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Hydraulic Model Studies o f Navajo Dam Auxiliary Outlet Works April 1976

and Hollow-Jet Valve Bypass - Modifications t o Reduce Dissolved 6. P E R F O ~ ~ MOI N

Gas Supersaturation I


P. L. Johnson , REC-ERC-76-5

Engineering and Research Center

Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado 80225



. .
It has been observed that operation o f the auxiliary outlet works and the 762-mm (30-inch) hollow-jet valve
bypass at Navajo Dam result in high levels of dissolved gas supersaturation i n released waters: These hsti
d i s d v e d gas levels, wllich are caused b y the deep penetration o f the-flow i n t o thespillway stilling basin pool,
have had adverse effects o n the fishery. Structural modifications were considered which included a flattening
of the trajectow of t h e jet from the 7 6 2 m m (30-inch) bypass and the addition o f a deflector o r flip l i p t o the
auxiliarv outlet works. A 1:48 scale hydraulic model was used t o refine an3 evaluate these modifications.
Depth o f jet penetration, degree o f energ)i;dissipation. strength o f back eddies returning into the stilling basin,
potential for cavitation development below the flip lip, and simplicity of design were factors considered in the

, .
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'. DESCRIPTORS-- 1 *supersaturation/ dissolved gases1 'outlet works/ cavitation1 energy dissipation1
erosion1 'hydraulic models1 design modifications ..'.

. IDENTIFIERS-- 1Navajo Dam, N. Mex.

. COSATl Fieid/Group 13G COWRR: 1307

171115 REPORT)
vailobie from the National Technical Information Service. Operations UNCLASSIFIED 30
livision. Springfie!d. Virginia 22151. 20. SECURITY CLASS 22. PRICE
the cooperation of the staffs of the spillway;, Outlets, and Experi-
mental Analysis Section. Dams Branch, Division of Design, and the
Hydraulics Branch, ~ T s 3 o nof General Research, during the period
March through July 1975. The hydraulic model studyLvas conducted
by the author andrevieyed by T. J.,,Rhone, Head, Applied.ljiv~raulics .,
Section, under thb general supervisi'.? D. L. King. Chief,.Hydraulics
Branch. :;j
.'19 ,.
-' . :, ,I.

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, ,
Applications . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . .
The model . . . r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rrferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:'~.: . . .

. ,
U . . \% 2

'. .!

Data summary-Initial modification design


. . . . :........

2 Data summary-Final modification design . . . . . . . .

.=:, -
:.,4 !.,
.~ :
Original prototype design-Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . \
Original prototypelesiyn-English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Initial modification design-Metric-With crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
Initial modification design-English-With crown . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Final modification design-Metric . . . . . ?.. . . . . . . . . . . .
Final modification design-English .'
14 ,

Original auxiliary outlet works . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Original 762-mm (30-in)..... hoflow-jet valve bypass . . . . . . . . . .>..:. . 16
. ..~~- , -.
Hydraulic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *..... . ,,.. 17

