Study of The Effect of Mobile Phones On Hearing
Study of The Effect of Mobile Phones On Hearing
Study of The Effect of Mobile Phones On Hearing
Original Research Article
Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Subharti Medical College, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University,
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Karumuthil Swaroop,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is the subject of recent interest and study as a
result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. The present study was designed with an
objective to study the effect of mobile phones on hearing.
Methods: This cross sectional study involved cases in the age group of 18 to 45 years attending the out-patient
department of ENT at Chhatrapati Shivaji Subharti hospital, Meerut. A total of 85 patients (mobile phone users) were
taken for the study October 2018 to July 2020. Subjects with usage of mobile phones (smart phones) for a minimum
of 2 hours a day and a minimum of 1 year duration (with or without ear phones), normal healthy individuals with no
systemic disease, normal tympanic membrane with no prior external, middle/inner ear disease or discharge or trauma
and subjects with type a tympanogram (on tympanometry) were included in the study. Degree of deafness was graded
according to WHO classification, 1980
Results: Statistically significant p value was observed (<0.001) while comparing SNHL with hours of exposure and
years of exposure. Statistically significant p value was observed (<0.05) while comparing hours of exposure with
Tinnitus. Statistically insignificant p value was observed while comparing hours and years of exposure with other
associated complaints; aural fullness, ear ache (otalgia) and warmth sensation in ear.
Conclusions: The present study shows an increase in the hearing threshold of the ear exposed to the prolonged use of
mobile phones.
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field, which may penetrate the scalp and the skull.7 The The occupational exposure to loud noise and personal
temporal region near the phone antenna appeared to be habits like smoking and alcohol were also asked for and
under the most intensive heating. Ultrahigh frequency excluded. Detailed clinical examination performed
radiation induces significant changes in local including a general systemic examination and thorough
temperature.8 The thermal effects of electromagnetic examination of the ear using otoscope. The character of
radiation include headache, sensation of warmth or the tympanic membrane was observed in detail. The three
burning around the ear, burning sensation on facial skin standard tuning fork tests (Weber’s, Rinne’s, and
and alteration of the Blood-brain barrier.9 RF exposure absolute bone conduction tests) were done.
from mobile phones is concentrated to the tissue closest Tympanometry was done and only patients with type A
to the handset, which includes auditory nerve.10 The tympanogram were included. All the candidates then
extensive exposure to EMR has been found to affect a underwent pure tone audiometry (PTA) and graph studies
wide variety of brain functions.11 There is a concern that were plotted. Pure tone audiograms were assessed for
these could damage the sensitive outer hair cells in the type and percentage of hearing loss. Incidence of various
organ of corti. Various studies have been undertaken to associated complaints were also studied and compared
assess the hearing status in long-term mobile phone users, with hours and years of exposure.
but results are inconclusive.12-14
A pulse of tone was presented at a set frequency and set
As exposure to this type of electromagnetic radiation is dB hearing level using adjustment knobs on the
progressively increasing worldwide, there is a greater audiometer. Mode of response was by a pressing button.
interest in its possible harmful effects on health. 15 The subjects were familiarized with the tone. After the
Therefore; the effect of mobile phone radiation on human first response, the tone was decreased by 10 dB whenever
health is the subject of recent interest and study as a the subject responded and was increased by 5 dB if the
result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage person fails to respond. The bone vibrator for bone
throughout the world. Keeping these aspects in mind, the conduction checking was placed on the mastoid process,
present study was designed with an objective to study the no closer than a thumb’s width to prevent acoustic
effect of mobile phones on hearing. radiation and diagnostic testing at 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
and 4000 Hz was done as above. For assessing the
METHODS hearing loss, pure tone average was calculated by taking
the average of the hearing threshold levels at 500, 1000
The study involved cases in the age group of 18 to 45 and 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz only. Degree of deafness was
years attending the out-patient department of ENT at graded according to WHO classification, 1980 as; 0 to 25
Subharti medical college and associated Chhatrapati dB; normal hearing, 26 to 40 dB; mild deafness, 41 to 55
Shivaji Subharti hospital, Meerut. A total of 85 patients dB; moderate deafness, 56 to 70 dB; moderately severe
(mobile phone users) were taken for the study October deafness, 71 to 90 dB; severe deafness and >90 dB;
2018 to July 2020. Subjects with usage of mobile phones profound deafness. Graphs plotted in line with the
(smart phones) for a minimum of 2 hours a day and a audiometry findings and results made as per the findings
minimum of 1 year duration (with or without ear phones), to assess the effect of mobile phones on hearing in
normal healthy individuals with no systemic disease, relation with the hours, years exposed and hearing loss.
normal tympanic membrane with no prior external,
middle/inner ear disease or discharge or trauma and Statistical analysis
subjects with type a tympanogram (on tympanometry)
were included in the study. Subjects with perforation of Data calculations were done using statistical package for
tympanic membrane, otological/neurological/psychiatric the social sciences software version 22.0. Chi square test
disorders, history of ear discharge, conductive/mixed was used to compare the two groups and the level of
hearing loss, NIHL, trauma, diabetes mellitus, significance and p<0.05 was considered as significant.
dyslipidemia, hypertension, central or peripheral nerve
diseases, congenital hearing disorders, those using any RESULTS
ototoxic medications or smoking /alcohol were excluded
from the study. In current study, the age group ranged from 18-45 years.
