курсова 2
курсова 2
курсова 2
Of Applied Linguistics
Presented by
student of the group Phl—46
Horobiovska Sofiia
Supervised by
Senior lecturer, PhD
Bondarchuk Nataliia
Lviv 2021
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological background.......................................................................5
1.1 Theoretical background..................................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Types of metaphors............................................................................................................8
1.1.2 Classification of metaphors....................................................................................................10
1.1.3 Purposes of metaphor.............................................................................................................10
1.1.4 Functions of metaphors..........................................................................................................11
1.2 Methodological background.........................................................................................................14
Chapter 2. Results and discussion..........................................................................................................17
2.1 Weather metaphors in Financial Times.......................................................................................17
2.2 Weather metaphors in The Sun....................................................................................................19
2.3 Weather metaphors in The Telegraph.........................................................................................20
2.4 Weather metaphors in The Times................................................................................................21
2.5 Weather metaphors in The Guardian..........................................................................................23
2.6 Weather metaphors in The I.........................................................................................................24
Statement of the problem. Any language is a universal system of signs,
potentially able to reflect everything that makes up the real world to describe any
objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. However, different languages
reproduce the same objects and phenomena differently. Language reflects reality,
creates its own picture of the world, specific and unique to each culture. Through a
linguistic tool such as metaphor, we can reveal the essence of one object or
phenomenon through the features of another, pointing to their similarity or
contrast. The object of the investigation is the weather metaphors in English.
The subject of the investigation is the translation of weather metaphors in
British online newspapers.
The topicality of this study is determined, by the importance of metaphor
translation for translation studies, including in the context of studying the cognitive
nature of metaphor, as well as a comprehensive approach to determining the
adequacy of translation of metaphorical images of the original.
The aim and objectives of the study are to study the linguistic and stylistic
parameters and functions of metaphor in the journalistic style, analysis of ways to
transfer it when translating from English into Ukrainian. In connection with this
goal, the following research objectives were identified:
• analyze the theoretical positions on definitions “News style and discourse”
and “metaphor”;
• consider ways to convey the metaphor of translations from English into
• prove the importance of the study of metaphor in the context of the NEWS
style of English language and methods of its translation.
Significance of the study. The significance of this article The relevance and
importance of this topic is determined by current trends in the study of metaphor
and the complexity of translating this category of vocabulary from English into
Definition of terms. The main terms in this research are metaphor and
discourse. There are a lot of different definitions of metaphor, however, because of
their similarity, the general one can be expressed. Metaphor is a figure of language
that directly compares one thing with another for a stylistic effect; the essence of
some phenomena and objects is revealed through others on the basis of their
similarity or contrast. Discourse — the subject of study of communicative
Theoretical frameworks. The current stage of development of linguistics
and translation studies is characterized by growing interest in the functioning of
metaphors in various fields of use and various language styles. Since the end of the
twentieth century metaphor is seen as an integral part of language, which is
necessary for communicative, nominative and cognitive purposes. As early as the
Middle Ages, J. Vico studied metaphor as the primary logic of unconscious
processes, which was embodied in the poetic creativity of the people. Later, similar
views were expressed by E. Cassirer, calling the metaphor a reflex of mythological
ideas about the world. Modern cognitologists (J. Lakoff, M. Johnson, N.
Arutyunova, A. Baranov, Y. Karaulov, A. Chudinov, O. Selivanova, L. Kravets)
see in the metaphor of a tool of thought: its use in different types of text leads to
the construction new hypotheses. One of the fundamental studies of metaphor in
cognitivism is the work of American scientists J. Lakoff and M. Johnson
“Metaphors as we live.”
Methodology. The following methods were used to solve the set goals and
objectives: an emotive and comparative analysis.
Research materials. The main sources used for carrying out the given
research are the articles from such newspapers: Financial Times, The Sun, The
Telegraph, The Guardian, The I, and The Times.
Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological background
1.1 Theoretical background
Methods that are going to be used to solve the set goals and objectives are
emotive and comparative analysis.
The principle of the emotive approach to language is that for the purposes of
classifying emotions in the lexical—semantic system of language, the most
thought—provoking is the philosophical understanding of emotions as a form of
evaluative reflection of reality and the psychological understanding of emotions as
a specific mental layer that is built on top of the mental image [16, p. 9].
