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Carbon Management

ISSN: 1758-3004 (Print) 1758-3012 (Online) Journal homepage:

Quantifying carbon for agricultural soil

management: from the current status toward a
global soil information system

Keith Paustian, Sarah Collier, Jeff Baldock, Rachel Burgess, Jeff Creque,
Marcia DeLonge, Jennifer Dungait, Ben Ellert, Stefan Frank, Tom Goddard,
Bram Govaerts, Mike Grundy, Mark Henning, R. César Izaurralde, Mikuláš
Madaras, Brian McConkey, Elizabeth Porzig, Charles Rice, Ross Searle,
Nathaniel Seavy, Rastislav Skalsky, William Mulhern & Molly Jahn

To cite this article: Keith Paustian, Sarah Collier, Jeff Baldock, Rachel Burgess, Jeff Creque,
Marcia DeLonge, Jennifer Dungait, Ben Ellert, Stefan Frank, Tom Goddard, Bram Govaerts, Mike
Grundy, Mark Henning, R. César Izaurralde, Mikuláš Madaras, Brian McConkey, Elizabeth Porzig,
Charles Rice, Ross Searle, Nathaniel Seavy, Rastislav Skalsky, William Mulhern & Molly Jahn
(2019): Quantifying carbon for agricultural soil management: from the current status toward a global
soil information system, Carbon Management, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2019.1633231

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Quantifying carbon for agricultural soil management: from the current

status toward a global soil information system
Keith Paustiana, Sarah Collierb, Jeff Baldockc, Rachel Burgessd, Jeff Crequee, Marcia DeLongef, Jennifer
Dungaitg, Ben Ellerth, Stefan Franki, Tom Goddardj, Bram Govaertsk, Mike Grundyl, Mark Henningm,
R. C
esar Izaurralden,o, Mikulas Madarasi,p, Brian McConkeyq, Elizabeth Porzigr, Charles Rices, Ross
Searlel, Nathaniel Seavyr, Rastislav Skalskyi,t, William Mulhernb and Molly Jahnb
Department of Soil and Crop Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA; bDepartment of Agronomy, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; cCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Adelaide, Australia;
Australian Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra, Australia; eThe Carbon Cycle Institute, Petaluma, CA, USA;
Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, DC, USA; gScotland’s Rural College, SRUC, Edinburgh, Scotland; hAgriculture and
Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada; iInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria; jAlberta
Agriculture and Forestry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; kInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Texcoco, Mexico;
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Brisbane, Australia; mUnited States Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Miles City, MT, USA; nDepartment of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, USA; oTexas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University, Temple, TX, USA; pCrop Research Institute, Prague, Czech
Republic; qAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada; rPoint Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma,
CA, USA; sDepartment of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA; tNational Agricultural and Food Centre, Soil
Science and Conservation Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia

The importance of building/maintaining soil carbon, for soil health and CO2 mitigation, is of Soil carbon; carbon
increasing interest to a wide audience, including policymakers, NGOs and land managers. sequestration; measurement
Integral to any approaches to promote carbon sequestering practices in managed soils are methods; SOC models; soil
monitoring; soil health
reliable, accurate and cost-effective means to quantify soil C stock changes and forecast soil
C responses to different management, climate and edaphic conditions. While technology to
accurately measure soil C concentrations and stocks has been in use for decades, many chal-
lenges to routine, cost-effective soil C quantification remain, including large spatial variabil-
ity, low signal-to-noise and often high cost and standardization issues for direct
measurement with destructive sampling. Models, empirical and process-based, may provide
a cost-effective and practical means for soil C quantification to support C sequestration poli-
cies. Examples are described of how soil science and soil C quantification methods are being
used to support domestic climate change policies to promote soil C sequestration on agri-
cultural lands (cropland and grazing land) at national and provincial levels in Australia and
Canada. Finally, a quantification system is outlined – consisting of well-integrated data-
model frameworks, supported by expanded measurement and monitoring networks, remote
sensing and crowd-sourcing of management activity data – that could comprise the core of
a new global soil information system.

stocks, which are governed by dynamic and complex soil

Take Home messages: processes and properties.

 Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks would improve  This paper evaluates currently accepted methods of quanti-
the performance of working (managed) soils especially fying and forecasting SOC that, when augmented and
under drought or other stressors, increase agricultural resili- pulled together, could provide the basis for a new global
soil information system.
ence and fertility, and reduce net GHG emissions from soils.
 There are many improved management practices that can
be and are currently being applied to cropland and grazing
lands to increase SOC. Introduction
 Land managers are decision makers who operate in larger
contexts that bound their agricultural and financial deci- In recent years, soils have garnered increased
sions (e.g. market forces, crop insurance, input subsidies,
conservation mandates, etc.).
attention for their crucial roles in food security and
 Any effort to value improvements in the performance of delivering key ecosystem services (e.g. primary
agricultural soils through enhanced levels of SOC will production, clean water, nutrient cycling), includ-
require feasible, credible and creditable assessment of SOC
ing their capability and potential to help mitigate

CONTACT Molly Jahn Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not
altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

climate change by sequestering carbon – against a purpose of removing more CO2 from the atmos-
backdrop of widespread soil degradation across phere [18] relied on field experiments [19] and
much of the globe [1–4]. models [20,21] that were originally designed to
Soils contain one of the largest organic carbon C study SOM as a soil fertility factor. These early field
stocks on the planet, with ca. 1500 Pg C (1 Pg ¼ 1015 studies and models remain relevant, and, in many
g ¼ 1 billion metric tonnes) to a depth of 1 m and ways, still represent core knowledge of SOC dynam-
2400 Pg C to 2 m depth [5]. This carbon actively ics. However, over the past two to three decades,
exchanges with the atmosphere via the processes of the development of sensitive analytical instruments
photosynthesis and respiration. As such a large and allowing quantification of SOC at the biomolecular
active C pool, small percentage changes in these scale, along with new applications of isotopic label-
stocks can greatly affect the amount of C as CO2 in ling, have illuminated the myriad factors that con-
the atmosphere and the C balance at a global scale. trol SOC dynamics [22–24]. While many fine-scale
At the local scale, there are multiple ramifications details regarding SOM dynamics remain to be eluci-
when soils gain or lose soil organic carbon (SOC). dated, it is fair to say that, in general, the basic con-
When SOC stocks are reduced, it is typically coinci- trols on gross SOC stock changes are understood
dent with other forms of soil degradation (e.g. top- and it is reasonably well known which management
soil loss, compaction, reduced aggregate structure) practices can be used to increase SOC storage
[6]. In general, agricultural soils are degraded rela- across a wide range of environments. Furthermore,
tive to their pre-agricultural condition and therefore in spite of the complexity of SOC dynamics at the
have a capacity for SOC stocks to be rebuilt if man- micro scale, scientists are now beginning to under-
aged appropriately [7]. Observations from field stand the relationship between microscale soil proc-
experiments suggest that agricultural operations esses and macroscale soil structures (e.g. aggregate
that have been managed to improve SOC levels to peds), that respond to managed changes in SOC
also improve physical soil quality (‘tilth’) [8], reduce such that they can be used as indicators in soil
susceptibility to erosion [9] and outperform more health assessment protocols.
conventionally managed systems with respect to The fact that many agricultural land managers
agricultural yields and yield stability, especially do not currently employ practices that optimize C
under drought stress [10,11]. storage, despite the widely described potential
Soils have a crucial and obvious role to play in the benefits, indicates the need to more explicitly
global response to climate change. In the most incentivize these practices. Clearly, land managers
recent IPCC assessment [12], many of the integrated can be expected to maximize economic returns
assessment models for GHG reduction strategies sug- and thereby focus on yields/commodity produc-
gest that aggressive fossil fuel reductions must be tion as the conventional income-generating strat-
supplemented with negative emission or C seques- egy. Increasing SOC may, in some cases, ‘pay for
tration options to contain warming below 2  C as itself’ through reducing the need for purchased
laid out in the 2015 Paris climate accords. This find- inputs and improving long-term soil health, thus
ing has been further supported by the recent analysis boosting productivity even in times of relative
of Hansen et al. [13] on the need for C negative emis- stress, such as drought [25–27]. However, other
sions, as well as Rockstro€m et al.’s [14] roadmap for factors such as lack of knowledge, training or tech-
decarbonization. It has been suggested that, relative nical capacity may still inhibit implementation of
to other negative emission options, soil C sequestra- such ‘negative-cost’ improvements. In many cases,
tion may offer one of the least expensive and most farmers do incur real, increased costs for imple-
readily implementable near-term options [15]. With menting better C sequestering practices, in terms
widespread adoption of best soil management practi- of higher input costs (e.g. seed and operations
ces, soils can act as a global carbon sink to help costs for sowing cover crops) and/or increased risk
achieve a net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere of declines in yield. Thus, opportunities for monet-
[15,16]. Thus, soil C sequestration is a negative-emis- ary benefits to the farmer are needed to balance
sions option that must be considered with the dou- the potential added costs and to drive widespread
ble win of improved soil properties (chemical, adoption of improved practices.
physical and biological) and associated agro-ecosys- Currently, there are three main ways in which
tem health, resilience and productivity [17]. the value of soil C sequestration can potentially
Early studies on how management might be be included in direct financial returns to
used to increase soil organic matter (SOM) for the land managers.

