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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

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A synthesis of the effect of regenerative agriculture on soil carbon

sequestration in Southeast Asian croplands
Stanley S.X. Tan a, b, *, Sara E. Kuebbing b
Yale-NUS College, 138527, Singapore
The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA


Keywords: Policymakers and businesses in Southeast Asia are increasingly interested in using carbon markets to encourage
Regenerative agriculture adoption of regenerative agriculture practices by farmers. These practices are thought to mitigate climate change
Climate change by reducing soil carbon loss and enhancing soil carbon sequestration. However, there is uncertainty in the ability
Soil carbon sequestration
of regenerative agriculture practices to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks of croplands. We reviewed 92
Greenhouse gas emissions
empirical studies that investigated the effects of 17 regenerative farming practices across 11 broad categories of
crops on SOC stock or content in Southeast Asia. Our synthesis found supporting evidence for the use of organic
amendments like biochar, compost, and manure, as well as cover cropping, crop rotation, and conservation
tillage to increase SOC. However, studies for practices like addition of compost and manure reported increases in
greenhouse gas emissions like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), demonstrating that increases in SOC may
be offset by increases in greenhouse gas emissions. Only a few studies measured both the changes in SOC stocks
and greenhouse gas emissions and none of the studies completed full greenhouse gas inventories. Estimating the
net impact of SOC gains and increase of greenhouse gas emissions will be necessary to understand the overall
effect of practices like compost, manure and crop residue incorporation on net atmospheric greenhouse gas
concentrations. If these practices are implemented for soil carbon projects, practitioners should anticipate in­
creases in greenhouse gas emissions from soils and implement additional practices, such as alternate wetting and
drying, to optimize the climate change mitigation effects of regenerative agriculture. We encourage future
research on practices, such as agroforestry and changes in crop residue management, where there are few studies
and little variation in experimental design and environmental conditions. Given the interest in scaling up
regenerative agriculture through voluntary carbon markets to boost SOC stocks in croplands, policymakers and
businesses can support research in this area by making field-collected data from their projects accessible to
researchers to further the study of the impact of these practices across different abiotic conditions and soil
managements. This data sharing would alleviate the paucity and improve the quality of empirical data on
regenerative agricultural practices in Southeast Asian croplands, facilitate practice-specific meta-analyses, and
help to optimize climate change mitigation effects of regenerative agriculture.

1. Introduction total terrestrial carbon emissions from Asia, from 1901 to 2005 (Tao
et al., 2013).
Southeast Asia is a major global producer and exporter of food crops Despite their importance to regional and global food security,
and commodities. The region’s food production systems are vital to Southeast Asia’s croplands are increasingly stressed by population
regional and global food security. From 2011–2020, the region exported growth, climate change, and declining soil health. First, population
nearly 519 million tonnes of rice produced from its paddies, accounting growth, especially of middle-class families, is expected to continue in the
for over a quarter of the world’s production of rice (Fig. 1, FAO, 2022). region, which will likely increase food consumption and demand
At the same time, Southeast Asian croplands emit significant amounts of (Schneider et al., 2011). Next, climate change is stressing the region’s
greenhouse gases (Couwenberg et al., 2010; Lamb et al., 2021). In croplands and threatening the region’s ability to meet regional and
particular, the region contributed 14.94 Pg C, comprising 78% of the global food demand (Lin et al., 2022; Yuan et al., 2022). As global

* Corresponding author at: Yale-NUS College, 138527, Singapore.

E-mail address: (S.S.X. Tan).
Received 28 December 2022; Received in revised form 15 February 2023; Accepted 28 February 2023
Available online 7 March 2023
0167-8809/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

average temperatures rise, the frequency, intensity, and magnitude of carbon (SOC) content (Drawdown, n.d.). Examples include implement­
extreme weather events increase (IPCC, 2022). These extreme weather ing agroforestry and cover cropping. Besides increasing SOC, regener­
events and changing climate patterns lead to more crop failures as a ative agriculture practices are also expected to restore soil fertility,
result of heat stress, water stress, and increased pest movement (Bebber increase crop yield, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from crop­
et al., 2013; Challinor et al., 2010). Finally, the region’s croplands have lands (Committee on Developing a Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide
suffered from declining soil fertility as a result of conventional farming Removal and Reliable Sequestration, 2019; Schulte et al., 2021). Soil
production systems. In Southeast Asia, a prominent change in agricul­ organic C is a parameter of interest in regenerative agriculture as soils
ture production systems is the demise of swidden agriculture replaced by are a major source and sink of atmospheric carbon and SOC is an indi­
intensive agriculture (Dressler et al., 2017). While swidden agriculture cator of soil health and crop yield (Oldfield et al., 2019). There are many
typically allowed croplands to rest in fallow periods, intensive agricul­ other potential benefits of regenerative agriculture practices, including
tural practices shorten or remove fallow periods. The shift increases the restoration of critical ecosystem services and biodiversity (Schreefel
cropland production but also depletes soil nutrients that are no longer et al., 2020; Wurz et al., 2022).
replenished during fallow cycles (Bruun et al., 2013). The three chal­ Regenerative agriculture has garnered the interest and attention of
lenges threaten regional and global food security, and can drive farmers policymakers, farmers, and investors in Southeast Asia for its potential
and agriculture industries to increase the conversion of existing eco­ to address climate change and food security. Policymakers in the region
systems, like mature forests, into croplands to mitigate declining crop are considering the use of agricultural lands to meet their national
yields and meet food demand. This land-use change releases more car­ determined contributions (NDCs) by directly reducing overall green­
bon emissions into the atmosphere, creating a positive feedback loop as house gas emissions from agricultural lands as well as enhancing carbon
rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere fuel global sequestration (Crumpler et al., 2020). Future national and regional
warming (Bajželj and Richards, 2014). policies will likely focus on scaling up regenerative agriculture. More­
Regenerative agriculture practices are a potential solution to the over, business investors see potential profits arising from partnering
regional agricultural challenges and can offer climate change adaptation with farmers in agricultural carbon projects, which typically pay farmers
and potential mitigation benefits (Committee on Developing a Research to adopt regenerative practices to reduce farm emissions and increase
Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration, 2019; cropland SOC storage (Hardcastle et al., 2022). The amount of emissions
Jordon et al., 2022; Schulte et al., 2021; Toensmeier, 2016). According avoided or carbon sequestered through the project is measured and
to Project Drawdown, regenerative agriculture practices are practices compared with that from the baseline scenario without the project,
that improve soil productivity and health by restoring soil organic generating a number of carbon credits (Broekhoff et al., 2019). These

Fig. 1. From 2011–2020, Southeast Asia produced nearly a third of the total amount of rice grown in Asia’s rice paddies and 25% of the global rice production
(FAO, 2022).

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

policies and investments are expected to facilitate the scaling up of emissions would allow for an assessment of where to direct research
regenerative agriculture in the region but require accurate estimates of needs and how to fill data gaps.
the impact of any given regenerative agriculture practice relative to a Here, we review empirical data on the effects of regenerative agri­
‘baseline’ or ‘business-as-usual’ practice (Fig. 2). cultural practices on SOC sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in
The growing interest in regenerative agriculture is challenged by Southeast Asian agroecosystems. Our review defines regenerative agri­
scientific uncertainty about the effects of regenerative agricultural culture practices as those that restore soil fertility (measured by gains in
practices on SOC. Specifically, some argue that the ability of regenera­ SOC) and mitigate climate change (measured by an increase in SOC
tive practices to sequester additional carbon from the atmosphere into sequestration and/or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions). Our study
the soil remains largely uncertain and overstated (World Resources aims to address this gap of knowledge by answering the following
Institute, 2020; Powlson et al., 2020). Other researchers argue that questions:
empirical evidence supports the potential of certain regenerative agri­
culture practices, like tillage reduction and cover cropping, to contribute • What are the key regenerative agriculture practices and crops
significantly to climate change mitigation (Paustian et al., 2020). The empirically studied in Southeast Asian countries for SOC sequestra­
uncertainty in the ability of regenerative agriculture practices to miti­ tion or greenhouse gas emission reduction?
gate climate change is driven chiefly by the paucity of large-scale and • What are the broad directions in the reported effects of these prac­
long-term verifiable observations of the management effects of these tices on SOC and greenhouse gas emissions?
practices on SOC (Bradford et al., 2019). This paucity is especially true • What are the key uncertainties and limitations in the empirical
for Southeast Asia. For instance, a meta-analysis mapping the spatial evidence?
distribution of conservation agriculture practices, a suite of practices to
protect farmland soils and prevent soil erosion, found that national-level 2. Methods
data suitable for analysis was missing for all countries in Southeast Asia
and thus excluded the region from the analysis (Prestele et al., 2018). 2.1. Literature search
Other syntheses and reviews tend to focus on greenhouse gas emissions,
but not SOC stocks, within rice paddies in the region (Hussain et al., To examine the effects of regenerative agriculture on soil carbon
2015; Linquist et al., 2012; Sanchis et al., 2012; Yagi et al., 2020). Thus, sequestration, we looked for studies that measured changes in SOC stock
a review of what is currently known about the impact of the variety of or content or other similar soil carbon parameters (such as total soil
regenerative agricultural practices on SOC stocks and greenhouse gas carbon or labile carbon). For greenhouse gases, we considered carbon

Fig. 2. Predicted population growth trajectory by United Nations for Southeast Asia. The population is expected to continue rising and will likely peak around 2063
(UN, 2022).

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous dioxide (N2O) emissions. the following Web of Science filters: books and conference proceedings,
These three gases are the most abundant greenhouse gases associated non-English language papers, and those not based geographically in
with agricultural land use (USDA, 2022). We selected relevant search Southeast Asia. We identified 953 articles through this initial search and
terms for regenerative agriculture practices from prior analyses of key used Web of Science filters to select 846 studies that were based in
regenerative agriculture practices associated with climate change miti­ Southeast Asia (Figs. 3, 4).
gation (Bossio et al., 2020; Lal, 2004a, 2004b; Mikolajczyk, 2021; Smith
et al., 2008). These terms were also derived from insights from con­
2.2. Literature selection
versations with farmers in Southeast Asia who practice a broad range of
sustainable or regenerative soil-based farming methods.
From this original search, we reviewed the titles and abstracts of the
We used a systematic literature review to identify and analyze rele­
846 papers and excluded studies that were reviews or meta-analyses
vant papers. We searched the database Web of Science (Clarivate) in
(n = 12), did not involve a change in agricultural practice (n = 94),
July 2022 for studies that empirically examined the impacts of regen­
did not empirically measure changes in SOC or greenhouse gas emis­
erative agriculture practices in Southeast Asia’s croplands. We used the
sions (n = 17), were not focused on regenerative agriculture or soil
following topic search terms: “agroforestry OR organic agricult* OR
carbon (n = 601), or were book chapters (n = 2; Fig. 3). This reduced
natural farming OR regenerative agricult* OR permacult* OR agronomy
our search to 120 papers (Fig. 3). We read the full text of these papers
OR agronomic OR biochar OR soil amend* OR manure OR compost OR
and selected those that met the following criteria: (i) empirically
rice intensification OR intercrop* OR crop diversif* OR no-till OR no
measured the change in SOC and/or greenhouse gas emissions (CH4,
till* OR crop rotation OR cover crops AND soil organic carbon OR soil
N2O, CO2) and (ii) had a clearly defined change in farming practice (i.e.
carbon OR soil organic matter OR soil matter OR soil biomass OR
a shift away from a conventional farming practice that is explicitly
greenhouse gas OR carbon dioxide OR methane OR nitrous oxide AND
stated). We excluded the studies that were duplicates (n = 9), did not
southeast*asia, Singapore OR Malaysia OR Indonesia OR Thailand OR
have a relevant baseline (n = 16), did not involve a relevant change in
Cambodia OR Vietnam OR Viet Nam OR Laos OR Philippines OR Brunei
agricultural practices (n = 4), did not measure a relevant parameter
OR Timor-Leste OR Myanmar OR Burma. Our search was not date-
(n = 2), or studies that were reviews or meta-analyses (n = 4; Fig. 3).
restricted, but we excluded the following types of publications using
We found 85 papers from our original search that met these criteria. We

Fig. 3. PRISMA Flow chart for systematic literature review process.

