Format Fares

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FARE DISPLAY Fare Quote Planner Follow-up Entries
Basic Fare Display Entries Fare Quote Planner Updates
Search Qualifiers FILED FARES
Set Initialisation -until Ignore or change to Display Filed Fares
display option Cancel Filed Fares
Fare Type Abbreviations for Fare Display Restore Filed Fares
Restriction Qualifiers Amend Filed Fares
Passenger Type Codes MANUAL FARES
Fare Display Follow-up Entries Create Fare Build
Follow-up Availability Display Entries after an Fare Build Related Inputs
IFD Fare Build Update
Follow-up Entries to AV (line number) entries Manual Fares Currency Tables
Fare Notes / Categories / Paragraphs Manual Fare Build Procedure
Reverse Rules Display (NAFD only) CURRENCY CONVERSION
STAND ALONE ENTRIES Conversion of NUCs to and from Local
Ticketed Point Mileage Entries Currency
MPM Surcharge Entries IATA Clearing House Rates
Tax Entries Conversion of Local Currencies
Pricing Modifiers Making a booking
Passenger Descriptions Amending or cancelling a booking
Fare Quote Follow-up Entries FARE QUOTE AMENDMENTS
FOCALPOINT SHOPPING Create Blank Fare Ladder
Focalpoint Shopping Without a Booking File PSEDUO ITINERARIES
Focalpoint Shopping With a Booking File



Response: Fig. 8598_01.jpg


The top of the display indicates the last time/date of the fares database update.
1. The input, preceded by SOM (Start Of Message) for quick modification.
2. Boardpoint, Offpoint, day of week, date of travel
UNSALEABLE FARES fares which cannot be sold from the country of set
ARPT FARES airport codes may also be used
3. Maximum Permitted Mileage applicable MPM followed by the Global Indicator
4. Other types of Fare which may be displayed as well as public fares
5. Fare line number
6. Fare Indicator
X fares are held in the Fare Display database only; they are not available for
Fare Quotation
7. Carrier Code (CX)
LH carrier code
YY IATA fare
8. Fare shown in currency of boardpoint or NUCs
9. Fare Type
R Round trip
blank One-Way Fares
10. Fare Basis
11. Booking Class code (For IATA fares this is purely generic)
+ see fare notes
12. Advance Purchase requirements (AP)
14 period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased
7+ period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased.
Additional time limit exists between reservation date and ticketing date.
+ time period exists between reservation and ticketing. See fare note.
13. Minimum and Maximum stay dates (MIN/MAX)
Minimum stay requirement shown before the / and Maximum after it.
3 number of days
12M number of months
SU Sunday rule applies
V variable requirements, see fare notes
+ see fare notes
blank no restriction
14. Seasons
blank preceding the dates indicates that the date of outbound travel determines the round trip
fare to be charged.
O preceding the date indicates the Outbound journey must be commenced during the
period shown
I preceding the dates indicates the inbound journey must be commenced during the
period shown
15. Mileage or Routing indicator (M/R)
M fare is Mileage based
R fare is Routing based
MR fare may be Mileage or Routing based
16. Global Indicator (GI)
17. Day or Time indicator (DT)
D fare is restricted to certain Days
T fare is restricted to certain Times



Response: Fig. 8598_02.jpg


The top of the display indicates the last time/date of the fares database update.

1. The input, preceded by SOM (Start Of Message) for quick modification, followed by
confirmation of boardpoint, offpoint and date of travel.
2. Fare line number
3. Fare Indicator
X fares are held in the Fare Display database only. they are not available for
Fare Quotation
4. Carrier Code (CX)
5. Fare shown in currency of boardpoint (USD or CAD)
6. Fare Type
R Round trip
blank One-Way Fares
7. Fare Basis
8. Advance Purchase requirements (AP)
14 period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased
7+ period in days, prior to travel, by which reservations must be made or
ticket purchased. Additional time limit exists
between reservation date and ticketing date.
+ time period exists between reservation and ticketing, or time limit exists for
earliest date reservation can be made prior
to travel. See fare note.
@@ no rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no advance purchase period applies
9. Minimum and Maximum stay dates (MIN/MAX)
Minimum stay requirement shown before the / and Maximum after it.
3 number of days
12M number of months
@@ no rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no minimum/maximum stay applies
10. Cancellation Fee (XL FE)
NR non refundable
50 50% of the fare is non-refundable
@@ no cancellation rules held
++ refer to the rules
-- no refund restriction applies
I Inbound restrictions
O Outbound restrictions
11. First and last travel dates
C travel to be completed by
S travel to be started by
12. First and last ticketing dates


Basic Fare Display Entries


FDPAR Fare display from your location city to Paris, assumes

today’s date

FD14AUGPAR Fare display from your location city to Paris 14AUG

FD14AUGLONPAR or Fare display from London to Paris 14AUG

FD14AUGPARPAR-RTW Display the available Round the World fares (RTW) from

FDLONPAR*PTC Display all passenger fare types codes for city pair (except

FDLONPAR10NOV06/BA Display fares for historical date. Carrier and Year must be
included in the format. From Q1 2007, up to 1 year in the
past will be available in the historical database. Previous to
that, only 90 days were available.

Search Qualifiers


/BA–RT@SPCLS*CNN Fare Display return, special and child fares with BA

/EI Carrier (mandatory with historic fares display)

/UA/CO/US Carriers (max. 3)

/YY Show only IATA Fares

/ALL Show fares for all airlines including IATA Fares

/L or /S Long display or short display

/T Tax inclusion

/B Base fares without taxes

/2 Display half round trip in NUCs for all round trip fares

/PE25 Display fares with a 25% penalty or less

:AP Restriction Qualifier - excludes fares with Advance

Purchase restrictions (see Fares 4)

–OW or –RT Journey type (one way/round trip)

-RTW or -CTF Journey type (Round The World or Circle Trip Fares)

@YLE3M Exact Fare basis code

@APEX Fare Abbreviation (see below)

*PTC Display fares for all non-ADT passenger types

*ADT*CNN*INF Passenger Type Codes (see below)

