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© Uganda Technology and Management University, September 2012


Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) offers a wide array of

computing and networking resources and services to its stakeholders (students, staff
and partners). These services are in place to facilitate teaching and learning, research,
and administrative activities.

UTAMU is committed to advancing Uganda’s development by graduating highly skilled

people and by providing technical and technological assistance and service to all
sections of the community. UTAMU aspires to become a center for excellence in ICT
comparable in standard to the very best in the world. Its niche is in the promotion of
innovation in business and technology.

The UTAMU’s ICT Policy is a guide on how ICTs shall be used to achieve the goals and
aspirations of UTAMU. It highlights how the usage of ICTS shall be implemented, their
development and maintenance, the optimal distribution of resources (hardware,
software, data and human resources) as well as the safe and healthy utilization of ICTs
and the environment. This policy seeks to enumerate the rules necessary to ensure the
existence of the highest levels of consistency, control and harmonious interaction with
ICT technologies.


Information and Communication Technologies facilities are simply electronical and

mechanical tools that facilitate the storage, manipulation, analysis and transfer of

UTAMU is committed to providing safe, effective and efficient usage of ICT facilities by
UTAMU stakeholders (Academic and Administrative Staffs, students, Visitors).

UTAMU is committed to training graduates to develop innovative ICT technologies that

provide more secure, efficient and effective solutions to the contemporary global


The Vision of Uganda Technology and Management University is “To be a global

educational institution for management, science, technology and innovation ” and

The Mission of the university is “To provide global quality education, Research and
innovation critical to economic and human development.


The ICT Department, demonstrates an on-going commitment to mainstreaming ICT
usage by ensuring that the relevant policies, practices, metrics are in place. Frequent
and consistent communication will be issued by the ICT department about tips on how
to execute safer, more secure and efficient operations. This will be broadcast to the
affected or target audience(s).


UTAMU supports diversity and does not discriminate against minority entities based on
age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, e.t.c. Diversity is
encouraged in the different spheres like educational preferences, research interests,
funding preferences, work-life-balance, performance management, career management
and other inclinations or variations.


UTAMU is committed to continuously re-tool, educate and train all employees, lecturers
and administrators in order to improve on institutional practices.


UTAMU operates in an open and flexible environment and welcomes people from
diverse backgrounds. The work culture at UTAMU is based on the principles of hard
work, creativity, fairness and resource optimization.


UTAMU is committed to fair, transparent and competitive recruitment and promotion of

personnel. UTAMU will adopt policies that enable all employees of UTAMU to develop
satisfying careers, following the regulations given in the Appointments and Promotions


UTAMU seeks to develop relationships with a range of partnering institutions in order to

advance mutual interests and to further the development of internal knowledge and


The UTAMU ICT Policy contains the following policies, their objectives and strategies:
1. Acceptable Use Policy
2. Electronic Mail Policy
3. Anti-virus and Anti-Spam Policy
4. User Password Policy
5. Data Backup & Restoration Policy
6. Software Use Policy
7. Internet Bandwidth Policy
8. Computer Lab Policy
9. Computer Equipment Policy
10. E-Learning Policy
11. Support Desk Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of UTAMU’s ICT facilities,
software, services and systems by its employees (academic and administrative), guests
and students in an appropriate, responsible, and ethical manner. This policy also applies
to the use of privately owned computers or notebooks connected to the University


This acceptable use policy has been drawn up with the following objectives:
 To encourage the use of both the Internet and hardware as a conduit for free
expression without infringing the rights of others.
 To protect and preserve the privacy of individual users and the public at large.
 To discourage the irresponsible use of hardware and network resources, which
use may result in the degradation of service.
 To ensure the security, reliability and privacy of UTAMU's system and network
 To avoid situations that may result in the occurring of any form of civil liability.
 To propagate the image and reputation of UTAMU as a reliable and responsible


a) The UTAMU community as a whole must be warned that they must not use the
ICT facilities, software, services and systems in any illegal, immoral or otherwise
unauthorized manner.

b) UTAMU reserves the right to monitor and record all activities related to University
activities using ICT facilities, software, services and systems.

a) The Directorate for ICT, Quality assurance and Library services is responsible for
the following:

i. Monitoring network traffic and activities related to University activities

ii. Recording all activities related to University activities
iii. Putting in place measures to ensure security, reliability, fair use and free
expression of users without infringing the rights of others.
iv. Ensuring availability of measures to protect and preserve the privacy of
individual users and the public at large.
v. Disseminating information to sensitize users on irresponsible acts in the
use of hardware and network resources, which use may result in the
degradation of service.
vi. Promoting safety of users and network infrastructure.