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Fig. 4. Geographical distribution of the 92 empirical studies included in this review. Initials denote the name of the country followed by the number of empirical
studies based in the country in parentheses. Countries with a darker shading have a higher number of studies. Country abbreviations: Thailand (TH), Vietnam (VN),
Indonesia (IN), the Philippines (PH), Cambodia (CA), Malaysia (MA), Laos (LA), Myanmar (MY). We found no studies for Singapore (SG), Brunei (BR), and Timor
Leste (TL). Some of the studies were conducted in more than one country.

reviewed the sources cited in these 85 publications and identified seven categories for brevity: spices (no particular plant species mentioned),
additional papers that also met these criteria but were not found in the legumes (soybean [Glycine max], peanut [Arachis hypogaea], pole sitao
original search. The final number of papers for analysis was 92 (Fig. 3). or cowpea [Vigna unguiculata], or chickpea [Cicer arietinum]), fruits
(watermelon [Citrullus lanatus], cucumber [Cucumis sativus], pineapple
2.3. Regenerative Ag practice and study crop compilation [Ananas comosus], sweet pepper [Capsicum annuum], strawberry [Fra­
garia spp.], and gourds [Cucurbitaceae]) (Fig. 5).
For each of the 92 papers selected, we compiled the following in­ For the outcomes reported from the studies, we used the statistical
formation: the study site’s country, the study crop, SOC stock or content software R (R Core Team 2022, v 1.4.1087) to analyze the data. We used
and/or greenhouse emissions (flux or cumulative), and the pair of the Tidyverse (Wickham et al., 2019, v 1.3.0) and Magrittr (Bache and
practices or treatments compared. Some studies have multiple treat­ Wickham, 2020, v2.0.1) packages for analyzing the reported outcomes
ments and when no one particular treatment is established as the control of the practices on soil carbon, greenhouse gas emissions, and depth of
or reference, all treatments are evaluated as the ’baseline’. Several soil samples taken. When analyzing each study, we classified the studies
practices had limited studies and hence, our synthesis only focused on to be either positive, negative, or inconclusive. Studies that are classified
practices (referred to as ‘Key Practices’) that had four or more studies. as (i) positive report only or mostly results indicating an increase in SOC
We grouped these practices into eleven broad categories, described in and/or decrease in greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) as negative report only
Table 1). or mostly decrease in SOC and/or increase in greenhouse gas emis­
We found studies on a variety of major Southeast Asian crop types sions; or (iii) inconclusive when there is no change in SOC and/or
including cacao (Theobroma cacao), cassava (Manihot esculenta), maize greenhouse gas emissions or when the positive and negative results are
or corn (Zea mays), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), rice (Oryza sativa), and somewhat equal.
sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum; Fig. 5). We found fewer publications
for many other crops and thus we grouped these crops into the following

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Table 1 evidence for Southeast Asian croplands in the broader scientific litera­
List of regenerative agriculture practices, broad definitions of these practices, ture often with reviews and meta-analyses that are based in other
and the total number of empirical studies for each practice. Note that some geographic regions or biomes.
studies have more than one practice each and studies might appear in different
practices. Practices with four or more studies were used for synthesis with the 3.1.1. Agroforestry
exception of irrigation regime and integrated nutrient management.
Agroforestry refers to land-use systems where woody perennials
Practice Broad Definition for Analysis Number of (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboo, etc.) are intentionally used on croplands
(FAO, n.d.). Agroforestry brings many benefits and ecosystem services,
Agroforestry Planting of perennial trees or shrubs in 4 such as improved water and air quality, soil enrichment, and biodiver­
croplands alongside crops sity conservation (Jose, 2009). Prior research suggests that agroforestry
Biochar Adding residue from organic matter that 10
increases soil carbon sequestration by enhancing nutrient and water
has undergone pyrolysis
Compost Adding a mixture of organic matter that has 13 intake efficiencies, reducing nutrient leaching to groundwater and soil
undergone decomposition erosion, and improving soil’s physical and biological properties (Abbas
Conservation A term that refers to a combination of 1 et al., 2017; Cardoso et al., 2017; Karuru et al., 2021; Management of
Agriculture reduced/zero-tillage, planting of cover
agroforestry systems for enhancing resource use efficiency and crop pro­
crops, and diversification of crops (either
crop rotation or intercropping) ductivity, 2009; Muchane et al., 2020; Ramachandran Nair et al., 2009).
Cover Crops Plants that are planted to cover the soil 4 While the effects of agroforestry on plant shoot and root biomass carbon
Crop Rotation Planting different plants over time in the 8 have been studied (Zomer et al., 2016), few studies focus on the effects
same area on soil carbon in Southeast Asia. A global meta-analysis on the effects of
Improved Seed Planting higher-yielding varieties or 4
agroforestry on soil carbon included only two studies in Indonesia out of
Variety varieties that are more resilient to extreme
weather conditions/pests a total of 52 studies (De Stefano and Jacobson, 2017). Likewise, a review
Integrated Nutrient A change in nutrient input in terms of 28 on tropical agroforestry carbon sequestration did not include any studies
Management source, rate, timing and placement from the region (Albrecht and Kandji, 2003). Finally, a global
Intercropping Planting a different plant species among 1
meta-analysis of 76 studies, five of which were based in Indonesia and
other plants, usually in between rows
Irrigation Regime A change in irrigation or water 25
Malaysia, found that home garden agroforestry systems sequestered
management practices, often from more soil carbon compared to conventional croplands due to higher tree
continuously flooding to alternate flooding density and leaf litter production (Shi et al., 2018). While these global
Manure Application of animal dung that is typically 20 reviews largely agree that agroforestry can enhance SOC stocks, they
used as fertilizer
also demonstrate the wide variation in the impact of the practice glob­
Organic Farming Farming approach that reduces or avoids 4
using synthetic chemicals ally. This underlines the need for more studies in Southeast Asia on
Residue Management Change in management of crop residues by 12 agroforestry.
returning residues back to the soil instead Our synthesis suggests that agroforestry tree planting can enhance
of removing them
SOC in croplands. We found three studies in Indonesia (n = 2 for cacao,
Shifting Cultivation Shifting area of cultivation and allowing 5
and Fallow currently used area to replenish itself with
n = 1 for maize) and one study in Malaysia on palm oil (SI Table 3). Two
nutrients by laying fallow of the four studies found that agroforestry enhanced soil carbon
System of Rice Approach that raises the yield from rice 2 sequestration (Dechert et al., 2004; Wartenberg et al., 2020) while the
Intensification croplands by changing the irrigation other two studies were inconclusive (Besar et al., 2020; Utomo et al.,
regime, seed planting techniques and other
2016) (Fig. 6). Dechert et al. (2004) found that maize monocultures had
Till Regime A change in tillage practices, often from 12 lower soil carbon stocks (90 Mg C ha-1) relative to agroforestry plots
tillage to conservation tillage (minimum or where maize grew intermixed with coffee (Coffea spp.) or cacao (94 Mg
zero tillage) C ha-1). The difference suggests the coffee trees prevented the decline of
Transplanting to Transplanting: moving one plant from one 3 SOC caused by continuous cultivation of maize (Dechert et al., 2004).
Direct Seeding location (often from the seedling or sapling
stage) to another location for maturation.
Wartenberg et al. (2020) found that agroforestry croplands with cacao
Direct seeding: seeds establish and mature growing under the shade of the nitrogen-fixing Gliricidia sepium tree and
at one location the fruit-producing rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) trees had 6%
higher SOC than cacao plots without tree canopy and shade. It is theo­
rized that the trees increased organic litter input into soils, buffered soil
3. Synthesis
microclimates under tree shade, and increased root activity and litter
decomposition rates, which led to increased SOC (Wartenberg et al.,
The distribution of crops in the studies was heavily skewed towards
the more widely grown crops in the region. Rice was the focal crop in
However, the effects of agroforestry on SOC depend on the choice of
nearly three-quarters of the reviewed studies (n = 66) and studies of
trees. Utomo et al. (2016) compared cocoa monocultures to cocoa
maize (n = 19) and legumes (n = 11) each comprised a little over 20%
agroforestry croplands planted with either the economically-important
and 10% of the total studies, respectively (Fig. 5). We present the total
rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) or fruit-bearing coconut (Cocos nucifera)
number of studies across countries (Fig. 4), and the summary tables of
trees. The study found that the cocoa-coconut agroforestry plot had
the distribution of practices across studies (Table 1), practices by
higher SOC content (>9 g C per kg soil) than cocoa monocultures while
country (I Table S1), crops by country (SI Table 2), and crops by prac­
the cocoa-rubber plots had similar SOC content with (< 9 g C per kg soil)
tices (SI Tables 3 and 4) in the Supplementary Information. Some studies
the cocoa monoculture. The authors hypothesized that higher amounts
considered more than one practice, study crop, or took place in multiple
of leaf litter and slower decomposition effects of coconut trees relative to
the rubber trees were responsible for the increase in SOC content in the
cocoa-coconut plots (Utomo et al., 2016).
3.1. Key practices Although agroforestry has been practiced for centuries in Indonesia
by smallholder farmers (Dhyani et al., 2021; Park et al., 2022), this
For each practice, we describe the distribution of crops and countries practice has not been widely adopted by commercialized agricultural
in the studies for that particular practice, the experimental designs of the industries like the palm oil industry that is rapidly expanding in
studies, broad patterns in results, and contextualize the empirical Malaysia and Indonesia (Shin et al., 2020). Prior research has

