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US00880 1919B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,801.919 B2

Viljoen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 2014
(54) FULLY SYNTHETICJET FUEL (56) References Cited

(75) Inventors: Carl Louis Viljoen, Vanderbijlpark U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS

(ZA); Miriam Ajam, Sasolburg (ZA) 4,645,585 A 2, 1987 White
5,766,274 A * 6/1998 Wittenbrink et al. ........... 44,436
(73) Assignee: Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd. 5,840,175 A * 1 1/1998 Aldous et al. ................... 208/87
Johannesburg (ZA) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 181 days. EP 2034 004 A1 12/2007
WO WO 2004/090078 A1 4/2004
WO WO 2005/0010O2 A2 1, 2005
(21) Appl. No.: 13/386,857 WO WO 2009/062208 A2 11/2008
(22) PCT Filed: Aug. 2, 2010 OTHER PUBLICATIONS

(86). PCT No.: PCTAZA2O1 O/OOOO40 Moses et al. "Properties, Characteristics, and Combustion Perfor
mance of Sasol Fully Synthetic Jet Fuel”, Journal of Engineering for
S371 (c)(1), Gas Turbines and Power, Jul. 2009, vol. 131,041502, pp. 1-17.
(2), (4) Date: May 7, 2012
Primary Examiner — Ellen McAvoy
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2011/017720 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Knobbe, Martens, Olson &
Bear, LLP.
PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 10, 2011
(65) Prior Publication Data
The invention provides a fully synthetic aviation fuel or avia
US 2012/0209037 A1 Aug. 16, 2012 tion fuel component having: a total naphthenic content of
more than 30 mass %, a mass ratio of naphthenic to iso
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data paraffinic hydrocarbon species of more than 1 and less than
15, a density (at 15°C.) of greater than 0.775 g cm-3, but less
Aug. 3, 2009 (ZA) ................................... 2009/5411 than 0.850 g cm-3, an aromatic hydrocarbon content of
greater than 8 mass %, but less than 20 mass %, a freezing
(51) Int. Cl. point of less than -47 C., a lubricity BOCLEWSD value of
CIOL L/04 (2006.01) less than 0.85 mm. The invention further provides for the
CIOL I/I6 (2006.01) preparation of a fully synthetic coal-derived aviation fuel or
aviation fuel component by blending a LFTF and a tarderived
(52) U.S. Cl. blend component. The invention extends to a method of pro
USPC ................. 208/15; 208/39; 208/950:585/14: ducing a coal-derived, fully synthetic aviation fuel oraviation
44/300 fuel component from coal gasifier tar and an LTLF derived
(58) Field of Classification Search fraction.
USPC ................................... 208/15, 39 45; 585/14
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet






O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Volume tar-derived kerosene
US 8,801.919 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 7,785,378 B2* 8/2010 O’Rear ........................... 44,452

8,183,419 B2 * 5/2012 Lamprecht etal 585/14
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 8, 193401 B2 * 6/2012 McGehee et al. ............... 585/24
8,231,775 B2 * 7/2012 McGehee et al. ............... 208/22
6,309.432 B1 * 10/2001 Wittenbrink et al. ........... 44,436 8,444,718 B2 * 5/2013 Clark et al. ..................... 44,300
6,669,743 B2 * 12/2003 Wittenbrink et al. ........... 44,436 2009/0000185 A1 1/2009 Aulich et al.
6,890,423 B2 5, 2005 O'Rear 2011/0061290 A1 3/2011 Aulich et al. ................... 44, 308
7,390,397 B2 * 6/2008 Lamprecht et al. ........... 208,308
7,608,181 B2 * 10/2009 O'Rear ........................... 208/15 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 US 8,801.919 B2

Figure 1

usoeq?bdpÁs iso-paraffins


10 20 30 50 60 70 90 100
Volume tar-derived kerosene

Figure 2
Wolume 9% tar-derived kerosene
30 40 60 70 80 90 1OO


WMX-M.----.......... . . .



