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Year 11 Maths Methods Term 2 2023 V2

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Year 11 Maths Method –2023 Term 2

To prepare for Term 2 students should consider revising the content from Year 10 Advanced Maths this can be found in the textbook
 Ex 3A – Expanding and collecting like terms
 Ex 3B – Basic factorising of linear and quadratic equations
 Ex 3C – Basic factorising and solving quadratic equations and null factor theorem
 Ex 8A – General form a polynomials and identifying the polynomial degree
 Ex 8B – Division of polynomials
 Ex 8C – Factorising polynomials using the remainder and factor theorem
 Ex 15D – Reviewing trigonometric ratios
Wk Part Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Lesson Title Functions & Relations Piece-wise Functions Translations, Dilations & Reflections
 To understand and use set  To understand the concept of  To introduce a notation for
notation piece-wise functions/hybrid considering transformations on
Learning  To understand the concepts of functions and to work with these the cartesian plane
Intention relation and function. functions
 To apply knowledge of functions
to real life problems
 Interpret set notation  Use the notation of piece-wise  Examine and sketch
 Illustrate intervals of real functions transformations of graphs
1 numbers  Sketch the graph of a piece-wise (dilations, reflections, translations
 Sketch graphs, draw mappings function and combinations)
and determine equation of  Apply knowledge of functions to  Determine a sequence of
relations and state the domain solve problems transformation when given a
Success and range  Solve function problems with real- function equation
Criteria  Determine the implied (maximal life contexts
domain) of a relation
 Determine whether a relation is
a function using the vertical line
 Determine the domain and
range of a function
Exercise Ex 7A, 7B, 7C Ex 7D, 7E & 7F Ex 7G, 7H, 7I & 7J
Lesson Title Solving Quadratics Graphing Quadratics
 To understand the different  To understand the different
processes for solving quadratic processes for graphing quadratic
equations (completing the square equations (polynomial form and
and quadratic formula) turning point form)
To be able to identify between
2 polynomial form and turning point
form of a quadratic
 Solve quadratics by completing the  Graph quadratics in polynomial
square and turning point form
Success  Convert between polynomial from  Calculate turning point, intercepts,
Criteria and turning point form axis of symmetry with and
 Apply the quadratic formula to without technology
solve quadratics
Exercise Ex 3E and 3H Ex 3D and 3F
Lesson Title Discriminant of a Quadratic Quadratic Models
 To understand the role of the  To understand that real life
Learning discriminant in determining the problems can be modelled using
Intention number of x-intercepts a graph of quadratic equations
a quadratic has.
 Define the discriminant of a  Identify examples of quadratic
Success quadratic models
Criteria  Apply understanding of the  Apply quadratic models to solve
discriminant to solving quadratics problems
Exercise Ex 3I Ex 3L
Wk Part Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Lesson Title PSMT Lesson 1 Graphing Cubics Graphing Quartics

 To read and understand the  To recognise the features of and  To recognise the features of and
Learning requirements of the PSMT sketch the graph of cubic
sketch the graph of quartic
functions functions
4  Understand the whole task  Determine and graph features of  Determine and graph features of
 Understand the criteria in the cubics in forms y=x3, y=a(x−b) 3+c quartic in the form y=a(x−b)4+c,
ISMG and y=k(x−a) (x−b) (x-c), including including shape and behaviour
 Explain senior assignment shape, intercepts and behaviour at
concepts extremities
 Start the “formulate” stage of
the PSMT
Exercise PSMT Handed Out Ex 8E and F Ex 8G
Lesson Title Assignment Lesson 2 Features of Hyperbolic Functions Features of Square root Functions
 To learn how to write a report 
To recognise the rules and key  To recognise the rules and key
Learning in Math methods features of square root functions
Intention features of rectangular hyperbola
and to be able to sketch the graph
and to be able to sketch the graph
 Establish skills for report writing  Determine and graph features of  Determine and graph features of
in maths 1 square root functions including
 Determine appropriate vocab, the graphs of y= and shape and axis of symmetry
5 paragraph structure and
x  To determine the rules of relations
cohesion a of this type given sufficient
y= , including shape,
Success x−b information
intercepts, asymptotes and
 To determine the rules of
relations of this type given
sufficient information

Exercise Working on PSMT Ex 5A Ex 5C

Lesson Title Features of Circle Relations Consolidation/Catch Up Graphing Exponential Functions

 To recognise the rules and key  To review and consolidation all  To recognise the rules and key
Learning features of exponential functions
features of circle relations and concepts from the beginning of
Intention and to be able to sketch the graph
to be able to sketch the graph term 2
 Determine and graph features  Consolidate & catch up  Identify features of exponential
of circular relations including functions including shape,
Success shape, centres and radii intercept, asymptote and
Criteria translation vertically and

Ex 5D
Exercise Consolidation/Catch Up Ex 13D
PSMT Draft Due

Graphing and Solving Exponential

Lesson Title Logarithms and Solving Exponentials PSMT Lesson 3
 To understand the process for  To understand that logarithms can  To take on individual feedback
Learning solving exponential equations and general class feedback
be used to solve exponential
 Solve exponential equations  Understand the relationship  Use individual feedback to review
using index laws between logs and indices and refine PSMT
Success  Recall and apply log laws  Use general class feedback to
 Solve exponential equations using improve PSMT
log laws

Exercise Ex 13E Ex 13F & G Working on PSMT

Wk Part Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Modelling Exponential Functions Measurements of Angles and Circles Unit Circle
 To understand the real-life  To understand the difference  To define the sine cosine and
scenarios can be modelled and between radian and degree tangent functions using the unit
solved using exponential measure circle
functions  To understand the concepts of
8 arc length and sectors of a circle
 Modelling growth and decay  Define and convert between  Calculate coordinates of points
scenarios with exponential radian and degree measure around the unit circle
functions  Calculate arc length and area of  Apply unit circle to solve for
sectors of a circle (not chord or values of cos, sin and tan
Ex 15A and
Ex 13I
Exercise 15M (not all questions) Ex 15B & 15C & 15E
Assignment Due

Exact Values Sketching Trigonometric Functions Solving Trigonometric Equations

 To determine the exact values of  To examine the key features of  To determine methods for solving
trig functions the basic sine, cosine and tangent equations in trigonometric form
9  Recall the special triangles  Sketch basic trigonometric  Solve for x and y using
Calculate exact values of multiples functions trigonometric equations and
Success of 30° and 45° in degrees and graphs
Criteria radians  Define the Pythagorean identity
 Determine complementary
relationships (*if time permits)
Ex 15H,15K(Q3) and 15L
Exercise Ex 15F Ex 15G & Ex 15K (Q1, 2, 4)
(Assignment back)

Week 10: Year 11 Camp !

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