Format Fares
Format Fares
Format Fares
If you use the index to navigate this answer you can use the Back arrow ← on your browser to
return to it at any time.
The top of the display indicates the last time/date of the fares database update.
1. The input, preceded by SOM (Start Of Message) for quick modification.
2. Boardpoint, Offpoint, day of week, date of travel
UNSALEABLE FARES fares which cannot be sold from the country of set
ARPT FARES airport codes may also be used
3. Maximum Permitted Mileage applicable MPM followed by the Global Indicator
4. Other types of Fare which may be displayed as well as public fares
5. Fare line number
6. Fare Indicator
X fares are held in the Fare Display database only; they are not available for
Fare Quotation
7. Carrier Code (CX)
LH carrier code
YY IATA fare
8. Fare shown in currency of boardpoint or NUCs
9. Fare Type
R Round trip
blank One-Way Fares
10. Fare Basis
11. Booking Class code (For IATA fares this is purely generic)
+ see fare notes
12. Advance Purchase requirements (AP)
14 period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased
7+ period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased.
Additional time limit exists between reservation date and ticketing date.
+ time period exists between reservation and ticketing. See fare note.
13. Minimum and Maximum stay dates (MIN/MAX)
Minimum stay requirement shown before the / and Maximum after it.
3 number of days
12M number of months
SU Sunday rule applies
V variable requirements, see fare notes
+ see fare notes
blank no restriction
14. Seasons
blank preceding the dates indicates that the date of outbound travel determines the round trip
fare to be charged.
O preceding the date indicates the Outbound journey must be commenced during the
period shown
I preceding the dates indicates the inbound journey must be commenced during the
period shown
15. Mileage or Routing indicator (M/R)
M fare is Mileage based
R fare is Routing based
MR fare may be Mileage or Routing based
16. Global Indicator (GI)
17. Day or Time indicator (DT)
D fare is restricted to certain Days
T fare is restricted to certain Times
The top of the display indicates the last time/date of the fares database update.
1. The input, preceded by SOM (Start Of Message) for quick modification, followed by
confirmation of boardpoint, offpoint and date of travel.
2. Fare line number
3. Fare Indicator
X fares are held in the Fare Display database only. they are not available for
Fare Quotation
4. Carrier Code (CX)
5. Fare shown in currency of boardpoint (USD or CAD)
6. Fare Type
R Round trip
blank One-Way Fares
7. Fare Basis
8. Advance Purchase requirements (AP)
14 period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased
7+ period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased. Additional time limit exists
between reservation date and ticketing date.
+ time period exists between reservation and ticketing, or time limit exists for
earliest date reservation can be made prior
to travel. See fare note.
@@ no rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no advance purchase period applies
9. Minimum and Maximum stay dates (MIN/MAX)
Minimum stay requirement shown before the / and Maximum after it.
3 number of days
12M number of months
@@ no rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no minimum/maximum stay applies
10. Cancellation Fee (XL FE)
NR non refundable
50 50% of the fare is non-refundable
@@ no cancellation rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no refund restriction applies
I Inbound restrictions
O Outbound restrictions
11. First and last travel dates
C travel to be completed by
S travel to be started by
12. First and last ticketing dates
FDLONPAR*PTC Display all passenger fare types codes for city pair (except
FDLONPAR10NOV06/BA Display fares for historical date. Carrier and Year must be
included in the format. From Q1 2007, up to 1 year in the
past will be available in the historical database. Previous to
that, only 90 days were available.
Search Qualifiers
/T Tax inclusion
/2 Display half round trip in NUCs for all round trip fares
-RTW or -CTF Journey type (Round The World or Circle Trip Fares)
NORMS Normal fares
Restriction Qualifiers
Restriction Qualifiers ensure that the fares returned exclude certain types of fares that have
PTC List of all PTC codes, with some of the descriptions
ABB Abonnement
ADT Adult
AGT Agent
BAG Baggage
BRV Bereavement
CMM Commuter
EMI Emigrant
GRP Group
LBR Labourer/worker
MIS Missionary
PIL Pilgrim
PTA All passenger type codes except ADT, CNN, INF, INS, AST
REF Refugee
STU Student
TEA Teacher
TIM Timesaver
Not all passenger type codes can be used in conjunction with all Fare Types.
