Khairini Melinda, 2Ariama Susanti, 3Juneva Kastarina Tarigan, 4Deliana,
Ilham Hidayah Napitupulu.
Politeknik Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia.
This study aims to determine the effect of internal audit in preventing and
disclosing fraud. The number of frauds that occur in an organization shows the need for
an internal audit body in the company so that it can reduce or even eliminate fraud that
occurs. This literature review is a study of the role of internal audit in preventing and
disclosing fraud which aims to find out the variables in internal audit for preventing and
disclosing fraud based on previous studies, so there is still a lot of potential for further
modification/development. Of the ten studies included in this literature review, there are
differences in research results. Eight studies state that internal audit has a significant
effect on preventing and disclosing fraud, but two articles state that internal audit does
not have a significant effect on preventing and disclosing fraud.
In principle, fraud can occur anytime and anywhere and is carried out by
anyone, especially those who have great interests and authority over an entity. Internal
audit is an independent and objective activity to provide reasonable assurance and
provide consultation designed to increase added value in the organization's activities.
Internal audit can also help achieve company goals in increasing the effectiveness and
efficiency of activities through a systematic approach in evaluating and improving the
effectiveness of risk management, control, regulatory processes, and organizational
Internal audit includes an independent internal examination of an organization
that aims to test and evaluate the organization's activities carried out. The inspection is
carried out to ensure that the assigned duties and responsibilities have been carried out
properly and in accordance with the rules that should be. Internal audit conducts
51 Melinda et. al.
Fraud must be prevented and detected to a minimum because of the potential for losses
which, if left unchecked, will only increase, and cause further harm. For prevent fraud
from happening, it is necessary a good system of internal control and internal control is
implemented by consistent. Study this more emphasizing how the role of internal audit
in prevent and disclose fraud.
The internal audit system that has been prepared must be implemented as well as
possible to prevent fraud and carry out inspections on the implementation of tasks that
have been delegated in each organizational work unit. Based on this background, the
researchers chose the title of the study The Role of Internal Audit in Preventing and
Disclosure of Fraud Using the Literature Review Method from several national and
international articles. Destination from study this knowing the role of internal audit in
prevent and disclose fraud.
Internal audit
The purpose of internal audit is to ensure its effectiveness in achieving success
in achieving organizational goals. Effectiveness can be measured by achieving targets
according to the goals and objectives that have been determined at the beginning. The
achievements of the organization can be categorized as effective if the organizational
goals have been achieved and are in accordance with organizational goals and provide
benefits (Betri, 2018) .
(Beckmerhagen et. al, 2004) explains that an effective internal audit has
guidelines and is based on applicable audit standards, is perfectly planned, and has an
identification of objectives, the ability of the auditor before carrying out duties, and an
assessment of the ability of the auditor team to find errors.
Internal audit includes organizational structure, methods and measures that are
coordinated to maintain organizational wealth, check the accuracy and reliability of
accounting data to increase efficiency and encourage compliance with management
policies, (Mulyadi, 2015) . Meanwhile (Muller, 2016) states that internal audit is an
independent assessment function within the company that was formed to test and
evaluate overall operational and non-operational activities.
1. Is the internal control in accounting and operations sufficient and meet the
2. Ensure that policies, plans and procedures that have been determined are strictly
adhered to.
3. Are assets in the company safe from loss, damage, and misappropriation.
4. Ensure the accuracy of accounting data and other data within the company
5. View and monitor the quality and implementation of the tasks assigned to each
The internal control function helps the board of directors to ensure company
goals and business continuity in several ways:
1. Evaluating every activity and company program.
2. Contribute suggestions for effective risk control.
3. Evaluate compliance with applicable regulations, implementation of Good
Corporate Governance.
4. Provide facilities and assist the implementation of external audit (Suginam, 2017).
In general, the purpose of internal audit is to assist the company's management on
an ongoing basis regarding the findings of errors and irregularities by providing
analysis, assessment, recommendations, and comments regarding controls with
established procedures.
3. Catalyst, where internal auditors become catalysts to provide services in the form of
constructive suggestions and can be applied in the company but are not involved in
company activities (Suginam, 2017) .
