SITXMGT002 - VCI - (Student Name) - Assessment Tool Project
SITXMGT002 - VCI - (Student Name) - Assessment Tool Project
SITXMGT002 - VCI - (Student Name) - Assessment Tool Project
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SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships Student Assessment Tool
Pre-Requisite Units NA
Student Name
Student ID
S = Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this Unit
NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory
NA = Not Assessed
Signature: ________________________
Signature: _________________________
Date: ______/______/__________
Date: _______/________/_________
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Unit Summary
The purpose of assessment for this unit is to gather evidence of the student’s competence
against the elements, as well as skills and underpinning knowledge, required to establish and
maintain business relationships.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and
manage positive business relationships. It requires the ability to use high-level communication and
relationship building skills to conduct formal negotiations and make commercially significant
business-to-business agreements.
The unit applies to all industry sectors, and to individuals who take responsibility for making
decisions about purchasing or marketing activities. They also oversee the maintenance of
contracts or agreements. This could include senior operational personnel, sales and marketing
personnel, managers or owner-operators of small businesses. Agreements may relate to
corporate accounts, service contracts, agency agreements, venue contracts, rate negotiations,
preferred product agreements, supply agreements and marketing agreements.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.
2. Conduct negotiations.
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Overview of Assessments
SITXMGT002 Establish and maintain business relationships
There are two (2) assessment tasks in this unit, and you must complete all assessments satisfactorily
in order to be marked competent in this unit.
Assessment 2 – Project
The assessment for this unit of competency consists of 3 Parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.
Part A requires you to review the current supply and contract provisions in place for 3 suppliers
relevant to your work area in TH&E and establish new business relationships by determining
alternative supplier provisions.
Part B is based on the results you have identified in Part A and requires you to conduct negotiations
with 2 different suppliers to determine conditions for new supply agreements.
Part C requires you to communicate the negotiated outcomes from your negotiations with your
supervisor or trainer, conduct final negotiations where required and draw up the final legal
agreements for supplies with each supplier.
You are required to answer all questions and tasks as outlined in each Part below.
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To achieve competency, you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks within the date and
time allotted by your assessor/trainer. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills,
knowledge for this unit. An overview of the skills and knowledge to be assessed in this unit is
provided in this Assessment Guide.
Students who present copied or plagiarised assessments are considered participants in the act of
academic misconduct which would lead to disqualification of their submitted work. (Read the
section on Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty below.)
The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and
knowledge being assessed by the assessments has been based on theory and skills delivered to you
during classes and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.
Submitting Assessment Tasks
You must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.
ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted for assessment
are typed. Where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you
must write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks will be returned unmarked.
You must submit assessments on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment
tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances according to VCI’s Policy and Procedures. To
arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions due to
illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by trainers in writing.
Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory (requires
more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when your assessor is satisfied that
you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet
all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent
and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the VCI’s policies and procedures.
Students will be allowed to sit for up to two further attempts at a practical assessment item or test
question for which the outcome is Not Yet Satisfactory within the timeframe of a course (unit of
competency). Students judged as NYS in an assessment will be allowed to resubmit if they have
attended all practical classes for the related unit.
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If you consider that you need any special considerations in relation to assessment of the unit, please
contact the Course Coordinator.
If you are not happy with your results:
1. Your assessment may be reassessed upon appeal
2. Your assessor/trainer may provide you with alternate options of assessment in order to gain
competency depending on initial results
3. If you are still unhappy about your assessment results after following the steps mentioned
above, you may submit a formal complaint in accordance with VCI’s Complaints and Appeals
Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty
The New York College (VCI) is committed to ensuring that all students behave with integrity when
undertaking an assessment. Therefore, it is essential that you understand the principles underlying
assessment integrity and behave in a manner according to these principles.
Please read the following information and please ensure you have access to and have read the
plagiarism and assessment dishonesty policy. This policy can be found on the VCI’s website and is
also discussed in your orientation prior to commencing the course.
What is Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty?
Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the
words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism
whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken
place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or
indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source.
