Risk Management Policy Template

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Template: Risk Management Policy

Guidance for using this template:

1. This document is an editable template. It includes a range of
content/clauses which are generic to assist organisations with
establishing and implement an enterprise risk management policy.

2. Organisations using this template should ensure it is downloaded

from the Sport NZ website, reviewed, edited and fit for purpose
prior to implementation.

3. Fields that require editing are shown <IN ALL CAPITALS>

4. Guidance notes are shown in [red text] and can be deleted during

5. It is recommended that you cross-check the implications of this

policy with any other existing policies you may have in place to
ensure they align (such as a governance charter or board/CEO
delegation policy).

6. This cover page should be deleted in your final draft.

Disclaimer: Any proposed methodologies outlined in this document are provided without warranty
of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance,
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This ‘Risk Management Policy’ template is
made available on the basis that the contributing organisations, Sport New Zealand and any
persons or entities acting for any of them expressly exclude all liability for damages or loss arising
from any use of, or reliance upon, any information in this document.


<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 1

<INSERT ORGANISATION> Risk Management Policy

The purpose of this risk management policy is to communicate <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME>’s commitment to managing enterprise-wide risks and to
establish clear responsibilities for itself in order to maximize strategic and operational


This policy applies to directors, management and staff of <INSERT ORGANISATION

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> is committed to the formal, systematic and structured

proactive management of risks across the organisation.

Risk is inherent in all aspects of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s activities and whilst
many of these risks cannot be eliminated they can, however, be identified, quantified and
controlled. Risks that impact on the objectives of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> can
offer both opportunity and threat. This policy is designed to provide <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME> personnel with a systematic framework in order to minimise
threats and maximise opportunities to <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>.

a. The Australian / New Zealand Risk Management Standard (AS/NZS ISO
31000:2009) defines risk management as “coordinated activities too direct and
control an organisation with regard to risk”.

b. This policy confirms that <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> is committed to

implementing a strategic, consistent and structured enterprise-wide approach to risk
management in order to effectively manage opportunities for gain and minimise the
impact of threats causing losses.

c. This policy is aligned to reflect AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management –

Principles and Guidelines which provides the framework used to develop the
<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> enterprise-wide risk management framework.

d. Risk will manifest itself in many forms and has the potential to impact the health and
safety, environment, community, reputation, regulatory, operational, and financial
performance of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> and, thereby, the achievement
of the organisation’s objectives.

e. By understanding and managing risk, <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> will

provide greater certainty and confidence for our stakeholders, <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME> directors and employees, participants, and for the
communities in which we operate.

f. <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> will use our risk management capabilities to

maximise the value from our assets, projects, programs and other business
opportunities and to assist us in fostering participation and/or performance in our

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 2

g. Risk management will be embedded into our business activities, functions and
processes. Risk understanding and our tolerance for risk will be key considerations
in our decision making.

h. Risk issues will be identified, analysed and ranked in a consistent manner. Common
systems and methodologies will be used.

i. Risk controls will be designed and implemented to reasonably assure the

achievement of organisational objectives. The effectiveness of these controls will be
systematically reviewed and, where necessary, improved.

j. Risk management performance will be monitored, reviewed and reported. Oversight

of the effectiveness of our risk management processes will provide assurance to
executive management, the Board and relevant stakeholders.

k. The effective management of risk is vital to the continued growth and success of

This policy is subject to formal review every <INSERT NUMBER> years.


This policy will be available for viewing to any director or employee of <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME>. In addition, this policy may be made available to any third party
at the discretion of the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Chief Executive Officer.


