A. Dlp10.1final (AutoRecovered)

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School Malaybalay City NHS Grade Level 10

Teacher Mrs. Leovy R. Enot Learning Area English
Teaching dates Quarter Second
and Time Day 1

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures

and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals or groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and
viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and
extemporaneous speeches.
B. Performance Standards: The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech
emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC Code for each)

EN10LC-IIc-15.2: assess whether the speaker’s purpose is achieved or not

At the end of the 60-minute period, 80% of the students are expected to:
* mention the important lessons from the two paragraphs and the quotation (Your Journey)
* visualize the drawing and relate it to the theme: Building Ties
* discuss the answer of the guide questions about a given drawing

Module 2 : Establishing Solidarity
Lesson 2 : Building Ties (Your Journey)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 131-133
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 144-145
3. Textbook pages pp. 144-145
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Other Learning Resources Laptop (PowerPoint), LED TV/Projector, picture

Teacher’s Activity Student’s/ Pupil’s Activity

A. Reviewing previous What do you mean by the word, Possible answers:
lesson or presenting the ties...building ties? A strong connection between
new lesson people; a bond
(5 mins.)

B. Establishing a Have you experienced having Yes, Ma’am. Several times

purpose for the lesson conflicts with family members,
(5 mins.) friends, classmates, etc.?

What are the common reasons Answers may vary

of such conflicts? Students share their answer.

C. Presenting examples/ Your Journey

instances of the new
lesson Open your textbook on page
(8 mins.) 144.
Building Ties

Conflicts happen every-

where. It happens in the family,
among friends, in the
classroom, or around the
corporate conference table.
The good news is that it doesn’t
have to damage family
relationships, friendships, or
business deals. Knowing how
to resolve conflict, wherever it
happens, creates confidence
and eases pressure and stress.

Building Ties is one of the

best ways to resolve conflicts.
There must be a connection
between and among people
even in this diverse world.
Remember that we do not find
the meaning of life by ourselves
alone- we find it with other

Boys, you read the introductory


The boys read the two

“We cannot live only for introductory paragraphs.
ourselves. A thousand fibers
connect us with our fellow men;
and among those fibers, as
sympathetic threads, our
actions run as causes, and they
come back to us as effects.”
- Herman Melville

Girls, you read the quotation of

Herman Melville.

The girls read the quotation.

D. Discussing new Mention the important lessons Possible answers:
concepts and practicing we have learned from the two 1.Conflicts happen everywhere.
new skills #1 paragraphs and the quotation. 2. It doesn’t have to damage
(5 mins.) relationships, friendships, or
business deals.
3. Building ties is one of the
best ways to resolve conflicts.

4. Remember that we do not

find the meaning of life by
ourselves alone-we find it with
other people.
5. We cannot live only for

E. Discussing new Among the lessons you have Answers may vary 2
concepts and practicing mentioned earlier, choose one Students share their answer.
new skills #2 that has struck you most and
(10 mins.) explain orally why.

F. Developing mastery What Do You Perceive?

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
(3 mins.) You

visualize the drawing and relate

it to the topic: Building Ties.

G. Finding practical Discuss with your seatmate the

applications of concepts answer of the questions found
and skills in daily living below. Be ready to share your
(7 mins.) output with the rest of the class.

Look at the drawing again by

paying attention to its details.

1. What is the person trying to


2. Do you think he is doing the

right thing?

H. Making Complete the statement…

generalizations and If I were the person in the
abstractions about the picture, I would do/not do the
lesson same because____________.
(5 mins.)

I. Evaluating learning Share the output of your Answers may vary

(10 mins.) discussion with your partner.
(Please refer to the attached
rubric for scoring.)

J. Additional activities for Read about the singer, John

application or Lennon
(2 mins.)



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No of learners who required

additional activities for remediation 3

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:



Oral Presentation Rubric 4

Category 4 3 2 1
Eye contact Always has eye Most of the time Sometimes has Does not have eye
contact with the has eye contact eye contact with contact with the
audience. with the audience. the audience. audience.

Enthusiasm Very enthusiastic Most of the time Sometimes Does not appear
about the topic enthusiastic about enthusiastic about enthusiastic about
during the the topic during the topic during the topic during
presentation. the presentation. the presentation. the presentation.

Speaks clearly Speaks very Most of the time Sometimes Does not speak
clearly. Very easy speaks clearly. speaks clearly. clearly. Difficult for
for the audience to Easy for the Sometimes easy the audience to
understand. audience to for the audience to understand.
understand. understand.

Knowledge of Shows full Most of the time Sometimes shows Does not
Content understanding of shows understanding of understand the
content during understanding of content during content during
presentation. content during presentation. presentation.

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