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Class X
Dear Students,
The summer vacations for class X will be from 29/05/2023 till 1/07/2023
(Saturday day). School will reopen on 3/07/2023 (Monday).
Submit your Holiday Home Work for checking in school on 1/07/2023
(Saturday) to your respective teachers.
"Make your vacation time a wholesome learning experience."


Q1.Portfolio work
Prepare formula sheet - Ch 13- Surface area and volume
Q2.Case study-1

A test consists of ‘True’ or ‘False’ questions. One mark is awarded for every correct
answer while ¼ mark is deducted for every wrong answer. A student knew answers to
some of the questions. Rest of the questions he attempted by guessing. He answered
120 questions and got 90 marks.

Type of Marks given for correct Marks deducted for wrong

Question answer answer

True/False 1 0.25
1. If the answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong, then how
many questions did he answer correctly?

2. How many questions did he guess?

3. If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong and answered 80

correctly, then how many marks he got?

4. If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong, then how many
questions answered correctly to score 95 marks?

Q3.Case study-2

A seminar is being conducted by an Educational Organisation, where the participants

will be educators of different subjects. The number of participants in Hindi, English
and Mathematics are 60, 84 and 108 respectively.

1. In each room the same number of participants are to be seated and all of them
being in the same subject, hence maximum number participants that can
accommodated in each room are

2.What is the minimum number of rooms required during the event?

3.Find the LCM of 60, 84 and 108

4.Find the product of HCF and LCM of 60,84 and 108

Q4. Prepare an art integrated project on Andaman and Nicobar covering the
following topics :

I)Religious data of Andaman and Nicobar in percentage

ii)Comparison of literacy rate in males and females ( 2010 and 2020) in the form of
bar graph

iii)Area of Andaman and Nicobar

iv) Total number of Islands of Andaman and Nicobar

iv)Comparison of Population of Andman and nicobar in year 1990,2000.2010,2020 in

the form of Bar graph

Objective of the project: The overall objective of the project is to help students in
enhancing life skills .

Syllabus of PA-1

Ch 1- Real numbers

Ch3-Pair of linear equations in two variables


प्रश्न 1 योग का महत्व समझाते हुए एक सद ंु र सा विज्ञापन 40 से 50 शब्दों में लिखिए।

प्रश्न 2 हिंदी साहित्य के पांच कवियों के नाम लिखकर उनके चित्र लगाइए उनके विषय में
लिखिए फाइल में ।
अंडमान निकोबार दीप समह ू की पीपीटी बनानी
है ।
Class X Rose, Lotus, Sunflower

प्रश्न अंडमान निकोबार दीप समह ू के पर्यटक स्थल, वेशभष ू ा , ऐतिहासिक स्थल, प्रमख
ु लेखक,
प्रश्न 4 कैशलेस इंडिया विषय पर अनच् ु छे द लगभग 100 से 120 शब्दों में लिखिए।
स्वस्थ शरीर में ही स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क निवास करता है इस विषय पर अनच् ु छे द लिखिए।
प्रश्न 5 पांच सच ू नाएं अखबार से कटिंग करके अपने रजिस्टर में चिपकाए।
प्रश्न 6 मश ंु ी प्रेमचंद जी की 10 रचनाएं लिखिए। मश ंु ी प्रेमचंद जी का चित्र भी बनाइए। फाइल
प्रश्न 7 स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में भाग लेने वाले 10 स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के नाम लिखिए उनके चित्र
भी लगाइए फाइल में ।
प्रश्न 8 पथ्
ृ वी दिवस पर एक सद ंु र सा विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए।
प्रश्न 9 21 जन ू योग दिवस पर एक सद ंु र सा विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए।
प्रश्न 10अपनी मनपसंद दो लघक ु था चित्र सहित लगभग 100 या120 शब्दों में लिखिए। अपने
रजिस्टर में
आपको एक ही हिंदी की फाइल बनानी है और उसी में सारा काम करना है

Syllabus of PA1

1 कबीर दास जी के दोहे की भावार्थ व प्रश्न उत्तर याद करिए ।

2 बड़े भाई साहब नामक पाठ के प्रश्न उत्तर याद करिएगा आशय स्पष्ट मह ु ावरे भी याद करिए।
3 डायरी का एक पन्ना पाठ के प्रश्न उत्तर याद करिए।
4 मीराबाई के पद के भावार्थ व प्रश्न उत्तर याद करें ।
5 हरिहर काका कहानी याद करिए।
6 अपठितगद्यांश, सरल संयक् ु त और मिश्र वाक्य, पदबंध मह
ु ावरे
, अनच्ु छे द, पत्र, , विज्ञापन, सचू ना, लघक
ु था आदि।

Art Integrated Project (Andaman & Nicobar /Lakshadweep)

Roll Numbers(1- 20)
i) Prepare a project report on how the climatic conditions of Andaman & Nicobar
/Lakshadweep help in the existence of a wide variety of biodiversity ( flora and
ii) Make a poster on biodiversity found there.
Roll Numbers(21-40)
i) Prepare a project report on type of farming, horticulture & animal husbandry to
help a farmer in his earning.
ii) Make a collage on the type of farming and types of livestock found there.

