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School Occidental Mindoro Grade Level 9

State College
Teacher Darlyn Joy D. Tolentino Learning Area Zoology
DETAILED Teaching April 18, 2022 Quarter 4th
PLAN Teaching 8:30 AM Checked by Angel Liam E.
Time Balmes, LPT


A. Content
B. Performance
C. Learning At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
Competencies/  identify the different characteristics of mammals.
Objectives  classify the three groups of mammals.
 explain the three different ways mammals give birth.

D. Code
II. CONTENT Class Mammalia
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Pictures, Diagrams, Video, and PowerPoint presentation
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning

1. Prayer
Before we start our class
discussion, let us all have a prayer.
Cristyl kindly leads the prayer.
(Cristyl will lead the prayer.)
Our Almighty Father, we praise
and glorify Your name. We
thank You for this new day, for
our friends, for our families, and
for all the blessings You shower
upon us. We also ask for Your
forgiveness for all of our
shortcomings. We owe You a
Good morning class. lot, Oh Lord! In the name of
Jesus Christ, Amen

Good morning, ma’am.

Kindly check your classmates.

2. Checking of
Is there someone absent today?
Attendance None, Ma’am

If I am not mistaken, I gave you an

assignment, right?

3. Checking of Yes, Ma’am

Assignments Alright. Please make sure that you
already submitted your assignment
on our google classroom because I
will check it later.
4. Drill
A. Reviewing Previous Now, before we begin with our
Lesson or Presenting lesson. We are going to recall your
New Lesson previous lesson with sir Paul. Who
can still remember the lesson that
sir Paul tackled last time?
(John Paul will raise his hand.)
Yes, John Paul?
Ma’am, our lesson last week
with sir Paul is about
Precisely! I am happy that you still Invertebrates.
remember your Previous lesson
with sir Paul. To check if you
understand sir Paul’s lessons last
week, I prepared here an activity
titled “Click it Now!” Who wants
to read the direction for this
(Brenan will raise his hand.)
Yes, Brenan?
Activity: Click it now!
Direction: Analyze the
following statements and give
your reaction to them. Click the
heart emoji if the statement is
correct and angry if the
statement is wrong.

Thank you, Brenan. I will give you

5 seconds to answer the given
statement. You will show your
answer after you hear “Click it
Now”. Understand?

Ready? Yes, Ma’am.

The teacher will show the Yes, Ma’am

S1. Invertebrates have 8 major

phyla or groups.
(The students will answer.)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Click it now!

Very Good! You all answered

heart emoji which means the
statement is correct. May anyone
of you tell me 8 major phyla or
groups of invertebrates. (Brenan will raise his hand.)

Yes, Brenan?

That’s correct! Thank you,

Brenan. There are 8 invertebrate
phyla or groups just like what is Ma’am the 8 invertebrate phyla
being mentioned by Brenan. Niki, or groups are Porifera, cnidaria,
can you give an example of Platyhelminthes, Nematoda,
Phylum Porifera. Mollusca, Annelida,
Arthropoda, and Echinodermata
Thank you, Niki. That is correct.

Let’s proceed with another


S2. At least 97% of all species of

animals are invertebrates

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Click it now!
Sponges Ma’am.

The majority of you react heart

which means the statement is
correct. Those who answered heart
emoji you are all correct. 97
percent of all animals are
invertebrates. So far, 1.25 million
species have been described, most (The students will answer.)
of which are insects, and there are
millions more to be discovered.

Let’s proceed with another

statement. .

S3. All known animal phyla were

discovered by biologists by the
early 20th century.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Click it now!

It seems that you all have the same

reaction. Who wants to share
her/his insight about her/his
chosen emoji?

Yes, Cristyl?

Exactly! That is why we

Do you have any questions?

Clarifications? If you have any
questions, you can ask me. Do not
B. Establishing a Before we discuss our lesson this
Purpose for the day, we are going to have an

Lesson (Motivation) activity titled “The Secret
Formula” to know some of the
terminologies that we are going to
discuss today. Who wants to read
the direction for this activity?

Yes, Raven?

Activity 2: The Secret Formula!