Modeled initial modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 18

Operating model spillway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Operating model of flip lip 11.3 m31s (400 ft31sl discharge . . . . . . . . 20
Operating model of flip lip 28.3 m3/s (1000 ft3/s) discharge . . . . . . . 21
Operating model of flip lip 45.3 m3/s (1600 ft3/s) discharge . . . . . . . 22
Operating model of 762-mm (30411) bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Tailwatercurve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Eddy patterns for f l i p l / , operation
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Eddy patterns for (30-in) bypass operation . . . . . . . . . . 26
Strip chart pressure recording for spillway operation . . . . . . . . . . 27
Strip chart pressure recording for flip lip
make-and-break operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Modeled final flip lip design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Strip chart pressure recording for final flip
lip design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Pressures were noted that were severe enough t o
These studies were made t o aid in developing sitis- indicate a potential for cavitation damage.
factory modifications for the auxiliary outlet works
and the 762-mm ( 3 0 4 hollow-jet valve bypass ,a: 6. The expanding section (upstream from the flip lip)
Navajo Dam, N. Mex. The modifications would reduce was initially tested with a crown down the center of i t s
dissolved gas supersaturation levels created by t!ie -invert (fig. 2). The crown,~~whichwas t o aid in
operating prototype structures (fig. 1).' spreading the flow, actvally overspread the flow and
created concentrations at the outside limits. An
expanding section with a flat invert (fig. 3) was tested
RESULTS and found t o adequately spread the flow. Because the
;I structure with the flat invert was also simpler t o =
1. Reducing the downward angle of the 762mm construct, it was selected for the final design.
(JO-~n)hollow-jet valve from 24' t o I F (fig. 2) should c, !.',
reduce the expected maximum dissolved gas super-
saturation level from 123 percent t o 112 bercent. APPLICATIONS
2 The 762-mm hollow-jet valve, directed downward at Application of the spec,ific results of these studies is
an angle of 15', was found t o operate satisfactorily in limited t o structures that are very similar to those
all aspects. The maximum wave height at downstream observed. Resulting dissolved gas levels, wave heights,
riprapped surfaces was 305 mm (12 in), the maxlmum back eddies, and pressures on surfaces are not only a
velocity rn back eddies returning into the stilling basin function of structure configuration but are also
was 229 mm/s (9 inls), and the maximum depth of jet affected by stilling basin depth, discharge, and flow
penetration was 5.8 meters (19 feet). velocity. Thus, unless all of these factors are quite
similar t o those studied, it would be difficult t o apply
3. A flip lip placed on the auxiliary outlet works (fig. the results of these tests t o another structure. However.
3) at elevation 1742.?5 rn (5715.72 ft) should reduce the design concepts presented may provide initial
expected maximum dissolved gas supersa-uration levels direction for studies of structures with similar
from 150 percent t o 104 percent. Included in the flip problems.
lip design was an expanding section (upstream of the
lip) which spread the flow and thus eliminated a
concentrated surface jet. INTRODUCTION
4. The flip lip produced satisfactory auxiliary outlet It has been observed that some hydraulic structures '-2
works operation in all respects. The maximum may create supersaturated dissolved gas levels in the
observed wave height on downstream riprap was 671 waters they release. Dissolved gas supersaturation is a
mm (2.2 ft), the maximum depth of flow penetration condition in which the water holds more dissolved
was 4.3 m (14 ft), the maximum velocity in back gases (mainly oxygen and nitrogen) than it would
eddies returning into the basin was 640 mmls (2.1 na:urally hold. Generally, supersaturated conditions
ftls), and the structure is expected t o be cavitation- result at hydraulic structurei'bac_avse of the phe-
free. nomenon that water can hold more dissolved gas when
under pressure. A t many structures, air bubbles carried
5. Spillway operation over the flip lip was satisfactory. by the flow wili penetrate t o the bottom of deep pools
However, bdcause only a portion of the spillway flow is where the pressure i s high. Under these conditions,
affected:by the flip, the flip will not greatly reduce relatively large amounts of air are dissolved. The
dissolved gas suparsaturation levels created by spillway pressure is reduced as'the water slowly rises and leaves
operation: The maximum observed wave heights at tlle~pool,yet large amounts of dissolved gas'iemain i n
downstream riprapped surfaces were 762 mm (2.5 ft) solution. Dissolved gas supersaturation therefore
a t a discharge of 283.2 m v s (10,000 ft3/s), 1372 m m develops. Such supersaturation is not a stable condition
(4.5 f t ) @ 5 ~ 6 . 3m31s (20.000 ft3/s), and 1829 mm and, with time, the gas will tend t o come out of
(6.0 ftl - i t 852.8 r n v s (34,000 ft3/s). Maximum solotion and reduce the supersaturation levels:: signifi-
observed velsciiies in back eddies were very small and cant reduction may take minutes or days, depending
in many cases there were no back eddies. Although on the amount of water turbulence. The reaion for
'Dimensions used in this report refer to the prototype structure, unless otherwise stated.
' ~ 1 1Rressures in this report are gage values.
concern with this problem i s that the blood of fish . , A hydraulic model study was initiated to observe the
swimming in the supersaturated water will also becorne of the modifications and to optimize the
supersaturated. If the dissolved gas level i s sufficierltly design. The study had five hatic objectives.
high, bubbles may form ;n the blood and the fish
would get a disease similar to the bends experienced by 0 Determine wave heights along riprap surfaces
human divers. The disease may result in permanent downstream from the stilling basin. - Wave heights
damage and can even be fatal. were a concern because roug:; surface action was
expected to develop with the mcre shallow penetra-
Two structures where supersaturatlon has been of tion. The deep penetration was included ir the
particular concern are the auxdiary outlet works and original design because it caused a high,degree
. . of
762-mm (30-in) hollow-jet valve bypass at Navajo Dam energy dissipation. This level of energy d:jsipation
in northwestern New Mexico (fig. 1 ). Relatively high rs:ulted in a smooth water:surface and therefore a
svpersaturation levels have been observed ?t both minimum threai of erosion to riprap 'surfaces.
structures. On two occasions, fish k ~ l l shave been Skimming the flow from the structures across the
observed. surface develops the maximum wkv.e~potential,thus
creating the possibiky of erosion damage in :he
The auxiliary outlet works'(figs. 1 and 4) consists of a downstream channel. Therefore, observing wave
'submerged intake which leads to ,a 533.m (1750-ft). ' heights along model riprap surfaces helped to

