Using Information in Contemporary War
Using Information in Contemporary War
Using Information in Contemporary War
Volume 46 Article 9
Number 3 Parameters Autumn 2016
Fall 9-1-2016
Darby J. Arakelian
Recommended Citation
James P. Farwell & Darby J. Arakelian, "Using Information in Contemporary War," Parameters 46, no. 3
(2016), doi:10.55540/0031-1723.2755.
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On Strategic Communications Today
Using Information in Contemporary War
James P. Farwell and Darby J. Arakelian
© 2016 James P. Farwell and Darby J. Arakelian
Abstract: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has
sophisticated propaganda capabilities and expertise that can be
turned against it. The United States should draw upon its expertise
in political communication and psychological operations as well as
adapt Russian precepts of operational shock and reflexive control to
complement traditional military approaches.
1 Rupert Smith, The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World (London: Vintage Press,
2008). Smith argues the future threat environment is defined by engagements (no kinetics) and
conflicts (kinetics) that take place in areas in which combatants and noncombatants are intermixed,
not on conventional battlefields where opposing armies confront one another.
2 “Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016,” March 18, 2015,; and “DoD Gets Go-Ahead to Counter
Islamic State Messaging,” Federation of American Scientists, November 30, 2015,
/blogs/secrecy/2015/11/dod-counter-is/. In its FY2016 Defense Authorization Bill, signed into
law by President Barack Obama on November 25, 2015, Congress ordained: “The Secretary of
Defense should develop creative and agile concepts, technologies, and strategies across all available
media to most effectively reach target audiences, to counter and degrade the ability of adversaries
and potential adversaries to persuade, inspire, and recruit inside areas of hostilities or in other areas
in direct support of the objectives of commanders.”
72 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
3 James P. Farwell, Persuasion and Power (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012),
4 This article suggests some messages or narratives. Each needs to be phrased in proper Arab
language or dialects so testing yields dependable answers. Research for story, narrative, theme, and
message must be keyed to a clear comprehension of religious, cultural, psychological, linguistic, and
psychological factors that shape behavior, not merely attitudes, among target audiences. For a good
discussion of these, see Dr. Steve Tatham and Keir Giles, Training Humans for the Human Domain
(Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press, November 2015).
5 Dr. Steve Tatham, US Governmental Information Operations and Strategic Communications: A
Discredited Tool or User Failure? Implications for Future Conflict (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press,
December 2013), 33–35.
6 Farwell, Persuasion and Power.
On Strategic Communications Today Farwell and Arakelian 73
Forging a Strategy
A successful communication strategy requires effective target audi-
ence analysis that frames the story and narratives using credible voices
and channels which also create and drive themes and messages to
discredit the enemy. Information warfare campaign planning should
start with target audience analysis.
Target Audience Analysis
Target audience analysis highlights stories, narratives, themes, and
messages that strike a responsive chord with the intended audience.
Each aspect of the analysis is articulated in language that resonates with
the audience and respects religious, cultural, psychological, linguistic,
and psychological factors that affect the audience and shape not only
their behavior but also their attitudes.14 While reason persuades,
emotion motivates. Messages designed to shape behavior, there-
fore, should appeal to emotions and be rooted in values, which are
critical to human decision-making and behavior. Effective messages
“resonate with information already stored within an individual and
thereby induce the desired learning or behavioral effect. Resonance
takes place when the stimuli put into our communication evoke meaning
in a listener or viewer.”15
Communication strategy communicates information in ways that
shape and influence desired behavior. A message is not the starting point
for communicating but “the final product arrived at after considering the
effect we hope to achieve and the communication environment where
people will experience our stimuli.”16 How does one reach an audience?
The maxim “frequency = penetration = impact” helps to answer the
Correct target audience analysis provides insight into the emotional
impact of communication. Microsegmenting audiences helps distinguish
13 Farwell, Persuasion and Power. Actually, as Mark Kimmett’s political strategy in handling the
Abu Ghraib debacle and the public affairs fiasco that surrounded the “rescue” of Jessica Lynch in
Iraq illustrate, military public affairs does not flinch from the kind of influence operations many
public affairs officers deny sanctioning. In our view, their approach constrains the ability to defeat
enemies in the new information age and inadvertently constitutes a prime asset enemies can exploit
for their advantage. Political and corporate communication explicitly aim to influence and change
behavior. The media understands and expects that and discounts the view expressed by many public
affairs officers that they avoid influence or manipulation.