Each individual student is responsible for ensuring that they are fully informed about methods of
acknowledgement appropriate to any piece of assessable work that they submit.
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Collusion is the involvement of more than one individual in an instance of assessment dishonesty. All
parties involved in such collusion are in breach of the principles of assessment honesty (unless there
is good evidence of innocent involvement). "Collusion" needs to be distinguished from
"collaboration", defined for the purposes of this document as work jointly undertaken and
How information will be handled: All information regarding an incident of plagiarism or assessment
dishonesty will be recorded as per VCI’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Only relevant
staff members will be given access to the information as required by state and federal privacy laws.
I have read and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that
any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or
suspension of my enrolment with New York College. I further declare that:
All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism
and collusion has not occurred.
Assessment work is not copied nor has not been submitted for any other unit/course.
I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism as described in VCI’s Plagiarism and
Assessment Dishonesty Policy and I have obtained and read the Plagiarism and Assessment
Dishonesty Policy.
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Comments /Feedback
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.
Student Name Student ID
Unit: SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships Assessment Short Answers
Trainer Name Date submitted:
Received by: Date received:
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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
The following assessment is written assignment to be completed by the student.
The student must complete all 18 questions and tasks.
Submission instructions
The student is to submit the completed assessment with all answers to the trainer.
Ensure that the student includes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
The student must complete this task independently.
The student must complete this task in the space provided in this assessment tool.
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in
elements and performance criteria of this unit and relating to the following aspects:
commercial context for business relationships in the relevant industry sector and related:
o industry structure and interrelationships
o sources of supply
o distribution and marketing networks
o professional networks
opportunities to maintain regular contact with customers and suppliers:
o association membership
o cooperative promotions
o industry functions
o informal social occasions
o program of regular telephone contact
o social media
principles of negotiation, stages in the negotiating process, and different negotiation techniques that can be
nature of agreements and contracts in the relevant industry sector and their key role, features and
key components of contract law at an overview level:
o terms and obligations of contract
o methods of contractual agreement
o exclusion clauses
o dispute resolution clause
o termination of contracts
other legal requirements that impact negotiations and agreements in the relevant industry.
Resource Requirements
Computer, Microsoft Office, Internet
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Assessment 1
Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.
Question 1 List 3 key groups of people you may build business relationships with in the TH&E
1. Costumer
3. Investor
Question 3 List 2 distribution, marketing or professional networks in your industry that would
provide opportunities to help build business relationships.
1. Exchange for Australian Travel
2. Council for Australian Tourism Export
Question 4 Why is building trust and respect in a business relationship not always easy?
Why is it sometimes difficult to establish mutual respect and trust in a corporate setting? The
owners, managers, staff members, or clients you are collaborating with might have had terrible
experiences with other businesses in the past, making them hesitant of working with you today.
Question 5 List 4 traits that can build respect and trust in a business relationship.
1. Openness
2. Integrity
3. Positivity
4. Respecting other people
Question 6 List 6 ways you can maintain regular contact with customers and suppliers.
1. Online interaction
2. Lunchtime produce
3. personal encounters
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4. Promotions
5. Discounting
6. Trade expose
Question 8 There are several types of negotiations. List 3 different types of negotiations a TH&E
manager might be involved in.
1. Rate concordance
2. room consensus
3. marketing understanding
Question 9 Name 2 cultural differences you may need to consider when negotiating.
One decision-maker or a team? Some cultures rely on a single leader to make the final call, while
others use teams and make decisions by consensus. Body language and emotion - In some cultures,
reactions to negotiations are highly forthright. The feedback and body language the person displays
to you throughout the meeting can help you determine what they are thinking. Other cultures are
more subdued and won't show much emotion during negotiations.
Question 10 When going into a negotiation, name 2 things you can do to make a good first
1. Wearing business attire
2. Sincere greetings
Question 11 What should you do before going into a negotiation to make sure the outcome is in
the best interests of your company?
Never skip doing your assignment.
a foundation for your terms
Have win-win agreements.
Have backup strategies for plan B.
Question 12 If the negotiation becomes protracted, who should you inform? And how?
