Fra 3 Art. 1619 1641
Fra 3 Art. 1619 1641
Fra 3 Art. 1619 1641
If the re-sale has been perfected, the If two or more adjoining owners desire to
owner of the adjoining land shall have a exercise the right of redemption or
right of redemption, also at a reasonable pre-emption:
price. When two or more owners of ● The adjoining owner whose
adjoining lands wish to exercise the right intended use of the land appears
of pre-emption or redemption, the owner to be justified is preferred.
whose intended use of the land in
question appears best justified shall be ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE:
preferred. (n)
Having discovered that part of her ancestral
Pre-emption: Right of purchasing before house was erected on an adjoining lot of 59
others. It is exercised when the land is square meters, X wanted to exercise her
about to be resold against the ORIGINAL right of pre-emption but the lot owner asked
buyer (new vendor). for the exorbitant sum of P9,000. Later, the
● Adjacent owner 59-square-meter lot was sold to another
(redemptioner/original vendor) shall adjoining owner for only P1,500.
pay a reasonable price.
● X has a better right to the lord
because her intended use of the NOTE: The deed of sale cannot be
land appears to be best justified. Her registered without an affidavit from the
house was occupying the lot through vendor (original buyer) that he has given
no fault on her part. written notice to all possible redemptioners.
NOTE: If the assignment only appears in Article 1627. The assignment of credit
a private instrument, the assignment is includes all the accessory rights, such
only enforceable among the parties and not as a guaranty, mortgage, pledge, or
to third persons. preference. (1528)
D owes C P10,000. The debt is evidenced Even in these cases, he shall only be liable
by a promissory note. Thereafter, C for the price received and for the expenses
assigned his credit right to X. specified in No. 1 of article 1616 (the price
● If X cannot collect from D because of the sale; and expenses of the contract
the note was issued for an illegal and other legitimate expenses).
gambling debt, C will be liable to X
for breach of warranty as to the The vendor in bad faith shall always be
legality of the credit. answerable for the payment of all expenses,
● If X cannot collect from D because and for damages. (1529)
the debt had been prescribed, C will
be liable to X for breach of warranty
as to the existence of the credit.
LIABILITY OF THE ASSIGNOR WHEN D owes C P5,000 payable on October 1,
WARRANTIES ARE VIOLATED 2022. C assigned his credit to T with an
express warranty on the solvency of D.
1. Assignor in good faith (PEL)
● Price received. ● If the agreement is that the duration
● Expenses of the contract. of C’s liability shall last for two years
● Other legitimate payments by from Oct 1, 2022, then such shall be
reason of the assignment. followed.
● If there is no stipulation and the
2. Assignor in bad faith (PELD) assignment was made on
● Price received. November 1, 2022, the liability is
● Expenses of the contract. limited to one year from the
● Other legitimate payments by assignment. (ASSIGNMENT AFTER
reason of the assignment. MATURITY)
● Damages.
If there is no stipulation and the
Article 1629. In case the assignor in assignment was made on September 1,
good faith should have made himself 2022, the liability is limited to exactly one
responsible for the solvency of the year after October 1, 2022, or October 1,
debtor, and the contracting parties 2023.
should not have agreed upon the (ASSIGNMENT BEFORE MATURITY).
duration of the liability, it shall last for
one year only, from the time of the NOTE: Provision is inapplicable if the
assignment if the period had already assignor is in bad faith.
Article 1630. One who sells an
If the credit should be payable within a inheritance without enumerating the
term or period which has not yet expired, things of which it is composed shall only
the liability shall cease one year after the be answerable for his character as an
maturity. (1530a) heir. (1531)
VENDOR’S WARRANTY FOR LUMP SUM Article 1537: All fruits shall pertain to the
SALE OF THE WHOLE OF CERTAIN vendee from the day on which the contract
The debtor may exercise his right within 6. Period within which the debtor may
thirty days from the date the assignee exercise the right/reimburse the
demands payment from him. (1535) assignee
● Within thirty days from the
WHEN RIGHT CONSIDERED IN date the assignee demands
LITIGATION payment from him.
● The credit or other incorporeal right
shall be considered in litigation from D borrowed P5,000 from C. When D
the time the complaint concerning did not pay the debt upon demand
the same is answered. by C, C filed a complaint against him
to collect the debt and D answered
REQUISITES OF RIGHT OF LEGAL the complaint. Here, the credit right
REDEMPTION IN SALE OF CREDIT OR is considered in litigation. Thereafter,
OTHER RIGHT IN LITIGATION C sold his credit right to X for
(SALPDRP) P4,000.