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Fig. 5. In a review of 92 studies on the impact of regenerative agricultural practices on soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions in Southeast Asian
croplands, three-quarters of empirical studies (n = 66) focused on rice production in paddies. Because some studies examined more than one crop the sum of bars is
greater than the number of studies.

emphasized the potential benefits of implementing agroforestry in palm (Muchane et al., 2020; Ramachandran Nair et al., 2009). We suggest that
oil plantations, such as enhancing groundwater replenishment and future studies in Southeast Asia compare the impact of multiple poten­
lowering plantation sensitivity to palm oil price uncertainty (Khasanah tial tree species across multiple sites and disentangle the impacts of
and van Noordwijk, 2019; Purwanto et al., 2020). Despite these benefits, historical and present land use management practices, and of
we only found a single study on palm oil agroforestry. In a study of palm species-specific effects on soil carbon. More studies would allow for a
oil agroforestry with agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis), Besar et al. richer synthesis of the impacts of agroforestry across different abiotic
(2020) found mixed results depending on the age of the palm oil trees conditions and land use management patterns in Southeast Asia, facili­
and age of the agarwood plantings. The authors found that 16-year and tating specific recommendations for promoting agroforestry practices
six-year-old palm oil monoculture plantations had greater soil carbon for climate change mitigation.
stocks (43.09 ± 2.02 Mg C ha-1, 45.46 ± 9.64 Mg C ha-1, respectively) Policymakers have expressed interest in expanding agroforestry
than two of three palm oil agroforestry plantations (first: palm oil for 27 practices in Southeast Asian croplands as a means of increasing food
years combined with agarwood for seven years, 41.06 ± 2.82 Mg C ha-1; security, mitigating climate change, and meeting Sustainable Develop­
second: palm oil for 17 years combined with agarwood for five years, ment Goals (ASEAN, 2015; Park et al., 2022). However, Southeast Asian
39.12 ± 3.99 Mg C ha-1). However, the third agroforestry plantation countries are currently unable to reliably measure agroforestry carbon
(palm oil for 20 years combined with agarwood for seven years) had the stocks owing to insufficient data and inconsistent methods for mea­
highest soil carbon stocks (49.75 ± 2.33 Mg C ha-1). The differences in surements of parameters like soil bulk density and standardization of the
land use and soil management, specifically the age of palm oil planta­ limited available data into easily accessible databases (Besar et al., 2020;
tions and the duration of agroforestry, could have contributed to the Dhyani et al., 2021,). These scientific and data gaps prevent countries
mixed effects on SOC (Besar et al., 2020). While implementing agro­ from accessing international funding to support the development of
forestry in commercial palm oil operations may have multiple benefits, agroforestry practices and reporting carbon benefits of existing agro­
there is currently very limited and mixed evidence supporting positive forestry systems to national reporting efforts to the UNFCCC (Dhyani
agroforestry effects on SOC. et al., 2021). There is a clear need for more extensive and targeted
Inconclusive studies like Besar et al. (2020) and Utomo et al. (2016) research on the impacts of agroforestry practices in the region.
are not uncommon in the agroforestry literature. Prior reviews of
agroforestry found that the use of different tree species, different study 3.1.2. Biochar
site climates and land use history, all drive variations in observed out­ Biochar is the product of organic matter that has undergone pyrol­
comes of agroforestry on SOC stocks in Southeast Asia and the tropics ysis, or decomposition through high temperatures. Biochar application

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Fig. 6. Studies on the addition of biochar,

compost, manure, as well as cover cropping,
crop rotations, and conservation tillage (till
regime) were consistently more likely to report
net gains in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks
with practices implementation. We scored
studies as positive (green) if they reported only
or mostly increase and negative (red) reported
only or mostly decrease in SOC. If a study re­
ported mixed results, with an even balance be­
tween increase and decrease in SOC, we
deemed the study inconclusive (yellow).

can improve soil carbon sequestration through a ‘negative priming ef­ biochar application on CH4 emissions and only two of these measured
fect’ of soil microorganisms (Li et al., 2021). Negative priming happens nitrous oxide emissions (Fig. 6). Six out of seven studies reported that
when soil microorganisms access biochar carbon and microbial respi­ biochar application reduced CH4 emissions (Fig. 7) while one study re­
ration of dissolved soil organic matter is prevented, or when biochar ported a reduction in nitrous oxide emissions (Fig. 7).
provides physical protection to carbon molecules from microbial Across the studies, the control (or reference) treatments varied. For
decomposition (Liang et al., 2010; Zimmerman and Ouyang, 2019). reference treatments, two studies considered the burning of rice straw
Biochar application, therefore, can decrease soil carbon mineralization and incorporation of the residual ash as the reference treatment (Jak­
rates and increase SOC stocks over time (Li et al., 2021; Liang et al., rawatana et al., 2019; Mohammadi et al., 2016) while the remaining five
2010). There are several reviews on the effects of biochar on greenhouse studies used the synthetic fertilizer application as the reference treat­
gas emissions. He et al. (2017) conducted a meta-analysis and found that ments (Doan et al., 2021; Pandey et al., 2014; Sriphirom et al., 2021,
biochar application significantly increased soil CO2 fluxes by 22.14%, 2020; Trinh et al., 2017; Vu et al., 2015). Although the studies varied in
decreased N2O fluxes by 30.92%, and did not affect CH4 fluxes. their biochar and control treatments, they largely found that biochar
Conversely, Zhang et al. (2020) meta-analysis found that biochar application decreased CH4 emissions relative to their respective control
application significantly increased CH4 and CO2 emissions by an average treatments (Fig. 7, SI Table 5). We can then have confidence that biochar
of 15% and 16%, respectively, while decreasing nitrous oxide emissions application is a promising practice to reduce CH4 across a range of
by an average of N2O. Lastly, a meta-analysis of biochar in Southeast alternative conditions and biochar treatments. However, these differ­
Asia rice paddies found that biochar reduced CH4 and N2O emissions by ences in biochar treatments (use of fertilizers or rice straw ash with
20% (Yagi et al., 2020). The contradictory results from these global-level biochar versus biochar only) may lead to differences in the magnitude of
studies necessitate a sub-region-level review of the impacts of biochar increase in SOC, given that both rice straw (ash) and chemical fertilizers
application on soil aggregation and soil carbon as well as greenhouse gas have been found to boost SOC through various biogeochemical pro­
emissions (Li et al., 2021). cesses (Bhattacharyya et al., 2012; Brar et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2022).
Out of ten studies on biochar, seven were on rice and three were on Therefore, it will be useful to investigate the magnitude of CH4
maize (SI Table 3). All five studies that measured changes in SOC re­ reduction between reference and biochar treatments. In particular,
ported biochar application increased SOC compared to the application synthetic fertilizers can affect the composition of soil microbial com­
of synthetic (or chemical) fertilizers (Fig. 6). However, the studies varied munities, especially methanogen bacteria that generate CH4 and meth­
in the biochar treatments. Three studies included synthetic fertilizer anotrophs that capture CH4 for oxidation (Shrestha et al., 2010; Yuan
application with the biochar treatment (Doan et al., 2021; Ngo et al., et al., 2018). Moreover, it is suggested that the physicochemical prop­
2014; Simarani et al., 2018) while two studies applied biochar alone erties of biochar, soil properties, and rate of application influence the
(Sriphirom et al., 2021, 2020). Seven studies examined the effects of effects of biochar on soil carbon (Liu et al., 2019). A current

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Fig. 7. Studies on the addition of biochar to croplands consistently reported decreased methane emissions from the practice while studies on the addition of compost,
manure, or crop residues consistently reported increases in methane and nitrous oxide emissions. We scored studies as positive (green) if they reported only or mostly
decreases and negative (red) if they reported only or mostly increases in greenhouse gas emissions. If a study reported mixed results, with an even balance between
increase and decrease in methane and/or nitrous oxide, we deemed the study inconclusive (yellow).

meta-analysis on the effects of biochar on rice paddies in Southeast Asia regions. A study on vegetable farming in loamy sands soils in California,
was limited in testing for the impact of reference and biochar treatments USA, found that compost increased mean SOC stocks by an average of
on greenhouse gas emissions (Yagi et al., 2020). Thus, future syntheses 9.4 Mg ha-1 over six years (White et al., 2020). A long-term study based
should consider variations in experimental designs and units of mea­ in tropical rice fields of Cuttack, India, with sandy clay loam soils found
surements, but currently there are insufficient studies to do so (Fig. 8). that the addition of compost enhanced soil carbon stocks (Nayak et al.,
3.1.3. Compost The studies in our synthesis on the impact of compost amendments
Adding compost, which is usually derived from decomposed plant on SOC stocks used different compost treatments. More than half of the
organic matter, may increase soil carbon through enhanced soil aggre­ studies (4 of 7) compared compost amendments to synthetic fertilizer
gation and increased organic matter addition (Gregorich et al., 2001; application (Doan et al., 2021; Jouquet et al., 2010; Ngo et al., 2014;
Lal, 2004b). We found ten studies on compost addition to croplands in Sugino et al., 2013) (SI Table 5). One study compared SOC stocks in
Vietnam (n = 4), Thailand (n = 5), Indonesia (n = 1), Laos (n = 1), croplands that received low or high amounts of compost and synthetic
Malaysia (n = 1), and Myanmar (n = 1; SI Table 1). Study crops fertilizers (Jaiarree et al., 2014). Another study measured how SOC
included rice (n = 5), maize (n = 4) and palm oil (n = 1; SI Table 3). stock changed over time as compost is applied over several years
All seven studies on SOC found that compost addition increased SOC (Minasny et al., 2011). Some of the compost treatments (n = 3) used
(Fig. 6). For example, Doan et al. (2021) found soil carbon content only compost and/or vermicompost (use of earthworms to develop
increased between 5.5% and 35.3% in maize plots that received compost compost; Jakrawatana et al., 2019; Ngo et al., 2014; Win et al., 2021)
amendments relative to control plots with only synthetic fertilizer while the majority of the studies combined compost and/or vermicom­
addition in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. Results from compost addition post with synthetic fertilizers (SI Table 1). Similar to the studies on
studies in Southeast Asia align with other empirical studies from other biochar, differences in compost treatments did not lead to different

