Internal Auditing Practices and Internal Control System in Somali Remittance Firms

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International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 4 No. 4; April 2013

Internal Auditing Practices and Internal Control System in Somali Remittance Firms
Hussein Abdi Mohamud
Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Accountancy
SIMAD University

This article investigated the relationship between Internal auditing practices and internal control system in
Somali remittance firms. The demographic profile of the respondents was age, gender, qualification and
experience. The main objectives are to identify the role of internal auditing, and to identify the level of internal
control system. The study is based on 83 target population especially Accountants, finance director, chief cashier
and chief executive officer in remittance firms Descriptive and correlation analysis was used . It administers
questionnaire as a research instrument. The findings of this article show that internal auditing practices of
remittance firms is effective but there is some limitation about separation of duties. The study also suggests that
there is a positive correlation between internal auditing and internal control system.

Keyword: Internal auditing, internal control, Remittance firms, Somalia.

1. Introduction
Internal Auditing became very important to world businesses, since industrial revolution resulted in factory
systems that were financed by stockholders. This situation necessitated the need for internal auditing to protect
shareholders best interest. The major factors assist in emergence of internal auditing was the extend span of
control system faced by management in businesses (institute of internal auditing research foundation, 2003).
Today, in businesses worldwide, the internal control functioning become very important for their operation and
achieving the objective of organizations. The role of internal auditing is to assess the effectiveness of the internal
control system and to find out whether the system is functioning as intended (Fadzil, Haron & Jantan, 2008).
The demand of internal audit unit in most African countries increased since its early inception 1930; however
internal audit practices are not fully exercised (Giorgis, 2004). For example in Ethiopia Less attention is given to
operational audits as well as the application of modern techniques such as flowcharting, statistical sampling, and
computer auditing. Internal auditors spend by ensuring that accounting records are properly maintained and
reliable. Furthermore the majority of internal audit departments do not have a written audit charter. Therefore, the
objectives, authority, scope, and responsibilities of internal auditing are not spelled out in most organizations, and
no measures exist to ensure that the internal audit department is recognized as acting with the authority and
support of senior management.
In Somali remittance companies handles a lot of money and contributes the livelihood of hundreds of thousands
of families and develop the private sectors in a country where there is no properly functioning government,
therefore how an internal auditor is expected to be high while the staff security has no guarantee. Somali
remittance companies suffer loss of millions of dollar due to lack of good quality control system in remittance
companies and professional internal auditors therefore most of Somali organizations do not have effective and
independence auditors (Somali money transfer association, 2009).
The main objectives of this paper are to determine the role of internal auditing in the selected remittance
companies and how it is effective and also to find out the level of internal control system effectiveness in the
selected remittance companies. This study intends to explore the influence of internal audit on the effectiveness
of internal control system of the Somali remittance companies. Further, this study identified the relationship
among of the scope of work of internal audit and the quality of internal control system.

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2. Literature Review
Internal auditing is designed to add value and improve the organizations operations by assisting organizations
achieve their goals through evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and
governance (Carcello, Herman son& Raghunandan) .
According to Ho and Hutchinson (2010) internal audit can bring systematic rules and disciplined approach to
appraise and monitor the effectiveness of control system, risk management and governance process.
Fadzil et al (2008) found that the role of internal auditing is the reviewing of effectiveness and efficiency of
internal control system and to find out whether the system working as intended. Effective internal control system
provides reasonable assurance that the organizations objectives and goals will be achieved. According to Jenny,
Mazlina and Nava (2008) noted four benefits that the managers have gained from internal auditing assistance.
Those benefits were providing managers with the base for judgment and action, helping managers by reporting
weaknesses in control and performance and recommending improvement of internal control.
The main role of internal audit as: independent appraisal of internal control system, independent review of the
efficient operation of the organization, proper safeguarding of asset and preventing and detecting fraud and errors
(Ho & Hutchinson). Fadzil, Haron and Jantan (2008) SPPIA are criteria by which the operations of internal
auditors are evaluated and measured and intended to represent the internal auditing practice as it should be. And
also it intended to serve the entire profession of internal auditing. It was developed in June in 1978, at the internal
auditors international conference in San Francisco. The SPPIA consist the following five Standards.
1. Independence of audit
Independence is the freedom from the control and direct influence of line management this definition is an
important to the extent of audit work and enhances internal audits objectivity and integrity. Internal auditors
should be independent form the activity they are auditing. Independence allows internal auditors to perform the
impartial and unbiased judgments to the proper conduct of audit and achieved through organizational status and
objective (Simon, 1995).
According to Diamond (2002) Under Standard 100 of internal auditing standards Independence is to make
objective judgment and mental free form directly management responsibility for what he is being audited, he is
free to choose any transaction for audit and is allowed access to all necessary information to come up with
informal judgments (Standard 100).
2. Professional efficiency
Standard of 200 of SPPIA professional efficiency assumes that the audit staff must have professional knowledge
and skills and has professional care and appropriate technical competence as well as sufficient knowledge of
internal auditing function (Diamond, 2002).
3. Scope of work
By 1993 the statement of responsibility of internal audit issued at institute of internal auditor noted that the scope
of internal auditing is to investigate and assess of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organizations system of
control and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibility. Internal auditor should review the
accuracy and reliability of financial statement and the means of identify, measure, classify and reporting, review
the system designed to ensure the compliance of policies, procedures and should determine whether company is
compliance with those rules, review whether the companys assets are used appropriately and ensure that the
assets are safe and verify the existence of such assets, evaluate the efficiency and effective way which resources
are used, review operations to find out whether results are conformity with the established objectives and goals
and whether the operations are being functioning as intended (Institute of internal auditing research foundation,
4. Performance of audit work
Performance standard states the nature of internal audit service and provide quality criteria intended to measure
audit service. The internal auditing focus on specific organization performing certain control function, procedures,
rules and regulations set up to ensure the most economic efficiency and effective use of resource (Diamond,