long, nearly h?rizontal tunnel, which exits at the evaluate the likelihood of erosion ,damage and
spillway stillirlg basin (the deep p o ~ l ).The
, flow is determine the need for additional riprap protection.
controlled by 1219- by 1219-mm (4- by'4-ftl iandem
ourlet gates located approximately halfway through Getarmine the strength of back eddies that may .
the tunnel. There is free flow between the control gates return to the stilling basin underneath the outgoizz
and tht stilling basin. The flow enters the stil!ing basin surface flows. - Back eddies flowing into the stilling
through a slot in the spillway chute floor. The basin, below-surface flows leavicj the basin, have
maximum discharge capacity of the auxiliary outlet ., been observed at many structures. These eddies may
works i s 45.3 m v s (1.600 ft3/s). have sufficient velocity to carry rock and sediment
into the basin. This material may then be moved
The 762-mm (30-in) hollowjet valve bypass (figs. 1 around in the basin by currents and cause erosion
and 5) receives water from the pressure tunnel which damage to the concrete.' Velocities in the back
also supplies the 1829-mm (72-in) hollow-jet valves. eddies were measured in the model to insure that
The 1829-mm (72411) hollow-jet valve tunnel, as with bed material movement and the resulting erosion
the auxiliary outlet works tunnel, has a submerged would not occur. The velocities were measured at
~ntakefrom the reservoir. The hollow-jet valve bypass the bottom jilst downstream of the end sill of the
IS located at the top of the left spillway stilling basm stilling basin. The flow at this location is important
s~dewall, approximately 4.6 m (15 f t ) above the because it supplies the force l o carry the material
tailwater surface. The valve is d~recteddownward at an into the basin.
angle of 24'. The valve's maximum discharge capacity
i s 11.3 m3/s (400 ft3/s). - 0 Dstermine prsssures jusr:downstrearn of the lip
of the auxiliary outlet. works flip structure to assure
Flows ieaving both structures penetrate the tailw-ter to cavitation+ee operation. --Pressures just down-
the floor of the spillway st~llingbasin, thus exposing streem of '(he flip lip wern,.a concern because of the
the air-water mixtures from the structures to pressures close proximity of the lip-to,the tailwater surface. I t
equal to approximately 12.2 m (40 f t ) of water. I t was
proposed that the auxiliary outlet works entrance to
, is possible that the region u d e r the flow coming off
the lip ~ o u l dbe submerged, and therefore the
the stilling basin pool be redesigned (fig. 3) so that the underside of the flow would not be vented. If this
flow will be deflected across the tailwater surface thus was the case. the potential exists for the develop-
reducing penetration. This structure i s referred to as a ment of str'nng negative pressures between the jet
flip l ~ p .Llkewise, i t was proposed that the downward and the splllway face, which could result in
angle of the b t c - 5 be reduced from 24' to 15' (fig. 3) cavitation.
which also would reduce penetration. Both modifica. ,
tions would reduce resultmg supersaturation by reduc- 0 Determine and try to minimize the depth of
ing flow penetration levels. penetratiun of the flows from the two structures
into the spillway stilling basin. - Because depth of point 76 m (250 ft) downstream from the end sill of
flow penetration directly controls the level of ' the stilling basin.
supersaturation, resulting penetration depths were ..
of concern throughout the study. A predictive ' 0 The 762-mm (304nl hollow-jet valve bypass. - '
analysis developed by Johnson Ill allowe'd the. The hollow-jet valve bypass was fed
convcision of these penetration depths into conduit from the head box The valve i
resulting supersaturation levels. Decisions could with the valve needle fixed at full open
then be made on thi'acceptabilitf%f these levels.
The 1l q m (390-ft),maximum drop f r o n tho-!e
0 Minimize size, complexity, and cost of the water surface to the taiIwatei:;lkfx.* was.modelr?d as
structural modifications. - The l a s t of the five 2.5 m (8.1 ft). The 59.4.m (195-ft) stillin'b'basin width ., .-.z+
objectives wbs to reduce the cost of the modifica- was modeled as 1250-mm (4.1-ft). T$e 962.8-m3/s :+-
tions. This includes reducing the size of the siruc- (34,000-*Is) maximum spillwai,i dischaige was -
ture, simplifying the design of the structure, and modeled as 60.3 SI ! (2.13 ft3/d. The 45.3-m3/s :
usiny the simplest construction method:, (1.600-fP/s) maximum auxiliary outlet works dis-
. .. charge was modeled as 2.8 11s (0.10 ft31s) and the
. . .~..
.. ~. . 11.3-m3/s ('100-ft3/sl maximum bypass discharge was
.A. THE MODEL !,.,. .. , modeled as 0 . 7 0 8 h (43.2 in3/s).
The hydraulic inodel (fig. 6) was constructed to a scale It was possible to independently operate the spillway,
of 1:48 to allow use of an existing head box At this bypass, and aux~liaryoutlet works. Discharges were
scale, ven/ little work was required on the head box measured w ~ t h
venturi and venturi-orifice meters.
and thus a major expense was eliminated.'lncluded in
the model were: ,., .,;

