A SEMINAR ON PSALM BY Rev. Sr. Dr. Marie Agatha Ozah
A SEMINAR ON PSALM BY Rev. Sr. Dr. Marie Agatha Ozah
A SEMINAR ON PSALM BY Rev. Sr. Dr. Marie Agatha Ozah
In this session, we shall be going through some of the issues we had discussed
concerning the Responsorial Psalm.
Questions that will guide us include: what is the Responsorial psalm? what is its
importance in the Mass? How or what is the proper way to sing the responsorial
psalm? etc.
What is the Responsorial Psalm?
The responsorial psalm is often taken from the book of psalms in the Bible. It
functions to complement and serve like a melodic bridge between the readings.
like the readings it is scriptural and must be performed/chanted in such a way that it
is heard by the Faithful, just like the readings are read clearly for all the faithful to
In the early days of the Church, the readings were chanted but in a more syllabic
manner. However, the psalm was more ornate.
In fact, all the chants of the Mass were chanted in three ways. For example, the
Introit and Communion were chanted by all the faithful led by the choir. The
responsorial psalm and Tract were chanted by the soloist while the offertory was
chanted by the choir.
I can feel and hear your questions.
Why was the psalm allocated to the soloist?
Because the psalm verse was more complicated and often melismatic like the
The short response sung by the choir was simple while the complicated verse was
left for the soloist. the same is applicable with the alleluia.
in reality what was referred to as simple then will be complicated for our faithful or
choir today. so let us leave that and simple take the lesson.
Today, the faithful are expected to sing the response to the psalm as well as the
Alleluia, while the soloist sing the verse the response therefore, MUST be simple
enough so the soloist will have to sing it just once and the faithful will repeat once
after the soloist, who then moves straight to the verses.
If the soloist has to sing the response two or three times before the faithful can pick
it, then there is a problem.
The choir is of great help here as they have the luxury of practicing the response
during choir practice. however, that does not mean that the response can be
complicated because the choir can sing it. No. know that that action is for the faithful
and not the choir.
Although the verses can be complicated, they should not be such that the faithful are
unable to comprehend the text. Don't forget that the psalm is part of the readings, it
complements the readings and the Priest sometimes draw on it during the homily
Let the sung psalm, "the Lord is my Shepherd" always be your guide. The psalm of
last Saturday at the Cathedral was very appropriate. if you were there you will notice
that the soloist sang the response once and everyone in the Church were able to
repeat it. the soloist did not need to repeat it, and rightly so, but he went straight to
the verses.
It was beautiful.
Before we run out of time, let me talk about the Alleluia. Like the psalm, the Alleluia
should be simple because it is for the faithful and choir.
The verse is for the soloist and can be complicated but audible. Most importantly,
They are two different chants with two different liturgical meanings.
The alleluia heralds the Gospel so it is joyful, should be accompanied by musical
instruments, especially the alleluia. When the verse is being sung, the instruments
should be soft so the text is heard clearly and the instruments come back in full at
the alleluia.
The psalm should be accompanied by the organ alone. However, if a choir wants to
use other instruments, I suggest traditional instruments which are soft so that the text
is clearly heard. The accompanying rhythm should be such that the faithful are
driven to dance because there is really nothing to dance about in the responsorial
To respond to Ali-Okoro: When composing in the vernacular, the tonal contour of
the language must be taken into consideration or else there will be confusion.
I hope I have covered some points that are useful to you. I will take questions so I
don't keep you all too long.
Thank you for your patience and for listening or rather reading from me.
God has gone up with shouts of Joy, the Lord goes up with
trumpet sound.
Compiled by…
Chinam Augustine Bomboy
Catholic Sunday Psalms (C.S.P) 08038806066
Facilitator: Rev. Sr. Dr. Marie Agatha Ozah +234 806 727 1747