Alyssa Ayres's Article in TIME Magazine: Furore Over Human Rights
Alyssa Ayres's Article in TIME Magazine: Furore Over Human Rights
Alyssa Ayres's Article in TIME Magazine: Furore Over Human Rights
The US media was angry at the red carpet being rolled out for
Modi. Alyssa Ayres’s article in TIME magazine accused Modi of
breaking ‘with India’s past, most notably in his emphasis on India’s
Hindu, rather than syncretic and secular, cultural heritage’. Knox
Thames accused Modi of ‘scapegoating religious minorities’. While
the New York Times accused Biden of downsizing democracy
concerns, an article in the Washington Post opined that Modi’s India
‘increasingly resembled an autocracy in which religious minorities are
under attack’.
Not only did Biden discuss the issue of human rights with Modi, he was
constrained to admit somewhat sheepishly that he and Modi had ‘a
good discussion about democratic values’.
First Lady Jill Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden at the White
House. Photo: Twitter/@WhiteHouse.