BIOLAB Exp 1 To 15 Merged
BIOLAB Exp 1 To 15 Merged
BIOLAB Exp 1 To 15 Merged
2. Nitrogen
Apparatus: mortar and pestle, test tube, red litmus
Materials: soda lime [CaHNaO2], casein
Mix 1 gram of soda lime and a piece of casein
(mongo bean size) in a mortar and mix. Transfer
the mixture to a dry test tube and heat slowly and
cautiously. Expose a piece of moist red litmus
paper to the vapors.
Sodium Hydroxide (Na(OH) mixture with lime
What gas turned the moistened litmus paper to
blue? Ammonia (NH3), the urine-like odor signifies
the presence of nitrogen
– primary source of organic substances
Chemical Equation: NH4(g) + OH2 ↔ NH4 + OH-
Soda Lime (turning red litmus to blue)
– to absorb mixture and gases
– mixture of calcium oxide and sodium hydroxide SUMMARY:
Soda lime, white or grayish white granular mixture of
calcium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide or Experiment Title:
potassium hydroxide. Soda lime absorbs carbon Elementary Composition of
dioxide and water vapour and deteriorates rapidly Proteins, Test for the presence of
unless kept in airtight containers. Medically, soda Nitrogen
lime is used to absorb carbon dioxide in basal
metabolism tests and in rebreathing anesthesia Material:
systems. In gas masks it is an absorbent for toxic Soda lime and Casein (mixing
gases. It is used in laboratories as a drying agent. A them in a mortar and then
highly corrosive poison, soda lime severely damages heating them)
the gastrointestinal tract if swallowed and may cause
death. Confirmatory Product:
Ammonia - NH3 (basic, is
CASEIN (Alpha-Casein) - C38H57N9O9 responsible for turning red
Arg-tyr-leu-gly-tyr-leu litmus paper to blue)
Positive Result:
Pungent, unpleasant, urine-like
odor due to the presence of
HCl acid does not play any active role here. Barium
2 parts Sodium Carbonate + 1 part Potassium Nitrate
chloride does not react with hydrochloric acid, since
both possess the same negative radical (Cl-). BaSO4 is
insoluble in HCl.
Experiment Title:
What kind of amino acids will be detected? – Color Reaction of Proteins
Process of introducing a nitro group into an Materials:
organic chemical compound? NITRATION Reactant:
What alkali is used? AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE - albumin
- Conc. Nitric Acid
The xanthoproteic reaction is a method that can be used - ammonium hydroxide
to determine the amount of protein soluble in a solution,
using concentrated nitric acid. The test gives a positive Positive Result:
result in amino acids carrying aromatic groups, especially - yellow color
in the presence of tyrosine. If the test is positive the proof - when added with an alkali, it turns into
is neutralized with an alkali, turning dark yellow. The an orange color
yellow color is due to xanthoproteic acid which is formed
3. Millon’s Test
• Principle: Millon's reagent (Hg/HNO3) gives
Millon’s reagent is prepared by mixing one part by positive results ( pink to dark-red color) with
weight of mercury with two parts of weight by conc. proteins containing the phenolic amino acid
Nitric acid and dilute the resulting solution with two “tyrosine”
volumes of water. • Purpose: To detect the amino acid that have
phenol group of tyrosin.
The Millon’s reagent is made by dissolving mercury in
HNO3; hence it consists of mercurous and mercuric
nitrates. When added to a protein solution, the protein
is precipitated as mercury salt. On heating, the
precipitate turns flesh to red color if proteins containing
tyrosine is present. This reaction is due to the phenol
group contained in tyrosine. Any substance therefore
containing this group will give a positive Millon’s test.
Hopkins-Cole reagent is prepared by mixing 10 grams of The indole group of tryptophan reacts with glyoxylic
powdered magnesium with sufficient water to cover it. acid in the presence of conc. H2SO4 to give a purple
Then add slowly 250 ml of cold water and shaking at the colored complex. Glyoxylic acid is prepared by reducing
same time. Filter and acidify the filtrate with acetic acid Oxalic acid with magnesium powder or sodium amalgam.
to prevent partial precipitation of magnesium and make Glacial acetic acid which has been exposed to the sunlight
the volume to one liter with distilled water. also contains glyoxylic acid and can thus be used for this
When protein mixed with glyoxylic acid (CHOCOOH) is
treated with sulfuric acid, a violet ring is produced at • Objective: To detect the amino acid tryptophan
the point of contact of the two solutions. This is due to present in protein
the presence of an indole nucleus in the tryptophan • Principle: The indole ring reacts with glyoxylic
component. The indole group of tryptophan reacts with acid in the presence of a strong acid to form a
glyoxylic acid in the presence of conc. The tryptophan violet cyclic product.
condenses with the aldehyde to form colored • Purpose: The Hopkins-Cole test is specific for
compound. H2SO4 to give a purple colored complex. tryptophan, the only amino acid containing indole
Glyoxylic acid – is made by the reduction of oxalic acid
with magnesium powder.