First, government subsidies as direct payments SOC stock changes and affirm that they are occur-
or as cost sharing can incentivize farmers; exam- ring. However, depending on the accuracy
ples include the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s required, the acceptable level of uncertainty, and
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) the allowable costs for measurement and monitor-
and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) in ing, the quantification approach will vary. In gen-
the US [28]. Although these programs were origin- eral, the level of rigor required and the associated
ally designed to meet general resource conserva- cost for quantification will be greatest for offset
tion objectives, the practices they promote are projects in which SOC has a defined per-tonne
generally compatible with C sequestration and value as a fungible commodity, whereas the least
GHG emission reductions [29], and thus enhancing stringent requirements likely exist for participants
the promotion of C sequestration through such in government programs, where payments are jus-
programs can be accomplished with relative sim- tified based on overall conservation benefits, not
plicity. Reduced rates for government-supported just SOC [33]. In general, there is an inverse rela-
crop insurance programs offer an additional incen- tionship between the cost and the uncertainty of
tive mechanism [30]. Similarly, the European the measurements, and thus designing the most
Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides appropriate quantification approaches will to some
incentives for protecting soil health and function, degree involve determining the acceptable trade-
including maintenance of SOM (and hence soil car- off between accuracy/precision and cost.
bon storage) [31]. This paper provides an overview of current
Second, agricultural land managers could be dir- methods and approaches for quantifying SOC
ectly compensated for CO2 removal and storage as stock change and the associated removals of CO2
SOC as a C ‘offset’, in which the sequestered C from the atmosphere. The aim is to illustrate how
could be sold as a commodity to companies these methods currently apply to quantifying SOC
engaged in GHG emission reductions, in either a stock changes at field to national scales, including
voluntary marketplace or a compliance cap-and- examples of such methods applied to ongoing
trade system. Some offset projects that include programs in Australia and Canada. A concept is
SOC are ongoing, including through dedicated then outlined for a comprehensive global soil
registries (e.g. Verified Carbon Standard, VCS: information system that could support quantifica-; tion, monitoring and reporting of SOC stock
American Carbon Registry, ACR: https://american- changes for a scaled-up effort to promote wide- operating in the voluntary spread adoption of soil management strategies to
market space. However, low C prices (often < $5/ remove and sequester CO2 and improve
tonne CO2) have limited project development to soil health.
date [32]. Government-sponsored, incentive-based
offset projects and trading involving soil C seques- Quantification methods
tration are ongoing in Australia and Canada, as dis-
Associating CO2 removals with soil C
cussed in detail in case studies below.
stock changes
Third, companies that produce and market
products that are based on agricultural commod- Biotic carbon stocks exist in a dynamic balance
ities, including food, beverages and fibers, are between continual inflow and outflow of carbon.
increasingly interested in developing more sustain- For promoting carbon sequestration, the net
able supply chains, including reducing their prod- amount of CO2 that is removed from the atmos-
ucts’ ‘carbon footprint’. Diverse practice-based phere and incorporated into the soil is the metric
standards, tools and certification schemes, in add- that matters. However, this value is the difference
ition to brand and company pledges, have prolifer- between two large fluxes of CO2: the uptake of
ated to meet this demand. Hence agricultural CO2 by plants and emissions of CO2 via respiration
producers could be incentivized to implement C from plants and the soil biota. Since the net flux of
sequestering practices by earning a premium price CO2 on an annual basis is often very small relative
for producing agricultural products to achieve sus- to the gross fluxes, net gains or losses of C from
tainable supply chain goals. the ecosystem are difficult to measure accurately
Critical to the success of any of these three and routinely, requiring sophisticated research
approaches to incentivize soil C sequestration is the instrumentation (see the section below). An alter-
possibility to reliably and cost-effectively quantify native approach is to track the changes in

ecosystem C stocks over time. Since the predomin- maintain, particularly at the levels of replication
ant C exchange in terrestrial ecosystems is needed to account for grazer influence on spatially
between the atmosphere and the plant/soil sys- varying vegetation and soil C stocks. EC techniques
tem, an increase in biotic organic C stocks over are also well suited for estimating net C fluxes
time is a close proxy for the net uptake of C (as from peat soils [37,38], which have varying density
CO2) from the atmosphere. Conversely, in the and depth of organic layers that make SOC stock
absence of erosion or other lateral transport proc- changes difficult to measure. However, EC and
esses, a decrease over time in ecosystem C stocks other micrometeorological methods are (at present
indicates a net flux of C to the atmosphere. In for- at least) restricted to the research environment.
ests and shrubland, considerable C may be stored The techniques involve sophisticated and expen-
in woody biomass that can accumulate and persist sive instruments and require highly trained tech-
over many decades, and so plant biomass C nical staff to manage and maintain them and to
must be considered in any net CO2 accounting process and analyze the data. They also require
approach. In agricultural systems that lack long- several assumptions including relatively homoge-
lived woody biomass (e.g. annual cropland and neous study plots and level topography that are
non-wooded grassland), plant biomass stocks are not always possible in manipulative field experi-
relatively small and mostly ephemeral due to ments or privately managed working lands. While
annual harvesting and grazing. Thus, the only large these types of measurements are very useful for
and persistent (from year to year) organic C stock developing and validating ecosystem C models,
is in the soil. Therefore, SOC stock accounting is they are not practical for routine deployment for C
what matters for assessing whether agricultural offset projects or in extensive farm/ranch-based
ecosystems are a net source or sink of C. Here, the measurement and monitoring networks. Rather, to
meet such needs, soil sampling and measurement
direct measurement of CO2 fluxes is only briefly
of SOC stock change is typically the most feasible
discussed, and most of the discussion is focused
field quantification approach.
on determining SOC stock changes over time.