As a University, UTAMU commits to provide the members of her community an

electronic communication infrastructure that includes computing resources, network
connectivity, and software tools for electronic communication (e-mail). The UTAMU’s
community is reminded that use of e-mail is a privilege, not a right and should be
treated as such by all users.


 To ensure the proper use of UTAMU’s electronic communication infrastructure

system by its employees (academic and non-academic), guests and students.

 To support academic (teaching and learning), research, administrative functions



b) All e-mail communications (and associated attachments, objects, graphics,

videos) transmitted or received by UTAMU network are subject to the provision
of this policy, regardless of whether the communication was sent or received on
a private or UTAMU owned computer.
c) The Directorate of ICT, Quality assurance and Library services is responsible for
the following:

i. Creating email addresses for new members of the UTAMU community.

This also includes access rights e.g. passwords, biometrics, secret
questions, e.t.c.
ii. Disabling email addresses for ex-members of the UTAMU community. In
order to allow smooth transition, this will be done after a period of three
iii. Monitoring the electronic mail management usage by its users in a regular
or systematic manner. Such monitoring may include tracking addresses of
e-mail sent and received, accessing in-box messages, accessing messages
in folders, and accessing archived messages. Please note that DIQL
reserves the right to monitor such usage from time to time and without
prior notice.
iv. Minimizing any misuse or illegal use of email communications.

d) The mailbox owner is expected to:

i. Be responsible and liable for all messages sent from their e-mail accounts
and ultimately responsible for all activity performed under their account.
ii. Keep his password secret e.g. by not disclosing it out to another person,
frequently changing it, not writing passwords down or using any other
processes that facilitate automatic log-on.
iii. Use only e-mail accounts that they are authorized to use.
iv. Use email accounts for legal, moral and authorized activities, e.g. by not
committing a crime using his/her email account.

e) The mailbox owner is expected to regularly carry out some activities to manage
email accounts and documents. This include:

i. Reading all the new e-mail messages at least once in every 1 or 2 days
and replying as soon as possible
ii. Not letting messages build up in the Inbox and deleting messages as soon
they are no longer needed.
iii. Opening the ‘Sent messages’ folder at least once a week and deleting old
messages that are no longer needed.
iv. Saving messages that they want to keep onto the hard disk or removable
v. Logging out of the email account before exiting the application.

f) Mailbox owners are expected to adopt practices that increase privacy and
confidentiality of their email communications. They need to be aware of the

i. E-mail messages may be saved indefinitely on the receiving computer.

ii. Copies of e-mails may be forwarded electronically or printed on paper.

iii. E-mail messages may be sent to incorrect e-mail addresses or be
improperly delivered by an e-mail system or Internet Service Provider
iv. It may be possible for other people to read or change messages that you
send by forwarding it to others.
v. New e-mail will be prevented from coming in to the mailbox once the
mailbox has reached the maximum allowable storage space.

g) UTAMU expects members of its community to exhibit acceptable ethical conduct

in the use of computing resources. Users are expected to exercise good
judgment to ensure that their electronic communications reflect the high ethical
standards of the academic community and display mutual respect.


To ensure that the University will provide its community with adequate protection from
computer viruses, unsolicited and unwanted emails. The university shall invest and
deploy anti-virus and anti-spamming software on ICT facilities owned or leased by the
University as well as on ICT services outsourced by the University.


a) The Directorate for ICT, Quality assurance and Library services is responsible for
the following:
i. Installing anti-virus software to ensure that all networked computer
servers, computers and notebooks used by the University users are
protected against virus infections.
ii. Installing Anti-Spam software that automatically separates suspected
spam from regular mail.
iii. Minimizing any misuse or illegal use of email communications.
iv. Protecting the community against other malicious attacks like denial of
service, spy ware, phishing, e.t.c

b) Users of University resources are expected to act in the following way:

i. Report any case of virus, spam or other security risks.
ii. Refrain from creating or initiating virus and spam attacks.
iii. Use the existing technologies to minimize effects of virus, spam and other


The policy ensures that the user has the minimum standard applied to their user
password to support the confidentiality, integrity and security of the University ICT
resources. This policy refers to users of university resources that require passwords.