-B Booking class modifier (MUST be accompanied by airline
code) i.e. -B/AA

/X Converts display to fares in High to Low order or v.v

:GBP Converts fares from local currency and then displays in

requested currency at Bank Rate

::USD Displays fares filed and published in alternative currency

:NUC Display fares in NUC

:LOC After displaying in NUC, amends display to show fares in

local currency

.AP Global indicator (IFD only)

.T12JAN08 Ticketing date (IFD only)

FDSFOLAXV26MAR Validates fare restrictions and displays applicable one way

fares for specified date (SFO to LAX)

FDSFOLONV26JAN08FEB Validates fare restrictions and displays applicable return

fares for specified dates (SFO to LON)

Set initialisation (until Ignore or change to display option)


*LONG Converts set to long display (default short display)

*SHORT Converts set back to short display default

*HIGHLOW Converts set to display fares in High to Low order

*LOWHIGH Converts set to display fares in Low to High order

*NUCDISPLAY Amends system default to display NUCs

*LOCAL Amends system default to display local currency

*ADDTAX Amends set to add taxes in specific countries

*NOTAX Amends set to display without tax

Fare Type Abbreviations for Fare Display

NORMS Normal fares

SPCLS Special fares

APEX Apex fares

SAPEX Super Apex fares

APEXS Apex and Super Apex fares

RTW Round the World fares

CTF Circle Trip/Triangle fares

EXCN Excursion fares

PEX Pex fares

SPEX Super Pex fares

PEXS Pex and Super Pex fares

EURO Eurobudget fares

VUSA Visit USA fares

MILIT Military fares

ALL All fares (used as follow-up after all of above)

Restriction Qualifiers

Restriction Qualifiers ensure that the fares returned exclude certain types of fares that have

:NM Exclude fares with minimum stay

:NX Exclude fares with a maximum stay (other than 1 year)

:MM Exclude fares with a minimum or maximum stay

:NR Exclude fares which contain any of the above restrictions

:AP Exclude fares with advance purchase restrictions

Passenger Type Codes

PTC List of all PTC codes, with some of the descriptions

PTC/E Display list of codes starting with letter E

PTD/STANDBY Search for code by description

ABB Abonnement

ACC Accompanied passenger

ADA Agent discount AD75N1

ADD Adult with discount

ADN Agent Discount AD50N1

ADT Adult

AEP Assistant of Member of European Parliament

AGT Agent

ANN Age restricted companion

ASB Standby Passenger

ASF Air/Sea fares

AST Airline Staff Standby

BAG Baggage

BLD Visually impaired or Blind

BNN Adult with age restriction

BRV Bereavement

BUD Airline Buddy Standby

CCH Card carrying holder

CCM Card carrying member

CDT Discount cardholder (France and overseas departments)

CEV Leisure cardholder (within France)

CFM Cardholder (within France)

CLG Clergy

CMA Adult with companion

CMM Commuter

CMP Companion fares

CNN Accompanied Child

CNT Carnet coupon travel

CPN Coupon discount

CSB Child standby

CTZ Government and Military Category Z

DIS Disabled person

DNN Child of European Parliament member

DOD Department of Defence passenger

ECH E-Ticket discount child

EDT E-Ticket discount adult

ENF E-Ticket discount infant

EMI Emigrant

ENN Group Inclusive Tour child

FFP Frequent Flyer - preferred

FFY Frequent Flyer

FIF Family intra-France

FNF Family plan infant

FNN Family plan child

GCF Government contract passenger

GCT City/county government travel

GDP Government Employee Dependant

GEX Government Exchange Travel

GIT Group Inclusive Tour

GNN Group Child

GRP Group

GSP Group school party

GST Government State Passenger

GVT Government Travel

HOF Head of Family fare

ICP Incentive certificate

INF Infant without a seat

INN Individual Inclusive Tour Child

INS Infant with a seat

INY Infant accompanied by youth/student

ITX Individual Inclusive Tour

JCB Contract Bulk adult

JNN Contract Bulk child

JNF Contract Bulk infant without a seat

JNS Contract Bulk infant with a seat

JEB Journalist of European Cabinet

JEC Journalist of European Commitee

JEP Journalist of European Parliament

LBR Labourer/worker

LNN Labourer/worker child

LIF Labourer/worker infant without a seat

LNS Labourer/worker infant with a seat

LTC Government employee on leave

MCS Mastercard purchase only

MED Medical Passengers

MEP Member of European Parliament

MBT Military basic training graduate

MCR Military charter

MDP Military Spouse/dependent child

MIL Military Confirmed

MIR Military reserve on active duty

MNN Military Child

MPA Military parent/parent-in-law

MRE Military dependant/military retired

MSB Military standby

MUS Military / Department of Defence based in USA

MXS Military / Department of Defence not based in USA

MIS Missionary

MSG Multi state government passenger

NAT NATO passenger

NSB Non-revenue Standby

NTL National/citizen of a specified country

OEB Official of European Cabinet

OEC Official of European Committee

OEI Official of European Committee Institute

OEP Official of European Parliament

OTS Passenger occupying two seats

PIL Pilgrim

PCR Charter adult passenger

PNN Charter child passenger

PTA All passenger type codes except ADT, CNN, INF, INS, AST

PTC All passenger fare types, excluding adults. Includes CNN,


REC Military Recruit

REF Refugee

SCC Senior discounted companion

SDB Student standby

SEA Merchant Seaman fares

SNN Restricted senior citizen with multiple age requirements

SPA Accompanied Spouse

SEP Spouse of European Parliament member

SPH Spouse Fare - Head of Family

SPS Spouse Fare – Accompanying

SRC Senior Citizen

STR State resident

STU Student

SPT Sports passenger

TEA Teacher

TIM Timesaver

TNN Frequent Flyer child

TUR Tour Conductor

TUX Tour Conductor (restricted)

UDA Agent discount UD75N1

UDN Agent discount UD50N1

UNN Unaccompanied child

UNV University employee

VAC Visit Another Country adult

VAG Visit Another Country group adult

VNN Visit Another Country child

ZNN Visit another country group child

VFR Visit friends and relatives

WEB Internet Fares

YCB Senior citizen standby

YCR Charter youth passenger

YNN Government travel child

YSB Youth standby

YTH Youth confirmed

ZED Zonal employee discount


Not all passenger type codes can be used in conjunction with all Fare Types.