International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 4 No. 4; April 2013

5. Management of internal auditing department

Management of internal auditing it is important and become effective it required greater emphases on managerial
internal control system. In which often compromise the role of internal audit as an aid to internal management
internal audit department often manages and controls internal auditor to make sure that the control system is
working as intended. Internal auditor cannot be expected to enforce good governance on its own, without the
existence of workable controlling mechanism to enforce accountability (Diamond, 2002).
Fadzil et Al. (2008) founded that the compliance of the internal auditing function to Standards of professional
practice of internal auditors (SPPIA) has significant influence of the component of internal control system of
some listed companies in Malaysia. Compliance of the SPPIA is therefore an indication that there is quality
internal control system.

3. Methodology
3.1: Research design
This article employed descriptive and correlation designs. Descriptive studies are non-experimental researches
that describe the characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group. It deals with the relationship between
variables and development of generalizations and use of theories that have universal validity. It also involves
events that have already taken place and may be related to present conditions (Kothari, 2004). Further, descriptive
surveys are used to discover causal relationships (descriptive correlation), to provide precise quantitative
description and to observe behaviour.
3.2: Target Population
The target population included a total of 83 of employees working for the selected companies in Mogadishu,
Somalia. The researcher selected 12 companies basing on their long time period of existence in the business.
Considering the accuracy and reliability of the data source; the researcher targeted special population of: finance
directors, internal auditors, chief cashiers, Accountants and chief executive officers which made a total of 83 from
the selected 12 companies.
3.3: Sample size
In view of the nature of the target population where the number for finance directors, internal auditors, chief
cashiers, Accountant and chief executive officers are many, a sample was taken from each category. The sample
of this article is 69 respondents.
3.4: Sampling procedure
The purposive sampling was utilized to select the respondents based on their experience in Internal Auditing
practices. From the list of qualified respondents was chosen based on the inclusion criteria, the simple random
sampling was used to finally select the respondents with consideration to the computed minimum sample size.

4. Findings and Discussions

4.1 Profile of the respondents
The data comes from the remittance companies of Somalia in relation to the research objectives, and the
implementation of internal auditing and internal control system. The respondents of the questionnaire were: chief
executive officer, finance director, internal auditor, chief cashier and accountants. The introduction statement of
the research questionnaire was efficient the Significance, rationale and purpose of the study. Furthermore, the
respondents have been given the confidence that all data they provided will be used only for the purpose of
academic research and will be treated confidentially.


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Table 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the respondents.

Demographic Characteristics
More then 34
Less than 1-2
More than 5



Cumulative Percent

Source: Primary Data 2012

The profile of the respondents is looked upon in terms of: Gender, Age, qualification and experience. Table 4.1
shows the Gender of the respondents. 97.1% percent of the respondents were male, showing that most of the
respondents considered as male. (2.9%) of the respondents were Female. finally the researcher could presume
that in the above percentage, suggests a considerable number to be the male of the population.
Based on the collected questionnaires, majority of the respondents is composed male, while a small number of
respondents were female. This result shows that the most private business sectors operates in Somalia involves the
male. Ages of the respondents, majority of them were in between the ages of 20-33 years (52.2%) while other
respondents are above 34 years (47.8%) respectively.
Qualifications of the respondents, majority of them have bachelor degree of university (85.5%) while 8.7% of
respondents have secondary certificate and the remaining respondents 5.8% have master degree. Experiences of
the respondents, majority of them are in between 47.8% less than 1-2years experience, 27 of respondents (39.2%)
have 3-4 years experience and the remaining respondents (13%) have more than 5 year experience.
4.2 Internal auditing practices
The first objective of this study was to identify the internal auditing role in selected remittance companies in
Somalia , in relation to the internal control system, respondents were required to indicate the extent to which they
agree with each of the item by written the number that best describes their perceptions. To achieve this objective
the respondents were asked several statements related to internal audit as means of monitoring and reviewing the
business documents to control the operations. The results are summarised in the following table.


