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YotOR Scenario 1-16 - Level 3 - The Opal of Bhopan

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The Perennial Crown Part 1:

Opal of Bhopan
By Thilo Graf
Thilo Graf

James Case

Mark Seifter

Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Judy Bauer, Avi Kool, and Adrian Ng Opal of Bhopan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Michele Giorgi, Josef Kucera, and Artur Nakhodkin

Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4 Encounters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Jason Engle


Tony Barnett and Sonja Morris Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 3: Art and Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Tonya Woldridge

James Jacobs
GM References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Adam Daigle
Chronicle Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Erik Mona
How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan is a Pathfinder
Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters (Tier 3–6; Subtiers 3–4 and
5–6). As a scenario, this adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed
for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign but can easily be adapted for
use with any world. For more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read
the attached Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s
home page at PathfinderSociety.club.

GM Resources
Opal of Bhopan makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary, Pathfinder
Flip-Mat: Forbidden Jungle, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Starter Set, and Pathfinder Flip-
Tiles: Dungeon Vaults Expansion. All rules referenced in this adventure are available in the
free online Pathfinder Reference Document at paizo.com/prd, and creature stat blocks from
the Bestiary are reprinted at the back of the adventure for the GM’s convenience.

Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For
more information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at

Paizo Inc. Metaplot

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The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
By Thilo Graf
GM Synopsis
This adventure features a broad variety of encounters, WHERE ON GOLARION?
including overland travel, waves of combat, a courtly
dance, and dangerous hazards. The scenario ends on a Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial Crown
cliffhanger. The story continues in Pathfinder Society Part 1: Opal of Bhopan takes place in Bhopan, a small
Scenario #1–17: The Perennial Crown Part 2: The island to the east of Nex off the shores of the continent
Thorned Monarch. of Garund. The peoples and civilizations of Bhopan are
poorly understood by the inhabitants of both Avistan
Adventure Background and Garund thanks to their isolation from the mainland.
In the depths of the Mwangi Expanse, four of the founding Bhopan is home to Bhopanese humans, each of whom
members of the Pathfinder Society came upon a mysterious possesses qualities resembling those of various kinds
gateway covered in locks and surrounded by keys—the of fey, particularly those of gremlins, especially the
Door of Seasons. As the Pathfinders tried each of the keys canine pugwampis and batlike jinkins.
without success, a mocking voice told them that any of
the keys could open the door if the right conditions were
met; namely, that since the four discoverers had found the
gate at the same time, it wouldn’t open for any of the four
until only one of them remained alive. The Pathfinders
didn’t succumb to the temptations of the mysterious voice
and instead turned their back on the treasure, swearing a Nex
pact to ignore the door, leaving it to whichever of them
happened to live the longest. This came to be known as
the Open Road Pact—the foundation for the strong ethos
of cooperation that has served as one of the Pathfinder
Obari Ocean
Society’s guiding principles. Unbeknown to the Pathfinders, Bhopan
however, the situation at the gateway was an elaborate
ruse. The voice belonged to an ancient fey tyrant, Qxal,
the Thorned Monarch. But though the words they spun
about the keys and locks were nothing but manipulations, offer, the Monarch needed to improvise. They planted a
the prize beyond the door was very much real. whisper and a seed of their own power into the mind
Long ago, Qxal established a demiplane of fey magic, of the most weak-willed of the group, Selmius Foster.
making it their stronghold from which to terrorize Qxal told Selmius that there was another way to reach
the surrounding lands. They focused their wrath on the other side without killing his allies. All he had to
the ancient empire of Bhopan, nearly destroying their do was recover a crown from the island of Bhopan and
civilization entirely, before being bested by a group bring it back, and he could claim this grand discovery
of Bhopanese heroes who managed to wrest away the for himself. Selmius agreed. A few months later, he told
artifact Qxal had created to focus the power of their the other members of the Open Road Pact that he had
demiplane: the Perennial Crown. The loss of the crown found a lead on Bhopan, then left for the island with his
deprived the Thorned Monarch of the ability to control assistant, Adolphus, unknowingly carrying the seed with
much of their own power, leaving it bound within the him to Bhopan, which took root the moment he set foot
realm beyond the Door of Seasons. What remained of the on the island.
Bhopanese retreated to isolation on the last and furthest The Perennial Crown was locked away in the royal
island they had occupied, where they locked the crown vaults, but with the help of Adolphus and the revolutionary
away. Now left unable to venture far from the Door of Bhopanese princess Ganjay, Selmius nearly reached his
Seasons, the Thorned Monarch has been forced to use goal. However, alarms their group had set off on their
wanderers as pawns in their quest to recover the crown. approach brought forth numerous guards, and the group
Had the Pathfinders turned on each other as Qxal had was caught. As an outsider caught in the most forbidden
hoped, the fey would have drawn strength from their of places with a popular princess, Selmius was soon found
blood and taken control of the victor’s mind for their guilty of kidnapping the princess to force her assistance
own ends. But when the four Pathfinders refused the and was executed for high crimes against Bhopan.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
While the Thorned Monarch’s plan to have Selmius steal Getting Started
the crown ended there, their influence continued to grow Read or paraphrase the following to get the adventure
on Bhopan. Centuries of subtle manipulation and cultural underway.
engineering by Qxal has transformed Bhopan into a place
of fey wonders, where casual bloodshedding is a firmly At the docks of the bustling port of Quantium, semi-retired
established aspect of everyday life, each drop strengthening Pathfinder Khoumrock Blackthane drinks his mug of dark stout.
and slowly growing the Thorned Monarch’s power. The dwarf mariner speaks in a booming voice, “As ye lot
In the last few months, the Pathfinder Society has might’ve heard, we’re currently lookin’ into the trail o’ the
learned of the existence of the Open Road Pact. The ole foundin’ members o’ the Pathfinder Society, Selmius
Society is now sending agents to learn more about the Foster. He made loads o’ discoveries before he vanished on
Pact’s members, in hopes of discovering the mysterious an island in the Obari Ocean. We’re pretty sure he died there,
gate that they were unable to open. One of these groups but we don’t know the details. Other than some mention of
now heads to Bhopan to learn more about Selmius him being killed by some ‘dog-faced people,’ whatever that
Foster’s last adventure. Will these Pathfinder fulfill Qxal’s means. Ambrus Valsin wants ye lot to travel to the jungle isle
schemes, or will they undo Selmius’s mistakes? o’ Bhopan and find out what ye’ can about ole Selmius. There’s
supposed to be a city there, but weather’s rough that time of
Adventure Summary the year, so there’s a decent chance we’ll have to drop ye lot
The PCs arrive on Bhopan by ship, and after landing off on the other side o’ the isle. Ye all should prepare for a trek
on a deserted beach, they begin bushwhacking into the through the jungle. Anyways, yerr smart ones, so if ye can,
dense jungle. During the grueling trek, the PCs navigate try to not make a fuss with the locals while there, got me?
the jungle’s threats and ultimately are attacked by fey There’s a good chance Selmius didn’t leave us with the best
in a relentless assault. Before the fey can overpower reputation there, so try to be discreet and tactful.”
them, the PCs are saved by a Bhopanese patrol, whose
commander requests that the PCs accompany them to Khoumrock has no more useful information about
see their king. King Webhekiz graciously invites the PCs Bhopan than he provides in the briefing above. If the
to the Masquerade of Seasons festival, which culminates PCs ask questions about Selmius Foster, he answers them
in the Grand Dance. He orders his advisor Lelzeshin briefly; he knows the information listed in the Success
to accompany the PCs as a chaperone and guide. In entry for the Recall Knowledge check on page 5. Any
the privacy of the PCs’ quarters, Lelzeshin attempts to PC who is trained in Pathfinder Society Lore has at least
convince them to break into the vault with him, ostensibly heard of Selmius Foster and can confirm that he was a
on the grounds that doing so is the best way for them founding member of the Pathfinder Society who appeared
to learn about what Selmius Foster sought on Bhopan, frequently in the earliest volumes of the Pathfinder
though he truly only wants the crown for himself. If they Chronicles. PCs who played Pathfinder Society Scenario
refuse his request, he attempts to break into the vault #1–11: The Flames of Rebellion found a letter from
alone; otherwise, he acts as a guide during the festival. Selmius’s adventuring companion Kerinha Napsunar
Either way, the PCs have a bit of time to interact with that refers to Selmius as a “pompous buffoon”, who is “a
the masquerade’s wonders, including the dining habits, scholar and by no means a diplomat,” and expresses that,
peculiar gambling, and the unearthly decadence of the with regards to his journey to Bhopan, she “fears for his
palace. When the dance begins, everything becomes safety” more than she “holds out hope he will uncover
a riot of whirling dresses, lights, and magic as dancers anything.” Though these letters were in part Kerinha
fly through the labyrinthine halls and parks. The PCs venting her frustrations with Selmius, they also reflect her
need to learn the many steps to participate and use their experience with Selmius’s tendency to get in trouble when
mastery of the dance’s magic to make their way toward taking the lead in complex social situations.
the vault, infiltrating it via the orchid castle’s stigma high
above the ground. Even if the PCs planned not to enter Pathfinder Society Lore or Society
the vault, Lelzeshin’s break-in alerts the palace guards, (Recall Knowledge) or Diplomacy
who ask for the PCs’ aid in bypassing the vault’s wards. (Gather Information)
Either way, Lelzeshin turns on the PCs in an attempt The PCs might know more information about Selmius
to take the crown for himself. After the battle, quakes Foster and the events surrounding this scenario. They learn
rock the vault, trapping the PCs inside. The adventure the following information based on the results of a DC 20
continues in Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The Society check or DC 15 Pathfinder Society Lore check to
Perennial Crown Part 2: The Thorned Monarch. Recall Knowledge. While in Quantium, they can instead