Fare Display Follow-up Entries


Note: With the full implementation of Galileo 360Fare, Rules Paragraphs will be called
Categories. For some time
you will see both the words paragraph and category being used. They mean the same thing.
FN*2 Display fare notes by category menu

FN*ALL Display fare notes; follow-up to notes menu only

FN*P10 or FN*CMB Display fare notes by specific category from category

menu (IFD only)

FN*1/P8 or FN*1/8 or FN*1/STP Display specific fare note category from fare display

FN*1/ALL Display all fare notes

FN*3/P2–4.7 Display fare notes by specified category

FN*2/DATE Display all categories for group code "DATE" ( categories

2;3;11;14;15 )

FN*2/DISC Display all categories for group code "DISC" ( categories

19;20;21;22;25 )

FN*2/PAR Display Fares Note category (PARagraph) menu

FN*4/S Display fare notes synopsis

FN* Redisplay last accessed note display

FZS1 Display fare converted to own currency at bank selling

rate, line 1 (IFQ only)

FD* Redisplay fare display

FDB Display fares for reverse direction

FN*5/DL–AA Joint carrier fare rule (NAFD only)

FN*1/PMIN.MAX Category heading specific (NAFD) only

AV Converts current Fare Display to an Availability

FDA Converts Availability Display into a Fare Display

FDC*1 Display booking codes for line 1

FDC*2//NW Display booking codes for secondary carrier NW from

primary carrier's Fare Display line 2
FR*2 Display route information, line 2

FR*2PIT Validate city on routing line 2 (NAFD only)

FU* Display unsaleable fares

FD*3/T Display fare on line 3 giving break down of US sales tax

(NAFD only)

FD*1 Display other passenger type fares requested, line 1,

and/or travel/ticket first and last date

FDB@APEX Display APEX fares for reverse direction

FH*3 Display Footnotes and add-on fare construction for fare on

line 3

FM*4 Display MPM and surcharge bands, line 4. Applicable to

MPM fares only, not routing fares. (will also show half of
RT fares)

Change Origin and Destination


FDDBOS Change Destination point

FDOSYD Change Origin city

FDOBKK–DTPE Change both Origin and Destination cities

FDOMAN12FEB Change Origin and new date

FD18JUL–DNCE Change date with new Destination

Follow-up Availability Display Entries after an IFD


AV Converts current Fare Display to an Availability

AV7 Availability for the fare on line number 7

AV7/03JUN Availability for the fare on line number 7 for 03JUN

AV7/RG Availability for the fare on line number 7 for RG

AV7/03JUN/BA Availability for the fare on line number 7 for BA on the

AV7/1500 Availability for the fare on line number 7 at 1500

AV7/1500/SN Availability for the fare on line number 7 at 1500 for SN

AV7/03JUN071500/BA Availability for the fare on line number 7 on 03JUN07

(year is mandatory) at 1500 for BA

AV7/@4 Availability for the fare on line number 7 for a specific

number of seats

AV7/@4/TP Availability for the fare on line number 7 for a specific

number of seats for carrier TP

AV7/03JUN071500@4/LH Availability for the fare on line number 7 on 03JUN07

(year is mandatory ) at 1500 with a specific number of
seats for LH

AV7/KL.ATL/DL Availability for the fare shown on line 7, with a connection

into ATL on KL and out of ATL on DL

AVF Forward search over 7 days, taking into account the

previous criteria

Follow-up Entries to AV (line number) entries

AV1/SK# Convert availability display for the fare on line number 1

to display SK flights only

AVR/KL Reverse availability display to show flight for KL

AVR/KL/HV/BA Reverse availability display to show flights for KL, HV and

BA (Max. 3 carriers)

AVR/TP# Reverse availability display to show flights for TP only

AVR/10JUN Reverse availability for 10 JUN

AVR/.BKK Reverse availability display to show flights via BKK on

any carrier

AVR/.DXB/EK Reverse availability display to show flights via DXB with

onward connection on EK

AVR/KL.AMS/KL Reverse availability display to show flights with a

connection at AMS with inward and onward flights on KL
Note: The above entries will only show the flights with the class of travel mentioned in the fare
line. When a carrier is specified in the entry or a carrier specific fare is selected, only the flights of
this carrier will be shown.

The specified fare line will be shown in the Galileo availability.

The availability display derived from the fare display is a class check only, advance purchase
requirements, date and time restrictions etc are not validated.

FDA Change an availability display into a fares display using

the original availability criteria i.e. carrier, date etc.

Fare Notes / Categories / Paragraphs




Fare Note : General Rules and Standard Format

GC*5 gives a series of pages which contain the Standard Formats For Fares Rules (SFFFR) and
General/Governing rules for all types of special fares.

Direct Rules Display (NAFD only)


FNATLNYC17NOV@BE7/DL Rule for DL BE7 fare ATLNYC for 17 NOV

FNLAXIAH7JUL@KWL7NR/CO-DL Joint carrier rule for KWL7NR fare LAXIAH for 7JUL

FNSTLCHI19APR@MLXAP7/TW/PDAY.3 Paragraph heading specific (max. 3 paragraphs) rule

display for TW MLXAP7 fare STLCHI for 19 APR

FNWASMIA20SEP@KLXP7/UA/S Rule summary for UA KLXP7 fare WASMIA for 20 SEP

FN21SEP@BE7/AA Base rule by fare basis, date and carrier

FN@BE7/AA Base rule by fare basis and carrier

Reverse Rules Display (NAFD only)


FNO Reverse city pairs of last display

FNO21AUG As above with date

FNO/US As above with carrier

FNO/PDAY.MIN As above with paragraph heading specific

FNO@Y9 As above with fare basis

FNO20NOV@QLANS/UA As above with date, fare basis and carrier



Ticketed Point Mileage Entries


FLTYO/SIN/BKK/DEL Flown Mileage, specify up to 22 cities

FLRIO/CCS/MIA/AA Display mileage for specified airline, certain routes only

FL/RIO/LOS/NBO/JED/SAH Display accumulated mileage table


FLPAR/SIN/SYD.EH Specify global indicator

FL/LON/PAR/MOW.TS/TYO Specify GI for a sector

FL/LON/RTM*AMS/HEL Specify a permitted surface sector (RTM-AMS)