Direct measurement – soil C stock changes

Direct measurement – CO2 fluxes
The most direct means to determine whether Take Home messages:

ecosystems are functioning as a net C sink and  Calculation of SOC stocks require volumetric soil samples
therefore acting to reduce atmospheric CO2 con- (to estimate bulk density) which are more laborious to col-
lect than soil samples collected for routine nutri-
centrations is by measuring the net CO2 exchange ent analyses.
between the atmosphere and the ecosystem.  Soil samples must be dried and processed (crushed, sieved,
ground) to ensure representative samples are analyzed.
Recent decades have seen the development,
 Ideally, sample preparation is followed by analysis via auto-
refinement and deployment of flux measurement mated dry combustion in the laboratory. For soils that con-
tain inorganic forms of carbon, acidification may be
systems, based on principles of micrometeorology, required to determine organic C concentration.
in all kinds of terrestrial ecosystems [34]. The most  Other less expensive and less precise methods of lab analy-
widely used technique, eddy covariance (EC), relies ses may be considered, but often the incremental expense
associated with using a modern analyzer is small relative to
on very frequent and highly accurate measure- the costs of collecting and processing the soil samples.
ments of CO2 concentrations and air movements,  Spectroscopic methods (lab- and field-based) offer the
potential for more rapid, cheaper analyses but at the cost
that can be used to estimate the net gas exchange of reduced accuracy and usually require extensive
between the atmosphere and the land surface, as calibration.

a result of photosynthesis (CO2 uptake) and eco-  The main challenges to measuring SOC stocks at field-scales
are high spatial variability and small changes relative to
system respiration (CO2 release). When combined ‘background’ SOC stock.
with measurements of harvested and exported  Efficient, fit-for-purpose sampling designs that employ
georeferenced benchmark sites that optimize the balance
biomass, and assuming other C losses (e.g. erosion, between sampling intensity and reduced uncertainty can
leaching) are negligible, EC can provide an inte- lower the cost and improve accuracy of direct
grated estimate of net ecosystem C stock changes
and valuable information on its temporal dynam-
ics. These approaches are particularly useful for Determining the concentration of C in a soil sam-
making ecosystem C balance estimates for grazed ple is not technologically challenging or especially
grasslands [35,36], in which livestock activities difficult. However, large aggregated mitigation and
make other on-the-ground sensors difficult to soil C valuation projects and policies require more

than simply C concentrations determined in the on stocks tends to decrease with depth, efficient
laboratory; they require an estimate of SOC in analyses of SOC changes should evaluate SOC
mass per unit area to a specified depth, and the stocks sequentially, from the surface to increasing
capability to estimate temporal changes in SOC cumulative depth layers, to the full depth of sam-
stock associated with improved management. The pling [44]. This enables statistically significant differ-
main challenges in applying direct measurement ences, which may be confined to surface layers, to
methods to accurately and cost-effectively quantify be revealed without diluting the signal by including
soil C stock changes over time are in designing non-significant differences at depth.
effective sampling methods and reducing the time Finally, the amount of SOC already present in
and effort in sample processing and analysis. most soils, versus the amount and rate of change
that typically occurs from adopting C sequestering
Sampling methods practices, represents a typical signal-to-noise prob-
lem. Many practices advocated to increase SOC
A major challenge in determining SOC stocks and stocks do so at rates of less than 0.5–1 Mg C
changes at field scales is the high degree of spatial ha1 yr1, whereas ‘background’ SOC stocks in
heterogeneity. Even in seemingly ‘uniform’ fields, many soils, just in the top 20–30 cm, can be in the
SOC content may vary by as much as 5-fold or range of 30–90 Mg C ha1. Therefore, with poten-
more [39]. Using conventional approaches with tial annual stock changes of 1% or less of the exist-
simple randomized and/or stratified sampling ing stocks, measurement intervals of 5 years or
schemes, accurate estimation of the ‘average’ SOC more are generally required to detect statistically
contents across fields of tens of hectares might significant cumulative SOC stock changes with a
require tens to hundreds of samples [40]. In add- moderate sampling density.
ition to lateral variability, organic C usually Rather than using sampling designs that aim to
decreases markedly with soil depth, with the high- quantify the total amount of SOC in a field, a more
est concentrations in the top few cm and then usu- efficient and less costly approach is to measure
ally declining sharply below the topsoil layer. In SOC stock change over time at precisely located
some cropland soils, SOC content may be fairly benchmark sites [45–47]. These can be resampled
homogeneous from 0 to 20 or 30 cm due to mixing over time, reducing sample requirements by as
by tillage, but in unplowed soils (e.g. pastures, no- much as 8-fold compared to simple random or
till cropland) SOC typically declines more continu- stratified random sampling designs [48].
ously from the surface. Detecting overall changes in In addition, because much of the variability of
SOC requires accounting for this vertical gradient, soils occurs at fine spatial scales, per unit area sam-
so measurements are usually taken from multiple ple size requirements decrease greatly as the area
depth increments (e.g. 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and so of inference increases in size. In other words, while
on), and appropriate analyses to account for inor- tens of samples might be needed to adequately
ganic C, especially in sub-surface layers, are required quantify SOC stocks for a single field, only 2 to 3
in many regions. Thus, the full depth to which sam- times as many samples might suffice to quantify
ples should be taken depends on the type of man- SOC stocks for an aggregate area of several thou-
agement system being evaluated because different sand hectares [49]. Accordingly, quantification
practices (e.g. crop and tillage type) can manifest approaches that require direct field measurement
changes over different soil depth intervals. The 0 to will be more feasible for implementation in C off-
30 cm soil layer specified by the IPCC [41] for soil C set projects with many farms and aggregated
inventories probably captures most short-term areas of many thousands of hectares. Schemes
land-use and management-induced changes in SOC that optimize the sampling intensity by taking into
stocks, although some practices (e.g. cropland con- account the value of reduced uncertainty (i.e. as
version to grassland with deep-rooted species) can monetized in a C offset project), which is related
have impacts deeper in the soil profile [42]. Over to the number of samples taken, can further
decadal time scales, relatively minor changes to reduce costs [50].
subsoil SOC stocks that manifest under many crop-
ping systems can constitute non-trivial quantities of
Sample processing and analysis
C at the farm scale [43]. Because variability in SOC
stocks tends to increase as a function of depth, Modern methods to measure SOC concentrations
while the impacts of most management practices using dry combustion analyzers are the ‘gold