The objectives are to ensure access control to the ICT resources, to communicate the
needs to have protection against unauthorized access and to establish an ICT
environment that will encourage data sharing and exchange without sacrificing security.


a) The Directorate of ICT, Quality assurance and Library services is responsible for
the providing passwords for access to sensitive or controlled environments like
email accounts, tests and examinations, restricted rooms, sensitive files and
folders as well as various gadgets.

b) Password holders are expected act in the following way:

i. To treat all passwords as private and confidential and not to be divulged,

shown or given to any party other than the user.
ii. To change passwords on regular basis or at least every six months.
iii. To create passwords based on combinations of numeric and alphabetic with a
minimum length of 8 characters.
iv. To create hard-to-guess passwords e.g. a password not the same as the
username, recycled or previous passwords or name which is associated with
the user i.e. DOB, company name or horoscope, e.t.c.
v. First time users to change the password immediately after he/she has been
issued the initial default password.



To define the backup and restoration of data and information associated with the
University operations. This policy applies to only staff of the University who create,
process and store data and information using the ICT resources. With this policy in
place, we can ensure copies of critical data are retained and available in case of
disaster, software or hardware failures.


a) The Directorate for ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services is
responsible for:
i. Performing daily back up for the entire critical corporate database
for the entire University.
ii. Keeping back up disks in an offsite locked place only known to Vice
iii. Clearly marking all back up disks with a name and creation date.
This will ease identification.
iv. Providing the necessary storage and backup support to staff.
v. Periodically testing the backup disks to ensure they are

b) The Individual users shall be responsible for:

i. Backing up their own data which is on their own desktop and

notebook computers.



To ensure that software that the University adopts provides the service as expected.
This includes the financial management software, human resources, academic records
and any other software in use.


a) The Heads of units shall:

i. Initiate the procurement / adoption of a given software.
ii. Report any bugs or mal functions observed on the software.

b) The Directorate for ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services shall:
i. Procure the software after approval from the relevant organs.
ii. Procure software licenses after approval from the relevant organs
iii. Install the software to on authorized computers or notebooks.
iv. Record all installed software in a software directory.

c) The software users shall:

i. Adhere to the rules and regulations set aside for the proper usage of the
ii. Report to the Head of the relevant unit, any bugs or malfunctions
observed on the software.
iii. Use the software legally e.g. ensure against copyright infringements on
iv. Install copies of personally owned or free software on University
machines, and then report such software to the Directorate of ICT, Quality
Assurance and Library services for recording in the software inventory.



To manage bandwidth use to avoid degradation and ensure network efficacy.

Management of Bandwidth resources shall be entrusted to the Directorate of ICT,
Quality Assurance and Library services.


Bandwidth usage shall be subject to the following:

a) Internet Bandwidth will not be over utilized as to prevent access to critical

information, research and online educational material.
Bandwidth allocation shall be made in the following order:
i. UTAMU applications
ii. e-mail
iii. internet research
b) Unauthorized persons/users are not allowed to access internet facilities within the
campus network
c) To ensure efficiency and optimal usage by all the users, ICT resources shall be
monitored from time to time by the Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and Library



The main objective is to manage the use of computing lab and to maintain its security.


Students are to adhere to the following guidelines while using the computing labs:

 Do not bring food or drink into the computer lab.

 Smoking is not allowed in the computer lab.
 Report problems promptly to the Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and
Library services.
 Do not alter the configuration of hardware or software. This has been set up to
cater for a wide range of users.
 Leave each piece of equipment set up as you found it. Do not remove any items
from the computer lab.
 Follow any directions posted in the venue by the staff in the Directorate of ICT,
Quality Assurance and Library services.
 Labs are available for use only by University staff and students and authorized
external users.
 Unofficial work of a personal, non-profit nature is permitted, provided official
work is not affected.
 Non-University related commercial activities are not allowed.
 Do not waste computer resources (e.g. unnecessary printing) or disadvantage
other users by monopolizing equipment, network traffic, etc.
 Keep the computer lab clean and free of hazards.
 Do not place software or other files on University computers where these may
lead to damage or legal charges (destructive programs such as viruses, pirated
software, etc.).
 Do not use the facilities to make unauthorized copies of copyright, licensed or
patented material.
 Do not use the facilities to defraud or to create false or misleading information.
 Do not act as though you intend to break the law. Do not attempt to guess an
access key or password to gain unauthorized access to local or remote
 Do not attempt to access any areas of any systems for which authority has not
been granted.
 Do not attempt to monitor or read another user's files or communications.
 Report unethical activity to University staff promptly.