14 Tatham and Giles, Training Humans for the Human Domain.
15 Tony Schwartz, The Responsive Chord (New York, NY: Anchor Books, 1973), 24–25. The
classic example was the “Daisy” television spot aired just once in 1964 for President Lyndon
Johnson, in which a little girl picks leaves off a daisy. The frame freezes, the camera zooms into
her eye, a narrator counts down, and there is a nuclear explosion. The spot worked because it bril-
liantly crystallized deeply held fears and doubts about Senator Barry Goldwater. While that involved
American politics, the principles that governed the success of Schwartz’s famous strategy apply to
Iraq-Syria and other conflicts. By analogy, Muslims who criticize a leader as a pharaoh need not
explain further. People understand the critics mean a tyrant and is “arguably the most prominent
narrative archetype in the Qur’an.” See J. R. Halverson, H. L. Goodall Jr., and S. R. Corman, Master
Narratives of Islamist Extremism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 28.
16 Ibid., 26.
On Strategic Communications Today Farwell and Arakelian 75
17 Steve Tatham argues polls “are just not accurate predictors of real behavior.” Steve Tatham,
Using Target Audience Analysis to Aid Strategic Level Decisionmaking (Carlisle, PA: US Army War College
Press, August, 2015), 8. Tatham is acutely insightful about target audience analysis, but that statement
over-generalizes. Properly used, polling can be very relevant in predicting behavior, depending on
the context in which it is employed.
18 Interview with Celinda Lake of Lake Research, November 20, 2015.
19 For example, see Schwartz, The Responsive Chord; Neville Bolt, Violent Image: Insurgent Propaganda
and the New Revolutionaries (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012); and Farwell, Persuasion and
20 Richard LaPiere, “Attitudes vs. Actions,” Social Forces 13, no. 2 (December 1934); and Martin
Fishbein and I. Ajzen, Belief Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research
(Boston: Addison-Wesley, June 1975). Attitudes can measure favorability but this factor does not
ascertain emotional response or predict behavior; and Ibid., chapter 8.
21 For more on the subject of emotions, violence, and the psychotherapy process, including
information theory and Plutchik’s Wheel, see the research of Dr. Robert Plutchik. For more on
identifying key communicators and the emotional and motivational impact their messages have
on micro-segmented audiences and an advocate’s view on the use of “multisource, scientifically
verified, diagnostic methodology undertaken in-country and in the local language used to identify
specific motivations for behavior,” see Tatham, Using Target Audience Analysis to Aid Strategic Level
Decision Making, 26.
76 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
30 Bob Crilly, “ISIL Fanatics ‘Fear Being Killed by a Woman Will Deprive Them of Virgins in
Paradise,’ ” Telegraph, September 20, 2014; and Geoff Earle, “ISIS Fighters Terrified of Being Killed
by Female Troops,” New York Post, September 19, 2014. Both stories source that to Representative
Ed Royce, who chairs the House International Relations Committee.
31 Haras Rafiq and Nikita Malik, Caliphettes: Women and the Appeal of Islamic State (London:
Quilliam Foundation, 2015); Al-Khanassaa Brigade (Translation and Analysis by Charlie Winter),
Women of the Islamic State: A Manifesto on Women by the Al-Khanssa Brigade (London: Quilliam
Foundation, February 2015); and Eileen MacDonald, Shoot the Women First (New York: Random
House, 1991). An older book, it examines the experiences and motivations of the most notorious
female terrorists of the last century.
32 Hypocrisy in Arabic is niffaaq and a hypocrite is munaafiq. Applying the terms to ISIL will
resonate if done properly. Telephone interview with Foreign Service Officer Greg Hicks, May 26,
33 Jessica Stern and J. M. Berger, “A 6-Point Plan to Defeat ISIS Propaganda War,” Time, March
30, 2015.
34 Dr. Juan Cole and Cathrin Schaer report young Arabs are mocking ISIL quite effectively on
the Internet. See “The Rolex Caliph’s Camel Selfie: How Iraqi Youth are Ridiculing Daesh/ISIL
Online,” Informed Comment, November 29, 2014,
35 Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” The Atlantic, March 2015.
36 Norman Benotman and Charlie Winter, Islamic State—One Year On: Understanding and Countering
the Caliphate’s Brand (London: Quilliam Foundation, June 17, 2015); and David Ignatius, “How ISIS
Spread in the Middle East: And How to Stop It,” The Atlantic, October 29, 2015.
