PF2 S01-12 The Burden of Envy

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Burden of Envy
By Lysle Kapp
Lysle Kapp

Michael Sayre

James Case

Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Lu Pellazar Burden of Envy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Blake Davis, Miguel Regodón Harkness, and Allison Theus

Appendix 1: Subtier 1–2 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Matthias Rothenaicher

Miguel Regodón Harkness Appendix 2: Subtier 3–4 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Tony Barnett and Sonja Morris
Appendix 3: Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Linda Zayas-Palmer


Tonya Woldridge
Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
James Jacobs
GM References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Adam Daigle

PUBLISHER Chronicle Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Erik Mona

How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–12: Burden of Envy is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed
for 1st- through 4th-level characters (Tier 1–4; Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4). As a scenario, this
adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed for play in the Pathfinder
Society Organized Play campaign but can easily be adapted for use with any world. For
more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the attached Chronicle
sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page at

GM Resources
Burden of Envy makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Bestiary, as
well as Pathfinder Flip Mat: Docks and Pathfinder Flip Mat Classics: Warehouse. All rules
referenced in this adventure are available in the free online Pathfinder Reference Document
at, and the creature stat blocks from the Bestiaries are reprinted at the back
of the adventure for the GM’s convenience.

Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
Paizo Inc. information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at http://www.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052–0577

Radiant Oath
Burden of Envy
By Lysle Kapp
GM Synopsis
This adventure has numerous social challenges, with WHERE ON GOLARION?
combat concentrated during the latter part of the
adventure. Since this adventure includes navigating a Burden of Envy takes place primarily in the ancient
large cityscape, the encounters within can happen in city of Xin-Edasseril. The PCs’ main objective is to help
any order. freedom-seeking citizens of Xin-Edasseril escape to
start new lives in the city of Magnimar to the south. For
Adventure Background more information on Xin-Edasseril and the rest of New
Runelord Belimarius rules the western kingdom of Thassilon, see page 113-115 of the Lost Omens World
Edasseril in New Thassilon through strict edicts, Guide, available in hobby and book stores everywhere
cruel acts, and a fervent bureaucracy. Upon magically and online at
emerging from the ancient past and into the modern day
along with her capital city, Xin-Edasseril, Belimarius NEW THASSILON Xin-Edasseril•
quickly seized the surrounding territories to expand
her burgeoning nation. Despite her harsh rule, not all
of Belimarius’ subjects revile her. Some citizens credit
Belimarius’ foresight for their survival from the ravages
of Earthfall. Others are grateful to the runelord for
deposing the unpopular King Opir Eightfingers, who
had ruled the nearby region before her city’s return. Still
others simply admire Belimarius, hoping to emulate her
rise to power. Magnimar•
Most subjects, however, chafe under Belimarius’
rule. Desiring freedom from the runelord’s oppression
is risky. Belimarius sees such “deserters” as traitors
for daring to claim that any land could be superior to there is reputable work and lodging arranged for those
one under her rule. Accordingly, Belimarius threatens leaving Edasseril.
anyone attempting to flee her realm without permission Valais and Guaril have made most of the arrangements
with summary execution—sans trial. for the first group of refugees but have run into a snag.
Guaril Karela, influential leader within the Sczarni Guaril has become a known entity in Edasseril, and
crime syndicate and former associate of the Pathfinder Belimarius has placed a price on the heads of the Sczarni
Society is never one to let an opportunity for profit pass as well as his known associates, including the leadership
him by. He has offered those seeking to flee Belimarius’ of the Pathfinder Society. Valais has come to realize that
rule the means to escape Edasseril’s borders... for the the best way to aid the refugees now is to the employ of a
right price. team of relatively new and unknown operatives capable
Valais Durant, leader of the Society’s Radiant Oath of slipping into Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,
faction, has offered assistance to Guaril in smuggling assembling the refugees, and escorting them aboard
citizens out of Edasseril and south along the Varisian outbound ships. These efforts are complicated by the fact
coastline to Magnimar to start new lives. Valais finds that Guaril was forced to flee Edasseril before he was
Guaril somewhat distasteful, especially since the able to give the refugees their final instructions.
Sczarni charges hefty fee for his services, but Valais
believes that the Radiant Oath’s involvement in the Adventure Summary
operation will ultimately protect those fleeing Edasseril At the behest of Valais Durant and Guaril Karela, the
and ensure that Guaril’s “business practices” don’t PCs travel to Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,
descend into blatant abuse of his clients. Valais accepts where they are to contact five groups of refugees and
that Guaril’s enterprise requires funding for transport, smuggle them out of the city. The PCs are told they have
bribes, and the like. She has conceded to working with three days to smuggle up to five refugees out via waiting
the highly connected Sczarni in exchange for his strong ship in Shard Cove. The remaining refugees are to leave
assurances that he won’t charge anyone more than they aboard ship with the PCs once the PCs’ travel papers
can afford to pay, and that he’ll work with her to ensure expire in five days.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Using a list of contacts provided by Guaril, the overhead, swaying back and forth along with the
PCs can begin tracking down the refugees in any motion of the ship.
order. Contacting each refugee or refugee group Read or paraphrase the following once the PCs
poses its own challenges. The thief Flitch has descend below decks.
fled his apartment and gone into hiding.
Securing a meeting with the accountant Valais Durant begins. “I need your help for
Themolin requires navigating bureaucratic a task that requires both great risk and
impediments. Also, he has garnered the discretion.” The aasimar woman gestures
suspicions of a rival, who ambushes the to a green-eyed Varisian man, who flashes
PCs at the accountant’s warehouse. Yuleg a sly grin framed by a thin mustache.
believes his daughter is too ill to travel. “This is Guaril Karela, a prominent
The scholarly Daffrid and family have figure among the Sczarni,” she continues.
attracted the attention of a stone “The Sczarni maintain a smuggling ring,
giant wishing to flee with them. providing freedom to those chafing
The mysterious Garrla is a under the oppression of Belimarius, the
member of the Emerald Guard Runelord of Envy and ruler of Edasseril.
and tests the PCs’ abilities. Demand for such services is high,”
Along the way, the PCs must she pauses and casts a somewhat
collect payment in the form of Valais Durant disdainful glare toward Guaril,
Treasure Bundles to ensure the “allowing the Sczarni to extract
operation is profitable and can also hefty sums from desperate patrons.
gain information and resources. “I find the practice rather distasteful,” Valais sighs.
While making contact, the PCs can also garner “However, collaboration with his operations grants the
information and even evidence of a fraudulent sale Radiant Oath some measure of oversight in ensuring
made by a corrupt guard. They also have opportunities proper treatment of the refugees. Further, I have Guaril’s
to address a pair of obstacles that will make their final personal assurance that the Sczarni will not demand more
escape more challenging. in payment than their clients can afford.”
Once contact has been made, the PCs must get a “Transportation’s expensive,” Guaril chimes in. “Not to
group of refugees to Shard Cove and onto an awaiting mention paying off border guards and harbormasters. It’s
ship. However, submerged shards in the waters make dangerous work. Certainly, you wouldn’t expect my people
navigation treacherous, and the activities attract an to take such risk and not be properly compensated, would
ocean predator. you? Or have you forgotten that Belimarius has placed a
The PCs must then devise ways to get the remaining price on my head?”
refugees past the guard checkpoint. However, “Not the first to do so, I’m sure.” Valais notes, before
inadequate preparations and circumstance present continuing, “Belimarius and her minions began to suspect
a series of obstacles that the party must overcome or Guaril’s intentions the last time he was in Edasseril. Now,
bribe the guards to overlook, reducing their profits and they seek not only his head, but those of his known
the available Treasure Bundles. Threatening to expose associates, including those among the Pathfinder Society.
the corrupt guard’s fraud greases the path for a smaller It is not presently safe for them or Guaril to venture within
bribe. Once the guards have been dealt with, the PCs Edasseril’s borders.”
are able to board their ship and get the remaining “I had a number of clients ready to go, before leaving
refugees to freedom. Xin-Edasseril,” explains Guaril. “Most of the arrangements
are already made. All you need to do is make contact with
Getting Started the clients. Give them the time and place for departure,
Having received a request for aid from Valais Durant then escort them out of the city—with their payment.” The
of the Radiant Oath faction, the PCs have gathered Sczarni stresses. “You’ll get a hefty cut of the payment you
aboard the Merry Mayfly, a ship headed toward Xin- secure as compensation for your hard work.”
Edasseril. En route, their ship rendezvouses with “I prepared a client list,” Guaril says, handing over
another vessel, the Lightbringer. The Lightbringer’s a sheet of scrawled paper. “Memorize it. Then, tear it up,
crew escorts the PCs below deck to meet with Durant burn it, chew it, swallow it—whatever you do, get rid of
and her unlikely associate, Guaril Karela. The ship’s it! If Belimarius gets a hold of it, it’s a death sentence for
interior is lit by lanterns that hang from the ceiling anyone named on it.”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Give the PCs a copy of Handout: Guaril’s List (page
30), and give them a chance to read it. Allow the players SPLIT TREASURE
to use the handout as a reference during the scenario
(even if the PCs destroy it). This scenario contains more valuable treasure than
Valais next hands a set of legitimately obtained travel other scenarios. This is because Guaril gets one-half of
papers and a merchant’s permit to each PC. whatever the PCs obtain, after expenses. The Treasure
Bundles listed in the scenario represent both the PCs’
“You’ll be entering Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,” and Guaril’s share of the spoils.
explains Valais. “These papers will allow you passage in and
out of the city for five days before they expire.”
“At dawn on the fourth day after your arrival in Xin-Edasseril, What if the clients don’t want to leave? “Themolin
the ship Rolanna’s Prayer will arrive in a bay just outside the must come,” Guaril insists. “He’s paying more than all
city: Shard Cove. The boat can accommodate five clients, the other clients combined.” His response elicits a glare
providing an excellent opportunity to escape undetected. One from Valais.
of the clients, Flitch, knows a secret tunnel to Shard Cove. Why is Rolanna’s Prayer arriving near dawn? “Shard
“Once the clients are aboard ship, return to the city. Any Cove is only navigable to ships at high tide.” Guaril
remaining clients that you weren’t able to smuggle out by explains. “Navigating the cove at night is too dangerous.
sea will have to be smuggled out of the city with you, which The jagged crystals lying just beneath the waves of the
means you’ll have to get them past the guards at the docks. cover are nearly impossible to avoid by day.”
Your ship, the Merry Mayfly, must depart the docks once your Why won’t Rolanna’s Prayer return to Shard Cove?
papers have expired.” “Space aboard Rolanna’s Prayer is limited. And each
“The clients are expecting to deal with me,” cautions Guaril. voyage to the cove increases the likelihood of seized by the
“But as that’s not possible, and as it’s now a few days past the runelord’s forces. As it was, convincing Captain Remmith
window when I was to make contact, the clients might need to enter the cove even once required considerable skills
some reassurance to go through with the job.” of persuasion.” Valais notes. “And considerable coinage,”
Giving the Pathfinders a stern look, Guaril then warns, adds Guaril.
“While you’re in Belimarius’s back yard, be careful. You Where will the refugees head after we get them out of
are foreigners in Xin-Edasseril, and Belimarius has eyes Xin-Edasseril? “Rolanna’s Prayer and the Merry Mayfly
everywhere. Don’t do anything that would draw unnecessary will each sail on to Magnimar. Bring those refugees
attention to yourselves. The last thing you want to do is tangle with you to Heidmarch Manor.” says Valais. “Sheila
with the authorities. The runelord’s forces are well trained and Heidmarch and I will await you there and the refugees
quite capable. Keep your wits about you at all times and your will be given what they need to be introduced to their
blades sheathed.” new lives.”
“We cannot afford one of you being arrested or Guaril makes clear his intent to take half of whatever
interrogated. Pay any bribe required to remain free. I don’t monies are collected, before expenses, as detailed in the
want to further expose any part of the operation,” says Valais. Split Treasure sidebar above. Once the PCs have asked
“Our goal here is to bring hope and freedom to as many souls their questions, Valais wishes them well and Guaril
as we are able. It is risky, but hope and freedom are worth reminds them that the operation should be profitable. At
the price.” this point, the PCs can make whatever purchases they
like from the Lightbringer’s stores before they leave for
Both Valais and Guaril can answer some questions Xin-Edasseril.
the PCs may have, although since neither has been in Boons and Hero Points: Give the PCs a few moments
Xin-Edasseril for over a week, their information is to slot their boons for the adventure and let each PC
limited. If the PCs have no questions, Valais asks the PCs know that they have 1 Hero Point available for use
what their plans are, and the pair provide the PCs with during the adventure.
any relevant information from the answers below.
Can’t we enter the city at night? “I would highly advise Society or Warfare Lore (Recall
against it.” Valais responds. “With curfew in effect, we Knowledge)
don’t want to risk unwanted attention.” A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Society check or a DC 13
Who should we approach first? “It is up to you, how Warfare Lore check to Recall Knowledge remembers
you want to proceed,” says Guaril. “But Flitch knows the some information about Xin-Edasseril and Shard Cove.
secret tunnel to Shard Cove.” A failure grants no information, while a critical failure