1. Definition of Fraud
Fraud is defined as unlawful acts that are carried out intentionally for certain
purposes (manipulation or giving false reports to parties) carried out by people from
inside or outside the organization to gain personal or group benefits which directly or
indirectly harm other parties (Association of Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE), 2012).
According to (Alison, 2006), fraud is a form of fraud that is intentionally carried
out so as to cause losses without being realized by the injured party and provide benefits
to the perpetrators of fraud, and generally fraud occurs because of pressure to commit
fraud or encouragement to take advantage of existing opportunities and justifications.
generally accepted attitude towards the action (Norsain, 2014).
Data from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) shows that the
average global cost of fraud is estimated at 5% of total revenue, which is $3.5 trillion
per year, which shows a significant impact of fraud (Free, 2015). The factors that
motivate a person are:
a. Want to live beyond his limits
2. Types of Cheating
a. Corruption (Corruption), this fraud is the most difficult to detect because it involves
cooperation or agreement with other parties such as bribery and collusion. Examples
of corruption include:
1. Abuse of authority and a conflict of interest, such as a game of buying or selling
goods/services, namely by the existence of a relationship between the seller and
the buyer which causes an increase in price or an unreasonable fee.
2. Bribery is a gift or promise so that the recipient does or does not do something in
his/her duties that is contrary to his/her authority/obligation.
3. Illegal gratuities are gifts or gifts with the hidden intention of bribery, which can
be in the form of wedding gifts, birthday gifts, farewell gifts, promotion gifts
and positions to officials.
b. Misappropriation of assets (asset misappropriation), in the form of theft or
embezzlement of company or other party assets. Misappropriation of assets can take
the form of:
This research is a literature study that discusses articles from previous research
regarding the role of internal audit in preventing fraud. The author collects secondary
data from the literature study by collecting theories, research data or findings in
previous studies that are in accordance with the topic under study so that it is hoped that
information will be obtained that will be used to describe the variables, symptoms, or
circumstances that are the focus of the research. The process begins with research
identification by selecting national and international articles, making literature reviews
to determine the role of internal audit in preventing fraud to provide understanding and
research results related to this phenomenon. The data collected was analyzed by
qualitative analysis method with 3 stages, namely: data reduction, the researcher
examines the data and then takes only the relevant data; Data Presentation, after the
reduced data is obtained, the data is presented in the form of a description, the
relationship between categories, so as to facilitate analysis and interpretation;
Conclusion Drawing, in qualitative research are findings obtained from analysis of data
in order to answer research problems (Bungin, 2017) . Table. 1 shows article from
previous research on the role of internal audit in preventing fraud.
Table 1
List of Journals According to Review Criteria
Researcher Title Journal Name
Norsaine The Role of Internal Audit in Detecting Journal of “PERFORMANCE”
and Preventing Fraud (Fraud) Business & Accounting Volume
“(Case Study on PNPM Mandiri IV, No.1, March 2014
Kalianget District Urban )”
Thetty S. Rajagukguk Effect of Internal Audit and Fraud Owner, Research & Journal
Prevention on Financial Performance Accounting, Volume 1 Number 1,
“(Study Case at PT Perkebunan February 2017
Nusantara IV)”
Suginam Internal Control on Fraud Prevention Owner, Research & Journal
“(Study Case at PT. Tolan Tiga Accounting, Volume 1 Number 1,
Indonesia)” February 2017
Abdi Saputra Influence of Internal System, Control, Owner, Research & Accounting
Internal Audit and Implementation of Journal, Volume 1 Number 1,
Good Corporate Governance on Banking February 2017
Fraud “(Study the Case of a State-Owned
Enterprise Subsidiary Sharia Bank in
Pupung Purnamasari, The Effect of Internal Auditor on Four International Journal of
Shalsal Niko Arezona, Main Pillars In Fighting Fraud Management and Applied Science
Magnaz Lestira, Mey Volume 4, Issue3, Mar 2018
Nurul Alfi, Runik Puji The Role of Internal Audit in Fraud ASSETS Journal of Accounting
Rahayu Prevention Efforts and Investment, Vol 5, No 1, May
“(Corporate Case Study Banks Listed on 2019
the IDX)”
Yessy Aryanti Lestari, The Effectiveness of the Role of Internal Journal of Accounting and Taxes,
Yustrida Bernawati Audit in Prevent and Detect Cheating 20(2), 2020, 189-196
Dio Fernando, Tigor Internal Audit, Quality Control, Journal of Business & Applied
Sitorus Asymmetry Information, Behavior Management Vol.13 (No. 2): 147 –
Dysfunctional Accounting Staff and Its 205 Th. 2020
Effects to Fraud Accountancy
Mardani, Yesi Mutia Influence of the Audit Committee, Al-Iqtishad Journal Edition 16
Basri, M Rasuli Internal Audit, and Size company To Volume 1 Year 2020
Disclosure Fraud in Banking Companies
Listed on IDX 2018
audit in carrying out its roles and responsibilities (Lestari, YA, & Bernawati, Y, 2020).
