Rec Erc 79 06
Rec Erc 79 06
Rec Erc 79 06
Bureau of Reclamation
August 1979
IS-230 (3-78)
Urea" 0, R s C l M a U o o
Shaft Torsional Oscillations of ;-lydrogeperaiors August 1979
Bureau of Reclamation .?
Engineering and Research Center 11. C O N T R A C T OR G R A N T NO.
Denver. Colorado 80225
- , .
, .,
., .;
This report describes efforts to analyze, model, and instrument the shaft torsional osciliations of
electric generators. The mechanics o f t h e shaft torsional modes are presented through the defining
a;alytical equations from which block diagram and analog computer representation of shaft torsional
systems have been developed. Results o f a n analog study of the torsional mode of a hydrogenerator
as well as calculated data for several Bureau of Reclamation hydrogenerators are presented. An
instrumentationsystem which employes shaft-mounted strain gages to provide a torsional signal
has been developed for direct field measurement of the torsional behavior of hydrogenerator shafts.
The design and circuit configuration of that instrumentation system are presented. Results from field
measurements of the shaft torsional oscillations at three sites are also nresented.
Purpose .................................................................... 1
. . ..................................................................
Conclusions 1
Appllcat~ons ..... :: ........................................................ 1
Introduction ........................................................... :... 1
Mechanics of shalt torsional oscillations ....................................... 2
Torsional oscillations of a hydrogenerator shaft.. ................... : ........... 2
......... .! ..............................
Shaft torsional instrumentation system..
,. .
General description
. . .......................................................
Circuit descr~ptlon........................................................
: ..,. ~
Appendix A .................................................................1 9
Appendix B ........................................................... 25
. ,.
Calculated shaft Lxslonal d a t a . .
........................................ 8,9
GenL'raltorsional spring-mass system ...........................
Simplified diagram of the torsional system of a
vertical waterwheel generator ..............................
Analog diagram for shaft torsional oscillations of a hydrogcnerator
Torsional response of the analog system ........................
Shaft torsional instrumentation system applied to Unit I at
Flatiron Powerplant.. ...... .; ...................................... 10
Torsional oscillation of Unit I at Flatiron Powerplant ..................... 10
Shalt torsional instrumentation system applied to Unit G I 9
at Grand Coulee .................................................. 10
Torsional oscillation excited by a 600-MW load rejection from Unit G I 9
at Grand Coulee.. ................................................ 11
Modified shaft torque instrumentation system applied to Unit 6
of Pumping Plant No. I of the Southern Nevada Water Project.. ........ 1 2
Shaft torsional oscillation of Unit 6 of Southern Nevada
Water Project. Pumping Plant No. I ................................ 1 2
Block diagram of the shaft torsional instrumentation system ................ 12
Torque sensor and frequency-modulated transmitter schematic.. ............. 13
Pulse receiver schematic ................................................ 14
Demodulator schematic. :. ...............................................152,
Schematic diagrams of the active filters .................................. 16
Block diagram 01 the torsional system of figure I ......................... 20
. ,. ~ - Tangential accslerdtion at the shaft ,'
11, :" Rated speed i n r;min (revolutions pcr
11 Shaft outside diameter in inches px Generator rated powcr output in mega-
I),, Damping proportionality constant for watts
internal damping of shaft section S,, R Damping proportionality constant of
l)!.. Damping proportionality constant for rotating mass
internal damping of the shaft con- R, Damping proportionality constant of
nccting the turbine runner to the gen- .. the generator rotor
erator rotor R. i = 1. 2.3.. . . Damping proportionality