Direction: In solving problems
you need to get the formula for
you to solve them. Add or
Thank you! You are going to raise delete letters based on the
your right hand if you want to pictures to complete the word/s.
answer. Are there any questions
about the instruction?

Now, Let’s start.

None, Ma’am.

Who wants to answer?

(John Paul will raise his hand.)

Yes, John Paul?
My answer is Mammal Ma’am.
That is right! How about the
second picture?

(Christian will raise his hand.)

Yes, Christian?

Excellent! How about the third

Ma’am, the answer is Placental

(Mean will raise her hand.)

Yes, Mean?

You are correct! How about the

last picture? The answer is Marsupial

Yes, John Paul?

Precisely! Well done class.

Our lesson for today will be all (John Paul will raise his hand.)
about Class Mammalia. The

The answer for that picture is
above-mentioned words are some Monotreme Ma’am.
of the terminologies that we are
going to discuss today. I know
some of you are wondering what
and where the term mammal
comes from? This morning allows
me to enlighten you about Class
Mammalia. Be guided with the
following objectives.

At the end of the lesson the

learners should be able to:
 identify the different
characteristics of
 classify the three groups
of mammals.
We should be able to accomplish  explain the three
these objectives at the end of this different ways mammals
lesson. give birth.

To give us insight into today’s

lesson, we will watch this video.

(The teacher will play the video)

(The students will watch the

Alright. How was the video? video.)
Yes, Christian? (Christian will raise his hand.)

Ma’am, the video is interesting.

It is very informative too. It
gives additional information
C. Presenting from what I learned in my
Examples/Instances previous grade about Mammals.
of the New Lesson It clearly, explains the mammals
and what makes a mammal.

Good job. Other hands?

(Mean will raise her hand.)
Yes, Mean?
It also explains that
mammals are defined by the
Very good! The video that you ability to produce milk for the
have watched explains what is nurture of their offspring.
mammal and what makes a

Who wants to read the slide? (Ern will raise his hand.)

Go ahead! Ern. (Ern will read the slide.)

Thank you, Ern! From that, we can
define mammals as the vertebrate
animals that have a backbone, fur,
and not only those characteristics
we still have and that is? Next
picture, what is this characteristic
based on the picture?

Let us discuss the characteristics

of mammals through this activity
titled, “You’ll Lose if You Get
Confused” Who wants to read the (Paul will raise his hand.)
Activity 4: You’ll Lose if You
Yes, Paul? Get Confused!
Direction: Unscramble the
words to get the word/s based on
the given pictures and definition.
You only have 10 seconds to do

Thank you, Paul. Okay, let’s start!

What do you think is the answer?

Yes, Mean?

Very good! It is the fur. Mammals

have the Fur. Must all mammals (Mean will raise her hand.)
have fur?
The answer for number 1, is Fur.

(The students will answer.)

No, Ma’am.

Yes, that is correct! Because just

like what is stated here.  It is one
of their defining biological
characteristics. However, there are
a few species with hair so reduced
by evolution that they appear to be
naked. Let’s proceed to the
second picture. What is the next
characteristic of mammals wants
to answer the third picture?

(The students will answer.)
Ma’am, the answer to that
Very good! it is warm-blooded statement is warm-blooded.
(which means its body temperature
is kept at the same level regardless
of the outside temperature). What
are the examples of Warm-
blooded mammals?

(The students will answer.)

Dogs, lions, cats, vultures, and
Great! Not only warm-blooded
animals include birds and
mammals. There are many birds
and mammals in the world, but not
nearly as many as there are
insects, fish, and reptiles.
Now, let’s proceed to the next
picture. What is the answer to
number 3?

(The students will answer.)

The answer is live birth, Ma’am.
Correct! Before they are born, they
develop inside the mother’s body
in a special organ called a?

Yes! How about number 4?

Uterus, Ma’am

(The students will answer.)

Mammary Gland Ma’am.

Exactly! It produces milk;

structurally, they are modified
sweat glands. Located in the breast
overlying the pectoralis major
muscles, are present in both sexes,
but usually are functional only in
the female.
D. Discussing New
Concepts and As we continue our lesson, please
Practicing New Skills take a look at this photo. What can
#1 you say? Anyone who can share
his/her observation?

(Niki will raise her hand.)