Name the amino acid responsible for this test and Materials:
write its formula. Tryptophan C11H12N2O2 Reactants:
- albumin
Positive Hopkin’s-Cole test: purple color at the interface - Hopkins-Cole Reagent
(tryptophan and egg albumin) – prepared by mixing 10 grams of powdered
magnesium with sufficient water to cover it,
Negative Hopkin’s-Cole test: glycine then slowly adding 250 ml of cold water and
Also, nitrites, chlorates, nitrates and shaking at the same time. Filter and acidify the
excess chlorides prevent the reaction from occurring filtrate with acetic acid to prevent partial
precipitation of magnesium and make the
volume to one liter with distilled water
- pure conc. Sulfuric acid
Positive Result:
Violet ring/purple color at the interface
Apparatus: test tube, dropper, Bunsen burner Experiment Title:
Materials: REDUCED SULFUR TEST – Color Reaction of
• 2% albumin solution Proteins
• 40% Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH]
• lead acetate solution
- albumin
To 2 ml of 2% albumin solution add 2 ml of
40% NaOH and 10 drops of 2% lead acetate
- NaOH
solution. Heat to boiling for about 2 minutes
- lead acetate
until distinct change is obtained.
Positive Result:
What did you observe? Mixing the albumin Black deposit of lead sulfide (PbS) in
solution with NaOH and lead acetate solution, albumin
gave a black precipitate and the lead gave black
deposits when heated.
7. Adamkiewicz Reaction
Proteins from colloidal systems. Their solubility depends What is the principle of Heat Coagulation test? What is
on their electrical charge and the layer of hydration the purpose of adding dilute acetic acid to the
around them. Hence, proteins can be precipitated by solution?
dehydration and neutralization of electrical charge. Heat causes denaturation of proteins by increasing the
kinetic energy of the molecules and by breaking the weak
1. Precipitation by heat coagulation bonds like electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds and
hydrophobic interactions. The denatured protein becomes
Apparatus: test tubes, Bunsen burner, thong insoluble and precipitates out. Dilute acetic acid provides
Materials: an acidic medium and brings the pH close to Isoelectric pH.
2% casein [C38H57N9O9] At Isoelectric pH the protein has a minimum solubility and
2% albumin solution is thus precipitated. In urinalysis. upon heating urine in an
1N acetic acid [CH3COOH] alkaline medium the phosphates produce the similar
5N acetic acid [CH3COOH] turbidity as observed with proteins but the turbidity
Procedure: disappears upon addition of acid if the phosphates are
Place 5 ml of 2% casein in a test tube and heat to boiling there but it persists if it was due to proteins.
Make a biuret test on the filtrate. (NH4)2SO4 – ions produced are very high in the series
Observation: a violet (positive to proteins due
to peptide bonds) solution was formed Albumin
– positive on Millon’s reaction and negative on the
Conclusion: If there is a positive result, it means biuret reaction
that proteins haven’t been fully salted out by – has no peptide bonds but contains phenol
(NH4)2SO4 and separation is incomplete thus the
violet color. The color blue of the solution would Peptone
indicate that it is a negative with Biuret’s test – on biuret reaction
and thus, all proteins have been salted out. – has peptide bonds
Experiment Title:
Precipitation by Salting Out (Millons)
Precipitation by Salting Out
Precipitate tested with Millons = flesh to red ppt
a. Reactant: 2% albumin
Reagent: solid ammonium sulfate, tested by Millon’s
Reaction and the Biuret Test
Positive Result:
a. blue color = no proteins
b. pink/light violet color = presence of peptones
(proteoses have been filtered)
4. Precipitation by heavy metal ions The use of egg as an antidote for metallic poisoning is
based on the ability of egg white to be coagulated by the
Apparatus: test tubes, dropper metallic ion thus taking it our of the field of reaction.
