PF2 S01-12 The Burden of Envy
PF2 S01-12 The Burden of Envy
PF2 S01-12 The Burden of Envy
Burden of Envy
By Lysle Kapp
Lysle Kapp
Michael Sayre
James Case
Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Lu Pellazar Burden of Envy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Blake Davis, Miguel Regodón Harkness, and Allison Theus
Appendix 1: Subtier 1–2 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Matthias Rothenaicher
Miguel Regodón Harkness Appendix 2: Subtier 3–4 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Tony Barnett and Sonja Morris
Appendix 3: Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Linda Zayas-Palmer
How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–12: Burden of Envy is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed
for 1st- through 4th-level characters (Tier 1–4; Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4). As a scenario, this
adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed for play in the Pathfinder
Society Organized Play campaign but can easily be adapted for use with any world. For
more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the attached Chronicle
sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page at
GM Resources
Burden of Envy makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Bestiary, as
well as Pathfinder Flip Mat: Docks and Pathfinder Flip Mat Classics: Warehouse. All rules
referenced in this adventure are available in the free online Pathfinder Reference Document
at, and the creature stat blocks from the Bestiaries are reprinted at the back
of the adventure for the GM’s convenience.
Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
Paizo Inc. information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at http://www.
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Radiant Oath
Burden of Envy
By Lysle Kapp
GM Synopsis
This adventure has numerous social challenges, with WHERE ON GOLARION?
combat concentrated during the latter part of the
adventure. Since this adventure includes navigating a Burden of Envy takes place primarily in the ancient
large cityscape, the encounters within can happen in city of Xin-Edasseril. The PCs’ main objective is to help
any order. freedom-seeking citizens of Xin-Edasseril escape to
start new lives in the city of Magnimar to the south. For
Adventure Background more information on Xin-Edasseril and the rest of New
Runelord Belimarius rules the western kingdom of Thassilon, see page 113-115 of the Lost Omens World
Edasseril in New Thassilon through strict edicts, Guide, available in hobby and book stores everywhere
cruel acts, and a fervent bureaucracy. Upon magically and online at
emerging from the ancient past and into the modern day
along with her capital city, Xin-Edasseril, Belimarius NEW THASSILON Xin-Edasseril•
quickly seized the surrounding territories to expand
her burgeoning nation. Despite her harsh rule, not all
of Belimarius’ subjects revile her. Some citizens credit
Belimarius’ foresight for their survival from the ravages
of Earthfall. Others are grateful to the runelord for
deposing the unpopular King Opir Eightfingers, who
had ruled the nearby region before her city’s return. Still
others simply admire Belimarius, hoping to emulate her
rise to power. Magnimar•
Most subjects, however, chafe under Belimarius’
rule. Desiring freedom from the runelord’s oppression
is risky. Belimarius sees such “deserters” as traitors
for daring to claim that any land could be superior to there is reputable work and lodging arranged for those
one under her rule. Accordingly, Belimarius threatens leaving Edasseril.
anyone attempting to flee her realm without permission Valais and Guaril have made most of the arrangements
with summary execution—sans trial. for the first group of refugees but have run into a snag.
Guaril Karela, influential leader within the Sczarni Guaril has become a known entity in Edasseril, and
crime syndicate and former associate of the Pathfinder Belimarius has placed a price on the heads of the Sczarni
Society is never one to let an opportunity for profit pass as well as his known associates, including the leadership
him by. He has offered those seeking to flee Belimarius’ of the Pathfinder Society. Valais has come to realize that
rule the means to escape Edasseril’s borders... for the the best way to aid the refugees now is to the employ of a
right price. team of relatively new and unknown operatives capable
Valais Durant, leader of the Society’s Radiant Oath of slipping into Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,
faction, has offered assistance to Guaril in smuggling assembling the refugees, and escorting them aboard
citizens out of Edasseril and south along the Varisian outbound ships. These efforts are complicated by the fact
coastline to Magnimar to start new lives. Valais finds that Guaril was forced to flee Edasseril before he was
Guaril somewhat distasteful, especially since the able to give the refugees their final instructions.