0 Head box. - Heads ranging from zeln to the full ,&, .
reservoir head (119 m I390 ft))could be developed. Initially,' the model was studied t o verify that the
created flow conditions were representative of true
0 Lower half of the splllwdy. -This was suffment prototype conditions. Of main concern was the spill-,
to allow correct modeling of the spillway flow over way where the configuration of the upper portion of '~
the flip lip structure. The spillway was supplied the structure had been modified to simplify model
through a slide gate, which allowed the development construction. Water surface profiles in the chute and
of the full reservoir head and correct veloc~tieson photographs of the stilling basin action that had been
the spillway. obtained by Beichley [21 in the original model study
were used as a guide. The ,flow dist~ibutionon the
Auxiliary outlet works entrance to the stilling chute was then manipulated until a sd?>sfacton/dupli-
basin, supplied through a valved conduit from the cation was obtained. Manipulation was primarily done
head box. - Included with the conduit were a gate with guide vahei and with a canvas tarp that was laid
valve and a slide gate which allowed independent on the water surface. .In' addition, observation of the
operation of the auxiliary outlet works. A 15.2-m operating bypass indicated that the valve needle sup-
(50-ft) length of the tunnel upstream from the flip port vanes (which had been simplified in the model)
lip structure was also modeled. The flip lip section required streamlining to obtain satisfactory flow repre-
was constructed to allow quick madification. A sentation. The vanes were streamlined and satisfact$?-"
* ./
Portion of the spillway face could be removed tor flow conditions were obtained. All other flow charac-
access to a box which contained removable ribs. The teristics wSw::o.und to be satisfactory.
ribs could be cut to the shape of the structural cross \I-