standard’ in soil science. These automated instru- still at an early stage of development and their
ments are highly accurate and widely used in soil utility for quantification in support of soil C offset
and environmental research. projects has yet to be determined. Moreoever,
With current technology, accurate direct meas- these spectroscopic-based estimates of SOC con-
urement of SOC requires ‘destructive sampling’ (i.e. centrations still require appropriate calibration
soils taken from the field and then sent to a curves (most likely from conventional destructive
laboratory for processing and analysis). There are sampling) and measures of soil bulk density in
two main reasons for this. First, conventional ana- order to calculate SOC stocks.
lysis methods to determine C content as a percent-
age of total soil mass – that is, both dry and
Model-based estimates of soil C stock changes
wet oxidation methods – require laboratory-scale
instruments and facilities that are not practical to Models provide a means to predict SOC stock
bring to the field. Soils have to be carefully proc- changes, taking into account the integrated effects
essed and standardized (i.e. sieved, homogenized, of different management practices, as well as
dried and finely ground) for the analyses. Second, impacts of varying soil and climate conditions.
accurate measurement of soil bulk density (i.e. Mathematical models may be stochastic or deter-
mass per unit soil volume) requires a known ministic, and some are designed to represent and
volume of soil to be weighed under standard amalgamate the underlying processes contributing
oven-dry moisture conditions, necessitating soil to terrestrial carbon cycling, while others consist of
collection from the field. The collection, transporta- empirical relationships. Models are, of course, an
tion and processing of soil add considerable time embodiment of theory, experiments and measure-
and costs to the operation. ment, and particularly for models of soil C dynam-
There is active research, ongoing for many ics, measurements from long-term field
years, to reduce the need for destructive sampling experiments are a primary source of the informa-
and laboratory-based soil processing and combus- tion upon which these models are based [55].
tion-based analysis. Various spectroscopic techni-
ques, such as near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy Take Home messages:
(NIRS and MIRS, respectively), which measure how
 Both empirical (statistical) and process-based models are
soils interact with light radiation of various wave- widely used to predict/estimate soil C stocks as a function
of environmental and management variables.
lengths, can yield information on SOC content as
 Process-based models have potential for a broader range of
well as other chemical and physical properties of applicability across gradients of soil, climate and manage-
the soil [51]. Since the instrumentation consists of ment conditions, but are more complex and difficult to use
than empirically based models.
a light source and detectors, much faster through-  Model-based quantification systems, if supported by robust,
put of samples is possible compared to wet or dry distributed measurement and monitoring networks, have
the capability to improve the cost-effectiveness and stand-
combustion methods. Also, analysis costs are ardization of estimates of soil C stock change.
much cheaper and the smaller, less demanding
equipment can potentially be deployed in field
labs and in developing countries [52]. However, Broadly speaking, there are two types of models
results from spectroscopic methods must be care- used to predict SOC stock changes: empirical mod-
fully calibrated for different geographic areas and els, which are based on statistical relationships
soil types using dry combustion methods as a ref- estimated directly from sets of field experiment
erence. Various other non-conventional technolo- observations; and process-based models, in which
gies (e.g. laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, the model algorithms are based on more general
LIBS; diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared scientific understanding, derived from laboratory-
spectroscopy, DRIFTS; inelastic neutron scattering, and field-based experiments, as well as a variety of
INS) have been tested [53] but none has yet field-based observations of SOC distribution along
emerged as a viable replacement for conventional climatic, vegetation, topographic and geological
analysis methods. The most ambitious techno- gradients. Most process-based models aim to
logical goals are to develop spectroscopic methods achieve a more general understanding and predict-
that can be used as ‘on-the-go sensors’, that can ive capacity, based on the biogeochemical proc-
be drawn through the soil by tractors or dedicated esses that control SOC dynamics and the impacts
sampling vehicles to continuously map soil C con- and interactions of management and environmen-
centrations [54]. However, such technologies are tal factors on those processes. Empirical models

are, by definition, restricted to making inferences made in computing the factors FLU, FMG and FI. If T
within the range of conditions represented by the exceeds D, the value for T is used to obtain an
observations used to build the model, whereas annual rate of change over the inventory time
process-based models are (in theory at least) more period (0–T years).
suitable for extrapolation and representation of Constraints for the IPCC method include the
conditions that might not be well represented in lack of field experiment data for many climates,
the observational data. soil types and management combinations. The
very broad climate, soil and management
classes (and consequently the high degree of
Empirical models
aggregation of global data sets) from which the
The most well-used and widely known empirical-
model was developed were intended to support
based model for predicting SOC stock changes is
national-scale inventory and reporting. For use
the model developed for the IIPCC national GHG
in more local application such as for C offset
inventory guidelines. The so-called Tier 1 method
projects, additional data from regional and local
was developed to provide an easy way for coun-
field studies would be needed to re-estimate
tries (especially developing countries) to estimate
model parameters.
national-scale SOC stock changes as a function of
changes in land-use and management practices
[41,56]. The model uses a broad classification of cli- Process-based models
mate and soil types to derive reference SOC stocks Process-based models generally take the form of
for native (‘unmanaged’) ecosystems, based on computer simulation models that employ sets of
many thousands of measured soil pedons [5]. differential equations to describe the time and
Then, a set of scaling factors, estimated from statis- space dynamics of SOM. Most of the models that
tical estimates of extensive field data sets [57,58], are currently used to support GHG inventory and/
are applied to represent management impacts on or project-scale quantification were originally
stocks (i.e. land-use type, relative C input level, developed for research purposes, to analyze the
soil management). SOC stock changes are then behavior of SOM as a function of environmental
computed for the stratified (i.e. clima- and edaphic variables (e.g. temperature, moisture,
te  soil  management) land area being consid- pH, aeration, soil texture) and land-use and
ered, as a function of observed land-use and management practices (e.g. vegetation type and
management changes over a given time period. productivity, crop rotation, tillage, nutrient man-
The model for mineral soil C stock change is given agement, irrigation, residue management). These
by: types of models attempt to integrate these various
 factors, and knowledge about the intrinsic controls
DSC ¼ SC0 – SCð0TÞ =D (1a)
on decomposition and organic matter stabilization,
SCi ¼ SCR  FLU  FMG  FI  A (1b)
into generalized models of SOC (and often soil
where: nitrogen) dynamics. This comprehensive approach
DSC ¼ annual soil carbon stock change, Mg C yr1; makes process-based models attractive as predict-
SC0 ¼ soil organic carbon stock at time 0, Mg ive tools to support SOC quantification at mul-
C ha1; tiple scales.
SC(0-T) ¼ soil organic carbon stock at time Examples of widely used process-based models
t ¼ 20 years, Mg C ha1; that simulate SOC dynamics are shown in Table 1.
A ¼ land area of each parcel, ha; The table includes references to specific instances
SCR ¼ the reference carbon stock, Mg C ha1; of site- and landscape-level testing as well as model
FLU ¼ stock change factor for land-use type intercomparisons. Some of these models include
(dimensionless); additional capabilities to simulate changes in non-
FMG ¼ stock change factor for management/dis- CO2 GHG emissions associated with changes in land
turbance regime (dimensionless); management (e.g. DayCent, DNDC).
FI ¼ stock change factor for carbon input level While process-based models are still used pri-
(dimensionless); marily to support basic research, they are increas-
D ¼ Time dependence of stock change factors, ingly being utilized at local to national scales for
which is the default time period for transition soil C and soil GHG inventory purposes. For
between equilibrium SOC values (in years). The example, the RothC soil C model is used to esti-
default is 20 years but it depends on assumptions mate soil C stock changes as a component of the