Working Model
Prepare a working model using waste material based on any scientific

Ch - 6 (Life processes) & Ch - 10 (Light)
Short Question - Answers
Q1 (i) Name two waste products which are stored in old xylem in plants.
(ii) Name the process by which plants get rid of excess water.
(iii) Name the pores through which this process takes place.
Q2 Explain with the help of a diagram how an amoeba takes its nutrition.
Q3 Name three different glands associated with the digestive system in humans. Also
name their secretions.
Q4 Which organ secretes a hormone when the blood sugar rises? Name a digestive
enzyme released by this organ.
Q5 The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than that seen in
terrestrial organisms. Give a reason.
Q6 Bile juice does not contain any enzyme but bile salts are important for digestion
and absorption of fats. State reason.
Q7 Why is double circulation of blood necessary in humans?
Q8 A ray of light, incident obliquely on a face of a rectangular glass slab placed in air,
emerges from the opposite face parallel to the incident ray. State two factors on
which the lateral displacement of the emergent ray depends.
Q9 . An object 2 cm high is placed at a distance of 64 cm from a white screen. On
placing a convex lens at a distance of 32 cm from the object it is found that a distinct
image of the object is formed on the screen. What is the focal length of the convex
lens and size of the image formed on the screen? Draw a ray diagram to show the
formation of the image in this position of the object with respect to the lens.
Q10 Why does a ray of light bend when it travels from one medium into another?

Long Question-Answers:-
Q11 Give reasons for the following:
a) Arteries are thick walled.
b) Blood goes only once through the heart in fishes.
c) Plants have low energy needs.
d) The two ventricles have thicker muscular walls than the two atria in the human
e) The capillaries have walls which are one-celled thick.

Q12 a) Write the balanced chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis.
b) When do desert plants take up CO2 and perform photosynthesis ?
c) State basic difference in the processes of respiration and photosynthesis.

Q13 a)What are stomata ? Draw a labelled diagram of stomata.

b) Write any two functions of stomata.
c) Name the cells that control the opening and closing of stomatal pore. How do they
perform this function ?

Q14 (а) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of an image of an object placed
between infinity and the optical centre of a concave lens.
(b) A concave lens of focal length 15 cm forms an image 10 cm from the lens.
(i) the distance of the object from the lens.
(ii) the magnification for the image formed.
(iii) the nature of the image formed.
Q15 a) State the law of refraction of light that defines the refractive index of a
medium with respect to the other. Express it mathematically. How is the refractive
index of any medium ‘A’ with respect to a medium ‘B’ related to the speed of
propagation of light in two media A and B? State the name of this constant when one
medium is vacuum or air.
b) The refractive indices of glass and water with respect to vacuum are 3/2 and 4/3
respectively. If the speed of light in glass is 2 x 108 m/s, find the speed of light in
(i) vacuum, (ii) water.

Syllabus of PA 1
Ch- 1 Chemical Reactions And Equations
Ch- 6 Life Processes
Ch- 10 Light
NOTE- I) Art integration project will be done on A4 size sheet.
ii) Practise sheet in your notebook.


1. Art Integrated Project (Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands)

on A 4 size sheet
A. Political system in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands.
B. Tourist places in Andaman and Nicobar Islands , Lakshadweep Islands.

2. Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on "Consumer Awareness"

Objective of the project: The overall objective of the project is to help students gain
an insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme. It also helps in enhancing life
skills of the students.

3. Prepare a poster on "Save water" or "Save environment" on A4 size sheet.

4. Make an eco-friendly paper bag .

5. Make a PowerPoint presentation on Sustainable Development goals.

6.Revise syllabus of Periodic assessment - 1

Syllabus for PA -1
History: Chapter-1 The Rise of nationalism in Europe
Chapter-2 Nationalism in India
Map work:
HISTORY (Outline Political Map of India)
1. Indian National Congress Sessions:
a. Calcutta (Sep. 1920)
b. Nagpur (Dec. 1920)
c. Madras (1927)
2. Important Centres of Indian National Movement :-
a. Champaran (Bihar) - Movement of Indigo Planters
b. Kheda (Gujarat) - Peasant Satyagrah
c.Ahmedabad (Gujarat) - Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha
d.Amritsar (Punjab) - Jallianwala Bagh Incident
e.Chauri Chaura (U.P.) - Calling off the Non-Cooperation Movement
f.Dandi (Gujarat) - Civil Disobedience Movement

