 2019
János Gábor Tarbay 5
The Casting Mould and the Wetland Find – New Data on the Late Bronze Age
Peschiera Daggers
Máté Mervel 21
Late Bronze Age stamp-seals with negative impressions of seeds from Eastern Hungary
Field Report
Bence Simon – Anita Benes – Szilvia Joháczi – Ferenc Barna 273
New excavation of the Roman Age settlement at Budapest dist. XVII, Péceli út (15127) site
Thesis Abstracts
This study discusses finds acquired by the Hungarian National Museum in 1880 from Tatabánya-Bánhida.
We presume that they have belonged to two assemblages. Assemblage ‘A’ consists of fragments of a burnt
flange-hilted sword, an armspiral, fragments of a Type B1 cauldron and two metal sheets of uncertain func-
tion that might have belonged to a Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel and a miniature greave. Assemblage
‘B’ contains only two fragments of a melted sword. Macroscopic characterization of the finds revealed that
all objects were finished products which were intentionally manipulated before their deposition. The sword
fragments were partially melted and hacked into pieces, the valuable sheet metal products were broken and
only small parts of them were buried. Assemblage ‘A’ is unique from a typological point of view as well as
object selection. It can be dated to the Ha B1 based on the metal vessels. It has a unique combination lacking
parallels among Ha B1 burials, however known among hoards from this territory and especially from the
Northeast Carpathian Basin. These finds from Tatabánya-Bánhida were previously interpreted as burials
because of the presence of melted objects. Within this study, several examples are also introduced for the
selection of melted bronzes and human remains to hoards. The combination of finds in the Tatabánya-Bán-
hida assemblage and the above examples suggest that Assemblage ‘A’ could have been a rare type of hoard
(funeral hoard), which is known from the only excavated context from Pázmándfalu.
1. Introduction
The starting point of this essay is the area of Tatabánya-Bánhida (Komárom-Esztergom
County), a present-day town situated in northern Transdanubia. To our best knowledge, the
first Late Bronze Age metal find from this region was a Type Gmuden winged axe (Br C, do-
nated to the Hungarian National Museum (HNM) by János Marossy in 1879 (Fig. 1).1 During
the Late Bronze Age, the surroundings of Tatabánya was inhabited by the Tumulus culture,2
followed later by the settlements of the Urnfield culture.3 On the sites such as Dózsakert, a
mould and some metal finds were found, suggesting that a local metallurgy existed on the site
around the Br D–Ha A1.4 In addition to a complex settlement pattern, about which data still
needs to be expanded, a handful of metal stray finds,5 four metal hoards6 and some smaller
1 Gyulai 1887, 2; Inventory Book of the HNM 1879, 175; Mayer 1977, 128, 130, Pl. 32.465, Pl. 32.469; Kib-
bert 1984, 43, Pl. 4.50; Kőszegi 1988, 189, No. 1183.
2 Juhász 2007, 295; László 2008, 289–290.
3 Vékony 1970, 18; Kemenczei 1983, 61; Vékony 1988a, 75; Vékony 1988b, 283–284; Kőszegi 1988, 189, No.
1182; Kisné Cseh 1999, 16–17; László 2001, 167; László 2002, 253; László 2004, 281; Mészáros 2010.
4 Mészáros 2010.
5 Hampel 1901, 382; Mozsolics 1985, 94; Kőszegi 1988, 189, No. 1183.
6 Hampel 1880, 140–141; Hampel 1886a, 63, Pl. 125; Hampel 1886b, Pl. 125; Hampel 1892, 8; Kemenczei 1983,
61; Mozsolics 1985, 94, 201–202, 207; Jungbert 1986, 17, 24; Kőszegi 1988, 189, No. 1183; Kisné Cseh 1999,
Fig. 9–10.
bronze assemblages were found7 which indicate the importance of this area in the Late Bronze
Age ritual activities.
The study focuses on bronze finds from this rich prehistoric landscape, acquired by the HNM
from Tatabánya-Bánhida in 1880 (Figs 19–21). Some of the objects were donated by János
Marossy and were inventoried on 4th October 1880. According to a note in the inventory
book, the bronze artefacts (eight sword fragments, three ‘ring’ fragments and six ‘sheet metal’
fragments, one with rivet) were acquired along with five potsherds from the Szelim-lyuk cave
(Figs 19–20, Fig. 21.3–5). The circumstances of discovery were described as follows: ‘Lh. Bánhi-
da verem ásás alkalmával egy csomóban, úgy látták, tüzben voltak.’ [Bánhida Site. It was found
during pit digging, lying in a heep, seemengly, damaged by fire.].8 On 29th December 1880, two
additional sword fragments were added from the same provenance. They were also donated
by János Marossy (Fig. 21.6).9 In the 1880 issue of the Archaeologiai Értesítő, József Hampel
mentioned the finds in his annual reports, emphasizing the fire damages on the objects and
also referred to the possibility that the Tatabánya-Bánhida Hoard 1 (Fig. 10) might belong to
this find.10 Despite its early discovery, only a few works discussed these objects. Rudolf Gyulai
also commented on the finds in his work entitled as ‘Megyénk a bronzkorban’ [Our County
in the Bronze Age].11 Among the first researchers after Hampel, Amália Mozsolics provided
a new classification for the objects (a sword, an uncertain cauldron, a metal vessel fragment,
two spearheads, two wire fragments and an armspiral fragment) and identified them as grave
goods from a burial dated to the Kurd Horizon (Ha A1).12 In Tibor Kemenczei’s 1988 mono-
graph, except one piece (No. 6.1), all sword fragments were re-published and reconstructed
as part of two weapons. However, Kemenczei catalogued them as stray finds.13 It should be
noted that the finds are missing completely from the 1990 Prähistorische Bronzefunde volume
on metal vessels from the territory of Hungary.14
After more than a hundred years, the finds from Tatabánya-Bánhida were restored in 2019,
which finally allowed their complete analysis. Their examination suggested that they could
belong to either one or two assemblages. The presumed composition of these are much sim-
ilar to Amália Mozsolics’s reconstruction from 1985.15 Among the inventoried objects (14th
October 1880; Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’) we can find a melted flange-hilted sword (Figs 19–20),
melted pieces of a Type B1 cauldron (Fig. 21.3) and a Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel (Fig.
21.5), as well as one armspiral (Fig. 21.2) and a metal sheet fragment that probably belonged to
a miniature greave (Fig. 21.4). Originally, three metal sheet fragments were also inventoried,
but these finds have been lost since. The ‘two objects’ acquired in 29th December 1880 were in
fact parts of another melted sword (Figs 21.6), which was broken into pieces by the finders.16
7 Hampel 1902, 85; Patek 1968, 154, Pl. 43.2, 5; Mozsolics 1985, 94, 201, Pl. 122.10–12; Kőszegi 1988, 189, No.
8 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 92. The sheet metal fragment with rivet can no longer be found.
9 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141.
10 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141; Hampel 1880, 341; Hampel 1881, 164.
11 Gyulai 1887, 2.
12 Mozsolics 1984, 25, 69, No. 87; Mozsolics 1985, 94.
13 Kemenczei 1991, Nos. 446–447.
14 See Patay 1990.
15 Mozsolics 1985, 94.
16 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141. It should be noted that these were the two finds that Amália
Mozsolics misidentified as spearheads (See fn. 12). This incorrect data also appeared in Svend Hansen’s
catalogue. See Hansen 1994, 533, No. 70.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
For most researchers, these finds can be identified as grave goods from a Ha B1 burial or bur-
ials, which shows a sort of continuity with the ‘warrior burial’ phenomenon of the Bakony
Hills and its adjacent areas. However, the interpretation of these finds may not be so evident,
as the selection of typologically and technologically similar objects in Transdanubia reflects
on a more complex picture. In addition to the analysis of the artefacts, this essay aims to dis-
cuss different interpretation scenarios (burial with sword versus funeral hoards) that can be
associated with the finds from Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’.
5 cm
Fig. 1. A winged axe of Type Gmuden (Br C) from Tatabánya-Bánhida (L. 169.5 mm, W. 32.25 mm,
Wt. 356.3 g, HNM, Inv. No. 1879.116, Photo: J. G. Tarbay)
János Gábor Tarbay
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
From a technological point of view, swords found in hoards and burials could fall into dif-
ferent categories.26 Most fragments of sword No. 1 show intense damages caused by fire.
Thus, the identification of all steps related to the weapon’s chaîne opératoire (forming, usage,
damages and deposition)27 cannot be observed. Such are for instance, the traces left by cold
hammering and annealing along the cutting edges, or fine striations, which can be associated
with surface treatment or edge sharpening.28
Among the studied fragments only No. 1.7 was suitable for the identification of traces related
to manufacture and usage. On this fragment fine grinding marks are visible (Fig. 26.1).29 At
one part, it is also possible to observe the sharpened cutting edge by touching (Fig. 25.1). Use-
wear traces, that is small worn blade impacts were only detected on the preserved parts (for
example Fig. 25.2, 5). Some of the traces are similar to V-notches (Fig. 25.2).30 Shallow dents in
clusters were also present on some parts (Fig. 25.3–4), which might be the result of rippling,
based on the experimental study of Valerio Gentile and Annelou van Gijn.31 All traces were
most likely results of blade-on-blade impacts32 caused by another weapon. On the basis of the
observations described, sword No. 1 can be sorted to the category of finished products with
traces of use.
The overall macroscopic character of sword No. 6 (Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘B’) supports that it
may also have been a finished product. On the surface of fragment No. 6.2 it was also possible
to observe shallow and worn notches and dents (Fig. 28.3–4).
Tobias Mörtz suggested that the treatment of swords in burials and hoards seems to be indi-
vidual.33 According to the study of Mariann Novák and Gábor Váczi, regularities and groups
can be observed in the treatment of these weapons between the Br D–Ha A1 in the eastern
Urnfield territory. On sword No 1. of Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’, all deliberate destruction traces
mentioned (edge damages, impact marks, hacking, bending, heat damage) could be observed
• The first category includes several different marks caused by at least two bladed tools,
possibly a chisel with narrow cutting edge and a larger axe. A deep and wide U-shaped
notch was documented on fragment No. 1.5, which is a characteristic pre-deposition-
pure sword hoards from the Northeast Carpathians. Such ‘old’ weapons could have a complex and long use-
life before they were selected to burials, hoards or wetland areas. Pearce 2013, 56; Tarbay 2018b, 315–319.
26 1. as-casts, 2a. unfinished products, 2b. unused finished products, 3. finished products with some traces of
use, 4. finished product, which use-wear traces were removed (re-sharpened before deposition), 5. finished
products with intense traces of use (repairs, hilt and blade abrasion etc.). Kristiansen 1984, 198, Fig. 6–7;
Fontijn 2005, 151; Molloy 2011, 72–73.
27 Quilliec 2007, 408–411, Fig. 3, Fig. 17; Quilliec 2008, 68.
28 Ó Faoláin – Northover 1998, 74–76, 84–85, Pl. 6–9; Trnka et al. 2009, 221–223; Mödlinger – Ntaflos
– Salaberger 2010, 51–52, Fig. 7; Molloy 2011, 70–71,75; Mödlinger 2011, 163; Siedlaczek 2011, 116;
Horn 2014, 33–34, Fig. 5d; Tarbay 2015a, Fig. 2.1; Tarbay 2015b, Pl. 9.3; Sapiro – Webler 2016, 3181–3183;
Tarbay 2016a, Fig. 5.2–4, Fig. 6.8; Tarbay 2017a, Fig. 19.5; Cao 2018, 232–236; Molloy 2018b, 213–214.
29 Horn 2014, 33.
30 Bridgford 2000, 105–107; Bunnefeld – Schwenzer 2011, Tab. 3; Molloy 2011, 75, fn. 21; Bell 2019, 153,
Fig. 10.1.a.
31 Bell 2019, 153, Fig. 10.1.c; Gentile – van Gijn 2019, 137, Fig. 5D.
32 Molloy 2018b, 216; Bell 2019, 153; Gentile – van Gijn 2019.
33 Mörtz 2018, 180.
34 Novák – Váczi 2012, 101–105, Fig. 4.
János Gábor Tarbay
al trace (edge notching) (Fig. 22.4).35 On fragment No. 1.6 two deep V-shaped inden-
tations with material displacement can be observed that were the results of impacts
from oblique direction.36 Based on their depth they can similarly be interpreted (Fig.
23.2).37 Two pieces showed long blade impact marks (Fig. 22.3, Fig. 24.2).
• There is a connection between some of the blade impact marks and the hacking of the
sword. On some fragments, impacts appear in clusters,38 usually near to the breakage
surface (Fig. 22.2, Fig. 23.1) or where the fragment was bent (Fig. 22.1, Fig. 23.3, Fig.
24.3–4). There are even slant cut-like marks in connection with the blade hacking
(Fig. 23.4).
• Macroscopic observations suggest that the intensity of heat damage varied between
the fragments, and there was also a correlation between the heat treatment and frag-
mentation. On some fragments the breakage surfaces are sharp (Fig. 27.2) and the
impacts are shallow (Fig. 23.3), while other pieces show amorphous (Fig. 27.1) or even
completely melted surfaces (Fig. 27.3) combined with deep impacts (for example Fig.
22.2, Fig. 23.1). These macroscopic traits suggest that these fragments were exposed to
different temperature during manipulation.39
• Bending, accompanied by cracks in certain parts were also present on some frag-
ments.40 Experimental studies indicate that bending can occur during combat. Since
bronze swords were made of a ‘soft material’ they could easily be bent back by their
user.41 Kristian Kristiansen also suggested that warriors themselves could have slight-
ly bent the swords similarly to modern practice.42 The different bending marks on
the Tatabánya-Bánhida swords are extreme, some parts were even bent to 90 degrees
(Fig. 20.1.7–1.8). Consequently, they do clearly not belong to the category above. The
manipulation of swords by bending is a ritual practice without boundaries that was
observed in several European territories.43 Experiments of Claudio Giardino, Georges
Verley and recently Matthew Giuseppe Knight pointed out that even U-shaped bend-
ing can be done by hand, without heat treatment, if the tip’s end and the hilt is si-
multaneously pressed. The other method is plastic deformation.44 The bending marks
of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ sword correlated with blade impacts and fire damages
supporting the idea that these served to help the hacking of the weapon.45 Intentional
bending without breakage was only detected on one fragment (No. 1.7–1.8). In sum,
the damage traces on the Tatabánya-Bánhida sword No. 1 suggest that the weapon
35 Rau 2016, 176, Fig. 2; Mörtz 2018, 170, Fig. 11.3; Bell 2019, 153, 155, Fig. 10.1.b.
36 Horn 2014, 22.
37 Comparable traces on a sword without melted damages were interpreted as use-wear marks by Kristiansen.
Kristiansen 2002, Fig. 4a–b.