US 8,801.919 B2
1. 2
FULLY SYNTHETICUET FUEL US2009/0000185 teaches a method for producing a jet fuel
from two independent blendstocks, where at least one blend
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED stock is derived from a non-petroleum derived feedstock,
APPLICATIONS which may be an FT source. In one form of the described
method, the second blendstock is also produced via a non
This application is the national phase under 35 U.S.C. S371 petroleum Source. Such as via the pyrolysis or liquefaction of
of prior PCT International Application No. PCT/ZA2010/ coal. However, the provision of at least two independent
000040 which has an International filing date of Aug. 2, 2010, synthetic feedstocks is highly problematic and less likely to
which designates the United States of America, and which be cost effective when contrasted with petroleum-based fuel
claims the benefit of South Africa Patent Application No. Accordingly, there remains a strong need for a fully-syn
2009/5411 filed Aug. 3, 2009, the disclosures of which are thetic (i.e. non-petroleum sourced) aviation fuel and an eco
hereby expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety
and are hereby expressly made a portion of this application. nomical means of producing it.
A fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel component
The present invention relates generally to aviation fuel and having:
a blending stock for aviation fuel. More particularly, it relates a total naphthenic content of more than 30 mass %
to an aviation fuel or fuel component which is derived from a a mass ratio of naphthenic to iso-paraffinic hydrocarbon
non-petroleum feedstock. species of more than 1 and less than 15
a density (at 15° C.) of greater than 0.775 g cm, but less
than 0.850 g cm
an aromatic hydrocarbon content of greater than 8 mass %,
Distillate fuels produced from non-petroleum sources and 25 but less than 20 mass %
derived largely from the Fischer Tropsch (FT) process are a freezing point of less than -47 C.
typically highly paraffinic and have excellent burning prop a lubricity BOCLEWSD value of less than 0.85 mm
erties and very low Sulphur content. This makes them highly The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo
Suitable as a fuel source where environmental concerns are nent may have a mass ratio of naphthenic to aromatic hydro
important; and in circumstances where the security of Supply 30 carbons of from 2.5 to 4.5. Preferably, the mass ratio is
and availability of petroleum Supplies may cause concern. between 3 and 4.
However, although many physical properties for conven Preferably, the total naphthenic content of the synthetic
tional distillate fuels can be matched and even outperformed, aviation fuel or aviation fuel component is more than 35 mass
the fuels derived from FT processes and the like can not %.
provide conventional jet fuel "drop-in compatibility” (i.e. be 35 Preferably, the total naphthenic content of the synthetic
amenable to direct substitution within the conventional petro aviation fuel or aviation fuel component is less than 60 mass
leum-derivedjet fuel infrastructure), as they lack some of the %, and more preferably it is less than 50 mass %.
major hydrocarbon constituents of typical petroleum-derived Preferably, the mass ratio of naphthenic to iso-paraffinic
kerosene fuel. For example, due to their low aromatic content, species of the synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo
FT jet fuels tend not to comply with certain industry jet fuel 40 nent is less than 10 and more preferably less than 5.
specified characteristics such as minimum density, Seal Swell The aromatics content may be less than 18 mass % and
propensity and lubricity. more preferably less than 16 mass %.
This difficulty in obtaining suitable jet fuel entirely from Preferably the freezing point of the synthetic aviation fuels
non-petroleum feedstocks has triggered several develop is less than-50° C., more preferably the freezing point is less
ments in the downstream processing offeedstock in order to 45 than -53° C. and most preferably, the freezing point is less
obtain suitable products. than -55° C.
For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,645,585 teaches the produc The fully synthetic aviation fuel or fuel component is typi
tion of novel fuels, including jet fuel components, from the cally produced from a single non-petroleum source and com
extensive hydroprocessing of highly aromatic heavy oils such prises at least two blend components, where at least one
as those derived from coal pyrolysis and coal hydrogenation. 50 component is produced from an LTFT process. The single