Audit findings and recommendations should ensure that management and auditors have
get response and also do repair on weaknesses and possibilities cheating that will cause
cheating is also bad entity.
Differences in the interests of management and owners will lead to information
asymmetry in financial statements so that the implementation of internal audits and
combined with the implementation of Good Corporate Governance will create quality
financial reports and in accordance with the actual situation to prevent fraud that may be
created by management for certain purposes, this is in accordance with research (Lestari
& Bernawati, 2020) which states that an effective and optimal internal audit will help
companies to identify fraud properly and appropriately so as to minimize fraud that is
not detected by the internal auditor. Differences in the interests of management and
other stakeholders cause each party to maximize its interests so that fraud is very likely
to occur. Management who behaves opportunistically will tend to harm the company so
that internal audit is present to carry out monitoring and evaluation. The higher the
possibility of fraud that will occur, the mitigation and detection of fraud needs to be
improved. The effectiveness of internal audit is also determined by the competence of
the internal auditor, the size of the resources owned, a high level of independence,
activities and the support provided by management to the internal audit department so
that all of them must receive important attention to create a work environment free from
(Suginam, 2017) states that internal audit has a significant effect on fraud
prevention PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia. Internal audit cannot directly place orders on
employees and employees considering that internal audit only performs inspection
actions. This study strengthens previous research by (Cattrysse, 2002) which states that
a good internal audit will be able to prevent fraud in the company and subsequent
research by (Gusnardi, 2009) which says that internal audit has an influence on fraud
prevention. Internal control also has a positive influence in preventing fraud, but it does
not have a significant impact. Fraud prevention is not entirely determined by internal
control alone. The synergy between the audit committee, internal audit department and
internal control in the company will result in good fraud prevention and detection, but
with the cooperation of various elements and all parts of the organization it will
increasingly create high control over fraud because of the awareness of all individuals in
the organization. As institution internal control of course no could stand up themselves
to produce maximum fraud prevention, synergy implemented internal control by
consistent and done evaluation through internal audit will the more protect entity from
possible cheating happen.
(Saputra, 2017) stated that internal audit has a significant effect on fraud
prevention in the banking world. The implementation of a good internal audit
examination on all operational activities causes the level of fraud that may occur to be
reduced to the lowest level and prevents banks from losses. In addition to internal audit,
the internal control system and Good Corporate Governance also have a significant
influence in preventing fraud in the banking world. This is also in line with the opinion
of (Purnamasari et. al., 2018) stated that internal audit influences fraud prevention. The
better the supervision in the internal audit in the company, the less opportunity to
commit fraud. From the research data, the better fraud prevention indicates the ability of
internal audit to prevent fraud through the existence of a culture of honesty and high
ethics, identifying fraud risks, implementing anti-fraud programs, extensive oversight of
fraudulent report documents, risk assessment and the results of this study are in line
with the research conducted (Taufeni, 2010), (Rizkyana et. al., 2012) and (Tampubolon,
2015). The enhanced role of internal audit will also improve the performance of fraud
prevention thereby minimizing the risk of fraud.
