NTXLM - Bu .: Hi I DF
NTXLM - Bu .: Hi I DF
NTXLM - Bu .: Hi I DF
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of' New York has dec lared that it is in the public
interest to encourage the remediation of abandoned and likely contaminated properties ("sites")
that threaten the health and vitality of the communities they burden while at the same time
ensuring the protection of public health and the environment: and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of New York has declared that it is in the public
interest to establish within the Depart ment a statutory environmental remediation program that
includes the use of Environmental Easements as an enfo rceable means of ensuring the
performance of operation. mai ntenance. and/or monitoring requ irements and the restriction of
fu ture uses of the land. when an environmental remediation project leaves residual contaminati on
at levels that have been determi ned to be safe for a specific use. but not all uses. or which includes
engineered structures that must be maintained or protected against damage to perform proper !~
and be effectiYe. or which requires groundwntcr use or soil management restrictions: and
WHEREA S, the Legislature of the State of New York bas declared that Environmental
Easement shall mean an interest in real property. created under and subject to the provisions of
Article 71, Title 36 of the New York State Environ mental Conservation Law ("EC L") wh ich
conta ins a use restri cti on and/or a prohibi tion on the use or land in a manner inconsistent with
engineering contro ls wh ich are intended to ensure the long term effectiveness or a site remed ial
program or eliminate potential exposure pathways to hazardous waste or petroleum ; and
WH E REAS, Grantor. is the owner of real property located at the address of2 I2-218 East
I lartsdale 1\ venue in the Town of Greenburgh , County of Westchester and State of New York,
known and designated on the tax map or the County Clerk of Westchester as tax map parcel
numbers: Section 8.3 Block 229 Lot 6, being the same as that property conveyed to Grantor by
deed dated June 27. 2008 and recorded in the Westchester Co unty Clerk's Orfice in Instrument No.
482070290. The property subject to thi s Env ironmental Easement (the "Con tro lled Property")
compri ses ap prox imately 0. 17 +/-acres. and is hereina fter more full y described in the Land Title
Survey dated December 4. 2013 and revised on April 8. 20 14 prepared by Gabriel E. Senor, P. C..
\\·hich \\'ill be attached lo the Site Management Plan. The Contro lled Property description is set
forth in and attached hercco as Schedule A; and
WHEREAS. the Department accepts this Environmental Easement in order to ensure the
protection of public heal th and the envi ronment and to achieve the requirements for remediation
established lor the Control led Property until such time as this Environ mental Easement is
extinguished pursuant to ECL Article 7 1, Title 36; and
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and the
terms and conditions of Brownfield Cleanup Agreement Index Number: C360111-01-10, Gran tor
conveys to Grantee a permanent Env ironmental Easement pursuant to ECL Article 71 , Title 36 in.
on, over, under. and upon the Control led Property as more fully described herein ("Environmental
I. Purposes. Granter and Grantee acknowledge that the Purposes of this Env ironmental
Easement are: to convey to Grantee rea l property ri ghts and interests that wil l run with the land in
perpetuity in order to provide an effective and enforceable means of encouragi ng the reuse and
redevelopment of this Controlled Property at a level that has been determined to be safe for a
specifie use while ensuring the performance of operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring
requirements; and to ensure the restriction of future uses of the land that are inconsistent with the
above-stated purpose.
2. Inst itutional and Enuineerirnr Controls. The controls and requirements listed in the
Department approved Site Management Plan ("SMP") including any and al l Department approved
amendments to the SMP are incorporated into and made part of this Env ironmental Easement.
These controls and requirements apply to the use of the Controlled Property, run with the land. are
binding on the Granter and the Grantor's successors and assigns, and are enforceable in law or
equity against any owner of the Controlled Property, any lessees and any person using the
Contro lled Property.
(8) Monitoring to assess the performance and effe cti veness of the remedy must
be pe1fo nned as defi ned in the SNIP;
B. The Controlled Property shall not be used for Residential or Restricted Residenti al
purposes as defined in 6NYCRR J 75 - l.8(g)(2)( i) and (ii), and the above-stated engineering
controls may not be discontinued without an amendment or extingu ishment of this Environmental
C. The SMP describes obl igations that the Grantor assumes on behalf of Grantor, its
successo rs and assigns. The Grantor's assumption of the obl igations contained in the SMP which
may include sampling. monitoring, and/or operating a treatment system, and provid ing certilied
reports to the NYSDEC, is and remains a fundamental element of the Department's determination
that the Co11trollecl Property is safe for a specific use, but not all uses. The SMP may be modified in
accordance with the Department's statutory and regulatory authority. The Grantor and all
successors and assigns, assume the burden of' compl ying with the SMP and obtain ing an up-to-date
version o f' the SMP from:
D. Grantor must provide all persons who acquire any interest in the Controlled
Property a true and complete copy of the SMP that the Department approves for the Controlled
Properly and all Department-appro ved amendments to that SM P.