Table 1. Some widely used process-based models that include soil carbon, providing examples of their application at
different scales and in model inter-comparisons. NA denotes instances where articles were not found for the category
of application.
Model testing/ Multi-model
Key reference – application at Model application Multi-model application at
Model Website model development site scale at regional scale evaluation regional scale
DNDC Li et al. (1992) [107] Li et al. (1997) [108] Grant et al. Smith et al. (1997) [109] Wattenbach (2004) [59] et al. (2010) [60]
ROTHC† http://www.rothamsted. Jenkinson Coleman et al. Cerri et al. Smith et al. (1997) [109] Falloon and (1990) [61] (1997) [110] (2007) [111] Smith (2002) [62]
APSIM Mccown et al. Luo et al. O’Leary et al. Moore et al. (2014) [65], NA
(1995) [63] (2011) [112] (2016) [64] Basso et al.
(2018) [98]
DAYCENT http://www.nrel. Del Grosso et al. Del Grosso et al. Nocentini et al. Del Grosso et al. (2016) Smith et al. (2001) [66] (2008) [113] (2015) [67] [114], Basso et al. (2012) [96]
projects/daycent/ (2018) [98]
DSSAT Jones et al. Gijsman et al. De Sanctis Yang et al. (2013) [71] NA
(2003) [68] (2002) [69] (2012) [70]
ECOSYS http://ecosys. Grant (1997) [72] Grant et al. Mekonnen et al. Lokupitiya et al. (2016) NA (2001) [73] (2016) [74] [75], Basso et al.
(2018) [98]
EPIC http://epicapex. Izaurralde et al. Apezteguia et al. Zhang et al. Lokupitiya et al. NA (2006) [115] (2009) [76] (2015) [77] (2016) [75]
SOCRATES Grace et al. Grace et al. NA Izaurralde et al. NA
au/main (2006a) [78] (2006b) [79] (2001) [116]

For soil C inventory applications, the ROTHC model soil C model can be imbedded within a full ecosystem-scale model framework, such as FullCAM
[67] which is used for soil C accounting purposes in Australia.

Full-CAM national GHG inventory system [58], Case studies of soil C quantification for
and the DayCent model is used for soil C stocks GHG offsets
changes and soil emissions of N2O and CH4 in
Soil carbon accounting systems are gaining
the US national GHG inventory and reporting
momentum in several developed countries that
system [81].
are including agricultural GHG offset options as
Most model-based decision support systems
part of their mitigation portfolios. Three examples
(DSSs) for soil C estimation employ empirical
of soil C accounting systems that have been devel-
models, often derived from the IPCC Tier 1
oped to support agricultural soil C offset projects
method described above [82], although COMET-
are those implemented by the national govern-
Farm, a web-based full GHG accounting DSS,
employs both empirical models for some GHG ment of Australia and the provincial governments
emission sources as well as the dynamic process- of both Alberta and Saskatchewan (Canada). These
based DayCent model for estimates of soil C stock three systems are presented as case studies that
changes and soil N2O emissions [83]. Combining illustrate the diverse ways in which information
biogeochemical process models, global position- from field measurement and monitoring systems
ing system (GPS) sensors and financial calculators can be combined with model-based quantification
can further elaborate decision-support systems systems to support programs that promote SOC
for the fine spatial scales employed in precision sequestration and improve function of managed
agriculture [84]. soils. These examples focus on the quantification
To further develop the capabilities of process- methods, and other issues associated with offset
based models for soil C accounting purposes, it protocols such as additionality, leakage and per-
will be essential to better integrate models with manence are not discussed in detail.
supporting measurements [55], for example from
networks of soil C monitoring sites [85], flux Australia
measurement networks and existing long-term
field experiments [86]. Continued efforts are The Australian government has established the
needed to extend and evaluate the capabilities of Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) to encourage the
process-based models to predict soil C changes adoption of management strategies that result in
and GHG emissions, to provide full-cost account- either the reduction of GHG emissions or the
ing in GHG offset projects and, when possible, to sequestration of atmospheric CO2. The ERF is
compare performance in model intercomparison enacted through the Carbon Credits (Carbon
experiments [87]. Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (CFI). Under the ERF,

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the relationship among land title boundary, project area and carbon estimation
areas. Source: Author

Table 2. Default values for soil carbon sequestration Common to both soil C methods are the defini-
defined for each of the three project types for carbon tions of a project, a project area and carbon esti-
payments in Australia.
mation areas (CEAs) (Figure 1).
Sequestration value (t CO2-e ha1 year1)
‘Sequestering C in soils in grazing systems’ was
Marginal Some More
Project type benefit benefit benefit the first soil C quantification method developed
Sustainable intensification 0.11 0.59 1.65 for use in the ERF. It was designed to quantify the
Stubble retention 0.07 0.29 0.73 magnitude and certainty of soil C change within
Conversion to pasture 0.22 0.44 0.84
CEAs of any size. Under this method, a project
proponent measures baseline soil C stocks to a
businesses, farmers and community groups can
minimum depth of 30 cm, implements new man-
earn C credits by undertaking projects to reduce
agement activities that would not have occurred
emissions or sequester carbon. A range of mitiga-
under a business-as-usual condition and measures
tion activities have been approved for all sectors
future soil C stocks at nominated intervals
of the economy; here, the focus is on activities
through time.
that increase SOC stocks. Projects must comply
The second soil C quantification method,
with the Offsets Integrity Standards, which ensure
‘Estimating carbon sequestration in soil with
that any emission reductions, in this case seques-
default values’, offers three project types that can
tered carbon, are additional, measureable and veri- receive ACCUs: sustainable intensification, stubble
fiable, eligible, evidence-based, material and retention and conversion to pastures. Eligible lands
conservative. Once approved and implemented, and associated default rates of soil C sequestration
the methods can be used to generate Australian associated with each project type were defined
Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). One ACCU equates using an updated version of the FullCAM model
to an emission avoidance or sequestration of 1 and its associated data tables that were used to
tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) and prepare Australia’s 2015 submission to the
can be sold to the Australian government or in a UNFCCC [88]. The RothC soil carbon model
secondary market to generate income. (Table 1) is a submodel contained within the
Initially, two methods for quantifying soil C broader scope of the FullCAM system model.
sequestration were endorsed by the Emissions For the model-based method, there are three
Reduction Assurance Committee and adopted by defined classes of soil C sequestration rates: mar-
the Minister for the Environment and Energy: ginal benefit, some benefit and more benefit.
‘Sequestering carbon in soils in grazing systems’ These rates were determined by a series of simula-
and ‘Estimating sequestration of C in soil using tions and statistical tests to generate a histogram,
default values’. The first method was based on dir- enabling the three-class regionalization (Table 2;
ect measurement of changes in SOC stocks Figure 2). Provided a project meets its reporting
obtained through sampling and analysis over time, obligations and remains eligible, the amount of C
whereas the second method was based on the use sequestered is defined by multiplying the duration
of default rates of soil C change predicted using of the project by the respective rate of carbon
the FullCAM process-based model that was sequestration provided in Table 2. More informa-
designed to be nationally applicable [88,89]. tion on allowable activities and conditions can