Make sure that all parties involved are kept informed with the most recent
information if the negotiation drags on. This could entail scheduling a time for a
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Question 15 Give an example of a written contract you may enter into in the TH&E industry.
A loan agreement between automobile buyers and sellers is a type of written agreement.
Question 16 ‘Obtaining organisational approvals’ is one of the nine steps of procuring a formal
business agreement. Name 3 others:
1. Having the contract put in writing.
2. Read the contract carefully.
3. Keep the signed contract in a file.
Question 18
What is the name of the clause which is designed to exclude or limit a person’s liability if the
breach the contract?
Exclusion clauses
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Question 19
What is the purpose of a dispute resolution clause?
These sections describe the steps to take if there is a dispute. They are typically created to
encourage both parties to try to settle the disagreement amicably or find an alternative to going
to court. "Should a dispute arise, both parties will attend a mediation session facilitated by an
independent mediator to be agreed upon by both parties," is an illustration of one step in a
dispute resolution clause.
Question 20 Before formally making an agreement, what approval should you seek?
The employees are informed of the agreement's provisions and their implications. The explanation
is given in a way that is appropriate for the audience (e.g., young employees or employees from
varied cultural backgrounds).
Question 21
List 4 professional services you might employ to get specialist advice.
1. Financier
2. Insurance agency
3. Accountant
4. Lawyer
Question 22
If you were unsure of how to comply with consumer protection laws, who would you consult to
get professional advice?
Automatic consumer guarantees apply to companies who sell, lease, or hire goods or render
services to Australian customers.
Question 23 List 4 specialist services an accountant may be able to assist you with.
1. Enterprise Planning
2. The majority of daily bookkeeping requirements, including payroll, are covered by budget
forecast preparation.
3. the criteria for FBT, superannuation, and PAYG tax. Creating and submitting income tax
4. responsible for processing the paperwork that results from registering businesses and
Question 24 Once you have gained the confidence of a new business associate, what can you
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Be genuine.
Determine Common Objectives and Values.
Build up respect amongst you.
Give a Vulnerability.
Create Meaningful Connections to Help People Network.
Get closer to you.
Create a fun activity for the two of you.
Question 25 If you have signed a contract that stipulates that you will be paying $5,000 property
management fees per year for 5 years, but your business goes broke in its first year, are you still
liable to pay the money? Why/Why not?
The contract should specifically outline what will happen if the company fails. There may have
been a clause that specifies what must be done if the business closes before the contract's
expiration date. Most often, after a business fails, it is not responsible for paying such costs for
the remaining time periods.
Question 26 When setting KPIs in business agreements, why should KPIs be quantitative rather
than qualitative?
Your KPIs should show this if your objectives are qualitative (increase customer satisfaction) and
quantitative (raise sales). Measures, or KPIs, can frequently be specified too broadly, which is a
problem I constantly encounter (and write about frequently).
Question 27 When should you review, negotiate and update your contracts?
The terms of the contracts should be evaluated, negotiated, and amended whenever conditions,
governmental regulations, corporate objectives, or the end of the contract arise.
Question 28 List 4 factors that could change over time which could affect terms and conditions in
your contract.
1. Distribution expenses or difficulties
2. Customers that use the service in number
3. The quality of service received or anticipated
4. environmental or external variables
Question 29 Name 2 legal requirements from your industry that you may impact negotiations or
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1. Anti discrimination
2. collective bargaining
Question 30 You are looking at entering a 3 year lease agreement for a commercial property. The
contract states the lease payments will be $5,000 per month for the first year, and then increase
by 3.8% every year thereafter.
What will the total annual lease payments be for:
Year 1? 60000
Year 2? 62880
Year 3? 64646.64
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Comments /Feedback
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.
Student Name Student ID
Unit: SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships Assessment Project
Trainer Name Date submitted:
Received by: Date received:
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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
The assessment for this unit of competency consists of 3 Parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.
Part A requires you to review the current supply and contract provisions in place for 3 suppliers relevant to
your work area in TH&E and establish new business relationships by determining alternative supplier
Part B is based on the results you have identified in Part A and requires you to conduct negotiations with 2
different suppliers to determine conditions for new supply agreements.