Note: With the full implementation of Galileo 360Fare, Rules Paragraphs will be called
Categories. For some time
you will see both the words paragraph and category being used. They mean the same thing.
FN*2 Display fare notes by category menu
FN*1/P8 or FN*1/8 or FN*1/STP Display specific fare note category from fare display
The availability display derived from the fare display is a class check only, advance purchase
requirements, date and time restrictions etc are not validated.
GC*5 gives a series of pages which contain the Standard Formats For Fares Rules (SFFFR) and
General/Governing rules for all types of special fares.
FNLAXIAH7JUL@KWL7NR/CO-DL Joint carrier rule for KWL7NR fare LAXIAH for 7JUL
Tax Entries
FQBC Quote Best Buy, calculating the saving between the fare
for the itinerary as booked, and the fare after re-book
Pricing Modifiers
No Stopover Selection
Fare Breakpoints
FQ:USD Fare Quote an itinerary with the equivalent fare, taxes and
total in USD
Specified Date
Personal Geography
FQP1*ADTLCAQC.2*C10LCAQC Quote psgr 1 adult and psgr 2 child age 10, location
Quebec Canada
FQTE–US*–RA Fare quote exempting all taxes for a specific country (US)
and the specific RA tax
FQBBTE Best Buy exempting all taxes
Combination of Modifiers
Passenger Descriptions
Refer to the new list of Passenger Type Codes which work for both Fare Display and Fare Quote.
AB Abonnement
Ann Age
AD Adult
BL Visually impaired
BP Frequent Flyer
BR Bereavement
CA Charter Adult
CH Child
CL Clergy
CN Companion Head
CP Companion Partner
CS Clergy Standby
CZ Charter Youth
DF Government
DI Government infant
DL Labour
DT Teacher
EM Emigrant
FAnnnn Fare Amount Reduction before Tax
GA Group Affinity
GB Group Infant
GI Group Incentive
GR Group Fares
IN Infant
IT Inclusive Tours
MA Military - Category A
ME Medical Emergency
MI Military Infant
MM Military
MS Missionary Spouse
MY Missionary
MZ Military - Category Z
NR Non Resident
PG Pilgrim
RA Resident Abonnement
RB Resident Child
RI Resident Infant
RO Resident Government
RR Resident Group
RS Resident
RU Resident Student
RZ Resident Youth
SB Seriously disabled
SE Special Event
SP Special
YD Economy Discount
‡ FQL Display fare quote ladder (1st fare quote) (IFQ only)
‡ FQL2 Display fare quote ladder (2nd fare quote) (IFQ only)
F*Q Display fare quote field (linear format) when fare cannot be filed or from
alternate fare quote
‡ FF3 File fare number 3 obtained from alternate fare quote input (FQA)
FN*ALL Display all rule text for NAFQ after fare quote rule display
of specific segment
This functionality will be gradually made available to each market. Check with your SMO/NDC
for more information regarding the date it will be available in your market.
Circle Trip journey
Circle Trip journey
Connecting city (X-JFK)
Pricing Modifiers
(must be preceded with a + )
FS2FRA10JUNLON20JUNFRA 2 passengers
Flight Segment Modifiers
Preferred Cabin class on sectors
Itinerary Modifiers
(must be preceded with + + )
Take The Following Steps:
1. Book the itinerary and enter names in the the Booking File.
2. Request Focalpoint Shopping - Enter: FS
3. Select the required alternative option and rebook the new itinerary using
FSK commands (FSK3 to rebook Option 3)
4. Fare Quote the rebooked itinerary and End Transaction.
Pricing Modifiers
(must be preceded with a + )
All Pricing Modifiers that are available with fare Quote functionality (FQ FQA FQBB etc) may be
used with Focalpoint Shopping.
A full list of Pricing Modifiers and further information can be obtained through this Formats Guide
or by entering >H/FQ in Focalpoint.
New Pricing Modifiers have been introduced to be used with Focalpoint Shopping.