2% albumin solution
lead (II) acetate [Pb(C2H3O2)2 or Pb(Ac)2] Why is milk or raw egg used as an antidote to heavy
1% Silver Nitrate [AgNO3] metal poisoning?
1% Copper Sulfate [CuSO4] Heavy metal salts act to denature proteins in much the
0.1N Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] same manner as acids and bases. Heavy metal salts usually
Procedure: contain Hg+2, Pb+2.Ag+1 TI+1, Cd+2 and other metals
Place 2 ml of 2% albumin solution in each of 3 tubes. To with high atomic weights. Since salts are ionic they disrupt
the first add 2 to 3 drops of Pb(Ac)2, to the second and 3 salt bridges in proteins.The reaction of a heavy metal salt
drops of 1% AgNO3 and to the third 1% CuSO4. with a protein usually leads to an insoluble metal protein
salt. This reaction is used for its disinfectant properties in
Observation: external applications. For example AgNO3 is used to
Lead (II) acetate prevent gonorrhea infections in the eyes of new-born
Albumin + Pb (Ac)2 ——> white ppt infants. Silver nitrate is also used in the treatment of nose
Albumin + AgNO3 ——> white ppt and throat infections, as well as to cauterize wounds.
Albumin + CuSO4 ——> light blue Mercury salts administered as Mercurochrome or
Merthiolate have similar properties in preventing
Repeat the test using fresh samples of albumin but add infections in wounds. This same reaction is used in reverse
few drops of 0.1N NaOH before adding the mental salts. in cases of acute heavy metal poisoning. In such a situation.
a person may have swallowed a significant quantity of a
NaOH heavy metal salt. As an antidote, a protein such as milk or
Albumin + NaOH + Pb(Ac)2 ———> white ppt egg whites may be administered to precipitate the
Albumin + NaOH + AgNO3 ———–> brown ppt poisonous salt. Then an emetic is given to induce vomiting
Albumin + NaOH + CuSO4 ————> bluish violet ppt so that the precipitated metal protein is discharged from
the body.
Which has more precipitate, the test with or without SUMMARY
NaOH? More ppt with NaOH
Egg albumin is used as an antidote for mercury or lead Experiment Title:
poisoning. Why? Egg albumin forms ppt with mercuric Precipitation by
salts hindering or slowing down the absorption of Heavy Metal Ions
mercury in the system
Reactant: 2% albumin
At pH above their pI proteins are present as negatively Reagent: sodium
charged ions. The heavy metal cations neutralize the hydroxide,
negative charge on the surface and cause precipitations 3 heavy metals: lead
of proteins. Commonly salts like lead acetate, zinc acetate, silver nitrate,
sulphate and cupric sulphate are used as precipitation copper sulfate,
agents. (Egg albumin can used to precipitate lead and
mercury in the intestine using this principle.) Positive Result:
More precipitate with
Heavy metals – forms insoluble metal protein salt NaOH
Experiment Title:
Precipitation by Alkaloidal Reagents
Reactant: 2% albumin
Reagent: HCl, 3 alkaloidal reagents: potassium
ferrocyanide, tannic acid, saturated picric acid
Positive Result:
Potassium ferrocyanide – white precipitate/solution
At pH below their pI, proteins are present as Tannic acid – brown precipitate/solution
Picric acid – yellow precipitate/solution
positively charged ions. Alkaloids neutralize the
1. Materials:
arabinose [C5H10O5]
fructose [C6H12O6]
glucose [C6H12O6]
sucrose [C12H22O11]
starch [(C6H10O4)n]
dextrin [(C6H10O5)n]
water [H2O]
10% Sodium Chloride [NaCl]
alcohol [C2H5OH]
2. Materials:
0.1M glucose [C6H12O6]
0.1M sucrose [C12H22O11]
0.7% starch [(C6H10O4)n]
water [H2O]
Molisch reagent
Positive Results:
2 ml H2O 10% NaCl Alcohol
Arabinose ✓ ✓ ✖
Fructose ✓ ✓ ✖
Glucose ✓ ✓ ✖
Sucrose ✓ ✓ ✖
Starch ✖ ✖ ✖
Dextrin ✖ ✖ ✖
✓ - soluble ✖ - insoluble
Molisch test
—> general test for carbohydrates
—> a dehydration-condensation reaction with the
formation of furfural
2. Thymol Test
Apparatus: test tubes, thong, Bunsen burner
glucose [C6H12O6]
sucrose [C12H22O11]
starch [(C6H10O4)n]
3% thymol [C10H14O] in – alcohol
conc. Hydrochloric Acid [HCl]
Perform this test using the carbohydrates used
in Molisch test.