38 Bell 2019, 155.
39 This hypothesis should be verified by future metallographic sampling or Time-of-flight Neutron Diffraction
40 Novák – Váczi 2012, 99.
41 Molloy 2011, 75; Knight 2018, 118, 120–121, Fig. 4.45, Fig. 4.48–4.49; Gentile – van Gijn 2019, 137, Fig.
42 Kristiansen 2002, 320.
43 Bietti Sestieri et al. 2013, 167; Lloyd 2015, 18.
44 Bietti Sestieri et al. 2013, 167–169; Knight 2018, 128–134.
45 Colquhoun 2011, 57.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
was bent and broken to pieces in a pre-heated, even half-melted state by bladed tools
(chisel and axe). Its treatment was violent and clearly reflects on a deliberate destruc-
tion that mutilated this sword to an almost unrecognizable state (Fig. 2.1–2).46
1 2 3 4
Fig. 2. Manipulation and use marks of the swords from Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’. 1–2 – Tatabánya-
Bánhida ‘A’, 3–4 – Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘B’ (yellow – use-wear traces, dark orange – intensely melted
parts, red – tool impacts, M – melted breakage surface, R – recent breakage surface, S – breakage
surface) (Graphics: J. G. Tarbay)
46 Nebelsick 2000.
János Gábor Tarbay
The treatment of the second sword (Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘B’, No. 6) is identical to the first. It
is a longer tip fragment, which was originally intact during deposition and was broken into
two as a result of post-depositional damage. The fragment is slightly bent and its upper part is
completely melted (Fig. 28.1). Several damages can be observed on the sword, which was car-
ried out in melted state. A deep blade impact (Fig. 27.8) or other damages on the cutting edge
(Fig. 28.2) are visible. On fragment No. 6.1 an axe blade like imprint can be seen (Fig. 28.1). This
damage could have occurred when the tool touched the sword blade in a half-melted state.
Both swords from Tatabánya-Bánhida were destroyed completely by methods which served
no mundane purpose (for example partitioning for recycling etc.).47 This type of weapon ma-
nipulation, especially when it was done on a used object, reflects a very symbolic act that can
be interpreted in various ways. Either such weapons may have been ‘dangerous’ or ‘tainted’
objects which were used to harm or kill other human beings or they symbolize their users
who represent continuous threat to the society, let it be a fallen enemy or a warrior, who has
the power to overcome social rules.48 The ‘transformation’ or ‘purification’ of these objects by
various methods, like intentional alteration (bending) or physical destruction (fragmentation,
fire damages) or their ritual ‘containment’ to a special topographical context like wetland ar-
eas (lakes, bogs, rivers) is essential.49 Perhaps the most favoured hypothesis is the ceremonial
destruction of the enemy’s weapons as ‘insult’ and also as a sacrifice towards deities, an act
that was usually carried out by bending, breakage or even by fire. Analogues of such a treat-
ment has many parallels in the antique and modern world alike.50 For the sword No. 1 from
Tatabánya-Bánhida this interpretation is less plausible, as its typological design reflects local
traditions. Swords are especially complex weapons and for their treatment several different
ritual traditions have already emerged in the Bronze Age.51 As among others, Mark Pearce
emphasized that some could have own identities, even names, especially the ones with ex-
tended use-life52, as it can be assumed in case of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ sword on the basis
of typology and usage.
2.2. Armspiral
By the typological classification of fragment No. 2 (Appx. 1.1, Fig. 21.2) Amália Mozsolics was
correct.53 This object has a triangle cross-section, which is more characteristic to armspirals
than rings which, during the Late Bronze Age, tend to have circular or slightly rectangle
cross-sections. As fragment No. 2 is quite small, a precise classification of the object is impos-
sible. Armspirals are more characteristic in the Northeast Carpathian Basin. In Transdanubia
they are less common and are usually selected to large scrap hoards as fragments.54 Triangle
cross-sectioned armspirals were distributed in a wider geographical area and as Peter König
has pointed out, their chronological position is rather ‘timeless’.55 Armspirals with triangle
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
cross-section and rolled terminals are known from the Drenov dô hoard, dated to Stufe 4 (Ha
B1).56 Similar artefacts were found in the East Carpathian Basin between the Br D and Ha B1
(for example Uzhhorod 4 – Ha A1, Malaja Dobron’ 1 – Br D, Podmonastyr’ 2 – Br D).57
2.3. Type B1 Cauldron
The typological identification of Amália Mozsolics58 can be verified based on small details such
as the thickness and the rim decoration of fragments (Appx. 1.1; Fig. 21.3). This pattern con-
sists of a bundle of five lines and a line of chased arcs. This pattern combination is only known
on two vessel types: the Type Egyek cups59 and Type B1 cauldrons.60 However, completely
identical parallels to the Tatabánya-Bánhida finds are exclusively known among cauldrons
and fragments that may have belonged to these vessels (Cornești,61 Hajdúsámson 2,62 Krásna
nad Hornádom,63 Nyírtelek,64 Tărpiu-Valea Lungă).65 Several parallels decorated with a similar
pattern can be mentioned from Transdanubia (Budapest-Nagytétény),66 the Northern Balkans
(Bokavić)67 and the East Carpathian Basin (Kántorjánosi,68 Mezőkövesd,69 Moigrad 1,70 Rohod
3,71 Tiszakarád-Szárnyaszög tanya 2,72 Visuia)73, which also belong to cauldrons. Except for a
handful of cases, the deposition of these vessels was predominant during the Ha B1 period.74
Type B1 cauldrons are primarily characteristic in the Hungarian Nyírség, where research has
hypothesized a possible workshop. The main distribution area of these vessels correlates with
the ‘territory’ of the Gáva pottery style, which covers the regions of the Northeast Carpath-
ian Basin, West Ukraine and Transylvania. Only a few specimens can be mentioned outside
this region, from the Northern Balkans, Czech Republic, Germany, Scandinavia and Eastern
France (Appx. 2.1; Fig. 3.A).75
In addition to the Budapest-Nagytétény cauldron, the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find is the only
known piece west of the Danube. It is worth noting in this context that the object combi-
nation of the latter find is primary known in the East Carpathian Basin, where cauldrons
were selected along with swords, metal vessels and even armspirals (Fig. 3.C–B). They are
also frequently combined with swords (C4–C6, C8) and situlae (C3, C6–C9) (Fig. 3.C). These
János Gábor Tarbay
object combinations also call attention to the fact that the concept of selection in the Tata-
bánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find or at least some of its elements (sword–cauldron–armspiral–‘situla’)
reflect to the selection of Ha B1 hoards from the Northeast Carpathian Basin. Most of these
closely related assemblages fall into the group of elite hoards that might have belonged to the
local elite groups of that area (Appx. 2.1). It should be noted that similar object selections can
be found even west of the Danube River, if uncertain fragments are also taken into account.
An important example is the Bokavić hoard from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which contains
fragments of a situla, cauldron and broken swords.76
The cauldron fragments’ preservation condition did not allow their precise characterisation
from the point of manufacturing and use. The body fragments consist of two heavily melted
parts, broken by bending. They are also fused with other metal sheet objects (Fig. 21.3–4). The
handle shows no visual traces of heat damage and it was broken into more than three parts.
Cauldrons are mainly known from metal hoards, some were recovered from wetland areas.
76 König 2004, 184–191, Pl. 37.1–4, Pl. 48.253, 256–258, 260, 264.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
It is difficult to gain an accurate picture on their breakage and manipulations, since the de-
scription of these vessels in the literature is primarily typological. Rarely are there any ac-
curate descriptions of damages or notes on different post-deposition phenomena.77 Relying
on the currently available data (See Appx. 2.1), an attempt was made at outlining the variety
of Type B1 cauldron fragmentation with a remark that future re-examination of the finds is
essential to refine our results.
Based on the fine reconstructions in the Prähistorische Bronzefunde volumes, it can be as-
sumed that intact deposition was typical for Type B1 cauldrons. In fact, fragmented spec-
imens significantly outnumbered the intact ones. As multi-part objects, cauldrons can be
manipulated in various ways on their body, handle attachments or handles. The damages on
the body are typically dents or breakages along the wall or on the bottom. Some were in sev-
eral pieces due to intentional fragmentation or taphonomic damage. Many have a damaged
bottom part. Handle attachments can be broken or dismantled. Handles can also be missing,
or they were deposited as fragments. Based on the presence of manipulations,78 breakage
or missing parts we can sort the well-identifiable Type B1 cauldron fragments to seven
combination groups by cluster analysis, applying Euclidean distance (Fig. 4). In addition to
intact vessels (A1B1C1), heavily fragmented specimens (A2B2C2), cauldrons with missing or
broken handles (A1B1C2) or bodies (A2B1C1) or bodies and handle attachments (A2B2C1)
are the most characteristic. Our preliminary results suggest that breakage, manipulation and
dismantling of cauldrons were the typical ways of treatment before the objects were selected
to hoards, burials or hidden to wetlands.79
The Tatabánya-Bánhida find fits well to this system. It can be sorted into the most damaged
combination group (A2B2C2). However, for its evaluation we also need to consider the atyp-
ical fragments. As the cluster analysis showed, manipulations with handles are present in
four (A2B1C2, A1B1C2, A1B2C2, A2B2C2) of the seven combination groups, suggesting that
dismantling and/or breaking of deposited handles was frequent. The selection of broken caul-
dron handles is known from the territory of Transdanubia, East Hungary and Transylvania
between the Ha A1 and Ha B1.80 In this respect, we can mention two handle fragments, one
from Gyermely-Szomor and another from Sárbográd-Sárszentmiklós, since both were depos-
ited in the same Ha B1 period as the Tatabánya-Bánhida find.81 The selection of rim fragments
also seems frequent, examples can be cited from East Hungary (Borsodbóta),82 Slovakia,83
Transylvania84 and Bosnia and Herzegovina.85
77 Like damages on the Mezőkövesd cauldrons. See Patay 1969a, 171–173; Patay 1990, 23.
78 The identification of finer damages (for example dents, impacts) was not possible in most cases from the
data obtained from literature.
79 It is very important to note that damages on cauldrons may not be in all cases results of intentional manip-
ulation. Repair marks are visible on many specimens, suggesting that the breakage of the vessel’s handle
attachments and body may have been caused by their use. Patay 1990, 10–11; Gedl 2001, Pl. 73.B4. It also
refers to the fact that cauldrons were also valuable objects used for an extended period as it is assumed in
case of swords.
80 Patay 1990, 31–34; Soroceanu 2008, 149–130.
81 Kemenczei 1996, Fig. 9.15; Tarbay 2015b, Pl. 6.77.
82 In light of the hoard’s circumstances of discovery as well as personal study of the object, we believe that
this find can be interpreted as a recently broken fragment. von Kenner 1860, 367; Patay 1990, 32, Pl. 25.35.
83 Novotná 1991, Pl. 10.50.
84 Soroceanu 2008, Pl. 30.107–109, Pl. 31, Pl. 30.110–112, Pl. 32.118–119.
85 König 2004, Pl. 48.257–258.
János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 4. Cluster analysis of Type B1 cauldron fragmentation, applying Euclidean distance (Appx. 2.1)
(Graphics: Past 2.17, J. G. Tarbay)
Not much is known about the frequency of fire damages on Type B1 cauldrons. The fragments
from the Škocjan Mušja jama site can be highlighted, which have been bent and some showed
traces of fire damage.86 In addition to the burial from Vester Skjerninge, which in a way relates
to the Bánhida find by the treatment and selection of objects,87 the finds from Škocjan Mušja
jama are the closest and best parallels for the treatment of the Bánhida cauldron.
2.4. Metal sheet with rolled rim (‘miniature greave’)
Three thin metal sheet fragments were corroded on the No. 3.1 cauldron piece (Appx. 1.1, Fig.
21.3–4). One of them has a rolled rim according to microscope-camera image (Fig. 6.2, Fig. 21.4,
Fig. 27.5). During the Late Bronze Age, rolled rims appear on different metal products like bronze
vessels (situlae), armours and defensive weapons. The role of this technological solution was to
86 Borgna et al. 2016, 586, Pl. 29.1–5, Pl. 30.3; Jereb 2016, 104–105, Pl. 122–123.
87 Thrane 1965, 175–179, Pl. 10a.1–12.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
make the edges of sheet metal products more resilient against damages caused by daily use or
combat. In case of large objects, rolled rims are often reinforced with a wire. Regarding the typo-
logical properties of the local metal sheet products, fragment No. 4 could have been the edge of
a miniature greave. As comparative data, an unidentified greave (Fig. 5.2),88 a miniature greave
fragment (Fig. 5.4.1–4.2) from the ‘Bonyhád vidéke’ hoard and another greave fragment from
the Bodrogkeresztúr 1 hoard (Fig. 5.1) will be re-published here.89 The thickness of the Tatabán-
ya-Bánhida fragment (rim: 3.11 mm, sheet: 0.80 mm) correlates more with the miniature greave
from Bonyhád (rim 1.46 mm, sheet: 0.62 mm). The difference of 1.65 mm may be due to the
corroded condition of the object (See Appx. 1.1, 1.3). It is also important to note that the rim of
object No. 4 was not folded on a wire, similarly to the miniature greave from ‘Bonyhád vidéke’.
Fig. 5. Late Bronze Age greave and miniature greave fragments: 1 – Greave fragment from the
Bodrogkeresztúr 1 hoard, 2 – Greave fragment from the ‘Bonyhád vidéke’ hoard, 3 – Probable minia-
ture greave fragment from Tatabánya-Bánhida A, 4.1 – Miniature greave fragment from the ‘Bonyhád
vidéke’ hoard, 4.2 – Reconstruction of the miniature greave from the ‘Bonyád vidéke’ hoard (HNM,
Photos and drawing: J. G. Tarbay) (Appx. 1.3).
88 Related finds, See Fogolari 1943, Fig. 1; Kemenczei 2003, Pl. 7.19; Windholz-Konrad 2008, Fig. 53; Tarbay
2015a, Fig. 16–17; Mödlinger 2017, 222–227.