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
ask around by attempting a DC 20 Diplomacy check to If the PCs ask him to come with them, he refuses, saying
Gather Information. This takes 2 hours and represents that discretion and tact aren’t his strong suits and that
finding knowledgeable Pathfinder agents in and around someone needs to make sure the ship stays safe.
the Pathfinder lodge in Quantium, the Nexus House.
Critical Success Though Selmius Foster is best known for Trek through the
his successes as an explorer, these successes gradually Jungle
inflated his ego. The more famous he became, the more
fame and wealth he desired, and the less he cared about The coast of Bhopan is straight and somber and faces a mist-
the consequences of his actions for the people around him— shrouded ocean. Reddish trails of earth are visible through
particularly people that he didn’t expect to see again, such as the dark-green foliage of bushes and creepers that trail along
the people from lands far away from his home in Absalom. the low cliffs. A chain of jutting, jagged rocks stands out from
He often relied on his trusted companion Adolphus to clean the waves like remnants of a wall breached by the sea, while
up after his social faux pas. Adolphus’s entry on Foster’s inland, the vast, primeval jungles cast their shadows toward
death was oddly brief for the methodical scholar—a fact that the eternally toiling waves.
many have attributed to grief over the loss of his mentor.
Adolphus’s wife, Ganjay, was known for her keen intellect On their way through the jungle, the PCs face three
and noble bearing, and she had a striking, multicolored major obstacles: hungry insects, dangerous terrain, and
appearance, reminiscent of an opal. Ganjay confided in her toxic plants. Whenever the PCs encounter an obstacle, each
friends that she was once the princess of a faraway land, but PC must attempt one of the listed checks, with a DC of 18
she was reluctant to speak more about her past. (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6). PCs who critically succeed gain two
Success Selmius is most famous for explorations in Vudra, successes toward bypassing the obstacle, PCs who succeed
which ultimately led to Vudra opening up its lucrative gain one success, and PCs who critically fail reduce the
spice trade to merchants from Absalom. To reward the number of successes the group has earned by one.
Pathfinder Society for Selmius’s efforts, the city of Absalom The number of successes the PCs earn determines their
donated an old manor to the Pathfinder Society, where the result. If they earn a number of successes equal to than
Society founded the Grand Lodge. The manor, now called half the number of PCs (rounded up) or fewer, the PCs
the Water Palace, remains on the grounds of the Grand fail their attempt to bypass the obstacle, experiencing
Lodge to this day. The last Pathfinder Chronicle to mention the failure effect listed in the obstacle before eventually
Selmius was written by his assistant, Adolphus, who said slogging through. If they earn more successes, they don’t
that he was killed by “dog-faced people” on Bhopan but experience any ill effects from the obstacle.
didn’t elaborate. After Selmius’s death, Adolphus and his Starting in this encounter, numerous skill checks allow
wife, Ganjay, founded a Pathfinder lodge in Quantium. the PCs to use Bhopan Lore. It’s unlikely that any PC has
Critical Failure In addition to his skills as an explorer, Selmius selected this skill directly, but PCs can roll these checks
Foster was expert negotiator whose silver tongue opened using abilities like the bard feat Bardic Lore.
new doors for the Pathfinder Society. Given how badly
Selmius failed, the people on Bhopan are most likely not Bloodsucking Mites
interested in parleying with unwelcome visitors. The red clay earth of Bhopan houses plenty of shallow
pools, many of which contain swarms of practically
Voyage to Bhopan invisible, biting mites.
Give the PCs an opportunity to slot their boons for the Associated Skills: Craft (to improvise an insect
adventure, if they haven’t already done so, and remind repellant; requires Alchemical Crafting skill feat and
them that they each have 1 Hero Point available. The PCs alchemist’s tools), Bhopan Lore, Nature or Survival (to
also have a chance to slot boons for this scenario. avoid the pools), or Medicine (to treat the bites; requires
Unfortunately for the PCs, the voyage is as rough healer’s tools).
and stormy as Blackthane feared. They reach the island Failure: The PCs muscle through the terrain but are
after several weeks of sailing over the Obari Ocean badly stung by thousands of tiny, voracious insects. Each
on Blackthane’s ship, the Unsinkable. However, the PC takes 1d6+5 piercing damage (2d6+9 in Subtier 5–6).
turbulent seas prevent the ship from rounding the island Additionally, each PC who failed their check to bypass
to drop the PCs at their intended landing point on the far this obstacle must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save (DC
side, so Blackthane leaves the PCs on a beach to cross the 20 in Subtier 5–6), with a –2 penalty if they critically
island by land while he waits out the storm, explaining failed the check to bypass it. PCs who fail this save
he’ll meet the PCs on the far side once the weather clears. become drained 1.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Obsidian Shards the distance, buzzing nearby, and the constantly darkening
Thousands of tiny shards of obsidian are lodged in the gloom of the dense canopy over the moist, red earth make
clay ground, covered by leaves and branches. this expedition seem more treacherous with every step.
Associated Skills: Acrobatics or Athletics (to make Suddenly, the noise stops and the jungle falls silent, save for
use of trees, rocks, and vines to navigate past the the nearby babbling brook.
field), or Survival or Thievery (to carefully clear a path
through the field). Give the PCs enough time to place their characters
Failure: The shards slice into the PCs’ feet. Each PCs in the upper half of the map and speculate about
takes 1d6+5 slashing damage (2d6+9 in Subtier 5–6). the sudden silence for a moment before beginning
Additionally, each PC who failed their check to bypass combat. This encounter takes place in the same day as
this obstacle must attempt a DC 18 Reflex save (DC 20 the PCs encounter the jungle hazards, before 8 hours
in Subtier 5–6), with a –2 penalty if they critically failed have passed.
the check to bypass it. PCs who fail this save become Creatures: This encounter is divided into two waves,
clumsy 1 for the next 8 hours. each of which is a moderate encounter, without time
to rest in between. The second wave arrives at the
Shrapnel Tree beginning of the third round. For simplicity, use the
A patch of trees with multiple thorny protrusions in same initiative for both phases of this encounter. In the
the bark holds fist-sized pumpkin-like fruit, which fall first phase, a guardian dryad and her snapping flytrap
down and detonate. allies attack the PCs. In the second phase, a group of
Associated Skills: Acrobatics (to dive into cover), crocodile-headed bilokos strike.
Bhopan Lore, Nature (to notice the presence of the Terrain: The map has the following features. The
shrapnel tree and give it a wide berth). PCs’ opponents don’t use these features if left to their
Failure: The fruit detonates, sending its high-velocity own devices, but clever PCs can be able to use them to
seeds like shrapnel through the air. The PCs manage to gain a tactical advantage.
get past the detonating fruit, but not without cost—the Log: The logs that cross the ravine can be used as
seeds are both extremely sharp and poisonous. Each bridges, though they are slippery and uneven. Crossing
PC takes 1d6+5 piercing damage (2d6+9 in Tier 5–6). the logs requires a successful DC 16 Acrobatics check to
Additionally, each PC who failed their check to bypass Balance (DC 18 in Subtier 5–6).
this obstacle must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save (DC Ravine: The ravine is 40 feet deep and 20 feet wide
20 in Subtier 5–6), with a –2 penalty if they critically (60 feet deep in Subtier 5–6). A creature can Long
failed the check to bypass it. PCs who fail this save take Jump across with a successful DC 20 Athletics check.
2d6 poison damage and become take enfeebled 1 for A creature that fail this check by 2 or less can attempt
the next 8 hours. to Grab an Edge to avoid falling. Creatures that fall
Rewards: If the PCs make it through the jungle while into the ravine take 10 bludgeoning damage as they
bypassing at least two obstacles, they find the bones of land in the deep river below (20 bludgeoning damage
an unfortunate Bhopanese citizen who was caught in a in Subtier 5–6). The river flows slowly to the south (DC
snare set by some of the jungle’s dangerous fey. Among 15 Athletics to Swim) and the ravine’s walls are craggy,
the remains is an adventurer’s pack, six lesser antidotes, with numerous small handholds and footholds (DC 20
and one gp with the face of a man with long ears and Athletics to climb).
a magnificent wig. The man whose face appears on the Trees: A typical tree is 30 feet tall (DC 15 Athletics
coin is none other than King Webhekiz, whom the PCs to Climb). In Subtier 5–6, the trees lack lower branches,
will meet later in the scenario (page 11). In Subtier 5–6, increasing the DC to 20.
the satchel contains 30 gp. PCs who find this satchel Though this fight can be tough, it has a built-in safety
earn 1 Treasure Bundle. net. After 5 rounds pass, or if less than 2-1/2 hours
remain to complete the scenario, another group of fey
A. Fey Ambush Severe musters in the woods, and a contingent of Bhopanese
soldiers, the Bhopanese Greenwatch, intervenes. If the
It feels like ages since the journey began through the PCs are losing the fight or a PC is in danger of dying—
oppressive heat and humidity of this place. Worse yet, for most likely because they gain the dying condition after
a while now, whispers have carried along the wind—the already spending their Hero Points—the Bhopanese
barely perceptible rustlings of leaves and creepers, too Greenwatch intervenes sooner. Continue to the
often sounding almost like “intruders” or “leave.” Growls in Bhopanese Greenwatch section on page 8.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
A. The Outer Forest

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Forbidden Jungle

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Subtier 3–4 (Wave 1) can call me Thadie, if you prefer. I’m a commander of the
Bhopanese Greenwatch.”
Page 22 If the PCs defeated both waves in 5 rounds, the
commander adds the following.
Page 23 “You’ve shown yourself to be quite capable. Perhaps you
didn’t need our assistance to pass safely through these
Subtier 3–4 (Wave 2) jungles. Nonetheless, it is best not for our noble guests and
honored defenders to find themselves trapped in the grim
BILOKO WARRIORS (4) CREATURE 1 tragedy of unwelcome battle.”
Page 24
If any PCs need rescue from the ravine, Thadie drops
Subtier 5–6 (Wave 1) a rope and helps them back up. Regardless of the PCs’
success, she asks the following.
Page 28 “Please be so kind as to excuse my being so straightforward,
but what might bring you to our realm?”
Page 29 The PCs can attempt skill checks to discern more
information about the situation before answering
Subtier 5–6 (Wave 2) Thadie’s question.

BILOKO WARRIORS (2) CREATURE 1 Nature (Recall Knowledge)

Page 30 A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Nature check
to Recall Knowledge might be able to deduce
BILOKO VETERANS (2) CREATURE 4 additional information about the Bhopanese soldiers’
Page 30 fey-influenced appearances.
Success: The Pathfinder Chronicles entry referencing the
Rewards: The PCs earn 1 Treasure Bundles for this Bhopanese as “dog-faced” is obviously only partially correct,
encounter, so long as they defeat at least one of the fey and in fact somewhat ignorant; if anything, they seem to
before the Greenwatch arrive. They earn 1 additional resemble various animals or fey, though a few do in fact
Treasure Bundle if they defeat at least half of the fey have canine features. The faces of the soldiers in this patrol
before the Greenwatch arrives. resemble the faces of pugwampi gremlins, a type of fey
associated with accidents, cruel tricks, and misfortune.
The Bhopanese
Greenwatch Society (Recall Knowledge)
The din of battle is harshly interrupted by a booming, A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Society check to Recall
gravelly voice. The voice speaks first in Mwangi, and Knowledge (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6) might deduce
then in Common. Read or paraphrase the following. additional information from the demeanor of the
Bhopanese Greenwatch. Remember that this check
“By the authority vested in me by the sovereign, I hereby should be rolled in secret. Regardless of the check result,
extend the hospitality of the Bhopanese kingdom to if a PC responds in one of the ways outlined below, they
these strangers—I command thee to stand down!” With earn the appropriate response.
chattering, muttering, and growls, the fey assailants meld Critical Success: The courtly demeanor warrants reciprocating
with the jungle’s green. A patrol of twelve individuals, most with a curtsy or bow. PCs who do so gain a +2 circumstance
of them with doglike faces, emerge from the foliage. Their bonus to Diplomacy checks to Make an Impression
beautifully enameled armors seem to consist in equal parts on Thadie.
of living plant matter and metal, and the same holds true Success: The behavior of the soldiers and the quality of
for their weaponry. Their leader, an armadillo-faced woman, their equipment are signs of their belonging to a highly
performs a perfect curtsy and extends a hand in greeting, sophisticated society. Behaving as befitting of a court
“Hail and well met! My name is Thadie Yabi Yulunga, but you might be a smart move.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Failure: Shaking Thadie’s hand and patting her on the back of a river delta formed by titanic trees, with a small harbor
seems like a valid response. situated among the massive roots. Rock and wood seamlessly
Critical Failure: Acting brusque as a show of strength is blend with massive bulbs and flowers that sprout from the
required to restore the balance between the PCs and the trees to form dwellings. Gigantic, cart-wide vines connect these
soldiers. Baring teeth is a good way to show strength. PCs flower and bulb buildings to small houses on massive floating
who do so offend Thadie and cannot attempt to Make an leaves, perpetually held aloft by invisible winds, finally linking
Impression on her. them to the earthen floor, where dwellings of mulch and rock
jut from the red clay earth. In the distance, the center of this
Talking to Thadie wondrous city is clearly visible—beyond the tree-formed delta,
Thadie is cordial but slightly reserved. If the PCs ask a pristine lake acts as the heart of the city of Hoba Dukuza, its
Thadie about the body they found in the jungle or about waters slowly but steadily feeding the harbor. An island in the
the fey attacks in general, she deflects the question unless middle of the lake contains a majestic castle with four budding
a PC succeeds at a DC 18 Diplomacy check to Make towers surrounded by meticulously groomed gardens.
an Impression on her (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6). If they
do, she mournfully states that the jungle is dangerous
for lone travelers, as some of the more malicious fey,
particularly bilokos, attack if they think
they can avoid getting caught by Bhopan’s
patrols. She tells the PCs that the jungles
have grown more dangerous over time;
in her grandmother’s day, the fey held
more respect for their compacts with
the ruler of Bhopan. Additionally,
she and the other guards believe that
the numbers of fey are growing,
particularly the vicious ones. Though
Thadie doesn’t know it, the gradual
increase in the fey threat represents
the growing influence of the Thorned
Monarch on Bhopan.
If the PCs mention the
Pathfinder Society, particularly
if they admit to being members
of the organization, she briefly
tenses. Regardless of what the PCs
say, she asks them to accompany
her and her patrol to the safety
of Hoba Dukuza, stating that
her sovereign will want
to talk to the strangers
as soon as possible. She
formally asks the PCs
from refraining from
spellcasting or engaging
in acts that might be
considered hostile.

in Hoba
Eternal Bloom
The jungle path broadens to allow a clear view of the mouth