FS*STU/P1/TE:P Student fare, psgr 1 tax exempt and private fares only
Availability Modifiers
Flight Types
.D Direct
.C Connecting
Time of day
I Itinerary as booked
What is Agency Private Fares
Agency Private Fares is a product which provides travel agencies with the ability to create their
own database of negotiated fares.
Discount fares, Flat Rate fares and Net fares may be stored for both International and North
American markets.
The agency that maintains and controls the negotiated fares information is referred to as the Host
Location. The Host Location creates a Private fares Record (PFR) using Account and Contract
codes to identify specific carrier agreements. These Account and Contract codes are then used
by retail locations to access the negotiated fare information through Fare Display and Fare Quote.
The Host Location will advise the retail locations when negotiated fare information is available
and will provide the relevant account and contract codes. Once the negotiated fare details have
been stored, all the information is available and eliminates the need to use reference sources
such as manuals or paper records.
Fare Display
Privatefares is designed to integrate Private and Published fares into one Fare Display. The Low-
to-High display makes it easy for you to choose between a published fare and a private fare to
provide the best quote for your customer. Privatefares are identified by a hyphen ( - ) next to the
carrier code. Fare Display modifiers may be used with Privatefares with the exception of validated
fares display, booking class codes and fare type. Entries are similar to normal Fare Display
entries, with the addition of the Private Fare Modifier.
Specify multiple account codes, up to a maximum of 3
Use an account code with a specific contract code
Fare Quote
To consider Privatefares for a booked itinerary, include an account code with the FQ input.
Galileo will consider any Private or published fare before responding with the best fare for the
booked itinerary.
Fare Rules
FN*2 View a fare rule for a private fare from a fare display
If you frequently display fares under the same account code or from multiple host locations, you
can reduce the number of keystrokes by using the assumed city function before you access
FQPDUB10AUGX–LONJNB Quote fare for DUB LON JNB for unbooked itinerary for
travel 10 AUG with no stopover in LON
FQPPAR:TSTYO:EHPAR Quote fare for unbooked itinerary PAR TYO PAR using
Global Indicators TS outbound and EH inbound
FQPROM+AZ.J10NOVCHI.PAR Quote one way fare for unbooked itinerary for ROM to
CHI on the 10 NOV using AZ in J class for sale and
ticket issue Paris
*FFALL/T Display taxes only for all filed fares for all passengers.
*FFP3 Display detailed linear fare construction for all fares for
passenger 3
FF1@R Restore filed fare 1
FF2BG30KCH Change the baggage allowance for the child filed fare
number 2 to 30K
Note: All entries can be segment related and combined with an end item (+).
For example:
In the build shown below, 4 passengers are travelling, of which passengers 1, 2, and 4 are adults,
passenger 3 is a child.
To minimise the number of screens to be completed, the smallest group should be first in the
input request, followed by the larger groups.
1. Create the Manual Fare build screens for all passengers, smallest group (the child) first.
2. The child screen is displayed first. Complete this using FBU entries.
4. The first adult screen is automatically displayed. Complete this using FBU entries.
FZAJPYGBP Display Bank Buying Rate, Bank Selling Rate and IATA
Clearing House Rate between Japanese Yen and UK
Note: For further FZC entries (IATA Clearing House Rates), modify the Conversion of Local
Currency entries (FZS) listed next. For example, FZCNZD.03JAN08
FZSCAD.AMS Display the bank selling rate for specified currency (other
than own); use city not currency code
FZSNZD.29OCT06 Display the Bank Selling Rate for the NZD against own
currency for 29OCT06 (historical)
FZS*NZ Display all Bank Selling Rates for specified country code
Note: To see Bank Buying Rate entries (FZB), modify the Bank Selling Rate entries (FZS) listed
P– The response to all entries on previous pages can be
output to a printer by preceding the input with a P–
P–FD3SEPSINSYD/SQ Display all fares from SIN to SYD for carrier SQ for
3SEP output is to printer
Making a booking
X1 Cancel segment
E or ER To commit changes
These entries have now been withdrawn from Galileo. Use the Fare Quote Planner entries
Pseudo itineraries provided a way of obtaining a fare quote without creating a booking, using a
series of entries starting F0.
These no longer exist, and have been replaced by the Fare Quote Planner (FQP) entries.