Tender Notice - 0002

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Kany PERAC: RESEARCH &(DEVELOPMENTIROUNDA' TENDER NOTICE PROF, a subsidiary of PERAC intends to purchase following equipment for its laboratory from Sales Tax registered suppliers/manufacturers 1. Flue Gas Analyzer Tender documents can be obtained on payment of Rs. 2,000/- as tender fee (non-refundable) during Monday to Friday between 9:30 hrs. to 16:00 hrs. Your bids should reach our office located at below mentioned address, latest by 26-06-2023 before 10:30 hrs. which shall be opened on the same day at 11:00 hrs. In presence of the bidders who wish to be present. ENGINEERING & PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 7-B, Korangi Industrial Area, Adjacent NRL, KARACHI-74900 Ph: 021-35122412,"021-35121842 & 021-35054669-72 + Website: www.prdlab.com E-mail: info@prdiab.com, prd@cyber.net.pk ANALYTICAL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (UNDER SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE} — TENDER ENQUIRY NO. PRDE/Flue Gas Analyzer 2022/23 | Bid Closing date & time 26-06-2023 at 10:30 Hrs. | Bid Opening date & time: 26-06-2023 at 11:00 Hrs, Venue: Conference Room, PRD Building, 1* Floor 7-B, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi-74900 Phone: 021-35122412, 021-35054669-70 PERAC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Engineering & Procurement Department 7B, KORANGI INDUSTRIAL AREA, ADJACENT NRL, KARACHI - 74900 Phone: 021-35122412, 021-35054669-70, Fax: 021-35054745 www prllab.com ‘Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 20: <> PERAC Research & Development Foundation (PRDF) Contents Invitation to Bid ; 4 Section — 1 General Terms & Conditions 5-13 Section -2 Special ao Conditions 14-15 Section -3 Bid Form (Schedule of requirement 16 Section - 4 Specifications/Drawing {if applicable) 17-19 Format of BilBan Bank Guarantee 20 Annexure-B Format of Performance Bank Guarantee 21 Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 Page PERAC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION vig Teehmelepy Links GAR MES Peron! Deine NiggeonesNd Uns 6 : Tender Enquiry NoPRD F] Flac Zeb 2022-[2% INVITATION TO BID PERAC Research & Development Foundation, (PRDFY hs the pleasure in extending you an invitation, to submit bid for the subject equipment according to Terms and Conditions specified in the attached Tender Document, Please rend following instructions before submission of bc! 1. Bids are to be submited in sealed envelope, indicating tender enquiry No. & its opening date and time on the face of the envelope. 2. Bid bond @ 2% of the total value shall be enclosed with tt bid without which bid will be rejected and retumed to bidder unannounced. The bid bond shall remain valid rll the last date of the month in which its expiring 3. In-ease the bid opening date falls on a holiday or due to some unavoidable circumstances, i is not possible to open on scheduled date, it will be opened on nest working day at the same time. 4. The bidder shall bear all expenses associated With the preparation and delivery of its bidlsumple and PROF will in no case be liable in this respect. Prospective bidder requiring any information or clarifieation ofthe tender may notify the same by fax or atthe mailing address. PRDF will respond to any request for explanation or clarification, if received within reasonable time prior to submission of bids. 6, PRDF reserves the right wo cancel, add, delete ct amend tendered items/quantities/any part of the tender dung the bidding period without assigning any renson, However, bidders shall be informed about it prior to bid ‘opening process. 7, PRDF reserves the sight to accept or reject ans*bid or part of a bd or to annul the bidding proc alLbids at any time prior to award of contractipurchase order without thereby incurring any lab aflected bidder(s leis a case of two (2) envelop bidding system Tender document, sealed technical offer & sealed commercial bid shall be submitted in separate envelopes (bid bend will be enclosed separately. exact calculation on the basis of 2%bid bond value isnot required in two envelop bidding system in onder to protect bid amount from disclosure) hhowever it should not be less than 2%. “Technical” and “Commercial” is o be clearly and boldly mentioned on te fiont top of the envelope. Technical offers avll be opened and evaluated frst. Commercial offers of only technically compliant bidders will be openeel af-a later intimated date in presence of bidder's representatives, ‘Commercial offers of technically non-compliant ‘idders will be retuned un-opened along with their bid bond 9. Deleted 10. Your confirmation by fax No+92-21-350S474S or email at info@prdiab.com or letter to Head E & Procurement of your intention to submit the bi and i not interested in submission of bi, it will be appreciated iF tis intimated through fax or email with mentioning of reasons. 1. Bids are requited to be submitted at Attention: Head Engineering and Procurement PERAC Research and Development(PRDF) PRD Building, 7-B, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan. Ph, # 0092-21-35122412, 0092-21-35054669-70, Fax # 0092-21-35034745 Hope and look forward for your valued participation, ‘Thanking you Yours sincerely Head (Engineering Procurement) ‘Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 “Page 4 oF 19 zi Section — General Terms & Conditions 1. Submission of bids: 1.1 Bids are to be submitted in separate seated envelopes in such a manner that contents are fully kept enclosed! and cannot be seen until opened -On front of envelop clearly indicating tender enquiry number, its opening date and time (on the top of the envelope) and “Technical” or “Commercial” as the case be Envelopes shall be addressed to Head (Engineering &Procurement Department) on the address provided ‘on “invitation to bid”, Envelope shall indicate the name and address of the bidder for returning the bid in ease it is declared late or submited without bid bond 2 Sealed bids (as above) shall be mailed submittedidropped in ender box placed at Administration Room, PRD Building, Korangi, Karachi, Bids ire to be delivered on or before closing time ater which bid will not be entertained. In ease bid is sent through courier, the same shall be delivered atleast half an hour before scheduled opening time. 1.3 PROF may at its discretion extend the closing date forthe submission of bids, in which case all vights and obligations of the purchaser and bidders previously subject to the closing date will theveatier be subject tothe date extended, However. any request for extension received trom prospective bidders fess than one week prior to bid opening date may not be entertained. in case of extension in bid opening date the same will be intimated to prospective bidder who had purchased the tender documents 1.4 The bid shall contain no intertineations, erasures or overvsiting except as necessary to corret the ercors tmade by the bidder, in ense of any correction ete. it shall be signed and stamped by the person sighing the bid. 1.5. The quoted price shail be inclusive of all duties taxes except GST. which is to be mentioned separately The supplier shall declare (it applicable) regarding’ non-applicability of GST for which documentary evidence shall be enclosed or could be produced upon demand. 1.6 Rates shall be item-wvise, as given in price’Schedule/schedule of requirement/Bid Form unless otherwise specified 1.7 Bidder is responsible for timely delivery of bids at location specified 1.2 above. PRIIF will not be responsible for misplacementtampering’non-aitendance/delay or any other incident in case the bid is Not delivered at the designated place & time. Any bid received late after the closing date and time, shall be rejected and retuned unopened ‘The quotation shall only be acceptable ontts per Bid Form. In case of alternative offer, photocopy of Bid Form shall be used. Bid bond value shall be calculated on the highest rates. In ease when Local Agent submits bid on behalfof different bidders, a separate Bid Bond far each Bid is required 1.10 Deviation from tender terms and conditions is not allowed. However, it unavuidble eirunnstanees these shall be mentioned atthe bottom of “Section 3: Bid Form" deviation on any other pase will not be entertained 1 Discount offered (ifany) shall be mentioned on the “bid form” only 2 The bidder(s) or their authorized representative shall put his fll signature with stomp & date on each age of tender document as well a5 enélgsure vis-A-vis drawings, specifications ete. Any correction, overwriting shall be duly signed & stamped, 1.13. The bid is to be completed and returned to PROF in accordance with, General terms & conditions General terms & conditions duly signed & stamped (as a token of acceptance) shall be submitted slong with Bid Form (Price schedule) duly completed as per requirement, However, specifications draviti is to be retained by bidder for ther Future references, Eligible Countries / bidders: : ‘The invitation for bids is open to all manufacturers/suppliers/stockiest/dealers/pre-qualitied bidders but is not applicable to those countries where inter trade protocols with Pakistan do not exist or those countries fram where imports are not allowed by Government of Pakistan 3. Qualification/Disqualification of Suppliers: PROF, at any stage of the procurement proceedings, having credible reasons for or prima ficie evidence of any defect in supplier's or contractor's capacities, may require the suppliers or contractors 10 provile information regarding their professional, technical, financial, legal or managerial competency, whether alecady pre-qualified or not. PROF shall disqualify a supplier or contractor if it finds, at any time that the information regarding their qualification as supplier oF contractor was false and materially inaccurate or incomplete ‘Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 or I . Op Joint Ventures: a In the event that the successful bidder is a joint venture (formation of two or more companies), PROF will require an undertaking on judicial stamp paper that the parties to the joint venture accept joint and several liabilities for all obligations under the purchase order/contract. n of tender documents Prospective bidders requiring any further information or clarification of the tender documents may notify PROF in writing or by fax or at PROF*s mailing address indicated in the “invitation to bids". PRDE will respond in writing to any request for information or clarification of the tender documents, if received five ‘working days prior to closing date forthe submission of bids prescribed by PRDF. PROF response (including an explanation of the query) will be sent in writing or by faxie-mail to all prospective bidders who have purchased the tender documents, Verbal intructions/teference will not be acceptable Modification and withdrawal of bi 6.1 The bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid submission, provided the written notice of the "modification or withdrawal is received by PRDF prior tothe deadline presribed for submission of bid After the bid/quotations are opened, no bidder shall be allowed to revise, propose or request any chine inthe bid 62 The bidder's modifeation or withdrawal notice shall be sealed andl addressed to Head (Engineern Procurement). withdrawal notice may’ Be sent by fex followed by a signed cops 6.3 Bids once opened cannot be withdravn during validity period & Bid validity: All offers shall remain valid up to 120 days froni the date df opening of bids, until any further extension agreed by the bidder, Ifthe bidder agrees for extending bid validity, the bid bond shall also be extended accordingly A bidder giving extension to his bid validity will not be required ot permitted to modify his bid. If there will be any query/clarfication or extension requestasked by PRDF, the bidder should reply the same within 7 days afier receipt of the same and if bidder takes more than 7 days the delay in reply will be added to their bid validity period, Rate Escalation: Deleted Bid bond (earnest money): Bid bond equivalent to two pereent (2%) of the total offer value, in favor of “PERAC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION" shall accompany the bid if bid value is above Rs.500,000 in the form oF pay order, demand draft, call deposit receipt or a bank guarantee (specimen of bank guarantee is attached a Anmexure-A), issued by a scheduled bank in Pakistan, The bid bond shall remain valid for 150 days unless specified otherwise. The bid bond shall be returned refunded to the un-sueeessful bidders while the bid bond of the successful bidder shall be retained, tll submission of Performance bond (it applicable). Bidls without bid bond will not be considered. In case the-order value is less than Rs: $00,000 the bid bond in lieu of performance bond will be retained til Fulfillment of obligations by the supplier. Hotvever, in either case the bidder is responsible to arrange the extension the bid bond validity as per requirement. Ibid bond submitted by the supplier is more than 2% of ordered value, it may be replaced with appropriate value. If order vaiue is less than Rs, $00,000, the bid bond will be returned along with the order. Bid bonds of non-compliant bidders ‘may be released during evaluation process. The bid bond may be forfeited ifa bidder withclraws the bid during validity period specified by the bidder or if successful bidder fails to: Accept purchase order, Z Furish performance guarantee in accordance with clause 16 of Section 1 Supply material as per requirement and delivery schedule ing of bids: Bids will be opened in presence of bidders or their authorized agents atthe adress provided on “invitation to bids”, The bidder's representatives who are present shall sign the bid opening sheet (attendance sheet) to mark their attendance/witness. Commercial contents of bids will be announced / recorded in bid opening sheet. Preliminary Examination of bids: HL PRDF will examine the bids to determine their completior wantees, authorized signature and other related matters computational e1rurs, provision of 11.2 Arithmetic errors will be rectified on the following basis. Discrepancy between unit price and the total rive obtained by multiplying the unif price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price will be corrected. Discrepancy between total bid amount and the sum of total prices, the total prices shall prevail and the total bid amount will be corrected. 11.3 Prior to a composed evaluation, PRDF will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. in PRDF's opinion a substantially responsive bid is the one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the bidding documents without any material deviation, 11.4 Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by PRDF and cannot be made responsive subsequently by the bidder through correction of the non-conformity 12, Clarification of submitted bids To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, PRDF may at its discretion inquire any clarification from bidder about their bid, All responses by bicklets shall be provided in writing and no chan in the price or substance of the bid shall be soughn, offered or permitted 13, Technical Literature & Samples: ‘The Bidder(s) shal submit the following: 13.1 Samples (if applicable‘required) 13.2. Original or legible copy of technical literature/pertormance characteristics in English fan 13.3. Test (Calibration Certificates (if applicable/required) 134 Documentary evidence for legal import in case of imported material 133. Deleted 13.6. Specification Compliance Sheet 5 PROF requires a clause-by-clause commentary on the Specifications. demonstrating the materials Tesponsiveness to those specifications oF a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of” the specifications, if so required desired. For purposes of the commentary to be furnished pursuant to above, the bidder shall note that standards for equipment and references to brand names or catalogue numbers, designated by PRDF in the specifications are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The bidder may substitute other authoritative standards, brand names andor catalogue humbers in its bid provided which demonstrates to PRDF's satisfaction that the substitutes are equivalent or superior to those designated in the specifications by PRDF. Bid which does not possess above documents, certificates etc.. may be considered technically Non compliant. * 13.7. The offer shall be accompanied with alt technical data/documents/certifications as required under the tender specifications. Evaluation shall*e carried out on the basis of data / documents / certifications submitted with the bid. No clarification, additional information may be sought / accepted after bid opening. 13.8 Deviation to technical specifications ‘The bidder shall mention the offered specifications along with reference 10 its technical brochure/literature (page/elause No. etc:). Statement such as “Compliant” of “Confirmed” is not acceptable. Deviation to tender terms and technical specification is not acceptable, However, if bidder feels to mention minor ceviation, the same shall be referred categorically on the “Bid Form’ us well as (on the technical compliance sheet statis reference of its technical data sheet ‘brochure. In insuificient information, data or documents, PRDF is not liable to seek clarification and the bid im: determined non-compliant on provided information, ‘ase of Note that all supplied documentation/literature/certificates, etc., shall be in English language (or translated in English) 7 14, Award/Evaluation Crite 14.1 Deleted i 14.2 Generally ordering shall be based on teejiical compliance and lowest quoted price. Supplies may be subject pre shipment inspection and gost qualification by a third party in ease of foreign material. required during the process of manufacturing and / or inspection, PRDF representative may visit the ‘manufacturer facility to witness the manufacturing / inspection process. 14.3 Evaluation may be carried out both on item or off group of items’single or multiple package basis depending upon the nature of requirement exclusively at the discretion of PRDF to enstire economic procurement, Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 44 PROF reserve the right to settle the finalterms of supply with the lowest evaluated and commercially responsive bidder, Any effort by the bidder (s) to influence the outcome of bid evaluation or placement of purchase order may result in disqualification of the bidder. 15, Loading of Bids: Deleted 16, Performance Bond: 16.1 164 165 166 167 168 In ease purchase order value is above Rs: $00,000, the successful bidders shall submit performance bond guarantee which is to be submitted within ten days from receipt of LOL of order. ‘The suecesstul bidders shal submit a performance bank guarantee (PBI) in the form of a pay order or bank guarantee (specimen attached at Annexure-B) issued by a scheduled bank in Pakistan, for an amount equivalent to 10% of the total value ofthe purchase order or as specified, inthe “letter of intent”, The performance bond unless specified otherwise, shall remain valid tll; 16.1.1 Completion of final satisfactory delivery in ease of consumable items, 16.12. 12-18 months from the date of satisfactory delivery of the equipment’machinery 16.13 Satisfactory delivery/installation and trial run of the system in case the installation responsibility is on suppliet’s part. 16.1.4 120 days in ease of chemicals 16.1.5. Incase of locally manufactured iegm, the PBG equivalent 1o 3 months delivery schedule will be required after placement of puichise order which should remain valid till completion of final satisfactory delivery ofthe ordered! quantity 16.1.6 Deleted : 16.1.7 In case of Vehicles, Manutactueet’s Warranty i required in lieu of PB. ‘The performance guarantee will be relegsed afier completion of this period, subject to satstactory performance of the supplied equipmepi/thachinery/system as mentioned at 16.1 above, The supplier Shall keep the guarantee valid at their cst until fulfillment of te ob! In case the bidder does not subiit the performance bond as specified the delivery time of goods shal be deemed to have commenced 10 dy§ (15 days"in case of import) from the issuance of letter of intentpurchase order. The proceeds of the performance bond shall be payable to PROF as compensation for any loss resulting from the suppliers failure to complete its work under the purchase order’ contract. The validity period of the performance bond is to be extended if the delivery date/period is being extended mutually by PRDF supplier. ‘The performance bond will be discharged / returned by PRDF not later than thirty (30) days following the date of completion of the supplies work under the purchase order‘contract including. any warranty/guarantee(performance obligations as specified in the special concltions of contact. The Supplier shall not be absolved of ther liability to perform in case of encashment of performance bond by PRDF, who shall have the right 19 cloim and receive all damages/losses incurred due to non performance. : PROF shall promptly notify the supplies, in writing for any claim arising under this guarantee, Upon receipt of such notice, the supplier shall promptly repair or replace the defective goods or pars thereat wwithous cost fo PRDF other than, where applicable the cost of inland delivery ofthe repaired or replaced goods or parts from the port of entry tothe final destination. if the supplier, having been notified, falls to rectify the defect (s) in accordance with the purchase ordercontract, PRDF may proceed to take such remedial actions as may be necessary at the supplier's expense. Any’ amount payable by the supplier under this clause may be reeavered by PRDF by Withdrawing from the performance bond without having to notify or seek the approval ot the supplier Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit supplier’s obligation of performance of the orler/contact to the value ofthe performance bond GuaranteefWarranty: In cose where performance guarantee is not applicable, the supplier shal confirm that all supplied goods under the contract/purchase order are new, unused, of the most recent or current models and incorporate all,reeent improvements in design and goods unless provided there rte contac/purtiaze onde. This guaante shall remain valid for pied of twelve v0 eighteen months after the goods have begn delivered or commissioned 17. Purchase OrderiContract: : Purchase order of quoted material may be placed on fulfillment of conditions mentioned st 14 &16 above which is through formal confirmation for progeedings with the suppliers. “Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 Page Bat 18. Assurance: The successful bidder will be required to give satisfactory assurance of its ability and intention to deliver the goods, pursuant to the tender enquiry and contact within the time set forth therein, 19, Roree Majeure: {9.1 In the event of either party hereto being rendered unable, wholly or partially, by force majeure circumstances to carry out its obligatians under the purchase order/eontract documents, such party shall give notice and full particulars and other satisfactory evidence of such force majeure cireumstance(s) in ‘writing or by fax tothe other party within 7 days after the occurrence of the cause(s), Relied upon the obligations of the party giving such potice so far as they are affected by such force majeure shall be suspended for the period during cause(s) shall, as tar as possible, be remedied and obviated with all reasonable dispatch. The term “force majeure’ as employed herein, shall mean acts of God of public enemy, civil insurrection, fires. floods. earthquakes or other physical disasters, order or request of governments, blockade or embargo. fy is, however, clarified that strikes, lockouts. shortage or no availability of raw materials, rains, and disturbances, other labor dispute or congestion’s in ports onthe supplier's side shall not be included ithe term “force snajeure 19.2 In case the force majeure contingencies last continuously for more than one month, both parties will agree on the necessary arrangements forthe further implementation of the purchase orcer‘contract, In cease further implementation is unforeseeable and impossible, both partes shall arranse for the {ermination ofthe purchase order‘contract, but without prejudice to their rights and obligations prior 10 such termination it being understood that each party shall fulfill its contractual obligations so fares they have fallen due before the operation o erce majeure. 20, Amendment in purchase order/eontraet 20.1 PRDF may at any time by @ written notice othe supplier make changes within the general scope ofthe purchase order/contract in any one or ntore of the following:= 20.1.1 Drawings, designs or specifgttions where goods 10 be furnished under the purchase order/contract are to be specifically manufactured for PROF, 20.1.2 The method of shipment or packing. 20.1.3 The place of delivery 20.1.4 Quantities of item up to a maximum variance of 15% of purchase order/contract value. 202. PRDF reserves the right to inevease decrease the quamities oF delete any oral toms listed in the price schedule/schedule of requirementbid form without assigning any reason 20.3, Upon notification by PRDF of such madifications the supplier shall submit to PROF an estimated cost {or the proposed modification within teri (}0) calendar days of receipt of notice ofthe modification and Shall include an estimate of the impact (if any) of the modification on the delivery dates under the Purchase ordericontract, as well as édbtailed schedule for the execution of the modification, if applicable Pe 20.4 The supplier shall nor perform modification in accordance with clause 20.1 above until PRDF have authorized @ modification order in wrtiig on the basis of the estimate provided by the supplier os described in clause 20,3. 20.5 Modification mutually agreed upon shall constitute a part of the work under the purchase order’contract and the provisions and conditions ofthe contract shall apply to the said modification, 20.6 If modification made by PRDF results in a variation in purchase order/eontract quautities whose net cost effect is within 15% ofthe total vatue than the original purchase order/contract rates would be applicable. Any “modification” affectitg the quantities and the corresponding eost effect beyond 15% would be mutually agreed upon bewees! PROF and the supplier 21. Extension in d 21.1. Delivety of the goods shall be made by the supplier in accordance with the schedule of requirement and elivery period; however, the supplier may claim extension ofthe tine limits asset rorth inthe schedule of requirements and delivery period in case of 21.1.1 Modification inthe goods ordered by PROF pursuant to clause 20, 21.1.2 Delay in provision of any services which are to be provided by PRDF (services provided by PRDF shal be interpreted to inetyde all approvals by PRDF under the contract) j 21.1.3 Delay in performance of work dapsed by orders Issued by PRDF. 21.2 The supplier shall demonstrate to PRDP's satisfaction that it has used its best endeavors 0 avoid or overcome such causes for delay and the. parties will mutually agree upon remedies to mitigate or overcome such causes for delay. “Tender Document Five Gas Analyzer 20022025 Tore 21.3 Notwithstanding clause 21.1 above, the supplier shall not be entitled to ari extension of time for completion unless the supplier a the time of such circumstances arising, immediately has notified PRDF in writing of any delay that it may claim as caused by circumstances pursuant to clause 21.1 above and §pon request of PRDF, the supplier shall substantiate that he delay oceurrd i due to the circumstances referred by the supplier: 22. Packing: 2.1 The material shall be in original/sealed packing to ensure delivery without any damage during transit If any of the good is discovered to be damaged or unacceptable at the point of embarkation, the supplier shall be responsible for replacement of those goods free of any charge and cost to PRDF, within the delivery time schedule of the contract/purchase order. 2.3 The identification marks showing contents, quantity and contract/purchase order number shall be printed on each skid’metal container‘ease containing one copy of invoice & packing list. 22.4 Handling and Transporation: The supplier shall arrange for the proper stacking of the goods and for its proper storage and lashing and for other such provisions’suitable measures as-may be necessary to safeguard against movement and damage to the goods from the point of loading to its designated destination, 23, Inspection: 23.1 Presdelivery inspection may be carried-out atthe premises of suppliet(s) and/or post-delivery inspection at PRDF, by the appointed inspector inspection team, third party inspectors appointed by PROF. 25.2. PRDF reserves the right to arrange inspections and tests to the goods or manufacturing processes at any stage at any of the premises of the supplier or its subcontractor(s) or and at the point of delivery endl at the goods final destination, Where conducted on the premises of the supplier or its sub-contractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance including access to drawings and production data shall be furnished 1 the inspectors at no charge to PRDF. Such inspection, however, shall not relieve the supplier to fulfill the obligations under the purchase order’contract. If goods fail to conform to the specifications. PROF may reject them. 2. Delivery: 24.1 Free delivery at any ofthe following locations, unless specified otherwise: 24.1.1 PERACR & D Foundation, 7B, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi 24.1.2 Any other location specified by PROF. 24.2. Delivery period shall commence ater 10 days (1S days in ease of import) of the issuance of letter of intent oF from the date of purchase order‘contract whichever is earlier. unless otherwise specified 24.3 The supplier shall replace defective material at their risk & cost including transportavon.dhty, lses etc. 4 24.4 Sales tax Invoice if applicable is to be submitted aiong with material & delivery challan 24.5 Unloading and stacking through cranes, fork lifters labor etc. will be arranged by supplier at delivery site (for material like Pipes/Heavy Machinery & Equipment ec.) 24.6 Delivery isto be made strictly in accordghice with “delivery schedule” as specified by PRDF. 24.7. The rejected material isto be collected '4ifted by the supplier within a maximum period of one month after its intimation by PRDF. Beyond specified period, PRDF shall not be responsible for storage'safety ofthe uncollected material Delivery Failure: 25.1. In case the supplier fails to supply/ship the material within the stipulated period, PRDF have the right to make an altemative arrangement for the purchase of the goods on such terms as may be offered. In such event all losses, cost and charges sustained/incutred by PRDF on stated purchatse shall be recovered from the supplier without prejudice 10 any other right or remedy available to PRDF which includes recovery of losses sustained by PRDF from any due payment of the said supplier 25.2. Inthe event PRDF remains unable to make sue alternative arrangements, PRDF has the right (o recover from the supplier any or all losses sustained as a result of the supplier’s failure to ship’supply the goods as per schedule of delivery 25.3 In the event PRDF being forced to purchase any quantity or any other altemative not specitied in this document as a result of any failure to supply the material, PRDF shall have the right 10 terminate the contract/purchase order without prejucidy.to any other rights or remedies available to PRIDE Tender Document Flue Gas Payment: 26.1 The supplier after delivery of goods and its acceptance shall submit invoice to Fina PRDF, containing following information ie. @) Purchase order No. & date b) Items ©) Quantity 4) Price e) Invoice value 1) Point of delivery g) Delivery challan indicating deliverstdate, ete Payment will be made within 30 days of completion of stated formalities, ice Department of 262, Tax as applicable under the prevailing government rules will be deducted at source (except where the supplier provides tax exemption certificate). Quoted price shall be inclusive of all taxes, except GST/SST, which shall be mentioned separately. 26.3 In case supplier isnot liable to pay tax under the income tax ardinance or is liable to pay tax at a lower rate the supplier shall obtain a certificate from the tax authorities in Pakistan to that effect. In ease the required certificate is not produced by thg supplier prior to the date of payment, then PRDF shall deduct tay at source from the gross payment payable to supplier 27. Liquidated damages: 27.1. If supplier fails to deliver ordered material within the stipulated periodischeduled time specified in purchase order, PRDF, without prejudice to any other remedies, shall deduct from the bill oF any other due payments‘guarantees, as liquidated damages, o"sum equivalent to 0.1% per day ofthe undelivered goods up to maximum 10%, The liquidated damages shall also be applicable for the eancelled quantity of goods under clause 28 Whenever liquidated damages become payable, in the event that delivery ofall goods and equipment is ‘not made within the time period specified except on account of force majeure, PRDF shall quantity the same and shall serve notice to the supplier requiring payment thereof. Ifthe supplier fails to remit payment within 15 days of receipt of such notice, PRDF shal forthwith become entitled to recover the same without recourse to the supplier, by ealling upon The Performance Bond, withdrawals by way of liquidated damages shall not reduce th¢ Value ofthe Performance bond. 27.3. The payment of liquidated damages shall not relieve the supplier ffom performing an fuliling al its obligations under the contractpurchase order nor shall the right and entitlements of the PROF be affected or reduced in any manner. $ 274. Deleted 1 27.5 The liquidated damages shall be the sui equivalent 10 point one percent (0.1%) of the Contract price ofthe delayed goods as unperformed servges foreach day of delay. until actual delivery or performance up to a maximum deduction of ten percené(10°%) of the Contract price, Once this masimunt is reached, PRDF may consider termination of the Cntract atthe tisk and cost of the supplier Default by Supplier: 28.1 PRDF may, without prejudice to any other remedy by written “notice of default” sent to the supplier cancel the purchase order whole or in part; if 28.1.1 The supplier fails to deliver any or all ofthe ordered quantity as per specified delivery schedule or any extension thereof granted’by PRDF. ‘The supplier fails to perform dny other obligation(s) under the “purchase onler” PRDF during the delivery period has reasons to believe thatthe supplier will not be able 10 fulfill the obligations under the purchase ordericontract. PRDF prior to exercising is right to cancel the purchase order/contract shall issue notice to the supplier specifying. the defaults) and the supplier shall submit an explanation within seven (07) days of receipt of such notice If'such explanation isnot furnished within the stipulated time or iso furnished. is found to be unsatisfactory and/or the defaults) continues, purchase order/eontraet may be canceled PROF in addition 0 canceliatio# of purchase order/contract may suspend 'eaneel the enlistment of supplier. 282 PROF shall have the right to teninate/eancel the contracv/purchase order concluded between the supplier and PROF: if 28.2.1 The sucess bidder fils to furnish the performance bond as under 8.1 8 ise To there “Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 20222005 Page Tar 30. 3. 33. 28.2.2 The supplier fails otherwise to perform, fulfill or comply with terms, conditions, regulations and requirements of the contraci/purchase order to carty out the work in accordance with the provisions thereof or abandons the shipment. 28.2.3. The supplier becomes bankrupt or insolvent or makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors 1 28.2.4 One or more consignments of material delayed by a period of more than three months or non supplied, ; 28.2.5 Rejection of manufacturing items as a result of observation by inspection team, 282.6 Deleted 28.3 The supplier shall have the right to terminate the contract/purchase order if 283.1 Deleted 28.3.2 PRDF becomes bankrupt or insglvent or makes an assignment for the benefit ofits creditors, 28.3.3. PRDF is in default and breach ofits obligation and liabilities under the contract/ purchase order. |. Resolution of dispute: PRDF and the supplier shall make every effort to resolve the disagreement or dispute arising between them amicably by direct discussion under or in connection with the purchase order/contract. Applicable law: ' ‘The purchase order/contract shall be governed'by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Deleted: , - Arbitration/resolution of disputes: 32.1. Any difference or dispute arising out of or in connection with the contract between PRDF and the supplier which eannot be amicably resolved shall be referred 10 arbitration in Karachi, Pakisian. to two arbitrators, one appointed by each party of such difference’ dispute. In case the judgment of the said Arbitrator being at variance, the matter shall be referred to an “umpire”, who shall be appointed by both the side Arbitrators. The umpire shal be retired judge ofa High Court or the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Such arbitrators and umpire shall together proceed to adjudicate the disputes in accordance with the Arbitration Act, 1940, as amended fori time to time. Prior to exercising any right by PRDF ot supplier to terminate the purchase order! contract under the conditions stipulated above, a return notice shall be required to be given to the other party specifyin suich defaul(s) and ealling "for submission of an explanation within seven (7) days of receipt of such notice. If such explanation is not furnished within the stipulated time or iso furnished. is found to be unsatisfactory, and the default(s) continuous, the purchase order/contract be terminated with notice 10 other party. 32.3 The agreement shall be governed by Law of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the arbitration langu shall be English. 324 During the course of arbitration, the supplier shall not suspend the performance of his responsibitie and obligations under the contract unless authorized by PRDF in writing to do s. 325. Deleted, Redlressal of grievances by the procuring ageney: 33.1 Grievance Committe is in place 1o adress the complaints oFbidders that may occur prior entry into the procurement contract. 33.2 Agerieved bidder may lodge a written complaint concerning his grievances not later than fifteen days after the announcement ofthe bid evaluation repor. 333. Bidder is to submit complaint on letter head duly signed by the authorized person. Tender reference, details / nature of complaint, complainant active telephone, cell, postal address, anc email address ust necessarily be provided. Incomplete / anonymous complaints will not be responded at all 33.4 The Commitee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint within fifteen days ofthe receipt of the complaint. 33.5. Mere fact of lodging of a complaint shall not wa fant suspension of the procurement process, iForio JM. Blacklisting of Suppliers and Contractors PRDF shall permanently blacklist or tamporarly debar (atleast for 6-months from participating in its tender proceedings) if, a supplier or contractor who either constantly fails to perform satisfactorily performance or found to be indulged in corrupt and fraudulent practices as defined below: 34.1 Corrupt and fiaudulent prectices inclus,the offering, giving, receiving, or solicit value to influence the action ofan otficia/PRDF. 342. If the suppliericomtractor found responsible for the detriment of PRDF during proceedings of procurement/contract, process o is execttion, 34.3 Misrepresentation of facts in order to influence the proturement processor the evecution ofthe purchise ‘order contract 344. Collusive practices among bidders (prior so or ater bid sulbmission) designed to establish bid prices at anificial, non- competitive levels and to deprive PRDF of the bertefits of free and open competition Supplier's Guarantee and Responsibilities: ‘The bidder/supplie shall guarantee that the materials supplied against this tender enquiry is new. original and is of acceptable quality and has been tried and-approved on similar jobs. The validity and scope of such guarantee will be in accordance with conditions staid in this document. In ease, in the opinion of PRDF. the foods Tal to perform the servees in aecordaAce with the specifications specified due to manufacturing Gefectsidefective material and/or workmanship, the supplier shall replace, repair or reconstruct such zoods a his own cost in Pakistan wherever the goods shall be located so that such goods shall be restored (0 such Contltions tha it shall perform in satisfactory opérating condition orto replace it with new goods at suppies’s ost 50 that the goods shatl perform in accordaice with the specifications and details as set forth in the contracttender documents, Ifthe supplier shall faibto do so after expiry of 1S days" notice to this effect served on him by PRDF. PRDF shall be at liberty to repair, replace and/or reconstruct the goods at its costs provided in the event the PRDF shall be entitled to recover total cost of sueh replacement form the supplier withdrawing trom the Performance Guarantee . of anything of 36. Language: The bid prepared by the bicder and all corresponidence and documents relating to the bid exchanued by’ the bidder and PROF shall be written in English language, Any printed literanure fumished by the bidder may be ‘written in another language provided that this literature is accompanied by an English translation in which ease for purpose of interpretation of the bid, English taslation shall gover, “ender Dociment ve Gas Analyzer 2025-2023 Rage Tar Section - 2 Special Terms & Conditions 1. Preparation of bids: Biclders shall prepare bids in TWO parts ic, Technical Bid (Part ~() and Financial Bid (Part ~ I) and submit in separate envelopes clearly marked @ Technical Bid shall demonstrate manufacturer’s “supplier's / equipment’s credibility and suitability Bidder shall artach following but not limited to: Copy of National Tax number registration i Copy of Sales Tax number registration diz, Evidence of having supplied shmilar laboratory equipment to reputable organizations during last 3~5 years. ‘List of end users ofthe equipsient supplied with contaet number ofthe concerned officals to ascertain performance ofthe equipment Evidence tha the supplierveniior having certified engineers on similar laboratory equipment in Karachi for operational and maintenance suppor. vi Brochure and Technical literatufe of the equipment. vii Manufacturer’ details & its country of origin, vit Bank draft of eamest money ix. List of spares which will be supplied with the equipment Any other evidence which eatthelp technical evaluation ‘The supplier should provide evidence of having backup support services (Maintenance & Calibration) within Karachi, Pakistan for the equipment under this order » Financia! Bid shall indicate prices in Pak Rupees inclusive of all taxes, dies and expenses involved. delivered at site basis in the given form at Section 3. GST shall be indicated separately, Each page of the Bid documents shall be duly signed and stamped by the authorized person, of the bidder All necessary spares (commissioning and operational spares) and services iff required shall be Provided free of cost for one year warranty period. Bidder must identify and quote separately necessary consumables/critical spare parts to operate the equipment for another one yeu 2. Specifications: Specifications for each item are described in-the Section - 4, However, the Bidders should clearly speeity deviation, if any, from these speeifications and should submit complete details ofthe items(s) and send printed literature / brochures / specifications along with their Bidsloffers. Bidders should also submit equipment ‘manufacturers past history / experience with reference /e at details where the equipment is being used Bids / offers received without mentioning any specifications or with incomplete specifications would be considered according to specifications given in the Bid document 3. Delivery: ‘The equipment will have to be delivered at PROF, Karachi in the shortest possible time but not tater thar 90 days afier issuance of the Purchase Order. ‘The equipment must be supplied along with its Calibration Certificate, Operation and Service Manuals, 023 Paue 12 oF 19 Tender Document'Flue Gas Analyzer 202: 4. Commissioning & Maintenance: ‘The satisfactory testing / commissioning of the equipment are to be done by the suppliers or their agent at the PRDF premises. One year free of charges repair, replacement of parts and/or servicing is to be guaranteed. ‘The operating instructions manual(s) and maintenance manuals for the equipment supplied are also to be provided free of charge alons with the equipment. Any software essentially needed to operate the equipment need to be original and supplied with the equipment. ° 5. Training: : Supplie’contractor‘agent must provide comprehensive operational training onthe supplied equipment wo our chemists, 6. SOP Manuals: Supplier’contractor‘agent must provide SOP (Standard operating procedure) of equipment in addition to equipment operation, maintenance and safety manuals, + 7. Quantity of Items to be Purchased: ‘The quantity of items mentipned in Section - 3 of this Bid Document can be increased and / or decreased dropped keeping in view the requirement / situation at the time of placement of supply oder. It will not be dealt as package, Each equipment shall be evaluated separately; PRDF decision shall be final inthis regard, 8. Acceptance/Rejection of Bil(s)/Offer(s): PRDF reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bid(s) / offer(s) without assigning any reason. Bidder shall have NO RIGHT TO CHALLENGE DECISION OF PROF in this regard “Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 Page 13 of 19 6150.91 980d ECOT-CZOZ 49zAyeUY SBD aM11.4 poduuirig pur pouiig 0 sasieuy sep ania | “1 aie 1 Pa!OMIIA su ss a uowdussoa on’s ANAWd NOM AMOLVYORV' TAO ATdd aS WaOd AI €- NORI2g Gud Section -4 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ELUE GAS ANALYZER: S.No ‘Measurement Parameters ‘Measurement Range Resoluti T.___| Meter Type Paitable = chia Os 0-23 Vol % O01 Vol % (CO-Ha-Comp. (0-F0000 ppm T ppm [NOT {0-400 ppm T ppm NO? 0-500 ppm | 0.1 ppm SO> 0-500 ppm i ppm HS 0-300 ppm [0.1 ppm | Smoke Point . Ringlemann Scale e oe | | 0.01 Voi% (0-25Vel %) 0.1 | Flow Velocity OAD mis. 0.1 mis Ambient Pressure 600-1100 mbar (abs) | - ; “5°C 10 45°C short tem Ambient temperature z 9. | COmIR) 0-50 Vol %, | vainet al x i e | Natural Gas 100-40,000 10 ppm | v2 ppm i Ie 9 CeHly Propane 100-21,000 ppm | 10 ppm | L Butane 100-18,000 ppm __| 10 ppm. | i [imax 5 min) a Degree of Protection 1P.40 of ns [Sample Temperature [upto 1o00"C Language English i a | 200-240VAC SOHZ with 17, | Power supply minimum 2.5 hrs. battery | - ' sa backup - | “Tender Document Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 Page 17 oF 19 Annexure- A, On Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. S0/- (Fifty) Per 100,000 Format of Bid Bond Guarantee BANK GUARANTEE NO, DATE OF ISSUE. DATE OF EXPIRY, AMOUNT. Head, Engineering &Procurement PERAC Research & Development Foundation, 7-B, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi Dear Sirs, ‘ Bid Bond Bank Guarantee In consideration of M/s. 7 hereinafter called the Bidder having submitted the accompanying bid & in consideration of valve received from Bidder we hereby agree and undertake as follows 1. Tosmake unconditional payment of RS... upon your written demand without further recourse, guestion or reference tothe Bidder or any other persortin the event of withdrawal ofthe aforesaid bid by the Bidder before the end ofthe period specified in the bid after the opening of the same forthe validity thereof or ifno such period to be specified within 90 days after said opetiig and or in the even thatthe Bidder shall within the period specified therefore or if no period specified within | Sdays afterthe prescribed forms are presente to the Bidder for signature the Bidder shall fil t execute such frther contractual documents ifany, as may be required by the terms of the bid as accepted or on the Bidder failure to give the requisite Performance Bond as may be required forthe fulfillment of resulting contract. ‘To accept written intimation (3) from you as conclusive and sufficient evidence of the existence of a default of ‘non-compliance as aforesaid on the pert of Bidder and to make payment accordingly within 03 days of the receipt of the written intimation, i 3. No grant of time or other indulgence to, or compositiGn or arrangement with the Bidder in respect of the aforesaid Bid with or without notice to us shall in any manner, ischarge or otherwise, however, effeet this Guarantee and ‘our liabilities & commitments hereunder: 4, This Guarantee shall be binding on us and our successors in interest and shall be irrevocable, Yours f in lly, (Stamp and signature of the issuing bank) “Tender Dooument'Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023 Page 18 of 19 Annexure - B On Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs, 50/- (Fifty) Per 100,000 Format of Performance Bond Guarantee BANK GUARANTEE NO, Head, Engineering & Procurement PERAC Research & Development Foundation, 7-B, Korangi Industrial Area, Dear Sirs, In consideration of your having placed Purchase Oider No. ated: value, received from Supplier, we hereby agree and undertake ts under:+ In The Sum of Rs, >. Acoount '0 You in Karachi under the Purchase on Mis. called Supplier and in consideration for To make unconditional payments to you from time to time as called upon or make an unconditional payments Rs, svseee Being Ten Percent (10%), of the value of the Purchase Order price mentioned in the said Purchase Order, on your written demand(s) without finther resource, question or reference to Supplier or any other person, in the event of default or non-performance and / or non-fulfillment by Supplier of his obligations liabilities & responsibilities under and in pursuance of the said Purchase Order of which yau shall be the sole judge, To accept written intimation Fim you as conclusive ad sulicient evidence ofthe existence ofa default or breach as aforesaid onthe pat of Supplier ano make parent accordingly within 3 (shee) days of receipt thereof To keep this guarantee in full force from the date héreof as specified in general or special terms & conditions, That on grant of time or other indulgence to amendment in the terms of the purchase order by agreement with Supplier in respect of the Performance of his obligations under and in pursuance of the saie Purchase Order with or without notice to us, shall in any manner discharge or otherwise, however, affect this Guarantee and our liabilities and commitments there under : ‘This Guarantee shall be binding on us and our sucéessors in interest and shall be irrecoverable, ‘This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change inshe constitution of the Guarantor Bank or the constitution of Mis, the Supplier." Yours faithfully, (Stamp and signature of the issuing bank) Tender Document?Flue Gas Analyzer 2022-2023, Page 1 oF 19 #

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