Proposal Title 2019347893

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Faculty of Administrative Science

& Policy Studies

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Bachelor of Administrative Science

Title of Proposal

Name of Student

[ type the month & year ]

[not more than a page ]

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I hereby declare that the work contained in this research proposal is my own
except those which have been duly identified and acknowledged. If I am later
found to have plagiarized or to have committed other forms of academic
dishonesty, action can be taken against me under the Academic Regulations of



Matric No.:

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Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Problem statement 3
1.3 Research objectives
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Definition of terms/concepts

Chapter 2 : Literature Review & Conceptual Framework

2.1 Introduction
2.3 [ headings as needed to organize the review]
2.4 Conceptual framework
2.5 Hypothesis (If any)

Chapter 3 : Research Method

3.1 Research design

3.2 Unit of analysis
3.3 Sample size
3.4 Sampling technique
3.5 Measurement/Instrumentation
3.6 Data collection
3.7 Data analysis

References [following the prescribed format]

Appendix A [questionnaire, interview guide,
sampling frame etc)
Appendix B

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1.1 Introduction

[Provide a general introduction to the topic. Imagine that you are talking to
someone who has little or no knowledge of the topic or issues that you are
proposing to study. It is important to lead the reader to the problem in logical
manner. Usually you should go from the general to the specific.].

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1.2 Problem statement

The central problem to be research in this proposed study is the benefits

of tourism are not always equally distributed among local communities, and the
negative impacts can outweigh the positive ones if not well managed. In
Malaysia, the tourism industry is a crucial contributor to the national economy,
with over 26 million tourist arrivals in 2019, generating a total revenue of MYR
86.1 billion (Tourism Malaysia, 2020).
Tasik Kenyir, a man-lake in Malaysia which is located in Terengganu. It is
a popular destination for both local and international tourists due its beautiful
scenery and abundant biodiversity (Tourism Malaysia, 2020). However, by
increasing the number of tourists has raised concerns about the impacts of
tourism on the livelihoods and well-being of local communities. Despite its
potential economic benefits, the problem that local communities face is the lack
of direct benefits from tourism. For example, some studies have suggested that
tourism development can lead to economic inequality among local communities
such as hotel accommodation and tour operation owned and operated by
outsider entrepreneurs, displacement of local residents, and loss of cultural
heritage (Zhang, J. (2021).
According to Hassan, E. N. K. E. (2019), tourism has brought economic
benefits to local communities by creating job opportunities, generating income,
and improving the local economy. The negative impacts of tourist expansion,
such as unlawful activity, crime, a lack of goods and facilities, crowding, and
chaos, were unpopular with the local residents. Additionally, ecotourism
promotes changes in religious views and causes certain issues for local people,
including environmental issues (Darda M.A, Bhuiyan M.AH (2022).

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1.3 Research Questions

[What about this problem that is puzzling? What would you like to seek address
or answers for? These questions should be important, serious, specific and with
implications for the theory and practice]. The answer to these questions will
provide solutions to the problem.

1.4 Research Objectives

[Statements that clearly show what the research will seek to achieve. These
statements must be start with an action verb – identify, determine, ascertain,
list,]. These objectives are related to the research questions posed earlier.

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1.5 Scope of Study

[The study is limited to time, place, level etc. The design choices made for
reasons of time and resources also become limitations of the study]. Conceptual
framework will delimit the study by looking at some but not all aspects of the
problem/phenomenon. While delimitation may appear like scope, there is no
need to explain this here. Your conceptual framework will do that.

1.6 Significance of the proposed study

[How will this study help to solve problems or be useful? A good guide is to
categorise the significance section in terms of theory, practice, policy etc.]

1.7 Definition of terms, terminology and concepts

[Provide a dictionary type definition of the terms and concepts to enable readers
to follow the dissertation. Definition, unless is yours, must come with a reference.
Don’t rely on Wikipedia too much for this. Find more serious sources from your

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2.1 Literature review

[Review of related and recent articles on the issues of interest. You should
organise the review of the studies according to the concepts/variables in the
conceptual framework. The studies reviewed should the basis for the definition
and also the relationship of the variables with others. The review can also
provide pointers on the new aspects that could be researched].

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2.2 Conceptual Framework

Based on the review of literature and also observation and insight into the
problem you should develop a conceptual framework of the proposed study.
What are my IVs? What is my DV? Are there mediating or moderating variables?
What is the relationship between these variables? Are there hypotheses? Are
there directional or non-directional hypotheses? How are the variables related?
What is the evidence or basis of making these claims of relationship?

Remember models describe the relationship but theories explain the relationship.
What is overall theory can be used to justify the relationship? Input-output model,
Skinner’s Behavioral Theory, Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, Fishbein &
Azjen’s Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior Theory, Becker’s Human Capital
Theory, Lawler’s Expectancy Theory, Blau’s Social Exchange Theory,
Contingency Theory etc.

2.3 Summary

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3.1 Introduction

Provide a brief statement of what this chapter will do

3.2 Research design

Correlational, causal, cross-sectional, experimental, quasi-experimental,

longitudinal, factorial etc.

3.3 Unit/level of analysis

Who or what will be studied?

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3.4 Sample size

How many respondents, case or units needed for the study? This number must
be determined on the basis of sampling error, statistical requirement, statistical
power etc.

3.5 Sampling technique

What is the sampling frame to be used? What sampling technique to be used

and why?

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3.6 Measurement/Instrumentation

3.6.1 Variable A: what is the definition? What is the operational definition? Will
you use an existing measurement of the variable or develop a new one?
Will you adapt the existing measures? Are they several options? Why did
you choose this one? Do you have evidence of it reliability, validity,
suitability, appropriateness, simplicity, conceptual relevance etc.
3.6.2 Repeat for every variable in the conceptual framework.
3.6.3 Summarise the measurement issues in a tabular format [optional]

3.7 Data collection

Explain all the procedures to be followed in collecting the data. Don’t simplify it.
Add as much detail as you can. Include the process, time, people etc.

3.8 Data analysis

How will you analysis the data to draw conclusions?

3.8.1 Descriptive analysis

How will you profile or describe your the data? Frequency, counts, distributions,
means, standard deviations.

3.8.2 Testing of the hypotheses

What statistics will you use to test the relationships and test the hypotheses? Is
statistical tool adequate for the job?

3.8.3 Summarize these decisions in tabular format as illustrated below.


[ Arranged in alphabetical order with a ½ inch handing indent]

Make sure all the references cited are listed here.

Zhang, J. (2021). The effects of tourism on income inequality: A meta-analysis of
econometrics studies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

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Relevant and related materials (i.e. questionnaire)

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