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Crossing the Petal
The Thorned Monarch Qxal has spent centuries subtly The bridge to the castle’s island, made of meticulously
influencing the people of Bhopan, manipulating their interwoven vines covered with blooming flowers, are
culture into including voluntary bloodshed into its social guarded by a whole regiment of Bhopanese soldiers. A
customs, which allows the entity to increase their influence gold-plated, avocado-like plant carriage awaits, drawn by
over Bhopan. During this scenario, willingly spilling one’s four horse-sized cicadas that occasionally let out a burst
blood according to Bhopanese customs (combat does not of sound before being hushed by the carriage’s driver.
count, save in some circumstances like formal duels) helps Thadie opens the carriage’s door and states, “Winter
the PCs’ social standing, but whenever PCs voluntarily brings wisdom.”
engage in this practice, Qxal’s power over them grows. A The inside of the carriage is luxurious, upholstered
PC who spills their blood gains the Blood Offering boon in what looks like a green pelt. An aardvark-faced man
on their Chronicle sheet. This boon will become relevant in in courtly finery gestures to the seats. “Spring brings
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The Perennial Crown Part new beginnings.”
2: The Thorned Monarch. No living person knows of this
devious manipulation, and nobody considers the drop of As soon as the PCs take their seats, they can feel that
blood on the ground to be sinister or uncommon. Don’t feel the “pelt” growing from the carriage is actually a mass
the need to pressure the PCs into performing this action— of fungal tendrils that moves in soft waves over them.
allow them to do so only if they feel comfortable. As the carriage begins moving, the man, Lelzeshin,
introduces himself. He is genuinely excited about
the PCs’ arrival, and he hopes to establish a rapport
with them.
The access to these wondrous sights is a vine street
flanked by tree towers, the way ahead guarded by heavily “Don’t be alarmed by the carriage’s fur—it’s actually cleaning
armored, individuals wearing crimson helmets and iron- you, removing the mud, blood, sweat—and, as you’ll notice, it
shod boots and wielding massive scythes. Thadie greets also provides some basic grooming and adds a fresh mango
the grim sentinels by saying, “Winter brings peace,” and scent to your attire. Handy, don’t you agree? Oh dear, I’m
pricks her thumb on a thorn of her armor, spilling a single forgetting my manners over all the excitement of your arrival!
drop of blood on the floor, to which the red-helmeted It is just so very rare for us to have visitors from beyond the
guards reply in unison, “And summer brings prosperity,” island’s shores.”
before similarly wetting the ground with drops of their “My name is Lelzeshin. I am one of the stewards of
blood and stepping aside to allow the party passage onto the Eternal Bloom and an advisor to His Majesty King
the vine streets of Hoba Dukuza. Webhekiz, Fourth of His Name, Chosen Sovereign of
Bhopan by the Grace of the Four Seasons.”
Questioning Thadie
If the PCs are intrigued by the strange greeting, Thadie Nature (Recall Knowledge)
explains that Bhopanese see the seasons as part of the A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Nature check to Recall
same eternal cycle, and such formalized greetings help Knowledge might deduce additional information about
reinforce that notion. She tells curious PCs that an the strange vehicle.
appropriate statement about a season as a greeting Critical Success: The cicadas and plant carriage are capable
warrants a response that uses the opposite season in a of short-range flight, and the “fur” is probably akin to some
similar manner. For example, a greeting emphasizing sort of fungal digestive mat that can clean the insides of
spring is responded to by praising autumn. the carriage, not unlike the process clams use to make
If questioned regarding the spilling of a drop of blood, pearls. It shows a highly sophisticated understanding of
she responds that it’s a sign of utmost mutual respect the magical cultivation of organisms.
among her people, primarily used by military and Success: The carriage is a living plant creature, with finery
nobility. If at any time during this scenario, a PC would fused to the outside.
like to spill a drop of their own blood as a sign of respect, Critical Failure: The carriage is far from alive. In fact, it is
it requires an Interact action and deals no damage to undead creature covered in a veneer of common moss.
the PC. None of the Bhopanese pressure the PCs into The fur is the remants of a recently slain beast, there to
doing so. keep the carriage well fed so it doesn’t eat its occupants.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
An Audience with the The king doesn’t elaborate further. If the PCs didn’t roll
King checks to Recall Knowledge at the scenario’s beginning,
have them roll them now. During the conversation, as long
The carriage comes to a halt on a massive dance floor after as no PC critically failed a Deception check, each PC who
navigating the gardens of the Eternal Bloom’s isle. Here, a speaks to Webhekiz can attempt a DC 21 Diplomacy check
crowned man with long, batlike ears dressed in royal finery to Make an Impression (DC 24 in Subtier 5–6). Decrease
oversees the preparation of a lavish festivity. He pulls out a the DC of this check by 2 if the PCs succeeded at the check
fan to cool himself, sending powder drifting from his wig. to avoid the topic of Foster and the Pathfinder Society.

The bat-eared king asks the PCs who they are and
what has brought them to Bhopan. If the PCs use the
proper appellation that Lelzeshin used to refer to
King Webhekiz, each PC who also spills their blood to
complete the formal greeting gains a +2 circumstance
bonus to their skill checks when interacting with the
king. Remember to note down the Blood Offering
boon for each PC who spills their blood. If none of the
players remember the correct title, allow them to roll a
DC 20 Society check to Recall Knowledge. A PC that
succeeds at this check recalls the correct appellation of
“Your Majesty King Webhekiz, Fourth of His Name,
Chosen Sovereign of Bhopan by the Grace of the Four
Seasons.” A PC that critically fails this check correctly
remembers most of the title but misremembers one part
as “Fifth of His Name.” This is a horrible faux pas, and
if the PCs address the king as such, they take a
–2 circumstance penalty to their skill checks to
interact with the king.
A PC can deflect the king’s inquiry into their
reasons for traveling here politely with a
DC 21 Deception check (DC 24 in Subtier
5–6). On a failure, the king reiterates
his request, and the PCs can try again. On a
critical failure, the king is offended. He scowls
for a moment before composing himself with a tight
smile, commenting that it was “unfair of us to expect
outsiders to understand.”
If the PCs mention the Pathfinder Society or Selmius
Foster, read or paraphrase the following.

The king’s strange mien darkens briefly. “We indeed

remember the Pathfinder Society and Selmius Foster.
Not only did Selmius and his henchman Adolphus kidnap
our Princess Ganjay, they also committed a crime
most heinous and unspeakable, for which Mr. Foster
summarily paid the highest price. That being said, we
are a just ruler, and neither we, nor the enlightened
kingdom of Bhopan, believe in holding people
accountable for the actions of those that came before.
We are cognizant of this news putting a strain
on our relations, but it is our ardent hope that Webhekiz
you trust in the justice of our actions.”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Once the PCs’ conversation with the king is winding Truth: Selmius Foster was a famous Pathfinder,
down, he extends an invitation to them. and the Pathfinder Society is based in Absalom.
The characterization of the Society as a group
“Tomorrow evening, Bhopan will be celebrating the annual of opportunistic plunderers is at odds with its
Masquerade of Seasons, and you are hereby cordially invited general guiding ethos as a group of explorers and
by the grace of the Bhopanese people to participate in our archeologists. While Pathfinders can certainly
most sacred custom. Steward Lelzeshin will be responsible find great treasures and gain plenty of wealth,
for you while you are our guests. Kindly refrain from leaving fame, and knowledge during their adventures,
his side when you are not in your chambers. We understand the Society strongly discourages its agents from
that you wouldn’t want to be disarmed in such an unfamiliar engaging in actions that could discredit the
place, so consider this a courtesy and an extension of our organization’s place on the international stage.
trust. Proper attire for the masquerade will be provided by The Society wouldn’t endorse the theft of a
our light-weavers. You are hereby dismissed.” national treasure.
• Selmius and his henchman Adolphus kidnapped
With a wave of the king’s bejeweled hand, Lelzeshin Princess Ganjay to force her to help them break
escorts the PCs out of the king’s audience chamber to a into the royal vault. Selmius was executed by
massive suite, with a central lounging area surrounded means of a very large and acidic pitcher plant.
by a small private bedroom and bathroom for each PC. Adolphus escaped consequences by playing upon
He is eager to learn more of the PCs. He suggests that the princess’s sympathies to appear to be just
the PCs spend some time socializing in the garden before another victim of Selmius.
they retire for the night. If they accept his invitation, he Truth: Selmius, Adolphus, and Ganjay plotted
escorts them to an impressive garden filled with Bhopan to enter the vault together. When they were caught,
socialites. Here, each PC can attempt one DC 18 Ganjay told the guards that Selmius kidnapped
Diplomacy check to Gather Information about Selmius her and had used enchantment magic to force the
Foster before the garden empties (DC 20 in Subtier innocent Adolphus to assist in his plots. Selmius
5–6). The PCs can gain up to two pieces of information was then executed by pitcher plant.
from the What Bhopanese Say About Selmius Foster • Adolphus was a terrible man. He seduced Princess
section below. Most of the citizenry go to bed early Ganjay to earn her trust so he could use her to
in preparation for the grand celebration to come the access the vault, and then kidnapped her.
following evening. Truth: Adolphus and Ganjay’s relationship
Rewards: If at least one PC succeeded at a Diplomacy was based upon a combination of practicality
check to Make an Impression on the king, the king has and mutual affection, and she left Bhopan with
servants deliver a collection of Bhopanese desserts to the Adolphus of her own accord.
PCs’ rooms that night. The desserts include spicy frozen • Selmius Foster was able to enter the royal vault,
treats and a cake covered in intricate sugar petals with which only people of royal blood should be able
a pronounced taste of fine alcohol. The desserts are to enter. This must mean that Foster brought
decorated with silver accessories for the PCs to keep, powerful dark magic with him, perhaps from the
which collectively make up 1 Treasure Bundle. legendary enemy of their people: an evil fey called
the Thorned Monarch, who nearly wiped out all
What People Say About Selmius Foster of ancient Bhopan before the remaining survivors
When the PCs succeed at a skill check to learn information retreated to their current island home.
about Selmius Foster from the socialites in the garden, Truth: While Selmius was indeed influenced
they learn pieces of the story as it is told in Bhopan. to come to Bhopan by the Thorned Monarch,
Factual inaccuracies are a result of both Princess Ganjay’s he didn’t have help from the Monarch’s magic
deceptions and centuries-old propaganda to cover up the to enter. In fact, the royal vault was specifically
departure of a popular princess from her homeland. The designed to protect against the Thorned Monarch,
Truth sections are provided for GM context. with wards that blocked all from Bhopan or with
• Selmius Foster was part of some sort of strange connections to the Thorned Monarch other than
society called the Pathfinder Society from a the royal family. Foster was able to open the
faraway island called Absalom. The group travels vault because, as an outsider, he lacked the strong
all over the world in search of priceless national connections to the Monarch that most Bhopanese
treasures to steal. people have.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Speaking to Lelzeshin heist rather than a victim of cruel outsiders. The only proof,
Once the PCs arrive in their suite and close the door, or any clues about what Foster was hoping to find, would lie
Lelzeshin speaks. Read or paraphrase the following. in the vault, but that’s not something anyone has been able
to check. The vault, you see, requires at least four people to
Lelzeshin clears his throat. “Before we talk further, let me open. Doing so is lethal to Bhopanese people who are not of
fulfill my duty to explain what awaits you. Tomorrow night royal blood, but far less perilous for outsiders. The survival
is the annual Masquerade of Seasons. We will gather in the of Selmius Foster and Adolphus attests to that, particularly
grand plazas of the Eternal Bloom and be merry; this, one of compared to the death that has come to every Bhopanese
our most sacred customs, culminates in the opening of the
Eternal Bloom’s flowers to the sound of the Grand Dance, its
pollen ensuring prosperity and peace for all of Bhopan. Know
that His Majesty doesn’t expect you to perform well in the
dance, as it is in fact a somewhat complex affair for those
not familiar with the proper steps. That being said, if you do
rise to the occasion, you’ll be able to dance and glide among
the spires of Hoba Dukuza, and even right beneath the grand
anther if you’re particularly graceful!”

It’s likely by this point that the PCs have given an

obvious sign of their connection to the Pathfinder Society,
either because they told the king, because one or more
of them has a symbol of membership in the Pathfinder
Society such as a wayfinder, or because they asked an
NPC in the garden a question about Selmius Foster. Even
if the PCs don’t reveal this information, Lelzeshin strongly
suspects that they are Pathfinders, because of a blood-
based divination he conducted recently that revealed that
outsiders would “come and follow in Selmius’s footsteps”,
and he steers the conversation toward the Society. He
muses about Selmius Foster and mentioning that Selmius’s
main goal on Bhopan was to find something within the
royal vault and that these ambitions likely hold the secrets
to Selmius’s death. Lelzeshin at first won’t talk about the
details of the royal vault, but he’s hoping the PCs will try
to convince him to do so. If the PCs attempt to convince
him, have any such PC roll a Diplomacy check to Make a
Request. On any result but a natural 1, Lelzeshin continues
his explanation. On a natural 1, Lelzeshin is annoyed with
that PC, but another PC can try until they succeed. If they
succeed, Lelzeshin tells them the following.