(Alfian & Rahayu, 2019) stated that internal audit has a very important role in
preventing fraud. The internal audit of the four banks that were the sample of the study
(BRI, BNI, BTN, Mandiri) had implemented the audit plan that had been prepared and
implemented it as well as provided recommendations for the problems found in these
banks. All audit activities listed in the audit charter and regulated by the board of
directors’ regulations and internal audit will still be reviewed after the internal audit by
the audit committee to assess how much management is committed to improving the
weaknesses of internal control and internal audit. Areas that have a high risk of fraud
will be more focused on the implementation of internal audit by implementing a risk-
based audit. The banking world has a high risk of fraud, as evidenced by the many cases
of fraud committed by bank employees, especially those with high authority, so that the
implementation of risk-based audits is very appropriate so that the audit process is right
on target, saving time and costs.
The whistleblowing system as well as the gratification control awareness program
are used to prevent fraud in addition to internal audits. Fraud or other irregularities still
occur but with a good internal audit the organization can handle the fraud case. Internal
control cannot be separated from internal audit, which is a tool for top management to
properly control the organization to achieve its goals, fraud in the banking world has a
high level of risk so that appropriate sanctions can prevent perpetrators from repeating
their actions.
(Fernando & Sitorus, 2020) provide different research results from the seven
previous studies, considering that this study limits fraud to accounting fraud only. The
results showed that internal audit had no effect on the level of accounting fraud at the
“BM&SW” Group in Jakarta. This result is because the internal audit program, internal
audit risk assessment, and internal audit competence do not run well and cannot reduce
accounting fraud. Internal auditors must have the support of many parties and cooperate
in providing accurate and accountable information. Internal audit can run properly if it
has adequate systems and procedures. Research results this describe internal audit does
not have adequate competence and capacity in the field accountancy detect and mitigate
fraud that occurred. Research (Saputra, 2017) has the same result, where internal
auditors have no effect on fraud prevention at BPR West Sumatra. Meanwhile research
(Yusriwarti, 2017) produces a different opinion, where internal audit has an effect on
preventing accounting fraud in Banking Companies in Pekanbaru. (Mardani et al., 2020)
argue that internal audit has no significant effect on the disclosure of fraud in banking
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018. The size of the
internal audit does not have a significant impact on the disclosure of fraud. The results
of this study state that if the audit committee plays a significant role in disclosing fraud
in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018, the larger
the audit committee in the company, the better the disclosure of fraud will be and vice
versa. The size of the company also determines the disclosure of fraud, the results of the
study reveal that the larger the company, the better the disclosure of fraud. Large
companies with a large number of transactions and information will be directly
proportional to information asymmetry when compared to smaller companies (Handoko
& Ramadhani, 2017). The size of the company has an influence on the disclosure of
fraud because the greater the operational and non-operational activities, the more
opportunities for fraud to occur. These results provide an interesting conclusion for the
ranks of the company's leadership to apply risk-based auditing to large companies
without reducing the quality of internal audits for small companies.
(Ar'Reza et. al., 2020) revealed that internal audit influences the prevention and
disclosure of fraud. Potential fraud can be detected from the discovery of errors during
the audit examination, then it is concluded whether there is a need for in-depth audit
findings. Risk-based internal audit provides corrective solutions but is not required to
provide certainty of fraud, but only to provide evidence showing that fraud is likely to
occur and provide recommendations for improvement to reduce any risk. Thus, internal
auditors gain legitimacy because they have carried out their activities, roles and
competencies as expected. risk big cheating demand effort mitigation as well as proper
detection. Good internal audit effectiveness will help company identify fraud with good
and appropriate so that cheating is not detected by internal auditors can minimized
(Sustainable, YES, & Bernawati, Y, 2020).
Internal audit is one of the evaluations conducted to assess the effectiveness of
the organization's internal control system. Internal auditors must be equipped with
adequate competence in carrying out their duties by being given regular training. The
position of the internal audit department must be directly under top management to
create audit independence. Internal audit performance will maximum when audit
committee, internal audit department and internal control, implementation of Good
Corporate Governance, collaboration from various elements and all parts of the
organization in the company are synergized will result in better fraud prevention and
detection. If the internal audit program, assessment internal audit risk, and internal audit
competence does not walk with good so level fraud no could lower to the lowest level.
Recommended results on audit findings should also be run by management so that fraud
no repeated.
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