FL/ROM/PSA*FLR/LON.TS/SEL Specify permitted surface sector and global direction

FLS1.3.5–7 Specify segments 1, 3 and 5 through 7

FL/S1–3.5–7 Specify segments 1 through 3 and 5 through 7 displaying

accumulated mileage table

MPM Surcharge Entries


FMTYO Specify off point

FMJKTBKK Specify city pair

FM17OCT05BRUSIN Specify with date

FMLONPER.EH Specify global indicator

FMUSD700.00 Specify by value

FM9750 Specify by mileage

FM9750*USD700.00 Specify both by value and mileage

Tax Entries

FTAX Display list of countries with tax information

FTAX–I Display list of countries beginning with I with tax


FTAX–KY Display tax information for ISO country code KY (Cayman


FTAX–US/CHI Identifies if an airport is either rural or non rural

FTAX*PFC–DEN Display Passenger Facility Charge for Denver

FTAX*PFC–UA Display Passenger Facility Charge policy for UA


Basic Fare Quote Entries


FQ Quote applicable adult fare for all passengers, all

segments, in the class booked

FQBB Quote Best Buy

FQBC Quote Best Buy, calculating the saving between the fare
for the itinerary as booked, and the fare after re-book

FQBA Quote Best Buy, irrespective of availability

FQA Quote alternate fares for itinerary (IFQ only)

Fare Quote Best Buy by Cabin

FQBB++-PREMF Premier First Class Cabin

FQBB++-FIRST First Class Cabin

FQBB++-BUSNS Business Class Cabin

FQBB++-PREME Premier Economy Class Cabin

FQBB++-ECON Economy Class Cabin (includes economy fare type such as

Excursion, special, Promotional etc)
Note: All these entries may be followed by the pricing modifiers that follow. Infants specified in
the name field will be quoted at the infant rate. For itineraries which contain a departure from a
U.S. airport include plating carrier modifier, for example FQCSR.

Pricing Modifiers



FQP2/CSR Quote itinerary for passenger 2 (adult or specified infant)

for itinerary with plating carrier SR

FQP1–4 Quote itinerary for passengers 1 through 4

FQP2.5 Quote itinerary for passengers 2 and 5

FQP1.2*CNN Quote itinerary for passenger 1 adult and 2 child fare

FQP1.2*C07 Quote itinerary for passenger 1 adult and 2 child fare

(when specific age related fare filed by airline)

FQP1.2*YTH14 Quote for passenger 1 adult fare, and passenger 2, youth

fare aged 14

FQP2–4.5–7*CNN/CUA Quote for passengers 2 through 4 adult fares, and

passengers 5 through 7 child fares with plating carrier UA

FQBBP1.3–4*CNN Quote Best Buy for passenger 1, adult and passengers 3

and 4, child fare

FQ**SRC Quote itinerary for fares (only applicable to passenger


FQ*C05/ACC Quote for a child accompanied by an adult on a separate

Booking File

FQP1*C10/ACC2 Quote for a child (passenger 1) accompanied by 2 adults

on a separate Booking File

Note: Passenger numbers must be in ascending order.

Note: Discounted fares requiring accompaniment by another passenger type in the same booking
file must be quoted in the same FQ entry as the relevant accompanying passenger type. If
requested separately, a full fare will be quoted.


FQS3–5 Fare Quote for segments 3 through 5

FQBBS2.5 Fare Quote Best Buy for segments 2 and 5

No Stopover Selection

FQAX2.4 Quote Alternative fares with no stopovers at off point for

segments 2 and 4


FQO3 Fare Quote with stopover at segment 3

FQO3.5 Fare Quote with stopovers at segments 3 and 5

FQP1.2*C11/O2.4 Fare Quote, including passenger 2 aged 11, with

stopovers at segments 2 and 4

Specified Booking Class

FQ.Y Fare Quote for lowest applicable fare in Y class

Specified Fare Basis

FQ@BLXAP Fare Quote all segments with fare basis BLXAP

FQS2–3@J2 Fare Quote segments 2 and 3 with fare basis J2

FQP1.2*CNN@BE70 Fare Quote whole itinerary passenger 1 as an adult and

passenger 2 as a child, both with fare basis BE70

Selling and Ticketing Country

FQ.GVADUB Specified selling and ticketing countries if other than own:

sold in Switzerland, ticketed in Ireland

Fare Breakpoints

FQMB2.4 Fare Quote must break at segments 2 and 4

FQNB1.3 Fare Quote must NOT break at segments 1 and 3

FQOB2 Fare Quote must ONLY break at segment 2


FQ::USD Fare Quote fares filed in the specified currency (only

available in USD)

FQ:USD Fare Quote an itinerary with the equivalent fare, taxes and
total in USD

FQS1@LHXAN.2@LHWAN/CBA Fare Quote itinerary with different fare basis

Specified Date

FQ.T11APR07 Specified sale/ticketing date (future)

Personal Geography

FQ*VACLFR Quote visit another country, location France. (i.e. Visit

USA fare for French resident)

FQ*SRC65LGB Quote senior citizen age 65 location Great Britain

FQ*SEALPA Quote shipcrew fare, location (registered) Panama

FQP1*ADTLCAQC.2*C10LCAQC Quote psgr 1 adult and psgr 2 child age 10, location
Quebec Canada

Tax exempt quotations

FQTE Fare quote exempting all taxes for an itinerary

FQTE–DE Fare quote exempting specific DE tax

FQTE–FR* Fare quote exempting all taxes for a specific country


FQTE–US*–RA Fare quote exempting all taxes for a specific country (US)
and the specific RA tax
FQBBTE Best Buy exempting all taxes


FQ:AP Quote fare for itinerary, excluding fares with Advance

Purchase requirements

FQ:NR NO AP/Stay or Penalty restrictions

FQ:MM No Min or Max Stay restrictions

FQBB:NM No Minimum Stay restrictions

FQBB:NX No Maximum Stay restrictions

FQBBPE00 No Penalty restrictions

FQBBPE25 Penalty restrictions up to 25%

Combination of Modifiers

FQ.ZRHROM/P1 Specify selling and ticketing country for passenger 1

FQBBP1–3/S2.4.T15DEC07 Quote Best Buy for passengers 1 through 3, segments 2

and 4 for ticketing on 15 DEC 2007

FQ*CNN/S1–4 Quote child fares for segments 1 through 4 (passenger

number may be omitted provided there is only one
passenger description)

Passenger Descriptions


List of old Passenger Descriptions which were phased out in 2006.