Second example:
Literal translation:
Ще однією краплею на вітрі є досить несподіване рішення регулятора
фінансових послуг ЄС, Esma, дозволити інвесторам ЄС продовжувати
торгувати акціями європейських компаній, що котируються в фунтах
стерлінгів, у Лондоні.
Final translation:
Ще одним застереженням стало досить несподіване рішення
регулювальника фінансових послуг ЄС, ЄУЦПР, дозволити інвесторам ЄС
продовжувати торгувати акціями європейських компаній, які оцінюються в
фунтах стерлінгів у Лондоні.
This metaphor means a small sign that hints of something that is about to
happen .Unlike previous metaphor, “straw in the wind” has a lot of equivalences
in Ukrainian, such as: передвістя, передчуття, натяк, попередження and
застереження. In given example the most suitable equivalent is “натяк”.
However, taking into consideration the context of the sentence, the word
“застереження” is more suitable for the translation. That is why a contextual
technique was used.
“Take a straw and throw it up into the Air, you shall see by that which way
the wind is,” wrote John Selden (Table—Talk: Libels, ca. 1654). If we consider the
explanation of this metaphor, then we can mention another equivalent in Ukrainian
— Куди хилить вітер, туди й гілля гнеться.
Third example:
The Winter Olympics in Vancouver provide a blizzard of metaphors for the
current state of the world, with its dysfunctional political systems and economies
all crashing or going downhill. [5]
Literal translation:
Зимові Олімпійські ігри у Ванкувері дають бурю метафор для опису
нинішнього стану світу з його дисфункційними політичними системами та
економікою, які руйнуються або йдуть на спад.
Final translation:
Зимові Олімпійські ігри у Ванкувері пропонують багато метафор для
опису нинішнього стану світу з його неповноцінними політичними
системами та економікою, які руйнуються або йдуть на спад.
Blizzard is used figuratively, usually to refer to things that come suddenly in
large quantities and must be dealt with or processed: data, facts, information,
numbers, paperwork, questions and statistics. In such case the synonymous
substitution was used to translate the example. The equivalence of “ a blizzard of”
are: багато, безліч, тьма та незліченно. Also the technique of compression was
also used. “A blizzard of metaphors” – 4 lexemes, compressed into 2 lexemes –
“багато метафор”.
Fifth example:
After a whirlwind romance, the pair were engaged by the middle of the next
year. [14]
Literal translation:
Після вихрового роману до середини наступного року пара заручилася.
Final translation:
Після бурхливого роману, пара заручилася до середини наступного
Whirlwind is a small—diameter columnar vortex of rapidly swirling air.
Metaphorically whirlwind means a situation in which you experience a lot of
different emotions or a lot of different things that are happening one after another.
In this case the Ukrainian equivalence are: бурхливий та пристрасний. So the
translation with synonymous substitution was used.
On the other side whirlwind metaphorically can also mean a situation where
things happen really quickly. Equivalences in this case are: швидкоплинний,
недовговічний, тимчасовий. The whirlwind is always unpredictable, because
over time it can subside but will have time to cause great damage. Emotionally, we
can perceive a whirlwind on both the positive and negative sides
Seventh example:
Why my family are taking a 'Christmas raincheck' [15]
Literal translation:
Чому моя сім’я проходить “різдвяну дощу”.
Final translation:
Чому моя сім’я переносить Різдво?
In our everyday life when it starts raining mostly some of our planes gets
canceled and we have to reschedule them. So when we are saying we are taking a
rain check, we do not checking if it’s going to rain. Metaphorically it means that
we are deciding to do something but later because of certain circumstances. There
are no direct Ukrainian equivalences. But depending on context and using
contextual substitution the equivalence for “rain check” can be: перенести,
відкладати (дату) або відкласти (подію).
2.4 Weather metaphors in The Times
Eighth example:
Literal translation:
І хоча колективні переговори не є такими, як були, існуючі
співробітники часто отримують вітер з того що відбувається, і наполягають
на більшому.
Final translation:
І хоча колективні переговори не є такими, як були раніше, наявні
працівники часто дізнаються про те що відбувається, і наполягають на
The metaphor “get wind of” can be used metaphorically to indicate
something that comes on its own to bring news, especially when it has been a
secret. “To get a wind of” has a lot of equivalence, such as: дізнаватися,
довідуватися, пронюхувати, вивідувати, узнавати; (з чиїх уст) or почути від
когось. That is why synonymous technique was used.