Part C requires you to communicate the negotiated outcomes from your negotiations with your supervisor
or trainer, conduct final negotiations where required and draw up the final legal agreements for supplies
with each supplier.
You are required to answer all questions and tasks as outlined in each Part below.
Submission instructions
Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an environment or activity in any industry sector where contracts are
negotiated and agreed. This can be:
an industry workplace
a simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
other people with whom business relationships can be established; these can be:
those in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment process; or
individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of
assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation.
materials that support the negotiation process:
preparatory facts and statistics
key performance indicators
market information.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for
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demonstrate the use of high-level communication and relationship building skills when
conducting formal negotiations and making commercially significant business-to-business
agreements in the above business relationships.
Resource Requirements
Refer to assessment conditions
For this assessment, the following materials must be available to support the negotiation process as
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Assessment 2
Your Tasks
Select 3 suppliers of goods and services relevant to your area of work (e.g. Food and Beverage,
Cookery, Events, Tourism, Administration or similar) who currently supply your organisation (for
example meat, fruit and vegetables, stationery, cleaning services, laundry services, beverages,
insurance etc.)
1. List the suppliers you have selected and describe the products or services they currently provide
you with
Supplier 1: Meat – Red supplies
Products or services provided: Supply us meat products such as steaks, Chicken, Ribs etc.
2. List the key performance indicators/specifications that are required for the supply of each
product or service from each supplier.
Beverages: A standard purchase specification is a brief description of the quality, size, weight, or
count factor that is desired for a specific item. Using purchase specifications will ensure that
purchasing and receiving are uniform and consistent, helping to maintain desired food costs and
producing a standard product.
Fresh vegetables
1. The fresh veggies must be crisp, well-formed, and tenderly mature. They must also be free of
coarse fibres, stringy old or hard due to excessive ageing and growth, and spongy or fluffy old or
fluffy due to ageing. The vegetables must be those in season, starting with late season receipts
and early season arrivals. These will have just been picked, cleaned, and ranked for soundness
and wholesomeness. In terms of botany, fresh vegetables for human consumption are made up
of plant fruits, stem flowers, roots, leaves, and modified stems.
2. The fresh vegetable must be devoid of disease, physiological problems, damage, and insect
infestation. They must also be devoid of discoloration, harm, damage, or indications of
inappropriate treatment, storage, or transportation, which give them a less-than-fresh
3. The fresh vegetables must be free of rotting, waxes, mineral oil, and dyes.
Meat Farm Fresh: Precise requirements allow for accurate competitive bidding among suppliers,
which lowers costs. Higher grade products can also be used, ensuring a steady level of quality in
menu items. Typically, basic delivery procedures and purchase price are not included in
specifications. Prices and directions might change very fast. Specifications must be carefully
considered and rarely changed quickly.
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3. Research alternative suppliers for each supplier you have listed in Question 1, and obtain an
alternative quote for each supplier you currently use, based on the key performance
indicators/specifications you have identified in Question 2.
4. Once you have received the 3 quotes, compare these with the existing supplier provisions and
attach a summary which outlines the advantages and disadvantages for:
1. Emphasising the market's needs.
2. Production disruption number two.
3- Ensures higher calibre achievement in all areas of endeavour.
4. Worker resistance.
1. Waste and productive activity.
2. Quality Costs Money.
3. Beneficial in overcoming competition.
4- Suppresses Originality.
5. It aids in the creation of a functional communication system.
The primary benefit of the price system is that it provides producers and consumers
with signals. If a price is relatively high, consumers may make fewer purchases, which
could cause the price to decrease. Nevertheless, as producers attempt to increase
output in response to a high relative price, the price should decline.. Low prices
typically encourage both consumers and producers to buy more and produce less.