89 Kemenczei 2003, 26, Pl. 7.19.
János Gábor Tarbay
The research of miniature greaves in Eastern Europe started with the study of Mirko Bulat,
who was the first to recognise this type and to point out the similarities between the metal
sheet object from the 2nd Poljanci hoard and the Rinyaszentkirály greave.90 Miniature greaves
have been discussed in details by Amália Mozsolics and Katalin Jankovits and recently by
Marianne Mödlinger.91 Parallel Italian finds were also published from burial context (for ex-
ample Pratica di Mare – Tomba XXI).92 In addition to the miniature greave from Bonyhád, an
identical specimen can be mentioned from Esztergom-Szentgyörgymező,93 and other related
finds from the Gyöngyössolymos-Kishegy 4,94 Debrecen-Fancsika 195 and Poljanci 296 hoards.
From a typo-chronological point of view Hungarian specimens were classified to the Kurd
Horizon (Ha A1), while the Poljanci 2 find was associated with Phase II (Br D–Ha A1).
In case of the Carpathian Basin and the Northern Balkans, miniature greaves were only found
in hoards. Due to their small number, it is not possible to draw representative conclusions
on their treatment. The specimens from Esztergom-Szentgyörgymező and Gyöngyössoly-
mos-Kishegy 4 were deposited as complete objects, and breakage was only visible on the
former.97 The miniature greaves from Debrecen-Fancsika are fragments (half and ca. quarter
fragment), just like the specimen from ‘Bonyhád vidéke’.98 It is important to highlight the
miniature greave from Poljanci 2, which was broken and folded just like some of the real-sized
greaves (for example Lengyeltóti 5).99
1 cm
Fig. 6. Sheet metal fragments from the Tatabánya-Bánhida A find: 1. – Hajdúböszörmény-style metal
vessel, 2 – ‘Miniature greave’ (Photos: J. G. Tarbay) (Appx. 1.1).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 7. 1 – Patters of the Tiszanagyfalu situla viewed from inside (HNM, Budapest, Photo: J. G. Tarbay),
2 – Sketch of the Tiszanagyfalu situla’s pattern, 3 – Sketch of the No. 5. Tatabánya-Bánhida A metal
sheet object’s pattern.
Identical or similar pattern combinations are known from armours and metal vessels. First,
a certain group of the Hajdúböszörmény type situlae can be mentioned which have been
discussed by Pál Patay.101 Three of these situlae (Tiszanagyfalu 1,102 Nedilys’ka,103 Unprove-
nanced104) have similar patterns on their shoulder lines. It should be noted that the size of the
Bánhida fragment is smaller than the Tiszanagyfalu (Fig. 7) and Nedilys’ka situlae. This does
not exclude the possibility that it belonged to a Hajdúböszörmény type situla since this vessel
type has no standard size. The combination of fishbone-like patterns with embossed dots is
also visible on an unprovenanced conical-shaped strainer,105 on the sheet metal arm guards
from Hajdúsámson-Kistelek 3106 and on a small fragment from the Bokavić hoard.107 Among the
János Gábor Tarbay
loosely related parallels, two additional Hajdúböszörmény type metal vessels from Biernacice108
and Lúčky109 can be mentioned, both of which are decorated with a line of embossed dots and
a bundle of slant repoussé lines instead of a fishbone pattern. It is worth noting that this style
is also present on the cuirasses from Fillinges and on an unprovenanced specimen.110 By the
above listed parallels, it can be presumed that fragment No. 5 from Tatabánya-Bánhida could
have been part of a Hajdúböszörmény type situla or a smaller metal vessel, which followed the
style of these enigmatic objects. One could argume against this typological determination, but
it is beyond doubt that the chronological position of the object was the Ha B1 period.
The studied fragment is amorphous and slightly melt in the middle part due to fire. If we ac-
cept that it was part of a Hajdúböszörmény type situla, then it belongs to the group of heavily
fragmented specimens within the deposition pattern of this vessel type.111 In this respect,
the fragments from the scrap hoards of Bokavić and Keszőhidegkút should be emphasized.
Specimens from the former are similar regarding their size, and one even shares typological
relations. It is also worth noting that in this hoard too the combination of situla fragments
with small cauldron pieces can be detected.112 The fragment from the Keszőhidegkút hoard
shows no traces of fire damage.113
2.6. Pattern of Selection
Six objects were identified in the Tatabánya-Bánhida find material, of which five (A) could
have belonged together: a sword, an armspiral, a cauldron, a ‘situla/Hajdúböszörmény-style
metal vessel’, and a ‘miniature greave’. Two fragments of a sword were probably part of a
separate find (B). The relative chronological position of the objects cannot be precisely deter-
mined in all cases. The parallels of the cauldron and the Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel
fragment supports the idea that ‘Tatabánya-Bánhida A’ may have been buried around the
Ha B1 period. In terms of manufacturing, all objects were finished products. Use-wear traces
were only observable on the two swords. Even if the possibility of post-depositional damage
is taken into account, it is clear that the Tatabánya-Bánhida finds show a pars pro toto selec-
tion, as only small fragments of the original objects were selected. On all objects different pre-
historic manipulations can be observed. Valuable sheet metal products were broken, folded
(cauldron) and also damaged by fire. The handle of the cauldron was broken into pieces. The
most complex manipulation was observed on the swords, which were burnt, bent and broken
with the aid of certain bladed tools (chisel and axe) to an almost unrecognisable state (Fig. 2,
Fig. 8). Only a single piece remained from the presumed miniature greave. The breakage trac-
es on the armspiral were recent. In connection with this observation, it should be added that
some of the finds showed recent breakage surfaces, which suggests that probably not all pieces
of the objects were delivered to the museum.
As it has been mentioned above, the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ assemblage consists of functional
objects: a used sword, an East Carpathian metal symposium set (cauldron, ‘situla’) and orna-
ments, such as the armspiral or the miniature version of a prestigious greave. All these ele-
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
ments have a strong symbolic meaning, reflecting on the identity and perhaps even the status
of their owner, which is mainly associated with ‘warriorhood’ and the concept of the so called
‘warrior elite’.114 This type of selection during the Ha B1 in Transdanubia is less known from
burial contexts. Graves with bronze cups were only excavated in the Budapest-Békásmegyer
cemetery (Grave Nos 26, 48),115 but none of them contained weapons. All the known burials
with swords from Transdanubia are older (Br C–Ha A1) than the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find
(see below Cap. 5.1).
114 Treherne 1995, 109; Kristiansen 1999, 180–182; Whitley 2002, 219–223, 227; Jockenhövel 2006, 120–
123; Vandkilde 2006, 485; Whittaker 2008, 83; Colquhoun 2011, 56–57; Tarbay 2015a, 47; Gentile et al.
2018, 78; Georganas 2018, 190–195.
115 Kalicz-Schreiber et al. 2010, 33–34, 45–46, 274–275, Pl. 18.10, Pl. 27.19.
János Gábor Tarbay
If the Transdanubian stray finds and hoards from the Ha B1 period are taken into account, it
is observable that swords, some armspirals and metal vessels are present here (Appx. 2.3–6,
Fig. 9). These swords are either stray finds or individual hoards. In larger hoards, these weap-
ons are usually selected in fragmented state (Appx. 2.3, 5). Apart from the burials of Békásm-
egyer and two stray finds (Appx. 2.6), metal vessels (cups, ‘situla’, cauldron and strainer) are
mainly known from hoards. They were either selected to pure vessel hoards like Várvölgy or
Sümeg 2 or to large hoards containing several objects. These are usually selected in a broken
and manipulated form, similarly to swords (for example Gyermely-Szomor, Keszőhidegkút,
Sárbogárd, Tatabánya-Ótelep 3, Várvölgy 4) (Appx. 2.3). Armspirals are rare and they are usu-
ally broken. In hoards which were deposited in the Ha B1, interesting combinations can be de-
tected, like the co-appearance of broken swords and cauldron handles (Sárbogárd and Gyer-
mely-Szomor hoards) (Appx. 2.3, Fig. 9).116 The combination of a sword, metal vessels (situla,
cups) and an amspiral can also be found in the Keszőhidegkút hoard. It should be mentioned
that this find material contains fragments of real-size defensive weapons and armours (hel-
mets, shields) (Appx. 2.3, Fig. 9), too.117 In sum, it seems that the selection of the ‘Tatabánya-
Bánhida ‘A’ find’ is more similar to the hoards deposited in the same period.
Moreover, the analysis of the Type B1 cauldrons’ combination groups revealed that this find
has not only typological relations towards the Northeast Carpathian Basin, but it is very
similar to several hoards from that region regarding their object selection (Fig. 3B–C). Ac-
cording to the model of Gábor Váczi, the connection networks re-established in Northeast
Transdanubia were deteriorating after the Ha A1 period. This area was under the cultural
influence of the Gáva ceramic style and it can be considered as a secondary participant of
interaction at the time of the ‘Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find’ deposition (Ha B1).118 In this con-
text, the appearance of a Type B1 cauldron, a ‘situla’ and an armspiral represent a unique
scenario. As it was already mentioned, these finds are strongly related to warrior identity.
According to some researchers, such individuals may have played a key role in the distribu-
tion of prestige goods, exotic artefacts, technological developments and even ideas.119 The
concept of ‘mercenaries’ is one of the most tempting among these possibilities. Such objects
could have either belonged to an individual who arrived from another region or they were
brought back by someone who has returned with his prestigious ‘foreign’ artefacts.120
116 Patay 1990, Pl. 26.38; Kemenczei 1996, Fig. 8.11, Fig. 9.15; Tarbay 2015b, Pl. 1.1–5, Pl. 6.77.
117 Mozsolics 1985, Pl. 32.1–10, Pl. 35.30, 32–43. The armspiral is unpublished.
118 Váczi 2013b, 216, 219–220.
119 Molloy 2018a, 86.
120 Kristiansen 2018, 24–27, 41.
121 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141; Hampel 1880, 341; Hampel 1881, 164; Gyulai 1887, 2.
122 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 9. Distribution of swords, metal vessels and armspirals in Transdanubia during the Ha B1
(Appx. 2.3–6).
tical with the location of the finds acquired in 14th October and 29th December 1880. It is only
noted that they are also originally from Bánhida.
The two spearheads had the same style with correlating dimensions, referring to the possi-
bility that they were made in the same mould or after the same model (Fig. 10.1–2). Both are
finished products, showing clear traces of manufacturing. Unfortunately, their fragmented
edges are not suitable to draw a conclusion about their use. The knife is a finished product,
too (Fig. 10.4). In this case, the preservation of the object’s edge allowed the identification
of wear traces (notches). The hook is a cast and hammered object, which also falls into the
category of finished products (Fig. 10.3). Unlike the finds discussed earlier , these four ob-
jects showed no visual traces of heat damage, nor intense fragmentation. Except the knife,
the tip of which was broken by bending, the selected finds were all intact.
János Gábor Tarbay
1 2
Fig. 10. The 1st Hoard from Tatabánya-Bánhida. 1–2 – Spearheads, 3 – Hook, 4 – Flanged knife
(HNM, Photos: J. G. Tarbay) (Appx. 1.2)
Amália Mozsolics dated this hoard to the Kurd Horizon (Ha A1).123 According to the present
typological knowledge, the hoard can be re-dated. The profiles of the two spearheads are
somewhat unique, but on the whole, these finds belong to Tiberius Bader’s Variant C/d. These
spearheads were the most characteristic between the Br D–Ha A1 periods, although some
specimens deposited later are also known (Ha B2). In addition to Transdanubia, similar spear-
heads appeared in the Northeast Carpathian Basin, as well as in the territories of the Czech
Republic and Slovenia. It is notable that their casting mould was found east of the Danube,
in the Pre-Gáva pottery style site of Muhi-3.124 The Pustiměř type knife is somewhat young-
er. Beside some Ha A1 specimens, it is more characteristic to the Ha A2 and Ha B1 periods,
mainly in the Carpathian Basin and Moravia.125 The last find can be identified as a flesh hook
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
János Gábor Tarbay
the portioning and distribution of the meat. In this regard, it is particularly interesting that this
combination (spears–hook–knives) has also appeared in assemblages related to this hoard, for
example at Szombathely132 and Lazy.133 The Paß Luftenstein hoard (Austria) is also important
(Fig. 11), containing only a long spearhead, a flange-hilted knife and a flesh hook, an almost
identical combination to the 1st Tatabánya-Bánhida find.134 The typological selection of these
hoards may refer to certain individuals who own the ability to hunt and the right to distribute
the valuable food during ceremonial feasts.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
are limited due to cremation, while use-wear analyses on weapons originating from burials
do not exist. From an osteological point of view, the situation is even more complex. Weap-
ons could be buried with a person who never took arms (buried as a warrior). They could be
placed beside an individual who had well-trained body and healed combat injuries (profes-
sional warrior). Lastly, there are those who died from combat injuries but no weapons were
put in their grave.140 The critical overview of this topic would require a separate study and the
re-documentation of all finds. At the present stage of research, the descriptive term of ‘burials
with weapons’ should be used, since the presence of weapons in graves do not necessarily
mean that we are dealing with a full-time specialist.141 Here, the discussion will be limited
on those Transdanubian burials which contained swords or metal vessels and showed some
connection with the Tatabánya-Bánhida find from the 1800s.
Fig. 12. Distribution of Late Bronze Age burials with swords in Transdanubia (Appx. 2.2)
140 Kristiansen 2002, 232; Whitley 2002, 219–223, 227; Heyd 2007, 352–357; Vandkilde 2008, 11–14; Geor-
ganas 2018, 190–195; Gentile et al. 2018, 67–68, 75–78.
141 Whitley 2002, 219–220; Georganas 2018, 189–196. The inaccuracy of this term was discussed by Matthew
Lloyd. See Lloyd 2015, 14–16.