“The official story is that Princess Ganjay was kidnapped by

Pathfinders, who forced her to lead them to the royal vault—
for it is during an attempted theft from it that Selmius Foster
was caught and summarily executed. The truth, as redacted
accounts of the time and other records of the princess’s
personality would suggest, was rather different. The princess
desperately wanted to liberate her people from the burden of
cultural stagnation. When the group was caught, Selmius was
accused both of kidnapping the princess and of breaking into
the royal vault. The queen at the time had no interest in letting Lelzeshin
anyone know that the princess was an active participant in the

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
If the PCs are interested in accessing the vault,
DANCING MISHAPS Lelzeshin explains that they can do so most easily by
acting carefully but deliberately during the masquerade
If a PC critically fails a check during the masquerade, to proceed to the vault, using that distraction to slip
the volatile magics have adverse effects upon them. For in. He agrees to help them if necessary (and he does
each affected PC, roll a d6 and consult the table below so if the PCs earn too much Awareness during the
to determine the result. These consequences last until masquerade). Lelzeshin is insistent that the PCs not use
the end of the scenario. They are the result of a curse violence against his fellow citizens, or they will lose
effect with an effective level of 9, with no saving throw. his assistance.
Remember that during the dance, the PCs can spend Lelzeshin offers to answer any questions the PCs
an Edge Point to turn a critical failure into a success; if might have. The following are some likely questions
they do, they don’t experience a mishap. and their answers.
Who is Princess Ganjay? “Ah, Princess Ganjay, the
Opal of Bhopan—it is said she truly had the face of a
TABLE 1: DANCING MISHAPS naiad and that her magics were most formidable indeed!
d6 Effect It is also said that she had some misgivings about the
role of Bhopan in the world, namely about our rather
Pig Trotter Feet: The PC’s feet turn into trotters. isolationist stance. And she was willing to take bold
This reduces the PC’s Speed by 5 feet. risks to bring Bhopan into a brighter future.”
How did Selmius Foster die? “A grisly matter, really,
Chicken Wing Arm: One of the PC’s arms turns
2 into a chicken wing. The PC can’t hold objects, use and not something to dwell on. I think a relatively
Interact actions, or Raise a Shield with the hand. sizeable acidic pitcher plant was involved, as per the
custom for high crimes.”
Squirrel Tail: The PC grows a fluffy squirrel tail and Isn’t there a better way to find out what Selmius
becomes like a squirrel, constantly fascinated by wanted on Bhopan than breaking into a vault? “I’m
3 afraid not. The royal family has done well to obscure
different things. The PC takes a –2 penalty to Will
saves, Perception checks, and Perception DCs. the truth of the past. It was only through my own
extensive research, with access to numerous sources
Mantis Shrimp Eyes: The sensory overload to the that are available only to the most trusted officials, that
PCs’ shrimp eyes requires the PC to succeed at a I was able to learn as much as I have. If more records
DC 5 flat check whenever they use a concentrate of Foster’s intentions existed, I would’ve found them.”
action, or the action is wasted. How can you be so sure we won’t get caught? “Unlike
Sloth Fur: The PC grows sloth fur. The PC is slowed Princess Ganjay and her Pathfinder allies, you won’t be
5 traveling through the labyrinthine tunnels beneath the
1 on the first round of combat.
palace. Your route will take you right up to the vault’s
Donkey Face: The PC sprouts a donkey face. The PC entrance, past every guard and the vast majority of the
adds the concentrate trait to all spells with verbal vault’s defenses.”
components, sonic attacks, and actions that have But Selmius, Adolphus, and Ganjay are three people,
the auditory trait, due to a compulsion to bray. not four? “Very astute observation. The fourth member
of that group was Princess Ganjay’s familiar, Yubdaghar.
As one who was of this isle but not of royal blood, he
sadly perished in the process.”
person who has attempted to bypass the vault’s wards. I am a It is important to note that none of the statements
student of our histories, and while I had heard many negative Lelzeshin makes are lies—they reflect his beliefs and
things about Pathfinders in those official accounts, I’ve begun convictions. Lelzeshin is a patriot of Bhopan who
to doubt them. Meeting people like you makes me suspect pictures himself as a liberator—a destined hero of a
these stories were told to further an isolationist stance and people too long held captive by traditions. The only
keep us from learning of the outside world. If you need help untruth of the situation is an omission—he makes
accessing the vault, I would be willing to help you. Indeed, it no mention of the fact that he plans to use the PCs
might be the only way for us to learn the truth and uncover as scapegoats if necessary to shield himself from
our past. It might even reveal that Selmius was innocent of accusations of treason, in parallel to the way Ganjay
his crimes.” used Pathfinders to escape consequences.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
The PCs have two choices: either they decide to The dance is divided into two phases. During each
use Lelzeshin’s plan, or they don’t. If they follow the phase of the dance, go around the table up to three times,
plan, Lelzeshin is a valuable asset and can help the giving each player a turn to roll one check against an
PCs navigate the masquerade and the vault’s defenses. obstacle of their choice. Successful checks earn Dance
The cheerful steward secures the PCs’ entrance into Points. Once the PCs have earned the number Dance
an exclusive restaurant, where they each have another Points in the obstacle’s entry, the group has completely
chance to attempt one DC 18 Diplomacy check to overcome that obstacle, and no more checks can be
Gather Information about Selmius Foster (DC 20 in attempted against it.
Subtier 5–6). Each PC who succeeds at the check hears Anytime a PC critically fails a check during the
one of the pieces of information listed in What People masquerade, they experience a dancing mishap, as
Say About Selmius Foster on page 12. described in the sidebar on page 14.
If the PCs don’t go along with Lelzeshin’s plans, he is Awareness Point (Infiltration Only): Awareness Points
clearly disappointed. While it’s very unlikely given what track how out-of-place the PCs seem. The PCs gain
Lelzeshin told them about the royal family covering up Awareness Points for failed checks.
Foster’s innocence, PCs who reject Lelzeshin’s plans might Complication: A complication is a challenge that
decide to report him to the guards. If they do, Lelzeshin could only cause trouble for the PCs. This dance has only
easily avoids suspicion, passing off the PCs’ attempted one complication, which occurs at the beginning of the
report as an odd type of humor when the guards call him dance’s second phase.
in later to ask about this strange report. Dance Point: The PCs can earn Dance Points by
succeeding at checks to defeat obstacles. Once the PCs
The Masquerade of earn 3 Dance Points for an obstacle, they overcome the
Seasons obstacle entirely. Each of the Dance Point entries in the
The Masquerade of Seasons begins with several Obstacles’ statistics says “(group)”. This just means that
games and activities, followed by the main event: the the PCs are working together to overcome the obstacle.
Grand Dance. Edge Point: The PCs can earn Edge Points with their
The PCs’ objective during the Grand Dance depends successes in masquerade activities (page 16). Edge Points
upon their response to Lelzeshin. If they are planning to turn blunders into successes, as the masquerade’s magic
enter the vault with him, their aim is to reach the highest bolsters the PCs. When a PC fails or critically fails a
level of dance and slip away without drawing undue check to overcome an obstacle or complication, they
attention. This goal is referred to as Infiltrate in the can spend 1 Edge Point to succeed instead. Edge Points
Masquerade Rules section below. It uses the infiltration belong to the PCs as a whole: any PC can use an Edge
rules from the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide, but all of Point, no matter who earned it.
the relevant rules are included in this scenario. Obstacle: An obstacle is a challenge that the PCs face
If the PCs are not planning to enter the vault with during the dance that provides them with an opportunity
Lelzeshin, their reasons for participation could be more to excel. The DC of all checks to overcome obstacles is
varied, from graciously accepting the hospitality of the 18 (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6).
king to building a rapport with attendees with the aim of
ultimately finding out more information about Selmius Infiltrate
Foster without Lelzeshin’s help. Ultimately, it would be During infiltration, the results of the PCs’ checks to
a grievous social blunder not to participate in the dance, defeat obstacles are as follows.
and the PCs can earn rewards based upon how well Critical Success The PCs gain 2 Dance Points.
they perform. These overarching goals are referred to as Success The PCs gain 1 Dance Point.
Impress in Masquerade Rules below. Failure The PCs accrue 1 Awareness Point.
Critical Failure The PCs accrue 2 Awareness Points.
Masquerade Rules
At the beginning of the masquerade, the PCs can If the PCs defeat two obstacles (or three obstacles, for
participate in a variety of activities, which can grant a table of five or more players), they successfully end the
them advantages later in the celebration. Once the phase. They can also end the phase early if they draw too
Grand Dance itself begins, the attendees are drawn into much negative attention. If the PCs’ Awareness Point total
a spectacular ritual of movement and song. Though reaches 6 during phase 1, or 12 during phase 2, the phase
the ritual’s magic compels the Bhopanese attendees to immediately ends. For tables of five or more players,
continue dancing, the PCs can move about freely. increase these thresholds to 9 and 18 Awareness Points,

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
respectively. In this case, Lelzeshin intervenes, creating a Snapping Turtle Lottery
distraction to draw attention away from the PCs. If the A nasty-looking snapping turtle is inside a small,
PCs receive this intervention, they earn reduced rewards circular pen. The pen sports several holes, through
at the end of the dance (page 18). Players cannot choose which assembled individuals put their hands while
to skip their turns; when a PC has a turn, they must roll a inhaling strange fumes that briefly cloud their vision.
check against one of the remaining obstacles. At the sound of a bell, all participants attempt to pull
their hands out, with the turtle biting the hand of the
Impress slowest person, dealing 1d6+4 piercing damage (2d6+8
When trying to impress the Bhopanese, the results of the in Subtier 5–6). A PC who succeeds at a Reflex save
PCs’ checks to defeat obstacles are as follows. wins their round of the snapping turtle lottery, earning
Critical Success The PCs gain 2 Dance Points. 1 Edge Point.
Success The PCs gain 1 Dance Point.
Failure No effect. Caterpillar Art
Critically Failure The PCs lose 1 Dance Point. Multihued, tame caterpillars await next to a fenced-
off area that flashes with sparks and swirls of fire. The
The PCs can continue attempting checks against PCs can participate in the caterpillar art by feeding the
obstacles until each PC has rolled three times or until the caterpillars with their blood. If a PC don’t wish to spill
group has successfully bypassed every obstacle. At that their own blood, they can convince a Bhopanese person
point, the phase ends. A player can decide to have their to shed blood on their behalf with a Diplomacy or Society
PC skip a turn, though doing so is rarely a good idea, as check. The celebrant then walks into the cordoned-off
a skipped turn has the same effect as a failed check. The area and tickles the caterpillars, which, depending on
number of Dance Points the PCs earn determines their the tickling movements and the blood type and ancestry
rewards at the end of the dance (page 18). of the blood donor, emit multicolored sparks and gouts
of flame from their mandibles, somewhat reminiscent of
Masquerade Activities fireworks. A PC who succeeds at a Crafting or Thievery
Before the Grand Dance begins, the PCs can engage check nimbly produces beautiful patterns in the air,
in a variety of activities as they explore the mazelike earning 1 Edge Point.
parks and halls of the Eternal Bloom. Each PC can
participate in one of the following activities. A PC Phase 1: A Rousing Waltz
who sheds their blood, either to participate in the
plant barbecue or caterpillar art activities or as a With the whistling of ghostly white buds resounding in the
result of failing the Reflex save to win the snapping air like an ephemeral glockenspiel, the Bhopanese gather in
turtle lottery, gains the Blood Offering boon on their the grand plaza of the dance, under the aegis of the bloom
Chronicle sheet. A PC who critically fails a check gains of the gigantic orchid castle. A bat-faced man, clad in the
an animalistic feature from the dance’s magic, per the finery of a majordomo that would make the Taldan courts
Dancing Mishaps sidebar on page 14. Unless otherwise blush with envy, claps his hands firmly four times, and fey
stated, the DC of all checks and saving throws is 18 musicians appear, ranging from satyrs with their pipes to
(20 in Subtier 5–6). dryads playing various string instruments made of their
own hair, all accompanying the song of sirens congregating
Plant Barbecue in the lake. All fey are dressed in elaborate courtly attire,
The PCs happen upon a table containing meats and and the massive stigma of the orchid-castle opens to the
plants on kebab sticks next to some barrel-sized pitcher sound of the primordial symphony, sending clouds of
plants. The plants open only if a drop of blood is spilled shimmering pollen in grand, visible arcs of pure magic
on their lid. If a PC don’t wish to spill their own blood, through the cheering celebrants. With the first notes,
they can convince an attendee to shed blood on their the music’s magic begins sweeping away the assembled,
behalf with a Diplomacy or Society check. The kebabs masked dancers at a tempestuous velocity, transforming
are dipped into the delicious-smelling acid in the plants, the entire dance floor into a swirl of garments and giggling
which marinates them in seconds as a kind of ceviche. laughter, as the dance’s magic slowly begins raising every
A PC who cooks their barbecue to perfection with a dancer into the air. The magical swirls of pollen quickly
Crafting check, a DC 16 Cooking Lore check (DC 18 create different levels of the dance, as the Bhopanese
in Subtier 5–6), or a DC 20 Perception check (DC 22 in dancers waltz through the air at heights ranging from safe
Subtier 5–6) earns 1 Edge Point. to staggering.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
CONVERSE (IMPRESS ONLY) OBSTACLE Phase 2 begins with a complication, as each PC is
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Bhopan Lore, Deception, placed in a situation where they must observe Bhopan’s
or Diplomacy complex etiquette. After resolving this complication,
As entrancing as the dance is, it’s no simple matter to strike up phase 2 continues in the same manner as phase 1, with
a conversation with a dancer beyond pleasantries. A PC who the obstacles presented below.
succeeds against this obstacle can also ask a Bhopanese
person a question. If they ask about Selmius, a dancer relays COMPLEX ETIQUETTE COMPLICATION
a piece of information about the famous Pathfinder from the Trigger Phase 2 begins
What People Say About Selmius Foster section on page 12. Overcome Each PC must attempt a DC 13 Bhopan Lore or DC
16Society check (DC 15 Bhopan Lore or DC 18 Society check
DARING LEAP OBSTACLE in Subtier 5–6), with the following effects.
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Athletics or Performance Success The PC correctly follows Bhopan’s traditions, avoiding
As the floor moves with the music, it creates a series of any consequences.
treacherous gaps. Musically inclined PCs can plan their Failure The PC makes a minor error. If the PCs are trying to
jump for a moment when the platforms are close together, infiltrate, the PCs gain 1 Awareness Point. If they are trying
and those with athletic prowess can simply clear the gap. to impress the Bhopanese, the PCs lose 1 Dance Point.
Critical Failure The PC makes a faux pas. If the PCs are trying to
MOVING PLATFORMS OBSTACLE infiltrate, the PCs gain 2 Awareness Points. If they are trying
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Perception or Survival to Impress the Bhopanese, the PCs lose 2 Dance Points.
While the platforms are generally rising, they sometimes
dip lower. Their speed and patterns seem random at first CONVERSE (IMPRESS ONLY) OBSTACLE
glance, but close examination reveals the method behind Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Bhopan Lore, Deception,
their movement and allows a dancer to keep their bearings. or Diplomacy
As entranced as the Bhopanese dancers are, it’s no simple
PERPLEXING MAGIC OBSTACLE matter to strike up a conversation with a dancer that
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Arcana or Nature goes beyond pleasantries. A PC who succeeds against this
The ritual blends elements of primal and arcane magic. Closely obstacle can also ask a Bhopanese person a question. If
examining the ritual reveals ways to benefit from its magic they ask about Selmius Foster, a dancer relays a piece of
to follow along with the dance without experiencing any information about the famous Pathfinder from the What
compulsion to continue dancing until the ritual ends. People Say About Selmius Foster section on page 12.


Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Acrobatics or Performance Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Athletics or Medicine
When the music speeds up, only those who keep up with the A slight error in the ritual has dangerous consequences, as
flow of the dance can move with the crowds. the movements of a group of dancers slip out of sync with
the movement of the floor. Nearby dancers are too caught
WATCHFUL GUARDS (INFILTRATE ONLY) OBSTACLE up in the dance’s magic to assist, so they attempt to move
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Deception or Stealth around the injured people, causing the floor to become
A few guards have carefully avoided the dance floor so they can chaotic and crowded. Each of the injured people gains an
keep a watchful eye over the festivities. Charting a course animalistic feature, as per the Dancing Mishaps sidebar.
past them requires sneaking past or creating a distraction.
Phase 2: Ascent to the Sky Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Arcana or Nature
Once the PCs have managed to complete the first dance The ritual blends elements of primal and arcane magic. Closely
sequence, read or paraphrase the following. examining the ritual reveals ways to benefit from its magic
to follow along with the dance without experiencing any
The potent magic of the dance transforms everything into a compulsion to continue dancing until the ritual ends.
whirl of color, a cascade of garments and phosphorescent
bursts of pollen, of masked revelers sweeping through the air on RELENTLESS BEAT OBSTACLE
currents of flashing energy and laughter. The floor is far below, Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Acrobatics or Performance
obscured by decadent dresses and swirling colors. The music When the music speeds up, only those who keep up with the
changes, announcing the beginning of a new dance sequence. flow of the dance can move with the crowds.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
SPINNING FLOURISH OBSTACLE King Webhekiz. The king gravely explains the situation.
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Bhopan Lore, Performance, Each of those alarms represented someone’s lifeblood
or Society being shed, and the place where the deaths happened is
Dancers are gathered in a line that snakes around the the royal vault. Attempting to enter the vault without
platforms. As they reach the center of the room, each the permission of the king is a high crime, and it is
performs a whirling spin. known to be lethal to all but members of the royal
family and outsiders to Bhopan. He’s already accounted
WATCHFUL GUARDS (INFILTRATE ONLY) OBSTACLE for his relatives, and now that he’s determined the PCs
Dance Points 3 (group); Overcome Deception or Stealth are not responsible—he’s baffled as to what is going
A few guards have carefully avoided the dance floor so that on. He orders the guards to escort the PCs to the royal
they can keep a watchful eye over the festivities. Charting vaults, waiting just outside. He then instructs the PCs
a course past them requires sneaking past their notice or to enter the vaults, figure out what is going on within,
creating a distraction. and capture anyone they find. Now that the dance is
over, the path Lelzeshin took into the vault closed.
Rewards: The rewards the PCs earn from the dance While the route to the vault through tunnels underneath
are based upon their objective during the dance. PCs who the palace would normally be too deadly to traverse,
are infiltrating the vault receive a reward from Lelzeshin King Webhekiz deactivates all of the palace’s magical
immediately prior to entering the vault. The PCs receive defenses along the route to the vault. With the guards’
no reward if he helped them during both phases. If he guidance, reaching the vault takes 10 minutes.
helped them during one of the phases, they receive six
lesser juggernaut mutagens and six lesser quicksilver B. The Crown’s Vault Low
mutagens (moderate juggernaut and quicksilver mutagens
in Subtier 5–6); the PCs earn 2 Treasure Bundles. If the The organic structure of the Eternal Bloom descends into a
PCs didn’t need his assistance, he also gives them a constructed stone chamber, lit diffusely from magical light
sneaky key (three sneaky keys in Subtier 5–6), and the set in the ceiling fifteen feet above. The chamber has four
PCs earn 3 Treasure Bundles. massive alcoves, as well as a ceremonial staircase in the east
PCs who are impressing the attendees instead receive that ends in an imposing black metal door.
a gift from King Webhekiz, who delights in their active
participation in the event. If the PCs earned a number of The floor of each of the alcoves is a mosaic that wraps
Dance Points at least twice the number of PCs, he gives around an L-shaped stone wall segment. The outer walls
the PCs an alabaster mask decorated with elaborate of each alcove are shrouded in fog. For a more detailed
inlays with seasonal motifs. The mask is worth 35 gp. description of this room, refer to Appendixes 1 and 2; the
In Subtier 5–6, this mask is instead a persona mask appearance of the alcoves is a clue that can assist the PCs
with the same decorations. If the PCs earned at least a during the encounter.
number of Dance Points equal to four times the number This room’s map uses Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon
of PCs, he gives the PCs a persona mask. In Subtier Starter Set and Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Vaults
5–6, he also gives the PCs a pair of healer’s gloves. As Expansion Set. For a key to the positions and orientation
typical for healer’s gloves, these white gloves never show of each tile, refer to page 38.
signs of blood, making them favored accessories among Hazard: The alcoves contain a deadly trap tied to the
Bhopanese high society. four seasons.
Development: Infiltrating PCs progress enter the Rewards: For opening the way to the vault
vault immediately after the dance; proceed to area B. without requiring help from an NPC, the PCs earn 1
PCs with other objectives have a few minutes to mingle Treasure Bundle.
about the area and socialize. Each PC can attempt one Development: Once the PCs turn the four keys, the
DC 18 Diplomacy or Society check (DC 20 in Subtier vault door swings open, revealing a heavy portcullis,
5–6) to ask a Bhopanese person about Selmius Foster which retreats into the ceiling to reveal yet more doors.
at this time before the crowd disperses and the giddy All in all, seven massive vault doors in row open in the
but exhausted celebrants retire to their rooms (see span of seconds. The PCs can now descend the stairs
What People Say About Selmius Foster on page 12 for into the vault’s heart, though they can remain here to
information about what the people say). Soon after, four treat their injuries. If present, Lelzeshin doesn’t linger. He
shrill alarms echoes throughout the palace, one after instead descends into the vault ahead to await for the
another. Guards race to find the PCs and escort them to PCs to follow.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
B. The Crown’s Vault

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Starter Set & Dungeon Vaults Expansion Set

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
C. The Vault’s Heart

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Starter Set & Dungeon Vaults Expansion Set

C. The Vault’s Heart Severe If the PCs came here at the request of King Webhekiz,
read or paraphrase the following.
Beyond the seven vault doors, a breathtaking sight awaits—a
sheer endless array of riches and gold, all surrounding a Lelzeshin growls, “The blood of my fellow Bhopanese is on
pedestal, atop which a wooden circlet rests. The circlet your hands, outsiders. Your refusal forced my hand—forced
sprouts flowers and leaves that flourish, wither, and die in an my fellow citizens to give their lives for Bhopan’s future—but
endless cycle. at least your corpses will make for convenient scapegoats.
Once the dust settles, which story will the king believe—the
The impression of endless treasure is an illusion. While the one where the Pathfinders who just arrived in Bhopan were
vault contains impressive riches, a closer look reveals that once again responsible for treason, or the one where his
the vault walls are magically mirrored, creating an array of trusted steward caught on to the Pathfinder’s wily schemes
refractions that extend toward endlessly reflected infinities and put his own life at risk to stop their treachery? You’ll be
in all directions. The crown is the Perennial Crown. the villains in the legend of my heroism—of Bhopan’s rebirth!”
This room’s map uses Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon
Starter Set and Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Vaults Any attempts the PCs make to analyze the crown’s
Expansion Set. For a key to the positions and orientation magic automatically fail; it’s an intelligent artifact
of each tile, refer to page 39. and learning of its abilities is beyond the capacities of
If Lelzeshin accompanies the PCs to the vault, read or characters of their level. The crown doesn’t react to the
paraphrase the following. PCs’ presence in any way during this scenario.
Creatures: Lelzeshin attacks the PCs here, along with
Lelzeshin speaks with a hint of sadness, “Believe me, I am very one or more duplicates of himself that emerge from the
sorry. I wish there was another way. But I need to lead my walls. He plans to take the crown out of the vault after
people into a new age. You see, I will thwart you thieves and defeating the PCs, all the while claiming that he barely
coincidentally discover the truth of the vault. I will usher in a managed to seize it from the treacherous Pathfinders. By
new age for Bhopan. Rest assured, your sacrifice will not be bringing the crown out of the vault after the battle, he
in vain.” expects that he can use it to convince the king that the

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
treasures in the vault should be used for Bhopan’s glory Conclusion
and that there’s no harm in taking them out of their old As Lelzeshin falls, quakes start to wrack the vault. They
protections. Unfortunately, Lelzeshin’s belief that taking shatter the mirrored walls, opening to tunnels beyond.
the crown out of the vault is a safe course of action is The ceiling collapses, blocking off the doors that the PCs
entirely false, and his determination toward breaking traveled through to enter the vault. At the same time, any
into the vault has been subtly stoked by the Thorned dance mishaps the PCs are experiencing immediately end
Monarch—facts that will become clear to the PCs in this (from the sidebar on page 14). The adventure continues
scenario’s sequel. in Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The Perennial
Crown Part 2: The Thorned Monarch.
Subtier 3–4
Reporting Notes
LELZESHIN CREATURE 5 If the PCs allied with Lelzeshin, check box A. If the
Page 27 PCs didn’t ally with Lelzeshin, check box B. If the PCs
attempted to turn Lelzeshin in to the authorities, check
MIRRORED LELZESHIN CREATURE 2 box C. If half or more or the PCs earned the Blood
Page 27 Offering boon, check box D.