1. There must be a sale or
assignment of credit. ● D may exercise his right of
2. The credit or other incorporeal right legal redemption by
must be in litigation. reimbursing the assignee of
3. There must be a PENDING the P4,000, judicial costs
LITIGATION at the time of the incurred by D, and interest
assignment. The complaint by the on the P4,000 (from the day
assignor must have been filed, and X paid the amount to C).
answered by the debtor before the
sale of credit.
● Reimbursement must be CHAPTER 9 - GENERAL PROVISIONS
done within 30 days from the
demand of X Article 1636. In the preceding articles in
this Title governing the sale of goods,
unless the context or subject matter
Article 1635. From the provisions of the otherwise requires:
preceding article shall be excepted the
assignments or sales made: DEFINITION OF TERMS
(1) "Document of title to goods" includes
The debtor’s right of redemption shall not be any bill of lading, dock warrant, "quedan," or
available when the assignment of the right warehouse receipt or order for the delivery
of litigation is made: of goods, or any other document used in the
ordinary course of business in the sale or
(1) To a co-heir or co-owner of the right transfer of goods, as proof of the
assigned possession or control of the goods, or
authorizing or purporting to authorize the
Ex. Nangutang si D ni X and Y. X and Y possessor of the document to transfer or
sued D for collection and D answered the receive, either by indorsement or by
complaint. While the case was pending, X delivery, goods represented by such
sold his share of credit to Y. D cannot document.
redeem the share of X from Y.
"Goods" includes all chattels personal but
(2) To a creditor in payment of his credit not things in action or money of legal tender
in the Philippines. The term includes
Ex. Nangutang si D ni X, unya si X naay growing fruits or crops.
utang ni C. X sued D for collection and D
filed his answer. While the case was Items not included in the term “Goods”
pending, X assigned his credit right C. D
cannot redeem against C. 1. Thing/Chose in Action - Any claim or
right which may be pleaded in a suit of
(3) To the possessor of a tenement or law.
piece of land which is subject to the right in
litigation assigned. (1536) Ex. A claim of reparation for a torr or right
guaranteed under certain types of contracts.
● Same ang person na gibaligyaan
and giassignan. 2. Legal tender - Currency which a
debtor can legally compel a creditor to
Ex. D obtained a loan from C, where D accept in payment of a debt in money
mortgaged his lot to secure the debt. Then, when tendered by the debtor in the right
D sold his lot to X. When D could not pay, C amount.
sued D. While the case was pending, C
assigned his credit to X. D has no right of "Order" relating to documents of title
legal redemption against X. means an order by indorsement on the
"Quality of goods" includes their state or TITLE VII - BARTER OR EXCHANGE
Article 1638. By the contract of barter or
"Specific goods" means goods identified exchange one of the parties binds
and agreed upon at the time a contract of himself to give one thing in
sale is made. consideration of the other's promise to
give another thing. (1538a)
An antecedent or pre-existing claim,
whether for money or not, constitutes Barter: Where instead of paying a price in
"value" where goods or documents of title money, another thing is given in lieu thereof.
are taken either in satisfaction thereof or as
security therefor. Barter: A contract whereby one transfers
the ownership of non-fungible things to
(2) A person is insolvent within the another with the obligation on the part of the
meaning of this Title who either has ceased latter to give things of the same kind,
to pay his debts in the ordinary course of quantity, and quality.
business or cannot pay his debts as they
become due, whether insolvency ● Perfected from the moment there is
proceedings have been commenced or not. a meeting of minds upon the things
(3) Goods are in a "deliverable state" ● Consummated from the time of
within the meaning of this Title when they mutual delivery of the things
are in such a state that the buyer would, promised.
under the contract, be bound to take
delivery of them. (n) NOTE: View pages 227-228 for examples
on barter and usufruct. View Article 1468 for
Article 1637. The provisions of this Title the difference between sale and barter.
are subject to the rules laid down by the
Mortgage Law and the Land Registration Article 1639. If one of the contracting
Law with regard to immovable property. parties, having received the thing
(1537a) promised him in barter, should prove
that it did not belong to the person who
● Under the Mortgage Law and the gave it, he cannot be compelled to
Land Registration Law, the deliver that which he offered in
registration of documents or titles exchange, but he shall be entitled to
pertaining to immovable property is damages. (1539a)
the operative act that binds the
property. Only after registration shall ● Nakadawat si A sa thing promised
the right of third persons be from B, pero na prove ni A na dili
adversely affected by the sale diay to under the ownership of B ang
1. He cannot be compelled to deliver
the thing he offered in the barter
2. He is entitled to damages.