International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 4 No. 4; April 2013

Table 4.2 Internal auditing practices

Internal audit
internal auditors review the segregation of duties
Internal auditors test cash receipt procedures and cash
disbursement procedures annually
Internal audit staff test bank reconciliation for accuracy
Internal audit staff review cash records and trace unusual
the internal auditors staff tests compliance with the
credit and personal procedures
internal auditors meet with the directors audit committee
at least annually
Organizational internal auditing complies with
professional standards
Independence of internal auditor assured, based upon
review of documentation
the internal auditors check compliance with establish
police and accounting procedures
Internal audit staff count and balance cash on hand
Overall Mean


Std. Deviation





very high
very high
very high
very high
very high


very high















Source: Primary Data 2012

According to the above table 4.2 presented that internal audit was scored highly mean 3.16 overall and standard
deviation 0.678. These results indicate that internal audit is providing formal bases for monitoring and evaluating
Business documents of selected remittance companies in Somalia is high.
Reviewing of segregation of duties of internal auditors was also scored highly mean 3.54 while standard deviation
was 0.703.this indicates that internal auditor reviews segregation of duties in those firms are very high.
Internal auditor tests cash receipt and cash disbursement procedures were scored highly mean 3.54 and standard
deviation was 0.553. This result shows that auditors test cash receipt and cash disbursement in remittance
companies is very high.
As regards of internal audit tests bank reconciliation for accuracy was rated mean 3.43 while standard deviation
was 0.581. This could indicate that bank reconciliation helps to clarify bank account and cash procedures are very
high. Based on reviewing cash records and trace unusual records in the documentation of business was scored
mean 3.38 and standard deviation was 0.631. This result shows that reviewing cash records or unusual records are
also very high.
Internal audit tests compliance with credit personnel procedures was scored mean 3.33 while standard deviation
was 0.582. This indicates that auditor tests and trace compliance with personnel procedure in selected remittance
companies is very high. As regards of internal auditor meet with audit committee annually the respondents
appreciated mean of 3.32 and standard deviation was 0.633.this result shows that internal auditor meet audit
committee annually is also very high.
Organizational internal audit complies with professional standards was scored 3.16 while standard deviation
0.633. This result indicates that internal audit complies with professional standards is high. As regard of
independence of internal auditor was scored 2.97, while standard deviation was 0.830. This result suggested that
independence of internal audit in selected remittance companies is high.
The internal auditor checks and complies with policies and procedures was scored 2.74, while standard deviation
0.750. This result indicates that internal audit checks complies with polices in selected Somali remittance
companies are high.

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Internal audit staff counts and balances cash on hand was scored the respondents 2.14 and standard deviation
0.553. Thus, this result indicates that the internal auditor counts cash on hand of remittance companies are low.
4.2.1 The role of internal auditing
The overall respondents provided similar response to the questions relating the role of internal auditing. All of the
remittance companies have internal audit to control and monitor their operations. In this study the researcher
focus on remittance companies only those operate in Somalia, the researcher made selection from remittance
companies. All companies responded that they have internal auditor of their business operations, in accordance
with their control system.
4.3 Explanation of level of the internal control system
The second objective of the study was to explain the level internal control system of selected remittances, for
which respondents were required to rate the level of internal control by indicating the extent to which they agree
with each item in the table.
The respondents were asked the how firm identifies risks, weather they use cash deposits, and also where the
approval of internal control works in order to achieve objectives. The questions included how the internal auditing
of the firm determines the control system and also effectiveness of internal control system according to the
objectives of the company, the majority of the remittances operate inside Somalia that conducted to the research
were used control system to achieve objectives, sufficient documents and effective cash collection procedure,
Their responses were analyzed and described using means and standard deviations as summarized in table 4.3
Table 4.3 explains the level of internal control system
Internal control
cash deposit are sufficient document
the control system of your organization
works to achieve its objectives
Deposits are made on daily basis.
Daily collections are held in secure manner
until deposited.
Risk to achieve the objectives have been
Employee responsible for cash handling
and deposit preparation are familiar with
applicable police.
The departments petty cash fund are
necessary and have control system and
The department performs a monthly
reconciliation and payroll report.
purchase requisitions are properly
The department does not unauthorized
bank account.
Overall Mean


Std. Deviation

















very high


Very high










Source: Primary Data 2012

According to table 4.3 above, cash deposits are sufficient documented which scored mean 3.45 while standard
deviation was 0.581. This indicates that most of the selected remittance companies used documents on their cash
deposits are very high.