The directors and management of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> view risk
management as integral to its strategic intent of <INSERT VISION AND OR PURPOSE

A. <Insert critical success factor)

B. <Insert critical success factor)
C. <Insert critical success factor)
D. <Insert critical success factor)
E. <Insert critical success factor)

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s risk management policy provides a system to

manage the risks associated with its core activities.


a. Risk management will be incorporated into the strategic and operational planning
b. Risk and the management of risk will be identified and monitored according to the
<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> enterprise-wide risk management policy;
c. Risk assessments will be conducted on all new ventures and projects prior to
commencement to ensure alignment with the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>
risk appetite and organisational objectives;
d. Risks will be identified, reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis as outlined in
Sections 10 to 15 of this policy;

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 3

e. Risks will be assessed and evaluated against the <INSERT ORGANISATION
NAME> Risk Management Framework (outlined in section 15 of this policy);
f. Relevant risks that are identified will be recorded within <INSERT ORGANISATION
NAME>’s risk management register;
g. All risks will be assigned an owner whose responsibilities are specified in this policy
under section 14 of this policy.


<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has adopted the principles detailed in AS/NZS ISO
31000:2009, to ensure risk management is effective within the organization. These
principles are:
a) Risk management creates and protects value
b) Risk management is part of decision making
c) Risk management explicitly addresses uncertainty
d) Risk management is systematic, structured and timely
e) Risk management is based on the best available information
f) Risk management is tailored
g) Risk management takes human and cultural factors into account
h) Risk management is transparent and inclusive
i) Risk management is dynamic, iterative and responsive to change
j) Risk management facilitates continual improvement of the organisation


The <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> risk management process is based upon the
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Process as shown in Figure 1 (below). Risks
identified will be managed according to this process.

Above: AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Process

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 4

In developing a culture of risk management, <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> senior
management is responsible for appropriate responses to manage risk, aided by the risk
action plans and the creation of a risk register.


a) has implemented a systematic process to assist in the identification, assessment,

treatment and monitoring of risks;
b) provides the necessary tools and resources to senior management and employees
to support the effective management of risks; and
c) reviews and communicates risk management best practice on a regular basis.


<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> assesses the effectiveness of its risk management
plan through structured continuous improvement processes to ensure risks and controls are
continually monitored and reviewed. This includes ongoing feedback loop via regular
senior management meetings and appraisal of risk owners’ actions taken to manage risks
via employee performance management.


<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> senior management via the <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME> Chief Executive Officer ensures that the Board is adequately
informed of significant risk management issues and the actions undertaken to manage risks
on a regular basis. The following reporting process is in place:

a. Management will regularly review the risk register with their teams and update the
mitigation strategies and perceived level of risk as appropriate.

b. New risks will be added to the register through a formal notification process from staff,
management and directors to the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Chief Executive

c. A “top ten” list of major risks (as agreed by the Board) to be discussed at monthly
management meetings (fixed agenda item), together with any new or emerging risks.

d. The Board will be updated at each meeting through the Chief Executive Officer board

e. The Board to be briefed on all major risks by the Chief Executive Officer at each board

f. The Board to workshop all risks (with reference to the risk register) as well as a general
brainstorm / workshop on emerging risks at least 6 monthly.

[adjust the reporting requirements to suit your requirements and organisation scope]


The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> is responsible for overseeing the
establishment (and implementation via management) of risk management systems and
reviewing the effectiveness of these systems.

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 5

The Board’s role in relation to risk includes:
i. overseeing the creation, implementation and maintenance of the risk management
system of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> and its internal control framework,
including information systems;
ii. establishing a risk profile for <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> setting out both
financial and non-financial material and/or strategic risks facing <INSERT
iii. reviewing the effectiveness of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s
implementation of its risk management systems and internal controls on an on-
going basis and reviewing the outcome of any non-financial audits;
iv. seeking to reach a common understanding with management and auditors about
the risk management process, key financial and regulatory risks and related
controls including focusing on the “key” risks which are considered to be currently,
or may in the future be, more significant or more likely to occur;
v. analyzing the effectiveness of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s risk
management and internal compliance systems and the effectiveness of their
vi. developing an understanding of the overall business environment, relevant laws
and codes of importance to <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> and the
programs/projects that <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has in place to provide
reasonable assurance of compliance;
vii. reviewing <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s health and safety at work policy
and ensuring regular reporting to the Board on issues related to workplace health
and safety;
viii. ensuring that the Chief Executive Officer states in writing to the Board annually
that the statement given to the Board that <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s
financial reports present a true and fair view, in all material respects, of <INSERT
ORGANISATION NAME>’s financial condition and operational results and are in
accordance with the relevant accounting standards, are founded on a sound
system of risk management and internal compliance and control which implements
the policies adopted by the Board;
ix. ensuring that the Chief Executive Officer states in writing to the Board annually
that <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s risk management and internal
compliance and control system is operating efficiently and effectively in all material
respects; and
x. reviewing insurance coverage and claims trends;