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
garners false information and a potential dead end to A. Xin-Edasseril
their investigation. Remember that these skill checks, like Xin-Edasseril is a city of gleaming architecture and
most in this scenario, should be rolled secretly. beautiful vistas, although its skyline still bears scars from
Critical Success: In addition to the information in the the events that brought it into the present day. Most of
success entry, the PCs know that Xin-Edasseril was trapped its structures stand as grand displays of the wealth and
outside of time within a massive crystalline sphere, as the power of ancient Thassilon. Public construction projects
result of Belimarius’ efforts to avoid the catastrophe of dot the city, slowly erasing damage caused by its shift
Earthfall. Many of the city’s residents, particularly the city’s through time.
guards and functionaries, are too proud to acknowledge The PCs arrive at the city docks without incident. Upon
how out of touch they are with the modern world. The PC disembarking, they are immediately met by two Emerald
who learned this knowledge gains a +1 circumstance bonus Guards (LE human fighter) demanding to examine their
on Deception checks to Lie about where they’re from or travel papers. Each guard is clearly well armed and well-
Impersonate a citizen of another country in the Inner Sea trained, with gleaming magical weapons, armor, and
when dealing with Xin-Edasseril’s guards and functionaries. equipment. Although this is not a combat encounter, the
Success: Edasseril is the western kingdom of the nation GM can use Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks to help players
of New Thassilon, which was founded by the two surviving visualize the area.
runelords of ancient Thassilon. Edasseril is the domain The guards demand to see each of the PCs’ papers.
of Belimarius, the Runelord of Envy. Xin-Edasseril, the After a few minutes scrutinizing the documents, the
nation’s capital, is located on Peridot Isle. guard sternly informs the PCs that a curfew is in effect
Failure: The PC knows no further information. for outsiders, permitting them to be outside for an
Critical Failure: Shard Cove was so named because it 8-hour period during the day; they must remain indoors
once contained one of the artifacts known as the Shards at all other times. They remind the PCs that their papers
of Sin, and anyone living near the cove is often overcome expire in five days, before warning the PCs to keep their
with overwhelming feelings of envy, regardless of their weapons stowed at all times while in the city. After listing
normal demeanor. these restrictions, the guards allow the PCs to pass.

Society or Thassilon Lore (Recall Diplomacy (Gather Information) or

Knowledge) Society, Thassilon Lore, or Underworld
A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Society check or DC 15 Lore (Recall Knowledge)
Thassilon Lore check to Recall Knowledge remembers A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy check to
some information regarding Belimarius. Gather Information for two hours, or who succeeds at a
Critical Success: In addition to the information in the DC 20 Society or DC 15 Thassilon Lore or Underworld
success entry, the PC knows that to this day, the story Lore check to Recall Knowledge, gain some information
of Belimarius’ ascent to power serves as inspiration to about the Emerald Guard.
many of the bureaucrats within her employ, which grants Critical Success: In addition to the information in the
the PC a +1 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to success entry, the PCs know of a guard named Ellvard
make a Request and Intimidate checks to Coerce any of rumored to have sold a forged painting to Belimarius,
the bureaucrats in Xin-Edasseril. but no proof has surfaced to support these claims.
Success: Belimarius became the tenth and final Success: The Emerald Guard is the city guard of Xin-
Runelord of Envy upon the murder of her predecessor. Edasseril. Highly trained and capable, they maintain a
Over five thousand years ago, Belimarius ruled the presence throughout the city. Graft and corruption are
Thassilonian realm of Edasseril, a nation of bitter rampant among the organization.
rivalries, byzantine bureaucracy, and enslaved giants, Failure: The PCs know no further information.
until shortly before Earthfall. As the result of Belimarius’ Critical Failure: Newcomers to the Emerald Guard are
efforts to avoid the catastrophe, the ancient city of Xin- beaten during the recruitment process.
Edasseril became trapped outside of time, allowing
the runelord and her citizens to survive the worldwide Exploring Xin-Edasseril
calamity known as Earthfall. With their papers in order, the PCs are relatively free
Failure: The PC knows no further information. to travel within the city. Xin-Edasseril is bustling with
Critical Failure: Belimarius jealously forbids the use activity yet operates under the weight of oppression.
of magic by anyone other than herself and her minions Runelord Belimarius employs both uniformed watch
within Edasseril. and hidden spies who act as secret police. Most residents

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
A. Xin-Edasseril








0 100 FEET
Pathfinder AP 137: The City Outside of Time

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
avoid making direct eye contact with strangers and give success entry, the PCs gain enough information to grant a
wide berth to patrolling guards. +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track Flitch
Events in the scenario are triggered by the passage of to his sewer hideout (see Flitch’s Hideout below).
time. For ease of tracking, assume that travel from any Success: Flitch went into hiding in the city sewers after
one location in area A to another takes 2 hours due to Belimarius placed a bounty on Guaril’s head.
the city’s crowded, narrow streets, periodic checkpoints, Failure: The PC knows no further information.
and trouble spots. Critical Failure: The PC hears that Flitch fled
The following locations are of interest to the PCs. Xin-Edasseril already.