Total normalized damping. including constant of thc ith rotating mass
turbine .,runner. gcncrator. aod in- R, Damping proportionality constant 01'
ternal shaft damping the turbine rl~nner
(1 Shaft outside diameter in meters . .S,, ;. Shaft s c c t i o n connecting mass i to
(1; dl Time derivative mass.;
P Napcrian logarithm base AS ' Shaft surface deflection per unit length
.I' Damped torsional oscillation frequency at rated generator output power
in hertz .s La Plact operatar
:/it Undamped natural oscillation frequency 1 v ~.. Shaft surface deflection pcr unit length
in hertz due to torsional oscillation .,
R ..Gravitational constant (acceleration) T,, Mechanical starting time
If z Cycles per x c o n d in hertz. L:, Mxhanical starting time o f t h e gencra-
/I JZamping factor tor rotor
/I/> . ;-Horscpowcr L, i = I, 2. 3;: . . Mechanical starting time
I '-'>' Moment of inertia in k g n of the ith rotating mass
i, i = 1. 2. 3. . . . Moment of inertia ith 7;'~, Mechanical starting time of the turbinc
rotating mass in k g m runner
ti Shaft torsional spring constant I '. Time
A-,, shaft spring constant ofshaft IVRJ . Moment of inertia in 1b.ft2
section S,, (R M o m e y of inertia of the ith mass in
ti,.>, Per unit shaft torsional spring constant 1b.ft-
ti,,,, Synchronizing ioefficicnt of the swing Xr Capacitive reactance
cquation in per unit torque . per
. elec- .Y~ Inductive reactance
trical degree mp Angular acceleration of the generator
Overall shaft length in inches rotor
Overall shaft Icngth in meters a, Angular acceleration of the turbine
Moment o r torque r'Jnner
Rated moment o r torque i Synchronous machine internal torquc
Generator rotor airgap torquc angle
i = 1. 2. 3. . . . Moment o r torque ap- q, Generator efficient!,
plicd t o thc ith rotating mass ,: (-),, Constant angular shalt dellcction for
Turbine runner mechanical input torque rated generator outpui
Torquc disturbance (-1: Constant a n g u h r deflection of thc gcn-
Pcr unit torquc erator rotor
Per unit torque applied to the ith rotat- (3, i = 1. 2. 3. . . . Constant angular deflec-
Ing mass tion of the ith mass
Torque transmitted iron; the it11 mass (-), Constant angular deflection o f t h e j t h
to t h e j t h mass by the shaft scction S,, mass
Per unit reaction torque on the ith mass ?I, Constant angular deflection o f t h e tur-
in response to torques transmittcd by bine runner
the shaft from the (i-l)th mass (?),-OJIC Initial condition of angular displace-
Per unit reaction torque on the ith mass ment difference (Note: All abovc
in response to torques transmitted by angles ((3) are measured with respect
the shaft from the (i+l)th mass to a synchronously rotating reference
frame.) '.
ting mass
. . '
city of the
w.. 17 = i; 2. 3. . . .-Angular velocity of the:
I tith device.
mlar velocir).
llllltlll ~cn~ditin nfthcangul:tr\~clocity
o f the turbine runner
IU , Angular velocity o i the turbine runncr ~ ~
. .
II Ohms
., 2
kll l~lioilsandohms
MW Mcgawatt ~-.
mA Milliarnoere
u a l to 1 ; 1000 mch
o r 10.'' larad
a n a l y e . model. and instrument the torsional oscil- the natural torsional oscillations within the shafts
lations of-hydrogenerator shafts to gain additional of synchronous machines. There are t ~ v o haiic
insight into thc torsional behavior of hydrogenera- phenorncna which have spurred this interest:
tors and to assess the influence o f modern high-
initial-responsc static excitation systems upon thc I. Thc practice of employing series-capacitor
damping of the torsional oscillations. compensation to extend the stahilil? limits o l
long EHV (extra-high voltage) transmission lines
radiating from iargc gcncrating stations call
CONCLUSIONS introduce subsynchronous currents iolfrcquency
60 1- on thc transmission lines. 4 s a rcsult
1 . Shaft torsional phenomena have been modc:i:d . the generator cxpcricnces pulsstingtorqucsat iru-
by appropriate mathematical equations from which
block diagram and analog computer models have
been devclopcd. , . - quenc j s equal to the sun; and difference o f nor-
m a 1 , ~ v s t e m frequency (60 Hz) and thc sub-
sync.l!..mous frequency. Should the frequency
o f thcsc.pulsating torqucs lie close to a natural,
. . -:
the addition of a rotating exciter will merely serve-~. t o r s i i j n a l spring constan! of the shaft.