E. Gra ntor covenants and agrees that until such time as the Environmental Easement
is extinguished in accordance with the requirements of ECL Article 71 , Title 36 of the ECL, the
property deed and all s ubsequen t instruments of conveyance relating to the Controlled Property
shall state in at least fifteen-point bold-faced type:
G. Grantor covena nts and agrees that ii shall. at such time as NYSDEC may requi re.
submit to NYSDEC a written statement by an expert the NYSOEC may find acceptable certifying
under penalty of pc1:jury, in such fo rm and manner as the Department may require, that:
(I) the inspection of the site to confirm the effectiveness of the institutional and
engineering controls required by the remedial program was performed under the direction of the
individual set forth at 6 NYCRR Part 375- 1.S(h)(J).
(2) the institutional controls and/or engineering controls employed at such site:
(i) arc in-place:
(ii) are unchanged from the previous certification. or that any identilied
changes to the controls employed \Vere approved b the NYSDEC and that all controls arc in the
Department-approved format; and
(iii) that nothing has occurred that would impair the abi lity of suc h
control to protect the public health and environm en t;
(3) the ov;ncr will continue to allow access to such real property to evaluate the
continued maintenance of such controls:
(4) nothing has occurred that would constitute a violation or failure to comply
with any site ma11agcme11t plan fo r such controls:
(5 the report and all attachments were prepared under the direction of, and
reviewed by, the party making the certi Ii cation ;
(6) to the best of hi s/her knowl edge and beli ef, the work and conclusions
described in this certification arc in accordance \.Vith the requirements of the site remedial program.
and genera lly accepted engineering practices: and
(7) the information presented is accurate and complete.
3. Ri!.!hl to Enter and lnspecl. Grantee, its agents, employees, or other representativt:s or the
State may enter and inspect the Controlled Property in a reasonable manner and at reasonable
ti mes to assure comp Iiance with the above-stated restricti ons.
4. Reserved Grantor's Ri!.?.hts. Gra111or reserves fo r itself, its assigns, representatives, and
successors in interest with respect to the Property. all rights as fee owner of the Property.
f\. Use or the Controlled Property for all purposes not inconsistent with. or limitt:d by
the terms of this Environmental Easement;
13. The right to give. sell. assign. or otherwise transfer part or all of the underlying fee
interest to the Controlled Property, subject and subordinate to this Environmental Easement:
5. Enforcement
B. If any person violates this Environmental Easement. the Grantee may revoke the
Certificate of Completion with respect to the Controlled Property.
C. Grantee shall notify Gran tor of a breach or suspected breach of any of the terms
of this Environmental Easement Such notice shal I set forth how Grantor can cure such breach
or suspected breach and give Grantor a reasonable amount of time from the date of receipt of
notice in which to cure. At the expiration or such period of time to cure, or any extensions
granted by Grantee. the (irantee shall notify Granter of any fai lure to adequately cure the
breach or suspected breach. and Grantee may take any other appropriate action reasonably
necessary to remedy any breach of this Environmental Easement, including the commencement
or any proceedings in accordance with applicable law.
D. The fai lure of Grantee to enforce any of the terms contained herein shall not be
deemed a waiver of any such term nor bar any enforcement rights.
6. Notice. Whenever notice to the Grantee (other than the annual certification) or
approval from the Grantee is required, the Party providing such notice or seeking such approval
shal l identify the Control led Property by referencing the following information:
County. NYSDEC Site Number, NYSDEC Brownfield Cleanup Agreement, State Assistance
Contract or Order Number. and the Coun ty tax map number or the Libcr and Page or
computerized system identifi cation number.
Albany, NY 12233
All notices and correspondence shall be delivered by hand, by registered mail or by Certified
mail and return receipt requested. The Parties may provide for other means or receiving and
communicating notices and responses to requests for approval.
7. Recordation. Grant or shall record this instrument. within thirty (30) days of execution
or this instrument by the Commissioner or her/his authorized representative in the office or the
recording officer for the county or counties where the Property is situated in the manner
prescribed by Article 9 or the Real Property Law.
I 0. Joint Obligation. Ir there arc two or more parties identified as Grantor herein, the
obligations imposed by this instrument upon them shall be joint and several.
_ _ __ _---------.
_ _ __ __
Public, State of New York
No. 01 SH6083943
Qualified in New York County
Commission Expires~
Nf Lt-, Jois
Robert W. Schick, Director
Division of Environmental Remediation
On the Ut\\ clay of N<.lJeM~f. in the year 2o_t{, before me, the undersigned,
personally appeared Robert W. Schick. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name is (are) subscribed to the within
instrument and ackn owledged to me that he/she/ executed the same in his/her/ capacity as
Dcsignec or the Comm issioner of the State of New York Department of Environmental
ConserYc:.ttion. and that by his/her/ signature on the instrument. the individual. or the person
upon behal f of which the individual acted. executed the instrument.