Refer to the new list of Passenger Type Codes which work for both Fare Display and Fare Quote.

AB Abonnement

Ann Age

AD Adult

ADnn Agents Discount (discount % override)

AS Air/Sea fares

BCnn Frequent Flyer Child (age)

BL Visually impaired

BLnn Blind Associations (discount % override)

BP Frequent Flyer

BR Bereavement

CA Charter Adult

CCnn Charter Child (age)

CDnn Senior Citizen (age)

CH Child

CL Clergy

CN Companion Head

CP Companion Partner

CPnn Companion Partner (age)

CS Clergy Standby

CZ Charter Youth

DCnn Government Child (age)

DF Government

DGnn Government discount % override

DI Government infant

DL Labour

DLnn Labour Child/Infant (age)

DP Diplomats and dependents

DS Government State fare

DT Teacher

EM Emigrant
FAnnnn Fare Amount Reduction before Tax

FCnn Family Fare - Child (age)

FI Family Fare - Infant

FM Females Travelling alone

FP Family Fare - Head of family

FP1 Family Fare (accompanying member No. 1)

FP2 Family Fare (accompanying member No. 2)

FP3 Family Fare (accompanying member No. 3)

FTnnnn Fare Amount Reduction after Tax

FZnn Family Fare - Youth (age)

GA Group Affinity

GB Group Infant

GCnn Group Child (age)

GI Group Incentive

GN Group Non Affinity

GO Group Own Use

GR Group Fares

GV Group Incentive Tour

GX Group Advance Purchase

ICnn Inclusive Tour Child (age)

II Inclusive Tour Infant

IN Infant

IT Inclusive Tours

MA Military - Category A

MCnn Military Child (age)

ME Medical Emergency
MI Military Infant

MM Military

MS Missionary Spouse

MY Missionary

MZ Military - Category Z

NR Non Resident

PG Pilgrim

PSnn Press (discount % override)

RA Resident Abonnement

RB Resident Child

RF Resident Family Plan - Infant

RH Resident Family Plan - Head

RI Resident Infant

RK Resident Family Plan - Child

RL Resident Family Plan - Second adult

RN Resident Senior Citizen

RO Resident Government

RPnn Discount Pricing % override

RR Resident Group

RS Resident

RU Resident Student

RY Resident Family Plan - Youth

RZ Resident Youth

SB Seriously disabled

SC Seaman Fares (published; IFQ only)

SCnn Seaman (discount % override; IFQ only)

SD Student

SE Special Event

SH Spouse - Head of family (IFQ only)

SP Special

STnn Spouse – Accompanying (discount % override: IFQ only)

TEnn Foreign Tourism Delegate (discount % override)

UGnn Italian Aerospace Union (discount % override)

VA Visit Another Country

VU VUSA Fares (adult)

VCnn VUSA Fares (child)

YD Economy Discount

ZG Government and Military Category Z

ZSnn Youth Student (age)

ZZnn Youth (age)

Fare Quote Follow-up Entries


‡ FQL Display fare quote ladder (1st fare quote) (IFQ only)

‡ FQL2 Display fare quote ladder (2nd fare quote) (IFQ only)

*FF1 Display filed fare number 1 in linear format

FO Display additional fees after FQ response

FO1 Display additional fees for fare quote 1

F*Q Display fare quote field (linear format) when fare cannot be filed or from
alternate fare quote

FQ* Redisplay fare quote (summary format)

FQBB* Redisplay Best Buy fare quote

FI Ignore fare quote

FQN Display fare components (fare 1 by default)(IFQ only)

FQN2 Display fare components (fare 2, IFQ only)

FNS2 Display fare notes for segment 2 (NAFQ only)

FRS2 Display fare rules for segment 2 (NAFQ only)

FQBBK Best Buy automatic rebook

‡ FF3 File fare number 3 obtained from alternate fare quote input (FQA)

‡ = International Fare Quote only

Display Fare Notes after FQN Entries


FN3 Display category menu for component 3

FN3/P10 Display fare notes by specific paragraph from category


FN2/ALL Display all fare notes

FN*ALL Display all rule text for NAFQ after fare quote rule display
of specific segment

FN4/P1–5.10 or FN4/1-5.10 Display fare notes by specified category

FN3/S Display fare notes synopsis (selected city pairs only)

FR2 Display routing for component 2

FRS2 Display route for segment 2 of itinerary (NAFQ only),

after fare quote rule display of specific segment

FQN* Redisplay fare components



This functionality will be gradually made available to each market. Check with your SMO/NDC
for more information regarding the date it will be available in your market.

Focalpoint Shopping Without a Booking File


Basic Itinerary and Routing

FSLON10JANDXB One Way journey

FSLON10JANDXB20JANLON Round Trip journey

Circle Trip journey

Lowest Search Regardless of Flight Availability

FSAJNB10JANSEZ One Way journey

FSAPAR10JANALG20JANPAR Round Trip journey

Circle Trip journey

Surface Sectors and Connections


Connecting city (X-JFK)

Pricing Modifiers
(must be preceded with a + )

FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+*C10 Passenger Type Code

FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+:P Private Fares only

FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+-ACCT Private Fares with account code

FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+PE00 Fares with no penalty

FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+:NR Fares with no restrictions


FSFRA10JUNLON17JUNFRA+P1.2*C07 Adult and Child aged 7 years

FS2FRA10JUNLON20JUNFRA 2 passengers
Flight Segment Modifiers

FSSYD11JUNTYO/QF19JUNHKG/CX Journey with preferred carrier

Preferred Cabin class on sectors

FSZRH11JUNLHR.M#20JUNZRH.E# Morning departure 1st sector and evening on 2nd sector

Direct flight on 1st sector and single online connection on

2nd sector

Itinerary Modifiers
(must be preceded with + + )

FSLAX11JUNLON19JUNLAX++//*A Preferred Alliance - STAR Alliance (*A)

FSLAX11JUNLON19JUNLAX++ /AA/UA Preferred carriers (AA -or- UA)

FSLAX11JUNLON19JUNLAX++ -FIRST Preferred cabin class

FSLAX11JUNLON19JUNLAX++.D Preferred flight type (Direct)

FSNYC11JUNLON19JUNNYC++M Multi airport processing

Navigation and Follow on Transactions

FSK1 Book Pricing Option 1

*FS2 Display the fare construction for option 2

FQN3 Display the fare notes for option 3

FSOF3 Display addition fees for option 3

MORE*2 Retrieve additional itinerary options for pricing option 2

View additional screens of both Pricing and Itinerary

options if applicable.