sect~ons.The areas between the ribs were filled with With the completion of the model verification, the
modeling clay to yield the desired contour. investigation was started. For each structural and
operational condition observed, wave height, back
@ Stilling basin and downstream topography. - eddy strength, flip lip pressures, and penetration depth
Included in the model were all of the spillway were measured. The wave height data collected were
stilling basin and a l l topography within 61 m (200 amplitude for the largest waves
f t ) on either side of the spillway centerline to a observed. The wave height data were collected on the

*Numbers in brackets refer to references at end of the report

right bank (looking in the direction of flow) approxi-
mately 61 m 1200 ft) downstream from the end of the
st~llingbasin. rapped surfaces. Waves as high as 1.8 m (6 ft) (trough
to crest) occurred with the spillway operating at
This locstion (fig. li was selected because the wave maximum discharge. At a spillway discharge of 283.2
action was representative of typical cond;tions. The m31s (10.000 ft3/s), the observed waves were less than
back eddy velocity data were taken just above the 610 mm (2 f t ) high. The largest waves observed, when
bottom m d just downstream of the end sill. The only the auxiliary outlet works was operating, were
velocity data were collected with a small propeller approxima:ely. 610 mm (2 f t l high. Gendraily, for
meter at quarter points across the channel. Average auxiliary outlet works operation and for bypass opera-
velocities over 1-minute (prototype) in:eruals were tion, the o5served wave heights along the riprap
measured. Since the velocity fluctuates, the short time surfaces were less than 305 rnm (12 in). It was
interval was selected because it yielded values closer to concluded that the modifications did nor create exces-
the instantaneous maximum values that occur. Five sive wave action and,e existing riprap should be
velocity readings were taken at each position for each more thin adequate for all conditions except possibly
flow condition. The highest of the five comprise the when spillway discharges are above 566.3 m v s 120,000
veloci?ies presented in this report. The flip lip pressures ft3/s);'
were measured with l h r e ~piezometers placed just
downstream of the lip (fig. 31. This region is the least The inward velocities i n the bjck eddies. (tabi2;::l)
likeiy to be vented and. the most likely to develop indicate that with only the auxiljyy ou~ler works
critically low pressures. The piezometers were attached operating, the highest velocities were nieasllied and
to electronic pressure transducers which allowed moni- that the greater the discharge'fronl':he auxiliary outlet
toring of instantaneous pressures. Output from the works, the greater the velocities. By studying flow
transducers was recorded on a strip chart.Representa- patterns in the model, i t was found thatthe auxiliary
tive portions of these strip chart recordings are outlet works created a strong surface'Sir~.entwhich in
presented in the report for significant coliditions. The turn resulted in the back eddy formation (fig. 14). As
data are also presented as averagemaximum pressures the discharge increased, so did thet>trength of the
(an average of instantaneous mtiximum pressures), surface current, which strengthened the back eddies.
'average minimum'pressure (an average of instantaneous The maximum bottom velocities observed were
minimum pressu~es), and average pressures. Finally, approximately 610 mm/s (2 ftlsl. Somewhat similar
portions of the walls of the model stilling basin were flow conditions were observed with the bypass except
constructed of c ear plastic to allow visual evaluation
and measuremelt of penetration depth of discharge.
that only one large eddy wa; created &hich had flow
exiting the basin on the right side (looking in the
Data collection began with the initially proposed direction of flow) and reenterir;; the ba;iiq,on the left
auxiliary outlet works flip lip installea (figs. 2 and 7). (fig. 15). The maximum inward velocitias observed
The spillway was operated at discharges of 283.2. were less than 306 mm/s (1 ft[$ Conversely, spillway
566.3, and 962.8 m3/s (10,004. 20,5&, and 34,000 operation showed very little?back eddy formation.
ft3/s) (fig. 8). The auziiiaiy outlet wqrks were Although some of the.spillw& f l t h was deflected by
operated at j;:1.3 (fig. 9). 28.3 (fig. 10). and 45.2 m v s the flip lip, the majority of the flow penetrated to the
(fig. 11) (41)4. 1,000 and 1,600 f t v s ) The bypass was bottom of the basin and then moved downstream. This
operated a t ' 11.3 m3/s (400 ft3/s), which. is i t s flow negated the tendency for back eddy formation
maximum di~ichargerate (fig. 12). For each structure created by the flip.
and discharge setting, data were collected at several
tailwater elevations. A wide range of tailwater eleva- Because the bottom of the channel downstream of the
tions requirr!d study because the powerplant and river basin is riprap lined, movement of material into the
outlet work; may operate separately from the spillway basin was considered unlikely and the back eddy
stilling basic; structures and their operation affects the velocities were accepted.
tailwater elaation. The tailwater elevation range con-
sidered war determined from figure 13 (where the The pressures below the auxil~aryoutlet works flip lip
discharge used was the combined total of all possible were found to be generally acceptable. As can be seen
discharger for,.the condition being studied). in table 1, the lowest average pressures occurred when
the spillway was operating at 283.2 or 566.3 m3/s
The data obtained from the initial flip lip design are (10.000 or 20,000 ft3/s). When the sp~llwaywas
summarized in table 1. operated at 962.8 m3/s (34,000 ft3/s), the tailwater
surface was drawn down by the penetrating flow, percent nitrogen and 135 percent oxygen to 106
which allowed partial venting of the underside of the percent nitrogen and 97 percent oxygen.
jet leaving the lip. This partial venting reduced the . , . .
magnitude of the negative pressure under the lip. Strip Flow from the modified bypass penetrated to depths
chart pressure data collected for spillway operation are of 4.6 to 5.8 m (15 to 19 ft). Ttiis is fairly deep, but
shown in figure 16. Table 1 shows that changes in the : still shallower than the 12.2 to 13.7 m ( 4 0 to 45 ft)

tailwater elwarion do not significantly affect the which appeared to occur in the prototype. Calculations.'
pressures that result from spillway operation. using the predictive analysis [11 indicate that the
reduced penetration should result in dissolved nitrogen
Although average and average minimum pressures levels being reduced from 125 percent to 114 percent
observed for auxiliary outlet works operation were and dissolved oxygen levels being reduced from 120
higher than those observed for spillway operation, the ?ercent to 108 percent. Further, i t was believed that
largsst magnitude instantaneous negative pressures the 15' angle of penetration was approaching the
occurred when only the auxiliary outlet works was flattest angle that could be used without having high
operating. These large-magnitude negative pressure velocity flow impinge the opposite stilling basin wall.
peaks occurred when the structure was operating i n a Also, the bypass should be used infrequently. Thus, it
make-ahd-break condition. A make-and-break condi- was concluded that the modification to the bypass was
tion occurred when the tailwater was at such elevat~on satisfactory and that no further model testing was
ttldt wave action on the tailwater surface caused the needed. The bypassoperation is shown in figure 12.
region under the jet leaving the fhp lip to be alternately
free to the atmosphere or fllled with water. The critical The next step in the investigation was an attemp: to
period of this make-and-break condition, with respect simplify the initial flip lip design to reduce the cost of
to negative pressure development, is when the break is the modification. There were two factors considered in
occurring. As the water vacates the region, a short- the simplification. First, the crown or ridge in the
duration partial vacuum results. Under such conditions, invert of the structure might be removed. The crown
prototype pressures as low as 7.3 m (24 ft) or water was initially included in the design to spread the flow
below atmospheric were observed. A strip chart record. to allow quicker energy dissipation and to minimize
ing of this condition is shown in figure 17. The penetration. Observation of the model operating with
magnitude of these subatmospheric pressures might the crown in place indicated that the crown was
cause concern that cavitation would develop. However, overspreading the flow and creating flow concentra-
because of the short duration of these pressures and tions to the outside. Construction of the crown would
because the pressures in the region are near atmos- add significantly to the cost of the structure.
pheric most of the time, these low pressures were
considered to be acceptable. Secondly, the elevation of the flip lip might be raised
to simplify dewatering of the construction area.
From table 1, it can also be seen that the observed Raising the lip would put the modification work above
depths of penetration ranged from 1219 mm (4 ft) to the tailwater surface which would reduce the cost of
the full basin depth of 13.7. m (45 ft). All spillway the modification.
flows penetrated to the floor of the basin. For spillway
flows, it was not possible to observe the depth of Initially, just the crown was removed (fig. 18) and the
penetration of that portion of the flow affected by the model was tested as before. In general, the flow a t the
auxiliary outlet works flip, but observation of surface lip was spread quite uniformly, although there was
flows did indicate that the penetration was some flow concentration in the center of the structure.
significantly reduced. Penetration depths resulting The flow concentration was no greater than had been
from only the operation of the auxiliary outlet works observed along the outside walls of the structure with