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Fig. 8. Distribution of the soil sampling depth

of studies. The sampling depth of each study is
represented by a line bounded by 2 points of the
same colour. Some studies stratified their sam­
ples into different depths (e.g. 0–10 cm and
10–30 cm). For these studies, the sampling
depth is represented by multiple lines and
points of the same colour (e.g. one for 0–10 cm
and another for 10–30 cm), and these lines and
points are adjacent to each other as well as
linked diagonally to illustrate the stratification.
Most studies have a depth profile that is above
the red line (y = 30 cm). Studies that go beyond
(or deeper than) the 30 cm mark are mostly
studies that stratify the depths of samples taken,
and these samples are labeled with their prac­

directions of effects on SOC (most increased SOC), but different compost dioxide emissions, which they suggested was driven by an increase in
treatments will likely vary in the magnitude of the increase in soil car­ labile carbon for microbial processing (Bass et al., 2016). However, a
bon sequestration. However, given these differences in experimental life-cycle analysis derived contrasting results, reporting a reduction in
designs and units of measurements, there need to be more empirical CH4 emissions with a concomitant increase in soil carbon from adding
studies with data that can be harmonized for quantification of the im­ compost (Jeong et al., 2019). Another study found that the use of
pacts of compost application on SOC across different compost and compost (as well as animal manure) had positive effects on soil carbon
control treatments. and minimal effects on carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and CH4 emis­
Despite the positive outcomes for SOC, four out of seven studies on sions, which contrasts with the studies we found for greenhouse gases
CH4 in our synthesis found that the use of compost led to increases in (Ginting et al., 2003). Given the conflicting results, more research is
CH4 (Fig. 7). However, only one of these four studies also measured needed to identify the factors, such as soil properties and soil manage­
changes in soil carbon (Jaiarree et al., 2014), which restricts our ability ment strategies, that determine the effects of compost on greenhouse gas
to assess the relative impact of compost on soil carbon versus CH4 gas emissions and SOC.
emissions. One study in the rice paddies of Myanmar found that compost
application increased CH4 emissions (0.951 g CH4 kg-1 soil) as compared 3.1.4. Cover crops
to the application of biochar (0.808 g CH4 kg-1 soil) or the control (no Cover cropping is the act of planting non-crop plants to cover soils
application of compost or biochar: 0.893 g CH4 kg-1 soil; Win et al., that are typically sitting fallow. It is widely recommended as deterrence
2021). Increase in these greenhouse gases may be attributed to how soil against soil erosion and loss of soil carbon. This is because a cover crop’s
microbial communities respond to the addition of organic amendments roots can anchor and stabilize soil, create soil aggregates, and increase
like compost (Thangarajan et al., 2013). Consequently, larger CH4 carbon inputs from root and shoot cover crop residues. These changes to
emissions after compost addition suggests that gains in SOC stocks could the soils can lead to increased uptake of available nitrogen and
potentially be offset by increases in CH4 emissions, a greenhouse gas decreased nitrous oxide and CH4 emissions (Kaye and Quemada, 2017;
with strong global warming potential (Boucher et al., 2009). Future Lal, 2015). Because cover cropping can decrease erosion and improve
studies should consider the effect of compost and organic amendments soil fertility and health, it also has been suggested as an important
on the net overall global warming potential of agriculture by investi­ practice for adaptation to future climate risks (Kaye and Quemada,
gating trade-offs between gains in soil carbon and increases in green­ 2017). Prior meta-analyses report that, on average, cover crops can in­
house gas emissions. crease SOC stocks relative to fields without cover crops by 12% in
The potential for compost addition to increase greenhouse gas temperate croplands (McClelland et al., 2021) and by 15.5% in global
emissions through compost application aligns with findings from other croplands (Jian et al., 2020). These meta-analyses, however, are domi­
studies outside of Southeast Asia. A study in tropical Australian banana nated by empirical results in temperate croplands and contain few
and papaya groves found compost application led to increased carbon studies from Southeast Asia, restricting our ability to extrapolate to

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

tropical Southeast Asian agroecosystems. We found studies on cover change deeper in the soil profile may dampen the interest of govern­
cropping in Cambodia (n = 1), Indonesia (n = 1), Laos (n = 1), and the ments or investors to fund the implementation of these practices.
Philippines (n = 1; SI Table 1). Study crops include fruits (n = 1), le­
gumes (n = 2), maize (n = 1), rice (n = 2), and vegetables (n = 1; SI 3.1.5. Crop rotations
Table 3). Crop rotation refers to planting a planned sequence of crops over
We found all four studies on soil carbon reported gains when cover time in the same field. Crop rotation is an ancient practice that has been
crops were planted in Southeast Asian croplands relative to fields incorporated into modern farming because of its many benefits, which
without cover crops (Fig. 6). Although the studies varied in the location, include reductions in crop disease, weeds, and pests and increased crop
the type of crop and cover crop, and the timing and method of cover yields (Bullock, 1992; Shah et al., 2021). More recently, researchers
cropping, they consistently found soil carbon gains with the addition of suggest that crop rotation may increase SOC sequestration rates by
cover cropping. Abe et al. (2020) studied the effect of the cover crop increasing soil aggregation and plant carbon inputs (King and Blesh,
Calliandra calothyrsus, a small leguminous tree, on Indonesian vegetable 2018; Shah et al., 2021) and increase agricultural climate resilience by
fields. The cover crop increased soil carbon content by approximately diversifying agricultural systems (Yu et al., 2022).
70 g-C kg soil-1 relative to fields that sat fallow for a full growing season. Studies on crop rotation were based in Cambodia (n = 3), the
Two other studies looked at the effects of a cover crop when planted Philippines (n = 3), Vietnam (n = 1), and Indonesia (n = 1; SI Table 1).
before and with the main crops (Lienhard et al., 2013; Pheap et al., The majority focused on rice, maize, soybean, cowpea, or mungbean
2019). Pheap et al. (2019) found labile carbon stocks increased by 2.6 [Vigna radiata] (SI Table 3). Other crops studied include pineapple and
times in Cambodian soybean croplands that planted stylo (Stylosanthes cassava (SI Table 3). Crop rotations were similar depending on the pri­
guianensis) and great millet (Sorghum bicolor) as cover crops compared to mary crop plant. Studies in rice paddies often rotated rice with mung
soybean plots with no cover crops. Lienhard et al. (2013) found in bean or maize (He et al., 2015; Janz et al., 2019; Tran Ba et al., 2016)
diverse Laotian croplands growing rice, maize, and soybeans, total soil while soybean was rotated with sesame (Sesamum indicum) or maize
carbon increased by 16% with a variety of cover crops (rice: stylo; (Pheap et al., 2019). The study that examined pineapple croplands
maize: finger millet [Eleusine coracana], pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan], and rotated plantings with cassava and King Grass (Blepharidachne kingii)
ruzi grass [Brachiaria ruziziensis]; soybean: oat [Avena sativa] and (Dewi et al., 2018). Another study focused on maize and legumes rotated
buckwheat [Fagopyrum esculentum]). with peanuts and pole sitao (Ocampo and Zamora, 2016).
These studies used different control (or reference) and cover crop­ Five of the seven studies reported positive results for soil carbon
ping treatments. While Abe et al. (2020) compared the effect of cover sequestration with crop rotation (Fig. 6). Generally, studies compared
crops on fallow croplands the other three studies tested the effect of crop rotations to a monoculture cropping system that cultivated the
cover crops in croplands that were currently cultivated (Lienhard et al., same main crop each year or growing season. However, the frequency of
2013; Pheap et al., 2019; Shrestha et al., 2002a). The seasonal timing of rotations and choice of cropping system differed among studies and
cover crop application also varied across studies. Shrestha et al. were determined by specific local practices. The majority of studies
(2002b)) cultivated cover crops during the transition from dry to wet explored double cropping, or rotating two crops within a year (He et al.,
season while Lienhard et al. (2013) and Pheap et al. (2019) cultivated 2015; Hok et al., 2021; Janz et al., 2019), and triple cropping, rotating
cover crops prior to and with the main cash crops. Despite these dif­ among three crops within a year (Ocampo and Zamora, 2016; Tran Ba
ferences all four studies reported gains in soil carbon. Pheap et al. (2019) et al., 2016). Dewi et al. (2018) studied rotations determined by the
found labile carbon stocks increased by 2.6 times compared to the growing season lengths of cassava (ten months), pineapple (18 months),
absence of cover crops and Lienhard et al. (2013) found an increase of and King Grass (24 months) crops. Pheap et al. (2019) included biannual
16% in total soil carbon. In Abe et al. (2020), the fallow plot with cover rotations of soybean and maize. For instance, triple cropping (corn-le­
crops had a higher soil carbon content of approximately 70 g-C kg soil-1 gume-legume) observed in Ocampo and Zamora (2016) is a local prac­
relative to fallow plots without cover crops. tice used by farmers in Isabela, Philippines, called palusot. The increased
While adding cover crops is generally thought to improve soil carbon frequency of crop rotation could affect soil carbon sequestration espe­
stocks (Jian et al., 2020; Kaye and Quemada, 2017; Lal, 2015), some cially if farmers till soil between each rotation. This could lead to the
studies suggest that the increase in soil carbon might not be as pro­ release of soil carbon into the atmosphere during each tillage event and a
nounced or may even be reversed at deeper soil depths. For example, a net loss of carbon from the soil, as observed in Ocampo and Zamora
study in maize, tomato [Solanum lycopersicum], and wheat [Triticum] (2016) where triple cropping led to a decline of SOC content by 0.3%.
croplands in California, USA found that cover cropping led to a net Overall, we found support from empirical studies in Southeast Asia
decrease in soil carbon stocks when soil samples were taken to 200 cm that crop rotation is likely to deliver gains in soil carbon despite dif­
depth. Although soil carbon stocks increased in the top 0–30 cm soils, ferences in the crops and rotation lengths across studies, which align
soil carbon decreased at deeper soil depths of 30–200 cm, which resul­ with studies from other regions. One study in Brazil reported that
ted in overall soil carbon losses of 13.4 Mg C ha-1 (Tautges et al., 2019). planting sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) or forage sorghum (Sorghum
This finding is similar to Shrestha et al. (2002b), which we reviewed in bicolor) before planting soybeans increased soil carbon stocks (6.25 and
this synthesis. Shrestha et al. (2002b) measured soil labile carbon con­ 2.5 ton ha-1 respectively; Rigon and Calonego, 2020). A study in Spain
tent in 25 cm increments from 0 to 100 cm depth in sweet pepper and found that the rotation between wheat, vetch, and pea had equal effects
rice fields with and without cover crops. At deeper soil depths, they as reducing tillage regimes on increasing soil carbon stocks (Hernanz
found that fields with catch crops such as indigo had equal or lower et al., 2009). However, to quantify the specific effects of crop rotation on
labile carbon content compared with sites with indigo. Shrestha et al. SOC, it is necessary to build more empirical data that captures compa­
(2002b) hypothesized they found these mixed results because their soils rable variations in experimental designs (such as frequency of rotations)
contained varying proportions of clay at different depths, which causes and units of measurement for SOC.
variations in the effects of cover cropping on SOC sequestration
(Shrestha et al. (2002b). It is thus critical to consider how the effect of 3.1.6. Improved seed variety
cover cropping on SOC might also depend on the depth of soil samples. Agronomists are developing new seed varieties with higher grain
Overall, biogeochemical modeling and mapping exercises and liter­ yields to meet the growing demand for food as the human population
ature reviews have identified tropical Southeast Asian croplands as a increases. Some of these newer crop varieties may emit less CH4 than
region of high potential for increasing SOC sequestration rates through other varieties, which may be driven by variations in plant traits like
cover cropping (Porwollik et al., 2022; West and Six, 2007). Yet, limited smaller gas transport capacity within plant tissue (Wassmann et al.,
empirical research in the region and concern about how SOC stocks may 2002), locking more plant-derived carbon in larger fruits that limits root

