Risk Management Policy Template
Risk Management Policy Template
Risk Management Policy Template
4. Guidance notes are shown in [red text] and can be deleted during
Disclaimer: Any proposed methodologies outlined in this document are provided without warranty
of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance,
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This ‘Risk Management Policy’ template is
made available on the basis that the contributing organisations, Sport New Zealand and any
persons or entities acting for any of them expressly exclude all liability for damages or loss arising
from any use of, or reliance upon, any information in this document.
The purpose of this risk management policy is to communicate <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME>’s commitment to managing enterprise-wide risks and to
establish clear responsibilities for itself in order to maximize strategic and operational
Risk is inherent in all aspects of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s activities and whilst
many of these risks cannot be eliminated they can, however, be identified, quantified and
controlled. Risks that impact on the objectives of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> can
offer both opportunity and threat. This policy is designed to provide <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME> personnel with a systematic framework in order to minimise
threats and maximise opportunities to <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>.
a. The Australian / New Zealand Risk Management Standard (AS/NZS ISO
31000:2009) defines risk management as “coordinated activities too direct and
control an organisation with regard to risk”.
d. Risk will manifest itself in many forms and has the potential to impact the health and
safety, environment, community, reputation, regulatory, operational, and financial
performance of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> and, thereby, the achievement
of the organisation’s objectives.
h. Risk issues will be identified, analysed and ranked in a consistent manner. Common
systems and methodologies will be used.
k. The effective management of risk is vital to the continued growth and success of
This policy is subject to formal review every <INSERT NUMBER> years.
a. Management will regularly review the risk register with their teams and update the
mitigation strategies and perceived level of risk as appropriate.
b. New risks will be added to the register through a formal notification process from staff,
management and directors to the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Chief Executive
c. A “top ten” list of major risks (as agreed by the Board) to be discussed at monthly
management meetings (fixed agenda item), together with any new or emerging risks.
d. The Board will be updated at each meeting through the Chief Executive Officer board
e. The Board to be briefed on all major risks by the Chief Executive Officer at each board
f. The Board to workshop all risks (with reference to the risk register) as well as a general
brainstorm / workshop on emerging risks at least 6 monthly.
[adjust the reporting requirements to suit your requirements and organisation scope]
e. Risk Owners
Risk owners are responsible for:
a) Identifying existing controls to help manage the risk;
Insignificant Minor Medium High Extreme
Risk Matrix
1 2 3 4 5
Rare 1 Low Low Low Moderate Moderate
The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has resolved that risk be assessed over
the following categories in relation to impact (consequence):
The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has resolved that the following risk
tolerance thresholds be used in relation to the actions <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>
personnel shall take in relation to managing risks.