Based on my own observation

Ma’am, I can see different
Yes, Niki? animals in different columns.

(Paul will raise his hand.)

Great! Niki is correct. Animals are
being placed in a different column, It simply means that they are
which means?
classified based on their
Yes, Paul? characteristics Ma’am.

Absolutely! That is what I am looking

for. Paul’s answer will move us to our
next activity titled “I am paired with
you” Who wants to read the

(Ern will raise his hand.)

Activity 5: I am paired with

Yes, Ern? Direction: Classify the animals
according to their types.

(Students will do the activity.)

Thank you, Ern! You may start
answering now!

Who wants to tell us what animals

belong to the first column which is (Paul will raise his hand)
the Placental Mammal?
Ma’am, on the first column, I
Yes, Paul? picked humans, elephants,
baboons, hippos, and squirrels.

Very good! Let us know your (Paul will answer.)

reasons why you put them in a Because they give- birth Ma’am.
placental mammal.

Thank you, Paul. That is correct.

Let us discuss Placental mammals
as it is one of the types of
Brenan, kindly read the slide.
(Brenan will read the slide.)

Thank you, Brenan! A placental
mammal develops inside its
mother's body until its body
systems can function on their own.
The name of this group comes
from the placenta, an organ in
pregnant female mammals that
passes materials between the
mother and the developing baby. (The students will answer.)
Food and oxygen, carried by whales, elephants, shrews,
blood, pass from the mother to the humans, and armadillos
baby through the placenta. Wastes
pass from the baby to the mother,
where they are eliminated by her
body. Most mammals, including
humans, are placental mammals. (Niki will raise her hand.)
Who can give me some examples
of Placental mammals?
For me, Ma’am, my answer in
the second column which is the
Excellent! Now, let us proceed Marsupial mammal, are Koalas,
with the next one, who wants to kangaroos, wallabies, and
tell us what animals belong to the opossums
second column which is the
Marsupials Mammal?

Yes, Niki?

(Mean will read the slide.)

Thank you, Niki. That’s correct!

Now for the second type of

mammal, Mean kindly read the

Thank you, Mean! Marsupial

mammals give birth to babies that
are not completely developed. The (Ern will raise his hand.)
babies are very tiny. The babies
then crawl up the fur on the Ma’am, my answer in the third
mother's belly into a pouch on the column which is the
outside of the mother's abdomen. Monotremes mammal, are spiny
The babies drink milk from the anteater, or echidna, and the
mother and continue to develop platypus
inside the pouch. Correct! Now let
us have the last column. Who
wants to share his/her answers?

Yes, Ern?

Great! The last type of mammal

that we have here is the
monotremes. (The students will answer)
Yes, Ma’am.
“Did you know that the word
monotreme means ‘one hole’?

Great! It is about the single orifice

or opening that these animals use
for reproduction, excretion, and
egg-laying? I have here some
examples of monotremes

None, Ma’am.

Do you have any questions about

the types of mammals?
(The students will answer)
The three types of mammals are
Okay! Before we continue, what placental, marsupials, and
are the three types of mammals monotremes mammals.

Very good.!! It seems that you all

understand the three types of

A while ago, we talk about the

three types of mammals. You were
able to define them and cite some
examples. Since we are done with
the three types of mammals, we
E. Discussing New
are going to know how they give
Concepts and
birth. I prepared here a video for
Practicing New Skills
you and a presentation to clearly
understand it. At the end of this
video and discussion, you are
expected to have an activity titled
“Fill me out or You are out! Now, (The student will watch the
let us all watch the video. video)

(The students will answer.
Answer may vary)
Now, what can you say about the
video? Is it interesting?  It is interesting ma’am
because I did not know
at first that, the three
types of mammals have
different ways of giving

 After watching the video

ma’am, I was moved to
watch the whale
nurturing its baby. I
imagined my mom's
hardships when she is
carrying me in her
womb. I know it is not

 Ma’am, upon watching

the three ways in which
three types of mammals
give birth, I realized that
even though they are
different from one
another, I can still say
that they are unique
because they succeeded
in bringing new life.
I am happy to hear that
observation and realizations. Now
to give us additional knowledge
let’s proceed with the continuation
of our lesson. Mean, kindly read (Mean will read the first slide.)
the first slide.