Additionally, this may result in a price increase. Consumers and producers can select
where to allocate their resources when prices are allowed to alter in response to
market developments. Additionally, many minds are typically more productive than a
committee of fewer planners. Free market prices frequently result in effective pricing
and markets that lessen economic surpluses and shortages. On the other side, markets
aren't always effective. If a monopoly or other inefficient market (often referred to as
a market failure) is the cause of high prices, then prices won't change and many
customers won't purchase the goods. If a single company holds the patent for a
product that is a life-saving pharmaceutical, some customers may choose not to
purchase it because of the high cost. The main drawback of a price system is that
people with lesser incomes won't have the means to buy the things.
Payment requirements:
ADVANTAGES: Payment terms and an increase in working capital lower the need for
corporate loans and give you more cash stability when your expenses are at their
highest. The notion of your company's stability and supplier confidence is another
advantage of receiving longer terms from the supply base.
Disadvantage: The larger the penalty and the higher the cost of your items are, the
later you pay. If you want to maintain the costs of operating your business as low as
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possible, you typically have to make payment within the first 10 days or within a 30-
day period.
Service provisions
Advantage: You typically don't need inventory if you sell services. Instead of
purchasing and selling things, you persuade clients to benefit from your capacity to
simplify their lives. Since you don't need to manufacture anything, you don't need a
production facility and you don't need to wait for the goods to be finished and
inspected before you can sell them.
Disadvantage: Your service company is more difficult to evaluate than a
manufacturer or retailer. These companies have valuable inventory, equipment,
and other tangible assets. A phone and very little other equipment are all you need
to launch a service business. While this makes for an easy start-up, valuation may
be challenging. In order to persuade lenders of the value of your business, you must
build a track record of sales and some trustworthy sales estimates.
Purchase power:
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might affect the future activity, PPP project agreements are lengthy, complex,
and generally rigid.
5. Based on your comparison, write a recommendation for whether one or several new supplier(s)
should be considered to replace any of the existing ones. Which aspects will need to be
negotiated specifically where one or several new suppliers are considered, or re-negotiated
where existing suppliers are preferred?
Since his pricing and quality are inferior to that of a new supplier, I would advise
switching meet suppliers. The quality of ABC Meat has declined; their packaging has
been compromised, their portions change every week, and their products are not as
fresh as they once were.
6. How are the relationships with existing suppliers managed in your organisation? What does this
entail in terms of communication, monitoring and provisions to overcome supply or service
issues? What are your recommendations based on existing provisions in place (or where these
do not or only partially exist)?
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7. Where negotiation will take place as a result of the aspects you have identified in Question 5,
you will be observed conducting these negotiations for Part B of this assessment project in a
simulated environment.
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You will be observed conducting negations with existing or potential new suppliers as identified in
Question 5 of Part A of this assessment. The suppliers will be simulated by students as agreed to
with your trainer. You are required to record all details discussed during the negotiation talks and
use these as the basis to draw up a contract for each supplier in Part C of this assessment.
Provide the following details for at least 2 different negotiations (Negotiation 1 and 2) you will
Negotiation 1
Negotiation for the Alcohol supplier
represented by:
Date 1/3/2021
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Observation Criteria
Criteria S NYS
Negotiation 1
Student is well presented
Student is prepared with all supportive documentation on hand
Uses good stance and posture
Professional introduction
Friendly, professional welcome/greeting
Initial conversation is general and friendly
Maintains initial, professional “level”
The business relationship is established
Establishes ground for the negotiation
Makes eye contact
Uses effective communication skills
Uses people’s names
Takes notes as required
Uses effective listening skills
Uses negotiation skills with confidence
Considers win-win situation during negotiations
Negotiates with strategy
Employs different techniques as appropriate
Considers each aspect of the negotiation before agreeing to individual aspects
Negotiates with a plan B
Negotiates honestly
Considers the representative’s ground/limits
Each aspect prepared for the negotiation is addressed
A basis for an agreement is reached
The provisions for authorisation are discussed
Further provisions for communication are established
Maintains a professional level according to role
Thanks, the representative
Farewells representative in a professional manner
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Negotiation 2
represented by:
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Observation Criteria
Criteria S NYS
Negotiation 2
Student is well presented
Student is prepared with all supportive documentation on hand
Uses good stance and posture
Professional introduction
Friendly, professional welcome/greeting
Initial conversation is general and friendly
Maintains initial, professional “level”
The business relationship is established
Establishes ground for the negotiation
Makes eye contact
Uses effective communication skills
Uses people’s names
Takes notes as required
Uses effective listening skills
Uses negotiation skills with confidence
Considers win-win situation during negotiations
Negotiates with strategy
Employs different techniques as appropriate
Considers each aspect of the negotiation before agreeing to individual aspects
Negotiates with a plan B
Negotiates honestly
Considers the representative’s ground/limits
Each aspect prepared for the negotiation is addressed
A basis for an agreement is reached
The provisions for authorisation are discussed
Further provisions for communication are established
Maintains a professional level according to role
Thanks the representative
Farewells representative in a professional manner
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1. Present the outcomes from each negotiation to your trainer and discuss the viability of each
term negotiated according to your notes. Enter the outcomes for each contractual detail you
have negotiated in the table below and indicate the changes required (if any) and/or the
approval to proceed with the agreements.