Figure 2. Delineation of eligible and non-eligible lands for sustainable intensification projects, and the areas associated
with each of the three levels of soil C sequestration benefit predicted using the soil carbon component of the FullCAM
simulation model. Source: Author

be found at regression approach was applied in an attempt to

change/emissions-reduction-fund/methods/seques- move toward the ‘true’ temporal trend of soil car-
tration-carbon-modelled-abatement-estimates. bon stock change associated with the applied
For the direct measurement approach, uncer- management practices.
tainty associated with measured soil C stock For the emission factor approach, the uncer-
change was addressed in two ways. First, statistical tainty associated with activity data and the model
approaches were used to define the level of car- was determined using a Monte Carlo analysis in
bon sequestration associated with a probability of conjunction with the IPCC ‘Approach 1’ propaga-
exceedance equal to 60%. This approach applied a tion of error method as described in the IPCC
discount to measured values, with the size of the inventory guidelines [41] and reported in the
discount being linked to the variance of measured Australian Government Submission to the UNFCCC
soil carbon stock values. Additionally, to help (
insure against initial over-crediting until such time mate-science-data/greenhouse-gas-measurement/
as a long-term trend is established, credits for any publications/national-inventory-report-2016). For
carbon sequestered between the baseline meas- the emissions factors themselves, statistical analysis
urement and the first temporal measurement were applied to the derived data enabled a three-class
reduced by 50%. As the number of temporal meas- regionalization of the scenarios.
urements increased, the potential for spatial and Implementing a soil carbon sequestration pro-
environmental variations to impact the derivation ject using either of the methods described above
of carbon sequestration values diminished and a may alter emissions of methane (CH4) and/or

Table 3. Greenhouse gases required to be included in net abatement calculations for the various potential agricultural
management activities that can be implemented in carbon sequestration projects in Australia.
Carbon pool or
emission source Greenhouse gas Include/exclude Justification and process for inclusion
Soil organic carbon CO2 Include (contained This is the primary emission sink associated with soil
within the default carbon sequestration projects.
sequestration values)
Livestock N2O Include Emissions associated with enteric fermentation, dung and
CH4 urine change with increases or decreases in stocking rates.
Impacts of feed quality are excluded. National Greenhouse
Gas Inventory emission factors are to be used.
Synthetic fertilizer CO2 Include Application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers result in
N2O emissions of N2O, and in the case of urea also CO2.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGGI) emission
factors are to be used.
Non-synthetic organic- CO2 Exclude Non-synthetic fertilizers are derived from waste streams.
based fertilizers N2O No additional emissions are required to be accounted
CH4 for since emissions from within a Carbon Estimation
Area (CEA) to which they have been applied would be
no greater than what would have occurred had the
materials not been applied.
Agricultural lime CO2 Include Application of agriculture lime has the potential to emit
CO2 as carbonates react with the soil to neutralize
acidity. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory emission
factors are to be used.
Irrigation energy CO2 Include Irrigating previously non-irrigated areas may involve an
N2O increase in emissions due to the consumption of diesel
CH4 fuel or electricity and must be accounted for. NGGI
emission factors are to be used.
Residues – decomposition N2O Include Retention of residues fromcrops will result in the emission
of N2O when they decompose. NGGI emission factors
are to be used.
Residues – burning CO2 Exclude CO2 Any changes in the quantity of residue carbon not going
N2O Include N2O and CH4 to CO2 will be reflected in the sequestered carbon
CH4 within the soil.
Net changes in N2O and CH4 emissions due to the
removal of burning in progressing from the baseline to
project conditions need to be accounted for. National
Inventory Report emission factors are to be used.

nitrous oxide (N2O) (Table 3). Changes in CH4 and Emission Reduction Fund and continue to make
N2O emissions must be taken into account in add- land-management decisions enabling them to meet
ition to the amount of C sequestered to derive the their broader business objectives.
total net abatement provided by a project. For
each of the management activities eligible under
Alberta, Canada
the two methods, the net abatement is calculated
by considering each of the gases identified in In 2007, the Government of Alberta became the
Table 3. The calculations for emissions incurred as first jurisdiction to enable agriculture offsets with an
a result of undertaking the carbon sequestration amendment of the Climate Change and Emissions
activities are consistent with those applied in the Management Act (CCEMA) to require industrial
Australian National Greenhouse Accounts. facilities with emissions exceeding 100,000 tonnes
The 2015–2016 method prioritization process per year of GHGs (CO2-e) to report and reduce their
resulted in an agreement that a new soil carbon emissions to established targets. Under the CCEMA,
method should be developed, building on the two large industrial emitters are required to reduce their
existing soil carbon methodologies. The need was emissions by 12% below their baseline. They could
identified because there had been limited uptake of pick any of three options to meet their reduction
the existing soil carbon methods. This outcome was goal: emission performance credits, technology
attributed to the narrow range of farming systems fund credits or emission offsets.
that were able to participate and the high costs of The Alberta Offset System operates under an
direct measurement. The Carbon Credits (Carbon extensive set of policies, rules and standards
Farming Initiative – Measurement of Soil Carbon (Offset Quantification Protocols and Guidance
Sequestration in Agricultural Systems) Methodology Documents). to ensure that offsets are of the high-
Determination 2018 seeks to overcome these limita- est rigor and quality to meet regulated companies’
tions by introducing new components and adapting requirements. The development process for proto-
some components from the two earlier soil carbon cols includes expert engagement, defensible scien-
methods. This provides proponents with the flexibil- tific methodologies, a rigorous peer-review
ity to respond to market forces, participate in the process, and documented transparency. A range of

Figure 3. Schematic of the adjusted regional baseline for the Dry Prairie Region – discount based on the adoption rate of
reduced till (RT) and no-till (NT) practice for the baseline year (2002). Source: Author

