EAPP Lesson2

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Lesson 2: Language and Text Structure across Discipline

A. Learning Competencies
1. Differentiate language used in academic texts from various discipline.
2. Explain the specific ideas contained in various academic texts.
B. Unpacked Learning Competencies
1. Discern the lexical items as language ques in academic texts from various
2. Generalize the concept of each of the academic texts explicitly get its nature.
C. 21st Century Communication Skill
1. Communication Skill
- The learners realize that specific language may change the flow of the
communication process. They should apply linguistic competence in conversing with

1. Mathematics Texts (problem-solution)

 It has unique language features.

 Its most prominent language feature is
the use of symbols (symbols for
operation ‘+’ for addition, ‘x’ for
 The dominant structure of math is
 Another common text structure is
comparison and contrast of two
units or situations: for instance,
which has more and buy how
much? Which is

2. Business Texts (problem –solution)

Trinity Baptist Ministries (2019, August 12).
 Business texts have special vocabulary
Academic Text. Tbschool. Retrieved on March 31,
2020 from http://tbschool.org
 Some of its jargons are: remit, obligate, loan, collateral, interest, stocks etc. Compound
nouns (tax collection system, company car, price list, and bulk buying).
 Business uses lot of form letters
 You must familiarize yourself with the Standards forms of business
o letter,
o A memo,
o Minutes of a meeting,
o A proposal, etc.
 Common text structure in business communication are problem-solution in which the
cause/s of a problem situation is/are explained, followed by the company’s proposed
solution, and description in which the specification of a product or offer are given.

3. Social Science Texts (definition, recount, cause-effect, and comparison and contrast)
 Reading Social Science requires knowledge of the jargon of its specific disciplines.
1. Political science (communism, monarchy, and executive branch,)
2. Economics (market, profit, equity, and trade relations,)
3. Sociology (migration, social class, and discrimination),
4. Psychology (depression, suicidal personality, and motivation).
 Graphs and table are common features as social science readings, thus, analysing graphic
data is a big advantage.
 Text structures or though patterns common in the social science are definition and example,
recount of an event (history), cause-effect, and comparison and contrast.

4. Natural Science and Texts

 Common texts for Natural Sciences are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Technical terms
and Symbols (ph, NaCl, and CO2), and abbreviations are common.
 Similar to other disciplines, common words like power, pressure, force, work, and impulse
have technical meaning.
 Diagram and drawing are also characteristics of science texts.
 The typical sentences in science texts are dense
 Reminder:
- Abreast with some prefixes (uni, semi, and multi), root words (bio, geo, vis, and derma),
and suffixes.
- The lengthy and dense sentences found in science texts suggest slow reading for
comprehension and retention of facts.

5. Literature (definition, description, example and cause-effect)

 Literature and the arts have their content specific terms or jargons (examples: gothic, mood,
symbol, balance, hue, etc.)
 Literature and arts also contain and use connotative language and figures of speech to
describe and convey content.
 Vivid language is used to create images and impressions.
 The importance given to language and structure is due to value attached to a work’s style. In
other words, creativity weighs as much as content in literature and the arts.
 Tests may not have a one-to-one correspondence between the situation it depicts and
reality as you know it.
 To represent a particular situation or world, a literary text might even violate language
 Common structures in literature and the arts are definition, description, example, and
cause-effect, which may be in the form of a recount (fiction).
*Note: Activity/ies will be done after the discussion.

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