Exam Handbook V 2022
Exam Handbook V 2022
Exam Handbook V 2022
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Financial Planning Association of Malaysia
The CFPCERT TM certification marks identify what a financial planner is, establish
a standard of professional practice and create a 'mark of quality that consumers
can recognize and for which practitioners may aspire to attain.
The financial planner who uses this mark is recognized as having met the
highest standards for the practice of financial planning. The Financial Planning
Standards Board (FPSB) works to ensure that a well-defined six-step process
used by a financial planner will place the client's interests and needs first.
Today, there are more than 175,000 CFPCERT TM certificates in 26 countries and
the number is growing. The CFPCERT TM qualification is also recognized by the
Securities Commission and Bank Negara as a prerequisite for the application of
the Capital Markets Services License (CMSL) and Financial Adviser’s License
The certification course consists of four (4) modules with minimum of 60 hours
of classroom-based lectures per module followed by examinations.
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Sequence of Examination
Candidates are required to attend 60 hours of lectures per module and ensure
that their membership is current before they are permitted to register for the
certification examinations.
Candidates must have passed Modules 1 to 3 before they can register for
Module 4 examinations unless they are Challenge Status candidates.
Language of Examination
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Each of the exams is graded independently and the result of one module does
not affect another.
Candidates are only required to re-sit the module which they fail.
From time to time, there will be updates and changes to the laws governing
the financial industry.
Examination Schedule
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Examination Registration Procedures
Application Form
Registration for examinations can also be done online. Please refer to FPAM’s
website at www.fpam.org.my for registration procedures.
Application Deadline
FPAM will NOT be responsible for the loss of application forms and documents
sent by normal mail.
Candidates are advised to contact FPAM’s office if they do not receive their
receipt for exam registration fees THREE (3) weeks after submitting their
Examination Fee
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Payment Method
The examination fee must be submitted with the application form by Bank
Payment Statement, or Credit card information.
Refund/Withdrawals Policy
The request must be received one week before or after the examination.
An examination guide and login details will be sent to applicants TWO (2)
weeks before the exam.
The official receipt can be sent via email to applicants upon request.
Examination Results
Examination results are normally available within six (6) to eight (8) weeks
after the examination. The result notification letter will be sent to candidates
by mail.
The result is graded PASS or FAIL. In no instances will the marks be released.
Candidates who are unable to attend the examination will be regarded as
A certificate will be issued only to candidates who have passed all FOUR (4)
modules and have met all the requirements for certification. No certificate will
be issued to candidates who have only passed all FOUR (4) modules but have
not applied for an upgrade to Certified membership.
Certified membership application forms are sent along with the result
notification letter to candidates who have passed Module 4. Forms are also
available at FPAM’s office and from FPAM’s website at www.fpam.org.my
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Loss or Damage to Certificates
Candidates who have lost or damaged their certificates may apply for a
duplicate by submitting a written request, which will be subject to an
administration fee of RM30.
Examination Misconduct
Examination Marking
Only correct answers will earn points. No partial marks will be given.
Pass Score
The pass marks for the examinations are determined after consultation with
the Board of Certification and Standards.
The pass marks may vary from examination to examination and are not
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Enquiries on Examination
If a candidate has any queries after taking the examination, he can submit a
written enquiry to the examination department at FPAM.
If they believe that an examination question contains an error, they can write
in via email or mail within FIVE (5) days of the examination. The submission
will be acknowledged but candidates will not receive an individual response to
the submission.
Examination Review
Candidates may submit an appeal to have their results checked if they suspect
that it was marked incorrectly.
Appeal forms are sent with the result notification letter to those who failed their
module. They must complete and submit the appeal form to FPAM within FOUR
(4) weeks from the date on the result notification letter together with an
RM100 processing fee.
Requests made after the THIRTY (30) days will not be accepted.
The result of the appeal will be available within FOUR (4)- SIX (6) weeks
after the request is received.
Please note that the report will only indicate if there is any change in result
status. Information on examination scores or grades is not provided in the
appeal letter
FPAM may decide to change the date, time, or conditions of the administration
of the examination or cancel the administration of the examination, either
entirely or of a particular paper, if FPAM in its sole discretion decides that any
such action is needed to protect the integrity of the Certification Examination,
or because the administration of the examination is hindered by any cause that
could not be reasonably prevented by FPAM, including fire, flood or other
natural disasters; a public enemy, a military authority or Malaysian
Government Movement Control Order.
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
FPAM reserves the right to make changes to the examination regulations, the
examination syllabi, topic coverage, and any other information presented in
this examination handbook when necessary.