Moore’s Test
–> based on the liberation of aldehydes
subsequently polymerizes to form resinous
substance. “Caramel”
–> test for reducing sugar except sucrose SUMMARY
–> yellow/orange/dark brown
—> liberating caramel odor Experiment Title:
positive: glucose, galactose, maltose, fructose, Moore’s Test
lactose – Furfural Reaction of Carbohydrates
negative: sucrose, glycogen, starch
When a solution of reducing sugar is heated
Reactant: Glucose
with an alkali (NaOH), it turns yellow to
orange, and finally dark brown, liberating the Reagent: Conc. NaOH
odor of caramel.
Positive Result:
Brown Caramel color with accompanying
sweet caramel-like odor
H2O = very light yellow SUMMARY
Glucose (Hexose) = red-wine
Arabinose (Pentose) = betadine-like
Experiment Title:
Fructose (Hexose) = black Tollen’s Phloroglucin Reaction
– Furfural Reaction of Carbohydrates
–> differentiates pentose from hexose
Phloroglucin –> behaves as ketone Materials:
water- very light yellow Reactant:
glucose – red wine (hexose) water [H2O]
fructose- greenish brown (hexose) 0.01M glucose [C6H12O6]
arabinose- reddish brown 0.01M fructose [C6H12O6]
– betadine-like color (pentose
0.01M arabinose [C5H10O5]
Positive test if the color is betadine like
Reagent: Phloroglucin Solution
Phloroglucinol is a reagent of the Tollens' test
for pentoses. This test relies on reaction of Positive Result:
the furfural with phloroglucinol to produce a Betadine-like coloration of solution
colored compound with high molar absorptivity.
This is based on the formation of similar
intermediate furfurals which condense with
phloroglucinol to form a red colored compound.
This is the decomposition of carbohydrates
brought about by the action of microorganisms such
as yeast, molds, bacteria, etc. When yeast is added to
a sugar solution, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide are
This process is utilized in the manufacture of
beverages and other valuable industrial products.
Yeasts ferments only the naturally occuring D - SUMMARY
glucose, D mannose, D fructose and with difficulty, D
– galactose (fermented by specially cultured yeast).
Experiment Title:
The synthetic L - forms remain unaltered. Maltose
and sucrose are fermented by yeast only after being Alcoholic Fermentation
split into their component monosaccharides. Some – Special Test for Saccharides
yeast do not ferment lactose and D- galactose at all.
This serves to differentiate from other sugars. Materials:
Aside from alcoholic milk sours due to the baker’s yeast
conversion of lactose to lactic acid and sucrose
sucrose [C12H22O11]
ferments to form citric acid.
Yeast alone can cause fermentation of sugars. glucose [C6H12O6]
Yeast contains the enzymes invertase and zymase; galactose [C6H12O6]
invertase causes the hydrolysis of sugar solution into
Positive Result:
glucose and fructose; zymase brings about the
fermentation into ethyl alcohol and CO2. Sometimes Bubbles
Pasteur's salt is added as food nutrients to the yeast.
c. Barfoed’s Test
- reducing monosaccharides
Reagent: Cupric Acetate (Cu(OAc)2) and Acetic acid
Reaction: REDDISH PPT. of copper (I) oxide
Positive: Glucose (Dextrose), Galactose, Fructose
Negative: Maltose, Lactose, Surcose,Glycogen, Starch
Starch – blue-black
Dextrin – black-violet
Denaturation by alcohol – precipitates the B1. When iodine solution is added to glycogen, a glycogen-
nucleic acid present in the solution (white iodine complex is formed. Iodo-starch complex is blue-
ppt) black while Glycogen-Iodine complex is blue-brown.
Glycogen is more branched than starch, therefore helices
3. Test the precipitate in no. 2 with Benedict’s of starch are longer than glycogen.
solution and boil for a short time.
2-3. The glycogen was not hydrolyzed in the presence of
Observation: It gave a negative result since the Benedict’s reagent (which is a test for reducing sugar)
glycogen is not a reducing sugar because it and didn’t form a red ppt or form the reduced copper
is a polysaccharide and therefore cannot because it is not a reducing sugar.
undergo oxidation.