37 Lauren Markoe, “Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter to Islamic State Meticulously Blasting
Its Ideology,” Huffington Post, September 25, 2014,
On Strategic Communications Today Farwell and Arakelian 79
38 Benjamin Weinthal, “Former ISIS Bride Recruiter Warns European Girls of Caliphate
Horrors,” Fox News, June 23, 2015,
39 Benotman and Winter, Islamic State—One Year On.
40 Craig Whiteside, “War, Interrupted, Part I: The Roots of the Jihadist Resurgence
in Iraq,” War on the Rocks, November 5, 2014,
41 Greg Miller and Souad Mekhennet, “Inside the Surreal World of the Islamic State’s
Propaganda Machine,” Washington Post, November 20, 2015.
42 Michael R. Gordon, “Kurds, Backed by US Air Power, Try to Regain Sinjar from ISIS,” New
York Times, November 11, 2015.
43 A complete discussion of IW components would take into account Department of Defense
operations security, physical destruction, electronic warfare, etc. to help describe the entire IW tool-
kit available to create potential synergies necessary for achieving operational and strategic effects.
Space limitations mandate leaving that analysis to a future commentary.
80 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
44 Jared Cohen argues for marginalizing, not defeating ISIL, urging we separate human from
automated Internet accounts, suspend social media accounts, publicize arrests, and use algorithmic
analysis to identify, map, and deactivate accounts of terrorist supporters. Each of these has merit,
but should be subject to specific strategies for operations and tactics. Except for publicizing arrests,
one must be cautious about over-generalizing. See Cohen, “Digital Counterinsurgency: How to
Marginalize the Islamic State Online,” Foreign Affairs 94, no. 6 (November/December 2015).
45 Sonia Tamar Seeman points to the Turkish satirical journal LeMan, Iranian cartoonist
Kianoush Ramezani’s work for the Green Movement, and Tunisian satirists. See Seeman, “The
Long History of Satire in the Middle East,” Pacific Standard, January 16, 2015; and Ian Black, Patrick
Kingsley, Manu Abdo, Constanze Letsch, Martin Chulov, Moni Mohsin, and Saeed Kamali Dehghan,
“Laughing in the Face of Danger: The State of Satire in the Muslim World,” Guardian, January 12,
2015. The Lebanese band, The Great Departed, use loud music and cultural references to target
46 For an example of a TV cast persevering over death threats, see F. Brinley Bruton, “Iraq’s ‘State
of Myths’ TV Satire Takes Aim at ISIS Extremists,” NBC News, November 5, 2014, http://www
47 Arab militants are not famous for having a sense of humor. In Lebanon, the TV show A
Nation Smiles poked fun at Hezbollah. Instead of laughing, an angry Hezbollah took to the streets in
demonstrations. Bassem Mroue, “Officials: TV Satire Riots Taint Lebanon,” Washington Post, June 2,
2006. Any tactic that goads an opponent into mistakes is worth considering. Do not confuse such
tactics with controversies such as the Danish cartoons which Muslims felt insulted their religion.
On Strategic Communications Today Farwell and Arakelian 81
Operational Shock
Achieving operational shock on ISIL command and control mecha-
nisms could prove useful. Shimon Naveh, a retired Israeli Defense Forces
Brigadier General, draws upon Russian theories of deep operations that
inflict shock and unhinge an adversary’s equilibrium.48 Simultaneous
operations attack the enemy’s center of gravity by identifying exact
points of enemy strength and weakness, creating operational vulnera-
bilities, and exploiting those opportunities through maneuvering strikes
to destroy operational cohesion.
The theory combines a mechanical element (kinetic strike) with
cognitive elements (surprise and deception) and momentum to affect
the adversary’s consciousness.49 This notion was developed for kinetic
operations, but adapts well to information strategy in asymmetric
conflicts that lack a continuous front.50 Operational shock may dampen
enemy morale, create doubt, sow confusion, diminish confidence,
disrupt command and control, deter recruitment, discourage potential
donors, rattle leadership, destroy cohesion, and force mistakes.
Experiences in Iraq in 2003 and Syria in 2015 illustrate this point. In
Iraq, journalist Mark Urban reported Joint Special Operations Command
(JSOC) operations killed around 3,000 insurgents and captured 8,000 to
9,000.51 British Special Forces captured or killed 3,500, which impaired
al-Qaeda. In May 2015, US Special Operations forces staged a surprise
attack that killed ISIL commander Abu Sayyaf.52 The ISIL response
betrayed surprise and dismay.53 Mounted continuously and simultane-
ously against key targets, such tactics can induce operational shock, wear
down hostiles, and throw them on the defensive.54
Military strategy we leave to the military. An integrated strategy that
combines a kinetic element with information warfare can jointly achieve
an operational shock that paralyzes, disrupts, confuses, misleads, or
otherwise disrupts the military capacity and effectiveness of ISIL.