Examination Regulations
General Rules
Only candidates with valid proof of identity, namely, i) an identity card by the
government (or a valid passport) will be admitted to the exam.
Only Allowable Items (see "List of Allowable Items") are allowed during the
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Approved calculators for the Certification Examinations
1. Casio FC 100
2. Casio FC 100V
3. Casio FC 200V
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Non-Discrimination Policy
Any candidate who meets the pre-requisites for entry to the CFP certification
program will be accepted into the program.
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Special Needs/Accommodations Policy
This policy ensures that candidates with disabilities (special needs) are able to
access and participate in the CFP certification program without experiencing
discrimination. The definition of disability is very broad and includes people who
have a physical, learning, sensory, psychiatric, or medical condition. A disability
can be permanent or temporary.
Candidates may request assistance if they have a disability or other need that
may affect their ability to write the examinations of the CFP certification
program under standard conditions.
Candidates who have a learning disability must provide a valid report from a
psychologist or other qualified professional trained in administering
standardized tests and assessing learning disabilities.
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Confidentiality Policy
The results of all candidates who remain unsuccessful shall be kept confidential
in the custody of FPAM. The documents submitted by the candidates at the
examination are the property of FPAM, are kept confidential in the custody of
FPAM, and are not subject to any public scrutiny. The same is to preserve the
confidentiality of candidate-specific information. These are also used for useful
information to strengthen our examination system and cross-check the relevant
information in case of the review or appeals received post-examination.
FPAM, either through telephone, e-mail responses, or through its website, may
provide any of the following information:
o Whether the person(s) has ever been certified by FPAM, the date of that
certification, and, if not currently certified, the date on which certification
lapsed or was otherwise terminated.
o Whether the person(s) has indicated he/she is in the practice of financial
o Any past and/or current public disciplinary actions against the person(s) by
o The business name, address, and phone number of the person(s).
o The renewal date for the person(s) current CFP CERT TM certification.
From time to time, FPAM may provide this same information in the form of a
list to education providers, industry organizations, associations, or businesses
related to the financial planning industry as FPAM deems appropriate. A fee
may be charged for the list and may be used one-time only. Certificants may
opt out of being included on these lists by e-mailing notification to FPAM.
FPAM may provide information other than that listed above, including but not
limited to government and self-regulatory organizations, to allow for the proper
identification of the person(s) associated with the requesting agency.
FPAM may release information on the rare occasions when we are required to
do so by law, are involved in a lawsuit, or in order to enforce the terms of use
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Privacy Statement
Failure to provide full and complete information may result in a limited ability
or willingness on the part of FPAM to assess or approve your application for
If your application is accepted, the information that you provide will be used by
FPAM to offer and provide services to you and other members of FPAM.
FPAM may also use the information you provide for administrative, planning
and reporting purposes in connection with the provision of services offered by
FPAM and the compilation or analysis of statistics relevant to the financial
planning industry and the education requirements of financial planning
professionals. We may also publish results on the Internet.
• governmental agencies
• those who maintain and update our database
• those who assist with mail-outs
• those who deliver educational and other services to FPAM members
FPAM will not otherwise, without your consent, use or disclose your personal
information for any purpose unless it would reasonably be expected that such
purpose is related to the offer, provision and improvement of FPAM services
and benefits to you or where such purpose is permitted or required by law. In
accordance with the Malaysian local spam laws, should you wish to unsubscribe
from commercial electronic messages from FPAM, all future commercial
electronic messages from FPAM will enable you to unsubscribe from that
particular type of electronic message from FPAM and this can be done at any
time. If you do not unsubscribe, FPAM will continue to send you relevant
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
information of the types described above. FPAM may also use messaging
methods other than email.
A more detailed outline of the policies of FPAM with respect to the management
of personal information, in general, can be found in FPAM Statement of Privacy
Policy at www.fpam.org.my. Subject to FPAM’s policy as outlined in FPAM’s
exam handbook (which, in order to maintain the integrity of examinations and
assessment, prohibits access to examination materials including answer sheets
and exam question booklets), you may at any time request access to the
personal information that is collected or otherwise held or acquired by FPAM in
relation to you, by contacting 03-79549500 or email to exam@fpam.org.my .
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Appendix I
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)
Grounds for Discipline
Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, being disqualified from
the examination and/or be permanently barred from taking the CFP
All information herein is correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make
amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations without notice. As such, there shall be no
liability in respect of the said amendments, changes, modifications, or alterations. (Updated 6
May 2022)