Ninth example:
So if they hone in on it, they can play without clouded judgment or other
things complicating their thoughts. [16]
Literal translation:
Тож якщо вони відточують це, вони зможуть грати без хмарного
судження чи інших речей, які ускладнюють їхні думки.
Final translation:
Тож якщо вони зможуть зосередитися, тоді їх гра не буде викликати
затьмареного засудження чи інших речей, які можуть збити їх з пантелику.
Because of the clouds, we cannot see the sky clearly. That is why the
metaphorical meaning of “to be clouded” in the given example means to cause
someone to be unable to think clearly, to understand the situation or judge it
properly. The translation with synonymous substitution was used. Equivalences in
this case are: затьмарити, запаморочити, заморочити, затуманити,
Tenth example:
Rick Santorum thundered back into presidential contention last night with
a stunning hat—trick of victories as the Republican nomination race swept into the
Midwest. [16]
Literal translation:
Рік Санторум прогримів у відповідь до президентської боротьби
минулої ночі, зробивши приголомшливий хет—трик з перемогами, коли
гонка за номінацію від Республіканської партії прокотилася до Середнього
Final translation:
Рік Санторум гучно повернувся до боротьби за президенство минулої
ночі, отримавши приголомшливу трійну перемогу, коли Республіканської
номінаційна гонка захопила Середній Захід.
When we think about thunder than we imagine something loud and bright. When
something enchanting happens, it is very appropriate to compare it with a thunder.
Whether it is good or bad it won’t be unnoticed. To translate this metaphor
synonymous substitution technique was used. The Ukrainian equivalences for this
metaphor are: гучно or ефектно.
Twelfth example:
Hugs all round, the Zuck finds Congress a bit of a breeze. [12]
Literal translation:
Обіймає всіх, Цук вважає Конгрес вітряним.
Correct translation:
Обіймає всіх, для Цукерберга конгрес пройшов гладко.
Wind can blow strongly or gentle. The following we call a breeze.
Metaphorically “a bit of a breeze” it’s when something is easy to do or accomplish.
The Ukrainian equivalences for this metaphor are: легко, просто, гладко,
ніпочому (ніпочім). So for the given example such technique as synonymous
substitution was used.
Thirteenth example:
More wines like this will ensure that canned wine has a bright future. [12]
Literal translation:
Більше таких вин забезпечить світле майбутнє консервованого вина
Correct translation:
Більше таких вин забезпечить світле майбутнє консервованого вина
Word <bright> is mostly associated with the sun, that's why It can be
attributed to weather metaphors. In given example we can see that literal
translation is appropriate. Equivalence we can use to translate this metaphor in this
example is “світле”, as direct equivalence technique was used.
Fifteenth example:
From the opening gust of energy that rips through horn and strings, there’s a
sense of unwillingness to contemplate darkness, a desire to choose life, to buy into
the denial of the work’s drinking songs. [13]
Literal translation:
Від першого пориву енергії, що розриває валторну та струни, виникає
відчуття небажання споглядати темряву, бажання вибрати життя, погодитися
на заперечення застійних пісень твору.
Final translation:
З першого пориву енергії, що проривається крізь ріжок і струнні,
виникає небажання споглядати темряву, а натомість вибрати життя,
погодитися на заперечення застільних пісень твору.
In given example we can see that literal translation is appropriate. In the
metaphor “The wing came in the gust” the gust will mean a sudden brief rush of
wind, or as in the given example it will mean sudden outburst (a gust of emotion.)
This metaphor has an exact equivalent, that is why technique of direct equivalance
was used.
The critical point is to translate metaphor referring to the contexts. To get correct
equivalent of metaphor translated into another language, it is necessary to make a
deeper comparison with several equivalence. The second part of the practical
section shows a study of weather metaphors in the English language, in the chosen
articles the metaphors and its hidden meaning.
This course work shows the importance and possibilities of using the
metaphors in the results. The specificity of this work is to translate the weather
metaphors in British newspapers. This point also implies some limitations, as the
use of only one temple of translation in some way limits the ability to adequately
assess the understanding of the same metaphors in different languages.