Reflexive Control
The discussion of traditional American notions of psychological
operations important to any information warfare strategy lies beyond
the scope of this article, but it should be considered in tandem with
48 Shimon Naveh, In Pursuit of Military Excellence: The Evolution of Operational Theory (London:
Frank Cass, 1997), 12–13 and Chapter 6, 209.
49 Ibid., 18–19 and 218–20.
50 Russian Deep Operation theories were developed for conventional wars characterized by
armies opposing one another on a defined battlefield.
51 Mark Urban, Task Force Black (London: Little Brown & Co. 2011), 270–71.
52 Barbara Starr, Laura Smith-Spark, and Ray Sanchez, “Abu Sayyaf, Key ISIS Figure in Syria,
Killed in US Raid,” CNN, May 17, 2015,
-us-raid/. Obviously such raids require solid intelligence and a commitment of resources. No one
suggests beating ISIL is easy or simple.
53 For a good illustration of the cumulative impact of forces inflicting operational shock, see
the 2010 CNN news broadcast documentary by Paul Refsdal that took viewers behind Taliban lines
in Afghanistan. The confidence and cohesiveness of Taliban fighters disintegrated into sheer panic
when the noise of approaching helicopters signaled the apparent arrival of US Special Operations
forces. See Paul Refsdal, CNN, “Inside the Everyday Life of the Taliban,” December 11, 2010,
54 One recognizes success for these raids requires a lot of elements, including solid intelligence.
82 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
61 Thomas, “Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military,” 248–49.
62 Soviet advisers convinced Afghan President Hafizullah Amin to move his court to a secure
place at Darulaman, outside of Kabul. The move made him vulnerable to Spetsnaz forces who secret-
ly moved into the Kabul airport and Bagram Air Base. Much of Amin’s government was captured
at a lavish Soviet social function in Kabul. In the meantime, Russian forces attacked and killed Amin
and his family at Darulaman. This operation was an excellent example of deception, manipulation,
and surprise. See Mark Lloyd, The Art of Military Deception (Barnsley, UK: Pen and Sword, June 1999),
128–29. Iraq and Syria may not offer an exact parallel, but the principle of finding ways to execute
such tactics stands. Deception and surprise work for both kinetic and information warfare, although
one needs to be very careful to limit deception to achieving military operational goals.
63 Adam Segal, “China’s Twitter War,” Asia Unbound (blog), March 22, 2012, http://blogs.cfr
.org/asia/2012/03/22/chinas-twiter-war/. Segal notes the government took no credit for the war,
but no other explanation makes sense.
84 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
64 For an excellent analysis of how social media can be used as a weapon, see Thomas Elkjer Nissen,
#TheWeaponizationOfSocialMedia: @Characteristics_of_Contemporary_Conflicts (Copenhagen: Royal Danish
Defence College, 2015).
65 In the Iraq War, the rumor mill was effective in spreading false information that con-
sumed time and resources. See Bernardi, Cheong, Lundry, and Ruston, Narrative Landmines.
Grounded in fears and frustrations of target audiences, rumor is a shorthand term for specula-
tion, half-truths, and misinformation in the form of stories, that to some groups, offer rational
cause-and-effect explanations of effects. They flow freely and plausibly fill gaps in knowledge
in ways that can be totally fraudulent. Rumors operate as part of narrative systems and circulate
within narrative landscapes. They explain conditions in the absence of information, express social
anxieties, and are non-narrative. Example: In the Iraq War, insurgents spread the rumor US forces
administering medicine to cattle were poisoning them. Cattle were observed to die. But why? No
one knew; al-Qaeda tied the rumor into the broader narrative during the Crusades that Westerners
came, attacked, pillaged, and destroyed. Now the United States is back, doing the same thing. The
story fits into a familiar pattern that makes sense to local residents. As the story was repeated, it
gained legitimacy. In the current conflict, rumors have spread—and believed by Iraqi troops—that
American forces are secretly supplying ISIL, making them vulnerable to reprisal attacks. See: Seán
D. Naylor, “Top US General: Many Iraqis Believe Washington Aiding Islamic State,” Foreign Policy,
May 20, 2015. In the meantime, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei has blamed the rise of the Islamic
State on “America, Zionism, and especially the veteran expert of spreading divisions—the wicked
government of Britain.” See Jacob Siegel, “Who Thinks ISIS Is a Zionist Plot?” The Daily Beast,
March 20, 2015,
-plot.html. Such rumors undercut efforts to forge a cohesive political, military, or information
warfare strategy against ISIL.