WO 2005/001002 relates to a distillate fuel comprising a Source may be coal.
stable, low-Sulphur, highly paraffinic, moderately unsatur The fully synthetic aviation fuel or fuel component may
ated distillate fuel blendstock. The highly paraffinic, moder have a freezing point that is lower than the freezing points of
ately unsaturated distillate fuel blendstock is prepared from the blend components.
an FT-derived product that is hydroprocessed under condi 55 According to a second aspect of the invention, there is
tions during which a moderate amount of unsaturates are provided a fully synthetic coal-derived aviation fuel or avia
formed or retained to improve stability of the product. tion fuel component having a total naphthenic content of
U.S. Pat. No. 6,890,423 teaches the production of a fully more than 30 mass %; a mass ratio of naphthenic to iso
synthetic jet fuel produced from an FT feedstock. The seal paraffinic hydrocarbon species of more than 1 and less than
swell and lubricity characteristics of the base FT distillate 60 15; a density of greater than 0.775 g cm but less than 0.850
fuel are adjusted through the addition of alkylaromatics and g'cm; an aromatic content of greater than 8 mass % but less
alkylcycloparaffins that are produced via the catalytic reform than 20 mass %; a freezing point of less than -47 C. and a
ing of FT product. This process can result in a suitable avia lubricity BOCLEWSD value of less than 0.85 mm including
tion fuel generated entirely from a non-petroleum Source, but a first LTFT-derived blend component comprising at least
the additional reforming steps required to generate the alky 65 95 mass % isoparaffins and normal paraffins and less,
laromatics and alkylcycloparaffins impart significant addi than 1 mass % aromatics; with a density (at 15° C.) of
tional cost and complexity to the process. less than 0.775 g cm; and
US 8,801.919 B2
3 4
a second tar-derived blend component comprising at least This fuel is characterised in that it contains high levels of
60 mass % naphthenics, at least 10 mass % aromatics naphthenics or cycloparaffinic species relative to LTFT-de
and at least 5 mass % isoparaffins and normal paraffins, rived kerosene fractions, which typically contain less than 1
with a density (at 15° C.) of more than 0.840 g cm; mass % naphthenes.
such that the first LTFT-derived blend component may com Naphthenes typically form some component of petroleum
prise at least 20 volume % and preferably no more than 60 based aviation fuels (less than 30 mass %) and can contribute
Volume 96 of the blend. positively to certain required properties Such as lowering the
The second tar-derived blend component is typically gen freezing point or enhancing seal Swell propensity. They can
erated through the deliberate recovery of a tar fraction gen however, contribute negatively to certain properties such as
erated during gasification of a coal feedstock for syngas pro 10 increased Smoke point and viscosity. In addition, naphthenic
duction. The tar-derived kerosene fraction may further species tend to be denser than paraffins with the same carbon
comprise at least 70% by mass naphthenics. number. Hence, the density of typical synthetic naphthenic
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the volume dominated kerosenes Such as those generated by coal lique
ratio of the first and second blend components is between faction and pyrolysis processes, will inevitably significantly,
45:55 and 55:45. 15 exceed the density requirements of aviation fuel specifica
According to a third aspect of the invention, there is pro tions. Core to this invention therefore, is the development of
vided a method of producing a coal-sourced, fully synthetic a synthetic aviation fuel that capitalises on the positive prop
aviation fuel or aviation fuel component, including the steps erties of naphthenic species, whilst still meeting all the physi
of: cal property requirements for aviation fuel, specifically den
gasifying the coal under medium temperature conditions in sity and Smoke point.
a fixed bed gasifier Such that a tar fraction can be recov This fuel can be produced using two parallel feedstock
ered during the coal gasification step; and syngas for an streams—one is generated via a conventional LTFT synthesis
LTFT reactor is produced; process; and the other is generated through the deliberate
recovering from the LIFT reactor an LTFT syncrude: recovery of a tar fraction generated during medium tempera
Subjecting the tar fraction to hydroprocessing under hydro 25 ture gasification of the coal feedstock for syngas production.