4. Red ppt was formed because glycogen has undergone
4. Hydrolyze 5 ml of the glycogen solution with a saccharification and was hydrolyzed into glucose.
few drops of conc. HCl, boiling for 10 minutes.
Cool the solution, neutralize with NaOH and
test with Benedict’s solution.
What is Glycogen?
Glycogen is the stored form of Glucose. It is Glycogen
another name for Animal Starch. It is a –> multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as
polysaccharide (consisting of around 2,000-600,00 units of a form of energy storage in animals and fungi
glucose). It is similar to starch found in plants. In the –> animal starch
human body, when blood sugar level is high, the pancreas –> found in muscle cells and liver cells
releases insulin which stimulates the liver to produce –> constructed predominantly of alpha-1,4-glycosidic
enzymes(eg: glycogen synthase) that synthesize glycogen bonds
from excess glucose. –>has branches created through alpha-1,6-glycosidic
Preparation of Glycogen
Glycogen is prepared from oyster meat because Opalescent filtrate–> filtrate with varying colors
oyster meat contains around 1-10% glycogen which is high Oyster meat–> main source of glycogen
in comparison to other meat
Reaction of Glycogen
Reaction of Glycogen 1. Iodine Test
When iodine solution is added to glycogen, a Iodine
glycogen-iodine complex is formed. Iodo-starch complex is –> useful to distinguish starch and glycogen from other
blue-black while Glycogen-Iodine complex is blue-brown. polysaccharide
Glycogen is more branched than starch, therefore helices
of starch are longer than glycogen. This longer helix of Starch + I2——–> Blue/Black
starch (specifically in amylose) allows more iodine atoms Glycogen + I2———> brown
(in the form of triiodide ions) to bind, which makes a
stronger color change compared to glycogen Starch in the form of amylose and amylopectin has less
Water is very polar, it forms a dipole-dipole branches than glycogen. This means that the helices to
interaction with the substance and make a layer around it. form iodine complex is longer in starch than in glycogen,
This means that glycogen cannot interact with other therefore binding more iodine atoms
glycogen molecules. Ethanol is less polar than water
allowing glycogen to interact with itself and aggregate, Starch iodine complex=more bonds, more intense
eventually precipitating it. (See General Rule on Solubility) Glycogen iodine complex=less bonds, less intense
Benedict's Test is used to detect the presence of
HYDROLYZED GLYCOGEN, which is GLUCOSE. (refer to 2. Denaturation by alcohol
previous experiments) Alcohol
–> precipitates the nucliec acid present in the solution
–> results to formation of white precipitate
3. Benedict’s Test
It gave a negative result since glycogen is not a reducing
sugar because it is a polysaccharide and therefore, it
cannot undergo oxidation
4. Hydrolysis of glycogen
–> serves as the acid in the acid hydrolysis
Saccharification–> hydrolysis of carbohydrates to form
simple sugar
NaOH–> to neutralize
1. Solubility
Test the solubility of one drop of coconut oil in 1 ml of the
following solvents: water, diluted HCl, diluted NaOH, cold
alcohol, hot alcohol, chloroform, ether, carbon
tetrachloride. Tabulate your results.
Dil. Cold
H2O Dil. HCl
NaOH alcohol
Coconut oil ✖ ✖ ✖ ✓
Lipids are non-polar, therefore, they are only soluble in 3. Formation of Translucent Spot:
non-polar solvents such as chloroform (though slightly Place 1 drop of coconut oil on a piece of paper. Allow to
soluble in hot ROH). Lipids which are non-polar are evaporate.
soluble to non-polar solvents because of London
dispersion forces, the weakest intermolecular force. Does the translucent spot disappear?
No, because it can’t evaporate without heat, so they
2. Reaction towards indicators leave translucent spots. Moreover, oil evaporates
Place in each of two test tubes, 1 ml of fresh coconut oil. To slowly because of the force of molecules that hold
the first add congo red, to the other red and blue litmus them together are stronger.
paper. Repeat the test on rancid oil.
Would essential oils leave translucent spot?
Differentiate the reaction of fresh coconut oil and rancid No, because they are not actual oils.
oil towards the indicators
Short explanation:
Translucent Spot will not disappear because oil evaporates
Fresh Coconut Rancid Oil very slowly.