to introduce an additional mode o f oscillation
(between the gcnerator and exciter rotors) which is ' A n expression for the rclative damping influenccs in
csscntially independent o f the osciifiation between the analog system o f figure 3 is given by:
the generator rotor and the turbine runner.
:,, -
\< '43
.~. -.
~ ~
st3 s34
K2s 13 K34
O23 034
Turbine rotor No.i Turbine rotor No.2 Turbine rolor No.3
,. % Generator rotor
Shaf t
Kpu : Shaft torsional sprlng constant
D t .Darnping p r o p o r t ~ o n a l ~constant
f o r lnternol damping of the shaft
connecting the turblne runner t o
the generator r o t o r
@ Turbine runner
TrntX Mechanical s t a r t i n g tirng
R t ' Dornping c o e f f i c i e n t
Mt . Input toraue
! Ot Anguior v e l o c i t y o f t h e turbine runner
In an effort to evaluate the performance of several small resulting in unusually large torsional ampli-
pumps in the Southern Nevada Water Project sys- tudes and a rather low natural torsional frequency
tem, simultaneous recordings of electrical power, for such a high-speed unit (900 r/min).
shaft torque, speed, and hydraulic pressure were
desired. Of these signals, only shaft torque was not The modified instrumentation system suitable for
readily available, although it was suspected that the steady-state torque or torsional measurements is
shaft torsional instrumentation system might he schematically presented and described in the iollow-
adapted to provide that signal. To accomplish the ing section.
measurement of pump shaft torque, the torsional
instrumentation system had to be modified to pro-
vide steady-state absolute torque rather than merely SHAFT TORSIONAL
torque deviations and the physical size of the rotat- INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM
ing portion of the measurement system had to be
markedly rcduced to fit it on the small exposed por- General Description
tion of the pump shaft. The resulting instrumenta-
tion system shown in figure 9 was applied at the The instrumentation system is functionally divided
pumping plants in January 1978. Figure 10 is a rec- into two main parts (fig. 1 I). One portion is attached
ord of the torsional oscillation which resulted when to the shaft and rotates with it, while the other
the pump was started. The recorded oscillation was remains stationary. The portion of the system on
obtained by differentiating the steady-state torque the shaft consists of a strain gage bridge incorporat-
signal. Because the shaft of the particular pump ing four active gages oriented to sense torsional
examined (fig. 10) is unusually long and slender, strain in the shaft, an instrumentation-type differ-
the torsional spring constant is accordingly rather ence amplifier, an F M (frequency-modulared) pulse
(ilcu C;$n?on ilmrc>n (intnd Cnulcc <,rand ~ O U I V E
lcrm -(ih I (i19, (i20. livmd Cc,ulse lil - l i l x 1' <;7 & 1, 1,x
liuncratnr Katcd output ................ MW 112.5 35 600 I08 11251t 511
Kated speed .............................. r , min 150 514 72 120 2110
Turhinu rated power* ....................... M W 115 35.8 618.9 111.1 129 50.7
Shalt nominal uutride diamelcr ............... m m IOl6 4x3 2540 Ill8 686
S11a11nr~minalinridc diamclcr ................ m m 203 102 2134 305 I60
torsional spring eonscant ........... 1X-mlradl 10" 0.895 11.079 12.089 0.712 0.208
S a r m a l i z d torsionrl spring constant ...