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

exudates (Sass and Cicerone, 2002), and being more efficient in water amendments. Despite these differences, the majority of the studies on
use in the drought-resistant varieties (Zhang et al., 2021). We found four SOC reported gains and this suggests that manure application is bene­
studies from Myanmar (n = 1) and the Philippines (n = 3) that ficial for SOC. However, to quantify the effects of manure application on
compared CH4 emissions between rice varieties (SI Table 1). SOC, there need to be more studies for each version of control or
Three of the four studies reported a reduction in CH4 emissions, one reference treatments and other aspects of the experimental designs (such
study was inconclusive on CH4 (Wassmann et al., 2002), and one study as the cropping seasons).
found that nitrous oxide emissions increased (Win et al., 2021; Fig. 7). Increased greenhouse gas emissions might be a concern for manure
Two of the three studies classified as positive used IR72 as their refer­ application. We found 13 studies that measured CH4 emissions and five
ence variety (one of the main rice varieties used around the world and in that measured nitrous oxide emissions after manure application (Fig. 7).
Southeast Asia) in comparison with the IR64 variety (Wassmann et al., For CH4, five studies reported increased emissions, two reported
2000b) or a group of varieties including IR65597, Dular, Magat, and decreased emissions, and six were inconclusive (Fig. 7). For nitrous
PSBRC14 (Wassmann et al., 2000a). The third study found lower CH4 oxide, two studies reported increased emissions, one reported decreased
emissions of the IR50 variety (0.683 g kg-1) that is widely grown in emissions, and two were inconclusive (Fig. 7). Studies that reported a
Myanmar relative toa newer variety Manawthukha (1.084 g kg -1; Win decrease in CH4 emissions compared manure application against urea
et al., 2021) However, a larger inconclusive study by Wassmann et al. only (Corton et al., 2000) and against synthetic fertilizers or rice straw
(2002) also compared the IR72 variety to other varieties (Dular, compost only (Win et al., 2021). This suggests that the choice of treat­
IR65597, Magat, IR52, PSBRC20, PSBRC14, and IR6500) had varying ments (including control treatment) and cropping season could be
CH4 emissions relative to IR72 on different years, suggesting that there is leading factors that influence the direction of change in emissions.
no consistent ranking for rice varieties in terms of CH4 emissions. For greenhouse gases, the inconclusive studies found mixed results as
Wassmann et al. (2002) also noted that variations in abiotic envi­ they took measurements across different cropping seasons and/or with
ronments and changing interactions between the rice seed varieties and different control (or reference) treatments. For example, Bronson et al.
the biophysical environment introduced complexities to the CH4 emis­ (1997) found that the use of urea or rice straw with synthetic fertilizers
sion reduction effect. These variations undermine our ability to deduce generated relatively more nitrous oxide emissions (5.9–13.1 mg N m-2)
the relative CH4-abating potential of different rice varieties. One during the wet season and fewer nitrous oxide emissions
example is how Wassmann et al. (2000b) found that IR72 (8 kg CH4 (5.7–8.9 mg N m-2) during the dry season compared to the combination
hg-1) had greater CH4 emissions than Dular (5 kg CH4 ha-1) while Wang of synthetic fertilizers and manure (wet: 5.5 mg N m-2, dry:
et al. (1997) found that IR72 had lower CH4 emission rates compared to 12.1 mg N m-2; SI Table 5). Wassmann et al. (2000b) was also incon­
Dular. These contrasting findings underline the need to have more clusive, in part because it employed multiple control treatments, found
empirical studies and data which will enable a comparison of the effects that the combination of urea and green manure (Sesbania rostrata)
of selection of seed varieties on greenhouse gas emissions across dif­ resulted in more CH4 (dry: 119 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, wet: 42 mg CH4 m-2 d-1)
ferences in experimental designs and abiotic conditions. than using urea alone (dry: 14 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, wet: 27 mg CH4 m-2 d-1)
While we found no studies that measured changes in SOC, it will be or urea with ammonium sulfate (dry: 9 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, wet: 7 mg CH4
meaningful to investigate the effects of improved seed varieties on SOC m-2 d-1), but fewer CH4 emissions than combining urea with fresh rice
for rice and explore how the selection of varieties interacts with abiotic straw (dry: 634 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, wet: 621 mg CH4 m-2 d-1) (SI Table 5). It
conditions and agronomic practices (like the addition of rice straw, is encouraged that future studies consider the effects of manure and
changes to irrigation regime) to affect SOC and CH4 emissions. other organic amendments on greenhouse gas emissions across time
(through different cropping seasons) and also compare the changes to
3.1.7. Manure other multiple forms of organic amendments to evaluate the relative
Manure, which refers to fresh or composted animal dung or green global warming potential of organic amendments.
plant material (also known as green manure) is added to soils to restore Our synthesis on the effects of manure application on greenhouse gas
soil fertility. Manure is thought to increase soil carbon by serving as a emissions aligns with prior studies from croplands outside of Southeast
catalyst for microbial activity that promotes the formation and stabili­ Asia. The relative increase of emissions from manure application varies
zation of soil macroaggregates (Aoyama et al., 1999; Puget et al., 1995; depending on the type of organic manure, the physicochemical prop­
Six et al., 1999). We found a total of nineteen studies on manure erties of the soil, and the relative ratio of manure to total N inputs (Ren
application with the majority found in Thailand (n = 8). Other countries et al., 2017; Shakoor et al., 2021). For example, manure application to
include Indonesia (n = 4), the Philippines (n = 3), Myanmar (n = 2), flooded croplands like rice paddies can increase CH4 gas emissions
Vietnam (n = 2), and Cambodia (n = 1; SI Table 1). Studies were on rice relative to upland cropland systems (Cai et al., 2007; Linquist et al.,
(n = 18) and maize (n = 2; SI Table 3). Most studies applied animal or 2012). For these reasons, manure application management should be
farmyard manure from cows and buffalos, while a few studies applied tailored to the specific site condition, which requires more empirical
green manure (n = 5) from plants, typically nitrogen-fixers like mimosa research to understand the interactive effects of manure type, soil
(Mimosa pudica) and Sebsania rostrata. physico-chemical properties, and crop type on soil carbon stock gains
Our synthesis suggests that adding manure to croplands can increase and greenhouse gas emissions within Southeast Asian cropland systems.
SOC. Six out of seven studies that measured soil carbon found an in­ More importantly, the use of manure to build SOC requires monitoring
crease in SOC (Fig. 6). However, the single study in the rice paddies of of possible increases in CH4 and nitrous oxide to understand the net
Thailand that reported increase SOC found opposing results on the impact of the practice on climate change.
impact of green manure application. In the Thai study, the plot that
received green manure had a lower soil carbon content (7.5 ± 1.5 g kg- 3.1.8. Organic farming
) than the plot with conventional synthetic fertilizer(9.4 ± 1.0 g kg-1; Organic farming is a farming approach that comprises multiple in­
Thuithaisong et al., 2011). Another study, Oechaiyaphum et al. (2020), terventions with a focus on using organic matter like compost and
found that green manure raised soil carbon content from 3.43 manure as soil amendment instead of synthetic or chemical fertilizers.
± 2.04 g kg-1 in 2007–4.26 ± 1.96 g kg-1. We encountered 4 studies that measured the effects of organic farming
These studies on manure varied in their control or reference treat­ on soil carbon sequestration and/or greenhouse gas emissions. The
ments. Wassmann et al. (2000b) compared the application of green studies were based in Thailand (n = 2), Indonesia (n = 1), and Malaysia
manure and urea to the application of urea, urea with ammonium sul­ (n = 1; SI Table 1). Three studies were based in rice paddies and one
fate, or urea with rice straw. Supparattanapan et al. (2009) compared used volcanic soils from croplands that were cultivating vegetables (Abe
the application of cow manure to the absence of any organic et al., 2020).