International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 4 No. 4; April 2013

Control system of the selected remittance companies were perceived by the respondents to be very high by a mean
scores 3.32 and standard deviation was 0.649. This result indicates that the control system intends to achieve
organizational objectives are very high Deposits cash on daily basis was scored 3.22 and standard deviation 0.814.
This result states that the deposits of cash in selected remittance companies in Mogadishu are high.
Daily collection of selected remittance companies was perceived by respondents to be high by a mean scores 3.17
while standard deviation 0.797. This result indicates that the collection on daily bases is high. Organizational risk
has been identified was perceived by respondents to be high by mean scores 3.16 while standard deviation was
0.758. This indicates that risk identification of selected remittance companies is high.
Employees responsible of cash handling are familiar with applicable polices was scores 3.14 and standard
deviation 0.847. thus, this result shows that employees responsible for cash handling of selected remittance
companies are familiar with polices according to responses of respondents is high. The departments petty cash
fund are necessary and have control was perceived to be low according to respondents of the research which
scored 2.49 and standard 0.715.This result indicates that the departmental petty cash and its control is low.
The department performs monthly reconciliation and payroll report was scored by respondents of the study 2.41
mean and standard deviation 0.602. Thus, this result suggested that the departments performs monthly
reconciliation is low. Purchase requisitions are properly authorized which has mean scores 2.32 and standard
deviation 0.776. This result results that purchase requisition form are properly authorized is low.
The department does not have unauthorized bank account which was scored by the respondents mean 1.94 while
standard deviation is 0.914. Thus, this result shows that the departments does not have unauthorized bank account
is low. The overall mean score for all the items under internal control system was computed and the overall score
was 2.85 and standard deviation was 0.746. Thus, the result indicates that the control system of selected
remittance companies in Mogadishu, Somalia is high.
4.4 Relationship between internal auditing and internal control system
Based on the findings in objective one and objective two the researcher found out the overall mean of internal
audit is (3.16) which indicate a high; means the role of internal audit in remittance companies and segregation of
duties, while the overall mean of internal control system is (2.85) also indicates high internal control system in
remittance companies. In this objective the researchers focus the relationship between the internal auditing and
internal control system. As above mentioned the effective internal control system depends on the strength internal
To investigate the relationship between internal auditing and internal controls system the researcher developed
this hypothesis there is no significance relationship between the internal auditing and internal control system.
Due to the normality issue the researcher selected Spearman's rho which is used the Order Correlation coefficient,
rs, is a non-parametric measure of the strength and direction of association that exists between two variables
measured on at least an ordinal scale.
*Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
Table 4.4 Correlation Analysis with spearmans rho
Spearman's rho
Internal auditing

Internal control

Sig. (2tailed)
Sig. (2tailed)

Internal auditing

Internal control





Source: Primary Data 2013


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4.5 Discussion of the Results

The study found that there is a positive correlation between internal auditing and internal control system. And the
association between the two variables showed a high statistically significant result. The result was r s=0.563,
p<.0005 according to Cohen (1988) cited in Pallant (2007), the r s=0.563 suggested strong correlation. a
Spearman's Rank Order correlation was run to determine the relationship between internal auditing and internal
control system.

5. Conclusion
This study found that the internal auditing of remittance companies in Somalia has a favourable situation. Means
that remittance companies in Somalia established effective internal auditing, they use the internal audit to review
and control their activities, and also Auditing measured the management performance according to control
system. The suggestion of the researcher for remittance companies is that they sustain the control system if firms
are seeking to survive and to be successful.
This study found a positive moderate correlation between internal auditing practices and internal control system.
From the above findings, it is clear that the internal audit of the firms has significantly influence on the internal
control in remittance companies in Mogadishu. In this article complies the previous study conducted in Malaysia
that Fadzil et Al. (2008) founded that the compliance of the internal auditing function to Standards of professional
practice of internal auditors (SPPIA) has significant influence of the component of internal control system of
some listed companies in Malaysia. Compliance of the SPPIA is therefore an indication that there is quality
internal control system and also found that agency theory has influence of existing internal auditing to assess
effectiveness of internal control system.

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