b. Risk Management Committee (RMC)

The RMC is comprised of the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Chairman (or delegated
Board member), Chief Executive Officer, Operations Manager (or similar) and
Finance/Commercial Manager. Legal, risk and insurance expertise is co-opted as required.
[*adjust the composition of the RMC to suit your requirements]
It is responsible for:
a. implementation of the principles, actions and requirements of the risk management
plan and monitoring its implementation within <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>;

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 6

b. provision of the necessary tools and resources to identify and manage risks;
c. review of risks on a quarterly basis, including identification of new risks, changes to
existing risks and retirement of previously identified risks (through a formal
decision making process);
d. the manner in which ownership of risks is taken by senior management or others in
accordance with function or expertise;
e. regular reporting of the status or risk items to the Board;
f. appraisal of risk owners’ actions taken to manage risk and correction of
inappropriate performance;
g. internal compliance and control systems for the implementation of the risk
management plan;
h. consideration of non-financial audits; and
i. compliance with regulatory requirements and best practice.

c. <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for:
a) Identifying legislation, policy and guidelines affecting risk management practices at
b) Maintaining <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s Risk Register;
c) Providing assistance and support throughout <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>
for risk management;
d) Organising appropriate risk management education and training for <INSERT
e) Monitoring the implementation of the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Risk
Management Framework across the organisation.

d. <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Managers / Senior Staff

Senior management will be responsible for:
a) championing the roll out of the <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> Risk
Management Framework into <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>’s operations;
b) ensuring staff understand their responsibilities with respect to operational risk
management; and
c) developing a risk aware culture within their area of responsibility.
d) Advising the Chief Executive Officer of needs for any training, development and
e) Maintenance of risk registers within their areas;

e. Risk Owners
Risk owners are responsible for:
a) Identifying existing controls to help manage the risk;

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 7

b) Developing treatment plans to reduce the likelihood and/or impact of the risk;
Monitoring the implementation of the treatment plans and reporting on their
effectiveness and outcomes; and
c) Monitoring and alerting senior management of significant changes in risk status.


1. Risk Matrix
The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has approved the following risk matrix

Insignificant Minor Medium High Extreme
Risk Matrix
1 2 3 4 5
Rare 1 Low Low Low Moderate Moderate

Unlikely 2 Low Low Moderate High High

Possible 3 Low Moderate High High Extreme

Likely 4 Low Moderate High Extreme Extreme

5 Moderate High High Extreme Extreme

2. Risk Grading Criteria – Impact Ratings

The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has resolved that risk be assessed over
the following categories in relation to impact (consequence):

a) Financial – impact on <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> finances

b) Operational – impact on provision of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> products,
projects and services
c) Brand/Reputational – impact on <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> brand and
general credibility
d) Physical/Safety – impact on the safety and well-being of people
e) Regulatory/Legal – impact on <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> regulatory
f) People – impact on corporate knowledge / continuity

(Impact ratings and criteria are shown on the next page)

