EC - Unit 4 - Negative Feedback
EC - Unit 4 - Negative Feedback
EC - Unit 4 - Negative Feedback
VS - AC signal in the input side (current or voltage)
Vf - feedback signal (current or voltage)
Basically there are two kinds of feedback namely Positive feedback and Negative feedback.
Positive feedback:
Positive feedback If the feedback signal Vf is in phase with input signal VS, then the net Vi = VS+
Vf .
Hence, the input voltage applied to the basic amplifier
amplifier is increased thereby increasing VO
This type of feedback is said to be positive or regenerative feedback.
1 1
! !
1 1
1 1
Here, |Af| > |A|. The product of the open gain and the feedback factor is called the loop gain, i.e.
loop gain = Aβ.
If |Aβ| = 1, then Af = 0. Hence, the gain of the amplifier with positive feedback is infinite and the
amplifier gives an AC output without AC input signal.
Thus, the amplifier acts as an oscillator.
The positive feedback increases the instability of an amplifier, reduces the band-width and
increases the distortion and noise.
The property of the positive feedback is utilized in oscillators.
Negative feedback:
If the feedback signal Vf is out of phase with the input signal VS then Vi = Vs - Vf.
So the input voltage applied to the basic amplifier is decreased and correspondingly the output
is decreased.
Hence, the voltage gain is reduced.
This type of feedback is known as negative or degenerative feedback.
Gain of the amplifier with negative feedback is
! +
1 1
!+ !
1 1
1 1+
Here, |Af| < |A|. If |Aβ| >> 1, then Af= 1/β, where β is a feedback ratio.
Hence, the gain depends less on the operating potentials and the characteristics of the
The gain may be made to depend entirely on the feedback network.
If the feedback network contains only stable passive elements, the gain of the amplifier using
negative feedback is also stable.
The stabilization of the DC operating point of a transistor amplifier is accomplished by the use
of negative feedback as far the DC potential is concerned and the operating point is kept
constant in the case of change in temperature or a change in the hfe or β of a transistor.
Negative feedback is used to improve the performance of an electronic amplifier.
Negative feedback always helps to increase the bandwidth, decrease distortion and noise,
modify input and output resistances as desired.
All the above advantages are obtained at the expense of reduction in voltage gain.
The block diagram of a feedback amplifier shown in figure consists of sampling network,
feedback network and mixer network.
Sampling network:
There are two ways of sampling the signal at the output, the output voltage is sampled by
connecting the feedback network in shunt across the output or by series from the output.
The type of connection at the output sampled as shunt across the output is referred to as
voltage or node sampling.
Another feedback connection which samples the output current, where the feedback network is
connected in series with the output.
This type of connection is referred to as current or loop sampling.
Feedback network:
The feedback network is usually a passive two-port network which may contain resistors,
capacitors, and inductors.
Most often it is simply a resistive configuration in amplifier circuits.
It provides a reduced portion of the output as feedback signal to the input mixer network and it
is given as Vf = βVO where β is a feedback factor or feedback ratio which always lies between 0
and 1.
Mixer network:
Like sampling, there are two ways of mixing the feedback signal with the input signal.
The two mixing blocks are as series to the input or shunt to the input.
Although there is a reduction in overall voltage gain, there are some improvements in using
negative feedback in amplifier circuits as listed below:
1. Better stabilized voltage gain
2. Enhanced frequency response
3. Higher input impedance
4. Lower output impedance
5. Reduction in noise
6. Increase in linearity
Desensitization or Stabilization of Gain:
The variation due to aging, temperature, replacement, etc., of the circuit components and
transistor or FET characteristics results in unstable amplifier transfer gain.
The closed-loop gain of the amplifier with negative feedback is given by
Differentiating the above equation with respect to A, we have
% &
$ $
'1 + (
'1 + (
$ $
'1 + ()
'1 + (1
'1 + ()
'1 + ()
'1 + ()
Dividing both sides by Af, we get
'1 + ()
'1 + (
'1 + ( )
'1 + (
+, +,
The term represents the fractional change in amplifier voltage gain with feedback and
, ,
denotes the fractional change in voltage gain without feedback.
The term 1⁄1 + is called sensitivity, Therefore, the sensitivity is defined as the ratio of
percentage change in voltage gain with feedback to the percentage change in voltage gain
without feedback.
% &
. / 0
'1 + (
1 2
The reciprocal of the term sensitivity is called desensitivity D, or desensitivity D= (1 + Aβ).
Hence, the transfer pain divided by desensitivity is called the closed-loop gain and it can be
written as
'1 + ( 3
In particular, if |βA| >> 1, then
'1 + (
Hence the gain depends entirely on the feedback network.
If the feedback network contains only stable passive elements, the improvement in stability
may be high.
Increase in stability shows that the gain is made insensitive to changes in transistor
Extension of Bandwidth:
We know that, the gain with feedback for an amplifier is given by
Using the above equation, we can write
1+ 5!+
6 7
6 7
1+ 6 7
1+ 8!98
The effect of negative feedback on lower cut-off and upper cut-off frequencies of the amplifier
is analyzed here.
