02 Advancedsql
02 Advancedsql
02 Advancedsql
1 Relational Languages
• Edgar Codd published major paper on relational models in the early 1970s. He originally only defined
the mathematical notation for how a DBMS could execute queries on a relational model DBMS.
• User only needs to specify the result that they want using a declarative language (i.e., SQL). The
DBMS is responsible for determining the most efficient plan to produce that answer.
• Relational algebra is based on sets (unordered, no duplicates). SQL is based on bags (unordered,
allows duplicates).
2 SQL History
• SQL: Structured Query Language
• IBM originally called it “SEQUEL”.
• Comprised of different classes of commands:
1. Data Manipulation Language (DML): SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
2. Data Definition Language (DDL): Schema definition.
3. Data Control Language (DCL): Security, access controls.
• SQL is not a dead language. It is being updated with new features every couple of years. SQL-92 is
the minimum that a DBMS has to support in order to claim they support SQL. Each vendor follows
the standard to a certain degree but there are many proprietary extensions.
3 Aggregates
• An aggregation function takes in a bag of tuples as its input and then produces a single scalar value as
its output. Can only be used in SELECT output list.
Example: “Get # of students with a ’@cs’ login”. The following three queries are equivalent:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student WHERE login LIKE '%@cs';
• Thus, other columns outside aggregate must be aggregated or used in a GROUP BY command:
SELECT AVG(s.gpa), e.cid
FROM enrolled AS e, student AS s
WHERE e.sid = s.sid
GROUP BY e.cid;
• HAVING: Filters output results after aggregation. Like a WHERE clause for a GROUP BY
SELECT AVG(s.gpa) AS avg_gpa, e.cid
FROM enrolled AS e, student AS s
WHERE e.sid = s.sid
GROUP BY e.cid
HAVING avg_gpa > 3.9;
4 String Operations
• The SQL standard says that strings are case sensitive and single-quotes only.
• There are functions to manipulate strings that can be used in any part of a query.
• Pattern Matching: The LIKE keyword is used for string matching in predicates.
– “%” matches any substrings (including empty).
– “ ” matches any one character.
• Concatenation: Two vertical bars (“||”) will concatenate two or more strings together into a single
5 Output Redirection
• Instead of having the result a query returned to the client (e.g., terminal), you can tell the DBMS to
store the results into another table. You can then access this data in subsequent queries.
• New Table: Store the output of the query into a new (permanent) table.
SELECT DISTINCT cid INTO CourseIds FROM enrolled;
• Existing Table: Store the output of the query into a table that already exists in the database. The
target table must have the same number of columns with the same types as the target table, but the
name of the columns in the output query do not have to match.
6 Output Control
• ORDER BY: Since results SQL are unordered, you have to use the ORDER BY clause to impose a sort
on tuples:
SELECT sid FROM enrolled WHERE cid = '15-721'
You can use multiple ORDER BY clauses to break ties or do more complex sorting:
SELECT sid FROM enrolled WHERE cid = '15-721'
ORDER BY grade DESC, sid ASC;
You can also use any arbitrary expression in the ORDER BY clause:
SELECT sid FROM enrolled WHERE cid = '15-721'
ORDER BY UPPER(grade) DESC, sid + 1 ASC;
• LIMIT: By default, the DBMS will return all of the tuples produced by the query. You can use the
LIMIT clause to restrict the number of result tuples:
SELECT sid, name FROM student WHERE login LIKE '%@cs'
Unless you use an ORDER BY clause with a LIMIT, the tuples in the result could be different on each
7 Nested Queries
• Invoke queries inside of other queries to execute more complex logic within a single query. The scope
of outer query is included in inner query (i.e. inner query can access attributes from outer query), but
not the other way around.
• Inner queries can appear (almost) anywhere in query:
1. SELECT Output Targets:
SELECT (SELECT 1) AS one FROM student;
2. FROM Clause:
FROM student AS s, (SELECT sid FROM enrolled) AS e
WHERE s.sid = e.sid;
3. WHERE Clause:
SELECT name FROM student
WHERE sid IN ( SELECT sid FROM enrolled );
• Example: “Get the names of students that are enrolled in ’15-445’.”
SELECT name FROM student
WHERE sid IN ( SELECT sid FROM enrolled WHERE cid = '15-445' );
Note that sid has different scope depending on where it appears in the query.
• Nest Query Results Expressions:
– ALL: Must satisfy expression for all rows in sub-query.
– ANY: Must satisfy expression for at least one row in sub-query.
– IN: Equivalent to =ANY().
– EXISTS: At least one row is returned.
8 Window Functions
• Performs “moving” calculation across set of tuples. Like an aggregation but it still returns the original
• Functions: Can be any of the aggregation functions that we discussed above. Can also be a special
window functions:
1. ROW NUMBER: The number of the current row.
2. RANK: The order position of the current row.
• Grouping: The OVER clause specifies how to group together tuples when computing the window
function. Use PARTITION BY to specify group.
FROM enrolled ORDER BY cid;
You can also put an ORDER BY within OVER to ensure a deterministic ordering of results even if database
changes internally.
FROM enrolled ORDER BY cid;
• Important: The DBMS computes RANK after the window function sorting, whereas it computes ROW NUMBER
before the sorting.
• Adding the RECURSIVE keyword after WITH allows a CTE to reference itself.
Example: Print the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10.
WITH RECURSIVE cteSource (counter) AS (
(SELECT counter + 1 FROM cteSource
WHERE counter < 10)
SELECT * FROM cteSource;