Geography: Chapter-1 Resources and development

Map work: Types of soil in India
Political Science: Chapter-1 Power Sharing
Economics: Chapter-1 Development


1. Project 1 : Design the poster given on page number 73 in Ms Word. You can
include pictures of your choice in the poster. Note: Apply Page Border ,
Watermark of your name, Header Footer that include Page Number. , Your
name, Class and Section.
2. Project 2 : Create an attractive template of a Certificate in MS Word . Note:
Apply page border and border color of your choice, page orientation must be
landscape, give desired formatting for school name with LOGO , school
address, text written in the certificate, use blur Watermark of your name.
3. Project 3 : Create TOC on Andaman and Nicobar Island from Wikipedia. Note:
Use page border, apply Hierarchy of headings, apply watermark of your name.

Note: Make coloured (Hard Copy) Printout of all documents and compile in a
transparent labelled folder. All above three projects are graded as final internal

Syllabus of PA 1

Part A UNIT I : Digital Documentation (Advanced)


Q.1 Do page number 47,49,55 in the drawing file which is already given in the
drawing book.
Q.2 Paint a flower pot using acrylic colours. Like this.

Learn to play the melody of the national anthem on harmonium or casio.



1. Introduction
2. History
3. General Rules of Badminton
4. Fundamentals Skills of Badminton
5. Playfield of Badminton
6. Important Tournaments

Note : Complete your Practical File.


1.READING SKILLS – Do Assignments 6 to 15 ( Factual Passages), 3 to 15 (Discursive

Passages)in Practice Book "Living English".

* Analytical Paragraphs (150-200 words) (Do in English Practice Book)
A.Line Graph Assignments (2 to 4)
B. Pie - Chart and Bar Graph Assignments ( 2 to 3).
C. The following pie chart shows how internet users aged 16+prefers to access the
internet at home and at other places. Write an analytical paragraph.( In note book
along with the pie- chart)

D. The chart given below shows how frequently people in the USA ate fast food in
the restaurants between 2003 and 2013. Using the given data, write an analytical
paragraph. (In your notebook along with the line graph)
3.Letter to Editor & Placing an Order (120-150)
A.Letter to Editor Assignments (3 to 6)
B.Letter for Placing an Order Assignments
(3 to 6).

4. Grammar
A. Do Assignments of Tenses. Subject Verb Concord ,Editing related to Tenses
,Modals & subject verb Agreement in practice book.
5. Literature/Prose
Write and learn all the question answers of the lessons done in Class (
PA 1 syllabus) given in Practice book.
6. Art Integrated Project: - Collect the rich & unique culture of Andaman & Nicobar &
Lakshya deep group of islands .Paste picturs of beautiful Islands,it's vegitation,
worth-seeing places, food, festivals& occupation etc . (In A4 Size sheets Nearly 8-10
Sheets decorative and in attractive file) Construct your file in the following way:-
Page 1. Name ,class section ,subject & name of project( Art Integrated Project)
Andaman & Lakshadweepgroup of Islands.
Page 2 Index
Page 3. General Information( Andaman--Lakshyadeep) like area etc.
Page 4. Worth seeing places with pics.
Page 5. Occupation of people.
Page 6.Food & culture
Page 7.Comparision b/w Andaman & Lakshya deep
Page 8. Festivals
Page 9.Acknowledgement of content.
Page 10 Any specific information if any.

7. PPT.
Make a group of four students and prepare a PPT for class
Topic-1.From the Diary of Anne Frank. (Roll no.1 to 4)
2.Glimpses of India part I II & III (Roll no. 5 to 8)
3.Mijbil the Otter. ( Roll no.9 to 12)
4 Ball poem ( Roll no.13to 16)
5.Amanda (Roll no.17 to 20)
6.Making of a scientist (Roll no.21 to 24)
7. Bholi ( Roll no.25 to 28)
8. A Question of trust.(Roll no 29 to 32)
Syllabus of PA-I English. 40 marks.
Text: First Flight: Lesson-1 A letter to God
Lesson-2 Nelson Mandela: A long walk to Freedom

Poem: 1. Dust of Snow

2. Fire and Ice
Text: Foot Prints without Feet: Lesson-1 A Triumph of Surgery
Lesson-2 The Thief's Story

Reading Skill: Unseen Passages (Case based, Factual and Discursive paragraphs.
Writing: Analytical Paragraphs based on pie chart & Line graph. Formal Letters
:-Editorial letter,Placing an Order.
Grammar: Tenses ,Determiners & Editing & related grammar questions.

Class X

Date Day Subject

17/07/2023 Monday Science

18/07/2023 Tuesday Hindi

19/07/2023 Wednesday Social


20/07/2023 Thursday English

21/07/2023 Friday IT

22/07/2023 Saturday Mathematics

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