processing conditions to provide a tar-derived kerosene LTFT-Derived Kerosene Component
fraction having at least 60 mass % naphthenics; In this specification, reference is made to the Low Tem
Subjecting the LIFT syncrude to hydroprocessing under perature Fischer-Tropsch (LTFT) process. This LTFT process
hydroprocessing conditions to provide a LTFT-derived is a well known process in which carbon monoxide and
kerosene fraction having at least 95 mass % isoparaffins 30 hydrogen are reacted over an iron, cobalt, nickel or ruthenium
and normal paraffins and less than 1 mass % aromatics; containing catalyst to produce a mixture of straight and
with a density (at 15°C.) of less than 0.775 g cm; and branched chain hydrocarbon products ranging from methane
blending the resultant tar-derived kerosene fraction and to waxes and Smaller amounts of oxygenates. This hydrocar
LIFT-derived kerosene fraction to obtain a fully syn bon synthesis process is based on the Fischer-Tropsch reac
thetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel component. 35 tion:
The tar-derived kerosene fraction and the LTFT-derived
kerosene fraction are blended in such a way that the LTFT
derived kerosene fraction may comprise at least 20 volume 96 where -CH2- is the basic building block of the hydrocarbon
and preferably no more than 60 volume '% of the blend mix product molecules.
ture. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the ratio of 40 The LTFT process is therefore used industrially to convert
the LTFT-derived kerosene and the tar-derived kerosene lies synthesis gas, which may be derived from coal, natural gas,
between 45:55 and 55:45. biomass or heavy oil streams, into hydrocarbons ranging
The tar-derived kerosene fraction may be produced by a from methane to species with molecular masses above 1400.
medium temperature coal gasification process (i.e. between While the term Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) process refers to
700 and 900° C.), for example by a Fixed Bed Dry Bottom 45 schemes based on natural gas (i.e. predominantly methane) to
(FBDB) (trade name) or fluidised bed coal gasification pro obtain the synthesis gas, the quality of the synthetic products
cess. By employing a medium temperature process, a tar is essentially the same once the synthesis conditions and the
derived kerosene component that contains both naphthenics product work-up are defined.
and aromatics may be produced during the coal gasification While the main products are typically linear paraffinic
step. 50 species, other species such as branched paraffins, olefins and
The hydrocarbon types of the tar-derived kerosene fraction oxygenated components may form part of the product slate.
will typically comprise between 60 and 80 mass % naphthen The exact product slate depends on the reactor configuration,
ics. The hydrocarbon profile will typically further comprise operating conditions and the catalyst that is employed. For
between 15 and 30 mass % aromatics. The hydrocarbon type example this has been described in the article Catal. Rev.-Sci.
profile will typically further comprise between 5 and 15 mass 55 Eng., 23 (1&2), 265-278 (1981) or Hydroc. Proc. 8, 121-124
% isoparaffins and normal paraffins. (1982), which is included by reference.
In the specification, the terms “aromatics' and “aromatic Preferred reactors for the production of heavier hydrocar
hydrocarbons' are to have an equivalent meaning. bons are slurry bed or tubular fixed bed reactors, while oper
ating conditions are preferably in the range of 160-280°C., in
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 60 some cases in the 210-260° C. range, and 18-50 bar, in some
cases preferably between 20-30 bar.
According to the present invention, it has been found that it The catalyst may comprise active metals such as iron,
is possible to achieve a fully synthetic aviation fuel or fuel cobalt, nickel or ruthenium. While each catalyst will give its
component that meets specific current conventional jet fuel own unique product slate, in all cases the product slate con
requirements, (specifically density and aromatic content), 65 tains some waxy, highly paraffinic material which needs to be
through the Suitable processing of a single synthetic fuel further upgraded into usable products. The LTFT products
SOUC. can be hydroconverted into a range of final products. Such as
US 8,801.919 B2
5 6
middle distillates, naphtha, solvents, lube oil bases, etc. Such temperatures of between 330 and 380° C.
hydroconversion usually consists of a range of processes Such pressures of between 125 and 180 bar