Subtier 5–6 Primary Objective

The PCs fulfill their primary objective if they defeat
LELZESHIN CREATURE 7 Lelzeshin. Doing so earns each PC 2 Fame and 2
Page 33 Reputation for any faction associated with their currently
slotted faction boon.
Page 33 Secondary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their primary objective if they achieve any
Rewards: Defeating Lelzeshin earns the PCs 2 three of the following six objectives.
Treasure Bundles. • Successfully bypass at least two of the obstacles in
the jungle.
• Defeat both waves of fey in area A before the
Bhopanese Greenwatch arrives.
• Successfully Make an Impression on the king
of Bhopan.
• When infiltrating during the dance, accrue fewer
than 9 Awareness Points (or 14 Awareness Points
for tables of five or more PCs).
• When using the dance to impress the Bhopanese,
earn an amount of Dance Points three times the
number of PCs or higher.
• Make it through the masquerade with fewer than
half of the PCs experiencing a dance mishap.
Doing so earns each PC 2 Fame and 2 Reputation
for any faction associated with their currently slotted
faction boon.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
scenario, including any variation described in the text. Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Some encounters require adding creatures or making not cumulative.
other adjustments to scale for different party sizes. The 10–11 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
appendixes for these encounters have the alternative to the dryad.
creatures marked “(0)” to indicate that they shouldn’t be 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one snapping flytrap to
added to the encounter unless summoned or otherwise the encounter.
specified. These additional creatures are not listed with 14–15 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
the abbreviated stat blocks in each encounter in the main to the dryad, and add one snapping flytrap to the
body of the scenario, as the base encounters are designed encounter.
for four players. Follow the instructions in the Scaling 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ PCs): Add two snapping
Encounter sidebars to adjust the encounter appropriately. flytraps to the encounter.
If your group has between 16 and 18 Challenge Points and
has four PCs, use Appendix 2 for your encounters instead.
of sickened 4). After 24 hours, she becomes drained 1,
Encounter A, Wave 1 (Subtier 3–4) with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours.
A dryad and her snapping flytrap ally are the first to A dryad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond herself to a
respond to the PCs’ arrival. The dryad begins combat new tree.
by loudly denouncing the PCs as intruders upon sacred Speed 25 feet
ground, for which the only fitting punishment is death. Melee [one-action] branch +12 (finesse, magical), Damage 1d12+2
She has no interest in conversing with the PCs and doesn’t bludgeoning
share her name with them. She casts spells to impede the Primal Innate Spells DC 21, attack +11; 5th tree stride (×2); 4th
PCs’ movement to make it easier for her slow-moving charm (×3), suggestion; 3rd sleep; 2nd entangle (at will),
companion to attack. The flytrap fights to the death. If tree shape (at will); Cantrips (2nd) tanglefoot; Constant
reduced to 15 Hit Points or fewer, the dryad uses Tree (4th) speak with plants
Meld to hide inside of a tree, at which point she doesn’t Tree Meld [two-actions] (primal, transmutation) The dryad touches a
bother the PCs further. Expelling her from the tree with tree of enough volume to contain her and merges into it for
significant physical damage requires the PCs to deal a as long as she wishes. She can Cast a Spell while inside as
total of 40 damage to the tree. The tree has an AC of 10 long as the spell doesn’t require a line of effect outside the
and Hardness 5. tree. She can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the
tree. She can Dismiss this effect.
DRYAD CREATURE 3 Significant physical damage dealt to the tree expels the
CN MEDIUM FEY NYMPH PLANT dryad from the tree and deals 3d6 damage to her. Passwall
Perception +10; low-light vision expels the dryad without dealing damage.
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan; speak with plants If a dryad uses this ability on her bonded tree, she
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +5, Crafting +7 (+9 instead enters an extradimensional living space within the
woodworking), Diplomacy +9, Nature +13, Stealth +9, tree; Tree Meld gains the extradimensional trait. A dryad
Survival +12 can bring up to two other creatures with her when entering
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +4 her home within her bonded tree. The dryad can still be
Nature Empathy The dryad can use Diplomacy to Make an expelled from this space as above.
Impression on and make very simple Requests of animals
and plants.
AC 19; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +10
HP 55; Weaknesses cold iron 5, fire 5
Tree Dependent A dryad is mystically bonded to a single great
tree and must remain within 300 feet of it. If she moves
beyond that range, she becomes sickened 1 and is unable
to recover. She must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save every
hour or increase the sickened value by 1 (to a maximum

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Perception +7; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet Perception +12; low-light vision
Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10 (+13 in undergrowth) Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan; speak with plants
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2 Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +7, Crafting +9 (+9
AC 18; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7 woodworking), Diplomacy +11, Nature +15, Stealth +11,
HP 50; Immunities mental; Weaknesses fire 5; Resistances Survival +14
acid 5 Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +4
Quick Capture [reaction] Trigger A creature hits or touches the flytrap. Nature Empathy The dryad can use Diplomacy to Make an
Effect The flytrap makes a leaf Strike against the triggering Impression on and make very simple Requests of animals
creature. If it hits, the creature is grabbed in that leaf. and plants.
Speed 15 feet AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +12
Melee [one-action] leaf +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus HP 70; Weaknesses cold iron 5, fire 5
1d6 acid and Improved Grab Tree Dependent A dryad is mystically bonded to a single great
Focused Assault [two-actions] The flytrap attacks a single target with tree and must remain within 300 feet of it. If she moves
both its leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf Strike. On a beyond that range, she becomes sickened 1 and is unable
success, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike to recover. She must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save every
plus an additional 1d8 damage for every leaf beyond the hour or increase the sickened value by 1 (to a maximum
first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage from one of sickened 4). After 24 hours, she becomes drained 1,
leaf Strike, but it can’t use Improved Grab. It deals no with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours.
damage on a critical failure. This counts toward the flytrap’s A dryad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond herself to a
multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the new tree.
number of leaves the flytrap has. Speed 25 feet
Hungry Flurry [two-actions] The flytrap makes two leaf Strikes at a Melee [one-action] branch +14 (finesse, magical), Damage 1d12+4
–2 penalty, each against a different target. These attacks bludgeoning
count toward the flytrap’s multiple attack penalty, but the Primal Innate Spells DC 23, attack +13; 5th tree stride (×2);
multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes 4th charm (×3), suggestion; 3rd sleep; 2nd entangle (at will),
all its attacks. tree shape (at will); Cantrips (2nd) tanglefoot; Constant
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 1d8+1 bludgeoning plus (4th) speak with plants
1d6 acid, Rupture 5 Tree Meld [one-action] (primal, transmutation) The dryad touches a tree
of enough volume to contain her and merges into it for as
long as she wishes. She can Cast a Spell while inside as long
as the spell doesn’t require a line of effect outside the tree.
She can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the tree.
She can Dismiss this effect.
Significant physical damage dealt to the tree expels the
dryad from the tree and deals 3d6 damage to her. Passwall
expels the dryad without dealing damage.
If a dryad uses this ability on her bonded tree, she
instead enters an extradimensional living space within the
tree; Tree Meld gains the extradimensional trait. A dryad
can bring up to two other creatures with her when entering
her home within her bonded tree. The dryad can still be
expelled from this space as above.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter A, Wave 2 (Subtier 3–4)
Drawn by the sounds of combat, a group of malicious SCALING ENCOUNTER A, WAVE 2
bilokos rushes in from the southwest corner of the map.
They prefer to attack in melee with their jaws, but they To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
throw their spears if they have trouble reaching the Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
PCs. If present, a biloko veteran uses its shortbow when not cumulative.
forced to attack at range. A PC who succeeds at a DC 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one biloko warrior to
16 Recall Knowledge check to identify them learns that the encounter.
bilokos feed on the flesh of humanoids, most often by 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two biloko warriors to
unhinging their vast, crocodile-like jaws and devouring the encounter.
the humanoids whole, much as a snake would eat its 14–15 Challenge Points: Replace one of the biloko
prey. A PC who critically succeeds at this check also warriors with a biloko veteran.
knows that almost all sightings of this fey that the 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ PCs): Add one biloko
Pathfinder Society is aware of have been in the jungles veteran to the encounter.
of the Mwangi Expanse. The statistics for bilokos come
from Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders.
NE SMALL FEY Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders 82
Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders 82 Perception +11; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Perception +7; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet Languages Mwangi, Sylvan
Languages Mwangi, Sylvan Skills Athletics +10, Crafting +10, Intimidation +12, Nature +9,
Skills Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Nature +5, Stealth +6, Survival Stealth +13, Survival +11
+6 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2
Str +3, Dex +2, Con –1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items longspear, shortbow (20 arrows)
Items spear (4), wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6) AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +11
AC 16 (18 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +7 HP 58 each
HP 19 Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Shield Block [reaction] Speed 20 feet
Speed 20 feet Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d8+5 piercing
Melee [one-action] jaws +8, Damage 1d8+3 piercing Melee [one-action] longspear +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+5
Melee [one-action] spear +8, Damage 1d6+3 piercing piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +7 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+3 piercing Ranged [one-action] shortbow +14 (deadly d10, range increment 60
Primal Innate Spells DC 17; 1st charm feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) If a biloko feasts on a human Primal Innate Spells DC 21; 1st charm
corpse for 1 minute or more, they gain a +1 status bonus Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) As biloko warrior.
to attack rolls and a +2 status bonus to damage rolls for Swipe [two-actions] The veteran makes a melee Strike and compares
1 hour. the attack roll result to the AC of up to two foes, each of
whom must be within their melee reach and adjacent to
each other. Roll damage only once and apply it to each
creature hit. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the veteran’s
multiple attack penalty.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter B (Subtier 3–4)
Each of the alcoves sports a different mosaic on its floor SCALING ENCOUNTER B
that depicts a scene that is iconic of one of the four
seasons. The mosaics wrap around L-shaped walls. In the To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
inner corner of each L-shaped wall, there is a keyhole. Challenge Point adjustments.
If Lelzeshin doesn’t accompany the PCs, the body of a 13+ Challenge Points: Increase the hazard’s Stealth
Bhopanese person is slumped against the wall of each of bonus and the DCs of checks to Disable it by 2. Increase
the alcoves, just beneath the keyhole. The walls of each the DC of the Fortitude save to resist its effects by 1.
alcove are shrouded in fog. The first PC to approach Increase the damage the trap deals on a failed save by
within 10 feet of the foggy walls of an alcove is pulled 2, and on a successful save by 1 (the trap still has no
in to a landscape that is emblematic of that season: fields effect on a critical success).
of flowers for spring, a hot day at a pristine beach for
summer, a forest whose trees show off the full colors of
autumn, or a frigid field of snow for winter. After what The locations of each seasonal alcove and the
feels like a long time (but is in fact only 1 round), the PC appearance of their mosaics is as follows.
emerges from the interior corner of the alcove they just Autumn Alcove (Northeast): This orange and red
left with a key in hand, facing toward the keyhole in the mosaic depicts a bat-faced Bhopanese woman, bent and
inner corner of the L-shaped wall. grizzled with age. She is surrounded by colorful leaves.
Each of the four alcoves generates a key in the same Winter Alcove (Northwest): This mosaic is blue with
way, with the following exceptions. traces of red. It depicts a blue-tinted wasteland with a
• A PC who is currently holding a key cannot be pulled stain of red, from which a thorny growth rises.