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Across the 4 studies, three measured changes in soil carbon and two experiment.
found increases in soil carbon with implementation of organic farming The evidence for residue management increasing soil carbon stocks
practices relative to conventional farming (Fig. 6). Arunrat et al. (2022) is encouraging but limited. Two studies reported that soil carbon stocks
found that across a 3-year experiment from the organic farming plot increased over time with crop residues application versus removal
recorded larger soil carbon stocks (75,226 kg C ha-1) relative to stocks in (Minasny et al., 2011; Naklang et al., 1999). Minasny et al. (2011) traced
the conventional farming plot (67,254 kg C ha-1). Conversely, another the effects of returning rice crop residues and recorded an increase in
study found that conventional farming soils had greater soil carbon SOC content from 0.80 in the years 1980–1990–1.21 kg m-2 in the years
stock than the organic farming soils at both 0–5 cm (424 vs 370 mg C kg 2000–2010. Naklang et al. (1999) found that the plots that retained rice
soil-1) and 5–20 cm soil depths (1223 vs 1039 mg C kg soil-1;Kroeksakul stubble had greater total SOC (4.44 mg C g soil-1) than plots that did not
et al., 2022). (4.11 mg C g soil-1; SI Table 5).
Two studies measured greenhouse gas emissions and both studies However, the effects of changes in crop residue management prac­
showed that organic farming results in greater CH4 emissions. Arunrat tices on greenhouse gas emissions from croplands are concerning. Four
et al. (2022) found that its organic farming plot emitted 2932.2 kg out of eight studies on CH4 reported an increase in emissions and two out
CO2eq ha-1 year-1 of CH4 compared to the conventional farming plot’s of four studies on nitrous oxide reported an increase in emissions from
2876.8 kg CO2eq ha-1 year-1 of CH4. Harun et al. (2020) found that the incorporation of crop residues back into soils (Fig. 7). For example,
organic farming produced 0.76 kg of CH4 per ton of rice whereas con­ Janz et al. (2019) found that the plot with fresh rice straw incorporated
ventional plots produced 0.71 kg of CH4 per ton of rice. The higher CH4 had a 49% increase in CH4 from 179.34 ± 37.4 kg CH4-C ha-1 (residues
emissions in organic farming plots are expected because the organic removed) to 268.47 ± 36.6 kg CH4-C ha-1 (rice straw incorporated).
amendments used in organic farming may provide readily mineralizable Kraus et al. (2022) found that incorporated rice straw residues led to a
organic matter for soil bacterial methanogens (Neue, 1997, p. 19; Yan 109% increase in nitrous oxide emissions from 2.1 ± 0.6 kg N2O-N ha-1
et al., 2005). It is a concern if organic farming is to be used as a method (residues removed) to 4.4 ± 1.4 kg N2O-N ha-1 (SI Table 5).
to achieve an increase in soil carbon stocks because the greater CH4 Overall, the limited number of empirical studies on SOC suggest that
emissions might counter any climate change mitigation achieved incorporating crop residues could enhance soil carbon stocks, similar to
through soil carbon sequestration. Studies that aim to take stock of the literature from other regions. A simulation study of China’s rice fields
net impact of the change in agriculture practice(s) such as imple­ showed that incorporating rice straws into soils could increase soil
mentation of organic farming should measure both changes in SOC and carbon stocks from 21.8 to 23.9 ton ha-1 and soil sequestration rates
greenhouse gas emissions to quantify the net impact of the change. could rise to 24.4 Tg C yr-1 (Chen et al., 2019). Yet, the elevation of
Other literature on the effects of organic farming contrasts our greenhouse gas emissions from the decomposition of the organic crop
findings for greenhouse gases and suggests that organic farming will be residues, due to the availability of additional organic substrates for
useful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, most of this methanogens, might counteract the gains in soil carbon sequestration. A
literature often draws upon empirical studies based in temperate review of the effects of crop residue incorporation on SOC stocks and
countries. For instance, Goh (2011) cited studies conducted in greenhouse gas emissions in European agricultural soils found the same
Switzerland and the Netherlands that found a reduction in greenhouse outcomes: soil carbon stocks increased but so did greenhouse gas
gas emissions by 18% and enhanced soil carbon sequestration through emissions (Lehtinen et al., 2014). Similar to practices like compost and
organic farming practices like avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, organic farming, studies need to consider both increases in greenhouse
crop rotation with leguminous crops, conservation tillage, and return of gas emissions and SOC to derive the net effect of changing crop residue
crop residues. Another meta-analysis of 107 studies found that organic management practices on the climate. It is critical to explore methods to
farming had lower greenhouse gas emissions but none of the studies avert the observed increase in greenhouse gas emissions from crop
used were based in Southeast Asia (Lee et al., 2015). Other studies that residue management practices like rice straw incorporation, in order to
directly compare organic and conventional farming are often based fully leverage the climate mitigation potential of this practice. Our
outside Southeast Asia. For example, (Squalli and Adamkiewicz, 2018) synthesis found that an alternative residue management method,
found that every increase in 1% of organic farming acreage could reduce amending crop residues by composting or burning to ash before applica­
0.049% emissions using studies in the US. These studies and analyses are tion to the soil generally reduced CH4 emissions compared to incorpo­
of limited applicability to Southeast Asia given the differences in climate rating fresh crop residues (Chareonsilp et al., 2000; Vibol and
and soils between temperate and tropical croplands and the limited Towprayoon, 2010; Wassmann et al., 2000b). Moreover, when crop
empirical evidence that we found. Hence, it is important to have residues are removed from croplands and used to prepare soil amend­
empirical data on a local to regional scale to better assess the potential of ments such as ash or compost, tracking on- and off-field greenhouse gas
organic farming to improve soil carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions will be helpful to evaluate the overall impact of residue
emissions. management methods on greenhouse gas emissions.

3.1.9. Residue management 3.1.10. Shifting cultivation and fallow

Croplands typically produce crop residues that are of low economic Shifting cultivation, or allowing croplands to ‘rest’ or lie fallow in
value to farmers and require removal after harvest. In Southeast Asia, a some years, is a practice that has been historically used by farmers in
common crop residue is rice husks that is frequently burned and release Southeast Asia (Cairns and Garrity, 1999). However, in recent decades,
carbon dioxide immediately into the atmosphere. Research suggests that it has been replaced by intensive farming which depletes SOC stocks and
if farmers incorporate crop residues into field soils as compost or biochar disrupts many other ecosystem services of the croplands in Southeast
instead of removing crop residues, they can replenish soil organic mat­ Asia (Bruun et al., 2009; Dressler et al., 2017; Ziegler et al., 2009).
ter, increase soil carbon sequestration, and reduce greenhouse gas Switching away from continuous cropping and back to shifting culti­
emissions (Drever et al., 2021; Smith et al., 2020; Smith and Olesen, vation (also known as swidden cultivation) might replenish soil fertility
2010). We found twelve studies of how changes in crop residue man­ and soil carbon stocks. We found 5 studies that measured changes in soil
agement impacted SOC (n = 3) and greenhouse gas emissions (n = 9). carbon in croplands that were left to lie fallow. These studies were based
These studies were based in the Philippines (n = 5), Thailand (n = 4), in Indonesia (n = 2), Thailand (n = 2), and Laos (n = 1; SI Table 1). The
Indonesia (n = 3), Cambodia (n = 1), and Vietnam (n = 1; SI Table 1). crops in these studies are rice (n = 3), vegetables (n = 1), and palm oil
Out of the twelve studies, ten were on rice, one was on maize, and one (n = 1; SI Table 4).
was on cassava (SI Table 4). All of these studies documented an existing Out of the five studies, three of them (Abe et al., 2020; Fujii et al.,
way of managing crop residues and an intervention tested through an 2020; Yimyam et al., 2016) found gains in soil carbon while the

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remaining two studies (Funakawa et al., 1997; Hepp et al., 2018) were regime changes may be determined by the balance between carbon
classified as inconclusive (Fig. 6, SI Table 5). From the three studies that losses from reduced crop yields and residues and carbon gains from
were classified positive, longer durations of fallow might translate to reduced decomposition and soil erosion (Ogle et al., 2012). We found
higher chances of an increase in SOC. First, Abe et al. (2020) had three studies on this practice based in Thailand (n = 3), Cambodia (n = 3),
conventional farming plots compared against three natural fallow plots. Laos (n = 1), Malaysia (n = 1), and Indonesia (n = 5; SI Table 1). The
The natural fallow plots with the shortest fallow period (less than three majority of these studies focused on rice production (5 out of 13) with
years) recorded slightly lower SOC than the two conventional farming the remaining studies on legumes (n = 5), cassava (n = 4), maize
plots. However, the other 3 fallow plots (natural fallow for 10 years, 25 (n = 4), palm oil (n = 1), vegetables (n = 1), fruits (n = 1), and sugar­
years, and Caliandra fallow for 20 years) recorded significantly higher cane (n = 1; SI Table 4).
soil carbon content than all conventional farming plots. In the second We found mixed impacts of changes in tillage regime on SOC. Out of
study, Yimyam et al. (2016) compared permanently cultivated rice the 11 studies that measured changes to soil carbon stocks, six reported
paddies against plots that were under shifting cultivation for six years. It gains, three were inconclusive and one study was negative (Fig. 6). The
found that plots that were under shifting cultivation had a higher soil one negative study was based in Thailand’s maize-mungbean fields and
carbon density than the permanently cultivated plots (Yimyam et al., found that the no-till plots had lower soil carbon stocks than conven­
2016). Lastly, Fujii et al. (2020) monitored soil carbon stock in plots that tional till plots at a soil sampling depth of 0–15 cm (Matsumoto et al.,
were continuously covered by Imperata during fallow against plots that 2021). The authors hypothesized that poor soil aggregation formation in
cultivated oil palm and Acacia from 1986 to 2015 (29 years). The study the no-tillage regime prevented conversion of higher plant carbon inputs
found that the plot under continuous fallow and the plot that cultivated to SOC above the reference plot (Matsumoto et al., 2020). Two of the
Acacia after fallow had an increase in SOC stock while the plot that inconclusive studies found that the impact of reduced tillage on soil
cultivated oil palm (no fallow) had no increase over time in SOC (Fujii carbon stocks was contingent upon the application of organic amend­
et al., 2020). ments on the plots with reduced tillage (Miura et al., 2013; Sarno et al.,
The two inconclusive studies (Funakawa et al., 1997; Hepp et al., 2004). In Sarno et al. (2004), conventional tillage with mulch applica­
2018) used a much shorter duration for fallow and the shorter fallow tion had 0.1 g kg soil-1 more soil carbon than no-tillage with mulch. In
periods could explain why the results were inconclusive (Fig. 6). Both the absence of mulch application, no-tillage had a higher soil carbon
studies found mixed results when comparing soil carbon stocks between content than the conventional tillage plot. Likewise, Miura et al. (2013)
plots undergoing fallow and plots that were not. In Funakawa et al. found that conventional tillage with manure addition had higher total
(1997), a plot that was in its first year of fallow after five years of soil carbon (1.31 ± 0.09%) than no-till with manure addition (1.28
cultivation had a much lower soil carbon stock (54.0 ton C ha-1) than the ± 0.2%). Yet, for plots without manure, the no-tillage plot had higher
other plots that were still being used for rice cultivation (81.9–95.1 ton C total soil carbon (1.18 ± 0.13%) than the conventional tillage plot
ha-1). Likewise, Hepp et al. (2018) found that as its plots underwent (1.08 ± 0.24%). This suggests that when evaluating the effects of
fallow for only 3 years, soil carbon and permanganate-oxidizable carbon changes in tillage regime on soil carbon, the use of organic amendments
(POXC, a measure of active carbon) increased by an average of 1.06% such as mulch and manure can confound the effects of changes to the
and 169 mg kg-1 respectively, only to decrease afterward. This is sup­ tillage regime of croplands.
ported by Aguilera et al. (2013), which showed that longer fallow pe­ Prior analyses on effects of tillage regime on soil carbon suggest that
riods are better able to restore soil properties like SOC. This is because the role of carbon inputs (as organic amendments) and duration of
previous cropland management practices that degraded soils, such as implementation of regime matter. (Alvarez, 2006; Six et al., 2002)
shortening fallow and mechanized tillage, are ceased for a longer time showed that effects of conservation tillage (reduced or no tillage) can
and soil organic matter can regenerate longer. Hence, more empirical have varying effects on SOC stocks, and even lead to decrease in SOC
studies can help better understand the effect of the duration of fallow during the early periods. However, a steady increase in SOC is observed
across different soil properties and study crops on SOC. typically after 15 years (Alvarez, 2006). This finding aligns with the
Finally, other literature on the effects of shifting cultivation and results of the studies in our synthesis. Most of our studies on tillage were
fallow on soil carbon suggests that the practice might also restore soil under 5 years long and these studies comprise mostly positive but also
carbon stock. A meta-analysis found that allowing croplands to convert negative and inconclusive studies (Fig. 5, SI Table 1). One study lasting 7
from primary forests to lay fallow can increase soil carbon levels by 32% years was inconclusive as it found a decline in SOC in the sixth and
from pre-conversion levels (Don et al., 2011). Bruun et al. (2021) seventh years (Anda and Kurnia, 2010). The only study that lasted
compared SOC stocks of fallow land against old-growth forests (refer­ longer than 15 years was (Wiharso, 2021) which tracked SOC for 20
ence plots) in Laos and found that shifting cultivation did not lead to a years and found an increase over time (SI Table 1). For carbon inputs, a
loss in soil carbon. de Neergaard et al. (2008) found that shifting culti­ study in Brazil showed that for no-tillage to increase soil carbon, it is
vation systems of upland rice did not deplete soil carbon when compared essential to also incorporate legume cover crops (Conceição et al.,
to soil samples from the neighboring native forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. 2013). From our synthesis, we find that while experimental treatments
These studies also call for future research to consider the contribution of are often similar (no or reduced tillage against conventional tillage), the
deeper soil layers to changes in soil carbon stocks from shifting culti­ use of organic amendments like mulch and manure and differences in
vation and fallow (Bruun et al., 2021; de Neergaard et al., 2008; Don duration of changes to till regime can affect the response of SOC stock to
et al., 2011). the till practice change (Baker et al., 2007).