(Mean will read the slide.)

Thank you! Mean.
Marsupials, such as kangaroos,
give birth to live young when their
offspring are still very small and
undeveloped. After the babies are
born, they must finish out their
development in the pouch of their
mother, where they spend several
months suckling on the milk from
their mother.

Did you know that a kangaroo has
three vaginas?

Kangaroo, Koalas, wombats, and

Tasmanian devils all share the
three-vagina structure. The side (Student will answer.)
ones carry sperm to the two No, ma’am
uteruses (and males’ marsupials
often have two-pronged penises),
while the middle vagina sends the
joey down to the outside world. I
hope you are taking down all the
important keys that I am uttering
those might be included in our
long quiz next meeting.

Now for our next slide, Brenan (Student will answer.)

kindly read it. Yes, ma’am

(Brenan, will read the slide.)

The third type of mammalian birth

comes from monotremes -
mammals that actually lay eggs,
like the platypus or echidna. This
type of mammal is quite rare
nowadays. Have you seen platypus
and echidna before?

Me too. But according to studies,

DNA analysis of the land-loving,
spiny echidna has found it was
(Student will answer.)
once an amphibious platypus-like
No, ma’am. We haven’t seen
creature. The study by Australian
them yet.
evolutionary biologists shows that
platypus and echidna diverged .
from the same ancestor between
19 and 48 million years ago.

Alright, let us have the next one.

Christian, could you read the

(Christian, will read the slide.)

Thank you, Christian. This
category of mammals grows their
offspring in the uterus of the
mother, where the baby is
provided with all the nutrients and
oxygen it needs via the placenta.
Because the baby has everything it
needs to develop, these mammals
often have relatively long
gestation periods Are there any
questions? Or clarifications?

Now, let’s begin your activity.

Who wants to read the direction?
None, Ma’am. Everything is
Yes, John Paul? clear.

(John Paul will raise his hand.)

Activity 6: Fill me out, or you

Are you ready? are out!
Direction: Fill in the blanks of
the right answer. Choose your
answer in the given box.

Yes, ma’am.

What is the answer to number 1?

Yes, Ern?

Very Good! How about number 2? (Ern will raise his hand.)

My answer in number 1 ma’am

is Marsupial.
Yes, Niki?

(Niki will raise her hand.)

Very good! Then for number 3?
My answer in number 2 ma’am
Yes, Crystyl? is vaginas ma’am.

That’s correct! How about number (Crystyl will raise her hand.)
The answer ma’am is Placental
Yes, Brenan? mammal.

Correct! Now, for number 5? (Brenan will raise his hand.)

Yes, Niki? Ma’am, my answer is gestation


Good job! Then number 6?
(Niki will raise her hand.)
Yes, Mean?
My answer ma’am is
Monotreme mammal ma’am.
Precisely! How about the last one?
Mean will raise her hand.)

Yes, Paul? My answer ma’am is rare.

Very Good!! It seems that you (Paul will raise his hand.)
understand the three ways
mammals give birth. Well done
My answer ma’am is 5000
class. Keep it up.
F. Developing Mastery
For you to fully understand the
concept of our lesson, let us have
an activity titled “Fact or Bluff”.
Who wants to read the direction?
(John Paul will raise his hand.)
Activity: Fact or Bluff
Yes, John Paul? Direction: Read the following
statements carefully. Analyze if
the statement is correct or
incorrect. Answer Fact if the
statement is correct and Bluff if
the statement is wrong. I will
only give you 10 seconds to
answer for each statement.
What is the answer for number 1?

(Ace will raise his hand.)

Yes, Ace? My answer ma’am is Fact.
That’s right! How about number
2? (Ern will raise his hand.)

Yes, Ern? My answer ma’am is Fact.

Very good! Then for number 3?

(Erika will raise her hand.)
Yes, Erika?
My answer is Fact ma’am
That’s correct! How about number
4? (Joana will raise her hand.)

Yes, Joana? Ma’am my answer is Fact.

(Brenan will raise his hand.)

Correct! Now, for number 5?