Oil (neutral) (Acidic)
Congo Red Red/original Turns to blue (Too Long; Don't Read):
(neutral) black Paper is made from fibers/remains of trees.
Red Litmus Red (original) Red Paper is opaque because it has a very high index of refraction
Paper (Physics) compared to the air surrounding the individual,
thus, when light passes through it, light will be refracted very
Blue Litmus blue (original) Red
much such that the light won't be able to hit our eyes. When
Explain Results.
4. Acrolein Formation
Place 0.5 g of KHSO4 in a clean dry test tube. Add a drop of Repeat the test using stearic acid, coconut oil, and linseed
coconut oil and heat. oil.
Describe the odor produced: piercing acrid odor / burnt Lightest to darkest:
fat odor Linseed oil > oleic acid > coconut oil > stearic acid
Write the equation involved: Which oil will absorb more iodine, oleic or stearic acid?
Process: dehydration Oleic
Acrolein is the simplest unsaturated aldehyde caused by Coconut oil has an iodine value of 7-10
dehydration of glycerol (removal of 2 H2O). (Fats are Oleic acid has a value of 80-88
positive with this because they contain a glycerol group). Linseed oil has a value of 136-178
KHSO4 is used to as dehydrating agent
Which oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids, coconut
or linseed oil? Linseed oil
5. Emulsification
Prepare 4 test tubes with the following contents: Structurally, how does an unsaturated fat differ from a
saturated fat?
Tube 1 5 ml water Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between the
Tube 2 5 ml of water + 3 ml soap solution individual carbon atoms, while in unsaturated fatty
Tube 3 5 ml water + 1 ml of 1% albumin solution acids there is at least one double bond in the fatty acid
Tube 4 5 ml water + 0.5 ml Na2CO3 Solution chain. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature,
while unsaturated fats are liquid.
To each test tube above, add 5 drops of coconut oil, shake,
and observe results.
Water, HCl–> the coconut oil did not dissolve for these solvents
Hubl’s reagent is prepared by dissolving 26 grams of
are polar
iodine and 30 grams of HgI2 in 1 litre of 95% alcohol.
23 g I2 + 30 g HgI2 in 1 liter of 95% alcohol NaOH–> the coconut oil did not mix with coconut oil but instead
underwent saponification
Iodine number is defined as the amount of iodine in grams
that is consumed/absorbed by 100 grams of a chemical saponification–> the reaction that takes place when triglycerides
substance (in this case, oil). (coconut oil) is reacted to a base medium
In lipids, iodine is absorbed because of double bonds. Double cold alcohol–> it did not dissolve the coconut oil because of the
presence of hydrophilic end
bonds will break and allow iodine in the molecule
(halogenation). hot alcohol–> it did not dissolve coconut oil
2. Reaction with indicators
Fresh oil are neutral but when exposed to open environment it
undergoes oxidation called rancidity.
Glycerol (C3H8O3) is polar because of the presence of polar KHSO4–> dehydrating agent
(-OH terminals), therefore it is soluble in polar solvents such acrolein–> unsaturated aldehyde
as water and alcohol, but not in non-polar solvents and
coconut oil + heat——-> glycerol + lauric acid
solvents with very very low polarity, such as ether.
glycerol + heat + KHSO4——-> acrolein + water
5. Emulsification 7. Glycerol
–> to combine 2 liquids that does not usually mix together with Glycerol–> is a simple polyol (sugar alcohol)
the presence of emulsifying agent
a. Solubility
emulsifying agent–> needed to stabilize the emulsion Glycerol is soluble in water and alcohol due to the presence of (-
OH) group
Oil with the following: Glycerol is insoluble to ether because ether lacks -OH group
Water–> immiscible
Water and soap solution–> miscible b. Acrolein test
Water and albumin solution–> miscible formation of odor of burnt grease
water and Na2CO3–> miscible
c. Flame test
Borax is Na2B4O7*10H2O
6. Test for Unsaturation glycerol + borax—->Boro-glycerine
–> To indicate the presence of double bonds in lipid sample —> formation of green flame
Hubl’s iodine–> alcoholic solution of iodine containing some d. Nitrochromic acid test
mercuric iodide –> there was a formation of blue color due to the presence of
primary and secondary -OH group that reduces Cr VI into Cr IV
–> pink color due to the presence of iodine
–> fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids will have a positive
Enzymes are complex organic compounds with Boiling a solution containing enzymes
definite chemical structure, secreted by living cells. They subjecting enzymes in high
have the property of initiation and hastening chemical temperatures denatures, and
reaction without themselves being affected in the process. therefore inactivates them
Enzymes activity is influenced by the concentration of the
enzymes, the concentration of the substrate the Potato main source catalase
concentration of the products of the reaction, temperature,
pH, inorganic salts, and the presence of activators and H2O2 oxidizing agent and bleaching
inhibitors. All these factors therefore should be considered agent
while performing the following experiment.