as hydrocracking, hydroisomerisation, hydrotreatment and Liquid Hourly. Space Velocity (LHSV) values of 0.25 to
distillation. 1.0 per hour
For this invention, a suitable kerosene fraction is isolated A suitable reactor for this process would be a trickle flow
from the hydroprocessed FT product using known methods. fixed bed reactor.
This LTFT-based kerosene is characteristically paraffinic and These fractions have a hydrocarbon profile that is quite
will usually contain little or no aromatics. different to that observed from the mainstream LTFT prod
An example of suitable hydroprocessing conditions for this uct—displaying a significantly naphthenic character with
process step include: 10 Some aromatics.
temperatures of between 330 and 380° C. Typically the hydrocarbon types for this kerosene fraction
pressures of between 35 and 80 bar comprise:
Liquid Hourly Space Velocity (LHSV) values of 0.5 to 1.5 between 15 and 30 mass % aromatics
per hour between 60 and 80 mass % naphthenics
A suitable reactor for this process would be a trickle flow 15 between 5 and 15 mass % combined isoparaffins and nor
fixed bed reactor. mal paraffins.
This LTFT-derived kerosene fraction is then blended with The exact character of this tar fraction can be established
a tar-derived kerosene fraction so as to achieve Suitable physi using Sophisticated analytical separation techniques such as
cochemical properties for a final aviation fuel or aviation fuel two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC).
component. These may include the properties indicated in Blend Characteristics
Table 1. The tar-derived and LTFT-derived kerosene fractions are
Tar-Derived Kerosene Component blended in order to obtain a suitable aviation fuel or fuel
Where syngas is required from coal for an FT process, by component.
means Such as high temperature gasification, for example This blend will characteristically have a high level of naph
high temperature entrained flow gasification processes, the 25 thenics, typically more than 30 volume 96, but this is coupled
higher temperatures required to produce syngas usually result with an isoparaffinic content that allows a mass ratio of naph
in little or no useful tar product as this is cracked or hydro thenics to isoparaffinic species which is less than 15.
genated during the gasification process. The range of blends from 40 volume 96 tar-derived kero
The specific tar-derived kerosene fraction used in this Sene? 60% LTFT-derived kerosene to 80% tar-derived kero
invention is generated during a medium temperature gasifi 30 sene/20% LTFT-derived kerosene was found to meet all DEF
cation process, for example a Fixed Bed Dry Bottom (FBDB) STAN 91-91 requirements for Jet A-1 fuel.
(trade name) coal gasification process. During this process, A minimum content of 40 volume 9% of tar-derived kero
typical temperature ranges for the included Sub-processes sene was determined to be the amount required in order to
may be: meet an 8 Volume 96 aromatics level. A maximum content of
combustion; from 1300-1500° C. 35 80 volume 96 of tar-derived kerosene was required in order to
gasification itself from 700-900° C. meet the maximum density specification (0.840 kg/1 at 15°
reactor outlet temperature: 450-650° C. C.).
By employing a medium temperature gasification process, A more preferred range for the blend is one where the ratio
an aromatic- and naphthenic-containing tar component can of the first (LTFT) and second (tar-derived) kerosene frac
be isolated during coal gasification. In high temperature gas 40 tions is between 45:55 and 55:45
ification processes, this tar component will not be preserved. The final blend of the non-petroleum components has a
A medium temperature coal gasification process is a gas distinct naphthenic-rich character imparted by the addition of
ification process wherein slagging of the coal ash can not be the tar-derived kerosene produced using medium tempera
tolerated and a dry ash is produced. This process can be ture, fixed bottom gasification. The final synthetic aviation
carried out in a fixed bed or fluidised bed gasifier. 45 fuel or fuel component will therefore typically have a char
A fixed bed dry bottom gasifier (or fluidised bed gasifier) is acteristic naphthenic content of no less than 30 volume/0 and
a non-catalytic, medium temperature, pressurised gasifier for no more than 60 volume 96.
the production of synthesis gas from a solid carbonaceous A further advantage of this invention lies in the modifica
feedstock such as coal by partial oxidation of the feedstock in tion of the freezing point of the blends with respect to the