Yes, Brenan? My answer is Bluff ma’am

because monotremes are a group
of unusual mammals that lay
That is right! How about number eggs.
(Bern will raise her hand)
Yes, Bern?
Ma’am my answer is Bluff
ma’am because mammals have a
Very good! Then for number 7? brain that are large for their size.

What is the answer?

Yes, Christian?
(Christian will raise his hand)
Very good class! Seems like you
My answer ma’am is Fact
understood and mastered our
lesson for today.
Now, class since we are done
discussing mammals, their
characteristics, their types, and
their reproduction, I want to know
your opinion and feelings towards
the current situation of mammals
here in our country. (Marou will raise her hand.)

Yes, Marou?
Ma’am the common problem
regarding wildlife conservation
of mammals are includes habitat
loss and fragmentation, limited
water for environmental flows,
invasive species, and climate
Thank you, Marou!. There are so
many factors affecting mammal
conservation just like what Marou
shared. Now, what are the things
that you can do in promoting
mammal conservation?
(Paul will raise his hand.)
Yes, Paul?
 Habitat destruction is the main
threat to 85 percent of all
threatened and endangered
G. Finding Practical species, according to
Applications of the the International Union for
Concepts and Skills Conservation of Nature. You
in Daily Living can help reduce this threat by
planting native trees, restoring
wetlands, or cleaning up beaches
Very Good! Is there anyone who
in your area.
can share how to protect mammals

Yes, Mean? (Mean will raise her hand.)

 One of the most common pieces

of rhetoric you will hear from
environmental conservationists
is that you should recycle, and
this is oft-repeated for a good
reason. Recycling is a great way
to minimize our use of non-
renewable resources and make
the most out of our materials.
Thank you! Mean. It is very Easy on the environment as well
important to take care of our as the economy, there is no good
environment because lots of reason not to recycle.
mammals’ life depends on it.
With that, can see that you deeply
understand the concept of our
lesson. Do you have any

None, ma’am.
Now, before we end our class
discussion let’s have the
summarization about the topic that
you have learned today based on
the given diagram that I will show.

(Brenan will raise his hand.)

Yes, proceed Brenan.

Ma’am today, we discussed

mammals and their different
characteristics of it. Those are,
mammals have the fur, they are
warm-blooded, they are born
alive, and they have large and
Thank you! Brenan. complex brains.
What about based on this

H. Making
Generalization and (Mean will raise her hand.)
Abstractions about
the Lesson

Ma’am, I remember that we also

Proceed, Mean.
discussed the three types of
mammals and their
reproduction. The three types of
mammals are the placental,
marsupial, and monotremes.
Monotremes are
the platypus and echidnas and
the females lay soft-shelled eggs
while the Marsupials give birth
to small, poorly developed
young and most female
marsupials, such as kangaroos,
wallabies, and the Koala, have
pouches and last is the placental
mammal. Placental mammals,
like humans, whales, rodents,
and bats, differ from
monotremes and marsupials in
that they generally give birth to
well-developed young.

I. Evaluating Learning For the assessment that we will be
doing today, we are going to have
an assessment. You only have 15
minutes to answer this activity.

1.Any member of the group of

vertebrate animals in which the young
are nourished with milk from the
special mammary glands of the

a. Mammals
b. Monkey
c. Placental mammal
d. Marsupial
2.Why do mammals have fur/hair?
a. To stay warm
b. To protect them from sunburn
c. To protect them from
d. All of the above
3.Mammals have all the following
traits except:
a. Warm-blooded
b. Backbone
c. Hair or fur
d. Scales
4.Which of the following mammals is
a marsupial?
a. Rabbit
b. Kangaroo
c. Elephant
d. Human
5.What kind of mammal lay eggs?
a. Fish
b. Marsupial
c. Monotremes
d. Placentals
6. What kind of mammals have
pouches to protect their undeveloped
a. Placental mammals
b. Monotremes
c. Naked Mole Rats
d. Marsupials
6.The mammal uses this to make
a. Pituitary Gland
b. Milkman (Answers may vary)
c. Mammary Gland
d. Bat 1.C

For your assignment make a poster
about the conservation of
mammals. This will be submitted
on Friday before 12:00am. Any
coloring materials will do. Your
output must be aligned with our

J. Additional Activities
for Applications or

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%.
C.Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?


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