into another landscape. Summer Alcove (Southeast): This white, gold, and yellow
• If a PC who is already holding a key picks up a mosaic depicts massive plant-ships sailing a sea of light.
second key (likely by taking it from another PC), the first Spring Alcove (Southwest): This mosaic depicts a
key they picked up vanishes. The alcove it came from can young girl running from trees in the distance. While
now pull in a PC again. it features many colors, the predominant color in the
While the PCs might at first think that they need to mosaic is green.
put each key into the keyhole in the alcove it came from, Hazard: The alcoves are warded with a trap that
this solution is incorrect. Each key must be placed in the leverages magic tied to the seasons against intruders.
keyhole in the alcove representing the opposite season.
Attempting to put a key into a keyhole takes an Interact SEASON’S TOLL HAZARD 4
action. A PC who attempts to place a key in a keyhole COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP
other than the one corresponding to the opposite season Stealth +12 (expert)
realizes that the key doesn’t fit. When a PC places a key in Description Arcs of primal energy emerge from the L-shaped
the correct keyhole, the key snaps into place and cannot stone wall at the center of each alcove.
be removed. Turning a key in the correct keyhole takes Disable Crafting or Thievery DC 25 (expert) to rig up a dummy
an Interact action and produces an audible click. The or other object to distract one of the trap’s sensors (one
fog on the walls of the alcove where the key originated action), Nature DC 23 (trained) to temporarily befuddle one
disappears for 1 round, revealing a landscape appropriate of the sensors with knowledge of primal magic (one action).
for that alcove’s season. For example, turning the winter Alternatively, inserting the correct key into an alcove’s
key in the spring alcove causes the fog to disappear from keyhole disables that alcove’s sensor.
the winter alcove. Meanwhile, the fog in the alcoves that Season’s Toll (primal, evocation) Trigger A creature enters one
have not had the key that originated from them turned of the four alcoves; Effect The trap rolls initiative.
during that round swirls and shift faster. If all four keys Routine (4 actions) The trap loses one action per magical
are placed in the correct keyholes and turned on the same sensor disabled. On its initiative, the trap uses each of
round, a powerful wave of primal magic washes over the its actions to target one creature adjacent to or within
room, originating from the alcoves. The wave feels slightly an alcove with a negative effect that corresponds to the
unpleasant for PCs with strong connections to fey, such season opposite the one depicted on the alcove’s murals
as sorcerers with the fey bloodline and gnomes. Despite (DC 24 Fortitude to resist). For the purposes of this trap,
standing far away from the alcoves, Lelzeshin grimaces in creatures who are within an alcove’s landscape count are
pain as the wave washes over him. When the wave passes, within that alcove. The trap can target only one creature
the black metal door leading farther into the vault opens. per alcove per round.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Spring Alcove (death) The decay of late autumn takes hold Hints
of the target. If the PCs cannot figure out this room’s puzzle, an NPC
Critical Success The trap has no effect. can assist them. Note that receiving help from an NPC
Success The target takes 2d6 negative damage. costs the PCs this room’s Treasure Bundle, so don’t offer
Failure The target takes 4d6 negative damage. this assistance unless the players need it.
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6 negative damage If Lelzeshin Accompanies the PCs: Lelzeshin is familiar
and 1d6 persistent negative damage. Effects that use with the trap and the means of opening the door from a
positive energy, such as the heal spell, automatically previous year in which he snuck into this chamber. He
end this persistent damage. spends his turns thinking carefully about what help to
Summer Alcove (cold) Winter’s bitter chill descends on the give the PCs, all the while acting as if he were analyzing
target. the situation for the first time. However, bear in mind
Critical Success The trap has no effect. that Lelzeshin’s only priority is to have the PCs survive
Success The target takes 2d6 cold damage. until the vault is open. He plans on eliminating the PCs
Failure The target takes 4d6 cold damage. in combat, so he has a vested interest in letting the trap
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6 cold damage and is weaken them first. However, he also doesn’t want to
enfeebled 1 for 1 hour. risk that the PCs get too afraid of or frustrated with the
Autumn Alcove (poison) Poisonous springtime pollen situation and abandon the attempt to break in.
sprays at the target. If Lelzeshin Doesn’t Accompany the PCs: Lelzeshin is
Critical Success The trap has no effect. not available as a source of hints. If your players become
Success The target takes 2d6 poison damage. stuck or frustrated with the trap and the vault opening
Failure The target takes 4d6 poison damage. mechanism, a terrified Bhopanese soldier named Hanzuli
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6 poison damage and eventually becomes concerned that the PCs cannot the
is drained 1. situation that raised the alarm on her own, so she enters
Winter Alcove (fire) Heat greater than the hottest summer the room and provides hints based on what she deduces
afternoon engulfs the target. from the situation.
Critical Success The trap has no effect.
Success The target takes 2d6 fire damage.
Failure The target takes 4d6 fire damage.
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6 fire damage and is
dazzled for 1 hour.
Reset The trap is powered by the Eternal Bloom. It resets
after 5 minutes, at which time the doors to the vault slam
shut once again.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter C (Subtier 3–4)
The ceiling of this chamber is 10 feet high. Its walls are SCALING ENCOUNTER C
covered with magical mirrors from floor to ceiling.
Creatures: The treacherous steward Lelzeshin attacks To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
the PCs. He uses mirror feint to attempt to Feint a target Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
before closing to melee to attack with his bloodletting not cumulative.
kukri. He uses mirror target together with produce 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one mirrored Lelzeshin
flame to attack PCs at a distance, particularly relishing to the encounter.
the chance to hit injured PCs who have retreated from 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two mirrored Lelzeshins
melee with him. On the first round of combat, one of to the encounter.
Lelzeshin’s many reflections emerges from a mirrored wall 14–15 Challenge Points: Add three mirrored
and begins attacking the PCs. This mirrored Lelzeshin is Lelzeshins to the encounter.
made of magically reinforced glass but otherwise looks 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ PCs): Add four mirrored
like a replica of Lelzeshin. When scaling the encounter, Lelzeshins to the encounter.
more mirrored Lelzeshins also emerge from the walls.
Lelzeshin is unwilling to concede to the PCs; he fights to
the death. The mirrored Lelzeshins fight until destroyed. numerous mirrors in the room to befuddle his opponents,
When Lelzeshin is defeated, any remaining mirrored making his movements harder to track. If he succeeds at
Lelzeshins are instantly destroyed, collapsing into piles of a Deception check to Feint against a target who can see
shimmering dust. him, the target is flat-footed against melee attacks that he
makes against them until the end of his next turn.
LELZESHIN CREATURE 5 Mirror Target Lelzeshin can use the room’s mirrors to send his
UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID produce flame projectiles in unexpected directions. When
Perception +11 attacking with produce flame, instead of firing it directly
Languages Common, Mwangi, Sylvan at a foe, he can fire the projectile at the nearest mirrored
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +9, Bhopan Lore +11, Deception wall and have it emerge out of the mirrored wall closest to
+14, Diplomacy +12, Legal Lore +11, Nature +10, Society +11, his target. The distance between the mirrors doesn’t count
Stealth +13 against the spell’s range, only the distance the ball of fire
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis –1, Cha +3 travels when it is not inside a mirror.
Items bloodletting kukri, fine clothing, leather armor Sneak Attack Lelzeshin deals 2d6 extra precision damage to
AC 22; Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +9 flat-footed creatures.
HP 70
Mirror Reversal (illusion, mental, occult, teleportation) [reaction] MIRRORED LELZESHIN CREATURE 2
Trigger An attack from an attacker he can see would be a UNIQUE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT
critical success against Lelzeshin; Effect Lelzeshin teleports Perception +5
to one of the mirrored walls, emerging adjacent to it. Languages none
Meanwhile, a duplicate briefly remains, seemingly frozen Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +6, Stealth +9
in place for a second, before detonating as the critical hit Str +1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –4, Wis –1, Cha +0
connects with it. Each creature adjacent to his original Items fine clothing, kukri, leather armor
location takes 4d6 slashing damage (basic Reflex DC 22), and AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +5
these adjacent squares becomes difficult terrain; Frequency HP 20; Hardness 2; Immunities bleed, death effects, disease,
Lelzeshin can use this reaction once per day. doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal
Nimble Dodge [reaction] Trigger Lelzeshin is targeted by a melee or attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious
ranged attack by an attacker he can see; Effect Lelzeshin Nimble Dodge [reaction] Trigger Mirror Lelzeshin is targeted by a
gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering melee or ranged attack by an attacker he can see; Effect
attack. Mirror Lelzeshin gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC
Speed 30 feet against the triggering attack.
Melee [one-action] bloodletting kukri +13 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage Speed 30 feet
2d6+2 slashing Melee [two-actions] kukri +9 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d6+2
Primal Spontaneous Spells DC 22, attack +12; Cantrips (3rd) slashing
produce flame, tanglefoot Sneak Attack Mirrored Lelzeshin deals an 1d6 extra precision
Mirror Feint (visual) Lelzeshin takes advantage of the damage to flat-footed creatures.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
scenario, including any variation described in the text. Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Some encounters require adding creatures or making not cumulative.
other adjustments to scale for different party sizes. 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one snapping flytrap.
Follow the instructions in the Scaling Encounter sidebars 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two snapping flytraps.
to adjust the encounter appropriately. If your group has 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two snapping flytraps
between 16 and 18 Challenge Points and has five or more and one dryad.
PCs, refer to Appendix 1 for your encounters. 33+ Challenge Points: Add three snapping flytraps
and one dryad.
Encounter A, Wave 1 (Subtier 5–6)
A dryad and her snapping flytrap allies are the first to
respond to the PCs’ arrival. The dryad begins combat Primal Innate Spells DC 21, attack +11; 5th tree stride (×2); 4th
by loudly denouncing the PCs as intruders upon sacred charm (×3), suggestion; 3rd sleep; 2nd entangle (at will),
ground, for which the only fitting punishment is death. tree shape (at will); Cantrips (2nd) tanglefoot; Constant
She has no interest in conversing with the PCs and doesn’t (4th) speak with plants
share her name with them. She casts spells to impede the Tree Meld [two-actions] (primal, transmutation) The dryad touches a
PCs’ movement to make it easier for her slow-moving tree of enough volume to contain her and merges into it for
companions to attack. The flytraps fight to the death. If as long as she wishes. She can Cast a Spell while inside as
reduced to 15 Hit Points or fewer, the dryad uses Tree long as the spell doesn’t require a line of effect outside the
Meld to hide inside of a tree, at which point she does not tree. She can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the
bother the PCs further. Expelling her from the tree with tree. She can Dismiss this effect.
significant physical damage requires the PCs to deal a total Significant physical damage dealt to the tree expels the
of 60 damage to the tree. The tree has an AC of 10 and dryad from the tree and deals 3d6 damage to her. Passwall
Hardness 5. expels the dryad without dealing damage.
If a dryad uses this ability on her bonded tree, she
DRYAD CREATURE 3 instead enters an extradimensional living space within the
CN MEDIUM FEY NYMPH PLANT tree; Tree Meld gains the extradimensional trait. A dryad
Perception +10; low-light vision can bring up to two other creatures with her when entering
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan; speak with plants her home within her bonded tree. The dryad can still be
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +5, Crafting +7 (+9 expelled from this space as above.
woodworking), Diplomacy +9, Nature +13, Stealth +9,
Survival +12
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +4
Nature Empathy The dryad can use Diplomacy to Make an
Impression on and make very simple Requests of animals
and plants.
AC 19; Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +10
HP 55; Weaknesses cold iron 5, fire 5
Tree Dependent A dryad is mystically bonded to a single great
tree and must remain within 300 feet of it. If she moves
beyond that range, she becomes sickened 1 and is unable
to recover. She must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save every
hour or increase the sickened value by 1 (to a maximum of
sickened 4). After 24 hours, she becomes drained 1, with this
value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A dryad can
perform a 24-hour ritual to bond herself to a new tree.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] branch +12 (finesse, magical), Damage 1d12+2