A1. Flitch’s Flat A2. Sewers

This rundown flat is typical of the residences of Envy
Row East. A poor lock (simple lock in Subtier 3–4) A well-oiled grate leads down into a twisting sewer system.
bars the front door. The windows are boarded over, and Graffiti covers the walls at every intersection of the labyrinth.
fragments of a flowerpot lie beneath one windowsill.
A PC can Force Open the window for entry with a The city’s sewer grates lead to miles of underground
successful DC 20 Athletics check (DC 23 in Subtier 3–4). tunnels. When Xin-Edasseril returned to the present,
portions of the sewers became dislocated or collapsed. As
A thin layer of dust covers the floors of this sparsely a result, portions of the sewers intersect with the natural
furnished wood-walled apartment. The northern wall bears sea caves and tunnels leading to Shard Cove.
crude etchings, graffiti, and other odd markings. Flitch’s Message: Flitch left a message on the sewer
walls. A PC who is Searching the area can attempt a
Flitch’s Message: Flitch went into hiding, leaving DC 15 Perception check to Seek to spot Flitch’s name
a message for anyone looking for him. A PC who is hidden in the graffiti and markings on the wall, along
Searching the area can attempt a DC 15 Perception with a coded message. The PCs can attempt to Decipher
check to Seek to spot Flitch’s name hidden in the graffiti Writing to decode the markings (see above). This is the
and markings on the wall, along with a coded message. same message that appears in area A1.
The PCs can attempt to Decipher Writing to decode the Finding Flich’s Hideout: A PC who is trained in
markings (see below). This is the same message that Survival can attempt a DC 15 Survival check (DC 18 in
appears in area A2. Subtier 3–4) to Track Flitch to his hideout. Alternatively,
Vurna Bluingot can lead the PCs here if she is sufficiently
Society (Decipher Writing) healthy, as detailed in Rockfish Inn. (A4, see page 10).
Each PC trained in the skill can spend 10 minutes and Treasure: PCs who are Searching the sewers can find
attempt a DC 15 Society check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) a low-grade silver shield (and also a low-grade silver
to Decipher Writing left by Flitch. The PCs can find this longsword in Subtier 3–4) and 25 sp in loose coins in
same message in both area A1 and A2, but they can only the sewers with a successful DC 15 Perception check
attempt to Decipher the Writing once. to Seek (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4). These represent 1
Critical Success: In addition to the information in Treasure Bundle.
the success entry, the PC understands the surrounding
markings form a map granting a +1 circumstance bonus Flitch’s Hideout
to Survival checks to Track Flitch to Flitch’s Sewer Flitch’s trail leads to a small sewer maintenance chamber,
Hideout (see below). where he has set up a humble campsite.
Success: The PC deciphers that Flitch is hiding out in Creatures: Flitch Napovic (CN male human thief) is a
the sewers. mediocre criminal and the nephew of Jaster Frallino, a
Failure: The PC can’t decipher the message. notorious Sczarni boss in Magnimar. Flitch’s wholesome
Critical Failure: The PC interprets the message as face is accented by dark hair and a single curl, dangling
indicating that Flitch has already fled Xin-Edasseril. over his forehead, which he routinely brushes aside.
Exploiting the unrequited attraction of Vurna Bluingot,
Diplomacy (Gather Information) Flitch learned of the tunnels leading to Shard Cove from
A PC who spends two hours and succeeds at a DC 20 the city’s sewers. When Guaril left, Flitch abandoned his
Diplomacy check (DC 23 into Subtier 3–4) to Gather apartment and came here to hide. Initially wary of the
Information can learn of Flitch’s whereabouts. PCs, Flitch asks the PCs if they have any messages for
Critical Success: In addition to the information in the him, and he readily trusts them if they tell him that his