FS- Move back to the previous group

FS* Redisplay the results screen

Focalpoint Shopping With a Booking File

Take The Following Steps:
1. Book the itinerary and enter names in the the Booking File.
2. Request Focalpoint Shopping - Enter: FS
3. Select the required alternative option and rebook the new itinerary using
FSK commands (FSK3 to rebook Option 3)
4. Fare Quote the rebooked itinerary and End Transaction.

Pricing Modifiers
(must be preceded with a + )

All Pricing Modifiers that are available with fare Quote functionality (FQ FQA FQBB etc) may be
used with Focalpoint Shopping.

A full list of Pricing Modifiers and further information can be obtained through this Formats Guide
or by entering >H/FQ in Focalpoint.

NOTE. You must separate multiple Pricing Modifiers with an oblique ( / )

New Pricing Modifiers have been introduced to be used with Focalpoint Shopping.

FSA Display options regardless of availability

FSALL Shop all segments including waitlist and unconfirmed

Maximum desired fare, system assumes currency of your

set. i.e. If in Spain, FSM350 will mean 350.00Euro

Other Pricing Modifiers are similar to those used by FS without a BF.

FS*STU Passenger Type Code (student)

FS:P Private Fares only

FS+-ACCT Private Fares with account code

FSPE00 Fares with no penalty

FS:NR Fares with no restrictions

FS+TE-GB Tax exempt

FS*STU/P1/TE:P Student fare, psgr 1 tax exempt and private fares only

All ATPCO Passenger Type Codes can be used.

Availability Modifiers

All Availability Modifiers must be preceded with ++

/BA Carrier code (maximum 3)

/CX# Specified carrier only

/CO- Exclude carrier

//O* Alliance carrier (One World)

//S- Exclude Alliance carrier (Skyteam)

-FIRST Cabin preference (also -BUSNS or -ECON)

Flight Types

.D Direct

.C Connecting

.SI Single interline connection

.SO Single online connection

.DI Double interline connection

.DXB Specify connecting city

.PAR- Exclude connecting city

Time of day

.M .N .E Morning Noon Evening

.M# Morning only

DT23 Departure time (23:00)

AT23 Arrival time (23:00)

JT25 Total journey time (25 hours)

-10 10 days earlier than booked

#5 5 days earlier than booked

I Itinerary as booked


What is Agency Private Fares

Agency Private Fares is a product which provides travel agencies with the ability to create their
own database of negotiated fares.

Discount fares, Flat Rate fares and Net fares may be stored for both International and North
American markets.

The agency that maintains and controls the negotiated fares information is referred to as the Host
Location. The Host Location creates a Private fares Record (PFR) using Account and Contract
codes to identify specific carrier agreements. These Account and Contract codes are then used
by retail locations to access the negotiated fare information through Fare Display and Fare Quote.

The Host Location will advise the retail locations when negotiated fare information is available
and will provide the relevant account and contract codes. Once the negotiated fare details have
been stored, all the information is available and eliminates the need to use reference sources
such as manuals or paper records.

Fare Display


Privatefares is designed to integrate Private and Published fares into one Fare Display. The Low-
to-High display makes it easy for you to choose between a published fare and a private fare to
provide the best quote for your customer. Privatefares are identified by a hyphen ( - ) next to the
carrier code. Fare Display modifiers may be used with Privatefares with the exception of validated
fares display, booking class codes and fare type. Entries are similar to normal Fare Display
entries, with the addition of the Private Fare Modifier.

Fare Display Entries

FDPARBKK11MAY-PRI Minimum entry with an assumed account code (HMCT)

FDPARBKK12JUN-PRI-ASIA4 Minimum entry with an account code (ASIA4)

FDFRALAX13JUL-RT/LH-PRI-USA2 Fare Display with modifiers, followed by account code

Specify multiple account codes, up to a maximum of 3

Use an account code with a specific contract code

Follow-Up entry to amend a regular fare display to an

integrated private and published fare display


Follow up entry to amend a regular fare display to show

Net Fares only
Note: If a Private Fare does not appear in the integrated fare display, then contact the co-
ordinater at the host location.

Fare Quote


To consider Privatefares for a booked itinerary, include an account code with the FQ input.
Galileo will consider any Private or published fare before responding with the best fare for the
booked itinerary.

Fare Quote Entries

FQ-EURO Fare quote, including any private fares

FQP2-SHELL Fare quote for passenger 2, with an account code

FQS1-IBM Fare quote for segment 1, with an account code

Fare quote for passenger 1, segment 3 with an account


Fare Quote using ONLY the Private Fare with this

account code.

FQ-SWISS@@EUR84 Specify a contract code

Specify a contract code and a flat rate fare (no published

fares considered)

FQ-SHELL:P Fare quote an itinerary using only Private fares

FQ-SHELL:G Fare quote an itinerary using only Agency Private fares

FQ-SHELL:A Fare quote an itinerary using only Airline Private fares

Fare quote for segments 1-3 Agency Private Fares ‘only’

FQS1-3-:XYZ@@JL12.4-6- with account code XYZ and contract/ruleid JL12. For
:ABC@@KL06 segments 4-6, consider Agency Private Fares ‘only’ with
account code ABC and contract/ruleid KL06.