per unittdcg 2.181 2.120 2.652 1.45 (1.251 1.52
Generalor Ii,K'.. ..................... (kgm') 10° 3.034 0.075 1O7.0 7.332 11.653
l a r h i n u U K : ......................... (kp.m'l 10' 196.8 5.900 8428 303 911.bll
Turhine N'K: .. dry .................. (kgm') 10' 141.2 3.961 5562 227 611.6%
Gcncr:$toi !nechamcal *tnrtinf timc.. ............. s 6.65 6.25 10.14 10.72 19.261 5.73
l u r h i t ? c mcchilnicitl startin$ timc - dry .......... s 0.31 0.33 0.53 0.33 (0.291 0.53
l u r h i n ? mrchanic;ll rtarting timu.. ............... s 0.43 0.49 0.80 11.44 tU.381 11.79
Katcd mamunt (torquel. ................ ( N W 10- 716 0.65 79.59 8.60 19.95) 2.39
A n f u h r shaft dclleetion at rated output ..... dugrec 0.46 0.47 0.38 Il.69 [0.8OI 0.66
t a l i l l shalt rurfucc dellrution ill ratcd output ...
mrn 4.191 1.981 8.357 6,756 (7.798) 3.937
generator. and a transmitter coil. The difference signal from the shaft to the stationary recording
amplifier serves to amplify the bridge unbalance device was selected. To obtain a relatively long
due to torsion and provides the voltage signal used battery life (i.e.. more than 24 hours of continuous
to modulate the frequency of the pulse generator operation) from a suitably small battery pack re-
via a VCO (voltage co;~trolled oscillator). The pulse quired unusually low bridge currents. The system
generator output is delivered to the primary of a designed has operated satisfactorily with a bridge
coupling transformer (coil) made up of a few turns current as low as 4 milliamperes (30 to 35 mA is
of insulated wire wound around the shaft and rotat- common in conventional strain gage bridges).
ing with il. The stationary part of the system. which
begins at the secondary of the transformer and is The low duty cycle (less than I percent) allows rela-
necessarily located in close proximity to the shaft. tively large amplitude current pulses to be circulated
is comprised of a pulse receiver. an F M demodula- in the coupling transformer while maintaining low
tor. an output amplifier. and signal filtcrs. Both battery drain. Variations in amplitude ofthe coupled
high- and low-pass filters are available to brackct pulses - as the primary of the coupling transformer
thc cxpected frcquency range of the anaidg signal. rotates - are inconsequential because the informa-
The filters are not always necessary. tion is carried in the frequency of the coupled pulses
rather than their amplitude. The symmetry of the
To avoid the signal noise and sliding contact proh- bridge circuit and the high common-mode rejection
lems commonly associated with the use of slip rings of the difference amplifier provide sufficient sta-
in strain gage bridge circuits, a n alternative method bility that adequate sensitivity to reliably detect
using transformer csupling for transmitting the torsional oscillations may be realized.
Glen C a n ~ o n Flatiron Grrnd Coulec Grand Coulcc
Icrm G I .GX I a d 2 GIP. G2(l,(;1I (jmnd CouCc -'Ix p G , g p (;X
Ksted moment (torque). ................. (1b.f~) IO* 5.28 0.48 58.7 6.34 17.34) 1.76
Angular shalt deflection at rated output ...... degree 0.46 0.47 0.38 0.69 (0.801 0.66
'Total shalt ruriacr deflection at ratcd a u t p u l .... mils 165 78 329 266 1307) I55
Straingage bridge, amplifier, atzdp~rlsegenerator- The pulse receiver of figure 13consists of thc receiver
coil (transformer secondary). a field effect transistor
The circuit configuration shown in figure 12 follows input amplifier (QI). and four additional discrete
transistor stages in complimentary pairs. The ouiput
common practice: however. the use of integrated
circuits together with a very low duty cycle pulse from the final transistor is a 10-kHz pulse signal
which drives a 4518 C M O S digital divider. The
generator allows a small package with low battery
divider output provides a symmetric frequency-
drain (around 20 t o 25 mA. total). modulated squarc wave at a nominal frequency of
5 kHz which is routed to the demodulator circuitry.