the presence of a gasification agent comprising at least oxy 50 blend components. Whilst the blend components themselves
gen and steam or air and steam, with the feedstock being in have freezing points which are lower than the maximum
lump or granular form and being contacted with the gasifica aviation kerosene freezing point specification, namely -47'
tion agent in a fixed bed (or fluidised bed) and with the fixed C.: applicant Surprisingly found that the blend mixtures had
bed (or fluidised bed) being operated at a temperature below freezing point values significantly reduced from those of the
the melting point of minerals contained in the coal. 55 components. It seems that some synergistic interaction
The tar component initially forms part of the raw synthesis between the blend components facilitates a freezing point
gas. When the raw synthesis gas is quenched, most of the reduction of the blends of up to about 20% from that of the
tar/oil components are condensed into the liquid phase along original components themselves.
with the steam. As the raw synthesis gas is further cooled, The applicants postulate that this advantage may stem from
further tar/oil components are condensed from the raw syn 60 the use of chemical diluent effects in mitigating against the
thesis gas stream at each cooling stage. The resultant liquor negative effects of certain hydrocarbon species in the blend
(gas condensate) streams are cooled and the tar/oil fraction is components. It is known that both n-paraffins in LTFT kero
then removed from the aqueous phase using a system of sene and aromatics in tar-derived kerosene typically have a
gravity separators. detrimental effect on freezing point because of their indi
Middle distillates can then be produced by hydrocracking 65 vidual ease of crystallisation. It appears that blending these
this tar/oil component. Suitable hydrocracking conditions for species with components that also have a significant propor
this process include: tion of iso-paraffins and naphthenics results in a Surprising
US 8,801.919 B2
7 8
(i.e. non-linear or non-interpolated) decrease in freezing components and the results compared to known data for coal
point. However, given that each componentalready contained liquefaction derived aviation kerosene. The specification
advantageous species prior to blending, it is suggested that it analysis was performed according to ASTM test methods and
is the interaction between the dominant species contained in compared with JP-Ajet fuel specifications. The hydrocarbon
each blend component that is core to observing this the effect. 5 characteristics of each of the kerosene samples were deter
The ratio of the advantageous species, namely iso-paraffins to mined using two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCx
naphthenics, is therefore highlighted as a critical feature of GC).
this invention. In order to further define the effective chemical
window for this surprising behaviour, the ratio of naphthenics DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND FIGURES
to aromatic species may also be identified. 10
The invention will now be described with reference to the Table 1 summarises results of the blends and blend com
following non-limiting examples. ponents; and
Table 2 gives detailed results for these samples.
EXAMPLE FIG. 1 shows the hydrocarbon species distribution for a
15 representative set of blends; and
Various blends of tar-derived kerosene and LTFT-derived FIG. 2 shows the freezing point values for this set of blends
kerosene were prepared as previously described using meth- (with the inclusion of data for an out-of-specification blend
ods known in the art. These were analysed alongside the blend for completion.)
Kerosene type
JP-A LTFTitar LTFTAtar Tar- Coal
Property Units Spec. LTFT blend A blend B derived derived
LTFT kerosene vol% NA 100 50 25 NA
Tar-derived vol% NA 50 75 1OO NA
Hydrocarbon type (analysis by GCXGC)
n-paraffins mass % 61.61 29.9 1945 4.09 <1
iso-paraffins mass % 37.38 19.3 13.01 3.13
Naphthenics mass % 1 39.7 52.72 72.19 97.3
aromatics mass % 0.1 11.1 14.81 20.59 2.1
Mass ratio of O.1 2.1 4.1 23.1 >90
naphthenic: iso
Mass ratio of 10 3.58 3.56 3.51 46.3
Property measurements (evaluated according to ASTM test methods
Density.(a)15° C. g cm 0.775-0.840 0.7364 0.8020 0.8342 0.8654 O.870
Viscosity (a)-20° C. c.St 8.0 max 1.84 3.68 4.51 7.46 7.5
Smoke point ill 25.0 mm 29 28 29 29 22
Freezing point o C. -47 -49.8 -58.4 -55.8 -50.9 -53.9
Lubricity: ill 0.85 max O.6O O.S1 O.66 O.S4
*figures extracted from “Development of an advanced, thermally stable, coal-basedjet fuel”; Schobert, Hetal; Fuels Processing
Technology, 89, (2008), 364-378