Due to the variety and nature of work performed by staff and students across the entire
University, it is not practical and easy to define a standard operating environment for all
equipment. This section provides a guide to what is expected of the equipment used by
the University community.


a) The Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services is

responsible for providing the minimum standards for all equipment used
by University community. This includes iPhones, netbooks, ipPads,
desktops, printers, scanners, photocopiers, fax machines, landlines, e.t.c.
b) Standards for Personal Computer Hardware – Desktop

Operating System: Windows 2000

CPU: Genuine Intel® Pentium CPU – 1GHz+
Memory: 256MB+
Hard disk drive: 20.0GB+
1 Parallel Port
1 Serial Port
64MB Graphics (not incorporated in the main RAM)
PCI Bus Architecture, USB connectivity
1.44MB Floppy Disk Dive
Plug & Play BIOS
15" Colour Monitor (1024 x 768 Mhz @ 76hz)
4MB Video card PCI or (preferably) AGP
Keyboard (101 extended key board)
PS/2 Microsoft Mouse
Network card PCI 10/100, RJ45, Wake-on-LAN facility on card and
PC Motherboard (if network connectivity required)
Warranty: 3 years, Parts and Labour
No other software installed (including no antivirus, networking,
Internet, or ISP software)
Bootable Recovery CD for each PC supplied.
Recovery CD to be produced ‘after’ PC is configured
UPS with ‘User Replaceable’ battery

c) Standards for Personal Computers – Notebooks

Genuine Intel® Pentium CPU – 1GHz+

Memory: 256MB SDRAM
Hard disk drive: 20.0GB+
PCI Bus Architecture, USB connectivity
Plug & Play BIOS
1.44MB Floppy Disk Dive
12.1" Colour screen
4MB Video card PCI or (preferably) AGP
Two Type II PCMCIA Card slots
10/100 NIC
Built-in 56K Modem
Availability of “ Docking Station”.
In-built pointing device and external port
Warranty: 3 years, Parts and Labour
No other software installed (including no antivirus, networking,
Internet, or ISP software

Bootable Recovery CD for each computer (desktop/notebook)
supplied. Recovery CD to be produced ‘after’ laptop is configured
Recovery CD from manufacturer.

d) Personal Computer Software

Operating System: Windows NT Workstation 4.0+ with latest

Service Pack
Windows 2000 and latest service pack when applicable
Bootable Recovery CD for each computer (desktop/notebook)
supplied. Recovery CD to be produced ‘after’ each computer is
Recovery CD from manufacturer.
Additional software products and licenses may be required
depending on the planned configuration of the PC.

e) Printers
Hewlett Packard printers, plotters and scanners are the standard. The model purchased
will depend
on the requirement, either for portable computing, desktop printing or group printing.

f) Standards for Software

i. Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows7 Professional
Windows Server (File Server, Application Server)
UBUNTU Open Source
ii. Office Suite
MS Office 2003/2007/2010 Professional
Open Office
iii. Databases
MS SQL Server, MS Access , Oracle.
iv. E-mail Server
MS Exchange Server.
v. E-mail Client
MS Outlook 2003/2007/2010
vi. Browser
MS Internet Explorer ver.6 or greater with latest Service Pack
Firefox Web Browser with latest updates
Google Chrome
vii. Compression utility
viii. Anti-virus (Desktop, Fileserver)
Norton’s AntiVirus, Avast, MacAfee, E-scan
ix. Backups (Desktop, Fileserver)
Veritas BackupExec (Enterprise)