The bridge amplifier (Device 521) operates with a
gain of 1000 and provides the signal that modulates
the frequency of the VCO (Device 566). The square
wave output of the VCO is differentiated by the The demodulator of figure 14 is a frequency-to-
47pF capacitor and the negative excursion of the voltage converter. commonly called a frequency
diffcrentiator output momentarily turns on the tran- transducer. The positive e x c ~ ~ r s i oof
n the 5-kH7.
sistor pair. The output transistor discharges the square wave signal From the pulse receiver closes
0.005 p F capacitor through the primary of the analog switch B (of Device 75 10) connecting a negn-
coupling transformer. The oscillator operates at a tive reference voltage from the power supply to
nominal center frequency of 10 kHz with a modula- operational amplirier O A l which is connected as
tion sensitivity of approximately 4.6 k H z / V .
F i g ~ ~5.-Sharl
rc loraional instrurncntation S ~ S .
tcm applicd l o Unit I at Flatiron Power-
p l ~ n t May 1975. Photo CROI-D-79091
estimated amplitude
tt'--tCti--trl 1.7, ikhksiikh: ' i
~ i g u r cID.-Shafl torsional oscillation of Unit 6 of Southern Ncvada Watcr Projcct. Pumping Plant So. I - .l;inuary 13. 1978.
J , i
,: :'
- ..
rlw, But
.A{< Cl,l, = ,,o,,<- 12)
(11 d
, - , = - (6, - , = . - , (6)
whcrc .ZI, and m,, are rated torquc and rated angular
\,elocity. rcspcctively. or
I -
I Natural frequency f, of the torsional oscillations: And the differential angular acceleration (a, - or,)
a, - or =
d (0, - 08)
I Angular amplitude (C). - 0,),
of the torsional oscil-
lations resultine froma i:ormali~cd torcuu(n1oment1 = - (2 rf,J2
( 0 , - Op)pr.l sln 2n-fj 1101
I m input t h r o u p the generator:
Substituting from equations [6] and [7] and simpli-
. 2
= --6 n f l sin dl,degree/second2
- m
sin 27rLt. per unitjsecond
Substituting from equations [6] and [7] and simp& All the preceding relations written for a normalized
fying torque (moment) m input through the generator
may likewise be written for an i n ~ uthrough
t the tur-
n~ bine by interchanging T,,,, with 'T,? throughout the
w,- ww = - cos 27rfnr, per unit procedure.
2 4 Tm,
Also, all of the equations may be converted to the
- - 6nflcos 2rrS.1, degreejsecond metric equivalents by replacing 6nn and (DIL) with
2 rrf.Tn,, I80w, and ( d l / ) ,respectively.
Rated moment U , (torque)
7r O mlllimeterc
.%I,,= 7.043 X 10" P,Jrl,:. pound-feet . . . [I1 . . . metric
0.36 meter
U.S. customary
11, = rated speed in re\'olutions per minutc
P , = gcncrator rating in megawatts
w , = rated angular velocity in radians per
second where
D = shaft outside diameter in inches,
Shaft torsional spring constant ti,,,in per unit d = shaft outside diameter in meters.
torque per mechanical degree. L = overall shaft length in inches. and
1 = overall shaft length in meters.
ti. in pound-inches:radian
M, Note: The overall shaft length is measured betwecn
the centroids of the turbine runner and generator
per unit/mechanical degree . . . U.S. 111 rotor.
= -
(ti. in newton-meters/
radian Mechanical starting time T,,, of thc turbine runner
a n d i o r generator rotor is
per unitimechanical degree . . . metric
The constant angular shaft deflection (9,. at rated
gcncrator output 1s
, = 1degrees PI
wherc =
, = gencrator efficiency lo-'. seconds . . . mctric
Thc shaft surface deflection AS per unit length at Note: The ( W K ' ) or I is that appropriate for the
rated generator output is rotating mass for which T,,, is being sought.