MODULE in English

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This module for Teaching English in the Elementary Grades is designed to help
students develop the necessary skills in language teaching and learning. The topics included in
this module were taken from the different course outlines of prominent universities in the country
making sure that our students are abreast with the current discourse in this particular subject.

The first part of the module which covers the Midterm period will equip students of the
various concepts and approaches in first and second language acquisition, the language
curriculum in the K-12 Program, and the bilingual methods of teaching children with focus on
English as Second Language (ESL). The second part on the other hand focuses on teaching of
listening, reading, writing, speaking, and viewing. These are the five (5) domains of learners
which are all vital in the entire learning process of the students. Aside from these topics,
additional topics were included in this module such as Oral Language Development and
Grammar Awareness: Integration of Literature and Skills, Developing Vocabulary and Spelling
Skills, Developing Composing Skills, Comprehension: The Ultimate Goal of Reading, and
Addressing Differences in Handling Ability Differentiated Instruction.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

How to use this module ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Rubric ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 3

Module 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Part 1
Module 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Part 2
Module 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Module 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Module 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

Module 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Module 6 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



WELCOME to Teaching English in the Elementary Grades Module! With this, you can begin to widen your knowledge
and understanding of the different methods, principles, approaches, and issues of teaching the English to grade
school pupils. It will surely guide you into the world teaching and acquisition of the second language. Brace yourself
and be enchanted by the magical words and phrases of the English language!


This module is designed to guide and help students of teacher education and intended for teaching in the
primary level. It will emphasize English as a second language with main focus on language teaching methodologies
to improve knowledge and fluency in the English language in listening, reading, writing, speaking, and viewing. Use
of content in the structures of English and Children’s Literature in English will be included. Modular project-based and
task-based learning activities shall be considered.

1. Perspective on First and Second Language Acquisition and Various Factors that Influence Learning
2. The Language Curriculum in the K-12 Program
3. The Teaching of Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Viewing

The Learning Session

This Module contains several topics. There are discussions for every topic in this material. After studying the
short description of the subject-matter, questions and activities must be answered by the participant. Responses will
be graded based on the rubric below:


Points Assigned Points
1. Responses show critical, evaluative thinking 20
2. Responses clearly reflects the required readings 20
3. Responses go beyond personal opinion and
show evidence of researched observations
4. All responses meet length requirements 20
5. All responses are careful composition 20

MODULE 1 – Part 1
Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of ASU - CTE


Vision : An Academic Pillar of Excellence (APEx) for Sustainable Development.

Mission : Aklan State University is committed to offer degree and non-degree curricula in
agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, fishery, arts and sciences, engineering and
technology, education and management sciences to produce globally competent
professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs through technological breakthroughs in
research, efficacy of extension, and efficiency in production.

Institutional Outcomes :


College of Teacher Education

Goals : To provide well-rounded, highly competent, technically prepared and morally upright
educators who will be the prime movers of development.

Objectives : 1. To provide knowledge and technical skills through quality and relevant instructions to
produce effective and efficient teachers in the various discipline.
2. To conduct instruction that will enable students to think critically, decide intelligently and
work independently.
3. To involve students’ research, extension and production, thus, making them agents of
social and economic progress.
4. To inculcate desirable values among students necessary for the enhancement of
leadership and professionals in the field of education.


1. Common to all programs in all types of school (a to e)

The graduates have the ability to:

a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor);
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing;

c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities;
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722);

2. Common to the discipline (Teacher Education Discipline)

f. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and

political context.
g. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
h. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to
specific learners and their environment.
i. Develop innovate curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
j. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable
educational practices.
k. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning
processes and outcomes.
l. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities.
m. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-
based opportunities.

3. Specific to BEEd

n. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas.

o. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject
p. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
q. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate
learning and teaching.
r. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
s. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.



1. After reading the VMGO of the university and internalizing its message and purpose for the students and the entire
community it serves, write a short poem that would show how you were affected and changed by the core meaning of
the VMGO. Use the box below for your output.


Now that we know the VMGO of ASU-CTE, let us read again the contents of the VMGO and answer the following

1. In 2-3 sentences, explain in your own words the meaning of the Vision of the university. Use the lines
provided below.









2. In 2-3 sentences, explain in your own words the meaning of the Mission of the university. Use the lines
provided below.









3. Give the summary of the Objectives and Goals of ASU and the College of Teacher Education.









So we have discussed about the VMGO of the university and the college. Again, why is it important to explain the
VMGO to new students or remind the old students? Explain briefly








Now, let’s have an activity where we can apply what we have learned about the VMGO.

Think of an activity or event that you can organize for the students of ASU both new and old wherein they can
showcase the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the







MODULE 1 – Part 2
Perspective on First Language Acquisition and Various Factors that Influence Learning

Theories of First Language Acquisition

First language acquisition is the process of acquiring a language via exposure to the speakers of the
language while still young. First language is defined as the primary language a person initially acquires and use on a
continuous basis. The first language is not always the mother tongue.