Notary Public, State of New Yori<
No. 02GU61n593
Qualified In Albany County
Convnlsslon Expires November 13, 206
ALL T HAT CERTA IN plot, piece or parcel of' land, with the bui ldings and improvements
thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the Town of Greenburgh. County of Westchester
and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:
RUNNING Tl 1r:NCE through lands or the Westchester County Syndicate Co rporation pan or
the way along the northerly foee of the brick \.val l of a one story brick build ing of premises
adjoining on the south. north 57 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds west. 186.1 0 feet to the easterly
side of lands no\v or formerly of the Scarsdale Golf Club;
RUNNING Tl !ENCE along said lands. North 17 degrees 56 minu tes 30 second s east. 19.69
feet to other lands of the Westchester County Syndicate Corporal ion;
RUNNING THENCE through said lands now or formerly of Westchester County Syndicate
Corporation. south 78 degrees 49 minutes I 0 seconds east, 171.11 feet to the westerly side of
Har:tsdale Avenue widened by dedication to the Town of Greenburgh of a strip of land fo r
highway purposes described as Parcel 2 in deed recorded in the Offi ce of the Register of
Westchester County in Libcr 3277 cp 472;
RUNNll\G TH El\ CE along said side of said l lartsdale Avenue as widened aforesaid. South 11
degrees 22 minutes I 0 seconds west. 21.42 feet to a point of curve:
T I !ENCE leaving said lands as hereinabove described as dedicated fo r highway purposes and
running still along the westerly side of 1-lartsdCllc /\venue which is also the westerly side of
lands of the New York City Pipe Line southerly on a curve to the right, having a radius of
925.37 teet. a distance of 65.97 feet to the westerly side of 1-lartsclale Avenue hereinabove
referred to a Parcel I in the deed of Dedication:
RUNNING THENCE along said side of said Hartsdale Avenue, so uth 32 degrees 38 minutes
20 second s west. 0.25 feet to the point or place of 13EGINN1NG.
EXCEPTING thcreout and therefrom so much or the premises as has been conveyed to the Town
of Greenburgh, by deed from W. Britton Manee. dated 12/611949 and recorded 4/26/1951 in the
Westchester County Clerk's Onie<.:. Division or Land Records in Liber 4975 page I 08.
TOGETHER with those rights and ensements reserved and SUBJECT to the terms. cond itions and
restrictions contained in correction deed and modification agreement made by and between Monte
Stewart Mance and Sandra Manee Hutchins and the Town of Greenburgh dated
712311970 and recorded 8/6 11 970 in Liber 6944 page 31.
Said premises being further bounded and described as follows in accordance with a Survey made
by Kulhanek & Plan dated 5130106, as updatt!d by said surveyor on 6/29/08:
ALL THAT CERTA IN plot, piece or parcel of land , with the buildings and improvements thereon
erected. situate. lying and being in the Town of Greenburgh, County or Westchester and State of
Nevv York. bounded and described as follows:-
13EGINNING al a point on the westerly side of Hartsdale Avenue as widened hy dedication to the
Town of Greenburgh of a strip or land for highway purposes described as Parcel I in deed
recorded in the Office of the Register of Westchester County in Liber 3277 cp 472 distant 3 16.18
feet northerly as measured along the westerly side of Hartsdale Avenue as widened by dedication
as aforesaid from the northerly end of a curve, havi ng a radius of27.04 fee t and a length of an arc
of 63.09 feet connecting the said westerly side of Hartsclale Avenue as widened with the northerl y
side of Club Way:
RUNNING Tl !ENCE through lands of the Westchester County Syndicate Corporation part or the
way along the northerly face of a brick wall of a one story brick building of premises adjoining on
the south, north 57 degrees 2 I minutes 40 seconds west, 124.07 feet to a point in the easterly side
of 20 foot Right of Way as per Deed Liber 4299 page 167 and old records in which part of the
westerly side of the premises is located.
RUNNING THENCE North 17 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds east, 42.54 feet to other lands of
the Westchester County Syndicate Corporation;
RUNNING THENCE through said lands now or formerly of Westchester County Syndicate
Corporation. south 78 degrees 49 minutes I0 seconds east, 110.69 feet to the westerly side of
Hartsdale A venue widened by dedication to the Town of Greenburgh of a strip of land for highway
purposes described as Parcel 2 in deed recorded in the Office of the Regi ster of Westchester
County in Libt:r 3277 cp 472:
RUNN ING Tl !ENCE along sa id side of the sa id Hansdale Avenue as widened aforesaid, South 11
degrees 22 minutes I0 seconds west. 2 1.42 feet to a point of curve;
THENCE leaving said lands as hereinabove described as dedicated for highway purposes and
running sti ll along the westerly side of Hartsdale J\ venue which is also the westerly side of lands of
the New· York Ci ty Pipe Line southerly on a curve to the right. having a radius of 925.37 feet. a
distance of 65.97 feet to the westerly side of Hansdale Avenue herein above referred to a Parcel I
in the deed of Dedication:
RUNN ING THENCE along sa id side of said Hartsdale Avenue, south 32 degrees 38 minutes 20
seconds west, 0.25 feet to the point or place of BEGINN ING .
fo r information onlv: Said premises arc known as 2 12-218 East Hartsclale Avenue, Hartsdale.
Y and de:signated as Volume 8 Sheet 21 111ock 8211 Lot 6 as shown on the Westchester County
I.and and Tax Map.