János Gábor Tarbay
In view of the fact that the terriory of Transdanubia exceeds 36.000 km2, the number of known
burials with swords are surprisingly low during the Late Bronze Age. Between the Br C and
Ha A1, a total of 16 burials with swords or stray swords are known from cemeteries. The phe-
nomenon of burials with swords in Transdanubia was absent during the Ha A2–Ha B1 and
Ha B1. As it was already mentioned, most of these burials are originally from old excavations
with poor documentation (Fig. 12; Appx. 2.2). Out of the 17 burials, only a few have a sufficient
documentation or a better described context (Bakonyjákó-Somhát, Balatonfűzfő, Csabren-
dek, Csabrendek-Hegyelő, Galambok-Hársas erdő, Jánosháza, Keszthely-Legelő-dűlő, Keszt-
hely-Sömögyei-dűlő). Geographical and chronological differences make it difficult to draw
general conclusions on the burials with swords from Transdanubia. Except for the graves
from Csabrendek and Keszthely, the cremation rite is more common for these burials. Unlike
the Western European LBA burials with weapons,142 none of them contains metal vessels as
grave goods, but examples with ceramic sets are known in many cases (Appx. 2.2.4–5, 10–11).
Throughout the Ha B1, only two burials are known with Type Jenišovice-Kirkendrup cups
from Budapest-Békásmegyer (Grave No. 26 and No. 48). Weapons were not at all present in
these assemblages.143 It is important to note that jewellery and different clothing accessories
(for example torques, pins, metal sheet belt, beads, pendants, spiral tubes) are common ele-
ments in the Br C–Ha A1 burials with swords (Appx. 2.2.4, 6–7, 11, 13, 15). All of them were
identified as male-related graves, although concrete anthropological data on these burials is
generally missing. Modern analysis is known for burial No. 6 from Balatonfűzfő. According to
Gábor Tóth’s analysis, the human remains belonged to a 25–30 year old man.144
1 2 3
Fig. 13. The three burials with swords from Csabrendek (Veszprém County). 1 – ‘Grave 12’ (Dorner
1884, 231–232, Pl. E.5; Darnay 1899, Pl. 12.12–14), 2 – Grave acquired by the HNM (Darnay 1899,
Pl. 11.3, 5–9), 3 – The burial found at the edge of the cemetery (reconstruction after Darnay 1899, 28,
Pl. 12.7–8) (Appx. 2.2.6–8).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
It would require new research to accurately compare the swords in these burials to the
Tatabánya-Bánhida finds. The results of previous studies suggest that swords were usually
placed broken into the Transdanubian burials. Surprisingly, fire damage was only noted in
a handful of cases (Appx. 2.2.1, 4–5, 9–11, 14). Based on published illustrations and descrip-
tions, some of these weapons could have been manipulated similarly to the Tatabánya-Bán-
hida swords. Examples can be the swords from Jánosháza or Mosonszolnok.145 There are also
swords from the territory of Slovakia (e.g. Čaka, Chrastavice),146 Moravia (Spytihněv, Velati-
ce),147 Austria (e.g. Gleinstätten Mound 17, Ratishof am Weilhartforst Mound VII),148 Croatia
(Dalj, Velika Gorica),149 Germany (e.g. Granzin Mound 2, Leupolt-Herfatz, Grünwald No. 58,
Unterhaching No. 30,),150 which were all broken into small pieces and in most cases showed
traces of fire damage. From the point of manipulation, these specimens could be analogous
to the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds. It is worth to emphasize the northernmost specimen
from Vester Skejninge (DE), an elite burial, which resembles Tatabánya-Bánhida by its bro-
ken Type B1 cauldron and two swords. If the Bánhida assemblage was a burial, then the
Danish parallel raises another question, that is, are we dealing with a multiple burial with
two swords? The latter phenomenon is well known in the Western Urnfield territories. A fine
example is the Zuchering-Ost No. 348 burial, where four adults and two children were buried
along with two swords treated in a similar manner.151 Another interpretation was suggested
by Katherine Harrel on the examples of shaft graves,152 where the presence of multiple swords
were explained by a certain ritual practice when swordsmen gave back their swords to their
deceased leader. This phenomenon is less plausible for the Carpathian burials, but it could be
a possibility behind the formation of pure sword hoards and lavish assemblages with multiple
swords like the one from Hajdúböszörmény-Csege-halom.153
In summary, it cannot be excluded that the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds were part of a
multiple burial with weapons. This is most likely while discussing the assemblages in a larger
geographical context. Although there are several facts, which suggest that by following this
interpretation it is possible that we are dealing with a quite unique assemblage in the context
of Transdanubia.
• 1) The Inventory Book did not mention the presence of human bones, nor pottery
finds, which are otherwise characteristic to Transdanubian Urnfield burials.
• 2) The number of burials with swords are extremely low, especially by comparing this
number to the swords from hoards or wetland areas.154
• 3) There is a chronological gap between the dating of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find
(Ha B1) and the burials with weapons from Transdanubia (Br C–Ha A1).
János Gábor Tarbay
• 4) The combination of metal vessels with swords in burials are not known in the ter-
ritory of Transdanubia. Such groupings can only be mentioned to the North or West
from the Carpathian Basin.
• 5) Although, there are some swords which could have been manipulated similarly to
the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds, the selection of melted weapons is not exclusive
in these Transdanubian burials.
The above mentioned issues made it necessary to discuss alternative interpretations as well,
in which the selection of melted objects may play a more important role than we first might
5.2. Melted Bronzes and Human Remains in Transdanubian Hoards
5.2.1. Selection of Melted Bronzes to Hoards
József Hampel has already called attention to the fire damages on the Tatabánya-Bánhida
‘A–B’ finds.155 The macroscopic observation of the objects supported his idea. Melted and
amorphous surfaces caused by high temperature were detected on the swords (Fig. 19–20, Fig.
21.6) and on some metal vessels (Fig. 21.3, 5). It is notable that even a small charcoal piece was
fused on one of the sword fragments (Fig. 27.7).
In her study from 1984, Amália Mozsolics differentiated two scenarios for the selection of
such melted objects. She identified the assemblages like Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ and Aszód
as grave goods, which were selected to the burials from the pyre. She also distinguished an-
other group in which she saw evidence for metal recycling. Her examples included broken
objects hammered together or partly melted finds from hoards, which were processed for
re-casting. An iconic example for this interpretation is the 2nd Bodrogkeresztúr ingot hoard
(Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County).156 Although recycling of metals could have played an impor-
tant role in the economy of Late Bronze Age societies, the archaeologically identifiable traces
of this process are extremely rare. It might be surprising at first, but this phenomenon can be
well-explained from a technological point of view. First, during crucible melting, after reach-
ing the melting point, the partitioned objects and ingots become liquid, and the objects that
are later added to melt are immediately dissolved in it. Second, finds like the Bodrogkeresztúr
2 ingots are special cases. These ingots could have been made as the following. Small, parti-
tioned objects were collected in a mould or in a hole on the workshop’s floor (see for example
the Lovasberény-Mihályvár MBA workshop).157 Afther that hot, melted metal was cast on it,
which has melted the bronze fragments together. In modern foundry practice, the hot, melt-
ed metal is usually the metal surplus after casting. A fine example is the ingot from the iconic
2nd Bodrogkeresztúr hoard re-published here (Appx. 1.4, Fig. 14). On its regular plano side (Fig.
14.1c, 1d blue), opposite to the direction of casting, a large and ‘branching’ metallic projection
can be seen (Fig. 14.1c, 1d red). In this case, the hot metal broke its way between the partitioned
objects, solidified and took the shape of the gaps and cavities in the workshop’s ground.
155 Inventory Book of the HNM 1880, 140–141; Hampel 1880, 341; Hampel 1881, 164; Mozsolics 1984, 69;
Mozsolics 1985, 94.
156 Mozsolics 1984, 24–27.
157 F. Petres – Bándi 1969, 174, Fig. 6. These ‘improvised molds’ were usually prepared in advance and dry
loess sand was the most suitablet from safety’s point of view, because the burning metal splashed from the
wet ground and caused burn.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
1a 1b
2 3
Fig. 14. 1 – A plano-convex ingot with metallic projection from the Bodrogkeresztúr 2 hoard,
2 – Re-melted sickle, 3 – Re-melted objects, probably socketed axe rims (HNM, Photos: J. G. Tarbay)
(Appx. 1.4).
The preservation of the objects in these ingots are rare. The larger quantity of liquid metal
and the higher the temperature, the more the objects would melt. A fine example is the bro-
ken half ingot from the Kesztölc hoard. It weighs 3077 g and only a small imprint of a spiral
wire ring was preserved on its convex side.158 Either crucible melting or melting together the
partitioned objects, the survival of the original artefacts is evidently rare. This explains why
such a low amount of these finds are known from the Late Bronze Age material of the Car-
pathian Basin. However, the single half-melted finds are hard to explain from a metallurgical
point of view, especially if extra manipulations are present on the object. Consequently, it is
very likely, as Mozsolics Amália suggested, that melted objects could have been made in dif-
ferent ways as a result of recycling or manipulation in the Carpathian Basin. Howerer there
is no consensus on A. Mozsolics’s statement that half-melted and manipulated finds can only
be selected to burials as grave goods.
The selection of partly-melted bronze objects or metal artefacts with traces of fire treatment
to wetland hoarding areas and dryland hoards is known in several Western European Late
Bronze Age sites. For example, such finds were reported from the territories of the United
Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, France, Slovenia and Italy. The object types that suffered fire
János Gábor Tarbay
treatment can be various from jewellery to weapons, but surprisingly the latter can be consid-
ered frequent.159 One of the geographically closest examples of deposition of melted objects
is known from the Mušja jama Cave (Slovenia), where weapons were destroyed nearly to an
unrecognisable state and also damaged by fire or partly melted.160 A ‘systematic’ destruction
method – analogous to the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds – was analysed in case of the Pila
del Brancòn (Italy) hoard. Here, organic materials (hilt plates, shafts) of spears and swords
were burnt, while the metal parts of the weapons were damaged by different techniques and
also exposed to fire until they became semi-melted.161 Many researchers were dealing with the
interpretation of these unique sites and assemblages. It seems that the deposition of metal ob-
jects, which suffered intentional fire treatment cannot directly be related to the metallurgical
process. This phenomenon can be best explained by the funeral hoard theory (Totenschätze),
which hypothesizes a close ritual connection between the burial and hoarding practice, most-
ly based on Western European wetland hoarding sites. Following the main concept of this
theory, the possibility can be considered that grave goods – in some cases the deceased or
parts of his body – were buried to special wetland areas or in same cases to dryland hoards at
a certain stage of the burial ritual or after that as a result of post manipulations.162 The selec-
tion of objects with fire treatment or human body parts to hoards is also known from the Late
Bronze Age Carpathian Basin. However, our present view on this phenomenon is incomplete
due to the lack of modern documentation on metal objects or fine excavation contexts. Below,
some unique examples will be presented from the territory of Hungary with special regard to
the region of Transdanubia without the need for completeness.
Our first example is a Typ C flange-hilted sword found during the regulation of the Rába River
in Northwestern Transdanubia (Győr-Moson-Sopron or Vas County) (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 15.1).163
This find was sent to the HNM’s collection by Kálmán Radó comes (Hung. főispán), along with
two pins (Fig. 15.2), one spearhead and several other objects dated to the Medieval Period.164
The sword resembles in many ways the swords of Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’. First, it is also a
finished product, showing clear traces of hammering and sharpening along its edges. On one
side, between its hilt shoulders, even the imprint of the organic hilt plate can be observed. The
object can be interpreted as a used one, based on the several microscopic damages along its
cutting edge and its worn rivet holes (Fig. 15.3). It was deposited in a manipulated state. The
weapon’s hilt and lower blade part were broken by bending. Creasing traces related to bend-
ing are also visible in the middle of the preserved fragment. There is also a small melted piece
of bronze fused on the object, right below the hilt’s shoulders. It should also be noted that the
surface around the melted bronze piece seems to be slightly blistered, which is a characteristic
sign of fire treatment. From the other objects, only a blunt headed pin (Keulenkopfnadel) with a
bundle of lines pattern was preserved. Its state of deposition showed similarities with the sword.
159 Coles 1960, 29, 38, 117; Mohen 1977, 118–119, Fig. 361/PARIS 75–42, Fig. 372/ESSONNE 91–187; Müller
1993, 81, Fig. 7; Fontijn 2005, 151; Sperber 2006, 201, Fig. 4.4–5, Fig. 5.7, 15–19, Fig. 6.7, 9–11, Fig. 9; Fischer
2011, 1303; Huth 2011, 52–53; Huth 2012, 95–96; Huth 2016, 34–36; Teržan 2016, 463; Mörtz 2018, 170,
175, 180.
160 Teržan 2016, 440–441, 448–449, 463.
161 Bietti Sestieri et al. 2013, 160–162, Figs 3–4, Fig. 6.B.C, Fig. 8.
162 Bradley 1990, 102–107; Warmenbol 1996; Fontijn 2002, 229–230; Fontijn 2005, 151; Sperber 2006, 208–
212; Huth 2016, 36; V. Szabó 2019, 66–71.
163 Kemenczei 1988, 54, Pl. 28.263.
164 Inventory Book of the HNM 1894, 48–49.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 15. Melted sword and a bunt-headed pin from the Rába River: 1 – Sword, 2 – Blunt-headed pin,
3 – Burnt traces and fused melted droplet on the sword (HNM, Photos: J. G. Tarbay (Appx. 1.5).
The pin was bent at two points and its surface showed traces related to fire damage. From a
relative chronological point of view, the two objects can roughly be dated around the same
period: Br D–Ha A1.165 Because the other pin and the spearhead is lost, it is unclear whether
they were part of the same set. The undocumented context makes the interpretation of these
finds hard. However, if these melted objects were indeed originating from the prehistoric
bed of the Rába River, they can similarly be defined as the Western European funeral hoards
János Gábor Tarbay
from wetland context.166 In addition to the sword from the Rába River, there is another hoard
which may also originate from a wetland context. This is the Fövenyes (Veszprém County)
assemblage that was allegedly found along the shore of the Lake Balaton. It consists of three
socketed axes, a flanged sickle, a plano-convex ingot and a set of jewellery (knobs, rings, an-
nular rings, metal sheet band, funnel-shaped pendants). Except for the knobs and two rings,
all objects were deposited in a fragmented state. Three finds are particularly interesting: a
knob (Fig. 16.6) and two rings (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.7–8), the surfaces of which are blistered and
amorphous, hinting to the possibility that they may have underwent fire treatment as well.167
In addition to the above mentioned examples, there are some large scrap hoards, the content
of which fits very well to the Transdanubian deposition trends. However, they contain a few
melted objects which differ from the rest of the selected finds. Apart from one hoard, all orig-
inate from Western Transdanubia.
