Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 1
Procedure The teacher talks to the class about the water cycle. He/she depicts
the stages of the cycle on the board while telling the class about what
happens to the water in each stage. Evaporation - gas
Condensation - liquid
Experiment 1:
To illustrate the water cycle the teacher boils water in a pot and holds
a lid approx. 50cm over the pot, so that the steam reaches it and
condenses back into water again.
The students have to make their own drawings of the water cycle.
The teacher can also choose to show the class a video of the water
cycle (eg.
Experiment 2:
Conduct an experiment to show the class how the water cycle works.
Hand out worksheet 1 before setting up the experiment. Let the
students carry it out together in groups, following the instructions on
the worksheet, if you have enough aquariums. Otherwise let them tell
you (or another student) how to do it and set up one aquarium for all
to share.
They have to make a hypothesis now and reach a conclusion after one
Experiment 3:
They have to make a hypothesis now and reach a conclusion after one
week (next lesson).
Lyrics to the The Water Cycle Boogie If there is time, the students can
illustrate the lyrics.
Level A1
Sticky tape
1 litre of water
Cotton wool
A small plate
2teaspoons Salt
Plastic glass
Permanent marker