3.1.11. Tillage reduction 3.2. Other practices

Farmers typically till cropland soils to break up soil aggregates,
which allows organic amendments to filter deeper into the soil profile Here, we describe a list of 6 practices that were not suitable for a
and prepares the soil for seed planting. Changes in the tillage regime to coherent synthesis, mostly due to having relatively fewer studies or
conservation tillage (reduced or no tillage) regime is one possible way to vastly different interventions despite being in the same category. We
enhance soil carbon stocks. The change in till regime generally helps briefly outline the reported outcomes for these practices. All studies for
reduce soil erosion, slow down decomposition of organic matter all practices in this article can be found in the Supplementary
decomposition, stabilize and increase large soil macroaggregates (Song Information.
et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2020). However, reduced till practices can also
lead to reductions in crop-yields and lower plant carbon inputs from root 3.2.1. Conservation agriculture
and shoot residues (Ogle et al., 2012, 2005). Thus, the impact of tillage Conservation agriculture is broadly defined as the implementation of

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three interlinked practices: crop diversification (through rotation and/ greatly. Some treatments include adding or substituting different
or intercropping), crop cover, and reduced or no-till (FAO, n.d.). There amendments such as rice straw, humic acid, acetate, root exudates, and
was one empirical study in Cambodia that implemented all three prac­ empty fruit branches (Hanafi and Salwa, 1998; Lu et al., 2000; Tao et al.,
tices and found higher soil carbon stocks in the conservation agriculture 2017). Other approaches include alterations to the timing and place­
plots (23.7 and 23.6 g kg-1) relative to a control plot with conventional ment of nutrients (Pauli et al., 2014; Weller et al., 2015). Overall,
tillage, no cover crops, nor crop diversification (21.3 g kg-1; Pheap et al., improving nutrient management systems has been regarded as one
2019). approach to using croplands as a natural climate solution (Griscom et al.,
2017). However, the huge range of approaches to improved nutrient
3.2.2. Intercropping management restricts the option of a coherent synthesis and we
Intercropping is the practice of cultivating multiple crops within a recommend a future review to stratify the various approaches and
field. We found a single study from the Philippines that compared a evaluate the impacts of the different approaches to integrated nutrient
corn-legume cropland intercropped with peanuts and vegetables against management on SOC and greenhouse gas emissions.
corn monoculture (Ocampo and Zamora, 2016). The monocrop corn plot
had higher SOC in shallow soil depths (up to 20 cm). However, at 4. Limitations and future research
20–30 cm depth, the monocrop plots had lower SOC stock (6.61 Mg C
ha-1) at crop maturity than the intercropped plots (7.76 Mg C ha-1; 4.1. Soil carbon measurement methodology
Ocampo and Zamora, 2016).
Our synthesis surfaced the following three considerations when
3.2.3. System of rice intensification (SRI) measuring SOC: measurement technique, bulk density correction, and
SRI was developed to increase productivity of rice paddies by depth of soil samples. There are multiple lab techniques for measuring
altering the management of plants, soils, water, and nutrients through SOC, and the broad categories of calculation methods are the following:
early plant establishment, reduced plant density, improved soil condi­ (i) the Walkley-Black method which measures recalcitrant SOC using a
tions through enrichment with organic matter, and reduced and chemical oxidant, (ii) (automated) dry combustion and loss-on-ignition
controlled water application (Cornell University, n.d.). We found two which measure SOC based on carbon dioxide released from thermally
studies that compared the impact of SRI and conventional rice farming oxidized soil, (iii) humic matter method which measures mostly recal­
techniques on greenhouse gas emissions. Both studies supported the citrant soil organic matter using special chemical procedures to extract
hypothesis that SRI techniques lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions humic acids (Roper et al., 2019). The studies in our synthesis used
than conventional rice farming techniques (Htwe et al., 2021; Mishra different methods to derive SOC stocks, including the Walkley-Black
et al., 2021). One study of sites in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Viet method (Dewi et al., 2018; Trinh et al., 2017) and another approach:
Nam, found that greenhouse gas emission reduction was greater when the Tyurin method (Win et al., 2021).
SRI was applied to rainfed paddies compared to irrigated paddies, owing These measurement techniques vary in the percentage recovery of
to the lower plant density and decreased fertilizer in rainfed paddies organic carbon from soil samples, reducing precision in estimates of
(Mishra et al., 2021). total SOC stocks across techniques (Kalembasa and Jenkinson, 1973).
The Walkley-Black method may precisely measure SOC stocks in arid
3.2.4. Transplanting to direct seeding and temperate soils (Soon and Abboud, 1991; Wang et al., 2012).
Conventional rice farming typically transplants rice seedlings into However, Roper et al. (2019) measured SOC in Tarboro loamy sand soil
rice paddies. Direct seeding of rice seeds to fields is thought to reduce in North Carolina, USA, and found that the Walkley-Black method
water use, labor use, and CH4 gas emissions compared to conventionally overestimated SOC stock (12.9 ± 2.1 g C kg-1) compared to the auto­
tilled transplanting of rice (Marasini et al., 2016; Pathak et al., 2013). mated dry combustion method (7.7 ± 2.1 g C kg-1, Roper et al., 2019).
Three studies considered direct seeding in rice paddies of the Philippines While these studies were not in Southeast Asia, they indicate how
(n = 2) and Thailand (n = 1), finding mixed results of the practice. One measurement uncertainty arises in SOC estimates. The use of different
found that transplanting rice seedlings had lower mean CH4 emissions at methods may introduce bias and as a result, the SOC values obtained
17 mg m-2 d-1 relative to direct seeding (26 mg m-2 d-1; Chareonsilp might require corresponding corrections when comparing across studies
et al., 2000). In contrast, another study found that direct wet seeding on SOC.
reduced seasonal CH4 emissions by 67 and 14 kg ha-1, for wet and dry A similar analysis of the relative accuracy of measurement methods
seasons respectively relative to transplanting (Wassmann et al., 2000b). for tropical soils will be useful. One study on the efficacy of the Walkey-
Black method in Cameroon’s tropical tephra soils found the method to
3.2.5. Irrigation regime management greatly underestimate SOC content when compared to the dry com­
Changes to the irrigation regime is another method suggested to bustion method (Enang et al., 2018). Enang et al. (2018)’s findings in
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from croplands. We found 25 studies tropical soils contrasts with that of Roper et al. (2019), suggesting that
that measured cropland response to change in irrigation regime but only the best methods in temperate and arid soils might not work as well in
one study focusing on a change in SOC. A meta-analysis on irrigation the humid tropics. Most importantly, to consider the effects of agro­
regime effects on greenhouse gas emissions in Southeast Asian rice nomic interventions (like regenerative agriculture practices) on SOC, it
paddies found mixed results on the effect of the practice (Yagi et al., will be ideal to use the same measurement method that is best able to
2020). While the majority of studies that measured CH4 (20 out of 24) estimate SOC stock in tropical soils with as little bias as possible (Roper
reported a decrease in CH4 emissions, 9 out of 17 studies that measured et al., 2019).
nitrous oxide found an increase in emissions (Fig. 6). Only one study in
the meta-analysis examined soil carbon (Sriphirom et al., 2020) and 4.2. Soil bulk density adjustments
found that the effect varied depending on the biochar and reference
treatments. More studies could be done to examine the effects of an Soil compaction is a critical factor that determines soil carbon stocks.
alteration of the irrigation regime on soil carbon stocks. When there is a change in land use or agricultural practices, there will be
changes in bulk density from 5% to 20% due to compaction or expansion
3.2.6. Integrated nutrient management systems of soil (Don et al., 2011). Examples of changes in agricultural practices
Integrated nutrient management (INM) broadly refers to alterations include changes in the tillage regime (Dam et al., 2005) and addition of
to the source, timing, rate, and placement of nutrient amendments to crop residues (Celik et al., 2010). Failure to account for changes in bulk
improve crop productivity. The treatments in the studies on INM varied density can lead to inaccurate estimates of SOC. Hairiah et al. (2020)