The first example is the Csabdi-Bükkös erdő/Bükköstető hoard (Fejér County). This assemblage
contains objects which can be stylistically related to metalworks characteristic between the
Br D–Ha A1 and Ha A2–Ha B1. More precisely, its time of deposition can be dated to the Ha
A2–Ha B1 from a relative chronological point of view. The Csabdi assemblage is a typical
Transdanubian scrap hoard, dominated by ingots, metallurgical by-products and some bro-
ken, finished and unfinished tools and weapons.168 Technologically, three finds completely
differ from the rest of the broken objects. One of them is a knife tip, which is amorphous due
to fire damage and blisters can be detected on its surface (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.2). There are also
two ring fragments characterised by the same morphological traits (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.3–4).
The second example is the Badacsonytomaj-Korkován hegy [‘Köbölkút’] (Veszprém County)
hoard. This hoard consists of various types of objects which can be dated between the Br D–
Ha A1 and Ha B1 periods. Its time of deposition was in the Ha B1, based on late Debrecen
type socketed axes. This large assemblage originally weighed 8 kg and was found in a greyish
black ‘urn’ of 8 liters in size. The remaining 88 artefacts (3433 g) mostly consist of sickles and
axes, along with some knives, weapons, jewellery and two casting jets.169 Amália Mozsolics
has already called attention to one melted object, a Type Morzg razor, which can be charac-
terized by a typical amorphous shape and blistered surface as a result of fire treatment (Appx.
1.5, Fig. 16.1).170 Like the Csabdi find, no other object with similar treatment was found among
the rest of the objects in this hoard.
The Gyermely-Szomor hoard (Komárom-Esztergom County), probably found in an Urnfield
settlement, is also important to mention. The composition of the assemblage can be charac-
terized by jewellery, tools, weapons and some raw material. Most of them were deposited in
a broken state, some showed traces of use or repair. Similarly to the previous examples, the
Gyermely-Szomor hoard also has a long relative chronological pattern. Its time of deposition
was identical to the Badacsonytomaj assemblage (Ha B1) (Appx. 2.3–4). Again, a single object,
a bent and partly melted wire is completely different from the rest of the fragmented objects.
It has amorphous blistered surface (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.5).171
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
5 6 7 8
9a 10a
11 9b
12a 12b
Fig. 16. Melted objects from the Late Bronze Age Transdanubian hoards: 1 - Badacsonytomaj (Balatoni
Museum, Photo: Tarbay 2018, Pl. 5.62), 2 – Csabdi-Bükkös erdő/Bükköstető (Szent István
Király Museum, Photo: Tarbay 2018, Pl. 37.3, Pl. 40.34–35), 3 – Gyermely-Szomor (HNM, Photo:
J. G. Tarbay), 6–8 – Balatonudvari-Fövenyes (HNM, Photo: Károly Kozma), 9–10 – Keszőhidegkút
(HNM, Photo: J. G. Tarbay), 11–12 – Pölöske (HNM, Photo: J. G. Tarbay) (Appx. 1.5).
János Gábor Tarbay
From the hoards found earlier, the last example for objects that underwent fire treatment can
be found in the Keszőhidegkút scrap hoard from Southern Transdanubia. This hoard is a large,
327-piece assemblage from which the chronologically oldest finds can be dated to the Br B2/C
and Br D period (for example Type Chramostek dagger, palstave),172 among the youngest
(Ha B1) a broken Hajdúböszörmény-stlye metal vessel and a late type flanged sickle can be
found.173 The rest of the finds are correlating with Amália Mozsolics’s dating to the Ha A1.
This is a typical scarp hoard, which consist of broken and manipulated objects. Most of them
are sickles and axes, while some fragmented weapons, jewellery, metal vessels, raw materials,
a cheek piece and sheet metal objects represent other categories (Appx. 2.3). Two unique ob-
jects can also be found in it. One of them is a torques fragment, the torsion pattern of which
became melted due to heat damage (Fig. 16.9a–b). The other is a half fragment of a ring, the
breakage surface is also amorphous and blistered (Fig. 16.10a–b, Appx. 1.5).
The latest example of this phenomenon was excavated in Pázmándfalu (Győr-Moson-Sopron
County). At this site, three hoards were found. Gábor V. Szabó interpreted them as personal
sets of a ‘military leader’ (Hoards 1–2) and a ‘warrior’ (Hoard 3), which were taken out from
the pyre and buried as funeral hoards in the framework of a ‘hero cult’ related ritual.174 Regard-
ing the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds, the Pázmándfalu hoards can be considered important.
• 1) One of them show the same weapon-jewellery-metal vessel combination (Hoard 1).
• 2) The hoards were found in ‘heaps’.
• 3) No human remains were excavated in their vicinity.
• 4) Intentional manipulations and damages were observed on the metal objects.
• 5) Even melted objects were selected to some hoards (Hoard 1 and 3).175
The treatment, selection and combination of objects in these excavated assemblages sup-
port the idea that melted objects were selected to hoards in parallel with the burials with
weapons from the Bakony region. The unprovenanced ‘warrior equipment’ from the MoD
IMMH’s collection176, which consists of intentionally destroyed melted objects: a sword, a
helmet, knifes, greaves, a bronze cup and an unidentified object, a possible similar interpre-
tation can be considered.177 In any case, the secure contexts of the Pázmándfalu hoards are
strong arguments against interpreting of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ as a burial assem-
blage in the classic sense.
5.2.2. The Selection of Human Remains to Hoards
Around the same time when melted objects were selected to these hoards, cremation ritual
was predominant in the territory of Transdanubia. As many researchers pointed out, an im-
portant aspect of this ritual is the pars pro toto selection of human remains, a practice which
172 Amália Mozsolics dated the hoard to the Ha A1. Mozsolics 1985, 135–137. I suggested a Ha A–Ha B1 rela-
tive chronological pattern for the find, which should be reconsidered based on the presence of an old dagger
and a palstave. Novotná 1970, 43; Mozsolics 1985, Pl. 31.1, 18; Kemenczei 1988, 20, Pl. 6.60; Novák 2011,
83–86, Pl. 26.347; Tarbay 2018b, 336, List. 1.2. No. 4.
173 Mozsolics 1985, Pl. 33.11, Pl. 35.30; Patay 1990, 84, Pl. 70.166; Tarbay 2018a, 72, Appx. List 54, Map 88.
174 V. Szabó 2019, 61–71, Fig. 47–48.
175 V. Szabó 2019, 61–71.
176 Ministry of Defence’s Institute and Museum of Military History
177 Tarbay 2015a, 46–47.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
is analogous to the fragmentation of objects in hoards.178 Joanna Brück and Richard Bradley
suggested that parts of the deceased ancestors may have been circulated among the living or
went through different types of manipulations.179 From the Late Bronze Age, some examples
indicate that the body parts of the deceased may have been manipulated beside the archaeo-
logically visible normative mortuary rite.180 Body fragments, especially skulls were found in
the liminal spaces of settlements or at special topographical sites like wetland areas or caves.
In the archaeological record there are even some cases in which metal hoards are accompa-
nied by human bones.181 According to Joanna Brück such hoards cannot be simply interpreted
as ‘secondary burials’ but an independent hoard type, where the human remain is a meaning-
ful object that adds a special symbolic aspect to the rest of the selected finds.182
An important recent example is the pit (Bef. 29035) found in Oberwünsch (Germany, Sax-
ony-Anhalt State). At the bottom of the pit a Period V hoard was found, consisting of about
150 pieces of jewellery. Approximately 25 cm above the metal hoard a human skull with
attached cervical vertebrae and an almost complete left hand was excavated. Anthropological
analysis suggested that the skull belonged to a man, aged 45–60 who had a violent death as
a head fracture and a defense injury on his hand suggest. According to Klaus Powroznik and
Torsten Schunke, if the human remains were not accidentally put above the metal hoard, then
they may have a connection. After separation, the skull and the left hand were intentionally
placed there later as apotropaic defense.183 Similar deposition of human remains is known
from the literature in East Hungary. In 1930 a hoard was found between Mérk and Tibor-
szállás (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County). The hoard was found in a pot approximately 60
cm deep in the peat moss [Csicsor láp].184 The circumstance of discovery is quite interesting,
according to Sőregi: ‘A földmunkások a kb. 3½ literes agyagfazekat szétverték és belőle kiömlő
tárgyakat szétkapkodták. A kerek öblöshasú edény falához kívül vashoz hasonló rögök voltak
tapadva és az edény mellett emberi kéz-és lábszárcsontok feküdtek, koponya nékül.’ [The work-
ers crushed the approximately 3½ litres clay pot and brought away the objects spilled from
the vessel. Iron-like lumps stuck to the wall of the round bellied pot and human hand and leg
bones without the skull lay next to the vessel.] (Fig. 17).185 Except for one or two bronze finds,
almost all the objects were collected from the site. From a typo-chronological point of view,
the Mérk-Tiborszállás hoard is not special. It is a common Ha B1 hoard, consisting of tools
and some jewellery. Without the description of the discovery it would never be suspected that
it is different in any way than the rest of the hoards from this area. In case of the Mérk-Ti-
borszállás hoard, it can be assumed that it might be analogous to the Oberwünsch hoard, as
certain parts of the deceased were selected and placed right beside the hoard. It is unfortunate
that the human remains were not collected as they might have had same anthropological
marks, similar to the ones found in Oberwünsch.186 In both cases the hand appeared which
were most likely a meaningful part187 and a ‘universal symbol’ that could represent the special
János Gábor Tarbay
skills of the whole body, and act in ritual performances on what the deceased have done in
life.188 It is very likely that hands had special symbolic meanings in the Carpathian Basin. Gá-
bor Ilon has recently examined the Late Bronze Age clay hands from Transdanubia. Based on
analogues, he suggested that they are primary votive objects related to healing and the female
sphere.189 A larger clay imitation in damaged state is known in ritual context from Vlaha-Pad,
Transylvania (Romania).190
Fig. 17. 1 – The marshland landscape where the hoard was found between Mérk and Tiborszállás on
the 2nd Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire, 2 – Schematic reconstruction of the hoard’s context
(after Sőregi 1931, 74).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
In this respect, two Transdanubian hoards should be mentioned, in which the deposition of
human remains can also be observed. A fine example is the hoard from Orci [Orczi] (Somogy
County) that consists of eight flanged sickles, a socketed axe, a spiral tube, a blunt head-
ed-pin with fishbone pattern and the fragment of another piece, two sheet metal armrings,
a decorated ring with tapering terminals and a Passamenterie fibula. Among the weapons a
broken sword can be mentioned, as well as a worn spearhead and two daggers. It also con-
tained two partitioned plano-convex ingots. All bronzes were deposited in a ceramic pot.191
The composition of the Orci hoard is average within the deposition pattern of the Br D–Ha
A1 Transdanubian material, what is less common is its original context. The studies on this
hoard from the 1800s suggest the presence of human remains. According to Ingvald Undset:
‘A bronztárgyakat egy agyagedényben lelték, állítólag égetett csontokkal együtt’ [The bronze
objects were found in a ceramic vessel, allegedly together with burnt bones.].192 In 1886,
Gyula Melhárd also noted similar phenomena: ‘A nagy, két fülü fazekat, melybe a régiségek
rejtve voltak, a beleütközött ekevas összezúzta ; az edény fenekén különben összetörött csontok-
ra akadtak. A találók az edény-darabokat és csont-maradvány tartalmát, mint szerintök érték-
teleneket szétszórták…’ [The large pot with handles, in which the antiquities were hidden,
was crushed by the coulter; however broken bones were found at the bottom of the pot. The
finders discarded the potsherds and bone fragments worthless to them,…].193 József Hampel
referred to cremation rite: ‘…a bronzok alatt apró elhamvasztott csontrészletek voltak.’ [small
cremated bone parts were below the bronzes].194 All reports on the context suggest that some
bone parts were selected to the hoard.
Perhaps the most important example in this regard is the Pölöske hoard (Zala County). The
context of the find was described by Count Béla Széchenyi and Vilmos Lipp. They were also
the ones who collected the objects from the workers and sent it to the HNM. As stated by
Count Széchenyi, the hoard was found during the channel deepening of the Szévíz River. In
a depth of approximately 2 meters a large ceramic pot was found (75 cm), which was broken
by the finders. The map drawn by the Count to his letter, was dated 1st February 1887 (HNM
Archive Document No. 1887.26a). According to him, the hoard was found approximately 0.5
km north from Pölöske. It is possible that this wetland area can be identified as the south-
eastern part of the Hamuházi dűlő based on the Cadastral Maps of the Habsburg Empire (19th
century).195 On the plates which depicted the finds selectively, a typical hoard belonging to
the Kurd Horizon (Ha A1) can be seen.196 It consists of 38 pieces of intact and broken sickles,
most of them showing intense traces of use. The second largest object group are axes, three
winged-axes, four socketed axes, which also shows traces of wear. A broken and worn cast
ring and a sheet metal bracelet, a conical-headed pin and a metal sheet tube was also found.
Among the weapons three winged axes, a hilt fragment of a Type D sword197, a decorated
metal hilt plate and a large Group B Variant B2 spearhead can be noted.198 A metal vessel
191 Undset 1884, 200–208, Pl. 1–2; Hampel 1886b, Pl. 117.1–3, 5–12, 18–30; Melhárd 1891, 96; Hampel 1892,
108; Mozsolics 1985, 165–166, Pl. 120; Kemenczei 1988, 30, 49, Pl. 10.123, Pl. 23.226.
192 Undset 1884, 200.
193 Melhárd 1886, 231.
194 Hampel 1886b, Pl. 117.
195 gróf Széchenyi 1887, 57–58; Lipp 1887a, 56–57; Hampel 1892; Mozsolics 1985, 171–178; Patay 1990, 83–84.
196 gróf Széchenyi 1887, Pl. 2; Lipp 1887a, Pl. 1; Hampel 1892, Pl. 154–155; Mozsolics 1985, Pl. 124–128.
197 Kemenczei 1988, 65, Pl. 38.349.
198 Bader 2015, 383–384.
János Gábor Tarbay
fragment, most likely a folded bottom of a situla was also placed in this hoard.199 It is also
notable that objects related to metallurgy in the guise of 8 plano-convex ingots and two drop-
lets were included.200 By studying the entire content of the hoard, not only the typologically
important pieces, some objects can be observed, which are quite different compared to the
rest of the finds. These finds are a partly melted ring (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.11) and other melted
objects which seem to be an amorphous ‘lump’ of burnt ‘bones’ (Appx. 1.5, Fig. 16.12a–b). This
observation should be verified in the future, but if it indeed contains human bones, it would
mean that the Pölöske hoard is the first case from Transdanubia where cremated remains
from hoards were preserved.