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
uncle has been asking about his slippers (the key phrase Critical Success: The receptionist escorts the PCs
from the Handout on page 30). immediately to Themolin’s desk. Proceed to Meeting
Flitch has forged travel papers, which he proudly Themolin (area B1 on page 13).
shows the PCs once they earn his trust. With a Success: The receptionist provides the
successful DC 17 Perception or Society check PCs an expedited appointment to meet at
(DC 20 in Subtier 3–4), a PC identifies the Themolin’s desk the following day.
forgeries as being of poor quality. Noticing the Failure: No expedited appointment is
flaws in the forgery allows the PCs to avoid scheduled.
a social obstacle, as detailed in Dock Escape Critical Failure: Same as failure, and
(area C on page 15). Flitch’s forgeries are similar the receptionist also alerts the authorities
enough to the actual documents to provide a to be on watch for the PCs. The GM
+2 circumstance bonus to PCs using a Society chooses an obstacle in area C (page 15)
check to Create a Forgery of their own. and increases the DC(s) required to
Treasure: Flitch offers the PCs his overcome it by 1.
disguise kit, repair kit, and minor
healing potion (or invisibility potion Intimidation (Coerce)
in Subtier 3–4). These represent 1 One PC can attempt a DC 17
Treasure Bundle. Intimidation check (DC 20
Flitch Napovic in Subtier 3–4) to Coerce the
A3. Ministry of Tithes receptionist to escort the PCs
This building is the center of immediately to Themolin’s desk.
bureaucracy and taxation within the kingdom of Critical Success: As success, but the receptionist is too
Edasseril. A guard is posted at the building’s outer door. scared to retaliate.
Success: The receptionist agrees to escort the PCs
Well-dressed bureaucrats tend to the paperwork piled upon immediately to Themolin’s desk. Proceed to Meeting
the dozens of desks, which are arranged in orderly fashion Themolin (area B1 on page 13). However, the
around a prominent stone likeness of Belimarius. Within the receptionist alerts the authorities to scrutinize the PCs.
shadow of the statue, a neatly dressed woman sits a reception The GM chooses an obstacle in area C and increases
desk. Next to her stands a well-manicured man, also in fine the DCs required to overcome it by 1. (See Dock Escape
attire, who is leaning over her. The two appear to be engaged on page 15).
in animate conversation. Failure: No expedited appointment is granted, and
the receptionist alerts the authorities to be on watch
Creatures: Barralbus is having a conversation with the for the PCs. The GM chooses an obstacle in area C and
receptionist, whom he seeks to impress with his mastery increases the DCs required to Disable it by 1. (See Dock
of cantrips. He hopes to one day become the Minister of Escape on page 15).
Tithes. He ignores the PCs, only showing interest when Critical Failure: Same as failure, and the receptionist
they make mention of Themolin, who he considers a requests that the guards escort the PC outside, barring
rival. He then softly questions the PCs as to the nature of them from reentering or making any further attempts to
any dealings with Themolin. If Barralbus’s statistics are contact Themolin in the building.
necessary, see the appendices on pages 21 and 23.
If asked, the receptionist informs the PCs that they can Accounting Lore or Legal Lore (Recall
only meet with Themolin by appointment and that the Knowledge)
accountant has an opening in his schedule in four days. All PCs trained in Accounting Lore or Legal Lore can
Her initial attitude is indifferent. Each PC can attempt to attempt a DC 13 skill check (DC 16 in Subtier 3–4)
improve her attitude with a successful DC 15 Diplomacy to Recall Knowledge about a form authorizing an
check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) to Make an Impression. expedited appointment.
Success: The completed form immediately authorizes
Diplomacy (Request) the PCs receive an appointment to meet with Themolin
If the receptionist’s attitude becomes friendly or helpful the following day.
toward at least one PC, the PC can attempt a single DC Failure: No expedited appointment is scheduled.
13 Diplomacy check (DC 16 in Subtier 3–4) to Request Critical Failure: Same as failure, but the rejection
a meeting with Themolin. comes after a required 2 hour waiting period.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Magic: Themolin’s desk is fewer than 100 feet away and he openly welcomes anyone willing to help his
and visible from the reception area. If the PCs target him family. Vurna’s health is his immediate concern, and
with an adequately worded message spell, Themolin Yuleg fears she is too ill to travel. If the PCs promise
agrees to an immediate meeting. Proceed to to help him and Vurna, he allows them to take
Meeting Themolin (area B1 on page 13). anything from the inn they wish, including the
Scheduled Appointment: If the PCs are mules and wagon.
not escorted immediately to Themolin’s Vurna has Stage 3 filth fever. The young
desk, they must return to this location explorer found the tunnel leading to
at their scheduled appointment time to Shard Cove during one of her many
proceed to Meeting Themolin on excursions into the city’s sewers.
page 13. A workaholic and very After Guaril and Flitch approached
private individual, Themolin’s co- her father about leaving, she
workers are generally unaware of shared this information with Flitch,
where Themolin lives or spends his of whom she is rather fond. When
time outside of the Ministry. Guaril failed to appear, she began
going to the sewers nightly, looking for
Diplomacy (Gather the ship that Flitch mentioned
Information) as coming. Days ago, during her
A PC who spends two hours and Yuleg Bluinglot last excursion, she contracted her
succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy illness from a rat bite.
check (DC 23 into Subtier 3–4) to Vurna must be Stage 2 or better
Gather Information learn of Themolin’s whereabouts (or cured) before Yuleg and Vurna will agree to travel
when not at the Ministry of Tithes. with the PCs. Otherwise, the two remain in the city.
Critical Success: In addition to the information in A PC can spend 8 hours attempt a Medicine check to
the success entry, the PCs learn that Themolin recently Treat Disease to help Vurna get better by helping her
purchased the warehouse (area A8) and was seen hauling reduce the stage of her filth fever. If a PC succeeds at the
various items and goods into it. Medicine check, they help her enough that she succeeds
Success: The PCs learn that Themolin recently sold on her saving throw. Note that the PCs do not need to go
his personal residence. Other than the Ministry, the only outside to treat Vurna, so they can do so after curfew. If
place where he has been seen is near a warehouse (see Vurna is not cured and does not depart by sea, she is too
area A8 on page 12) located in Envy Row West. sick for the PCs to sneak her out through the gates, and
Failure: The PCs learn no further information. both she and Yuleg stay behind in the city; Yuleg does
Critical Failure: The PCs learn that Themolin not pay the PCs if he and Vurna choose to stay behind.
frequents Sweetest Dreams (area A7). Filth Fever (disease) The sickened and unconscious
conditions from filth fever don’t improve on their own
A4. The Rockfish Inn until the disease is cured; Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude
(DC 18 in Subtier 3–4); Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect
A sturdily built stone building with a meticulously thatched (1d4 hours); Stage 2 sickened 1 (1 day); Stage 3 sickened
roof is marked by a hand-carved wooden sign with silver 1 and slowed 1 day as long as remains sickened (1 day);
inlays that declare the building to be The Rockfish Inn. Stage 4 unconscious 1 (1 day); Stage 5 dead.
Underground Guide: Once her illness has improved
This modest inn and tavern is owned by the dwarf Yuleg to Stage 2 or better, Vurna can serve as a guide,
and his daughter Vurna. Upon arrival, the PCs find the automatically navigating both the sewer and tunnels to
establishment is boarded up. A sign on the door states Shard Cove (see page 15) and is able to lead the PCs to
the inn is closed due to illness. A stable next to the inn Flitch’s hiding place in area A2 (see page 8).
holds two mules and a light wagon. The inn can serve as Resources: Most of the inn’s foodstuffs have
a safe place for the PCs to meet and plan. diminished as Yuleg made plans to leave. However, six
Creatures: Yuleg Bluingot (CG male dwarf merchant) large barrels of pickled fish remain. Various rooms in
tends to his ill daughter Vurna Bluingot (CG female the inn are modestly furnished with beds, drawers, wash
dwarf ranger) within the otherwise unoccupied rooms of basins, blankets, pillows, towels, and linens. The wagon
the inn. Yuleg is a successful businessman and protective is a four-wheeled open vehicle capable of carrying up to
father. He seeks a better life for himself and his daughter, 1,000 pounds of cargo.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
A PC trained in Crafting who spends 8 hours can among the stone rubble in the courtyard. Years of
Craft a barrel into a raft that holds four creatures with a mistreatment and persecution have left him timid,
DC 17 Craft check (DC 20 in Subtier 3–4). With afraid, and physically scarred. Aside from his
a critical success, the completed raft holds scars, Seddothrum appears typical for his kind,
six creatures. On a failure, the raft is not standing at 12 feet in height and weighing
completed. A critical failure ruins the barrel, approximately 1,500 lbs. Having overheard
and the PCs can no longer attempt to create members of Daffrid’s family talk about
a raft from it. leaving the city while at the school,
Treasure: Yuleg provides the PCs Seddorthrum hopes to leave with them. A
payment in the form of gems and coins PC making a successful DC 24 Perception
valued at 12 gp (30 gp in Subtier 3–4). This check to Seek from Daffrid’s office can spot
payment represents 1 Treasure Bundle. Seddothrum in the courtyard below where he
has found shelter among the damaged,
A5. Arcanium Abjurant rocky edifices on campus. Otherwise,
Once the centerpiece of the city, Seddothrum waits until he sees the PCs
this wizardry school suffered heavy leaving the building before confronting
damaged while Xin-Edasseril stood them with his plea to be smuggled
outside of time. Several ruined out of the city. Seddothrum avoids
columns line the front entrance Daffrid Chaverly confrontation and flees if threatened
of the white marble building with violence.
where vellum banners hide broken Treasure: Daffrid provides the
stonework. A newly restored statue of Belimarius stands PCs with payment in the form of a gold nodule aeon
in the courtyard. Beyond these measures, much of the stone and a scroll of air bubble (scroll of water breathing
school still lies in disrepair. The limited number of in Subtier 3–4). These represent 1 Treasure Bundle.
people on campus and Belimarius’ dismissive attitude Each PC can attempt a DC 14 Academia Lore, Library
toward the crumbling institution means its grounds are Lore, Thassilon Lore check, or a DC 18 Religion or
poorly watched by the runelord’s forces. Society check, to Recall Knowledge identifying much of
Daffrid’s library as vastly out of date. In Subtier 3–4, the
Vacant classrooms cover the first floor of the Arcanium DCs of these checks increase to 16 and 18, respectively.
Abjurant. A stone staircase leads to a number of modest A PC who Searches the area and succeeds at a DC 15
