A. Dlp10.1final (AutoRecovered)
A. Dlp10.1final (AutoRecovered)
A. Dlp10.1final (AutoRecovered)
At the end of the 60-minute period, 80% of the students are expected to:
* mention the important lessons from the two paragraphs and the quotation (Your Journey)
* visualize the drawing and relate it to the theme: Building Ties
* discuss the answer of the guide questions about a given drawing
Module 2 : Establishing Solidarity
Lesson 2 : Building Ties (Your Journey)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 131-133
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 144-145
3. Textbook pages pp. 144-145
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Other Learning Resources Laptop (PowerPoint), LED TV/Projector, picture
E. Discussing new Among the lessons you have Answers may vary 2
concepts and practicing mentioned earlier, choose one Students share their answer.
new skills #2 that has struck you most and
(10 mins.) explain orally why.
Prepared by:
Category 4 3 2 1
Eye contact Always has eye Most of the time Sometimes has Does not have eye
contact with the has eye contact eye contact with contact with the
audience. with the audience. the audience. audience.
Enthusiasm Very enthusiastic Most of the time Sometimes Does not appear
about the topic enthusiastic about enthusiastic about enthusiastic about
during the the topic during the topic during the topic during
presentation. the presentation. the presentation. the presentation.
Speaks clearly Speaks very Most of the time Sometimes Does not speak
clearly. Very easy speaks clearly. speaks clearly. clearly. Difficult for
for the audience to Easy for the Sometimes easy the audience to
understand. audience to for the audience to understand.
understand. understand.
Knowledge of Shows full Most of the time Sometimes shows Does not
Content understanding of shows understanding of understand the
content during understanding of content during content during
presentation. content during presentation. presentation.