Lower cut-off frequency:
We know that, the relation between gain at lower cut-off frequency and gain at mid frequency
for an amplifier is given as
6 7 1
5!+ 1 : % ;&
∴ 6 7
1 : % ;&
5!+ 5!+
1 :% & 1 : % ;&
6 7
1+ 1 : % ;& + 5!+
1 : % ;&
1 : % ;&
5!+ 5!+
6 7
1 : % ;& + 5!+ '1 + 5!+ ( : % ; &
'1 + 5!+ ( 5!+
6 7 ; . 5!+
; 1+
1 :% & 5!+
'1 + 5!+ (
6 7
1 :% &
'1 + 5!+ (
6 7 1
5!+ ;
1 :% &
∴ 8!98
1+:% &
Substituting the Ahigh in the Af high equation, we get
5!+ 5!+
5!+ 5!+
1 + : % & + 5!+ '1 + 5!+ ( + : % &
> >
Dividing Numerator and denominator by '1 + 5!+ (, we have
5!+ 5!+
'1 + 5!+ ( '1 + 5!+ (
'1 + 5!+ (
'1 + 5!+ ( + : % & +:% &
> '1 + 5!+ ( '1 + 5!+ ( >
'1 + 5!+ (
'1 + 5!+ ( 5!+
8!98 ; . 5!+
1+:% & 5!+
'1 + 5!+ ( >
1+% &
'1 + 5!+ ( >
8!98 1
5!+ 1+:% &
From the above equation, we can say that upper cut-off frequency with feedback is greater
than upper cut-off frequency without feedback by factor (1+Amidβ).
Therefore, by introducing negative feedback, high frequency response of the amplifier is
?@ '1 + 5!+ ( >
'1 + 5!+ (
Or, it can also be written as Figure 2(Effect of Negative feedback in gain and Bandwidth)
?@ ?@ '1 + 5!+ (
From the frequency response graph shown in Fig.ure, it is very clear that A > ; B ≫
' > ; ( and hence the bandwidth of the amplifier with feedback is greater than the
bandwidth of the amplifier without feedback.
As the voltage gain of a feedback amplifier reduces by the factor '1 + ( its bandwidth
increases by '1 + (.
This shows that the product of voltage gain and bandwidth of an amplifier without
feedback and with feedback remains the same, i.e. Af X BWf= A X BW.
Noise Reduction:
Negative feedback reduces the
noise or interference in an
amplifier, more precisely, by
increasing the ratio of signal to
noise; which is possible only
under certain conditions.
Consider the amplifier block
shown in figure with input signal
Vs noise signal Vn and gain A1. Figure 3(Noise Reduction due to Negative feedback)
Assume that the noise is introduced at the input of the amplifier and the signal-to-noise ratio
for this amplifier is given by S/N = D / F
In the above figure an amplifier stage with gain A2, that does not suffer from the noise
problem, is connected before the main amplifier A1 and by applying negative feedback
around the overall cascaded block, the overall gain is maintained constant.
The output voltage of the circuit can be obtained by superposition and it is given by
G ) G
D + F
1+ G ) 1+ G )
Thus the signal to noise ratio at the output becomes
G )
. D1 + G ) D
+ G )
Which is A2 times higher than the original case.
Hence, there is an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), by connecting a noise free
amplifier before the noisy stage, with the application of negative feedback.
Improvement in SNR results in reduction of noise.
The transfer characteristics of the closed-loop amplifier is shown in curve (b) in which a
negative feedback with β = 0.01 is applied to the amplifier whose open-loop voltage transfer
characteristic is indicated as curve (a).
Here the slope of the steepest segment is given by
G 90.9
1 + 1000 + 0.01
And the slope of the next segment is given by
) 50
1 + 100 + 0.01
Thus the order-of-magnitude change in slope with feedback as shown in curve (a) has been
considerably reduced compared to the change in slope without feedback as shown in curve
This has been achieved at the expense of reduction in voltage gain.
Thus, if the overall gain has to be restored, then a preamplifier should be added.
This preamplifier should not present a severe nonlinear-distortion problem, since it deals with
smaller signals.
Consider an amplifier with an open-loop voltage gain (A) and a total harmonic distortion
without feedback (D).
Then, due to introduction of negative feedback, with the feedback ratio (β), the distortion (D)
is reduced by a factor of 1 + Aβ and the distortion with feedback (D) is given by
Types of Negative Feedback:
Based on the type of sampling at the output side and the type of mixing to the input side,
feedback amplifiers are classified into four Types as follows as
The series feedback connections tend to increase the input resistance, while the shunt feedback
connections tend to decrease the input resistance.
Also, the voltage feedback tends to decrease the output resistance, while the current feedback
tends to increase the output resistance.
It is desirable that most cascade amplifiers need to have higher input resistance and lower
output resistance.
The voltage-series type of feedback has the high input resistance and low output resistance, but
it suffers the highest decrease in voltage gain.
On the other hand, current-shunt feedback has the least desirable effects since it decreases
input resistance and increases output resistance.
Voltage-Series Feedback:
Voltage-Shunt Feedback:
Current-Series Feedback:
A block diagram of a current-series feedback is
illustrated in Figure.
In current series feedback, a voltage is
developed which is proportional to the output
This is called current feedback even though it is
a voltage that subtracts from the input voltage.
Because of the series connection at the input
and output, the input and output resistances get
The current series feedback decreases the Figure 8(Current Shunt Feedback)
input resistance and increases the output
resistances by the factor '1 + (
The input resistance is given by
'1 + (
The input resistance is given by
M M '1 + (