academic offices on the second floor, each lined with Perception check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) locates a scroll
cramped bookshelves, archaic charts, and chalk-filled slates. of remove disease slipped within one of the textbooks.
The scroll represents 1 Treasure Bundle.
Creatures: Daffrid Chaverly (LN female human
scholar) works in an office overlooking a courtyard. A6. Emerald Guardhouse
Daffrid is a professor of religion and her family’s Columns of this wide building are carved in the likeness
matriarch. She and her faithful spouse, Tellith, (N male of Runelord Belimarius. Its wide courtyard is filled with
human librarian) were middle aged and had started a practice dummies and other evidence of martial training.
family even before Earthfall struck thousands of years Guards are beginning and ending their shifts. A short line
ago. Trapped in Xin-Edasseril, she and her family has formed outside the door of a recruiting area, where a
unknowingly relived the week leading up to Earthfall guard stands stationed.
over and over until the city recently returned to the Creatures: Astrid “Garrla” Kallade (LN female
present day, Since learning of her fate, Daffrid feels human warrior) is a member of the Emerald Guard
eager, indeed entitled, to explore a new world that, for and no stranger to bloodshed. Yet, she has grown tired
her, has changed overnight. of dragging innocent people to the chopping block on
Daffrid’s two young children, Taffrit (CN small Belimarius’s commands and seeks to leave the city. Well
human female child) and Maffree (N small human male aware that she would be quickly executed if the runelord’s
child), are inquisitive and garrulous. They frequently ask spies ever uncovered her true intentions, Garrla goes to
questions, particular about the smuggling operation and great lengths to ensure that there is no evidence linking
how the party plans to get them away from “that mean her to any smuggling activities, even refusing to reveal her
old Prunelord.” real name to the PCs. Garrla is aware of the corruption
The gentle Seddothrum (N male stone giant) hides among her fellow guards and the watch.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Making Contact: If the PCs ask any of the persons Treasure: A PC who manages to get the book out of the
present about “Garrla,” they are told that nobody by recruiting area undetected finds that it contains a ledger
that name is known to have ever been at the showing a guard named Ellvard recently sold an
guardhouse. As the PCs go about asking expensive piece of art to Belimarius. Realizing
questions, one of them is bumped by one its potential value, Garrla had stolen it.
of the Emerald Guard traveling alone. The Ellvard is eager to see the ledger destroyed
guardswoman states, “It is a good time for as it evinces his part in a fraudulent sale of
recruiting.” She then continues on to the artwork to the Belimarius. Giving the book
recruiting area. PCs who succeed at a DC to Ellvard reduces the bribe he demands as
15 Perception check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) detailed in Dock Escape on page 15.
to Seek spot a crumbled piece of paper on the Before she departs, either at Shard Cove
ground that was not their previously, having (area B3) or the docks (area C), Garrla offers
been dropped by the Emerald Guard. The her armor and equipment (+1 full plate, +1
paper reads, “Ready to join.” longsword) along with a bag of 20 gold
coins. This represents 2 Treasure Bundles.
Perception (Sense Motive)
A PC who succeeds at a DC 12 Diplomacy (Gather
Perception check to Sense Motive Information)
can tell that the guardswoman is Astrid Kallade A PC who spends two hours and
inviting them to follow her to the succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy
recruitment area. check (DC 23 into Subtier 3–4)
Critical Success: In addition to the information in the to Gather Information can learn Ellvard is subject
success entry, the PC determines that the Emerald Guard to blackmail.
is Garrla, who they were sent to contact. Critical Success: In addition to the information in the
Success: The PC knows the guard is not simply success entry, the PC learns that Ellvard recently sold a
recruiting the party, but does want them to follow her to painting that is rumored to have been a forgery that he
the recruitment area. acquired for far less.
Failure: The PC knows the guardswoman seeks recruits. Success: The PC knows Ellvard is a guard who
Critical Failure: The PC knows that the mysterious frequently works the docks and has been known to
guard is likely a spy who suspects the PCs have accept bribes.
unlawful intentions. Failure: The PC knows no further information.
If the PCs wait in the recruitment line, Garrla Critical Failure: The PC learns that Ellvard is fiercely
announces that those with questions should remain at dedicated to Belimarius.
the back of the line before taking a seat the recruitment
desk where the short line begins. Once the PCs make it A7. Sweetest Dreams
to the front of the line, Garrla points at her uniform. This unassuming establishment appears to be a simple
“If you like it and you have what it takes, it can be confectionery shop. It is, however, the home base of the
yours one day soon. Just tell me the time and the place.” poisoners’ guild. The ruddy faced clerk asks probing
Garrla continues to make small talk emphasizing the questions of the PCs in an effort to determine whether
words “time” and “place” until the PCs provide some they are likely customers or spies. If asked, the clerk
acknowledgment that she is their client. truthfully admits that he knows nothing of Themolin or
During the conversation, Garrla asks to see the PCs’ of any person matching his description, but admits that
travel papers. If the PCs provide them, Garrla casually his employer has many customers among the bureaucrats
mentions that a guard named Ellvard is scheduled to at the Ministry of Tithes.
work at the docks. She then hands the PCs a small black
notebook. “Hope you have what it takes.” she says as she A8. Themolin’s Warehouse
points at the guard stationed outside the door. A PC seeking This warehouse was recently purchased by Themolin. It
to leave with the notebook must make a successful DC 20 is detailed in Warehouse Ambush (area B2 on page 15).
Stealth check to Conceal an Object or else the guard seizes
the book and returns it to Garrla. Garrla vouches for any B. Events
PC who is stopped in this way, claiming the PC was a The PCs may encounter the following events in the
recruit poor at following instructions. course of their investigation.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
B1. Meeting Themolin check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) to Palm an Object; if a
After a PC is escorted to Themolin’s desk at the Ministry PC fails the check, Themolin demands the paper back.
of Tithes (A3) as the result of a successful skill check to He puts it in a secure location away from the PCs, and
schedule an appointment time, they find the accountant his attitude toward all of the PCs decreases by one step.
busy at work. Read or paraphrase the following. Giving the affidavit to Ellvard reduces the bribe he
demands as detailed in Dock Escape on page 15.
A portly man with thinning hair looks up from behind several
stacks of papers, some nearly toppling from the heavy Deception or Society (Secret Message)
wooden desk upon which they are perched. Each PC trained in Deception or Society can attempt one
“I-I understand that y-you’ve made an appointment to DC 17 Deception or Society check (DC 20 in Subtier
s-see me. H-how may I b-be of assistance?” he stammers as 3–4) to convey to Themolin that they are working with
he hesitantly rises to his feet. Guaril using innuendo to cloak the actual message
without others understanding their meaning. Otherwise,
Themolin Yun (LN male human accountant) has been obtaining a private meeting with Themolin requires a
a nervous wreck since discovering an accounting error successful Request (see below).
that Belimarius had made a month ago. The bureaucrat Success: Themolin understands that the PCs work
has since lived in constant fear that the error will be with Guaril and he offers to meet them at his private
discovered and cost him his life. He was somewhat warehouse later that day, an hour before curfew, and
relieved when he learned of Guaril’s offer to get him out provides them its location.
of the city. However, Themolin’s anxiety has become more Failure: Themolin remains unsure of the PCs.
pronounced now that he has lost contact with Guaril. Critical Failure: As failure, and Themolin’s attitude
He refuses to openly discuss anything related to Guaril, toward the PC who sent the message decreases by one step.
the smuggling plans, or his desire for freedom and, if
asked, denies all knowledge of such things. Talk of such Diplomacy (Request)
at the Ministry only exacerbates his nervous scratching A PC who has improved Themolin’s attitude toward
and stammering, resulting in a –2 circumstance penalty them to helpful can attempt Diplomacy check (DC 15)
to checks to Make an Impression. Themolin’s initial to Request that Themolin meet with them in private.
attitude toward the PCs is indifferent. Themolin is having Critical Success: The PCs are permitted to fill a
second thoughts about the smuggling scheme. He is wary cancellation scheduled within the hour.
of the PCs, whom he was not informed were coming, Success: Themolin agrees to meet the PCs at his
and refuses to accompany them (or pay them) without private warehouse later that day, an hour before curfew,
assurance of their ability to get him to safety. and provides them its location.
Themolin presently spends all of his time traveling back Failure: Themolin refuses to meet with the PC who
and forth between the Ministry of Tithes and his private made the request.
warehouse, having sold his modest home in anticipation Critical Failure: As failure, and Themolin’s attitude
of his departure. Since his initial plans for departure fell toward the PC who made the Request decreases by
through, Themolin has taken to sleeping in his warehouse one step.
until he can escape or purchase a new home. Convincing
Themolin to come with the PCs requires a successful Diplomacy (Request)
Request (see below) or the defeat of Barralbus as detailed If the PC meet with Themolin in private, each PC who has
in Warehouse Ambush (B2) on page 15. improved Themolin’s attitude toward them to friendly or
Treasure: A PC who is Searching the room can attempt helpful can attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy check (DC 23 in
a DC 15 Perception check (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4) to Subtier 3–4) to Request that the accountant agree to the
Seek to spot an item of interest on among the objects on smuggling operation.
Themolin’s desk. This is an affidavit of sale bearing the Critical Success: As success, and Themolin steels himself
name of Ellvard, which the corrupt guard submitted to against his phobia and agrees to any form of escape.
the Ministry of Tithes during a recent audit. It shows Success: Themolin agrees, but he is unwilling to enter
that Ellvard purchased a painting from a known forger the sewers for fear of rats.
for a nominal amount. Ellvard later sold the painting to Failure: Themolin refuses the request.
Belimarius for a hefty sum. If friendly, Themolin willing Critical Failure: As failure, and Themolin’s attitude
provides the affidavit to the PCs. Otherwise, a PC can toward the PC who made the request decreases by
obtain the affidavit with a successful DC 15 Thievery one step.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
B2. Warehouse Ambush

