Eas3101 HW2

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EAS 3301 Summer 2021


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics – EAS 3101 Summer 2021

Homework Assignment 2

(Assigned on 06/14/2021)

Name: ___________________

Homework Due: 11:59PM, Wednesday June 23, 2021


• You are required to properly scan (use a scanner app on your phone) and upload (as a pdf
file) your homework paper to Webcourses by the due date/time.
• Please make sure that your submission is complete (no missing pages or improper scans),
accurate (please do not upload the term paper of your History of Jazz course), and entirely
gone through the system (double check whether it is fully uploaded or not). Such excuses
will not be accepted for consideration of resubmission.
• Late submissions are NOT accepted. NO PARTIAL credits will be offered for late
submission. This is a strict course policy and no exceptions.
• Please remember to turn in your HW paper with this cover sheet filled out and signed.

I have completed this assignment on my own. I did not copy the solutions from anyone or any other
□ I collaborated on this assignment with (names):
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________


□ I looked at the solutions from other sources after I worked on the problem and made the
necessary corrections.

Signature: _______________________

No member of this class shall take unfair advantage of any other member in this class.

Best luck! Yavas

EAS 3301 Summer 2021

Note that this is an individual assignment. You are encouraged to discuss the assignment with
your colleagues, however, please provide your own understanding and original work. Cheating
and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If it is established that a violation has occurred, your paper
will not be accepted. In addition, the instructor may report the offense to the division/department
chair, the student’s advisor, and dean. The questions do not carry equal weights. Your assignment
might require 2-3hrs of studying your lecture notes and videos. Please provide all your asnswers

Question 1

The figure shown below is the comparison of two airfoils NACA 0012 and 66-012. The provided
pressure distributions on both airfoils are the theoretical results obtained by NACA and are
computed for 0-degree angle of attack.

Please consider the given pressure distributions and comment on the following questions:

a. Roughly locate the locations on both airfoils where adverse pressure gradient
commences. Explain how you determine it.

b. Which of the airfoils show premature flow separation closer to the leading edge?

c. Which of the airfoils result in larger pressure (form) drag for the same flow

Best luck! Yavas

EAS 3301 Summer 2021

Question 2

Consider the NASA LS (1)-0417 airfoil shown in figure below, mounted in the test section of a
wind tunnel. The length of the model in the flow directions (the chord length) is 0.5m, and its
width across the flow (wingspan) is 2m. The tips of the model are flush with the vertical
sidewalls of the wind tunnel; in this fashion the induced drag is zero, and the total drag on the
airfoil mode is the profile drag (i.e., skin friction drag + pressure -from- drag). When the airflow
in the test section of the wind tunnel is 100 m/s at standard sea-level conditions, the drag force
on the airfoil at zero degrees angle of attach is 64.8N. For these conditions,

(a) Calculate the drag on the airfoil due to skin friction. Assume that the skin friction drag
coefficient is the same as the turbulent skin frictions drag on a flat plate of equal length
and width.
(b) Calculate the pressure drag on the airfoil.
(c) Compare and comment on these results.

Question 3

Consider a 2D body flow over the given airfoil shape as shown in the figure above. A control
volume is drawn around the body and the velocity profiles are given at the inlet and exit of the
control volume. Using the equation derived in the class, calculate the drag coefficient (Cd) for the
airfoil according to.

𝐶𝑑 =
1⁄ 𝜌 𝑈 2 𝑐
2 ∞ ∞

Best luck! Yavas

EAS 3301 Summer 2021

Question 4

Consider an airfoil in a wind tunnel (i.e. a wing that spans the entire test section). Prove that the
lift per unit span can be obtained from the pressure distribution on the top and bottom walls of the
wind tunnel (i.e., from the pressure distribution on the walls above and below the airfoil).

Hint: You will follow the solution procedure that we used in class to derive the drag force per unit
span. However, you will solve the momentum equation in y-direction in order to obtain the lift
force that is acting on the airfoil in the vertical direction. Please use the control volume as shown
below and you will obtain the following equation.
𝐿 = ∫ (𝑝4 − 𝑝2 )𝑑𝑥

Best luck! Yavas

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