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Perception +7; tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10 (+13 in undergrowth)
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –2
AC 18; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7
HP 50 each; Immunities mental; Weaknesses fire 5;
Resistances acid 5
Quick Capture [reaction] Trigger A creature hits or touches the flytrap.
Effect The flytrap makes a leaf Strike against the triggering
creature. If it hits, the creature is grabbed in that leaf.
Speed 15 feet
Melee [one-action] leaf +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus
1d6 acid and Improved Grab
Focused Assault [two-actions] The flytrap attacks a single target with
both its leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf Strike. On a
success, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike
plus an additional 1d8 damage for every leaf beyond the
first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage from one
leaf Strike, but it can’t use Improved Grab. It deals no
damage on a critical failure. This counts toward the flytrap’s
multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the
number of leaves the flytrap has.
Hungry Flurry [two-actions] The flytrap makes two leaf Strikes at a
–2 penalty, each against a different target. These attacks
count toward the flytrap’s multiple attack penalty, but the
multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes
all its attacks.
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 1d8+1 bludgeoning plus
1d6 acid, Rupture 5

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter A, Wave 2 (Subtier 5–6)
Drawn by the sounds of combat, a group of malicious SCALING ENCOUNTER A, WAVE 2
bilokos rushes in from the southwest corner of the map.
The biloko warriors prefer to attack in melee with their To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
jaws, but they throw their spears if they have trouble Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
reaching the PCs. They prefer to attack in melee with not cumulative.
their jaws, but they throw their spears if they have 19–22 Challenge Points: Replace one of the biloko
trouble reaching the PCs. If present, a biloko veteran uses warriors with a biloko veteran.
its shortbow when forced to attack at range. A PC who 23–27 Challenge Points: Replace both of the biloko
succeeds at a DC 16 Recall Knowledge check to identify warriors with biloko veterans.
them learns that bilokos feed on the flesh of humanoids, 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two biloko veterans to
most often by unhinging their vast, crocodile-like jaws the encounter.
and devouring the humanoids whole, much as a snake 33+ Challenge Points: Remove one biloko warrior
would eat its prey. A PC who critically succeeds at this from the encounter and add three biloko veterans.
check also knows that almost all sightings of this fey that
the Pathfinder Society is aware of have been in the jungles
of the Mwangi Expanse. The statistics for bilokos come BILOKO VETERANS (2) CREATURE 4
from Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders. NE SMALL FEY
Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders 82
BILOKO WARRIORS (2) CREATURE 1 Perception +11; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
NE SMALL FEY Languages Mwangi, Sylvan
Pathfinder Adventure Path #146: Cult of Cinders 82 Skills Athletics +10, Crafting +10, Intimidation +12, Nature +9,
Perception +7; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet Stealth +13, Survival +11
Languages Mwangi, Sylvan Str +4, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Nature +5, Stealth +6, Survival +6 Items longspear, shortbow (20 arrows)
Str +3, Dex +2, Con –1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1 AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +11
Items spears (4), wooden shield (Hardness 3, 12 HP, BT 6) HP 58 each
AC 16 (18 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +7 Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
HP 19 Speed 20 feet
Shield Block [reaction] Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d8+5 piercing
Speed 20 feet Melee [one-action] longspear +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+5 piercing
Melee [one-action] jaws +8, Damage 1d8+3 piercing Ranged [one-action] shortbow +14 (deadly d10, range increment 60
Melee [one-action] spear +8, Damage 1d6+3 piercing feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +7 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+3 piercing Primal Innate Spells DC 21; 1st charm
Primal Innate Spells DC 17; 1st charm Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) As biloko warrior.
Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) If a biloko feasts on a human Swipe [two-actions] The veteran makes a melee Strike and compares
corpse for 1 minute or more, they gain a +1 status bonus the attack roll result to the AC of up to two foes, each of
to attack rolls and a +2 status bonus to damage rolls for whom must be within their melee reach and adjacent to
1 hour. each other. Roll damage only once and apply it to each
creature hit. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the veteran’s
multiple attack penalty.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter B (Subtier 5–6)
Each of the alcoves sports a different mosaic on its floor SCALING ENCOUNTER B
that depicts a scene that is iconic of one of the four
seasons. The mosaics wrap around L-shaped walls. In the To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
inner corner of each L-shaped wall, there is a keyhole. Challenge Point adjustments.
If Lelzeshin doesn’t accompany the PCs, the body of a 25+ Challenge Points: Increase the hazard’s Stealth
Bhopanese person is slumped against the wall of each of bonus and the DCs of checks to Disable it by 2. Increase
the alcoves, just beneath the keyhole. The walls of each the DC of the Fortitude save to resist its effects by 1.
alcove are shrouded in fog. The first PC to approach Increase the damage the trap deals on a failed save by
within 10 feet of the foggy walls of an alcove is pulled 2, and on a successful save by 1 (the trap still has no
in to a landscape that is emblematic of that season: fields effect on a critical success).
of flowers for spring, a hot day at a pristine beach for
summer, a forest whose trees show off the full colors of
autumn, or a frigid field of snow for winter. After what The locations of each seasonal alcove and the
feels like a long time (but is in fact only 1 round), the PC appearance of their mosaics is as follows.
emerges from the interior corner of the alcove they just left Autumn Alcove (Northeast): This orange and red
with a key in hand, facing toward the keyhole in the inner mosaic depicts a bat-faced Bhopanese woman, bent and
corner of the L-shaped wall. grizzled with age. She is surrounded by colorful leaves.
Each of the four alcoves generates a key in the same Winter Alcove (Northwest): This mosaic is blue with
way, with the following exceptions. traces of red. It depicts a blue-tinted wasteland with a
• A PC who is currently holding a key cannot be stain of red, from which a thorny growth rises.
pulled into another landscape. Summer Alcove (Southeast): This white, gold, and
• If a PC who is already holding a key picks up a yellow mosaic depicts massive plant ships sailing a sea
second key (likely by taking it from another PC), of light.
the first key they picked up vanishes. The alcove it Spring Alcove (Southwest): This mosaic depicts a young
came from can now pull in a PC again. girl running from trees in the distance. While it features
While the PCs might at first think that they need to many colors, the predominant color in the mosaic is green.
put each key into the keyhole in the alcove it came from, Hazard: The alcoves are warded with a trap that
this solution is incorrect. Each key must be placed in the leverages magic tied to the seasons against intruders.
keyhole in the alcove representing the opposite season.
Attempting to put a key into a keyhole takes an Interact SEASON’S TOLL HAZARD 6
action. A PC who attempts to place a key in a keyhole COMPLEX MAGICAL TRAP
other than the one corresponding to the opposite season Stealth +15 (expert)
realizes that the key doesn’t fit. When a PC places a key in Description Arcs of primal energy emerge from the L-shaped
the correct keyhole, the key snaps into place and cannot stone wall at the center of each alcove.
be removed. Turning a key in the correct keyhole takes Disable Crafting or Thievery DC 28 (expert) to rig up a dummy
an Interact action and produces an audible click. The or other object to distract one of the trap’s sensors, Nature
fog on the walls of the alcove where the key originated DC 26 (trained) to temporarily befuddle one of the sensors
disappears for 1 round, revealing a landscape appropriate with knowledge of primal magic. Alternatively, inserting
for that alcove’s season. For example, turning the winter the correct key into an alcove’s keyhole disables that
key in the spring alcove causes the fog to disappear from alcove’s sensor.
the winter alcove. Meanwhile, the fog in the alcoves that Season’s Toll (primal, evocation) Trigger A creature enters one
have not had the key that originated from them turned of the four alcoves; Effect The trap rolls initiative.
during that round swirls and shift faster. If all four keys Routine (4 actions) The trap loses one action per magical
are placed in the correct keyholes and turned on the same sensor disabled. On its initiative, the trap uses each of
round, a powerful wave of primal magic washes over the its actions to target one creature adjacent to or within
room, originating from the alcoves. The wave feels slightly an alcove with a negative effect that corresponds to the
unpleasant for PCs with strong connections to fey, such season opposite the one depicted on the alcove’s murals
as sorcerers with the fey bloodline and gnomes. Despite (DC 27 Fortitude to resist). For the purposes of this trap,
standing far away from the alcoves, Lelzeshin grimaces in creatures who are within an alcove’s landscape count are
pain as the wave washes over him. When the wave passes, within that alcove. The trap can target only one creature
the black metal door leading farther into the vault opens. per alcove per round.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Spring Alcove (death) The decay of late autumn takes hold Hints
of the target. If the PCs cannot figure out this room’s puzzle, an NPC
Critical Success The trap has no effect. can assist them. Note that receiving help from an NPC
Success The target takes 2d6+2 negative damage. costs the PCs this room’s Treasure Bundle, so don’t offer
Failure The target takes 4d6+4 negative damage. this assistance unless the players need it.
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6+4 negative damage If Lelzeshin Accompanies the PCs: Lelzeshin is familiar
and 1d6 persistent negative damage. Effects that use with the trap and the means of opening the door from a
positive energy, such as the heal spell, automatically previous year in which he snuck into this chamber. He
end this persistent damage. spends his turns thinking carefully about what help to
Summer Alcove (cold) Winter’s bitter chill descends on the give the PCs, all the while acting as if he were analyzing
target. the situation for the first time. However, bear in mind
Critical Success The trap has no effect. that Lelzeshin’s only priority is to have the PCs survive
Success The target takes 2d6+2 cold damage. until the vault is open. He plans on eliminating the PCs
Failure The target takes 4d6+4 cold damage. in combat, so he has a vested interest in letting the trap
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6+4 cold damage and weaken them first. However, he also doesn’t want to
is enfeebled 1 for 1 hour. risk that the PCs get too afraid of or frustrated with the
Autumn Alcove (poison) Poisonous springtime pollen situation and abandon the attempt to break in.
sprays at the target. If Lelzeshin Doesn’t Accompany the PCs: Lelzeshin is
Critical Success The trap has no effect. not available as a source of hints. If your players become
Success The target takes 2d6+2 poison damage. stuck or frustrated with the trap and the vault opening
Failure The target takes 4d6+4 poison damage. mechanism, a terrified Bhopanese soldier named Hanzuli
Critical Failure The target takes 4d6+4 poison damage eventually becomes concerned that the PCs cannot the
and is drained 1. situation that raised the alarm on her own, so she enters
Winter Alcove (fire) Heat greater than the hottest summer the room and provides hints based on what she deduces
afternoon engulfs the target. from the situation.
Critical Success The trap has no effect.
Success The target takes 2d6+2 fire damage.
Failure The target takes 4d6+4 fire damage.
Critical Failure: The target takes 4d6+4 fire damage and
is dazzled for 1 hour.
Reset The trap is powered by the Eternal Bloom, and disabled
magical sensors automatically reset every 5 minutes.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Encounter C (Subtier 5–6)
The ceiling of this chamber is 10 feet high. Its walls are SCALING ENCOUNTER C
covered with magical mirrors from floor to ceiling.
Creatures: The treacherous steward Lelzeshin attacks the To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
PCs. He uses mirror feint to attempt to Feint a target before Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
closing to melee to attack with his bloodletting kukri. He not cumulative.
uses mirror target together with produce flame to attack 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one mirrored Lelzeshin
PCs at a distance, particularly relishing the chance to hit to the encounter.
injured PCs who have retreated from melee with him. On 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two mirrored Lelzeshins
the first round of combat, one of Lelzeshin’s many reflections to the encounter.
emerges from a mirrored wall and begins attacking the PCs. 28–32 Challenge Points: Add three mirrored
This mirrored Lelzeshin is made of magically reinforced Lelzeshins to the encounter.
glass, but otherwise looks like a replica of Lelzeshin. When 33+ Challenge Points: Add four mirrored Lelzeshins
scaling the encounter, more mirrored Lelzeshins also emerge to the encounter.
from the walls. Lelzeshin is unwilling to concede to the
PCs; he fights to the death. The mirrored Lelzeshins fight
until destroyed. When Lelzeshin is defeated, any remaining Mirror Feint (visual) Lelzeshin takes advantage of the
mirrored Lelzeshins are instantly destroyed, collapsing into numerous mirrors in the room to befuddle his opponents,
piles of shattered mirror fragments. making his movements harder to track. If he succeeds at a
Deception check to Feint against a target who can see him,
LELZESHIN CREATURE 7 the target is flat-footed against all attacks that he makes
UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID against them until the end of his next turn.
Perception +15 Mirror Target Lelzeshin can use the room’s mirrors to send his
Languages Common, Mwangi, Sylvan produce flame projectiles in unexpected directions. When
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +11, Bhopan Lore +13, attacking with produce flame, instead of firing it directly
Deception +18, Diplomacy +16, Legal Lore +13, Nature +12, at a foe, he can fire the projectile at the nearest mirrored
Society +13, Stealth +16 wall and have it emerge out of the mirrored wall closest to
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Wis –1, Cha +4 his target. The distance between the mirrors doesn’t count
Items bloodletting kukri, high-fashion fine clothing, leather against the spell’s range, only the distance the ball of fire
armor travels when it is not inside a mirror.
AC 25; Fort +12, Ref +18, Will +12 Sneak Attack Lelzeshin deals 2d6 extra precision damage to
HP 110 flat-footed creatures.
Evasion When Lelzeshin rolls a success on a Reflex save, he
gets a critical success instead. MIRRORED LELZESHIN CREATURE 4
Mirror Reversal (illusion, mental, occult, teleportation) [reaction] UNIQUE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT
Trigger An attack from an attacker he can see would be a Perception +8
critical success against Lelzeshin; Effect Lelzeshin teleports Languages None
to one of the mirrored walls, emerging adjacent to it. Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +8, Stealth +11
Meanwhile, a duplicate briefly remains, seemingly frozen Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –4, Wis –1, Cha +0
in place for a second, before detonating as the critical hit Items fine clothing, kukri, leather armor
connects with it. Each creature adjacent to his original AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +8
location takes 6d6 slashing damage (basic Reflex DC 25), HP 44; Hardness 4; Immune bleed, death effects, disease,
and these adjacent squares becomes difficult terrain; doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal
Frequency Lelzeshin can use this reaction once per day. attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious
Nimble Dodge [reaction] Trigger Lelzeshin is targeted by a melee or Nimble Dodge [reaction] Trigger Mirror Lelzeshin is targeted by a
ranged attack by an attacker he can see; Effect Lelzeshin gains melee or ranged attack by an attacker he can see; Effect
a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Mirror Lelzeshin gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC
Speed 30 feet against the triggering attack.
Melee [one-action] bloodletting kukri +16 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage Speed 30 feet
2d6+6 slashing Melee [one-action] kukri +14 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d6+4 slashing
Primal Spontaneous Spells DC 25, attack +16; Cantrips (4th) Sneak Attack Mirrored Lelzeshin deals 2d6 extra precision
produce flame, tanglefoot damage to flat-footed creatures.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
Appendix 3: Art and Handout


Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan

Orchid Castle

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan


Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan


Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan


21A 08A 22A

01B 21B
02B 06B


24A 07A 23A

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan


06A 04A 07A


05A 35B 08A

Pathfinder Society Scenario

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
GM References
Treasure Table
Level Treasure Bundle
3 3.8 gp
4 6.4 gp
5 10 gp
6 15 gp

Chronicle Sheet
If the PCs defeat Lelzeshin, they secure his bloodletting kukri. PCs who ritually shed blood while in Bhopan, such as in
greeting to King Webhekiz or bled during any of masquerade activities, gain the Blood Offering boon.

Treasure Bundles:
▫ Trek through the Jungle, page 6: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫▫ Area A, page 8: 2 Treasure Bundles
▫An Audience with the King, page 12: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫▫▫The Masquerade of Seasons, page 18: 3 Treasure Bundles
▫ Area B, page 18: 1 Treasure Bundle
▫▫Area C, page 21: 2 Treasure Bundles

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan © 2020, Paizo
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: The Perennial Crown Part 1: Opal of Bhopan © 2020, Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure
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and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–16: Character Chronicle #

The Perennial Crown Part 1: Herolab Code

Opal of Bhopan A2D6

Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -2
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation

Adventure Summary
On the trail of the legends of the famous early Pathfinder Selmius Foster, you traveled to the place he died—the isolated island of Bhopan.
After surviving an onslaught from the island’s fey, you found a magically advanced society whose people have deep connections to the
fey. The king of Bhopan invited you to participate in a grand masquerade. The royal steward, Lelzeshin, gave you a chance what Foster
sought by entering the royal vaults. After speaking to him, you (▫ worked with him to break into the vaults / ▫ refused his suggestion,
and instead wound up accompanying guards to the vault’s defense after Lelzehin broke in on his own.) Ultimately, you battled Lelzehin
over control of a primal artifact, the Perennial Crown. As soon as the artifact was in your hands, the vault collapsed, trapping you inside.
The story continues in Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–17: The Perennial Crown Part 2: The Thorned Monarch.

Blood Offering (Slotless): Bhopanese culture has numerous traditions that involve bloodletting as a sign
of respect or a show of bravery. You participated in at least one of these traditions. This boon will have an
effect in future scenarios. Starting XP

XP Gained

Items Purchases Final XP

Items Sold / Conditions Gained
bloodletting kukriU (240 gp, level 6)
sneaky key (22 gp, level 5)
Starting GP

GP Gained


Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared

bloodletting kukriU (240 gp, level 6) Items Sold

GP Spent

Total GP


Starting Fame
Notes Downtime

Fame Earned

Total Fame

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #

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