Detailed properties of a tar-derived/LTFT kerosene blends

LTFT-tar- LTFT-tar- LTFT-tar- Tar

LTFT derived derived derived derived
Property Units Limits kerosene (75/25) (50/50) (25/75) kerosene
Colour, Saybolt Report +30 >-30 >-30 +30 >-30
Particulate mg/L. 1.0 max O.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Total Acidity mgKOHig 0.015 max O.OS8 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Olefins vol% O O O O O
Paraffins' vol% 1OO.O 95.3 91.4 85.9 83.9
Total Aromatics vol% 26.5 max O 4.7 8.6 14.1 16.1
Total Sulphur mg/kg <1 10 12 11 <1
Total Nitrogen mg/kg <1 <1 1 <1
Naphthalene vol% 3.0 max O.18 <0.01 1.16 O.17
Bromine No gBr 100 g <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
US 8,801.919 B2
TABLE 2-continued
Detailed properties of a tar-derived/LTFT kerosene blends

LTFT-tar- LTFT-tar- LTFT-tar- Tar

LTFT derived derived derived derived
Property Units Limits kerosene (75/25) (50/50) (25/75) kerosene

Initial Boiling Point o C. Report 1364 142.5 145.7 152.8 1683

59% o C. 1514 156.1 16O.S 165.7 1847
10% o C. 205.0 max 1540 158.2 1628 173.8 1910
20% o C. 159.7 164.9 171.4 183.7 1988
30% o C. 16S.O 170.8 1801 192.1 2O7.9
40% o C. 1710 177.9 1883 2013 215.9
SO% o C. Report 182.7 1849 1973 210.3 223.9
60% o C. 188.7 192.3 2O6.O 219.5 231.1
70% o C. 1951 2OO.S 215.3 228.9 238.5
80% o C. 2O2.6 209.6 227.6 239.5 246.5
90% o C. Report 208.O 225.0 244.9 251.7 254.9
95% o C. 211.0 240.1 255.5 2S8.8 2604
Final Boiling Point o C. 3OO.O max 215.8 256.2 261.O 264.O 264.6
Recovery vol% 98.6 98.4 98.3 98.3 98.4
Tso-To o C. >2O 28.7 26.7 34.5 36.5 32.9
Too-To o C. >40 S4.O 66.8 82.1 77.9 63.9
Flash Point o C. 38.0 min 4.O.S 44 46.5 53 52.O
Density (a) 15° C. kg/L O.775-0.840 O.7364 0.7695 O.802O O.8342 O.8654
Density (a) 20° C. kg/L O.771-0.836 O.7334 O.766S O.7990 O.8312 O8624

Freezing Point o C. -47.0 max -49.8 -53.9 -58.4 -55.8 -508

Viscosity (a) -20° C. mm/s 8.0 max 1.84 2.62 3.68 4.51 7.46
Viscosity (a) 40°C. cSt 1.09 1.28 1.52 1.82

Specific Energy MJ/kg 42.80 min 44.29 43.80 43.40 43.00 42.70
Smoke Point ill 25.0 min 29 27 28 29 29

Copper Corrosion 1 max 1B 1A 1B 1A 1B

Filter Pressure mmHg 25.0 max O O O O O
Tube Deposit <3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

Existent gum mg/100 mL. 7 max O.9 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.8
Water content mg/kg 17 25 45 24 30

Microsep - 85 min 92 88 89 88 96
without Static
Dissipator Additive

BOCLE, WSD ill 0.85 max O.6O O.SO O.S1 O.66 O.S4

This paraffin characterisation includes all saturated hydrocarbon species - namely linear paraffins (iso and normal), as well as cycloparaffins
(also known as naphthenes)