5.2.3. Selection of Melted Objects and Human Remains
The examples listed above support the concept that objects manipulated by fire and even
human body parts could have been selected to some Transdanubian hoards. The reason why
only a few of these cases are known is most likely the result of the scarcely described find
circumstances and the lack of modern documentation on the assemblages found later. Various
scenarios were introduced where the crucial elements of a prehistoric identity (weapon, jew-
ellery, body parts) were selected. In addition to the burials (Fig. 18.1), half-melted objects are
also present in hoards, which are no more special than others (for example Badacsonytomaj,
Csabdi etc.) (Fig. 18.5). Usually, only a few pieces (one to three) were selected to these assem-
blages. Such finds may also have been deposited to wetland sites (for example the Rába River,
Fövenyes) similarly to their Western European counterparts (Fig. 18.6). We can observe their
presence in unique hoards that show set-like combinations, like the Pázmándfalu assemblag-
es, which were interpreted as ‘funeral hoards’ (Fig. 18.7). Beside the multiple burial interpre-
tation, this hypothesis is best suited for the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds. There are several
possibilities how human remains could have been selected to metal hoards (Fig. 18.2, 3, 4). In
the territory of Transdanubia in the Late Bronze Age, we are aware of two examples that may
represent the selection of cremated human remains. These remains from the Orci hoard were
lost before the acquisition of the assemblage and in case of the Pölöske hoard, further analysis
of the melted lump is required to support this hypothesis. Metal recycling was not discussed,
but this process must have been a natural part of object selection in prehistory, and beside the
obvious ritual and symbolic reasons it may have stood behind the pars pro toto selection of
artefacts, which is present in all other scenarios (Fig. 18.1–7).
The selection scenarios described above suggest that there is a close connection between the
different archaeologically tangible phenomena (hoarding, burial rite, wetland hoard etc.). A
fine example is the link between the burial practices and metal hoards, which can be further
supported by the ‘asymmetric’ nature of selection. To illustrate this connection, swords can
be highlighted, which only appeared in a handful of Transdanubian burials (Appx. 2.2), while
hundreds of these weapons were selected to large scrap hoards or to wetland areas like the
Danube and Rába Rivers or Lake Balaton.201 Such an ‘asymmetry’ is not unique from a Euro-
pean perspective, since it has been observed in the Late Bronze Age territories of Italy and
the Netherlands, too.202
199 Mozsolics 1985, Pl. 127.9; Patay 1990, 83–84, Pl. 70.160.
200 gróf Széchenyi 1887, 57–58.
201 Mozsolics 1975b; Szathmári 2005.
202 Roymans – Kortlang 1999, 53–56; Fontijn 2005, 51; Fischer 2011, 1303; Bietti Sestieri et al. 2013, 157.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 18. ‘Fragmentation’ of Warrior Identity: 1 – Burial with melted objects and human remains,
2 – Deposition of human remains to wetland context, 3 – Selection of human parts and cremated
remains to metal hoards, 4 – Selection of melted objects and human remains to metal hoards,
5 – Selection of melted objects to metal hoards, 6 – Deposition of weapons to wetland areas,
7 – Warrior equipment hoards, sometimes with melted objects, 8 – Recycling (Graphics: J. G. Tarbay).
János Gábor Tarbay
There are two important questions related to the selection of melted objects, which need to be
clarified by the finds with better context and experimental archaeological methods: formula-
tion (1) and time (1).
• 1) Were the bronze objects placed on a funeral pyre and burnt along with the rest of
the grave goods, or were they separately manipulated, perhaps by the contribution
of a specialist, and then selected to the burial or hoards?203 Were there any special
ritual places similar to the burnt offering sites (Brandopferplatzen) that served only
for this type of manipulation?204 When the fire damages visible on the objects are
random, their destruction on a funeral pyre seems more plausible, while the objects
the destruction of which shows a deliberate concept (for example the warrior equip-
ment from the MoD IMMH)205 may have been done by a specialist under controlled
• 2) Time is the second essential question. Were these finds deposited within a rela-
tively short time interval as a result of one ritual act or were they manipulated and
deposited for a long period of time as a result of different motivations? The latter
scenario may be true for those hoards which contain objects from several periods
(for example Keszőhidegkút). Such assemblages can be interpreted as votive offerings
towards a prominent member of the community. Another possibility is that the body
parts and the possessions (melted objects) of the deceased represent that the person
is still part of the community and they have a continuous and important place in the
communal rituals.
In this study the bronze finds from Tatabánya-Bánhida were discussed, which were inven-
toried to the collection of the HNM on 4th October and 29th December 1880. Some contradic-
tions have been clarified from the literature about the composition of these finds. Tatabá-
nya-Bánhida ‘A’ (acquisition: 4th October) can be interpreted as an assemblage consisting of
a flange-hilted sword, a ‘miniature greave’, a Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel (probably
situla), a Type B1 cauldron and an armspiral. Although it consists of some older fragments
(‘miniature greave’, sword), its time of deposition was in the Ha B1 period based on the rel-
ative chronological position of the metal vessels. It is more plausible that these assemblages
were two separate units, but other possibilities cannot be excluded (multiple burial or a fu-
neral hoard). The idea that the 1st Tatabánya-Bánhida hoard – two spears, a hook and a knife
– belonged together with these finds must be excluded. These finds’ time of deposition was
the Ha A2–Ha B1 and they are more intact, showing no such extreme manipulation traces
as the ‘A–B’ finds.
Special attention was given to the manipulations and selection of the Tatabánya-Bánhida
‘A–B’ finds. The applied macroscopic analysis allowed to draw a more accurate picture on the
original deposition condition of the objects. It can be concluded that finished products in ma-
nipulated state were selected to these finds. The Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ assemblage consisted
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
of a sword with worn blade-on-blade damages. This used weapon was intentionally destroyed
nearly to an unrecognisable state by different methods. On the surface edge notching, impact
marks of hacking tools (chisel, axe), bending and melting were observed at once. The alterna-
tion of shallow and quite deep marks on the object’s amorphous surface suggested that the
fragments were at different temperature during manipulation. The treatment of sword No. 2
is identical to the first. This used sword was also melted and showed traces of hacking tools.
In these cases, it can be observed that the complete physical destruction of weapons were car-
ried out by methods which are unnecessary from a metallurgical point of view (for example
partitioning, recycling etc.). Since both of them were used, they may have been ‘dangerous’
or ‘tainted’ objects that were used in combat to harm or kill other human beings, thus their
physical and symbolic manipulation was essential. The armspiral showed modern breakage
surfaces, thus its selection as a fragment is less certain. The valuable sheet metal products like
the cauldron and the Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel were broken, folded and damaged
by fire. Based on literature data, the fragmentation of Type B1 cauldrons are more common.
The above mentioned piece belongs to the A2B2C2 combination group, which includes small
fragments. Its treatment has fine parallels among the Transdanubian Ha B1 hoards like Sár-
bogárd and Gyermely-Szomor. The Bokavić hoard from Bosnia and Herzegovina can also be
highlighted. If the vessels from this Bosnian hoard belong to a situla, then it should be men-
tioned as a close parallel, just as the fragment from Keszőhidegkút. The broken ‘miniature
greave’ was identified based on its fine dimensions and comparison to analogues, which also
has a characteristic way of treatment among some of the Carpathian specimens of this type. If
the modern breakages are taken into account, it is evident that the selection of the Tatabánya
A-B finds represent a pars pro toto concept.
The Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find shows strong Northeast Carpathian features: 1. The Type
B1 cauldron and the Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel has several close parallels from
this area. 2. The typological selection of the finds, the combination of weaponry with metal
feasting set and armspiral, strongly reflects on the Ha B1 Hajdúböszörmény hoards from the
Upper Tisza region. Both phenomena fit well into the interaction model of Northeast Trans-
danubia,206 in which the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ was the result of an individual occurrence (for
example mobility of a prominent person or mercenary with his or her belongings) or rather
possibilities, the explanation of which would require better documented contexts.
The second question was the type of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ assemblage. There was no
notice if any human remains or ceramic pots were found along this find. The only informa-
tion available was that they were found in one heap. There was a hypothesis based on the
selection of melted objects that this assemblage was a burial or a multiple burial, if A and B
originally belonged together. However, in Transdanubia so far all known burials with swords
are chronologically older (Br C–Ha A1) than the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’. Moreover, the metal
grave goods in these burials are nowhere near to this assemblage. In the Ha B1 period, except
for two burials from Békásmegyer, bronze cups were not selected to these finds. In contrast,
swords, metal vessels and even armspirals are present as stray finds or in different hoard types
during the Ha B1 Transdanubia. Merely on a typological basis, the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’
find is more related to local hoards than burials from the same period. There are some ar-
guments that suggest that the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ may have been a special hoard type.
János Gábor Tarbay
For this interpretation, several examples were introduced from Transdanubia and from Eu-
rope about the selection of melted bronzes and human remains in hoards. These support the
idea that beside the archaeologically perceptible burial context, the melted objects and human
parts can be symbolic elements in hoards. Within the several different options, the Tata-
bánya-Bánhida ‘A’ find is more similar to the funeral hoard from Pázmándfalu, which also
showed a set-like combination of personal equipment. It is hard to authentically reconstruct
a person who could have owned the metal finds from Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’. It is a fact that
it contained the elements of a prestigous feasting set, which followed a new Northeast Car-
pathian design. These appeared in prominent assemblages related to the elite across Europe.
This find also reflects on a warrior identity, by a used sword and a symbolic miniature greave.
I am most grateful to Eszter Tóth for the restoration of the Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ finds.
It was made possible to analyse the objects in depth with a microscope-camera. I would also
like to thank Péter Prohászka for providing me the 8/15th issue of the Komáromi Lapok and
to Béla Debreczeni-Droppán and László Szende for helping my research in the archives of the
Hungarian National Museum. The writing of this study was supported by the NKFI PD_20
Research Fund grant No. 134910 (The Technology, Use and Manipulation of Weapons from
the Late Bronze Age Transdanubia).
Appendix 1207
1. Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A–B’ (1880)
Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘A’ (objects inventoried in 14 October 1880; Inv. Nos. HNM 1880.145.1–3)208
1.1. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.d): Melted fragment of a flange-hilted sword, decorated with two parallel
lines, which curved before the hilt. The object is bent, broken, and impacts of bladed tools are visible
on its surface. Modern breakage was also observed along its blade. 76.51×42.21 mm, Th. 10.96 mm, Wt.
107.3 g (Fig. 19.1.1, Fig. 22.1, Fig. 26.2–3).
1.2. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.e): Bent and broken blade fragment of a sword, decorated with two par-
allel lines. The object’s surface is amorphous and blistered due to heat damage. A vertical impact is
visible on the fragment’s body. Cracks are visible on its surface. One of the breakage surfaces is sharp,
the other is rounded. It belongs to No. 1.3 fragment. 54.41×33.87 mm, Th. 9.13 mm, Wt. 62.4 g (Fig.
19.1.2, Fig. 22.1.2, Fig. 27.2).
1.3. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.f): Bent and broken blade fragment of a sword, decorated with two par-
allel lines. Cracks are visible on its surface. The sword’s breakage surface is rounded. A small droplet
is fused on the blade. It belongs to No. 1.2 fragment. 41.41×31.68 mm, Th. 9.01–9.45 mm, Wt. 50.9 g
(Fig. 19.1.3).
1.4. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.g): Blade fragment of a sword, decorated with two parallel lines. Modern
breakage is visible on the object. A charcoal piece was corroded to the object’s surface. 29.82×30.88
mm, Th. 10.22 mm, Wt. 28.7 g (Fig. 19.1.4, Fig. 27.3, 6–7).
1.5. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.h): Bent and broken blade fragment of a sword, decorated with two par-
allel lines. Tool impacts are visible on the object. The sword piece is partly melted. 41.21×36.81 mm,
Th. 9.21 mm, Wt. 45.3 g (Fig. 19.1.5, Fig. 22.3 – 4, Fig. 23.1).
207 Abbreviations: L. length, Th. thickness, Th. (b) thickness of the blade, W. width, W (r.) width of the rim, W.
(b/mr) width of the blade and midrib, H. height, Wt. weight.
208 3 metal sheet fragments were lost in the collection of the HNM (Inv. No. 145.1880.3).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
1.6. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.c): Bent and broken, melted blade fragment of a sword, decorated with
two parallel lines. Modern breakages are visible along its cutting edge. A small fragment belongs to
this object, which was recently broken. Impacts are visible along its cutting edge. 37.22×26.49 mm, Th.
9.26 mm, Wt. 26.9 g (Fig. 19.1.6, Fig. 23.2, 4).
1.7. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.b): Bent sword blade fragment, decorated with two cast parallel ribs. Its
breakage is recent and originally it belonged together with No. 1.8. Small impacts are visible on one
end of the fragment, while its surface is blistered due to fire one the other end. Micro-sized notches
are observable along its cutting edge. 103.26×39.04 mm, Th. 9.82 mm, Wt. 160 g (Fig. 20.1.7, Fig. 24.1,
Fig. 25, Fig. 26.1).
1.8. Sword (HNM, 145.1880.1.a): Melted and bent tip fragment of a sword. It is decorated with two par-
allel cast ribs, and a bundle of six lines near to the tip. The breakage of the object is recent and it was
originally joint with sword No. 1.7. Large and small impacts of bladed tools are visible on its surface.
79.31×37.96 mm, Th. 10 mm, Wt. 88 g (Fig. 20.1.8, Fig. 24.2–4, Fig. 27.4).
2. Armspiral (HNM, 145.1880.2): Bent armspiral fragment with triangle cross-section. Its breakage is
recent. L. 76.65 cm, Th. 6.32×3.73 mm, Wt. 9.1 g (Fig. 21.2).
3.1. Cauldron (HNM, 145.1880.3): Rim fragment of a cauldron. It is decorated with a bundle of five lines
and a row of semi-circle dots. Inner part of the fragment is amorphous due to heat damage and another
metal sheet object is fused to its surface (No. 4). 40.99×30.73 mm, Th. 2.47 mm, Wt. 13.8 g (Fig. 21.3.1).