Fare Rules


FN*2 View a fare rule for a private fare from a fare display

View a fare rule for a specific fare component from a fare

FQN then FN1
quote. (International FQ only)
Assumed City

If you frequently display fares under the same account code or from multiple host locations, you
can reduce the number of keystrokes by using the assumed city function before you access


Add account codes (maximum 2) (Help Me Create Table

- account code / entry code)

HMCTX-ACCT Cancel account codes

HMCT*XN9*XN8/PRI Add an additional Host location (maximum 2)

HMCTX-PRI Cancel additional Host Locations



A quick way of obtaining a quote for UNBOOKED routings

FQPROMPARROM Quote for unbooked routing ROM PAR ROM on any

carrier and any class

FQQBOM3MAYPAR10MAYBOM+AI Quote lowest fare for routing BOM PAR BOM on

specified dates with carrier AI for all sectors.

FQPMIA+UA.CRIO Quote for unbooked routing MIA RIO using UA in class


FQPSYD+QF.Y15JUNAKL+NZ.J20JUNSYD Quote for unbooked routing SYD AKL out on 15 JUN

using QF in Y class returning 20 JUN using NZ in J

FQPDXB18JULBOM12AUGDXB@SPCLS Quote special fares for unbooked itinerary for DXB

BOM DXB travelling out on 18 JUL and back on 12

FQPDUB10AUGX–LONJNB Quote fare for DUB LON JNB for unbooked itinerary for
travel 10 AUG with no stopover in LON

FQPPAR:TSTYO:EHPAR Quote fare for unbooked itinerary PAR TYO PAR using
Global Indicators TS outbound and EH inbound

FQPLISMADLIS*CNN@NORMS Quote return normal fares for a child for unbooked

routing LIS MAD LIS

FQPROM+AZ.J10NOVCHI.PAR Quote one way fare for unbooked itinerary for ROM to
CHI on the 10 NOV using AZ in J class for sale and
ticket issue Paris

FQPJFKCDG+AF/CAF Fare Quote for unbooked segment for JFK to CDG

using AF as the Plating Carrier

FQPPIT11JUNMIA– –TPA20JUNPIT+US Quote fare for unbooked itinerary PIT to MIA on

11JUN, surface TPA to PIT on 20JUN; all on carrier US

FQPLONPAR@Y+AF Quote fare for unbooked itinerary LON to PAR in Y

cabin on AF

FQPFRAMB–DELHKG+UA Quote fare for unbooked itinerary FRA to HKG on UA

to include DEL as a break point

FQPVIENB–BUDCAI+MA Quote fare for unbooked itinerary VIE to CAI on MA,

without breaking the fare at BUD

FQPJFK+AFPAR+AFJFK@Y/CAF/NM Quote round trip economy fares JFK/PAR/JFK, with no

minimum stay requirements

Fare Quote Planner Follow-up Entries

FQP* Redisplay Fare Quote Planner summary

FQP*2 Redisplay Linear Fare Quote Planner summary for fare

number 2 from summary display

FQL3 Display Fare Quote Ladder for fare number 3 from

summary display

FQN2 Display fare components for fare number 2 from

summary display

FN3/ALL Display all notes from component 3 from component

summary display

F*Q Display linear fare quote

Fare Quote Planner Updates

FQPD Display requested cities and qualifiers in itinerary format

FQP@S3/4JUL Change date of segment 3

FQP@S2+IB.C Change carrier and class of segment 2

FQP@S3.Y.5+KL Change segment 3 to Y class and segment 5 to carrier

FQP@*CNN Change request to a child

FQP@S3/16AUG/.C Change segment 3 to the 16AUG and whole itinerary to

C class

FQP@CAZ Change request to include AZ as the Plating Carrier


Display Filed Fares


*FF Display a summary of all filed fares

*FF1 Display detailed linear fare construction for fare 1

*FF2–4 Display detailed linear fare construction for fares 2 through


*FF1.3 Display detailed linear fare construction for fares 1 and 3

*FFALL Display detailed linear fare construction for all fares

*FFALL/T Display taxes only for all filed fares for all passengers.

*FFP3 Display detailed linear fare construction for all fares for
passenger 3

*FF2–4/P3 Display detailed linear fare construction for fares 2 through

4 for passenger 3

Cancel Filed Fares


FXALL Cancel all filed fares

FX3 Cancel filed fare 3

FX3P1–3 Cancel filed fare 3 for passenger 1 through 3

FX2.4P1–3 Cancel filed fares 2 and 4 for passengers 1 through 3

Restore Filed Fares

FF1@R Restore filed fare 1

FF1P2@R Restore filed fare 1 for passenger 2

FF4P1–3@R Restore filed fare 4 for passengers 1 through 3

FF1@T Restore filed fare 1 due to timetable changes

Amend Filed Fares


FF1BG2PC Change the baggage allowance for filed fare number 1 to


FF2BG30KCH Change the baggage allowance for the child filed fare
number 2 to 30K


Create Fare Build


FBC Create manual fare build screen for all passengers

FBCP1.3–5 Create manual fare build screen for passengers 1 and 3

through 5

FBCS1–4.6–8 Create manual fare build screen for segments 1 through

4 and 6 through 8

FBCP1/S1–3 Combination of passengers and segments

FBCP3*CNN.1–2/S2.5 Combination with passenger description codes

Fare Build Related Inputs


*FB Redisplay current manual fare build screen

FBI Ignore all manual fares in the current session

FBF File current manual fare

FBFCTP File current manual fare with plating carrier

FBFALL File identical fares for all passengers
(infants must be filed separately)

*FF Display a summary of all filed fares

*FB2 Retrieve filed fare number 2 and display it as a manual

fare build screen

*FB2P2 Retrieve filed fare number 2 for passenger 2 and display

it as a manual fare build screen

*FB2P2.3 Retrieve filed fare number 2 for passengers 2 and 3 and

display it as a manual fare build screen

FBUEB/ This entry will remove any system generated

endorsements after a filed fare has been converted to a
manual fare

*FB2P2–3*CNN Amend filed fare number 2 for passengers 2 and 3 to

show correct passenger description as a child

Fare Build Update


FBUX2/X No stopover at off point of segment 2

FBUFB/YPX3M/CNN Combined fare basis/ticket designator, all segments

FBUNVB/15JAN08 Not Valid Before, all segments

FBUNVA/02JAN08 Not Valid After, all segments

FBUBG/2PC Baggage allowance, all segments

FBUBG/NIL Infant Baggage Allowance

FBUFARE/GBP536.00 Base fare

FBUEQ/NZD200.00 Equivalent fare

FBUEQ/AUDNZD Original fare in AUD; additional collection on a re-issue to

be in NZD

FBUROE/10.06 IATA ROE (rate of exchange)