ranged from 1.2 to 4.3 m (4 to 14 ft). Generally, the the crown in place. For all condi:ions, the structure
greater the discharge,,;the greater the penetration. In appeared to perform satisfactorily. Data collected
the existing prototype, these flows would penetrate t o during the testing are summarized in table 2. As can be
the stilling basin floor. a depth of 12.2 to 13.7 m (40 seen, wave heights, velocities in back eddies, and
to 45 ft). For the discharge and tailwater elevation penetration depths were all approximately the same as
ranges observed, tailwater elevation again seemed to had been observed with the crown in place (table 1).
have no distinct effect on penetration depth. Applica- Pressures below the lip were also of similar magnitude.
tion of a predictive analysis [ I ] indicates athat Pressures observed when the auxiliary outlet works
maximum supersaturation levels created by auxiliary were operating itidicate that the lowest average pres-
outlet works operation should be reduced from 158 sures occur at the smaller discharges. This tendency
of reduced pressure were again observed with the action from the most common operating situations. I f
make-and-break action, but no peaks as great as those the lip was raised to elevation 1742.1 m (5715.7 ft).
from the initial design were noted. Typical strip chart the make-and-break action would occur between tail-
data are shown in figure 19. Again it is believed that all water elevations of 1742.3 and 1741.5 m 15716.2 and
pressures observed were within acceptable limits. 4713.7 ft). These tailwater elevations corresoond to
Operation of the structure without the crown was total discharges of 175.6 m3/s (6,200 ft3/s) and 19.8
acceptable and he crown was removed from the final m3/s (700ft31s), respectively. An auxiliary outlet works
deslgn. discharge of 14.2 m3/s (500 ft3/sl would therefore not
be in the make-and-breakrange. Placing the lip at eleva-
As a final test, the relative position of the flip lip with tion 1742.1 m (5715.7 ft) would Aso allow the
respect to the tailwater surface was evaluated to simplif~eddewatering of the construction site. It was
determine how the structure's performance ,was found that higher lip elevations resulted in greater flow
affected. it was found that make-and-break action can penetration. For these reasons, a flip lip elevation of
exist over a range of tailwater elevations from 152 mm 1742.1 m (5715.7 ft) was selected for the final design
(6 in) abovz the lip to 610 mm (2 f r i below the lip. (fig. 3).
Thus. if the lip is at elevation 1741.6 m (5714 ft!
(initial design), make.and.break conditions can occur
between elevations 1741.8 and 1741.0 m (5714.5 and REFERENCES
5712 ft). A tailwater elevation of 1741.8 m (5714.5 ft)
would result if the total release from the dam was 56.6 [ I ] Johnson, P. L., "Prediction of Dissolved Gas at
m v s (2,000 ft3/s). A tailwater elevation of 1741 m Hydraulic Structures." Report No. GR-8-75, U. S.
(5712 f t ) is lower than any possible tailwater elevztion. Department of the lnterior, Bureau of Reclamation.
Since a discharge of 14.2 m31s (500 ft3/s) with 'a July 1975
tailwater elevation of 1741.4 m (5713.4 ftl will be the
most common release and as the great majority of the [21 Beichiey, G. L., "Hydraulic Model Studies of
releases from the dam will be less than 56.6 m3s (2.000 Navajo Dam Spillway and Auxiliary Outlet Works
ft3/s), the auxiliary outlet works would almost always Junction with Spillway," Report No. HYD 458. U. S.
operate in the make-and-break range. Although con- Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation,
sidered satisfactory, this operating condition created > November 14,1961
the lowest negative pressure at the lip and resulted in
S I L L EL1792.
762 mm.H.J. VALUE