science-based quantification protocols were devel- This empirical model approach uses sequestration
oped transparently with a technical review to help coefficients to provide a low-range estimate of
provide certainty to buyers and sellers and reduce increased SOC stocks that might be expected from
transaction costs. All verified tonnes are serialized a change from conventional to no-till practices. It
and are listed on a registry with oversight by the presents a simplified way of estimating SOC
Canadian Standards Association. increases based on a verified change in manage-
The Alberta market also relies on aggregator ment practice, without direct measurement by soil
companies, which aggregate credits from a num- sampling and analysis. Alberta’s GHG regulations
ber of sources (a group of farmers or land holders) require that all GHGs must be considered (aggre-
to assemble projects large enough to interest gate net CO2-e mass). Modeling is the most effi-
buyers. NGOs and aggregators play a pivotal role cient and cost-effective method for accounting for
in reducing transaction costs so that individual all GHG changes over large, diverse areas. The
farms can participate in the carbon market and modeling tools are the same as those for national
generate revenues. Aggregators ensure all partici- inventory work and are anchored with verification
pants adhere to the protocol terms and conditions work using research plot data.
and arrange for third-party verification of the Eligible actions for offsets typically must be new
assembled project. All aggregation and verification and additional to business as usual. Since reduced
costs are borne by the carbon offset pro- tillage and no-tillage practices were already being
ject developer. adopted in western Canada, this proved particu-
The Conservation Cropping Protocol (CCP) is a larly challenging. The solution was to develop a
2012 revision and upgrade of the previous Tillage ‘moving baseline’ to accommodate early adopters
System Management Protocol. This protocol as well as late adopters of the practice. The
focuses on sequestration of additional SOC attrib- sequestration coefficient was discounted according
utable to a change from conventional to no-till to the observed rate of increase in the adoption of
annual cropping practices or for reduction in sum- no-till and reduced till practices as accounted for
mer fallow. It has been the most sought-after type by the national agriculture census taken every 5
of agricultural GHG project, and conservation till- years. To satisfy additionality, the quantification
age offsets have made up roughly 30% or more uses a discounted or ‘adjusted baseline’ to subtract
of the annual market share, delivering over out carbon accrued before the 2002 start year of
1.5 million tonnes of offsets since 2007. the offset eligibility criteria from the more recent
The protocol uses Canada’s National Emissions adoption rates of zero tillage from a region –
Tier II methodology, which developed soil C deriving regional discounted baselines. In this
sequestration coefficients based on measuring and manner, only the additional or incremental soil C
modeling local crop rotations, soil/landscape types resulting from the continuation of the practice
and inter-annual climate variation for geo-specific post 2002 can count as an offset credit. Thus, the
polygons in the national eco-stratification system. adjusted baseline is only applied to activities that

sequester C on a go-forward basis (Figure 3). Thus, Just over one third of respondents had partici-
all tillage management projects get a ‘haircut’ off pated in the CCP, and this proportion increased to
their carbon tonnes, but early adopters are almost half of the larger acreage respondents.
allowed to participate to maintain the practice, Nearly three quarters of respondents were either
and late adopters get a smaller coefficient for their ‘satisfied’ or ‘somewhat satisfied’. The top three
C storage to satisfy additionality requirements with improvements suggested were better compensa-
the adjusted baseline. tion for their time and effort, simplified program
The validity of sequestered soil carbon for no-till forms and paperwork, and a wider range of avail-
projects in Alberta is ensured by a government- able practices.
backed policy approach known as an ‘assurance The compliance cost for mandatory GHG reduc-
factor’, which is applied to every tonne of carbon tions in Alberta was CAD$15/tonne from 2007 to
offset created under the protocol. Each coefficient 2015. As of 2018 it became an economy-wide pric-
is discounted by a percentage for the risk of man- ing of CAD$30/tonne and is scheduled to move to
agement practice reversal derived for specific CAD$50 by 2022 in alignment with new federal
regions in Alberta. This fraction of the credit is set legislation, the Pan Canadian Framework on Clean
aside by the government (e.g. 10% discount on Growth and Climate Change. The higher pricing
every verified tonne), resulting in 0.1 t CO2-e col- with no expected increase in transaction costs
lected by the government for each verified tonne. should make offsets more practical and more
This reserve is held back to protect against soil car- attractive to agricultural producers.
bon lost to the atmosphere if conventional tillage A decade of experience plus new policy signals
practices are resumed in the future; the reserve is and price changes will enable agriculture to con-
operationalized through government policy. tinue in a regulated GHG market and perhaps par-
Regardless of how good the scientific basis is, a
ticipate in more pragmatic voluntary offset
protocol can fail for a variety of other reasons
markets as well as programmatic and sustainability
including escalating transaction and verification
markets for a range of industries and governments.
costs. Governments focus on science-based sys-
Scientific support and evidence will be needed to
tems and often do not consider transaction or
fill gaps and provide assurance for future protocols
implementation costs when designing offset mar-
and delivery models.
kets. To minimize risks and keep transaction costs
from escalating, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
[90] has created and maintained a website to help Saskatchewan, Canada
inform industry stakeholders of rules and guidance
The Prairie Soil Carbon Balance (PSCB) project was
materials for the sector. Another burden that
a broad-scale feasibility assessment of direct meas-
sometimes goes unseen is the cost of verification,
which does not align with discrete records of urement of changes in soil C stocks in response to
financial transactions or recording meters on fac- a shift from conventional tillage to no-till, direct-
tory smokestacks. Non-metered biologic systems seeded cropping systems in Saskatchewan [91].
do not conform easily to existing audit paths and Although not designed to monetize soil carbon
expectations. Similar to designing a project with offsets, the PSCB project was partially funded by
the end in mind, offset design should keep in farm organizations with an interest in securing
mind the verification needs and associated costs in financial recognition for GHG mitigation. In 1996, a
order to maximize revenues to the sources of network of 137 benchmark sites was established
project tonnes. on commercial farm fields where a shift from con-
What do participating farmers think of all this ventional to no-till and direct seeding had
after a decade? In late 2017 a producer survey was occurred (in 1996 or 1997; Figure 4). The soil sam-
conducted by Team Alberta, a consortium of the pling and analysis strategy utilized a benchmark
wheat, canola, barley and pulse crop commodity site approach designed for precision periodic
organizations. A private survey firm pre-certified resampling as outlined by Ellert, Janzen, and
respondents with a telephone call to verify they McConkey [92]. At each sampling time, six cores
were not a hobby or niche market farm and that 7 cm in diameter were collected to a depth of
they produced annual crops. A follow-up online 40 cm (sectioned into 10-cm depth increments). In
survey questioned 339 respondents on several addition to the project establishment year in 1996,
topics, one of which was the CCP. soils were collected again in 1999, 2005 and 2011.

Figure 4. Locations of 137 sites established in 1996 to assess soil organic carbon change in the Prairie Soil Carbon
Balance (PSCB) project. The background map depicts the major soil zones of Saskatchewan. Source: Author

Despite these challenges, this project yielded

valuable insights into SOC dynamics. Grouping of
the benchmark sites among contrasting fields
provided interpretable estimates of temporal
changes in SOC stocks associated with adoption
of no-till, direct-seeding practices (Figure 5). The
temporal changes varied among sampling inter-
vals, and in 2005 soil C stock changes following
no-till adoption were not significantly different
from zero, possibly because the 2001–2003
Figure 5. Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) after adop- drought reduced C inputs to a greater extent
tion of no-till in 1996 (n ¼ 80 sites available in 2011 plot-
ted for all sampling years; 95% confidence interval than decomposition did. However, by the 2011
typically was ± 1.5 for the 30 and 40 cm depths; ± 0.5 in sampling, SOC stocks had rebounded, and the
1996; adapted from [70]). gains in soil C attributable to no-till adoption
This 15-year study illustrates some of the logis- increased with the cumulative depth or soil mass
tical challenges of direct sampling of SOC through considered (Figure 5). This was contrary to the
time. During the study, there were numerous expectation that a majority of soil C accumulated
changes in ownership or land management at the under no-till would reside in the surface soil
study sites and some sites were lost to attrition. In layers. Averaged over the 15-year study, no-till
2005, 121 of the original 137 sites were sampled, practices increased soil C stocks in the 0–30 cm
and at the last sampling in 2011, only 82 sites had layer by about 0.23 Mg C ha1 yr1. The PSCB pro-
the required management data and manager ject indicated that increases in soil C stocks in
authorization for inclusion in the project. response to the adoption of no-till practices were
Additionally, because of the heterogeneity of SOC measurable, but estimates were best made in
within fields (30–65 ha), it was prohibitively expen- aggregate for 25 or more microsites distributed
sive to collect enough samples to estimate the across several fields; otherwise, measurement
average stock across the field. costs for individual fields became prohibitive.