Enzymes are organic substances secreted by living cells 1. Divide the filtrate into four parts and
that increase the rate of reaction without being consumed boil one part for one minute.
in the reaction. Most enzymes are generally proteins. 2. Place the 5 ml of the boiled filtrate in
one tube and 5 ml of the unboiled
Types of Enzymes: filtrate in another tube.
1. Oxidases - Enzymes that catalyze redox reactions. Uses 3. Add to each a few drops of 3%
oxygen as electron acceptor (oxidizing agent). hydrogen peroxide. Note what
2. Catalases - Enzymes that catalyze the decomposition of happens.
hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water
3. Peroxidase - Enzymes that catalyze the oxidation Unboiled filtrate there was a
(similar to oxidases) of a hydrogen donor (or electron formation of bubbles because of
donor) with the help of Peroxides (such as H2O2). more oxygen that was catalyzed by
the catalase
II. Catalase
A. Catalase from Potato
1. Pare a small potato and grate it to a
fine pulp.
2. Mix this pulp with 100 ml of water
and let it stand for 15 minutes and
stain this through a piece of cheese
3. Filter the extract
III. Oxidase from Potato 1. Prepare 3 test tubes and place 5 drops
There are three oxidases: each of the following substances:
1. Monophenol oxidase (hyrosinase) – a. 1% phenol
responsible for oxidizing phenol to Arene with 1 -OH group
cathecol, to O-quinone and finally forms Observation:
condensation brown compounds of Color changed from very light pink
unknown composition. to pink
1. Place 3 test tubes and add 5 drops each of
the following substances:
a. 1% phenol
Flesh-like (lighter than oxidase
action color)
b. 1% cathecol
Deep red
c. Pyrogallol
Dark brown
Observe and record the color changes What does catalase do?
produced and compare them with the
results observed on the action of oxidases Catalase from liver catalyzes the
with the same reagents. decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide to water and oxygen gas
Phenol light pink with bubbles (due at a rate of 40 million molecules of
to the presence of oxygen) hydrogen peroxide per second.
Catechol light orange with bubbles The liver filters the body using
(due to the presence of enzymes as catalysts. It makes
oxygen) harmful substances less toxic like
hydrogen peroxide to water and
Pyrogallol brown with bubbles (due oxygen, and alcohol to aldehyde.
to the presence of oxygen) Lack of catalase causes the graying
of hair in humans.
H2O2 H2O + O2
The exposed area turned brown due to the formation of a. Monophenol oxidase (tyrosinase) Cresolase activity:
melanin. monophenol + O2 —> diphenol catechol
Fruits contain a certain type of enzyme called monophenol b. Polyphenol oxidase (catechol oxidase) Catecholase
oxidase or tyrosinase that reacts with O2 and iron- activity: Diphenol catechol —> quinone
containing phenols that basically makes a layer of rust on
the surface of the fruit c. Cytochrome oxidase Berthelot’s Reaction:
phenylenediamene + alpha-napthtol ——> indophenol
Tyrosinase–> is a bifunctional copper containing oxidase
having both catecholase and cresolase activity Phenol- arene with 1-OH group
catechol- arene with 2 -OH group
Orthohydroxylation: —> addition of two -OH group in pyrogallol- arene with 3 -OH group
ortho-directing substitution
after this:
Vitamin A - Retinol
Molecular Formula : C20H30O
Results: presence of brown solution and caramel odor Phosphorus– yellow ppt ( ammonium
due to the reducing sugar glucose phosphomolybdate)
- Moore’s test – test with same principles Phosphate Ion + Ammonium molybdate =
ammonium phosphomolymdate
Moore's Test. Polymerization of aldehyde groups of
sugars (in milk, it is lactose). Calcium – white ppt. (calcium oxelate)
8. Milk Fat
- transfer filtrate from no. 6 in a evaporating dish
- place in a boiling bath to evaporate the ether
- presence of residue: MILK FAT
- touch residue with a piece of paper: formation of
translucent spot
Inorganic Salts in saliva has 2 important functions: Violet Red blue Red w/
Phosphate acts as buffers that tend to Blue bubbles
maintain the reaction (pH) of the saliva
Chloride ions are essential as coenzymes for Stimulated Saliva
the salivary amylase. - Saliva secretions during stimulation
- more basic
The flow of saliva (about 1500 cc daily) is the result of - higher pH