Reference to the UTAMU E-Learning Policy


Reference UTAMU Support Desk Policy


a) The procedure that follows after a violation of this policy is reported or noticed is

i. The Director of the Directorate for ICT, Quality assurance and Library
Services will set up a team to investigate the allegation or suspicion. If it
is a student being investigated, The Dean of the School he belongs to
must be part of this team. If it is a member of staff being investigated,
the Deputy Vice Chancellor must be part of this team.
ii. The Director of the Directorate for ICT, Quality assurance and Library
Services will temporarily suspend or block access to an account, prior to
the initiation or completion of such procedures, when it reasonably
appears necessary to do so in order to protect the integrity, security, or
functionality of University or other computing ICT resources or to protect
the University from liability.
iii. After investigations are complete, the findings will be forwarded to the
disciplinary committee, which will decide whether the suspect is guilty or
not, and which will determine the disciplinary action to be taken.

b) Users who violate this policy may be denied access to University ICT resources
and may be subject to other penalties and disciplinary action, both within and
outside of the University. Violations will normally be handled through the
University disciplinary procedures applicable to the relevant user.

c) Any violation of this policy will attract disciplinary action and be handled
according to the rules and regulations of the University and the Country in which
the act was propagated in.



The Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services is composed of the
Director, ICT Manager, ICT System Administrator, Support desk manager, Support desk
technician, E-learning Coordinator, Web Master, Librarian and Quality Assurance

a) Director

Is responsible for the overall activities of the ICT Directorate and the coordination point
for all external support escalation services. He/she liaises with other units regarding
annual planning of ICT activities; improvements to hardware and software
functionalities; any ICT related acquisitions; all ICT budget decisions; coordination of
ICT Strategy and ICT Policy; daily, weekly and other, tasking of all ICT staff;
coordination with trainers for, and some delivery of, training regarding ICT Policy
related training components.

b) ICT System Administrator

Reports to the Director and is responsible for all Server activities including Users, data
security (access rights, back ups, antivirus, disaster recovery actioning); LAN
configuration; Internet usage; Email accounts and usage; direction to Support Desk
Manager with ICT Department Manager approval for system additions and changes at
User and non-Server locations; maintenance of the Server based components of any
computerized information systems; coordination with external support escalation
including remote access to Servers by external support escalation entity; requests to
ICT Section Manager for Help Desk staff activities relating to non-Server Systems
Administration activities; keep Users informed of ICT Policy issues and system usage
changes; acquisition requests to ICT Department Manager.

c) Support Desk Manager

Reports to the Director and is responsible for coordinating all Help/Support Desk
activities and ensuring all users are kept informed of status of Help Desk inquiries; task
and coordinate other Help Desk staff; ensures all ICT support Desk activities are
recorded and updated in the Help Desk Job Register; ensures all help desk problems
causing support resolution delays are documented and reported to Director; coordinates
with external support escalation entities relating to User hardware and locally installed
software both on-site and externally-based support; coordinates with external support
escalation entity, in conjunction with ICT System Administrator and under direction
from the ICT Department Manager, in relation to on-site system administration
activities; maintain ICT Help Desk software and literature libraries; maintain all ICT
asset registers; document all requests for acquisition; coordinate acquisition of
quotations as directed the ICT Department Manager; coordination with trainers for, and
some delivery of, training regarding training components relating to operating system,
locally installed software, and hardware usage; receiving, recording and if necessary
actioning Help Desk inquiries when Help Desk Technicians unavailable to do so to
ensure prompt response to inquiries (Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 17:00 including lunchtimes).

d) Support Desk Technicians

Reporting on a day-to-day basis to the ICT Support Desk Manager and is responsible
for the delivery of user support for computer hardware and locally installed software;
other non-Server system hardware support, ensures receiving, recording and actioning
of Help Desk inquiries to ensure prompt response to inquiries (Mon. - Fri. 8:00 – 17:00
including lunchtimes); maintains Help Desk Job Register; delivers user training.

VII.1 Develop the UTAMU’s ICT policy

The development of the UTAMU’s ICT policy is performed by the Directorate of ICT,
Quality Assurance and Library services.

VII.2 Implementation, Evaluation of the UTAMU’s ICT policy

The Implementation and evaluation of the of the UTAMU’s ICT policy is performed by
Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services in consultation with the
University management.

VII.3 Monitoring and review progress of the UTAMU’s ICT policy

The monitoring and reviewing progress of the UTAMU’s ICT policy is performed by
Directorate of ICT, Quality Assurance and Library services in consultation with the
University management.


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