Figure 6. Overview of the components and information flow for an approach to quantify soil carbon stock changes (and
net GHG emissions) from field to national scales, purposed to support different implementation policies to remove atmos-
pheric CO2 and sequester soil carbon. Modified from [15]. DSS: Decision support system.

Toward a new global soil information system soil information system. Starting on the left-hand
side of the diagram, key data sources to inform
There has been substantial progress toward
and validate SOC estimates are depicted. The util-
achieving a broader appreciation (e.g. among poli-
ity of data from long-term field experiments to
cymakers, environmental groups and the general
help formulate, parameterize and validate predict-
public) of the key role of SOC in relation to core
ive models of soil carbon stock change has long
ecosystem services from working lands. The sci-
been acknowledged [e.g. 20,97]; expanding the
ence is also advancing, with improved understand-
compilation of data from high-quality experiments
ing of fundamental mechanisms controlling SOC
across the globe, and making the data easily avail-
dynamics as well as in measuring and modeling
able for modelers and analysts, can accelerate the
changes in SOC pools in response to both environ-
development and improvement of models [65].
mental and management factors. As a result of this Soil monitoring networks, in which periodic soil
progress, entrepreneurial programs and methods measurements are made on actual working lands,
are being developed that can help lead the way have been established in several countries [84]
toward a greater inclusion of soil carbon manage- and can play a vital role in reducing model uncer-
ment in farmers’ and ranchers’ decision-making tainty [47]. However, such monitoring networks
going forward. are lacking in most countries, and where the data
However, to move toward an aggressive imple- do exist, they are often not readily available to the
mentation of best land-use and management prac- research community. Developing data-sharing
tices to promote soil health globally and to agreements to combine country-specific SOC mon-
incentivize CO2 removal and sequestration in soils itoring data sets – with appropriate safeguards to
at gigatonne-per-year scales [15,17,93], a new soil protect landowner privacy – could pave the way
information system, with global reach and the cap- toward a consolidated global in-field soil monitor-
acity to evolve as the science advances, is needed ing network, the accessibility and utility of which
(Figure 6). could incentivize other countries to join.
While much of the data and many of the tools, Both research site data and data from distrib-
technologies and collaborations needed already uted soil monitoring networks can feed into
exist [85,94,95], the information is often frag- dynamic process-based models (such as those
mented and data availability is often limited [96]. listed in Table 1) that predict vegetation and soil
More coordination, greater transparency and easier carbon dynamics and other ecosystem variables
accessibility to the tools and data, among and (e.g. water dynamics, GHG fluxes). Such a platform
between field scientists, remote sensing specialists, would support and facilitate the use of ensemble
modelers and land managers, is needed. modeling approaches. Advantages of an ensemble
Figure 6 depicts a virtual data-model quantifica- approach are to provide ‘central tendency’ esti-
tion platform that could form the core of a new mates from a group of models [98] and to better

assess model-associated uncertainty. Ensemble and irrigation practices, which can both supplement
modeling has become standard practice in other ground-based management activity data sources
fields that depend heavily on model-based predic- and/or be used as independent verification of land
tions, such as weather forecasting and integrated user-reported management activities. Data acquisi-
assessment, but has yet to be routinely deployed tion and analysis methods, from both satellite and
for soil carbon modeling [95]. airborne platforms, have been shown to be feasible
Model assemblages are driven by spatially for many categories of agricultural management
resolved data sets (Figure 6, center) including cli- activity data [e.g. 104,105]. However, to date many
matic variables (e.g. temperature, precipitation, RS methods to assay agricultural practices are still
solar radiation), edaphic conditions (e.g. soil tex- in a research mode and were often applied to lim-
ture, mineralogy, soil profile depth, topographic ited test areas and without deployment of multiple
features) and land-use and management activity sensors [58,106]. Hence, there is a need to test
data (e.g. crop rotations, tillage, nutrient manage- promising methods more widely and then build out
ment). Provided that the models employed are RS capabilities that can rapidly and routinely pro-
generalizable over a sufficiently broad range of vide data on management practices at high spatial
environmental conditions, the scale of inference resolution, anywhere on the globe.
for predicted variables (e.g. DSOC) is largely deter- Taken collectively, dynamic models, supported
mined by the spatial resolution of the data inputs. by experimental and field-based monitoring data,
While high-resolution soil maps and fine-scale and driven by spatially distributed soil, climate and
gridded weather data sets exist for a number of management data – both ground-based and from
countries, they are lacking for much of the tropics, remote sensing – can provide robust and low-cost
which constrains the capacity to perform local- quantification of soil C stock changes (and non-
scale (i.e. sub-km2) analyses. Continuing efforts to CO2 GHG fluxes). A scalable system will be needed,
improve global soil mapping [99,100], particularly capable of analyses at the country level, to support
in the tropics, is imperative, as is making existing national policies and international agreements, as
high-resolution soil maps (e.g. in Europe) more well as quantification at farm and landscape scales,
easily available to the research community [101]. to support sustainable supply-chain initiatives and/
The paucity of fine-scale management activity or carbon finance schemes which can directly
data (i.e. what is actually happening on the land- incentivize farmers to adopt C-sequestering, soil-
scape) is a major constraint, even in developed building and GHG-reducing practices (Figure
countries with well-funded agricultural survey and 6, right).
census capacities. In the latter case, many survey The two workshops on which this paper was
efforts result in highly aggregated management based, as well as recent papers and other meetings
activity data that have limited utility at local scales. convened by government, industry, individual phi-
The situation is even more challenging in develop- lanthropists and non-profit organizations, reflect a
ing countries lacking the resources for extensive growing consensus among land managers, soil sci-
land management and rural economic surveys, entists, government, and technology communities
where there are almost no comprehensive data of the need to build a new soil information service.
sets on management activities. However, a major Such a service would fully leverage the techno-
breakthrough to collect detailed and local-scale logical capacity to capture, curate, share and
management activity data is possible by engaging explore more granular and dynamic data and
land users themselves in providing local-scale knowledge resources in a learning, deeply inter-
management activity data via a crowd-sourcing active, open system. A new soil information service
model [102]. Initial efforts using the LandPKS sys- must have a holistic perspective on current and
tem [103] show promise in not only collecting future needs for land and soil resource information
management activity data but also in mobilizing (e.g. across multiple scales and across all managed
local knowledge about soil characteristics at the lands) and be nimble, pluralistic and collaborative.
field scale, that could provide inputs to model- Recognizing that such a bold vision lies beyond
based assessment. the capability of any individual entity, including
Finally, remote sensing (RS) offers the potential government, this community holds as a core value
to provide low cost, fine-scale and globally avail- that long-term success will only be achieved
able data on land cover and crop species as well through the coordinated collaboration of a diverse
as information on crop residue coverage, tillage group of motivated stakeholders across the globe.

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