Out of 85 patients, 36 patients (42.35%) were males and
All the candidates were subjected to a detailed history 49 patients (57.64%) were females. Hearing loss and
taking with special emphasis on duration, pattern, usage tinnitus were the main complaints of subjects in the study
of mobile phones and hearing loss. Detailed enquiry was i.e. 31 (36.47%), 28 (32.94%) respectively followed by
made about onset and progression of hearing loss if any, aural fullness 24 (28.23%) and ear ache (otalgia) 17
and also associated symptoms like tinnitus, aural fullness, (20.0%) with warmth sensation in ear 13 (15.3%) the
otalgia or warmth sensation over external ear. An insight least presenting complaint. Subjects using mobile phones
regarding any underlying medical conditions like for 3-6 years 31 (36.47%) were in the maximum number
diabetes, hypertension or any other co-morbidities was followed by 28 (32.94%) who were mobile phone users
also done to accede with the exclusion criteria. Any for >6 years and 26(30.58%) using mobile phones for 1-3
history of childhood ear discharge was also asked for. years duration were in the least. Maximum number of
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | March 2021 | Vol 7 | Issue 3 Page 521
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subjects 37 (43.52%) were using mobile phones for a value was statistically significant (0.05) while comparing
stretch of 4-6hrs per day. Number of subjects using their with tinnitus. Statistically insignificant p value was
right ear for telephonic conversation was 36 (42.35%) observed while comparing hours and years of exposure
whereas those using left ear were 29 (34.11%). Hence the with other associated complaints like aural fullness, ear
dominant ear in most of the subjects was right ear ache (otalgia) and warmth sensation in ear.
(Figure 1).
50 42.35
The present study titled “mobile phones and its effect on
36 hearing” was undertaken in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
40 34.11
29 Subharti medical college & associated Chhatrapati
30 23.5 hospital in patients who were mobile phone users in the
20 No of Patients
age group of 18 to 45 years in both sexes, with the aim of
% studying the effects of mobile phones on hearing by
10 evaluating them with the required questionnaire, taking
0 detailed history and examination followed by pure tone
Right ear Left ear No audiometry and also to find the incidence of associated
preference symptoms other than hearing loss. Due to the exponential
growth in the number of mobile phone users, and also
due to close proximity to the ear, there can be potential
Figure 1: Dominant ear in the study group. damage to auditory function.16 Ill effects of
electromagnetic radiations on humans are rightly
In current study, subjects using headsets sometimes for assumed as the matter of serious public health concern.
telephonic conversation were in the maximum number 33 Therefore, any detrimental biological effect(s) related to
(38.82%), always were 25 (29.41%), seldom were 16 mobile phone use should be considered as a high-priority
(18.82%) and never were 11 (12.94%) as shown in health issue and a potential matter of scientific
(Figure 2). discussion.
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Table 1: Descriptive analysis of SNHL and hours as well as years of exposure (n=85).
Table 2: Descriptive analysis of associated complaints and hours and years of exposure (n=85).
In current study, it was observed that number hours of much impact on other symptoms like aural fullness, ear
exposure to mobile phones had significant impact on ache (otalgia) and warmth sensation, p value was
tinnitus, aural fullness and warmth sensation in ear, p statistically significant for tinnitus (<0.05) and
value was found statistically significant with tinnitus, insignificant when it comes to other symptoms like aural
aural fullness and warmth sensation in ear. Current study fullness, ear ache (otalgia) and warmth sensation in ear.
is in accordance with the study conducted by Khan et al This is in accordance with the studies conducted by Hans
in which out of 11% of subjects using mobile phones for et al and Magda et al in which tinnitus was observed in
1- 2 hours per day, 78% of them were having warmth patients with exposure to mobile phones and p value was
sensation in ear. Out of 4.5% of the subjects using mobile statistically significant.18,24
phones for >2 hours per day, 84% were having warmth
sensation in ear and findings were statistically Limitations
significant.21,22 Current study is also in accordance with
the study conducted by Hegde et al in which out of 60 Limitation of the present study is its small sample size.
subjects who were exposed to mobile phones for various Research is still on the way to study the various effects of
hours of duration, aural fullness and tinnitus were the electromagnetic radiations by mobile phones and
observed in 15% and 10% of the subjects respectively many studies have shown the harmful effects of the usage
and p value was statistically significant with the of mobile phones on human health. Further research with
symptoms at the time of presentation.23 population based studies is necessary to draw or arrive at
a precise conclusion.
While comparing both the parameters i.e. hours and years
combined with associated symptoms, it was observed in CONCLUSION
our study that the duration of exposure in terms of both
hours and years had significant impact on tinnitus The present study shows an increase in the hearing
presentation among subjects in the study. It did not have threshold of the ear exposed to the prolonged use of
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