FBUTAX1/19.00US One tax

FBUTAX1/4.00US+TAX2/2.00FR Multiple taxes

FBUTAX1/EXEMPT–FR Add a tax exempt for France

FBUPFC/JFK3 Add a PFC (JFK3) to the fare construction line

FBUTB1/ZPJFK3 Add a ZP tax (JFK3) to the fare construction line

FBUTTL/18300 Total fare including tax

FBUS/I+T/I Sold and ticketed field SITI/SOTO/SOTI/SITO

(discontinued from 15Jan05)

FBUFC/FREE FORMAT Fare construction

FBUEB/FREE TEXT Inputs any endorsements required or overrides

endorsements already in the manual fare

Note: All entries can be segment related and combined with an end item (+).

For example:

FBUBG2/2PC Segment 2 only

FBUBG1.3–5/20K Segments 1 and 3 through 5

FBUBG1.4/PC+BG2–3/30K Multiple baggage allowance

FBUFB/Y+BG/20K+FARE/GBP500.00+ Multiple entry for fare basis, baggage allowance, fare

ROE/10.08 and IATA ROE

Manual Fares Currency Tables


FBT* Display manual fares currency table

FBT*GB Display table by country code

FBT*USD Display table by currency code

Manual Fare Build Procedure

In the build shown below, 4 passengers are travelling, of which passengers 1, 2, and 4 are adults,
passenger 3 is a child.

To minimise the number of screens to be completed, the smallest group should be first in the
input request, followed by the larger groups.

1. Create the Manual Fare build screens for all passengers, smallest group (the child) first.

2. The child screen is displayed first. Complete this using FBU entries.

3. File the fare using FBF.

4. The first adult screen is automatically displayed. Complete this using FBU entries.

5. File the fare for all remaining passengers using FBFALL



*TAA/15JUL/30 Subtract 30 days from 15 JUL (for APEX fares booking


*TAA/18JUN/+60 Add 60 days to 18JUN (to determine min/max stay)

*TAA/330 Furthest date that can be used for bookings in Galileo


Conversion of NUCs to and from Local Currency


FZIHKD Display IATA ROE for specified currency

FZI/ALL Display all IATA ROEs

FZICHF.02NOV07 Display IATA ROE for specified date

FZINUC1220.00AUD Convert NUCs to specified currency

FZISEK2900NUC.1NOV07 Convert specified currency to NUCs for a specified sale


FZINUC500.00EUR/GBP Convert NUCs to currency of country of commencement

of travel and then to own currency

FZIDE Display IATA ROE for specified country (Germany)

FZINUC1234.56/871.56/1234.87AUD Convert NUC1234.56 plus NUC871.56 plus NUC1234.87

/CHF.27NOV07 into AUD at the IATA ROE and then into CHF at the Bank
Rate for a specified date
IATA Clearing House Rates

FZC*ICH Display all IATA Clearing House Rates

FZAJPYGBP Display Bank Buying Rate, Bank Selling Rate and IATA
Clearing House Rate between Japanese Yen and UK

Note: For further FZC entries (IATA Clearing House Rates), modify the Conversion of Local
Currency entries (FZS) listed next. For example, FZCNZD.03JAN08

Conversion of Local Currencies


FZSHKD Display the bank selling rate for specified currency

against own currency

FZSEUR320.00GBP Convert currency amount at the Bank Selling rate to own


FZSCAD.AMS Display the bank selling rate for specified currency (other
than own); use city not currency code

FZSUSD50.00EUR*0.75 Convert currency amount at at rate specified by the user

(* = multiply)

FZSSEK2500GBP/12.75 Convert currency amount at a rate specified by the user

(/ = divide)

FZSJPY10000GBP/109.1/U Convert currency amount at a rate specified by the user,

leaving total unrounded

FZSNZD.29OCT06 Display the Bank Selling Rate for the NZD against own
currency for 29OCT06 (historical)

FZS3 Convert fare from fare display line 3 to own currency

FZS*NZ Display all Bank Selling Rates for specified country code

FZSCAD.AMS Display the Bank Selling Rates for Canadian Dollars in


Note: To see Bank Buying Rate entries (FZB), modify the Bank Selling Rate entries (FZS) listed

P– The response to all entries on previous pages can be
output to a printer by preceding the input with a P–


P–FD3SEPSINSYD/SQ Display all fares from SIN to SYD for carrier SQ for
3SEP output is to printer


Making a booking


A20SEPLONAMS Neutral availability

A20SEPLONAMS*YY Carrier specific availability

N1Y1 or 0YY123Y20SEPLGWAMSNN1 Short or long sell entry

ZFQ Price LCC segment/s

ZFCEnn Chargeable extra screen for LCC

(nn= Fare number)

ZF1.<vi4444333322221111/d1010/s123> Form of payment

N Mandatory fields required to

T. complete the booking: NAME,
W. booking


Amending or cancelling a booking


*R Retrieve Galileo booking file

Z*Rnn Retrieve "image" of LCC booking file
(nn = Fare number)

X1 Cancel segment

X1+N1Y1 or Modify segment (cancel and rebook)


ZFCE*nn View existing chargeable extras (nn =

Fare number)

ADDITIONAL DETAILS View any implicit charges for

chargeable extras on new /amended

ZFCEnn Add new chargeable extras (nn =

Fare number)

ZFQ Fare quote new itinerary

ZF1.vi4444333322221111/d1010/s123 Add FOP - mandatory even if no ADC

E or ER To commit changes

VIEW DETAIL View details of fare from Price

summary page

ACCEPT Accept changes on price summary

page and commit to LCC
DECLINE Decline changes on price summary page
and not commit to LCC (can then Ignore


Create Blank Fare Ladder

These entries have now been withdrawn from Galileo. Use the Fare Quote Planner entries


Pseudo itineraries provided a way of obtaining a fare quote without creating a booking, using a
series of entries starting F0.
These no longer exist, and have been replaced by the Fare Quote Planner (FQP) entries.

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