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 8

Impact levels and criteria are shown in the following table:
Financial Operational Brand/ Physical/ Regulatory/ People/
        Reputational Safety Legal Participation
More than Unable to Collapse of Death or total Criminal Active
$100,000 deliver product/ organisation. permanent prosecution of participation
services in a Major inquiry disability of organisation declines by
region. into systemic player/ and/or Board more than 25%.
A risk that can
Extreme Widespread misconduct. participant due due to failure to
migration of Wholesale to compromised comply with the
catastrophic or
5 terminal for the
members to resignation of safety law.
competitor Board Members standards.
organisation. or Senior Preventable
Prohibited from Management. death of a
delivering member of the
competition at public.
any level.
More than Widespread Loss of affiliated Serious injury of Civil action Active
$25,000 but failure or loss of clubs/providers. player/ against participation
Risks which can less than product/service Investigation of participant due organisation declines by
significantly $100,000 standards. serious to compromised and/or Board more than 15%,
jeopardise some Increasing individual safety due to but less than
aspects of the migration of misconduct. standards. negligence. 25%.

4 organisation, but members to Loss of Preventable New regulations

which will not competitor significant skills serious injury of that impede
result in organisations’. from Board or member or operations.
organisational Unable to Senior public.
failure. deliver the Management.
More than Moderate Threats of Systemic Regulatory/ Net active

$10,000 but impact on withdrawal from injuries of police participation

less than product/service affiliated players/ investigation declines by
$25,000 standards. clubs/providers. participants with adverse more than 5%,
Unable to Failure of and/or public. findings against but less than
deliver local prominent Increased organisation 15%.
Risks which will sports branded project frequency of and/or Board.

cause some competitions. or product. near misses.

3 problems, but Widespread Failure of a club
nothing too discontent by or provider.
significant. members/partici Individual or
pants. group
public criticism
of the
More than Minor impact on Localised Minor injuries of Regulatory/ Net active
$1,000 but less product/service negative media players/ police participation
than $10,000 delivery. coverage. participants investigation of declines by
Competitive and/or public. organisation more than 0%,
Any risks which threats to and/or Board but less than

will have just a membership. without adverse 5%.

2 mild impact, but Constrained findings.
should be capacity to
addressed. meet the
demands of
existing or new
Less than Very minor, Media interest Insignificant Persistent Stable net
Risks which do

$1,000 temporary in local issue. injuries of complaints active

not pose any product/service players against membership.
significant threat disruption. /participants organisation
1 and which can be

and/or public. and/or Board.

left unmitigated
without special

3. Risk Grading Criteria – Likelihood Ratings

The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has resolved that the following probability
thresholds and ratings in relation to assessing risks be used.

Will probably occur more than once withn 12

5 Almost Certain
High probability that will occur at least once
4 Likely
within next 24 months
Reasonable likelihood that could occur more
than once in 24 months

2 Unlikely Not likely to occur within next 24 months

1 Rare Not impossible but highly unlikely

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 9

4. Risk Tolerance Levels

The Board of <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> has resolved that the following risk
tolerance thresholds be used in relation to the actions <INSERT ORGANISATION NAME>
personnel shall take in relation to managing risks.


 Operations / activity should be discontinued until level of
risk is able to be reduced (or written authorization to
continue is provided by the <INSERT ORGANISATION
EXTREME NAME> CEO and Chairman). Consider options for
reducing the impact or probability of the risk.
 CEO to be informed ASAP and provide urgent attention,
guidance and approval of mitigation strategy.
 Consider external advice (legal, insurance or risk advisor).
Tolerable level of risk – significant management &
monitoring required
 Action should be taken to ensure risk level is As Low As
Reasonable Practicable (ALARP). Consider options for
HIGH reducing the impact or probability of the risk.
 If level of risk is ALARP continue to manage using
documented operating procedures.
 Increase monitoring of controls to ensure effectiveness in
managing the risk.
Tolerable level of risk – follow operating procedures
 Ensure risk level is As Low As Reasonable Practicable
 If level of risk is ALARP continue to manage using
standard operating procedures with normal monitoring
Tolerable level of risk.
 Maintain existing controls. No additional controls required.

Policy Approved: [INSERT DATE]

Review Date: [INSERT DATE]

<INSERT ORGANISATION NAME> I Risk Management Policy 10

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