Sczarni charges hefty fee for his services, but Valais
believes that the Radiant Oath’s involvement in the Adventure Summary
operation will ultimately protect those fleeing Edasseril At the behest of Valais Durant and Guaril Karela, the
and ensure that Guaril’s “business practices” don’t PCs travel to Xin-Edasseril disguised as merchants,
descend into blatant abuse of his clients. Valais accepts where they are to contact five groups of refugees and
that Guaril’s enterprise requires funding for transport, smuggle them out of the city. The PCs are told they have
bribes, and the like. She has conceded to working with three days to smuggle up to five refugees out via waiting
the highly connected Sczarni in exchange for his strong ship in Shard Cove. The remaining refugees are to leave
assurances that he won’t charge anyone more than they aboard ship with the PCs once the PCs’ travel papers
can afford to pay, and that he’ll work with her to ensure expire in five days.
0 100 FEET
Pathfinder AP 137: The City Outside of Time
B = Barrablbus
H = Hungry Blade Assassin
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Warehouse
SS 7 SS 4
SS 6
SS 1 SS 3
SS 2 SS 5
Secondary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they fulfilled
at least three of the following five objectives: successfully
smuggled six or more clients, successfully smuggled
Seddothrum, successfully treated Vurna for her illness,
defeated Barralbus, or had at least 8 Treasure Bundles at
the conclusion of the adventure. Doing so earns each PC
2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction associated with
their currently slotted faction boon.
Faction Notes
Radiant Oath: If the PCs fulfill four of the five objectives
required to meet the secondary objective, the Radiant
Oath is pleased with the PCs’ efforts. Each PC earns 2
additional Reputation with the Radiant Oath faction,
in addition to any other Reputation earned as a result
of completing this scenario, and the Valais’s Assurance
boon on their Chronicle sheet.
Flitch Napovic
Yuleg Bluinglot
Daffrid Chaverly
Astrid Kallade
Flitch—Wouldn’t need my help if he was a better thief. Still, he’s Frallino’s nephew, so we can’t just leave him
hanging. If he’s smart, he’s laying low in his flat. Find it in Envy Row East, off the alley between Copper Street and
Loyalty Way. If he questions you, tell him that his uncle’s been asking about his slippers.
Themolin—This accountant’s got money—lots of it! Promised quite the haul for our services. Don’t let him leave
without it! Works for the Ministry of Tithes, auditing taxes or some such. Seems he found some innocent error involving
numbers and now lives in constant fear of being found out. His desperation is our gain. Don’t forget his payment.
Yuleg—Owns the Rockfish Inn. Nice guy. Just wants a better life for him and his daughter. Don’t accept fish for
payment, though.
Daffrid—Teaches at Arcanium Abjurant, or what’s left of it. Wants out of the city along with her spouse and two kids.
Longs to see what the world is like after five thousand years. World may have changed, but her gold hasn’t.
Garrla—Flitch brought me a note he found underneath an overturned flowerpot on his window sill, which read,
“Ready to join. Emerald Guardhouse. Ask for Garrla. Remaining half paid upon departure.” Sound risky? Sure. But, the
bag the note was tied to held a lot of coins.
They’re expecting to be dealing with Yours Truly, so they may need some assurances before closing the deal. Don’t
go messing up my reputation, you got that?
Chronicle Sheet
If the PCs fulfill four of the five objectives required to meet the secondary objective, each PC earns the Valais’s Assurance
boon on their Chronicle sheet.
Treasure Bundles:
▫ Area A2, page 8: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Flitch’s Hideout, page 8: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A4, page 10: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A5, page 11 (payment): 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ Area A5, page 11 (scroll): 1 Treasure Bundle
▫ ▫ Area A6, page 12: 2 Treasure Bundles
▫ ▫ ▫ Area B2, page 15: 3 Treasure Bundles
The PCs can lose Treasure Bundles in Area C: Dock Escape. Lost Treasure: ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
Burden of Envy
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Directors • James Jacobs, Robert G. McCreary, and
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who Sarah E. Robinson
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Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -2
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation
Adventure Summary
Working on behalf of both the unscrupulous Guaril Karela and the noble Valais Durant was unusual to say the least, but at least your
work has benefited a few of the unfortunate souls suffering in Belimarius’s cruel grasp. The Runelord of Envy may have been beyond
you this time around, but perhaps you’ll find a reason to return to Xin-Edasseril in the future.
□ □ Valais’s Assurance (General, Limited-Use) Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no
small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check
a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened Starting XP
appropriately for your level. This does not cost a focus point.
XP Gained
GP Gained
GP Spent
Total GP
Starting Fame
Notes Downtime
Fame Earned
Total Fame
EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #