Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
In this section, a review of platinum group metals and gold chemistry, base metals
merits are examined on published literature. Briefly, the chapter provides the
backbone of the study by highlighting other studies done in the past relevant to
this field.
South Africa is the world’s leading producer of precious metals. The members of
iridium, and platinum and gold are called ‘precious’ or ‘noble’ metals. These
names have roots in the unique physical and chemical properties of the metals,
table 2.1, owing to their low abundance and high economic value.
Nobility and catalytic activity are unique properties of precious metals that result
rhodium, palladium and platinum has resulted from autocatalyts production. Since
been applied in chemotherapy as effective anticancer drugs (Keppler, 1993). The
The six platinum metals are chemically very similar. Precious metals are colored
and lustrous, exceptionally stable, hard, malleable, electrically resistant and inert
to chemical attacks. Platinum, iridium and rhodium are the densest known metals,
platinum being 11 per cent denser than gold and twice the weight of the same
volume of silver or lead. Palladium, rhodium and ruthenium are lighter, palladium
The chemistry of PGMs has some common features, but there are nevertheless
phosphides besides others, but the most important are the halides.
compounds. Aqua ions of Ruп, Ruш, Rhш, Irш, Pdп and Ptп exist, but
complex ions are formed in the presence of anions other than ClO4-, BF4- or
water soluble.
Binary carbonyls are formed by all PGMs but Pd and Pt, the majority of
Pt, and all six elements give carbonyl halides and a wide variety of
phosphates, and to a lesser extent with R3As and R2S is a widely studied
area. The most important are those with triphenylphosphine and methyl-
substituted phosphines. The later are more soluble in organic solvents than
PPh3 complexes, and have proved particularly useful for the determination
of configuration by NMR.
o Mixed complexes of PR3 with CO, alkenes, halides, and hydride ligands in
at least one oxidation state are common for all of the elements.
especially with alkenes and alkynes; Ptп and PtIV, and to a lesser extent Pdп
have a strong tendency to form sigma bonds, and Pdп very readily forms п-
allyl species.
o A highly characteristic feature is the formation of hydrido complexes, and
M-H bonds may be formed when the metal halides in higher oxidation
DMF is common.
o For the d8 ions RhI, IrI, PdII and PtII, the normal coordination is square
Almost all complex and binary compounds of the elements give the metal when
even omitting patents, which are very numerous, the research papers number in the
Nobility and catalytic activity are unique properties of precious metals that result
before, growing demand for rhodium, palladium and platinum has resulted from
inertness of noble metals towards many chemical reagents and high chemical
Extensive studies on the methods for the determination of the metals in various
matrices with satisfactory sensitivity, selectivity and reliability have been carried
the analysis of a variety of samples containing noble metals over a large range of
2.2.2 Sample preparation and analytical methods for PGMs and gold
The PGMs can occur as discrete mineral phases or in solid solution in mineral
phases (Juvenen et al., 1994, Talkington and Watkinson, 1986, Scoats and
Eckstrand, 1986, Hulbert, 2001). The distribution of PGMs can be erratic within
samples, particularly if they are present as discrete platinum group minerals. This
‘nugget’ effect for Platinum Group Metals is similar to that known to occur
commonly for gold, but perhaps not quite as extreme as the Platinum Group
metals minerals are usually not completely PGMs where as native gold particles
would be almost entirely gold. The required sub-sample size that should be chosen
for analysis will depend on PGMs particle size and the mineralogy of the sample
There are many methods for determination of PGMs. The most common method is
the standard lead fire assay using silver as a collector for the platinum and
(ICP-OES), or direct current plasma spectroscopy (DCP) for final analytical finish.
A variation on the lead fire assay using gold as a collector is required to determine
matrix that cannot be dissolved quantitatively (Hoffman and Dunn, 1999). These
techniques are rapid and accurate. For the ultimate in sensitivity, ICP-MS is used
for the analytical finish. The ICP-MS method has great application for large scale
lake bottom sediment surveys and litho-geochemical surveys looking for depletion
and enrichment in magmatic stratigraphy (Hulbert, 2001). The least used analytical
methods are faster, cheaper and have less elemental interference (Hoffman and
Dunn, 1999).
The nickel sulfide fire assay technique is effective for the determination of all
PGMs and gold. After collection in the nickel sulfide matrix, the button produced
to ensure that the PGMs are not partially dissolved. These procedures are usually
slower and more costly than the standard lead fire procedure, but they are the only
practical methods for quantitative determination of all PGMs and gold (Hoffman
Therefore it is evident that for many years, a number of analytical techniques have
reducing the preparation time, and thus allowing quick monitoring. In Addition the
2.3 GOLD
Gold is a soft, shiny, yellow, dense, malleable, ductile (trivalent and univalent)
transition metal. It does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine,
fluorine and aqua regia. Heat, moisture, oxygen, and most corrosive agents have
very little chemical effect on gold, making it well-suited for use in coins and
jewelry; conversely, halogens will chemically alter gold, and aqua regia dissolves
it. Common oxidation states of gold include +1 (gold (I) or aurous compounds)
and +3 (gold (III) or auric compounds). Gold ions in solution are readily reduced
and precipitated out as gold metal by the addition of virtually any other metal as
the reducing agent. The added metal is oxidized and dissolves allowing the gold to
conductor of heat and electricity, and is not affected by air and most reagents.
Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use and is hardened by alloying with silver,
copper, and other metals. Gold and its many alloys are most often used in jewelry,
coinage and as a standard for monetary exchange. Because of its high electrical
Table 2.2 Properties of gold
Although gold is a noble metal, it can form many compounds, auric chloride
(AuCl3) and chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) being the most common. Gold compounds
can be aurous (univalent, +1) or auric (trivalent, +3). Gold also can under extreme
(unusually for a metal), a -1 state. Such compounds containing the Au- anion are
called aurides and include caesium auride, CsAu, rubidium auride, RbAu, and
Due to its relative chemical inertness gold is usually found as the native metal or
occur but usually gold occurs as minute grains. These grains occur between
associations are quartz often as veins and sulfide minerals. The most common
stibnite and pyrrhotite. Rarer mineral associations are petzite, calaverite, sylvanite,
economically viable ore deposit: either chemical or physical processes like erosion
sulfide minerals or quartz. There are several primary deposit types, common ones
are termed reef or vein. Primary deposits can be weathered and eroded, with most
of the gold being transported into stream beds where it congregates with other
heavy minerals to form placer deposits. In all these deposits the gold is in its
native form. Another important ore type is in sedimentary black shale and
limestone deposits containing finely disseminated gold and other platinum group
Base metals are common or at least inexpensive metals. Frequently, the term is
used to refer to those metals that oxidize or corrode relatively easily, and react
variably with dilute hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen. Examples include iron,
nickel, lead, copper and zinc. Copper is considered a base metal as it oxidizes
relatively easily, although it does not react with hydrochloric acid. These metals
form part of the ore body that include the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIG), the
Merensky reef, Upper Group 2 (UG2) and Plat Reef. They occur in close
association with the PGMs and gold minerals, for example, Pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS),
Nickel is a silvery white metal that takes on a high polish. It belongs to the iron
group, and is hard, malleable, and ductile. The most common oxidation state of
with sulfur in millerite, with arsenic in the mineral niccolite, and with arsenic and
sulfur in nickel glance. It is inert to oxidation and is permanently in air. The bulk
of nickel mined comes from two types of ore deposits. The first are laterites where
the principal ore minerals are nickeliferous limonite: (Fe,Ni)O(OH) and garnierite
(among pure metals at room temperature, only silver has a higher electrical
conductivity). Copper has its characteristic color because it reflects red and orange
light and absorbs other frequencies in the visible spectrum, due to its band
structure. Common oxidation states of copper include the less stable copper (I)
state, Cu+1; and the more stable copper (II) state, Cu+2, which forms lovely blue or
blue-green salts. Under unusual conditions, a +3 state can be obtained. Copper can
be found as native copper in mineral form. Minerals such as the carbonates azurite
Iron is notable for being the final element produced by stellar nucleosynthesis, and
thus the heaviest element which does not require a supernova or similarly
cataclysmic event for its formation. It is therefore the most abundant heavy metal
in the universe. It is believed to be the tenth most abundant element in the
universe. It is also the most abundant (by mass, 34.6%) element making up the
earth; the concentration of iron in the various layers of the earth ranges from high
at the inner core to about 5% in the outer crust, contributing to the earths magnetic
field. Iron is a metal extracted from iron ore, and is hardly ever found in the free
Most of iron is found in various iron oxides, such as the minerals hematite,
magnetite and taconite. The earth’s core is believed to consist largely of metallic
alloy. Although rare, these are the major form of natural metallic iron on the
earth’s surface. Iron is also one of the least reactive metals, and therefore, is
cobalt include +2, and +3, though +1 is also seen. Due to the various oxidation
at low temperature CoO (Neel temperature: 291 K) and Co3O4 (Neel temperature:
ingredients of meteoric iron. Cobalt is not found as a free metal and is generally
found in the form of ores. Cobalt is usually not mined alone, and tends to be
produced as a by-product of nickel and copper mining activities. The main ores of
A variety of techniques have been developed for the introduction of solid samples
direct sample insertion, electrothermal vapourization, arc and spark ablation, laser
Direct sample insertion (DSI) and electro thermal vaporization (ETV) share many
metal support and then heated electrically or by the plasma, such that the entire
sample is used up. The solid sample may be in any form. The signal behavior is
time dependent and ETV provides limits of detection in the µg g-1 to pg g-1 range.
Precision is typically 5 to 10% RSD, with linear dynamic ranges of three to four
The ablation techniques, arc, spark and laser, differ from DSI and ETV in that
material is removed from the sample surface without pre-weighing. While the arcs
and sparks require the sample to be conductive, lasers do not. Laser ablation offers
an additional advantage over the other techniques in that very small surface area
may be ablated, providing spatial information about sample heterogeneity. For the
ablation techniques, the mass sampled is approximately 1 µg, with less than 1 µg
necessary for laser ablation. Detection limits are in the µg g-1 to ng range, and
Linear dynamic ranges are three to four orders of magnitude, similar to the DSI
calibration curves may be constructed with good linearity using a variety of solid
but optimum particle size is different for various samples. Ultrasonic deposition of
slurry on the ETV devices has certainly reduced the particle size effect based on
techniques have potential for solid and slurry sampling, or have been explored
electrostatic precipitation in a graphite tube followed by analysis with ETV-
powder injector device (Zerezghi and Caruso, 1984), use of an acoustically driven
device (Starn and Hieftje, 1992) and fluidized-bed sampling (De Silva and
Guevremont, 1990).
liquids and solids into inductively coupled plasmas. There is still a considerable
scope for devising better and more general methods for introducing materials into
plasma without the need for tedious chemical procedures (Montaser, 1992).
exploration geochemists. The small minimum sample size required allows for
rapid quantification of metals like PGMs and gold in heavy mineral concentrates
geological materials (coal and Kaolin) into ICP-AES (Ebdon and Collier, 1988a,
1988b, Ebdon and Wilkinson, 1987b). Many of the factors affecting the efficiency
of slurry nebulization (for example, particle size, slurry viscosity, sample uptake)
are similar for ICP-AES and ICP-MS because of their common sample
whole coal analysis by ICP-OES which was then used to analyze five coal samples
for Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V (Ebdon and Wilkinson, 1987b). The quality of the
results was assessed by comparison with certified values and results obtained by
ashing and acid digestion followed by AAS analysis. The accuracy of the slurry
Ebdon and Collier (1988a) investigated the effect of a range of dispersing agent
concluded that the dispersing agent concentration must be matched in the samples,
A simple method for preparing slurries for ICP-MS was first described by
Williams et al. (1987) for the analysis of reference soil. This study showed that
aqueous slurries were valid for instrumental calibration. The application of this
method to the analysis of geological samples was explored by Jarvis and Williams
(1989), Jarvis I (1992) and Jarvis I and Jarvis K.E. (1992), who demonstrated that,
dissolved solids content of < 2000 µg mL-1 were achieved, slurry nebulization
Ebdon et al. (1988) applied ICP-MS for semi-quantitative analysis of coal SRMs
determined rare earth metals in silicate samples ground to fine particle sizes of < 3
µm. Method development studies examined the effect of grinding time, slurry
concentration, and argon injector gas flow rate. Differences in sensitivity between
the slurry and aqueous solutions were noted, but the use of aluminium as an
agreement with certified values (Montaser, 1997). The method was concluded to
analysis of refractory minerals that commonly yield unsatisfactory results by
limitations of direct solid sampling is the lack of suitable solid standards. This is a
on sample and skimmer orifices of the instrument and blockage of sample delivery
Also, flow injection analysis (FIA) procedures have been used effectively (Jarvis,
The analysis of samples in the slurry form has been applied in a number of studies
plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Most of the methods developed involved the
use of hyphenated techniques. Slurry rheology has also been investigated
of all slurry analysis methods. This is confirmed by the few publications available
regia for 10 minutes in an ultrasonic water bath and pre-reduced with KBr for total
Se and Te determination or with KI and ascorbic acid for total As and Sb. The
samples, in the presence of antifoam A, were treated with NaBH4 in HCl medium
using external calibrations prepared and measured in the same way as samples.
Results obtained by the developed procedure compared well with those found after
found to be simple, fast and only 1 mL of milk was needed. The values obtained
for detection limit were 2.5, 1.6, 3, 6 and 7 ng L-1 for As, Sb, Se, Te and Bi
respectively in the diluted samples, with average relative standard deviation values
of 3.8, 3.1, 1.9, 6.4 and 1.2% for three independent analysis of a series of
AAS has been widely employed in slurry sampling studies. Several procedures
involving its use have been published, majority of which are interfaced with
(GFAAS) analytical consideration for analysis of high density glass was studied
sample depth. The data suggested that the low analytical values are likely due to
materials. The study suggested that the optimum depth for sampling for these high
Lopez-Garcia et al. (1997) developed a slurry procedure for determination of
mercury in soils and sediments by GFAAS. The detection limit for Hg in 125 µL
mL-1 suspension was obtained as 0.1 µg g-1. Calibration was performed using
Dobrowolski and Mierzwa (1997) studied the slurry sampling hydride generation
sampling HGAAS method was studied using certified reference materials. The
relative standard deviation of the full (overall) analytical procedure was 8.5% and
an absolute limit of detection of 2.75 ng was achieved. Factors which influence the
reliability of this method were identified as the choice of slurry liquid phase
of the slurry.
absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). The detection limit for Sb for 100 mg mL-1
suspension was found to be 0.03 µg g-1. The results obtained for five certified
reference materials using both direct calibration against aqueous standards and
energy, and the microwave power applied, were optimized. The on-line
increased the recovery only when the microwave oven was off. Low recoveries,
connecting the system via an on-line filter to an inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometer, were due to the irreversible adsorption of arsenic on the soil. This
irreversible adsorption does not allow standard additions calibration. The solution
detection limit was 0.2 µg L-1 for a 212-µL injection loop, corresponding to 7 ng g-
solid, for 2.5% m/v slurry prepared in 25 mL.
assisted acid digestion. Brain slurries (2% w/v) were prepared in de-ionized water,
with good stability for up to 30 minutes. Brain samples were also digested in a
and magnesium nitrate chemical modifier was used for thermal stabilization of the
by means of aqueous standards calibration. The detection limits were 0.3 and 0.4
ng mL-1, for the slurry and the digested samples, respectively. The accuracy of the
slurries and digested brain samples, and by analysis of the NIST Bovine Liver
standard reference material (SRM 1577a). It was concluded that the ease of slurry
conditions selected for the determination of manganese ensured that the method
toxic elements. Direct determination of three base metals, cadmium, cupper and
lead, in slurries of hair samples was investigated using AAS with Zeeman-effect
background correction. The analyte addition technique was used for quantification
analyzed and a paired t-test showed that the results for all elements obtained with
the slurry sampling procedure were in agreement at 95% confidence level with the
certified values. The cryogenic grinding was established as an effective method for
used method of all the slurry analysis methods. This is confirmed by the extensive
literature published on metal content in varied matrices some of which are outlined
below. The direct introduction of solid into ETAAS atomiser offers many
important advantage of SS ETAAS method is the fact that it may employ aqueous
solution for quantitative calibration. These advantages have popularized the slurry
sediment, soil, coal) and biological (human hair, seafood) samples have been
atomic absorption spectroscopy by Moreda-Pineiro et al. (2002). The effects of
several variables affecting the cold vapour generation efficiency from solid
flow rate, acid solution volume and mean particle size) was evaluated using a
and trapping temperatures, trapping time and hydrochloric acid concentration were
the significant variables. The 22+star and 23+star central composite designs have
been used to obtain optimum values of the variables selected. The accuracy of
pg was achieved. The detection limits of methods were in the range of 40 - 600 ng
g-1. A particle size of less than 50 mm was adequate to obtain total cold vapour
acid was developed in order to determine Me-Hg+ in human hair with ETAAS.
modifier for both total mercury determination in hair slurries and methyl-mercury
determination in hydrochloric acid solutions, at concentrations of 20 and 50 mg L-
for palladium and ascorbic acid, respectively. The acid leaching procedure was
carried out by mechanical stirring with hydrochloric acid at 4%, and a leaching
time of 2 minutes was selected. The limits of detection were 0.04 and 0.10 mg g-1
batch precision was between 1.8 and 8.8% for total mercury determination, and
between 1.5 and 6.5% for methyl-mercury. The method was applied to 20 human
hair samples from healthy people, and it was also applied to the CRM 397 human
hair reference material, and the results agreed well with the certified ones.
were used as a modifier. The minimum sample amount required for slurry
masses between 3 and 30 mg directly into the auto-sampler cups. The method was
validated using CRM 007-040 and CRM 144R certified reference materials of
sewage sludge. Two sewage sludge samples from Poznaň (Poland) were analysed
using acid digestion and direct sampling GFAAS. Similar results were obtained
for both methods within limits of statistical error. The results obtained in this work
Vieira et al. (2002), developed a method for the determination of arsenic in
sediment and in coal without sample digestion, based on hydride generation from
slurry samples. After grinding the samples to a particle size of < 50 µm, the
sample powder was mixed with aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid in an ultrasonic
bath for 30 minutes. After diluting the mixture with hydrochloric acid, the slurry
was allowed to stand for 48 hours, and an aliquot was used for hydride generation
with sodium borohydride. More than 80% of the arsenic was leached to the
aqueous phase under these conditions, except for one sediment sample with very
high silica content. The generated arsine was collected in a graphite tube, treated
with 0.5 mg of iridium as a permanent modifier, and the arsenic determination was
carried out by ETAAS. The same tube could be used for at least 160 cycles
without any re-treatment. The greatest advantage of the method was that minimum
of reagents was used and minimal sample handling was required, reducing the
technique had to be used in order to obtain results within the 95% confidence level
for 11 certified reference materials, 5 sediments, 5 coals and one coal fly ash. One
certified sediment slurry was spiked with the analyte and the resulting addition
calibration curve was used for the analysis of the certified sediments. Similarly,
one certified coal was used to obtain the addition calibration curve for the coal and
coal fly ash samples. The recoveries of the certified values were between 91 and
115%. The limits of detection in the samples were 0.54 and 0.7 mg g-1 for the coal
and sediment samples, respectively, obtained for 1 mL of slurry containing 1 mg
of sample.
studied by Wen-Kang et al., (1997). The standard reference material bovine serum
(NIST, SRM, 1598) and second generation biological-freeze dried human serum
were analysed to verify the accuracy and precision of this technique. The average
accuracy values for certified reference serum samples and the recovery values of
spiked samples indicated this method to be an efficient and rapid technique for
food using slurry sampling was also studied by Vinas et al. (2000). Calibration
with aqueous standard solution was used for selenium and lead determination
while standard addition method was used for cadmium determination. The
detection limits were 5.2, 3.4 and 0.4 ng g-1 for selenium, lead and cadmium,
results obtained with those obtained for five fish-based baby foods using a
certified reference materials. The lead concentration was below the detection limit
A method for determination of tin in slurry samples of sediments and coal by
of the method was verified by analysing five certified sediments and three coal
obtained were in agreement with certified values only for the sediment samples.
For the coal samples, an additional calibration curve, obtained for one certified
coal, was necessary to achieve accurate results. The obtained limits of detection
were 0.03 µg g-1 for sediments and 0.09 µg g-1 for coal. Thorium was used as a
permanent modifier. The relative standard deviations were less than 15%,
A method for the determination of lead in human hair slurries by ETVAAS was
with a vibration mill ball equipped with zirconia cups, 20 minutes being sufficient
grinding time to achieve an adequate particle diameter (< 1 µm). The use of
different thickening agents, namely glycerol, Triton X-100 and Viscalex HV30,
was studied and glycerol was found to be the best. The use of Pd and Mg(NO3)2 at
was obtained. The limit of detection can be reduced to 0.05 mg kg−1 without loss
Accuracy was studied by analysis of a CRM 397 human hair reference material
with a certified lead content of 33.0 ± 1.2 mg kg−1. Standard addition method was
used for the determination of lead in hair samples from healthy people, the levels
0.15% w/v slurry) in three different liquid media containing 0.5% v/v nitric acid,
0.5% v/v nitric acid + Triton X-100 and 5% v/v nitric acid + Triton X-100. Effects
examined. Palladium and magnesium were used as modifiers to improve the signal
quality. The procedure was validated by analysis of the certified reference lake
satisfactory and varied from 95% to 104%. Relative standard deviation values
were reported as 4.8, 4.7, 4.5 and 5.5. The detection limits (LOD) of lead were
obtained as 0.52, 0.45, 0.35 and 0.22 µg g-1 for sample masses of 0.025, 0.050,
Quantitative extraction was obtained from their study with good accuracy (coal fly
ash SRM 1633a and SRM 1633b) and precision (RSD < 11.5%). The limit of
detection of the method was 0.02 µg g-1 (100 mg ml-1 slurry), and the characteristic
mass was 15 ± 1.0 pg). The slurry extraction procedure was validated for soil and
sediments analysis.
Baralkiewicz and Gramowska (2004) studied the parameters associated with the
solid samples in a solution containing 5% v/v concentrated nitric acid and 0.1%
v/v Triton X-100. Three modifiers were tested for direct determination. The
furnace temperature programmes and appropriate amount for each modifier were
optimized and the highest signal and best separation between the atomic and
temperature using a ramp time of 25 seconds and hold time of 10 seconds. Ashing
was avoided and platform atomization was performed at 2200ºC. The best
solution. The modifier also acted as liquid medium for slurry and therefore
standards ranging from 1 – 5 µg L-1. The optimized method gave a detection limit
of 0.56 ng mL-1, characteristic mass of 10.1 ± 0.8 pg for aqueous standards, 9.6 ±
0.7 pg for slurry samples containing different Cd concentrations and good
precision (7.6 – 5.2%). The method was validated using four certified reference
reported between the experimental and the certified cadmium concentration. The
coated with titanium carbide or tungsten carbide, respectively, were used in order
to avoid sensitivity drift due to the changes in the composition and the structure of
the platform surface. They indicated that calibration curves with aqueous
standards could be used for the KGW slurry (no matrix effects); analysis of KTP
slurry required the standard additions method. The precision of the proposed
method was better than 3% RSD. The results obtained by the method showed a
Simple and rapid slurry sampling ETAAS method was also developed by
Gentscheva et al., (2003) for determination of sodium and iron in single crystals of
rubidium titanyl phosphate (RTP). The finely ground crystal material was
matrix interference was registered for either of the analytes in slurries containing 4
standards. The precision was about 2% RSD. The results for Na and Fe in RTP
hydrogen peroxide as a matrix modifier was developed by Vinas et al. (1995). For
deviation (RSD) was about 0.5% for aluminium. For chromium determination, the
use of 0.5 – 1.0% suspensions lead to relative standard deviations close to 0.4%.
Calibration was done using aqueous standards. The aluminium and chromium
agreed with those obtained by means of conventional procedure based on the total
dissolution of the samples. The reliability of the procedure was also confirmed by
Gonzales et al. (1998) applied slurry technique to the determination of Cr, Ni and
and 150 – 450 ng g-1, respectively, as it provides results similar to those obtained
by ashing the sample. However, the typically low levels of Co in these samples
precluded its determination by this method (the study was made in a SRM spiked
whole meal flour), at least in those samples that were contaminated with elevated
Slurry sampling with rapid atomization and an open focussed microwave digestion
with a longitudinal magnetic field was used for the analysis. No significant
difference between results obtained by both methods was observed, when the
students t-test was applied at 95% confidence level. The limits of detection by
rapid slurry atomization were obtained as 1.4, 1.5, 1.3 ng mL-1 while those of
microwave digestion were 8.0, 3.6 and 6.5 ng mL-1 for Cu, Mn and Ni,
respectively. The process blank in slurry rapid atomization was found to be twice
lower for Mn and six times lower for Cu and Ni as compared to open microwave
minutes, and hair slurries with 1.0 g L-1 for the determination of Cu and Pb, and
5.0 g L-1 for the determination of Cd, respectively, were prepared in three different
media: 0.1% v/v Triton X-100, 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3, and 0.1% v/v of CFA-C, a
mixture of tertiary amines. The easiest way to manipulate the hair samples was in
established with hair sample slurries spiked with 10 mg L-1 Cd2+, 30 mg L-1 Pb2+,
and 10 mg L-1 Cu2+. For Cd and Pb, Pd was used as a chemical modifier, and for
Cu no modifier was needed. The analyte addition technique was used for
(GBW076901) was analyzed, and a paired t-test showed that the results for all
elements obtained with the proposed slurry sampling procedure were in agreement
at a 95% confidence level with the certified values. The cryogenic grinding was
Baralkiewicz and Siepak, (2001) applied slurry sampling for determination of Cr,
(v/v) HNO3 and 0.5 and 5.0 HNO3 with 0.5% (m/v) glycerol. The prepared
suspensions were introduced directly into the furnace. The reliability of the
sewage sludge. The contents of Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd in two sludge samples from
Poland (Poznan area) ranged between 1.2 and 7.2 mg kg-1 for Cr; 4.5 and 44.9 mg
kg-1 for Ni; 0.93 and 103.1 mg kg-1 for Pb and 0.28 and 1.65 mg kg-1 for Cd. The
detection limits were calculated and obtained as 0.087, 0.054, 0.068 and 0.005 mg
kg-1 for Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd, respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD)
measurements for the slurry sampling method was 2.7 - 4.5% for CRM 144R and
7.1 - 9.4% for sewage sludge from Poland. They concluded that slurry sampling
ETAAS provides adequate accuracy and precision for the determination of Cr, Ni,
Pb and Cd in sewage sludge, provides a simpler and faster method for trace
elements determination than wet digestion and is therefore attractive for routine
five metals, As, Cd, Pb, Hg and Sn, by ETAAS in marine sediment slurry. A
Precision and accuracy of the method were investigated using the marine sediment
limits were 44, 0.08, 60, 70 and 57 µg kg-1 for As, Cd, Pb, Hg and Sn respectively.
human scalp hair by the same author (Barmejo-Barrera, et al., 1997). Nickel was
observed. Aqueous calibration that covered the range 0.8 - 30µg L-1 Ni was found
to be suitable to develop the measurements. A characteristic mass of 22.5 pg was
A comparative determination of Ba, Cu, Fe, Pd and Zn in tea leaf samples by two
using the method of standard additions, and results of Cu, Fe and Zn from the
calibration graphs based on aqueous standards. These results were compared with
methods was checked by the use of the certified reference material tea leaves,
GBW-07605. The recoveries of the analytes varied in range from 91 to 99% for
slurry sampling ETAAS, and from 92.5 to 102% for liquid sampling ICP-OES.
The advantages of the SS-ETAAS method used included the simplicity of sample
preparation procedure and the very good sensitivity displayed. Slurry sampling
OES determination was found to be a shorter method. Amin et al. (2003), applied
SS-ETAAS method for the determination of base metals, Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li,
Mg, Mn and Na, at trace and ultra-trace level in high purity quartz samples was
developed by Hauptkorn and Krivian (1996). For their technique, the achievable
limits of detection was in the range of 2 (Mg) to 500 (Fe) ng g-1. Thus the method
was concluded to be suited for ultra-trace analysis of high purity quartz for
microelectronic applications.
Schäffer and Krivan (1996) applied SS-ETAAS to the analysis of graphite powder.
A direct method for determination of a number of base metals, Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe,
K, Mg, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sn and Zn, in graphite powder was developed. The
g-1 for Ca, Mg, Cr, Cu, Na and Zn, between 50 – 200 ng g-1 for Al, Fe, Ni, Pb and
Fast heating programs for determination of titanium and tin in soil, sediments and
sludge using ETAAS with slurry sampling was developed by Lopez-Garcia et al.
(2004). The tin and titanium content of a number of samples obtained by using
slurry sampling agreed with those obtained by digesting the samples. The
reliability of the procedure was also confirmed by the analysis of several certified
reference materials. The same authors also used slurry sampling for determination
A procedure for determining silver and gold in soil and sediment samples using
from the samples and fast-program methodology was used for the heating cycle.
v/v concentrated hydrogen peroxide and 25% v/v concentrated hydrofluoric acid.
and then adding 1 mL of concentrated hydrofluoric acid. For both cases, the
ambient temperature, the suspensions were introduced directly into the atomizer.
No modifier other than hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen peroxide (for silver
determination) were required and calibration was carried out using aqueous
standards. The detection limits were 0.02 and 0.01 mg kg-1 for silver and gold,
Cal-Prieto et al. (2000) reviewed literature from 1990 to 2000 on slurry sampling
for direct analysis of solid materials by ETAAS. They concluded that the
This dissolution step is time-consuming and it shows important drawbacks. For
these reasons, in the past years many efforts have been focused on the direct
advantages of the solid and liquid sampling methods, and it can be already
Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
element source allows the rapid acquisition of data on samples introduction into
the plasma and therefore significantly saves on analysis time. Several procedures
have been published for determination of metals by slurry technique using ICP-
Ebdon and Collier, 1988b, developed a simple and rapid method for analysis of
efficiency. Silicon was used as an internal standard in their study and effectively
corrected for variable atomization efficiencies associated with different particle
demonstrated. Lanthanum was used to correct for the effects of viscosity arising
Varga et al. (1996) investigated the colloidal stability of silicon nitride, silicon
carbide and boron carbide aqueous slurries used for slurry nebulization ICP-OES
and sedimentation tests. They concluded that the mean particle size of silicon
molecular gas into the plasma. They concluded that easy and efficient routine
Merten et al. (1997) discussed the purpose, the design principle and the usage of
Applications for the evaporation of Al2O3 and SiC document the usefulness of the
model (for the case of 1.5 kW argon ICP of which the temperature above the load
coil has been determined to be 1600 K). The model predicts the maximum particle
evaporated for a given efficiency under given experimental conditions. For both
Al2O3 and SiC, two ceramic powders of different grain sizes were investigated.
The use of a low-power ICP (0.65 kW) and a mini-torch (outer tube: 12.6 mm i.d.)
for slurry sampling of Al2O3 powders was studied by Hyun et al., (1997). In order
to find the optimum conditions for mini-torch ICP-OES, the influence of particle
size and aerosol gas flow on the signal intensities was studied. The emission
intensities obtained with slurries increased as the particle size decreased and
increased with aerosol flow rate, but were still smaller than those from solution.
Dependence of the emission intensity and its relative standard deviation on the pH
of the slurries in the mini-torch ICP-OES was also studied. The best signal-to-
noise ratio was obtained at pH 3, when the pH of the suspension was varied in the
Al2O3 powders for trace impurities using slurry nebulization under the optimized
conditions provided a recovery of > 85% for MgO and Fe2O3 and 67% for Na2O
and SiO2, with precision of < 4.3% RSD. The analytical results were also
compared with those estimated for the same material, using decomposition method
Renfrow et al. (1997) discussed the direct injection of solids-water slurries into the
torch of ICP-OES as a method that offers a quick and easy method for the analysis
of major and minor elements in various solids. In their project, aqueous slurries of
solids were prepared by wet milling with a stirred-ball slurry attractor’s mill and
analyzed. Slurries of standard reference materials, prepared in the same way, were
used as calibration standards. The best results were obtained with solids having a
small particle size (2 - 5 µm) and a close distribution of particle sizes. The average
percent relative error for slurry-ICP analysis of most major and minor elements
materials, introduced into the plasma in the form of slurries. The method was an
expansion of the conventional standard additions method. It was based on the
principle of varying both the sample mass and the amount of standard solution
added. The relationship between the sample mass, standard solution added and
signal intensity was assumed to be linear. Concentration of the analyte was found
slag CRM No 382/I) introduced into the plasma in the form of slurry was
described. The slurries contained glycerol and hydrochloric acid and were placed
used to fit the data. Results obtained showed that the method could be successfully
applied to the analysis of cement, gypsum and slag samples, without the need to
dissolve them. In this way, the use of hazardous chemicals (concentrated acids)
application of the simplified GSAM for the analysis did not require a certified
reference material with similar chemical and mineralogical properties for the
Galbacs et al. (2000) developed a quick, novel method for tin determination in
five organotin carboxylate complexes of known composition for obtaining simple
stoichiometric data. The slurries were prepared by first dissolving the organotins
and then adding this solution drop-by-drop to a 0.005% TX-100 tenzide solution
showed that the average equivalent particle size in the resulting slurry was ~ 0.3
mm for all samples and solvents. Under suitable ICP-OES measuring conditions,
the signal recoveries were found to be between 101.8 and 106.6%, which allowed
detection limit and 1 - 5% relative standard deviation (RSD) on five replicates was
100 (1% v/v) using ICP-OES. Coals were powdered to a particle size of less than
Slurry atomization results for Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V in a range of reference
materials and other coal samples were obtained and compared with results
were obtained.
A method for the analysis of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P and Zn in infant
formulas, milk powders and liquid milk was developed using ICP-OES by
potential matrix effects. The instrument used was radially configured and
equivalent concentrations, detection limits and accuracy. The method was found to
be suitable for routine quality control monitoring of infant formulas and milk
grinding of the cement samples, owing to the pulverized state of this material,
0.1% m/v slurries were prepared in 1% v/v HCl. Calibration was performed in two
ways: based on slurries prepared from different masses (50, 75, 100 and 125 mg)
of a Portland certified reference material (NIST SRM 1881) and the other based
on aqueous standard solutions. A complete analysis of cement for major (Al, Ca,
Mg, Fe and Si), minor and trace elements (Mn, S, P, Sr and Ti) was accomplished.
Both strategies led to accurate results except for Si and Ti, for which the
calibration using aqueous solutions produced low recovery values. Paired t-test
reagent for the destruction of silicon carbide and simultaneous vaporization of the
refractory impurities like B, Mo, Ti, and Zr. The vaporization behaviors of the
PTFE. The fluorinating vaporization processes and the influence factors for this
method were also studied in detail. The experimental results indicated that 80 mg
silicon carbide (10 mL of 0.8% (m/v) slurry) could be destroyed and vaporized
completely with 600 mg of PTFE under the selected conditions. Calibration was
performed using the standard addition method with aqueous standard solutions.
The accuracy was checked by comparison of the results with those obtained by
between 0.5 mg g-1 (B) and 0.2 mg g-1 (Mo) were achieved. In most cases, the
precision expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD) was better than 8%.
Matusiewicz and Golich (2004) used slurry sampling technique for simultaneous
spray chamber were fed directly into the microwave cavity-torch assembly (power
demonstrated by determination of macro (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P) and trace (Cd, Cu,
Mn, Sr, Zn) elements in three biological certified reference materials using V-
satisfactory agreement with certified values. The concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg,
P and Cd, Cu, Mn, Sr, Zn were determined in the range 90 – 22000 µg g-1 and 1 –
Au, Pt, Pd, Ru and Rh in a converter matte sample using ICP-OES with Y or Sc as
internal standard was developed. They found that changes in the emission signals
of the PGMs due to power variations could be effectively compensated for, using
Sc, Y or Ar lines as internal standards. For variations in aerosol gas flow rate, both
Sc and Y could only compensate for Pd and Au between flow rates of 0.60 and
0.80 L min-1 and for Pt, Ru and Rh at 0.80 L min-1. They also studied the effect of
sodium on the determination of Au and PGMs, and the use of Sc and Y as internal
emission intensities of the analytes decreased with increasing Na concentration
standard whereas Y could only compensate for the same elements up to 1 g L-1.
Recently, a new method that involves slurry nebulization ICP-OES analysis and
converter matte was developed by Mokgalaka et al. (2004). The method involves
reduction of the PGMs and gold with SnCl2 in concentrated HCl medium by
through a 0.45 µm membrane filter to separate the accompanying base metals. The
0.005% m/v concentration prepared in 5.0% v/v hydrochloric acid and 1.0% m/v
Triton X-100 as a dispersant and was directly nebulized into the ICP-OES for the
determination of Au, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh and Ru. The concentrations of Au and PGMs
method and by comparing with literature values that were obtained utilizing
allows separation of the PGMs and gold from a complex matrix, offers the
contamination from additional sample preparation steps involved in the traditional
instrument operating conditions and slurry preparation on the ion signals were
this study. As the vaporization behavior of mercury in fish slurry and aqueous
solution is quite different, the standard addition method was used for the
estimated from the standard addition curve was in the range 0.002 - 0.004 µg g−1
for different samples. This method has been applied to the determination of
mercury in dogfish muscle reference material (DORM-1 and DORM-2) and
dogfish liver reference material (DOLT-1). Accuracy was better than 4% and
Hg and Pb in coal fly ash samples. Thioacetamide (TAC) was used as the
modifier. Since the sensitivities of the elements studied in coal fly ash slurry and
aqueous solution were quite different, isotope dilution method was used for the
determination of Cd, Hg and Pb in these coal fly ash samples. The isotope ratios of
each element were calculated from the peak areas of each injection peak. This
method was applied to the determination of Cd, Hg and Pb in NIST SRM 1633a
coal fly ash reference material and a coal fly ash sample collected from Kaohsiung
area. Analysis results of reference sample NIST SRM 1633a coal fly ash agreed
satisfactorily with the certified values. Precision was better than 6% for most of
the determinations and accuracy was better than 4% with the USS-ETV-ID-ICP-
MS method. Detection limits estimated from standard addition curves were in the
range of 24 - 58, 6 - 28 and 108 - 110 ng g-1 for Cd, Hg and Pb, respectively.
determination of trace metals, Ge, As, Se, Cd and Pb, in plant samples. The
were studied. Since the sensitivities of the elements in various plant slurries were
quite different, standard addition was used. Detection limits of Ge, As, Se, Cd and
Pb estimated in different samples from the standard addition curve were in the
range 2.1 ± 14, 3.8 ± 6.5, 14 ± 18, 1.8 ± 12, and 7.8 ± 18 ng g-1, respectively. This
method was applied to the determination of Ge, As, Se, Cd and Pb in tomato
leaves reference material (NIST SRM 1573) and a ganoderma sample obtained
from the local market. The analysis results of the tomato leaves reference sample
agreed with the certified values. Precision was better than 24% for all
(AAGF), with a self-made adapter and valve system, as a slurry sampling cell for
ICP-MS). The system was applied to the determination of As, Sn, Sb, Se, Te, Bi,
effect was observed for slurry samples and aqueous standards. An added quantity
decrease in the signals. The effect of Triton X-100 used as a dispersant agent on
analyte intensity and precision was also studied. External calibration from aqueous
standards spiked with 100 µg ml-1 Rh was performed to quantified 0.010 g/100 ml
slurry samples. Results were presented for a certified reference electrical arc
Cleveland, UK), a reference sample of coke ashes X-3705 (from AG der Dillinger
acceptable agreement with certificate values was achieved, and the results for the
developed by Dias et al., (2002). The slurry, 1 mg mL-1, was prepared by mixing
the sample ground to a particle size < 50 µm with 5% v/v nitric and 1% v/v
constant flow of argon in the auto sampler cup, just before transferring an aliquot
to the graphite furnace. The tube was treated with Ru as a permanent modifier, and
temperature of 800 oC was used; the vaporization temperature was 2300 oC. The
effect of different acid concentrations in the slurry on the analyte signal intensities
was also evaluated. The accuracy of the method was assured by the analysis of
certified reference sediments MESS-2, PACS-2 and HISS-1 from the National
Research Council Canada, SRM 2704 and SRM 1646a from the National Institute
of Standards and Technology and RS-4 from a round robin test, using external
calibration with aqueous standards prepared in the same medium as the slurries.
The obtained concentrations were in agreement with the certified values according
to the Student's t-test for a confidence level of 95%. The detection limits in the
samples were: 0.17 mg g-1 for As; 0.3 mg g-1 for Pb; 0.05 mg g-1 for Se and 0.28
mg g-1 for Sn. The precision found for the different sediment samples, expressed
as RSD was 1 - 8% for As, 2 - 9% for Pb, 6 - 12% for Se and 3 - 8% for Sn (n =
Later, Ribeiro et al. (2004) developed a method for determination of trace metals,
As, Hg, Sb, Se and Sn, in environmental and in geological reference materials, as
The HG unit had a gas liquid separator and a drying unit for the generated vapor.
reference material, ground to a particle size < 50 µm, was mixed with acid
acid solution while in Procedure B; the medium was aqua regia plus a
hydrochloric acid solution. The conditions for the slurry formation and the
instrumental parameters were optimized. Harsh conditions were used in the slurry
preparation in order to reduce the hydride forming analytes to their lower
oxidation states, As (III), Se (IV), Sb (III) and Sn (II), before reacting with sodium
analyzed (four sediments, three coals, one coal fly ash and two sewage sludges),
with the analyte concentrations mostly in the µg g-1 level. Good agreements with
the certified values were obtained for Hg, Sb and Sn in the sediments using
B, good results were obtained for Hg, Se and Sn in the sediment samples, for Se in
the coal and coal fly ash samples and for Hg in the sewage sludge samples, also
coals and coal fly ash, Procedure B and the analyte addition calibration was
required, indicating matrix effects. The relative standard deviations were found to
be lower than 5%, demonstrating a good precision for slurry analysis. The limits
were: 20 for As, 60 for Hg, 80 for Sb, 200 for Se and 90 for Sn. The method
and Pb in several soil samples. A mixture of 1% m/v EDTA and 1.5% m/v of
ascorbic acid was used as the modifier to enhance the ion signals. The influences
of instrument operating conditions and slurry preparation on the ion signals were
reported. In this study, a relatively low vaporization temperature was used which
separated the analyte from the major matrix components and improved the ion
sensitivities of Zn, Cd, Tl and Pb in various soil slurries and aqueous solution were
different, standard addition method and isotope dilution method were used for the
determination of Zn, Cd, Tl and Pb in soil samples. The method was applied to the
determination of Zn, Cd, Tl and Pb in NIST SRM 2711 Montana soil reference
material and several soil samples collected from Kaohsiung area. The analysis
results were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. The precision
MS method. Detection limits estimated from standard addition curves were about
260 - 620, 3 - 5, 0.3 - 1 and 9 - 20 ng g-1 for Zn, Cd, Tl and Pb, respectively, in
different samples.
Wagner et al. (1999) studied the analytical strategy for the evaluation of base
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS). The aim of the
study was the investigation of ink corrosion in the written area of the ancient
manuscript. GFAAS was used to determine the amount of both metals in micro-
precision using slurry sampling varied in range from 0.8 to 10.0% RSD for iron
and from 0.3 to 7.6% RSD for copper. The content of iron and copper varied
significantly between written (32.8 +/- 0.9 mg g-1 of iron, 15.2 +/- 0.5 mg g-1 of
copper) and non-written (3.3 +/- 1.3 mg g-1of iron, 1.6 +/- 0.8 mg g-1of copper)
determination of base metals, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, in several fish reference samples
by Yi-Ching and Shiuh-Jen (1998). NH4NO3 was added to the sample solution to
work as a modifier. Since the sensitivity of the elements studied in fish slurry and
aqueous solution was quite different, isotope dilution was used for the
isotope ratio determination were reported. The isotope ratios of each element were
calculated from the peak areas of each injection peak. Precision of isotope ratio
determination was better than 6%. This method was applied to the determination
liver reference material (DOLT-1) and oyster tissue (NIST SRM 1566a). Accuracy
was better than 19% and precision was better than 14% with ultrasonic slurry
plasma mass spectrometry. Detection limits estimated from standard addition
curves were in the range of 5 – 50, 200 – 500, 8 – 20 and 20 – 50 ng g−1 for Cu,
Totland et al. (1992), determined slurry PGMs and gold in solid samples by slurry
flow rate and the use of a 3 mm torch injector tube. Calibration was done using a
standards. The limits of detection for the method were obtained as 0.04–0.2 µg g-1
for most materials. Analytical accuracy was assessed by comparing the slurry
results with reference concentration. The method was concluded to offer a means
for rapid determination of the precious metals in mineral concentrates, PGMs ores
accuracy upon the particle size distribution (PDS) of slurry and attempts have been
and Fry (1986) examined the determination of sulphur in coal using slurry
nebulization direct current plasma optical emission spectroscopy (DCP-OES) and
that the aerosol size distribution (ASD) exiting a spray chamber was indicative of
effectively as a solution, its particle size distribution must lie within the ASD of
the aerosol exiting the spray chamber. This PSD was modified according to
Stokes’ law to account for density differences between slurry and the calibration
with the impact bead in place (89%) and removed (94%) for coal slurry with a
particle size distribution of d50 = 6.9 µm and d90 = 15.8 µm. Analytical recoveries
66% and 69%, respectively. This was with the assumption that the slurry was
not be viable because analytes may be concentrated in phases with PSD and
densities very different to those assumed for the bulk slurry and therefore
Saba et al. (1981) studied transport efficiencies of iron particles through a number
of spray chambers commonly used for either DCP or ICP spectrometry. This was
the first in-depth study to distinguish quantitatively between the ability of a sample
classified into broad size bands by centrifugation and sedimentation before
suspension in base ester oil. The maximum size of an iron particle that could pass
was obtained for a single pass, cylindrical spray chamber with baffle (ICP
al. (1988). Determination of iron in sulphide ores was investigated and low
recoveries were observed. From the analysis done on the aerosol leaving the
sample introduction system, the low recovery of iron from the sulphide ore could
alumina and silica slurries were also examined. A sample introduction system
chamber and a 3 mm in diameter injector rejected all alumina particles of > 5 µm.
(PSD) dependency.
nebulization ICP-OES requires a slurry whose PSD is 100% (by volume) < 5 µm
Atomization and transportation effects were further investigated. Silica-based
SCX ion exchange materials of known particle size (10 µm and 5 µm), which had
been completely converted to the magnesium form were used. It was assumed that
µm particle.
oxide powders. A GMK Babington Nebulizer with impact bead/single pass spray
chamber was used. The droplet size distributions of slurries of alumina (1% m/v
Al2O3) and solution (0.8% m/v Zr) exiting from this sample introduction system
direct the aerosol droplets to the impactor. Droplet volume fraction distribution
showed peak values in the 5 µm diameter size range for argon carrier gas flow
the carrier gas flow rate and the presence or absence of an impact bead. Values for
the transport efficiency between 0.13 and 0.66% were obtained for solutions and
Van Borm et al. (1991) studied droplet size distributions, analyte transport
efficiencies and analyte mass transfer rates of slurries and solutions with high
nebulizer with impact bead, spray chamber and cascade impactor assembly as
variations of liquid flow rate, slurry standard addition and the presence of an
impact bead. It was concluded that the use of simple aqueous standard solutions to
Goodall et al. (1999) examined how the particle size distribution of the slurry
empirical upper diameter for the particle size distribution of slurry of 2.0 - 2.5 µm
was derived from the analysis of a range of slurries possessing different size
distributions. A model for slurry particle transport was suggested that gives good
agreement with experimental data. The model assumes that for arbitrarily defined
but realistic standard slurry, the maximum allowable particle size is that which
allows the occupation of every aerosol droplet by one solid particle – the single
occupancy diameter. Theoretical considerations and empirical data suggest that for
accurate analyses by slurry nebulization, the particle size distribution of the slurry
should not exceed a value determined by density, of 2.9 µm for a material of
This constraint on particle size may be seen as the fundamental limitation upon
slurry nebulization with direct calibration with simple aqueous solutions. The
advent of new approaches to sample grinding may allow more rapid preparation of
An often ignored property of slurry, the degree of dispersion of the solid within
the liquid, was shown to be an important limiting factor in slurry nebulization ICP
reference materials.
nebulization devices has revealed some critical aspects. Problems associated with
sample introduction into ICP are completely different from those observed using
GF-AAS techniques where the whole sample introduced is volatilized during the
atomization step. In the ICP-OES analysis, only a little part of the sample reaches
the plasma due to low nebulization efficiency. Slurry transport may be considered
representative of the bulk, determined by the solid’s density and aerosol size
Aerosols formed from solutions and slurries do not have the same behaviour in
plasma where the sample is only present for a limited residence time of several
milliseconds. Consequently, the time necessary for the energy transfer between the
plasma and the sample is reduced. Direct analysis of slurries using ICP-OES may
ionization processes depends on the particle size. It is also expected that the
transport efficiency of small particles in a gas or liquid stream will be better than
for larger particles. With such size discrimination, the fraction transported to the
Measurement errors may also be expected if the emission intensity resulting from
a constant mass of the analyte depends on the size, form and density of transported
particles. These errors may result from incomplete evaporation and excitation of
The poor characteristics of pneumatic nebulization devices in slurry analysis and
short residence time of species in the plasma are responsible for size segregation