stimulation of the salivary glands by the nervous system, Phenolphthalein Litmus Congo Red
as is evidence by the fact that actual contact with food is
unnecessary since sight, odor, or even though will cause
the salivary gland to secrete profusely. Violet Red blue 2 layers:
Blue red (upper
Salivary Amylase/Ptyalin clear (down)
- Begins the breakdown of starches, responsible
for the digestive function of the saliva
- Principal enzyme of saliva Paraffin – stimulates saliva secretions
- Capable of hydrolyzing cooked starch into The acidic pH is essential in dissolution of enamel to
dextrin and maltose produce dental carries
Saliva is secreted by 3 pairs of glands S.S
- Parotid
- Submaxillary
- Sublingual
Protein in saliva
- Mucin
Enzyme in saliva
- Ptyalin
Hydrolyzes starch
- Salivary amylase
Function of mucin
- Lubricate mouth & prevent bacterial build up
- Possess the property of stimulating the Exposure of bile to air: it will turn green due to
secretion of bile oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin
o As such, it can be regarded as
cholagogues Oxidation
Substance stimulating the flow o Produces a series of colored
of bile compounds, including
- Also aid peristalsis A blue pigment
- The remaining important excretory compound
of the bile
- Ordinarily soluble in bile
- An alcohol (C27H45OH)
- The fat of sheep’s wool
- Contains the stearic, palmitic, and oleic esters
of cholesterol
URINE Oxidation
- A filtrate from the blood - when allowed to stand without preservative,
- Serves as a medium for excretion of: urine becomes ammoniacal in odor and alkaline
o Water in pH
o Acids o because of the oxidation of urea to
o Bases ammonium carbonate
o Waste products of metabolism
o Other toxic materials Organic Constituents
- Helps in the maintenance of water balance, acid Urea
base equilibrium uric acid
- Serves as an important factor in the creatinine
detoxification of the body
Inorganic Constituents
24-hour specimen Sodium urate
- Examined for the study of both the qualitative - precipitate in acidic conditions
and quantitative composition of urine o These precipitates are the primary
- Bladder is emptied at 8:00 AM (urine is components of kidney stones.
o All the urine from this time up to Calcium phosphate
8:00 AM the next day is taken as sample - precipitates in alkaline urine
Sometimes the white zone does not appear until What does its presence indicate?
allowed to stand for a few minutes. Presence of bilirubin indicates obstruction of
the flow of bile from the gall bladder so that the bile is
8. GLUCOSE absorbed in the blood and bilirubin goes to the kidneys.
3. Remove the paper from the beaker and open-up. Mark the In conclusion, the movement of the substance in relation
position of the solvent front before it dries up completely. to the solvent front (Rf) is dependent upon:
Solubility of the substance to the mobile phase (solvent)
Trace the level of the wet portion in the upper part of the paper
o an amino acid that is highly soluble in the eluting
using a pencil.
solvent will have a higher affinity for the mobile
phase than an amino acid that is less soluble in
4. Spray the entire paper lightly with 0.2% ninhydrin solution and
the solvent.
dry it in the oven at 110° C. Heat if necessary for the color
forming reaction. The color should be readily visible after 20 - 30 Affinity of the substance to the stationary phase (how
minutes. much it sticks to the cellulose of the filter paper)
o If an amino acid has a higher affinity for the
Expected result: spot will be observed to have moved upward. It mobile phase than the stationary phase, it will
will travel and our purpose is to measure the separation or travel tend to travel with the solvent front and be
of the amino acid. relatively unimpeded by the filter paper.
o If the amino acid has a higher affinity for the
paper than the solvent, it will tend to “stick” to
Solvent moves via capillary action
the paper and travel more slowly than the
Solvent brings along the substances as it moves up solvent front.
Ninhydrin (2,2-Dihydroxyindane-1,3-dione) was used to - these differences in the amino acid affinities that
react with the amino acid to form a colored compound lead to their separation on the paper.
(when heated at 110 °C).