3.2. Cauldron (HNM, 145.1880.3): Folded rim fragment of a cauldron. It belonged to object No. 3.1. The
fragment is bent and melted. A bundle of five lines can be observed below its rim. 33.89×48.05 mm, Th.
1.74 mm, Wt. 23 g (Fig. 21.3.2).
3.3. Cauldron (HNM, 145.1880.2): Large handle fragment with cracks. It belongs together with No. 3.4.
85.53×24.74 mm, Th. 7.69×7.51 mm, Wt. 32.7 g (Fig. 21.3.3).
3.4. Cauldron (HNM, 145.1880.2): Handle fragment, it belongs to No. 3.3. 41.87×8.26 mm, Th. 7.01×6.99
mm, Wt. 11.1 g (Fig. 21.3.4).
3.5. Cauldron (HNM, 145.1880.2): Terminal of a cauldron handle, it probably belonged to objects No.
3.3 and 3.4. 23.47×28.50 mm, Th. 5.45×5.42 mm, Wt. 11.5 g (Fig. 21.3.5).
4. ‘Miniature greave’ (HNM, 145.1880.3): Small amorphous metal sheet fragments. One of them has
a folded rim. Modern fragmentation is visible on the object. 21.35×15.23 mm, Th. 1.68–8.47 mm, Th.
(metal sheet with rim) 3.11mm, 0.80 mm, Wt. 3.5 g (Fig. 6.2, Fig. 21.4, Fig. 27.5).
5. ‘Situla’ (HNM, 145.1880.3): Folded metal sheet fragment, decorated with a line of embossed dots that
is framed by repoussé lines. Triangle-shaped repoussé pattern is visible below the previously men-
tioned pattern. The object is partly melted. Another metal sheet fragment of the same object is fused
to its reverse. On this metal sheet parallel bundles of repoussé lines can be seen. 35.43×34.65 mm, Th.
0.92 mm, Wt. 6.0 g (Fig. 6.1, Fig. 21.5).
Tatabánya-Bánhida ‘B’ (objects inventoried on 29th December 1880; Inv. No HNM 1880.180.1–2)
6.1. Sword (HNM, 1880.201.2): Blade fragment of a sword, decorated with a bundle of six lines. The
object is the upper part of the object No. 6.2. Its breakage is recent. The object is melted and impacts
of bladed tools can be observed in its surface. 69.82×34.51 mm, Th. 8.32 mm, Wt. 48.6 g (Fig. 21.6.1, Fig.
27.8, Fig. 28.1).
6.2. Sword (HNM, 1880.201.1): Tip fragment of a sword. It belonged together with No. 6.1. The object
is amorphous, bent and melted. Its breakage is recent. Worn notches and dents are visible along its
surface. Impacts are noticeable near the cutting edge. L. 134.47×31.84 mm, Th. 8.93 mm, Wt. 91 g (Fig.
21.6.2, Fig. 28.2–4).
János Gábor Tarbay
The blade of the object is hammered and sharpened. L. 152 mm, W. (r) 25×22 mm, W. (b/mr) 42×13 mm,
Th. (b) 1 cm, Wt. 114 g (Fig. 10.1).
Spearhead (HNM, 147.1880.1): Spearhead with leaf-shaped blade, two peg holes and a conical socket.
A cast vertical rib is visible on its profiled midrib. A misrun defect is visible on its midrib. The object’s
surface is grinded, its cutting edge is sharpened. L. 150 mm, W. (r) 24×22 mm, W. (b/mr) 39×12 mm,
Th. (b) 1 cm, Wt. 109 g (Fig. 10.2).
Hook (HNM, 147.1880.4): Bronze hook with rhomboid cross-section and tapering terminals. It is ham-
mered near to its terminals. 62×35 mm, Th. 5×5 cm, Wt. 16 g (Fig. 10.3).
Knife (HNM, 147.1880.3): Flanged knife with broken tip. Its flange base is V-shaped and has three rivet
holes. The blade is curved and shows micro-sized nicks. L. 202 mm, W. 27–18 mm, Th. 7–1 mm, Wt.
73 g (Fig. 10.4).
209 The Rába sword was acquired along with 2 pins and one spearhead and several Medieval objects. These
finds were found during the regulation of the Rába River. Only the sword and one pin are still preserved.
Inventory Book of the HNM 1894, 48–49.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Appendix 2210
List 1: Type B1 cauldrons (von Merhart 1952, 5–6; Patay 1969a, 175, Tab. 1; Patay 1990,
21–29; Novotná 1991, 47–48; Thevenot 1991, 107–108; Koós 2004, 95, Fig. 8; Кобаль 2006;
Schmidt – Segschneider 2014, 473, fn. 11–12)211
1. Alba Iulia (RO) s., 1 pc (C1): Pârvan 1982, 179–180, Fig. 198; Soroceanu 2008, 126–127, Pl. 16.90.
2. Blanot (FR) h., 1 pc (Ha A–Ha B1, Ha B1) (C2): Thevenot 1991, 39–41, Fig. 29.2.
3. Budapest-Nagytétény (HU) s., 1 pc (C1): Jelentés 1912, 37; Patay 1990, 25, Pl. 23.30.
4. Brăduţ (RO) u. h., 2 pcs (Ha B1) (C4): Soroceanu 2008, 127–128, Pl. 17.91, Pl. 18.92.
János Gábor Tarbay
5. Dubravica (RS) r. (Morava), 1 pc (C1): Косорић 1966, 191–192, Fig. 1–2; Jacanović 1995, 101, Fig. 2.
6. Évans (FR) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C7): Ganard – Piningre 2015, 175–176, Fig. 162; Piningre – Ganard
2015, 59–62, Fig. 49–52.
7. Egyek-Kendertag (HU) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C2): Sőtér 1936, 57–58, Fig. 18.1; Patay 1990, 21, Pl. 3.6;
Mozsolics 2000, 43.
8. East Hungary s., 1. pc (C1): Koós 2004, 83, Fig. 1.
9. Hajdúböszörmény-Csege halom (HU) h., 2 pcs (C8): Patay 1969a, Pl. 46.2; Patay 1990, 21–22, Pl.
4.7, Pl. 5.8.
10. Hajdúsámson 2 (HU) h., 3 pcs (C1): Patay 1990, 22, Pl. 6.9, Pl. 7.10, Pl. 8.11; Mozsolics 2000, 47.
11. Hajdúszovát (HU) h., 1 pc (C1): Sőregi 1942, 52, Fig. 14; Patay 1990, 22, Pl. 9.12; Mozsolics 2000, 49.
12. Hejőszalonta (HU) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C4): Patay 1990, 22–23, Pl. 9.13; Mozsolics 2000, 49–50.
13. Hennickendorf (DE) se., 1 pc (C1): Martin 2009, 91, Pl. 32.126.
14. Hvedholm (DK) m., s. or h., 1 pc (C1): Thrane 1965, 180–181, Fig. 14.
15. ‘Obišovce’ (SK) u. h., 1 pc (‘C3’): Bartík 2007, 15–17, 19–21, Fig. 3.
16. Ozeriany [Jezierzany] (UA) h., 3 pcs (Ha B1) (C1): Gedl 2001, 62, Pl. 66.A1, Pl. 67.A2–A3,
17. Karcag (HU) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C5): Patay 1990, 23, Pl. 10.15; Mozsolics 2000, 51–52.
18. Kántorjánosi (HU) u. h., 1 pc (undatable/Ha B1) (C4): Jósa 1895a, 249; Jósa 1895b, 355; Patay 1990,
23, Pl. 10.14.
19. Kisvarsány (HU) s., 1 pc (C1): Mozsolics 1967, U19; Patay 1990, 23, Pl. 11.16.
20. Kopřivnice (CZ) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C1): Nekvasil – Podborský 1991, 12–13, Pl. 4.29; Salaš 2005,
21. Krásna nad Hornádom (SK) h., 1 pc (C1): Novotná 1991, 48, Pl. 9.49.
22. Kuchava (UA) h., 2 pcs (C1): Kobal’ 2000, 83–84, Pl. 84D.2.
23. Kunysivtsi [Kunisowce] (UA) h., 4 pcs (Ha B1–Ha B2 or Periode V) (C1): Gedl 2001, 62–63, Pl.
24. ‘Lúčky’ (SK) u. h., 1 pc (C1): Novotná 1991, 47, Pl. 9.48.
25. Máriapócs (HU) h., 2 pcs (C1): Patay 1990, 23, Pl. 12.17, Pl. 13.18.
26. Mezőkövesd (HU) h., 2 pcs (C9): Patay 1969a, 171–173; Patay 1990, 23, Pl. 13.20, Taf. 14.19.
27. Moigrad 1 (RO) h., 2 pcs (Ha B1) (C4): Soroceanu 2008, 128–130, Pl. 20.93–94.
28. Nyírtelek (HU) s., 1 pc (C1): Patay 1990, 24, Pl. 15.21.
29. Nedilys’ka [Niedzieliska] (UA) h. 1 pc (Period III–Period IV/V) (C3): Gedl 2001, 63–64, Pl. 75.
30. Pácin 3 (HU) u. h., 1 pc (X/Ha B1) (C4): Patay 1990, 24, Pl. 15.22; Mozsolics 2000, 64.
31. Podkonice (SK) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C1): Novotná – Kvietok 2018, 4, 9–14, Abb. 5–6, Pl. I.2.
32. Rohod 3 (HU) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C4): Patay 1990, 24, Pl. 16.23; Mozsolics 2000, 68–69.
33. Sâncrăieni 1 (RO) h., 1 pc (Ha B1) (C1): Petrescu-Dîmboviţa 1978, 144; Soroceanu 2008, 130, Pl.
34. Skočjan (SI) cave, at least 3 pcs (‘C1’): Jereb 2016, 104, Pl. 122.261–263.
35. Szentes-Nagyhegy 3 (HU) h., 3 pcs (Ha B1) (C6): Patay 1990, 24–25, Pl. 17.24, Pl. 18.25, Pl. 19.26;
Mozsolics 2000, 77–78.
36. ‘Tetétlen’ (HU) u. h., 1 pc (C1): Patay 1990, 2; Soroceanu 2008, 259–261, Pl. 19.
37. Tiszakarád-Szárnyasszög tanya 2 (HU) h., 2 pcs (Ha B1) (C1): Mozsolics 1969, 62; Patay 1990, 25,
Pl. 20.27, Pl. 21.28.
38. ‘Tolcsva-Várhegy’ (HU) h., 2 pcs (X/Ha B1) (C9): V. Szabó 2013, 798–801, Fig. 4.5–6, Fig. 5.3, 8.
39. Zepernick (DE) s./u. h., 1 pc (C1): Martin 2009, 91, Pl. 33.125.
40. Vaslovivtsi (UA) s., 1 pc (C1): Клочко – Козыменко 2017, 234, Fig. 12.
41. Vester Skjerninge (DK) gr., 1 pc (Period IV/Ha A2–Ha B1) (C4): Thrane 1965, 175–179, Pl. 10a.1–12.
42. Visuia (RO) h., 2 pcs (Ha B1) (C1): Dănilă 1976, 69–70, Fig. 1.1–2, Fig. 3.6, Fig. 7; Soroceanu 2008,
130–132, Pl. 21.97, Pl. 22.96.
43. Voloka (UA) h. from the edge of a Gáva-Holihrady settlement, 1 pc (Ha B1) (C1): Войнаровский
– Смирнова 1993, 183–184, Fig. 1.1; Кобаль 2006, 92, 94, Fig. 1.1.
44. Unterglauheim (DE) gr., 2 pcs (Ha B1) (C3): Jacob 1995, 83, Pl. 31.222, Pl. 32.223.
45. Unprovenanced (HU) s., 1. pc: Patay 1990, 25, Pl. 22.29.
46. Unprovenanced (AT) s., 1 pc: Prüssing 1991, 72, 74, Pl. 66.254.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
List 2: Burials with swords from Transdanubia (after Kemenczei 1988; Kemenczei 1990;
Kemenczei 1991; Novák – Váczi 2012, 106, Appendix 1, Fig. 5)212
1. Bakonyszűcs-Százhalom, Mound 8, ‘grave goods’,213 dating (Br D–Ha A1), MS: Inventory Book
of the HNM 1875, 190; Inventory Book of the HNM 1876, 465; Dax et al. 1972, 58; Kemenczei
1991, 77, Pl. 64.291; Jankovits 1992a, 6–10, Fig. 3.1.
2. Bakonyszűcs-Százhalom, Mound 10, grave goods (spearhead, sword fragments, bronze fragments),
dating (Br D–Ha A1): Inventory Book of the HNM 1875, 190; Jankovits 1992a, 10, Fig. 4.3.
3. Bakonytamási-Hathalom, Mound 7, stray find sword from burial: Inventory Book of the HNM
1875.175.5; Kemenczei 1988, 226, Pl. 26.246; Kőszegi 1988, 121, No. 93; Kemenczei 1990, 222, Fig. 4.3.
4. Bakonyjákó-Somhát, Mound 6, Grave 2, rite (cremation), grave goods (ceramic vessel set, 1 sword,
1 spearhead, 1 pin), dating (Br D), MS: Dax et al. 1972, 29; Kemenczei 1988, 47, Pl. 20.205; Kőszegi
1988, 120; Kemenczei 1990, 222, Fig. 3.A8; Jankovits 1992b, 318–319, Fig. 62.4.
5. Balatonfűzfő, Grave 6, rite (cremation, scattered), grave goods (ceramic vessel set, 1 sword, 1
winged-axe, 1 knife, 9 arrowheads, 1 pin, bronze rivets), gender (male, aged 25–35 years), dating
(Br D–Ha A1), MS: Ilon 2012; Ilon 2015, 34–38, 42, Fig. 8.3.
6. Csabrendek, Grave, rite (inhumation),214 grave goods (1 pot, 1 torques, 1 sword), dating (Ha A1):
Darnay 1899, 28, 30, 37, Pl. 12.7–8; Patek 1968, Pl. 59.13; Kemenczei 1988, 75, Pl. 46.402 (Fig. 13.3).
7. Csabrendek-Hegyelő, Grave ‘B’, rite (inhumation), grave goods (1 belt, 1 spearhead, 1 sword),
dating (Br D): Hampel 1886a, 4; Hampel 1887, 174–175, Pl. 1.8–9; Hampel 1892, 20, Pl. 132.8–9;
Darnay 1899, 29, Pl. 11.8–9; Patek 1968, 28–29, Pl. 58; Bakay et al. 1970, 45, Fig. 8.3; Kemenczei
1988, 59, Pl. 33.304; Kemenczei 1990, Fig. 2.6 (Fig. 13.2).