B = Barrablbus
H = Hungry Blade Assassin
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Warehouse

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
B2. Warehouse Ambush Severe and gain access to the waters of Shard Cove. The tunnels
After the PCs learn of this location, they are free to travel are typically 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. A PC carrying
here. The well-maintained building easily stands out from a raft through the tunnel must succeed at a DC 15
the dilapidated housing that surrounds it. The ceiling is Acrobatics check to Squeeze or a DC 15 Athletics check
30 feet high. Piles of crates rise 15 feet high and fill much to Shove to get the raft through a particularly narrow
of the building. A few of the crates contain Themolin’s passage. Failure deals 2d6 damage to the raft. Apply
possessions and payment, but most contain old financial Hardness to this damage. Crafting check to Repair is
documents and outdated almanacs. A simple door lock DC 15 (DC 18 in Subtier 3–4).
bars the southern door. The northern door is unlocked. If Seddothrum is with the PCs, he grumbles and
Creatures: Barralbus has come to deal with his complains as the group enters the sewers; the ceilings are
perceived rival, Themolin. He has hired a member of too short for his head, and walls are uncomfortably close
the Hungry Blade assassin’s guild to accompany him. If together for the giant. Still, he isn’t willing to let a bit of
the PCs went to meet Themolin here, Barralbus, having discomfort get in the way of rescue.
arrived earlier, has already incapacitated the accountant Upon reaching the water’s edge at the end of the tunnel,
and has bound him to a chair for interrogation. If the PCs the ship, Rolanna’s Prayer, can be seen roughly 250 feet
have not yet met Barralbus at the Ministry of Tithes (area across the cove toward the horizon. Its crew remains
A3), then Barralbus lies in wait, expecting to ambush below deck to avoid drawing attention and provides no
Themolin, but settling for capturing and questioning the assistance. The PCs will have to escort the refugees across
PCs instead. open water. The water is calm, pure, and 40 feet deep.
Barralbus has been suspicious of Themolin’s behavior (Aquatic Combat rules can be found on pages 478 and
for several days, noting his rival’s increased anxiety and 512 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.) Use the following
odd behaviors. He hopes to discover some scandal or for any raft crafted by a PC: Raft Hardness 5, Raft HP
weakness to exploit to advance his career. He is unaware 20 (BT 10); Immunities critical hits, object immunities,
of the accounting error causing Themolin’s anxiety. precision damage. A raft is 2 Bulk.
Once Barralbus and his minions have been dealt with, Creatures: Drawn by prey injured by the submerged
the warehouse can serve as a safe place to meet and plan. shards, an ocean predator routinely patrols these waters.
Treasure: A collection of artwork worth 65 gp Hazards: The water is calm. However, the placid
is contained in a number of the crates, intended for surface hides submerged shards of crystal whose jagged
payment. These collectively represent 2 Treasure Bundles. edges are difficult to see in the water.
The items on Barralbus and the Hungry Blade assassin
collectively represent 1 Treasure Bundle. Subtier 1–2


Page 22
Page 22; art on page 29
Page 21 Subtier 3–4


Page 24
page 24
Page 23 C. Dock Escape Moderate
To complete their mission, the PCs and the remaining
refugees must make it aboard the Merry Mayfly, at
B3. Shard Cove Moderate the docks of Xin-Edasseril. The PC’s vessel, the Merry
As long as they have the help of either Flitch or Vurna, Mayfly, must depart before the PC’s travel papers expire
the PCs can easily make it through the sewer tunnels or else face near-certain boarding. The waters and

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
B3. Shard Cover

SS 7 SS 4


SS 6

SS 1 SS 3

SS 2 SS 5


SS = Submerged Shard (Hazard)

P = Predator
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Warehouse

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
C. Dock Escape

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
environs around the dock are heavily watched both by Creatures: Two Emerald Guards are stationed here. The
patrol ships and sentries on land. With the check point more senior guard on duty is Ellvard, a man who recently
located at the end of the dock, the PCs have little choice sold a forged painting to the Runelord for an exorbitant
but to smuggle the remaining refugees out past the two price. Evidence of his misdeeds has gone missing and he
guards stationed there. is eager to see it destroyed. He is accompanied by a junior
guard who simply follows Ellvard’s lead.
The Plan Obstacles: Inadequate preparations and unforeseen
By this point in the adventure, the PCs should have a circumstances can produce obstacles that make the PCs’
good grasp of the nature of the guards as well as the smuggling efforts more challenging. For each obstacle,
resources available to them. It should be clear that each PC must roll one check to attempt to overcome it.
violence is not the solution. Allow the PCs to devise their If the PCs have creative solutions to the obstacle, allow
own plans and preparations as to how to get the refugees them to use other skills instead, using the listed skill DC
and themselves to the ship without being caught. They for Lore skills and a DC that is 4 higher for other skills.
should be permitted to attempt any reasonably clever or A PC who succeeds on the check earns 1 Success, a PC
creative solutions they devise. Through their interaction who critically succeeds earns 2 Successes, a PC who fails
with the various refugees, the PCs should have at their earns 0 Successes, and a PC who critically fails loses 1
disposal several resources to aid with smuggling the Success. If the PCs’ plan helps address the obstacle, they
remaining refugees. gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the skill check. At the
Concealment: Yuleg’s inn offers towels, linens, room GM’s discretion, the creative use of a spell, magic item, or
furnishings, pickled fish, and barrels as potential means character ability can grant the PCs 1 additional Success.
of concealment. Yuleg’s wagon and two mules can carry If the PCs earn at least as many Successes as the number
items as well as possible conceal four medium size of PCs, they successfully bypass the obstacle. Depending
creatures or a large one. The PCs can also use their own upon the actions the PCs have taken previously in the
items, such as a bedroll or tent. scenario, they may be able to avoid the first two obstacles.
Disguise: Garrla offers her guard uniform. Flitch Failure: Failing to overcome any obstacle results in
has a disguise kit. The PCs can disguise themselves to a refugee or PC falling under suspicion and becoming
impersonate guards or other persons of importance. They subject to detention by the guards. Ellvard knows his job
may also wish to disguise some of the refugees as the but is corrupt, preferring to take in bribes rather than
PCs, so their travel papers can be used to get the refugees criminals. He makes clear that he will overlook “any
to safety. Magic such as animal form, illusory disguise, abnormalities” for the right price. The amount of the
humanoid form, and pest form, can also provide the group collective bribe he seeks is equal to 1 Treasure Bundle for
with disguises. each obstacle that the PCs fail to avoid or overcome (to
Documentation: Each PC was provided a set of a maximum of 4 Treasure Bundles). The PCs can reduce
legitimate travel papers, which can be given to a refugee the size of the bribe if they present their own leverage. If
in advance of the check point or, through sleight of hand, the PCs threaten to blackmail Ellvard with information
pass back for reuse during inspection. Forgeries can also about his fraudulent sale of artwork (see page 12), reduce
have been made, although using Flitch’s poor forgeries the demand by 1 Treasure Bundle. Giving Ellvard the
presents an obstacle. A PC can use Thievery to Steal ledger stolen by Garrla (area A6) reduces the demand by 1
documents from unsuspecting persons with a successful Treasure Bundle as does giving Ellvard the affidavit from
check (DC 20 or DC 23 in Subtier 3–4). A PC who Themolin’s desk (event B1). If the PCs balk at the bribe,
attempts to do so receives 1 Infamy. Ellvard warns the PCs that if they do not compensate
Graft: The PCs likely obtained some useful blackmail him for the trouble of helping them out, everyone in their
information on the guards and sufficient treasure to bribe group will be imprisoned, and any found guilty of other
them to overlook suspicious behavior. crimes will be judged harshly.
The players have worked hard up this point and
should now have the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of Subtier 1–2
their labors. However, not all goes precisely as planned.
The Execution: Once the PCs completed their plans “ARE WE THERE YET?” OBSTACLE 1
and preparations, the PCs are able to approach the final Description A refugee demonstrates the desire to ask a
checkpoint at the dock where their ship lies without question or seek clarification.
incident. There, they find lines of people waiting to Overcome Diplomacy DC 12 to Request the refugee remain
proceed through the checkpoint and board nearby ships. quiet or Society DC 12 to answer the question.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
BLECH! OBSTACLE 1 Overcome Deception DC 15 to Create a Diversion to distract
Description Vurna displays telltale signs of nausea. the guards detecting the presence of a refugee or DC 15
Overcome Deception DC 12 to Create a Diversion to distract Stealth to Hide what has become detectable.
the guards when she gets sick or Medicine DC 12 to help
calm her stomach. WHOOOOSH! OBSTACLE 3
Avoid The PCs avoid this obstacle if Vurnna is not present. Description The winds off the sea blow fiercely, blowing away
the travel papers held by the PCs and refugees.
UNWANTED EXPOSURE OBSTACLE 1 Overcome DC 15 Reflex save to hold on to the travel papers
Description Part of a refugee has become detectable through so they do not blow away or DC 15 Nature to anticipate
their concealment or disguise, or the refugee otherwise the gust. If a PC is not holding any travel papers, the wind
acts in a suspicious manner. blows away papers held by a refugee or the refugee is
Overcome Deception DC 12 to Create a Diversion to distract otherwise revealed to the guards.
the guards detecting the presence of a refugee or Stealth
DC 12 to Hide what has become detectable. “YOUR PAPERS, PLEASE” OBSTACLE 3
Description A guard questions a forged document’s details.
WHOOOOSH! OBSTACLE 1 Overcome Deception DC 15 to Lie to convince the guard the
Description The winds off the sea blow fiercely, blowing away paper’s features are correct or Thievery DC 15 to Steal
the travel papers held by the PCs and refugees. legitimate papers from another PC or creature nearby.
Overcome DC 12 Reflex save to hold on to the travel papers Avoid The PCs avoid this obstacle if they do not use forged
so they do not blow away or DC 12 Nature to anticipate papers or the result of the check to Create Forgery on the
the gust. If a PC is not holding any travel papers, the wind offered papers was at least 23.
blows away papers held by a refugee or the refugee is
otherwise revealed to the guards.
“YOUR PAPERS, PLEASE” OBSTACLE 1 Once past the guards at the docks, the party and
Description A guard questions a forged document’s details. remaining refugees are able to slip out of Edasseril
Overcome Deception DC 12 to Lie to convince the guard the without further detection. Aboard the Merry Mayfly,
paper’s features are correct or Thievery DC 12 to Steal they sail, unmolested to Magnimar. Once there, they
legitimate papers from another PC or creature nearby. meet with Sheila Heidmarch and Valais Durant to discuss
Avoid The PCs avoid this obstacle if they do not use forged the outcome of their mission and receive expressions of
papers or the result of the check to Create Forgery on the warm gratitude from the refugees they helped. Those
offered papers was at least 20. who had escaped earlier aboard the Rolanna’s Prayer are
also present at Heidmarch Manor and eager to exchange
Subtier 3–4 stories of one another’s exploits. Those freed refugees are
grateful to the Pathfinder Society for their freedom and
“ARE WE THERE YET?” OBSTACLE 3 most pledge their services and good will for the benefit
Description A refugee demonstrates the desire to ask a of the Society in the years to come. For his part, Guaril
question or seek clarification. is appreciative of the PCs, but is eager to recover his
Overcome Diplomacy DC 15 to Request the refugee remain portion of payment.
quiet or Society DC 15 to answer the question. If the PCs did not heed Ellvard’s warning and pay the
bribe, he arrests them. Any clients that were with the
BLECH! OBSTACLE 3 PCs at the time of arrest do not escape Xin-Eddaseril.
Description Vurna displays telltale signs of nausea. Additionally, each PC must spend 4 Fame to escape the
Overcome Deception DC 15 to Create a Diversion to distract prison and return to the Pathfinder Society.
the guards when she gets sick or Medicine DC 15 to help
calm her stomach. Reporting Notes
Avoid This PCs avoid this obstacle if Vurnna is not present. If the PCs smuggled out the stone giant acquaintance
of Daffrid, Seddothrum, check box A on the reporting
UNWANTED EXPOSURE OBSTACLE 3 sheet. If any of the PCs were detained by the guards and
Description Part of a refugee has become detectable through not freed by the end of the adventure, check box B. It is
their concealment or disguise, or the refugee otherwise possible to check both of these reporting boxes in the
acts in a suspicious manner. same adventure.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Primary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their primary objective if they are able
to smuggle any refugees out of Edasseril. Doing so
earns each PC 2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction
associated with their currently slotted faction boon.