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

found that soil carbon in a study site in Indonesia was underestimated and higher soil nitrogen content (Simarani et al., 2018; Sriphirom et al.,
when changes in bulk density were not considered. Furthermore, a 2021; Wartenberg et al., 2020). The wide variation in the co-benefits
meta-analysis on agricultural land use changes also found that changes reported and measured across studies limited any review of differ­
in SOC stocks could be underestimated by 28% after correcting for ences in co-benefits among practices. However, it is critical to consider
changes in soil mass and bulk densities (Don et al., 2011). It is thus the holistic suite of co-benefits from regenerative agriculture. Thus, a
imperative to account for the effects of soil compaction on soil carbon by review of co-benefits specific to each practice would facilitate a more
using the soil bulk density. We recommend future studies measure bulk thorough cost-benefit analysis for each intervention.
density changes (if soil management practices are involved) into their
measurements for SOC. This will allow soil samples to be taken and SOC 5. Recommendations
to be measured using equivalent soil mass (instead of fixed depth
method), ensuring that changes in soil bulk density do not affect the 5.1. Soil carbon sequestration for NDCs
accuracy of SOC measurements (Haden et al., 2020).
Countries in Southeast Asia intend to improve agricultural land
4.3. Depth of soil samples management practices and consider soil carbon sequestration as part of
their climate change mitigation strategy and their nationally determined
Another difference in methodology is the depth of soil samples taken contributions (NDCs). Some key policy commitments by these countries
for measurement. Changes in SOC in soil horizons are not linear because focus on increasing support for better rice, nutrient, and crop residue
SOC stocks differ within soil depths and treatments may impact soils to management practices, as well as changes to till regimes (Regional
different depths (Baker et al., 2007). A review found that most studies on analysis of the nationally determined contributions in Asia, 2020). Our
soil carbon stocks only measured to 30 cm depth. When studies synthesis supports these commitments. We found that using organic
measured changes in SOC at deeper soil depths (> 40 cm), researchers amendments like biochar, compost, and manure, as well as cover
found no significant difference in SOC between reduced-tillage treat­ cropping, crop rotation, and conservation tillage in croplands can
ment and conventional tillage treatment (Minasny et al., 2017). Most potentially increase soil carbon stocks in Southeast Asian croplands.
studies in our synthesis only use samples collected from 0 to 30 cm soil However, the use of organic amendments like compost and manure can
depth (Fig. 8). Studies that measured beyond 30 cm and segmented the also lead to greater carbon dioxide, CH4, and nitrous oxide cumulative
samples by depth intervals (e.g. 0–30 cm, 30–50 cm) were more likely to emissions, which may reduce or reverse the benefits of these practices on
report varying results between shallower soils and deeper soils. For atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Most studies measured
example, a study on the impact of three tillage regimes in a cereal either SOC stocks or greenhouse gas emissions from regenerative agri­
plantation in Indonesia found that conservation tillage (no-till and cultural practices, which makes it challenging to calculate the relative
minimal till) increased SOC relative to intensively tilled plots up to impacts of a single practice on total carbon cycles in these ecosystems.
120 cm depth (Wiharso et al., 2021). However, between 120 and Therefore, countries should encourage more researchers to measure
160 cm, the control plot with tillage had more soil carbon than the multiple carbon pools and fluxes within studies, which would allow for
no-tillage plot, likely because the effects of no-tillage were limited to calculations of CO2-equivalent emissions and better comparison of the
topsoil (Wiharso et al., 2021). Hence, given that most of our studies only relative impact of practices on total cropland emissions.
measure up to 30 cm, we recommend that future research on changes in There should be active policies and measures to anticipate and
soil carbon attempt to measure changes to deeper layers if logistical mitigate any increase in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the
resources are not a constraint. interventions. One such measure could be to switch the irrigation regime
for rice paddies from continuously flooded to alternate wetting and
4.4. Hybrid interventions drying (AWD). AWD drains croplands and introduces aerobic cycles that
stem CH4 production (Linquist et al., 2015). For this switch, policy­
Our analysis focused on synthesizing the impacts of single regener­ makers and businesses should be prepared to provide resources to build
ative agriculture interventions. Some studies also considered hybrid the necessary irrigation systems in rice paddies and financial incentives
interventions, or the implementation of two or more regenerative agri­ to support and incentivize adoption by farmers (Asian Development
culture practices in the same field. For example, we found studies that Bank, 2021).
combined cover cropping and no-tillage and no-tillage with application Other practices, such as the use of crop rotation and the change in
of mulch (Miura et al., 2013; Hok et al., 2015). We focused on the im­ irrigation regime, were not specifically mentioned by any Southeast
pacts of the single interventions in this review because there was Asian country in their NDC measures (FAO, 2020). Our synthesis shows
insufficient replication of hybrid combinations for meaningful synthesis. that crop rotations might deliver gains in soil carbon, and a meta-
Nevertheless, as more data becomes available, a review of the most analysis also showed that changing irrigation regimes, amongst other
common hybrid interventions would be useful. For example, the addi­ interventions like biochar application, can have strong greenhouse gas
tional use of biochar or alternate wetting and drying (an irrigation emission reduction effects in Southeast Asian rice paddies (Yagi et al.,
technique) might help counteract the increases in CH4 emissions arising 2020).
from use of compost or manure (Sriphirom et al., 2020, 2021; Fig. 7). From our synthesis, several practices in Section 3.2, such as the use of
Such a review could provide insight on whether the combination of intercropping and systems of rice intensification, are understudied
single practices can potentially yield positive interactions where the relative to other practices and thus have unknown potential to mitigate
overall effect is greater than the effect of any individual practice climate change through cropland carbon sequestration. Fittingly, the
(although rarely additive or greater than the sum of the individual FAO has called for more research to specify and quantify improved
practices). It could also help identify circumstances where the combi­ agricultural land management practices’ potential to mitigate climate
nation of practices might be counterproductive, where the collective change and contributions to NDCs (Regional analysis of the nationally
impact of the practices is less than the effect of the individual practices. determined contributions in Asia, 2020). A greater body of empirical
studies, especially for the aforementioned less well-studied practices in
4.5. Co-benefits of regenerative agriculture Section 3.2, can bring clarity to the capacity of these practices to deliver
climate change mitigation benefits. Hence, policymakers can (1) desig­
Some studies in our review identified possible co-benefits of the nate more funding to studies on major crops that are relatively less
adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. Some of these benefits studied than rice (like palm oil and maize) and (2) less-studied practices
include improved crop yield, greater effective cation exchange capacity, as well as practices that show mixed results. Such efforts will help

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

researchers address the paucity of empirical data and uncertainty in the developers and researchers to build and improve soil carbon prediction
mitigation outcomes of these practices, such that policies for models by collecting empirical data on baselines used (equivalent to
agriculture-based climate change mitigation strategies become better studies’ control or reference treatments), abiotic conditions (e.g. soil
informed by scientific evidence. properties, climate) of sites and plots, land use and soil management
history, and the effects of interventions on soil carbon or greenhouse gas
5.2. Agriculture carbon credits emissions. These data will be tremendously helpful in developing
practice-specific models that accurately quantify the effects of regener­
Adopting and scaling up regenerative agriculture practices across ative agriculture practices on soil carbon storage across different
Southeast Asian croplands will require financial capital. The change in experimental designs and abiotic conditions. These steps can help build
farming practices often requires new equipment and resources like confidence in the efficacy of regenerative agriculture carbon projects to
specialized equipment for seeding in no-till fields or applying biochar. mitigate climate change.
Moreover, a change in farming methods can introduce vagaries in
agricultural yields in the early years as farmers refine practices in their 6. Conclusion
fields. This will pose challenges to Southeast Asian farmers who gener­
ally do not have the capital to invest in big changes in farming methods We found certain regenerative agriculture practices to be beneficial
and endure the associated risks. A study in Queensland, Australia, found for SOC. Despite the different experimental designs and treatments
that financial risk in changing farming systems was a key factor inhib­ implemented, the empirical evidence for those practices points to
iting adoption of regenerative agriculture (Dipu et al., 2022), especially similar outcomes: gains in SOC for Southeast Asian croplands. However,
for small-scale farmers who face financial constraints. For farmers in for some practices, the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the
Southeast Asia, the financial risks of changing farming methods and the use of organic amendments like compost needs to be mitigated. To
farmers’ lack of financial capital necessitates public investments for reiterate, (I) policymakers and practitioners should anticipate and
farmers to adopt innovations in agricultural practices that can enhance address increases in greenhouse gas emissions while implementing
the productivity and resilience of Southeast Asian croplands role (OECD regenerative agriculture practices to increase soil carbon for climate
and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2017). change mitigation. They can implement interventions that maximize the
Thus, capital can help alleviate and buffer some of that financial risk to climate change mitigation potential of regenerative agriculture and
support farmers adopting regenerative agriculture. support future research by collecting and sharing data. (II) Researchers
One promising capital source is emerging voluntary carbon markets are encouraged to consider the effects of regenerative agriculture on
in Southeast Asian countries like Singapore (Taghizadeh-Hesary and both SOC and greenhouse gases, and build more empirical data that can
Hyun, 2022). Funding from corporations, investors, or philanthropic be harmonized for practice-specific synthesis and quantification of the
foundations can support farmers adopting regenerative agriculture effect size of interventions across different croplands and
through carbon credit projects. Project developers–which could be agroecosystems.
farmers or third-party organizations that work with farmers–quantify
additional carbon sequestered (removal) or emissions avoided (avoid­
ance) when farmers implement a specific regenerative agricultural
practice to estimate ‘carbon credits’ from the project. An investor in a
A Yale-NUS College Summer Research Program Award supported ST
given carbon project could use the carbon credits for philanthropic
to complete this work in collaboration with the Yale Applied Science
reasons, as offsets to their own emissions, or as a commodity that could
Synthesis Program, which is supported through funding from the Yale
be sold to another buyer. In theory, these markets could play a pivotal
Center for Natural Carbon Capture (YCNCC).
role in funding Southeast Asian farmers’ transition from
market-oriented intensive farming methods to regenerative agriculture
practices (Burra et al., 2021; Lam et al., 2017). CRediT authorship contribution statement
However, for carbon markets to function effectively in mitigating
climate change, the agriculture carbon projects must involve regenera­ ST conceived the study. ST curated the data and conducted the
tive agriculture practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or in­ synthesis with inputs from SK. ST wrote the first draft of the manuscript
crease soil carbon stocks. The project must result in real (or quantifiable), and both authors contributed to the final manuscript. SK supervised the
additional, and permanent gains in soil carbon or reductions in green­ study.
house gas emissions (Murray et al., 2007; Thamo and Pannell, 2016).
While project monitoring, reporting, and verification is important, it is
equally crucial that there is strong empirical evidence on the ability of Declaration of Competing Interest
regenerative agriculture practices to achieve positive climate change
mitigation outcomes. We advise that carbon project developers consider The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
implementing projects that encourage farmers to adopt practices with interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
stronger scientific evidence of climate change mitigation. Based on our the work reported in this paper.
synthesis, regenerative agriculture practices that may be viable as
climate solutions include the use of organic amendments like biochar, Data Availability
compost, and manure, as well as cover cropping, crop rotation, and
conservation tillage. However, there are still very few studies and Data will be made available on request.
insufficient data to develop robust models to predict changes in SOC
stocks based on these interventions. Moreover, not all existing studies Acknowledgments
implement steps to improve the accuracy of measurements of changes in
SOC by accounting for bulk density, equivalent soil mass accounting, or The authors thank Dr. Liu Weier, Dr. Cole Gross, and Dr. Mark
by taking samples from deeper soils. These research gaps should be Bradford for the feedback on the manuscript. The authors are grateful to
addressed before issuing carbon credits. Mdm Lalita Nair, Mr. Fabian Quan, and Ms. Evelyn Eng-Lim for sharing
Finally, project developers should monitor and mitigate increases in their knowledge on regenerative agriculture in Southeast Asia. The au­
greenhouse gas emissions when using organic amendments like biochar, thors express their gratitude to Dr. Kelly Siman and Dr. David Kramar for
compost, and manure. Carbon credit registries need to work with project their insights.

S.S.X. Tan and S.E. Kuebbing Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 349 (2023) 108450

Appendix A. Supporting information Bruun, T., Egay, K., Mertz, O., Magid, J., 2013. Improved sampling methods document
decline in soil organic carbon stocks and concentrations of permanganate oxidizable
carbon after transition from swidden to oil palm cultivation. Agric., Ecosyst.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the Environ. 178, 127–134.
online version at doi:10.1016/j.agee.2023.108450. Bruun, T.B., de Neergaard, A., Lawrence, D., Ziegler, A.D., 2009. Environmental
consequences of the demise in swidden cultivation in southeast asia: carbon storage
and soil quality. Hum. Ecol. 37, 375–388.
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