8. Csabrendek, Grave 12, rite (inhumation), grave goods (1 dagger, 2 spearheads, 2 swords), dating
(Br D–Ha A1): Dorner 1884, 231–232, Pl. E.1–2; Darnay 1899, 30, Pl. 12.12, 14; Bakay et al. 1970,
46; Kemenczei 1991, 79, Pl. 65.313–314 (Fig. 13.1).
9. Csögle-Kispáskom, Mound 15, stray finds from burials (3 swords), MS: Patek 1968, 30, 124, Pl.
62.14–15; Bakay et al. 1970, 64, Pl. 4.1, 5–6; Kemenczei 1988, 46–47, Pl. 19.196, Pl. 20.206; Ke-
menczei 1990, 226, Fig. 9.6, 12.
10. Galambok-Hársas-erdő, Object 412, Grave, rite (cremation, urn), grave goods (ceramic vessel set,
1 sword), dating (Ha A1), MS: Száraz 2008, 69–70, Fig. 8.1a–c, 3.
11. Jánosháza, Mound, Grave 1983/2, grave goods (ceramic vessel set, 1 sword, 1 pin, 1 funnel-shaped
pendants, knobs, rings, spiral tubes, ‘stone’/glass/amber beads), dating (Br C/D), MS: Fekete 2004,
161–163, Fig. 4.
12. Keszthely-Legelő-dűlő 1. parcella, Mound 1, feature I, tomb, rite (inhumation), grave goods (1 sword,
212 MS = melted sword. Flóris Rómer also notes that sword fragments were found in burials from the Bakony-
bél-Vall cemetery. Rómer 1878, 121–122, Fig. 47; Jankovits 1992a, 5.
213 The content of the 8th and 10th mounds is hard to reconstruct due to the contradict data in literature, the lack
of context and the loss of finds. See Inventory Book of the HNM 1875, 191; Hampel 1886a, 40; Hampel
1892, 6–7; Holste 1951, 13, Pl. 23.12–18; Dax et al. 1972, 58; Mozsolics 1985, 90; Jankovits 1992a, 6–10,
Fig. 3. According to Katalin Jankovits, the 8th tumulus contained 1 chisel, 1 ‘palstave’ [winged-axe], 2 spear-
heads, 3 sword fragments, 1 dagger, 1 pin, 1 melted bronze lump, 1 ribbed armring, ‘horseshoe-shaped’
bronze lump [casting jet] (Jankovits 1992a, 6–10, Fig. 3). These are finds from two acquisitions (1875, 1876).
The inventory book also noted that teeth, bone fragments, a bronze fragment, ‘clay’ fragments, bone and
metal fragment mixed with dirt were part of the second acquisition. See Inventory Book of the HNM
1876, 465 (1876.326.1–7). It is worth to note that Vall and Gáthegy-Tuskós was also suggested as possible
find-spot for the dagger of the 8th tumulus. See Dax et al. 1972, 21–22, No. 2/7, 23–24, No. 2/16, 58. We
assume that one spearhead might belong to the Bakonybél site based on the description of the Inventory
Book. Inventory Book of the HNM 1875, 190 (1875.175.3); Jankovits 1992a, 6, Fig. 3.3.
214 This sword was described as a stray find by Tibor Kemenczei. See Kemenczei 1988, 75. We believe that it
may have been identical with a burial discussed by Kálmán Darnay. According to his description, this inhu-
mation grave was found ca. 50–60 steps from the cemetery during pit digging, ca. 80 cm depth. On the right
side of the 160 cm long skeleton a ceramic pot was placed. The broken sword was laid beside the left arm
of the deceased. Also, a circular sectioned torques with rolled terminals was on its neck. See Darnay 1899,
28, 30, 37, Pl. 12.7–8 (Fig. 13.3). K. Darnay also noted a 3rd grave that contained 2 sword blade fragments
(a narrow and a wide) and a spearhead (Darnay 1899, 28).
János Gábor Tarbay
1 pin, 1 urn-shaped pot215), gender (‘male’), combat injury (half of the occiput was cut off), dating
(mittlere Hügelgräberzeit, Br C1; Br B2-C1/2): Lipp 1885, 370–373; Lipp 1887a, 53–54; Lipp 1887b,
11–14; Hampel 1892, 63–64, Pl. 134; Kuzsinszky 1920, 87–88; Bakay et al. 1966, 95, Pl. 10.15;
Kemenczei 1988, 38, Pl. 13.156, Pl. 59A; Neumann 2009, 104–105; Godiš – Styk 2019, 215–216,
221–227, Pl. I, Pl. IIA.
13. Keszthely-Sömögyei-dűlő, Grave 7, feature IX, tomb, rite (inhumation), grave goods (1 sword in
wooden sheath, 1 pin), gender (‘male’), dating (mittlere-jüngere Hügelgräberzeit, Br C): Lipp 1886,
352–353; Lipp 1887a, 53–54; Lipp 1887b, 11–14; Kuzsinszky 1920, 88; Bakay et al. 1966, 95; Ke-
menczei 1988, 37, Pl. 59B; Godiš – Styk 2019, 216–227, Pl. II.B, Pl. II.1–2.216
14. Mosonszolnok-Jessehofi puszta [Mosony-Szolnok], stray finds from a cemetery (2 swords), MS:
Sőtér 1892, 209–210, Pl. 2.1,3; Hampel 1896, Pl. 187.1,3; Patek 1968, 132, Pl. 46.6–11; Kemenczei
1988, 54, 59, Pl. 27.258, Pl. 34.307.
15. Nagykanizsa-Alsóerdő, Grave/stray finds from cemetery (1 sword, 3 cone-headed pins), dating
(jüngere-späten Hügelgräberzeit, Br C2/Br D): Patek 1968, 60, 132, Pl. 93.1; Kemenczei 1988, 44–45,
Pl. 17.188.
16. Pénzesgyőr-Gyulaberki tábla, stray finds from mounds (sword, spearhead, pots, bones), dating (‘Br
D–Ha A1’): Dax et al. 1972, 216, No. 66/4; Kőszegi 1988, 172, No. 910.
17. Zalakomár-Alsó-Csalit, Grave, rite (cremation), grave goods (1 sword, 1 spearhead, 1 bronze object,
1 dagger fragment): Kreiter 2007, 324, No. 441.
List 3: Transdanubian hoards deposited in the Ha B1, containing swords, metal vessels or
armspirals (after Kemenczei 1996; Váczi 2013a, 348–350, Fig. 46)217
1. Balatonfenyves, incomplete hoard, Ha B1: Mozsolics 1975a, 9, Pl. 8; Kemenczei 1996, 53, Fig. 1;
Mozsolics 2000, 34, Pl. 3; Váczi 2013a, Fig. 46.
2. Gyermely-Szomor, hoard, Br D/Ha A1–Ha B1: Vásárhelyi 1899; Hampel 1892, 48, Pl. 159; Mozso-
lics 1985, 121–122, Pl. 240–242; Kemenczei 1988, 75, Pl. 46.404; Patay 1990, 32, Pl. 26.38; Tarbay
2015b; Tarbay 2018a, 522–527, Pl. 86–92.
3. Nagydém 1a–1b, mixed hoards, Br D/Ha A1–Ha B1: Archaeologiai Értesítő 1892, 383–384;
Hampel 1892, 383–384; Hampel 1896, Pl. 195; Mozsolics 1985, 152; Kemenczei 1991, 37, 40, 49, Pl.
28.119–120, Pl. 29.119–120, Pl. 33.139, Pl. 34.139, Pl. 43.192; Tarbay 2018a, 590–594, Pl. 201–223.
4. Jobaháza, hoard, Ha B1: Kugler 1903, 14–15; Holste 1962, 21, Taf. 26.1; Kilian-Dirlmeier 1975,
96–97, Pl. 32.391; Kemenczei 1996, 55, Fig. 4–5; Mozsolics 2000, 50, Pl. 41; Váczi 2013a, 349.
5. Keszőhidegkút, hoard, Br B2/C–Ha B1: Tompa 1937, 108; Patay 1968, 242–243, Fig. 1.2–3; Mozsolics
1985, 135–137, Pl. 31–35; Kemenczei 1988, 20, 48, 60, 71, Pl. 6.60, Pl. 21.210, Pl. 35.318, Pl. 46.405, Pl. 72–
74; Patay 1990, 36–37, 39, 69, 84, Pl. 27.48, Pl. 45.113–114, Pl. 70.166; Uckelmann 2012, 16–17, Pl. 1.2.
6. Sümeg-Újhegy 2, metal vessel hoard, Ha B1: Szentmártoni Darnay 1889, 258–263; Darnay 1899,
20–23, Pl. 8–9; Gerloff 1986, 103, Fig. 11; Patay 1990, 80, Pl. 64.144, Pl.65.145; Mozsolics 2000, 75,
Pl. 90.2–3; Gerloff 2010, 390.
7. Sárbogárd-Sárszentmiklós, hoard, Ha B1: Kemenczei 1996, 55, 84, Fig. 7–9; Váczi 2013a, 289–290,
350, Pl. 54.
8. Szentgyörgyvár-Felsőmánd B, hoard, Ha A–Ha B1: Tarbay – Havasi 2019.
9. Szombathely-Jáki út, hoard, Br D/Ha A1–Ha B1: Ilon 2002; Ilon 2004, 52–57, Pl. 28–50; Tarbay
2018a, 652–665, Pl. 320–348.
215 According to the Intentory Book of the HNM, 14 potsherds were acquired. Based on a sketch, one of them
was decorated with cross-hatched triangles. Inventory Book of the HNM 1885, 156.
216 According to Jakub Godiš and Matej Styk, the lost sword (Boiu Ia, variant 1b, Br B2–C1) published by T. Ke-
menczei after J. D. Cowen and F. Holste may not be identical with the one described by V. Lipp. The original
sword was undecorated and it had six peg holes. Lipp 1886, 352–353; Cowen 1966, 303, No. 1, Pl. 18.7, Fig. 1;
Kemenczei 1988, 37, Pl.12.149, Pl. 59B.1; Neumann 2009, 104–105; Godiš – Styk 2019, 225.
217 According to the authors, the time of deposition is highlighted in italic. Hoards in case ofwhich relative
time of deposition cannot be described more precisely than Ha A2–Ha B1 or its assigment to Ha B1 is
insecure were not included in the List. See Tarbay 2018a, Fig. 127. For other relative dating, suggested by
different researchers, see Appx. 2.4.
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
10. Tatabánya-Bánhida 2, hoard, Br D/Ha A1–Ha B1: Kemenczei 1983; Mozsolics 1985, 201–202;
Kemenczei 1991, 83–85, Pl. 68.404; Tarbay 2018a, 670–676, Pl. 354–367.
11. Tatabánya-Ótelep 3, hoard, Br D/Ha A1–Ha B1: Mozsolics 1985, 202; Jungbert 1986; Patay 1990,
59, Pl. 40.88A; Tarbay 2018a, 677–678, Pls 368–370.
12. Nagydobsza, hoard, Ha A1–Ha B1: Tarbay 2016b; Tarbay 2017b; Tarbay 2018a, 595.
13. Várvölgy, metal vessel hoard, Ha B1: László 1982, 27, No. 61; Gerloff 1986, 103; Patay 1990, 33,
36, 47, 80, No. 42A, No. 46A–B, No. 69, No. 145A, Pl. 27.46A–B, Pl. 36.69A, Pl. 66.145A; Mozsolics
2000, 88–89, Pl. 113; Gerloff 2010, 390.
14. Várvölgy-Nagyláz hegy 4, hoard, Ha B1: Müller 2006, 234–235, Fig. 3; Müller 2007, 15, Pl. 8.
15. Velem 1a–1b, mixed hoards, Br D–Ha A1–Ha B1: Hampel 1896, Pl. 225–240; Kárpáti 1896, 295–
304; Miske 1896; Kárpáti 1897; Mozsolics 1985, 211–213, Pl. 228–231; Tarbay 2018a, 696–714.
János Gábor Tarbay
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János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 19. The sword from Tatabánya-Bánhida A (recent damages highlighted in red) (HNM, Photos:
J. G. Tarbay) (No. 1, Appx. 1.1).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 20. The sword from Tatabánya-Bánhida A (recent damages highlighted in red) (HNM, Photos:
J. G. Tarbay) (No. 1, Appx. 1.1).
János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 21. 1–5 – Armspiral, cauldron, Hajdúböszörmény-style metal vessel, ‘miniature greave’ from
Tatabánya-Bánhida A, 6 – Tip fragment of the Tatabány-Bánhida ‘B’ sword (recent damages high-
lighted in red) (HNM, Photos: J. G. Tarbay) (Appx. 1.1).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 22. Macroscopic observations on the sword from Tatabánya-Bánhida A. 1–3 – Blade impacts on
melted surface, 4 – Blade impact on cutting edge (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 23. Macroscopic observations. 1 – Blade impacts in cluster, 2 – Edge notching, 3 – Shallow blade
impacts, 4 – Cut-like marks (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 24. Macroscopic observations. 1 – Cracks caused by bending, 2 – long blade impact (axe) 3–4 –
Blade impacts in cluster (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 25. Macroscopic observations. 1 – Cutting edge, 2 – Worn V-shaped notch, 3–4 – Dents in clus-
ters, 5 – Worn notch (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 26. Macroscopic observations. 1 – Fine grinding marks and an incomplete cast rib, 2–3 – Details
of the No. 1 sword’s hilt part (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
János Gábor Tarbay
Fig. 27. 1 – Amorphous melted breakage surface, 2 – Sharp breakage surface, 3 – Completely melted
breakage surface, 4 – Modern breakage surface, 5 – Folded rim of the ‘miniature greave’, 6 – Sword
blade fragment with recent breakage surface and a coal piece, 7 – Micrograph of the coal piece, 8 –
Deep blade impact on a sword blade (Photos: J. G. Tarbay).
A Late Bronze Age Assemblage from Tatabánya-Bánhida and the Selection of Melted Bronzes
Fig. 28. 1 – Axe blade-like imprint. 2 – Deep impacts. 3–4 – Shallow worn notches and dents (Photos:
J. G. Tarbay).