Secondary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they fulfilled
at least three of the following five objectives: successfully
smuggled six or more clients, successfully smuggled
Seddothrum, successfully treated Vurna for her illness,
defeated Barralbus, or had at least 8 Treasure Bundles at
the conclusion of the adventure. Doing so earns each PC
2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction associated with
their currently slotted faction boon.

Faction Notes
Radiant Oath: If the PCs fulfill four of the five objectives
required to meet the secondary objective, the Radiant
Oath is pleased with the PCs’ efforts. Each PC earns 2
additional Reputation with the Radiant Oath faction,
in addition to any other Reputation earned as a result
of completing this scenario, and the Valais’s Assurance
boon on their Chronicle sheet.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Appendix 1: Subtier 1–2
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
scenario, including any variations described in the text. following challenge point adjustments. These
Some encounters require adding creatures to scale for adjustments are not cumulative.
different party sizes. The appendixes for these encounters 12–15 Challenge Points: Add one hungry blade recruit.
have the alternative creatures marked “(0)” to indicate 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two hungry
that they should not be added to the encounter unless blade recruits.
specified. These additional creatures are not listed with
the abbreviated stat blocks in each encounter in the
main body of the scenario, as the base encounters are HUNGRY BLADE RECRUIT CREATURE 1
designed for four players. Follow the instructions in the LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
Scaling Encounter sidebars in the appendixes to select Female assassin
the appropriate creatures. Perception +6
Languages Common, Thassilonian
Encounter B2 (Subtier 1–2) Severe Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Intimidation +3, Stealth +7,
Barralbus lies in ambush atop a series of crates in Thievery +7, Underworld Lore +4
Themolin’s warehouse, hoping to expose his rival’s Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0
activities. The wizard seeks to slow down his foes and Items rapier
dispatch them from a distance. AC 17; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6
HP 17
UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID Melee [one-action] rapier +8, Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Male arcanist Ranged [one-action] shortbow +8, Damage 1d6 piercing
Perception +7 Sneak Attack The Hungry Blade recruit deals an extra 1d6
Languages Common, Jotun, Thassilonian, Varisian precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Skills Accounting Lore +9, Arcana +11, Society +9, Stealth +7, Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, creatures that
Thassilon Lore +9, Thievery +9 haven’t acted yet are flat-footed to the Hungry Blade recruit.
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +1 You’re Next [reaction] (emotion, fear, mental) Trigger The Hungry
Items invisibility potion, inkwell (bonded item), spellbook, Blade recruit reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points; Effect
staff Hungry Blade recruit prisoner attempts an Intimidation
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10 check with a +2 circumstance bonus to Demoralize a single
HP 31 creature it can see and that can see them.
Counterspell [reaction] (abjuration, arcane) Trigger A creature Casts
a Spell Barralbus has prepared. Effect Barralbus expends a
prepared spell to counter the triggering creature’s casting
of the same spell. He loses the spell slot as if he had cast
the triggering spell. He then attempts to counteract the
triggering spell (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 458).
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] staff +7 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] crossbow +7, Damage 1d8 piercing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +12; 2nd blur, flaming
sphere, resist energy; 1st command, grease, gust of wind,
magic missile; Cantrips (2rd) electric arc, mage hand,
produce flame, ray of frost, sigil

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Encounter B3 (Subtier 1–2) Moderate
In Shard Cove, the PCs are attacked by a reefclaw as SCALING ENCOUNTER B3
they navigate the nearly invisible submerged shards in
the water, the reefclaw’s hunting grounds. To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
following challenge point adjustments. These
REEFCLAW CREATURE 1 adjustments are not cumulative.
CN SMALL ABERRATION AQUATIC 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one reefclaw. Remove
Perception +8; darkvision two submerged shards.
Languages Common (can’t speak any language) 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one reefclaw.
Skills Acrobatics+7, Athletics +4 (+8 to Swim) 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one reefclaw and two
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +1, Cha +1 submerged shards.
AC 20; Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add two
HP 17 reefclaws. Remove two submerged shards.
Death Frenzy [reaction] Trigger The reefclaw is reduced to 0 Hit
Points. Effect The reefclaw makes a claw Strike before
Speed 5 feet, swim 30 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +9 (finesse), Damage 1d6+3 slashing plus
reefclaw venom and Grab
Constrict [one-action] 1d6 bludgeoning, DC 17
Reefclaw Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude;
Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage
and enfeebled 1 (1 round), Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and
enfeebled 2 (1 round)


