Activity Booklet Science 10th 2023
Activity Booklet Science 10th 2023
Activity Booklet Science 10th 2023
iii. Na2SO4, NaCI, NaNO3 and Na2CO3 belong to the family of sodium salts.
K2SO4, Na2SO4, CaSO4, MgSO4, CuSO4 belong to the family of sulphate
NaCI and KCI belong to the family of chloride salts.
Chalo Ab
Metals, in Ise AASAN
their BHASHA
pure state, MEI
have Samajhte
a shining hai :
Take about 2 cm long magnesium ribbon .
Clean it with sand paper.
Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs , and start heating its
other end.
The Magnesium Ribbon starts burning.
Chalo Ab Ise AASAN BHASHA MEI Samajhte hai :
Metals, in their pure state, have a shining surface.
It starts burning with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
So, before rubbing and cleaning with sample paper, metals had less shiny surface.
After now to
rubbing andcollect
withMagnesium Oxide
sand paper, they'll Powder
become morehold over a
Watch Glass
Some Abmetals
can be beatenMEIintoSamajhte
thin sheets hai :
Take about 2 cm long magnesium ribbon .
Clean it with sand paper.
Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs , and start heating its
other end.
The Magnesium
Chalo Ab Ise AASANRibbon
BHASHA MEIstarts burning.
Samajhte hai :
We observed that some BUT IT'Scan
beaten into thin sheets. This property is
It starts burning with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
called malleability.
And now toare
and silver the most
collect themalleable metals Oxide Powder hold it over a
Watch Glass
Chalo AbMetals
Ise AASANalso BHASHA MEI Samajhte hai :
conduct electricity
Take about 2 cm long magnesium ribbon .
Clean it with sand paper.
Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs , and start heating its
other end.
The Magnesium Ribbon starts burning.
Chalo Ab Ise AASAN BHASHA MEI Samajhte hai :
i. On placing the metalBUT IT'S
in the NOTbetween
terminals A and B, we find that the
bulb glows. It starts burning with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
ii. And now that
This shows to collect thegood
metals are Magnesium Oxide
conductor of Powder
electricity too. hold it over a
Watch Glass
(i) Yes, there is a similarity in the difference between their molecular formulae and
molecular masses. Their molecular formulae differ by CH2 (1 carbon atom and 2
hydrogen atoms), and their molecular masses differ by 14 u.
(ii) These alcohols can be arranged in the order of the increasing carbon atoms as
follows : CH3OH, C2H5OH, C3H7OH, C4H9OH
Yes, we can call it a homologous series.
Question 1. What happens to the colour of the leaf? What is the colour of the
Answer. The green leaf becomes colourless. On immersing green leaf in a alcohol,
chlorophyll responsible for its green colour gets dissolves in alcohol. The colour of
the alcohol solution turns green
Question 2. What can you conclude about the presence of starch in various
areas of the leaf?
Answer. The green areas of leaf, which turns dark blue on dipping in iodine
solution, indicate the presence of starch where as colorless part of leaf show no
formation of starch. From this activity we can conclude that chlorophyll is essential
for photosynthesis
Samajhte hai : hai :
Take potted
Take two healthy aboutplants
2 cmwhichlong are
magnesium ribbon
nearly the same size..
Keep them in a dark roomClean for it with
three sand paper.
Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pairplates.
Now place each plant on separate glass Place,aand
of tongs watch-glass
start heating its
containing potassium hydroxide by the side of one of the plants. The
other end.
potassium hydroxide is used to absorb carbon dioxide.
The Magnesium Ribbon starts burning.
Cover both plants with separate bell-jars as shown in Fig. .
Use Vaseline to seal the bottom of the jars to the glass plates so that the set-
It starts burning with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
up is air-tight.
And now
Keep the to collect
plants the Magnesium
in sunlight Oxide Powder hold it over a
for about two hours.
Pluck a leaf from each plant and WatchcheckGlass
for the presence of starch as in the
above activity.
Question 1. Do both the leaves show the presence of the same amount of
Answer. No, both the leaves do not show the presence of the same amount of
starch, because in photosynthesis starch is produced using sun light, chlorophyll
and CO2. In first set up availability of CO2 will be less for making starch by the
plant leaves, as potassium hydroxide (KOH ) absorb the CO2. In second plant
setup, the leaves will have more amount of starch.
Question 2. Note how long it takes for this lime water to turn milky?
Answer. When we use syringe or pichkari, to pass air through the lime solution, it
takes much time and effort to turn the lime water milky.
Which are the potato pieces that give rise to fresh green shoots and roots?
The pieces with buds give rise to fresh green shoots and roots.
Activity Observation: Portion of Money plant with at least one leaf grows and
gives rise to fresh leaves. But money plant without leaf dies.
Activity Observation: Two seed cotyledons are separated by radicle and plumule
Chalo AbAb
Chalo Ise
Samajhte hai : hai :
Take of
The curved surface about 2 cm
a shining longcould
spoon magnesium ribbon
be considered .
as a curved mirror.
One Convex surface and Clean
other it with sand
concave paper.
surface. Sp for answering the
Holdquestions keep in mindribbon
the magnesium the properties
with aofpair
spherical mirrors.
, and start heating its
Question 1: Do you get the image?other Is it smaller
end. or larger?
Yes. The image on the outer curved surface is smaller.
The Magnesium Ribbon starts burning.
Question 2: Move the spoon slowly away from your face. Observe the image.
How does it change?
It starts
The size of the burningdecreases.
image gradually with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
And now
Question to collect
3: n Reverse the Magnesium
the spoon and repeat the Oxide Powder
Activity. How hold it over a
does the
image look like now? Watch Glass
The image at its concave side is real, inverted and diminished.
Question 4: Compare the characteristics of the image on the two surfaces.
• The image at its concave side is real, inverted and diminished. If the spoon is
moved away, the image becomes smaller.
• Image at the convex side is virtual, erect & diminished. If the spoon is moved
away, the image becomes smaller.
Question: Look at the portion of the line under the slab from the sides.
What do Chalo Ab Ise AASAN
you observe? Does theBHASHA
line underMEI Samajhte
the glass hai : to be
slab appear
bent at theTake
edges?about 2 cm
-- Yes, long
the line magnesium
under ribbon
the slab appears . bent and it
to be
is due to refraction. Clean it with sand paper.
Next, place the glass slab such that it is normal to the line.
Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs , and start heating its
other end.
The Magnesium Ribbon starts burning.
It starts burning with a WHITE DAZZLING FLAME .
And now to collect the Magnesium Oxide Powder hold it over a
Question: What do you observe Glass
now? Does the part of the line under the
glass slab appear bent? -- No, the part of the line under the glass slab does
not appear bent because the ray of light is perpendicular to the slab and does
not make any angle, so it appears straight.
OBSERVATION: This activity demonstrates the phenomenon of refraction and
for normal incidence, there no refraction occurs.
Question: Look at the line from the top of the glass slab. Does the part of
the line beneath the slab, appear to be raised? why does this happen? --
Yes, the part of the line beneath the slab appears to be raised because of
We observed that approximately the same value for V/I is obtained in each
case. Thus the V–I graph is a straight line that passes through the origin of the
graph, as shown in Fig. 12.3. Thus, V/I is a constant ratio.