Aib Mba Course Information v48 NFHEOverseas

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Version 48 – 10.05.

CourseInfo - NFHE-Overseas


Course Duration
The MBA Course registration period is 4 years and is comprised of the following stages:
 Graduate Certificate in Management (GCM) stage
 Graduate Diploma in Management (GDM) stage
 Master of Business Administration (MBA) stage

Refer to your Student Handbook for more information regarding timeframes and course duration.

If you register to undertake the Course on a stage by stage basis namely the GCM, you will automatically be admitted into relevant
MBA Course you applied for upon successful completion of all of the relevant assessment requirements for the GCM and upon the
appropriate fees being paid up in full.

GCM entry students must complete their GCM stage within 16 months from the Course commencement date.

GCM entry students must attempt all core subjects first and pass at least 4 of the core subjects before attempting any
elective/specialisation (non-core) subjects. Therefore, if by the start date of any enrolled non-core subject, a GCM entry student has
not yet passed at least 4 core subjects, AIB will de-enrol them from that non-core subject and if permitted the student will need to
re-sit or re-enrol in the relevant core subject(s) (when available) as appropriate in order to proceed. Students should note that the
requirements stated in this sub-section could affect a student’s course duration.

Your ability to do the MBA over a designated timeframe will depend on the course and subjects you have chosen to undertake and
their availability. If you fail one or more exams, you may be entitled to re-sit or re-enrol, but certain conditions apply. Failing subjects
will increase the duration of your course - refer to the Student Handbook.

Course Content
The AIB MBA comprises 8 core subjects, 3 generic/specialisation subjects and 1 Project. In the MBA course, there are 6 Level 8
subjects and 6 Level 9 subjects. The core subjects are all Level 8 plus two Level 9 subjects (i.e. Strategic Management and Project
Management). A GCM comprises 2 compulsory subjects (i.e. Leadership and Marketing Management) and 2 other MBA core subjects
(either 2 Level 8 subjects or 1 Level 8 and 1 Level 9 subject). Ensure you choose the correct subjects that are being delivered online.

AIB reserves the right to change its subjects or their content from time to time.

Enrolment, Administrative Dates and Census Dates

 Subjects are 8 weeks (which includes reflection/break in week 8). In some periods there is an additional week between subjects
which students can use for a break.
 It is recommended that students complete core subjects before attempting elective subjects and it is a normal practice for
students to enrol in 4 subjects a time.
 Subjects can be undertaken consecutively or concurrently (up to two concurrent subjects may be studied if eligibility criteria
are met; Project is a capstone subject and is not available for concurrent study).
 Each of the 4 subjects has a separate Administrative Date which is normally 21 days before start date of each subject and your
enrolment must be finalised by the Administrative Date.
 Each subject has a separate Census Date, which is the date by which no less than 20% of the subject time has passed and
students may withdraw from a subject at any time up until Census Date.

Concurrent Subjects Eligibility Criteria

 Students entering the MBA through the Graduate Certificate of Management (GCM) must have successfully completed GCM
and transitioned to MBA before concurrent study is permitted;
 Students with direct entry to the MBA must have successfully completed at least 2 AIB subjects before concurrent study
 AIB reserves the right to revoke concurrent study requests and select the subject for de-enrolment, if a student has not met the
eligibility criteria.
 In accordance with AIB Academic Progress Policy, the option to study concurrent subjects will not be available when a student
is formally ‘at risk’.

©Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd 1 CourseInfo - NFHE OS – Version 48 – 10.05.2019

The Course/tuition fees for the AIB MBA is $18,480 (i.e. $1,540.00 per subject) if paid upfront or $25,200 (ie $2,100 per subject) if
paid in stages of 4 subjects at a time. In all cases, students are required to enrol in 4 subjects at a time.

The Course fees do not include textbooks. Students will need to purchase textbooks separately. Strict refund policies apply so please
read the above Application Form carefully. AIB’s tuition protection arrangements are outlined in the Statement of Tuition Assurance
on the AIB polices webpage.

All students should note that they are pre-paying their subject fees, and if they pay the whole course upfront, they receive a larger
discount. In any event, no refunds are provided though in some limited cases, students may be allowed to retain fees in credit –
Refer to the Refunds section below.

Course fees do not include other incidental fees, including but not limited to the following:
 Re-marking fee - $100 per assessment (irrespective of the grade). Re-marks will only be approved as stated in the Student
 A surcharge will apply for payments made via Credit Card (Mastercard/Visa/American Express)
 Additional copy of academic transcript $10
 Issuance of parchments for nested awards $70
 Replacement of parchment $100
 Graduation gown hire - $100-$150 depending on the qualification
 English language admission test - $250
 Textbook fee – borne by student (Approx $130 to $150 per subject)
 Travel fee to Adelaide (if required) – borne by student
 Application fees - $250
 Administration fees for an invigilator when required – AUD50

NB: The cost to re-enrol in each subject is the same as the relevant subject fee referred to above i.e. $1,540.00 (Upfront) or $2,100.00

All fees are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

AIB may increase the fees or introduce additional fees from time to time and these fees shall apply to all students notwithstanding
when they joined the course.

Refunds, Withdrawals, MC and DNS

For more information, refer to the above terms and conditions, the Student Refund Policy and Withdrawal and Deferral Policy which
are located

Academic Integrity
 Students are expected to have read and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy available on AIB website.

Other information
 Any personal queries can be addressed to your contact person at Student Central (and other queries can be posted on the
Student Learning Portal). The AIB Academic team will be monitoring your progress and will provide any academic support should
it become necessary. AIB faculty provides students with regular feedback and guidance regarding their studies. In the event you
have learning difficulties, AIB may refer you to a learning specialist, at your cost.
 AIB communicates any significant course, curriculum and policy or fee change information to students via email using the
preferred email address which you provided at enrolment. You are expected to check this email for any important information
updates on a regular basis and advise AIB of any changes to your preferred email account details accordingly.
 Where AIB has concerns that your English Language proficiency is not at sufficient level to successfully progress through the
Course, you may be required to undertake, at your own cost, appropriate English course(s) (either before or concurrently with
the Course) to improve your English proficiency to AIB’s satisfaction. The AIB Academic team can suggest and refer you to an
approved English Language provider located nearby
 Students are expected to adhere to academic integrity requirements and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy available on
AIB website.
 AIB has developed policies regarding access, equity, anti-discrimination and other issues. For further information, please refer
to the Diversity & Equity Policy or contact your Student Central contact person.
 If you have grievances about academic or non-academic matters please refer to the Academic and Non Academic Grievance Policy
on the AIB website. Contact your Student Central contact person if you have any queries.
 For further information, please refer to AIB website:

©Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd 2 CourseInfo - NFHE OS – Version 48 – 10.05.2019

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