Yes N/A
Contractual detail 2
Promotional material
Contractual detail 3
Contractual detail 4
Payment terms
Contractual detail 5
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Signature
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Supervisor Name
Supervisor Signature
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2. Based on the feedback from trainer, contact the supplier and negotiate the final changes if
required. Record the negotiated changes in the table and obtain final approval from your trainer.
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3. Contact each supplier by email and confirm the agreements made. Advise each party that you
will finalise the formal agreements for signing of all parties.
Thank you for coming in for a meeting to negotiate our alcohol contract on 1/3/2021.
Just confirming the details we agreed to- as you have promised prices as per your price list, quality
products as per our specifications, on time delivery, promotional material like coasters, beer and
wine glasses and payment terms as agreed.
As agreed, we will be meeting on the 15 th of March 2021 at 9.30am in our office to sign the
Kind regards
Gurpreet Uppal
Food and Beverage Manager
Hotel Futura
4. Draw up the contract agreements based on your final negotiated outcomes. Each contract must
contain the following details:
You are encouraged to identify legal requirements based on your own research or legal advice.
The following websites provide basic information thereto:
Names of contracting parties including trading names and ABN/ACN, as well as their contact
supply conditions, including volume, price, discounts, ordering periods, take or pay and
delivery times
payment terms
specifications of goods or services supplied (scope of goods)
warranty periods for defective goods or services
limited liability (risk of loss or damage)
intellectual property
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dispute resolution
termination and exclusion clauses
signature provisions
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Contract 1
The contract for Supplier 1 is drawn up using a suitable format as suggested on legal
websites or templates
Contract features names of contractual parties
Contract features contact details of contractual parties
Contract features ABN/ACN of contractual parties
All supply conditions as agreed on are detailed
The payment terms are clearly defined
The scope of goods or services are listed in detail
The contract outlines the warranty periods for defective goods or services
The limited liability (risk of loss or damage) clause and conditions are specified
The legal provisions for the protection of intellectual property are defined
The confidentiality clause specifies the limitations for each party
The insurance provisions are clearly defined
The provisions for dispute resolution and processes are clearly set out
The termination and exclusion clauses are explicit
Signature provisions are included
The legal aspects for supply contracts have been sufficiently identified.
Contract 2
The contract for Supplier 2 is drawn up using a suitable format as suggested on legal
websites or templates
Contract features names of contractual parties
Contract features contact details of contractual parties
Contract features ABN/ACN of contractual parties
All supply conditions as agreed on are detailed
The payment terms are clearly defined
The scope of goods or services are listed in detail
The contract outlines the warranty periods for defective goods or services
The limited liability (risk of loss or damage) clause and conditions are specified
The legal provisions for the protection of intellectual property are defined
The confidentiality clause specifies the limitations for each party
The insurance provisions are clearly defined
The provisions for dispute resolution and processes are clearly set out
The termination and exclusion clauses are explicit
Signature provisions are included
The legal aspects for supply contracts have been sufficiently identified.
The contracts have been submitted for approval
Part A Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Part B Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Part C Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
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Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Date / /
Signature(s): :
Date / /
Student Signature
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