150 The Dragons Bestiary

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The Dragon's Bestiary

All life crawls where mind flayers rule

by Stephen Inniss

The homeworlds of the Illithids (mind flayers) and the depths of the
Earth most thoroughly colonized by the Illithids, as described by the sages
in "The Sunset World," share a number of common features. There are three
major classes of creatures always associated with Illithid activity: amorphs
(jellies, oozes, trappers, ropers, and company); fungi; and Illithidae
(alien beings of which the Illithids themselves are the most notable
examples). Some of these creatures are well known to adventurers in the
Underdark; others are known only from areas fully colonized by Illithids.
Table 1 shows some life forms typically associated with Illithid lairs.

Most of the amorphs are found in the same regions of Illithid homeworlds
as the Illithids themselves, with the exception of a few such as the dun
pudding of the Sunside deserts and the white pudding of the Nightland
glaciers. Their ranges seldom overlap. Of the intelligent amorphs, most
avoid and are avoided by Illithids. Illithids do not prey on amorphs, which
seem to be unpalatable to them. Because amorphs are so commonly distributed
across the known worlds, it is likely that Illithids allow them to breed
where found or else transport them from world to world for reasons unknown
to others.

Gas spore. Gas spores were apparently developed as part of the Illithid
defensive array. Domestic forms, though mindless, ignore Illithids but
approach other life forms. The resemblance to the beholder is too close to
be coincidental, particularly since beholders are notorious allies of
Illithids in the Underearth. Despite this, gas spores are found on Illithid
homeworlds while beholders are not. Possibly beholders have been eliminated
from the homeworlds by the Illithids because of their potential for danger,
or possibly the Illithid worlds are simply too windy for beholders. Other
hypotheses have been advanced as well: that gas spores were developed in the
Underearth and have spread to other Illithid habitations, or that beholders
and gas spores were both developed by Illithids. This last is considered

Mold, brown: Brown mold is unaffected by the reddish light of the suns
under which the Illithids live, and is common in the warmer regions. The
forms encountered there, however, do not drain heat from living creatures
(Illithids apparently eliminate such varieties) and are often used to cool
Illithid towers in the hotter part of the year.

Shrieker: The shrieker's habits are eminently practical on Illithid

homeworlds. Any commotion is likely to attract a number of predators, so
only the most formidable creatures attempt to graze on a patch of shriekers.

All of the Illithidae have four limbs with four digits each if they are
terrestrial; all have tentacles arranged around a beaked mouth in some
multiple of four; all possess both gills and lungs (though airbreathing
forms use the gills only during periods of great exertion); and all have a
tough skin typically covered with a slime that is proof against the glues of
such amorphs as the mimic and roper. All Illithidae have a larval form that
lives for a period inside some other organism, typically a creature killed
by its parent.

Many of the Illithidae are equivalent to mammals or reptiles of the

surface world. The cessirid resembles a wolf, for instance, while the
saltor is much like a monkey or baboon, and the kigrid fills the role of a
bear, pig, or hyena (the embrac is most like some carnivorous plants). It
is possible to define other such equivalent Illithidae by converting the
statistics of typical mammals, reptiles, or dinosaurs. Armor classes are
typically two or three places better; hit dice are either quadrupled or
increased by six (whichever is less); and intelligences (for adult forms)
are increased by several points so that the usual range is from low
intelligence to very intelligent. Alignments are typically neutral or evil.
These creatures generally exhibit some degree of magic resistance, and the
more intelligent ones may have psionic abilities, including disciplines
appropriate to their modes of life. All are predators at least on occasion.
Attacks include the effects of the feeding tentacles, which may paralyze,
kill, induce pain, or possibly act as Illithid tentacles do. Skin colors
are typically some shade of purple, red, black, or gray, or possibly white
in those forms that lurk near the icecaps and glaciers.

On homeworlds, where light is dim at best and sometimes absent, all of

these creatures are vulnerable to illumination equal to normal sunlight.
Light of intensity equal to a light spell or brighter causes them to strike
at -1 to hit (if they are capable of attacks and have eyes). Additionally,
in full sunlight, they take 1 hp damage per turn.

The "frequency" values given for the following four Illithidae apply only
to Illithid homeworlds or subterranean lands. These creatures are not
encountered elsewhere.

Note: A fraction of the Illithids whose psionic strength is exceptional

(5% chance if the total is over 275) have other psionic abilities in
addition to the usual Illithid powers (determine as if for a human
magic-user). There is a 20% chance that such an individual will have 0-3
(1d4 -1) additional attack modes and 0-3 additional defense modes.