PRYFILE ON<762 rnrn.H.J.



. .
~ 2 1 3 4 m n . k l TUNNEL
~ . \1219 r 1 2 1 9 r n n . T OUTLET
~ ~ ~ ~ GPITES


Figure 1. -Original p r o t o t y p ~design - Metric.

rinuro 7. -- Modeled initial modiliwtion.

Figure 9. - Operxing model o f flip lip 11.3 rnvs I400 lr'/sl dlrcharge

Figure 10. - Operaling model of flip lip 28.3 m v i I1000 ft'/s~diichurgo.

Figure 1 1 . - Oprrotlng model of flip lip 45.3 m ' / r (1600 l t 1 / r l d ~ s c l ~ ~ r g r :


F~gure14. - Eddy patterns for fhp hpoperalion.

Figure 15. - Eddy patterns for 762-mrn (30-id bypass opration.
meters head f t of water

Flow rate: 962.8 rn3/s (:

Tailweter elevation: 174:

meters head

Flov* rate: 283.2 m3/r l10.000 fr'/rl

Ta water elevalio?: 174285 m I5718 111

Figure 16. - Strip chart pressure recording f0r;:BiikYay

- -24

- -12
Flow rate: 45.3m 3 / r (1600 f t 3 / r )
Tailwater elevation: i741.93m 15715 f t l

meters head f t of water

Flow rate: 11.3 m3/r (400ft3/r1

Tailwater elevation: 1741.78m (5714.5f t )

Figure 17.- S t r ~ pchart pressure recordmg for fllp IID makeend-break operation

effects on the fishery. Structural modificationr were considered which included a : effecfj oil the fishery. Structural modificationr were canridered which included a
flattoning of the trajectory of the jet from the 762-mm 13Dinch) byparr and the : 1land:dng o f the trajectory of the jet from the 762-mm 130-inch) bypass and the
addition of a deflector or f l i p l i p t o the auxiliary outlet workr. A 1:48 s a l e hydraulic : addition o f a deflector or f l i p lip to the auxiliary outlet workr. A 1:48 scale hy&lic
model was used t o refine and evaluate there modifications. Depth of jet penetration. : model was used t o refine and emluate there modifications. Depth of jet penetrGion. :
degree of ennw dissipation. strength of back eddies returning into the stilling basin, : degree of energy dissipation, strength of back eddies returning into the stilling basin,

factors considered i n the evaluation.


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