The claims of the patent specification which follow forman a lubricity ball on cylinder lubricity evaluator wear scar
integral part of the disclosure thereof. 55
diameter value of less than 0.85 mm.
The invention claimed is: 2. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo
1. A fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo nent of claim 1, wherein the mass ratio of naphthenic hydro
nent having: carbon species to iso-paraffinic hydrocarbon species is (2.5 to
a total naphthenic content of more than 30 mass %; 4.5):1.
a mass ratio of naphthenic hydrocarbon species to iso 60
3. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo
paraffinic hydrocarbon species of (more than 1 and less
than 15):1; nent of claim 1, wherein the total naphthenic content is more
than 30 mass % and less than 60 mass %.
a density at 15° C. of greater than 0.775 g cm and less
than 0.850 g cm; 4. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo
an aromatic hydrocarbon content of greater than 8 mass % 65 nent of claim 1, wherein the mass ratio of naphthenic hydro
and less than 20 mass %; carbon species to iso-paraffinic hydrocarbon species is (more
a freezing point of less than -47 C.; and than 1 and less than 5):1.
US 8,801.919 B2
11 12
5. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo 14. A method of preparing the fully synthetic aviation fuel
nent of claim 1, wherein the aromatic hydrocarbon content is or aviation fuel component of claim 1, comprising:
greater than 8 mass % and less than 18 mass %. gasifying a coal under medium to low temperature condi
6. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo tions in a fixed bed gasifier such that a tar fraction and
nent of claim 1, wherein the aromatic hydrocarbon content is Syngas are recovered;
greater than 8 mass % and less than 16 mass %. generating a low temperature Fischer-Tropsch syncrude
7. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo from the syngas in a low temperature Fischer-Tropsch
nent of claim 1, wherein the freezing point is less than-55° C. reactor;
8. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo Subjecting the tarfraction to hydroprocessing under hydro
nent of claim 1, derived from a single non-petroleum source 10
processing conditions to obtain a tar-derived kerosene
and comprising a blend of at least two blend components, fraction comprising at least 60 mass % naphthenics;
wherein at least one of the blend components is produced Subjecting the low temperature Fischer-Tropsch syncrude
from a low temperature Fischer-Tropsch process.
9. The fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel compo to hydroprocessing under hydroprocessing conditions to
nent of claim 1, wherein the freezing point is lower than a 15
provide a low temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived
freezing point of any of the blend components. kerosene comprising at least 95 mass % isoparaffins and
10. A method of preparing the fully synthetic aviation fuel normal paraffins and less than 1 mass % aromatic hydro
or aviation fuel component of claim 1, comprising: carbons; and having a density at 15° C. of less than 0.775
blending at least: gcm; and
a first low temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived blend blending the tar-derived kerosene fraction and the low tem
component comprising at least 95 mass % isoparaf perature Fischer-Tropsch-derived kerosene to obtain a
fins and normal paraffins and less than 1 mass % fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel component
aromatic hydrocarbons, and having a density at 15°C. comprising from 20 volume % to 60 volume 9% of the
of less than 0.775 g cm; and low temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived kerosene.
a second tar-derived blend component comprising at 25
15. The method of claim 14, wherein a ratio of the low
least 60 mass % naphthenics, at least 10 mass % temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived kerosene to the tar-de
aromatic hydrocarbons and at least 5 mass % isopar rived kerosene fraction is between 45:55 and 55:45.
affins and normal paraffins, and having a density at 16. The method of claim 14, wherein the tar-derived kero
15° C. of more than 0.840 g cm; Sene fraction is produced by a medium temperature coal
whereby a fully synthetic aviation fuel or aviation fuel gasification process operating at a temperature of from 700 to
component comprising from 20 volume 96 to 60 volume 900° C., wherein both naphthenics and aromatic hydrocar
% of the first low temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived bons are produced during the medium temperature coal gas
blend component is obtained. ification process.
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the second tar-derived 17. The method of claim 14, wherein the tar-derived kero
blend component is generated through a recovery of a tar sene fraction comprises between 60 and 80 mass % naphthen
35 1CS.
derived kerosene fraction generated during gasification of a 18. The method of claim 14, wherein the tar-derived kero
coal feedstock for syngas production.
12. The method of claim 11, wherein the tar-derived kero sene fraction comprises from 15 to 30 mass % aromatic
sene fraction comprises at least 70 mass % naphthenics. hydrocarbons.
13. The method of claim 12, wherein a volume ratio of the 40
19. The method of claim 14, wherein the tar-derived kero
first low temperature Fischer-Tropsch-derived blend compo Sene fraction comprises from 5 to 15 mass % isoparaffins and
nent to the second tar-derived blend component is between normal paraffins.
45:55 and 55:45.

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