Table 1
Monsters Associated With Illithids

Amorphs Fungi Illithidae

Gelatinous cube Ascomoid Carrion crawler
Gray ooze Basidirond Cessirid
Lurker above Fungus, violet Embrac
Mimic Gas spore Illithid
Ochre jelly Mold, brown Kigrid
Pudding, deadly Mold, yellow Saltor
Roper Obliviax
Scum creeper Phycomid
Slithering tracker Shrieker
Trapper Ustilagor
Crystal ooze Zygorn
Mustard jelly

FREQUENCY: Rare (common near Illithids)
MOVE: 18"/15"
HIT DICE: 8 +16
% IN LAIR: 5%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous bite, psionics
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral (evil tendencies)
SIZE: M (2' at shoulder)
Attack/Defense Modes: B,E/F,G

Cessirids travel in packs. A cessirid's body is canine, with a large

head, outsize eyes, and a rending beak in place of teeth. There are four
short tentacles around the mouth. Short spines jut from the back. The skin
is smooth, slimy, and pale gray in color. The spaces between the toes are
webbed. Though small, cessirids are shockingly powerful.

In combat, a cessirid leaps and bites at its adversary, inflicting

horrible damage with its outer jaws. The tentacles around the mouth cause a
stinging and burning sensation upon contact with flesh (save vs. poison for
each bite that hits; failure yields a -3 penalty to armor class, saving
throws, and to-hit rolls) that lasts for 3-12 turns.

Cessirids may use the following psionic disciplines at the 6th level of
mastery: body equilibrium, ESP, and dimension door. They use these in the
pursuit and detection of prey, or to escape if attacked by a superior force.

These creatures live in tightly knit packs, working together silently and
efficiently to bring down prey of any sort (they can communicate with others
of their kind telepathically over distances of up to 24' at no cost to
psionic strength). Though they are willing at times to negotiate with other
intelligent creatures, they have little desire for anything but food and
reproduction. In general, they are wily and treacherous. On occasion, if
they are not hungry, cessirids will harry and torment prey for hours before
killing it. Rivalry between cessirid packs is sharp, but they will
generally band together against other creatures.

Reproduction is accomplished by depositing 1-3 larvae in the body of a

victim. The juveniles grow quickly and seem able to prevent the decay of
the corpse during their development. Adults guard the larvae until the
latter metamorphose. For reasons not entirely clear, cessirids prefer
intelligent creatures for larval food.

Thanks to millenia of training and breeding, the dogs of the githyanki

(kaoulgrim, from "Hounds of Space and Darkness," in DRAGON(R) issue #117)
and the cessirids are fanatic enemies, and will fight one another regardless
of other constraints (even magical charms). Szarkel, the dogs of the
githzerai (from the same article and issue as kaoulgrim) will always avoid
meetings with cessirids. Szarkel can detect the approach of cessirids
within one mile, probably by detecting the use of the latter's psionic

FREQUENCY: Uncommon (common near Illithids)
MOVE: 3"
HIT DICE: 11 +22
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 each (tentacles)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Paralysis, constriction, surprise on, 1-3, psionics
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
SIZE: L (10' body, 20' tentacles)
Attack/Defense Modes: A/F

Embracs are solitary predators that lie in wait for prey. They are slow
and trouble to move themselves only when the supply of game in an area has
been exhausted. An embrac's body is short, stocky, and rather sacklike in
shape. It has stout limbs that are heavily clawed at the tips. These are
used to anchor the embrac while it wrestles with prey. The head is large
and bears a saw-edged beak. An embrac's feeding tentacles are as thick as a
man's waist at their base, and taper to three separate points that serve as
fingers. The tentacles bear numerous spikes and hooks on their undersides.
The body color and pattern of an embrac are variable: usually spots and
stripes in shades of black, gray, white, or dull red that conceal the
outlines of the embrac. The skin is slimy and bears bony plates just under
the surface.

Embracs may employ the following psionic disciplines at the 5th level of
mastery: empathy, ESP, invisibility, and mind bar. They may also produce
illusions that are like a spectral force at the 5th level of casting in all
respects except that the illusion has no potential to cause direct damage.
The cost of this latter psionic discipline is two strength points per round.

An embrac typically lies in wait, concealing itself as best it can

(surprising prey on a 1-3 on 1d6). At the approach of prey, it may attempt
to lure it with some illusion that seems appropriate from an ESP scan.
Anything that comes within 20' is vulnerable to the embrac's tentacles. The
tentacles inflict 2-8 hp damage on the first and each following round of
combat unless the victim forgoes other activities and makes a successful
bend bars/lift gates roll. Those held by an embrac strike at -2 to hit. In
addition to the constricting damage, the spikes on the tentacles exude a
poison that causes paralysis for 2-12 turns unless a saving throw vs.
paralysis is successful.

Embracs are occasionally known to use some of the few manufactured items
that their body forms allow, and they have been known to stockpile precious
goods for use as bargaining tools. They generally lair in caves or similar
dwellings, and close the entrances with boulders if they detect formidable
enemies. Embracs hold all other life in low regard. They reproduce in the
same manner as cessirids. Like cessirids, embracs are occasionally seen as
servitors among Illithid communities.