Stealth 18 (trained)
Description An immense, jagged piece of clear crystal 10 feet
square and forty feet high juts up from the seafloor
Disable Survival DC 13 (trained) to blunt the crystal’s edges
without getting cut
AC 16; Fort +10; Ref +4
Hardness 7, HP 24 (BT 12); Immunities critical hits, object
immunities, precision damage
Shard [reaction] (attack) Trigger A creature or object moves into the
shard’s space. Effect The triggering creature takes 2d6+5
piercing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save).
Reset The hazard still damages any creature or object that
enters its space, but the surface doesn’t become hidden
again until it settles over the course of 1 minute.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Appendix 2: Subtier 3–4
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
scenario, including any variations described in the text. challenge point adjustments. These adjustments are not
Some encounters require adding creatures to scale for cumulative.
different party sizes. The appendixes for these encounters 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one hungry blade recruit.
have the alternative creatures marked “(0)” to indicate 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two hungry blade recruits.
that they should not be added to the encounter unless 28–32 Challenge Points: Add three hungry blade recruits.
specified. These additional creatures are not listed with 33+ Challenge Points: Add four hungry blade recruits.
the abbreviated stat blocks in each encounter in the
main body of the scenario, as the base encounters are
designed for four players. Follow the instructions in the
Scaling Encounter sidebars in the appendixes to select
the appropriate creatures. HUNGRY BLADE APPRENTICE CREATURE 2
Encounter B2 (Subtier 3–4) Severe Female assassin
Barralbus lies in ambush atop a series of crates in Perception +8
Themolin’s warehouse, hoping to expose his rival’s Languages Common, Thassilonian
activities. The arcanist seeks to slow down his foes and Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Intimidation +5, Stealth +9,
dispatch them from a distance. Thievery +9, Underworld Lore +6
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0
UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID AC 20; Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +9
Male arcanist HP 40
Perception +9 Speed 25 feet
Languages Common, Jotun, Thassilonian, Varisian Melee [one-action] rapier +11, Damage 1d6+6 piercing
Skills Accounting Lore +11, Arcana +14, Society +11, Stealth Ranged [one-action] shortbow +11, Damage 1d6 piercing
+9, Thassilon Lore +11, Thievery +11 Sneak Attack The Hungry Blade recruit deals an extra 1d6
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +5, Wis +2, Cha +1 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Items crossbow, invisibility potion, inkwell (bonded item), Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, creatures
spellbook, staff that haven’t acted yet are flat-footed to the Hungry Blade
AC 20; Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14 recruit.
HP 53 You’re Next [reaction] (emotion, fear, mental) Trigger The Hungry
Counterspell [reaction] (abjuration, arcane) Trigger A creature Casts Blade recruit reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points; Effect
a Spell Barralbus has prepared. Effect Barralbus expends a Hungry Blade recruit prisoner attempts an Intimidation
prepared spell to counter the triggering creature’s casting check with a +2 circumstance bonus to Demoralize a single
of the same spell. He loses the spell slot as if he had cast creature it can see and that can see them.
the triggering spell. He then attempts to counteract the
triggering spell (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 458).
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] staff +9 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] crossbow +9, Damage 1d8 piercing
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +14; 3rd haste, magic
missile, invisibility sphere; 2nd blur, darkness, flaming
sphere, resist energy; 1st command, grease, gust of wind,
magic missile; Cantrips (3rd) electric arc, mage hand,
produce flame, ray of frost, sigil

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Encounter B3 (Subtier 3–4) Moderate
In Shard Cove, the PCs are attacked by a great white SCALING ENCOUNTER B3
shark as they navigate the nearly invisible submerged
shards in the water, the shark’s hunting grounds. To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
following challenge point adjustments. These
SUBMERGED SHARDS (5) HAZARD 1 adjustments are not cumulative.
ENVIRONMENTAL 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one reefclaw.
Stealth 18 (trained) 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two reefclaws.
Description An immense, jagged piece of clear crystal 10 feet 28–32 Challenge Points: Add a second great white
square and forty feet high juts up from the seafloor shark.
Disable Survival DC 13 (trained) to blunt the crystal’s edges 33+ Challenge Points: Add a second great white
without getting cut shark and one reefclaw.
AC 16; Fort +10; Ref +4
Hardness 7, HP 24 (BT 12); Immunities critical hits, object
immunities, precision damage REEFCLAWS (0) CREATURE 1
Shard [reaction] (attack) Trigger A creature or object moves into the CN SMALL ABERRATION AQUATIC
shard’s space. Effect The triggering creature takes 2d6+5 Perception +8; darkvision
piercing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save). Languages Common (can’t speak any language)
Reset The hazard still damages any creature or object that Skills Acrobatics+7, Athletics +4 (+8 to Swim)
enters its space, but the surface doesn’t become hidden Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +1, Cha +1
again until it settles over the course of 1 minute. AC 20; Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4
HP 17
GREAT WHITE SHARK CREATURE 4 Death Frenzy [reaction] Trigger The reefclaw is reduced to 0 Hit
N LARGE ANIMAL AQUATIC Points. Effect The reefclaw makes a claw Strike before
Perception +11; blood scent, scent (imprecise) 100 feet dying.
Skills Acrobatics +14, Stealth +12, Survival +9 Speed 5 feet, swim 30 feet
Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –4 Melee [one-action] claw +9 (finesse), Damage 1d6+3 slashing plus
Blood Scent The shark can smell blood in the water from up reefclaw venom and Grab
to 1 mile away Constrict [one-action] 1d6 bludgeoning, DC 17
AC 21; Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9 Reefclaw Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude;
HP 60 Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage
Speed swim 40 feet and enfeebled 1 (1 round), Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and
Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 1d12+8 piercing enfeebled 2 (1 round)
Breach [two-actions] The shark Swims up to its swim Speed, then
Leaps vertically out of the water up to 25 feet high, making
a Strike against a creature at any point during the jump
(this lets it attack a creature within 30 feet of the water’s
surface). After the Strike, the shark splashes back down
into the water.
Savage [one-action] Requirement The shark hit with a jaws Strike on its
most recent action this turn. Effect The creature the shark
hit takes 1d12 slashing damage.
Strafing Chomp [one-action] The shark swims up to half its Swim
Speed, make a jaws Strike, and then Swims up to half its
Speed further. The Strike deals half damage.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Appendix 3: Art

Flitch Napovic

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy

Yuleg Bluinglot

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy

Daffrid Chaverly

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy

Astrid Kallade

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy


Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
Handout: Guaril’s List

Flitch—Wouldn’t need my help if he was a better thief. Still, he’s Frallino’s nephew, so we can’t just leave him
hanging. If he’s smart, he’s laying low in his flat. Find it in Envy Row East, off the alley between Copper Street and
Loyalty Way. If he questions you, tell him that his uncle’s been asking about his slippers.

Themolin—This accountant’s got money—lots of it! Promised quite the haul for our services. Don’t let him leave
without it! Works for the Ministry of Tithes, auditing taxes or some such. Seems he found some innocent error involving
numbers and now lives in constant fear of being found out. His desperation is our gain. Don’t forget his payment.

Yuleg—Owns the Rockfish Inn. Nice guy. Just wants a better life for him and his daughter. Don’t accept fish for
payment, though.

Daffrid—Teaches at Arcanium Abjurant, or what’s left of it. Wants out of the city along with her spouse and two kids.
Longs to see what the world is like after five thousand years. World may have changed, but her gold hasn’t.

Garrla—Flitch brought me a note he found underneath an overturned flowerpot on his window sill, which read,
“Ready to join. Emerald Guardhouse. Ask for Garrla. Remaining half paid upon departure.” Sound risky? Sure. But, the
bag the note was tied to held a lot of coins.

They’re expecting to be dealing with Yours Truly, so they may need some assurances before closing the deal. Don’t
go messing up my reputation, you got that?

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Burden of Envy
GM References
Treasure Table
Level Treasure Bundle
1 1.4 gp
2 2.2 gp
3 3.8 gp
4 6.4 gp

Chronicle Sheet
If the PCs fulfill four of the five objectives required to meet the secondary objective, each PC earns the Valais’s Assurance
boon on their Chronicle sheet.

Treasure Bundles:
▫ Area A2, page 8: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Flitch’s Hideout, page 8: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A4, page 10: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A5, page 11 (payment): 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A5, page 11 (scroll): 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ ▫ Area A6, page 12: 2 Treasure Bundles
▫ ▫ ▫ Area B2, page 15: 3 Treasure Bundles
The PCs can lose Treasure Bundles in Area C: Dock Escape. Lost Treasure: ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
Burden of Envy
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Pathfinder Society Scenario

Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–12: Character Chronicle #

Burden of Envy Herolab Code


Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -2
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation

Adventure Summary

Working on behalf of both the unscrupulous Guaril Karela and the noble Valais Durant was unusual to say the least, but at least your
work has benefited a few of the unfortunate souls suffering in Belimarius’s cruel grasp. The Runelord of Envy may have been beyond
you this time around, but perhaps you’ll find a reason to return to Xin-Edasseril in the future.

□ □ Valais’s Assurance (General, Limited-Use) Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no
small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check
a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened Starting XP
appropriately for your level. This does not cost a focus point.

XP Gained

Items Purchases Final XP

Items Sold / Conditions Gained
+1 longsword (level 2; 35 gp)
gold nodule aeon stone (level 6; 230 gp)
Starting GP

GP Gained


Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared

+1 full plate (level 5; 160 gp) Items Sold
gold nodule aeon stone (level 6; 230 gp)

GP Spent

Total GP


Starting Fame
Notes Downtime

Fame Earned

Total Fame

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #

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