On Strategic Communications Today Farwell and Arakelian 85
66 Kim Zetter, “DARPA is Developing a Search Engine for the Dark Web,” Wired, February 10,
2015. The term Dark Web is a catch-all term for various Internet networks most people do not use,
such as Tor, Freent, and I2P; and Thomas Fox-Brewster, “Watch out Google, DARPA Just Open
Sourced All This Swish ‘Dark Web’ Search Tech,” Forbes, April 17, 2015.
67 Andy Greenberg, “DARPA Turns Oculus into a Weapon for Cyberwar,” Wired, May 23, 2014;
and Cheryl Pellerin, “DARPA’s Plan X Uses New Technologies to ‘See’ Cyber Effects,” DoD News,
June 11, 2014,
68 Mikael Thalen, “ISIS Launches Site on Dark Web: Anonymous Hackers Intensify Operations
Against Terror Group following Paris Attack,”, November 17, 2015, http://www (popular ISIL website mirrored on the Dark Web
in wake of Paris attacks); and Eric Niiler, “ISIS Taps Dark Web, Encryption Apps to Coordinate,”, November 16, 2015,
69 Ibid. Customer data monitoring refers to watching the visible web to see how user behavior
relates to, or telegraphs, attempted connections to nonstandard domains. Social site monitoring
applies to sites like Pastebin, which is often used to exchange contact information and addresses
for new hidden services. Hidden service monitoring means staking out Dark Web sites. Marketplace
profiling means developing construction models of how deals on the Dark Web go down.
70 Nissen, #TheWeaponizationOfSocialMedia.
71 Ibid.
72 Stanley McChrystal, My Share of the Task: A Memoir (New York: Portfolio / Penguin, 2013).
86 Parameters 46(3) Autumn 2016
access could have devastating effects on ISIL who has become reliant
on cybertechnology to coordinate its fighters, support its networks and
attacks, and conduct online messaging, recruiting, and fundraising.73
Information warfare alone will not defeat ISIL. Information warfare
is about advocacy and giving visibility to something by promoting ideas
or perceptions that advance our interests while discrediting those of
the enemy. Hammering ISIL on every lie, large or small, and foster-
ing negative rumors rooted in truth can be effective.74 Information
strategies are crucial to neutralizing supporters of ISIL or other
adversaries and converting them to be supportive opponents.
Information warfare is about changing behaviors—the way people
act. Combined with the right political strategies and battlefield victories,
information warfare can prove divisive. The United States has never
forged a smart, savvy, cohesive strategic plan for it, but needs to for
James P. Farwell
James P. Farwell is a national security expert who has advised the US Special
Operations Command and former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He
is the author of The Pakistan Cauldron: Conspiracy, Assassination and Instability
(Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2011) and Persuasion and Power (Washington,
DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012).
Darby J. Arakelian
Darby Arakelian is a national security expert and former CIA officer. Farwell
and Arakelian have co-authored the textbook, Communication Strategy: How to
Forge One That Wins on Communication Warfare for the Joint Special Operations
University and their new book on information warfare, Punch Counter Punch,
will appear in 2016.
73 In Iraq, then-General Stanley McChrystal used cybertechnology and fusion capabilities from
diverse parties to track enemies. Should DARPA’s Plan X become operational, it will provide a
common operating picture commanders can use to select targets; develop strategies, operations,
and tactics for attack; understand the enemy order of battle; and advise special operations forces on
forging and executing effective measures. The goal is to obtain a rapid, high-order picture of what
cyberspace looks like at any given point, including network connections and the capacity a particular
route has for carrying computer malware (e.g., a cyberweapon) and to suggest alternative routes
according to traffic flows. Mapping may also enable commanders and tactical operators to avoid
damaging systems not targeted, including homes or hospitals.
74 False rumors can be discredited, undercutting broader messaging against ISIL. Spreading
rumors, such as ISIL showing it was no match for Kurdish women and was afraid at Kobani, is
different from fabricating stories about false victories.