FREQUENCY: Rare (common in Illithid areas)
MOVE: 12"/15"
HIT DICE: 9 +27
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/2-8/2-16
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous bite, psionics, rear claws, for 2-12/2-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only on a 1 in 10, psionics
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: M (5' long)
Attack/Defense Modes: A,E/F,G,H

Kigrids may be found singly or in small groups. They are always hungry
and will attack and eat any vulnerable creature. A kigrid is a stocky,
four-legged creature with a short tail, powerfully built legs, a short neck,
and broad head. It has sharp claws, and there are four tough, spiky
tentacles around the broad, beaked mouth. The skin is black and the eyes a
dull red. These beasts are cunning and malicious, and generally unreliable.

In combat, a kigrid will strike with claws and teeth. If the forepaws
both score hits, the rear claws may be used for additional attacks. If the
beak hits the opponent, a saving throw vs. poison is necessary. A failed
saving throw means the poison causes swelling and pain that lasts for 2-5
rounds (penalty of -2 to armor class, saving throws, and rolls to hit).

Kigrids have the psionic disciplines of ESP, body equilibrium,

levitation, and invisibility. They are perfect mimics and often use sounds
to deceive prey. Their tentacles allow them a limited ability to manipulate
objects, and they may rig simple traps.

Kigrids generally avoid one another unless they are closely related; the
more powerful individuals generally regard the less powerful as food. They
reproduce in the same manner as cessirids and embracs. On occasion, large
kigrids are used by Illithids as beasts of burden; how this is accomplished
without constant supervision is unknown.

FREQUENCY: Rare (common in Illithid areas)
MOVE: 12"@12" (argid) or 15"@9" (jendrid)
HIT DICE: See Table 2
% IN LAIR: 50%
TREASURE TYPE: C in lair, M, L
NO. OF ATTACKS: 5 (four tentacles plus bite or weapon)
INTELLIGENCE: Low or average
SIZE: S to M (see Table 2)
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil or 130 +2d20
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil or A/F,G

Saltors are akin to Illithids as baboons are to men. A saltor somewhat

resembles a baboon in form, but it possesses four tentacles about the mouth,
three-fingered hands that bear opposable thumbs, the ability to stand
upright, and slimy skin. Saltors are of varying color (generally white or
black, but occasionally gray, violet, or red), and of varying build and size
according to the needs of their Illithid masters, though a few saltors live
independently and determine their own tribal characteristics. A saltor's
statistics vary with size, as shown on Table 2.

Within each size class there are two distinct physical forms. The more
common of the two is of typical baboonlike build: the argid. The other
sort, the jendrids, is longer limbed (a foot taller than the statistics
indicate for size). Argids and jendrids are both agile climbers, but
jendrids are faster on the ground and slower in the branches.

A saltor may attack with its tentacles and bite, or it may attack with
tentacles and use a weapon. The tentacles have the same effect as Illithid
tentacles (q.v.), but the time between implantation and death is 2-5 rounds.
A saltor makes tentacle attacks at -3 against creatures whose heads are
more than 3' higher or lower than its own and cannot use tentacle attacks at
all against creatures whose heads are more than 5' higher or lower. Saltors
use crude spears that do damage as per the thrower's bite (the variation is
due to size). Spears are typically used either before melee or against
opponents that cannot be touched. Unarmed saltors may throw rocks (range
1"/2"/3", short/medium/long) for damage equal to the bite minus 1 hp, at the
rate of one rock per round.

Saltors of low intelligence have no psionic abilities; those of average

intelligence have psionic power plus the disciplines of levitation, ESP, and
body equilibrium, all at the 5th level of mastery. Among populations
controlled by Illithids, only the smaller two sizes possess psionic power.

Saltors are bold if they outnumber their opponents, and they are
unswervingly obedient when ordered by superiors. Their actions are always
orderly and well coordinated. Though they may be bred for almost any manual
task and have diverse talents, they are universally cruel, take delight in
tormenting and coercing lesser creatures, and consider underlings to be the
greatest delicacy. They reproduce, as Illithids do, by destroying the
brains of other creatures and planting their larvae to grow in the empty

Wild populations of saltors are more variable than those controlled by

the Illithids. The members of a group tend to be of the same type, size,
and color, but these bands will include 1-4 exceptional individuals if they
are far removed from an Illithid settlement. Exceptional saltors have 1-3
of the following psionic disciplines, determined at random:

1d6 Discipline
1 Domination
2 Hypnosis
3 Dimension door
4 Dimension walk
5 Mind Bar
6 Astral projection

Wild saltors are generally found living in primitive circumstances.

Large settlements or signs of sophisticated manufactures attract the
destructive attention of the Illithids.

Table 2
Saltoris Statistics

Hit dice Damage Size

3 +6 0/0/0/0/1-2 S (2' tall)
4 +8 0/0/0/0/1-3 S (3' tall)
5 +10 1/l/l/l/1-4 S (4' tall)
6 +12 1/l/l/l/2-5 M (5' tall)

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