Language Acquisition Theories

Cognitive Development Theory

- Developed by Jean Piaget (1970s)

- Four Specific Phases of Childhood Cognitive Expansion
o Sensory Motor Stage
 The child learns about himself and his environment through motor and reflex moves.
 The child progresses by performing simple motor movements such as listening and
 The child gains basic knowledge of the relationships of trigger and effect.
 Permanence in the child appears around 9 months.
 Additional physical development allows the child to begin developing new intellectual
o Pre-Operational Stage
 The child reaches age 2.
 Utilization of symbols
 His use of words matures and advances to simple sentences.
 The child’s storage and creativeness are developed.
o Concrete Operational Stage
 The child reaches the age of 7 to 11 years old.
 The child develops seven types of conversation: number, duration, liquid, mass,
weight, area, and volume level.
 The child demonstrates logical and systematic manipulation of symbols linked to
concrete objects.
o Formal Operational Stage
 The child demonstrates developed intelligence through logical use of symbols linked
to abstract concepts.
 The child demonstrates a capacity for metaphorical usage.

Humanistic Methodology

- Proposed by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

 Humanistic approach as a method of words acquisition and learning.
 Factors like feelings, determination levels and self-confidence of a person affect
language acquisition.
 Rogers believes that a person could fulfil his potential for growth if there is great self-
 Maslow believes that people who have satisfied the needs might turn into self-
 Humanistic methodology attempts to encourage positive feelings that help words
acquisition such as self-esteem, motivation, empathy and risk acquiring.
 It discourages bad emotions such as low self-confidence, nervousness, and mental

Behaviorist Theory

- Developed by B.F. Skinner

 Learning is a tendency produced by learner’s response to stimuli which may be
reinforced with great or negative responses to environmental stimuli.
 Learning can be observed, described, and predicted through observing antecedents
and effects.
 Reinforcement and harmful reinforcement increase the probability that the antecedent
habit will happen again.
 Positive and negative punishments decrease the likelihood that the antecedent
patterns will happen again.
 Positive indicates the application of stimulus while negative shows the withholding of
a stimulus.
 Skinner believes that children learn words through imitation, repetition, and the
reinforcement of the successful linguistics attempts.
 Behaviorism gave birth to Stimulus-Response (S-R) Theory.

The Innateness Hypothesis

 Noam Chomsky believes that children are born with Language Acquisition Device
(LAD) which encodes the important principles of a language and its grammatical
structure into the child’s brain
 Children have innate or inherited capability to learn any human words.
 Chomsky claims that certain linguistic structures which children use accurately must
be previously imprinted on the child’s mind.
 For Chomsky, children do not only learn language through imitation.
 Children’s capacity to learn words is hard-wired in their brains allowing them to learn
the structure and grammar of a particular language.
 LAD is a machine in the mind which is equipped previously at birth with particular
grammatical rules and principles.
 Chomsky believes that the presence of universal language (not English) supports the
hypothesis that these are innate, and essentially all individuals acquire language and
no other animals can.



Think of your own experiences in learning your first language or your mother tongue. Relate your past experiences to
some of the theories mentioned above.



Which of the theories discussed in the previous section caught much of your attention? Why?



What do you think is the significance and relevance of studying the different language acquisition to your
specialization? How will it help you in the teaching of the English language to your future students?



Choose one of the theories mentioned above and think of another name for the theory. Explain why you chose that
name by citing concepts related to the theory. Use the space below.


Perspective on Second Language Acquisition and Various Factors that Influence Learning

Second Language and Language Acquisition

 Second language is a language that is learned in addition to the language a person first learned as a
young child (Source: Merriam-Webster).
 The term second language refers to a language in which instruction in other school subjects is carried
on or that serves as a common language for speakers of diverse language groups. (Source: Britannica
 Second language is a language learned by a person after his or her native language, especially as a
resident of an area where it is in general use.
 Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not
require tedious drill.
 Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication – in which
speakers are concerned more with the messages they are conveying and understanding rather than the
form of their utterances.
 Allows students to produce outputs in the second language when they are ready.

Theories of Second Language (L2) Acquisition

Stephen Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition

 The Five (5) Hypothesis of Second Language Acquisition Theory

o Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
 The most fundamental and widely known among teachers and linguists.
 According to Krashen, there are two independent systems of foreign language
 The acquired system
o Acquisition is the product of a subconscious process very similar to
the process children undergo when they acquire their first
o It requires meaningful interaction in the target language.
o Uses communicative act and not in the form of their utterances.
 The learned system

o Learning is the product of formal instruction and it comprises a
conscious process which results in conscious knowledge ‘about’
the language like grammar rules.
o Learning for Krashen is less important than acquisition.
o Monitor Hypothesis
 Explains the relationship between acquisition and learning and defines the influence
of the latter on the former.
 The monitoring function is the practical result of the learned grammar.
 In this hypothesis, the learning system performs the role of the monitor or the editor.
 The monitor acts in a planning, editing and correcting function.
 The role of conscious learning is limited in second language performance.
o Input Hypothesis
 It is concerned with acquisition and not learning.
 The learner improves and progresses along the natural order when the learner
receives second language input.
o Affective Filter Hypothesis
 Affective variables play a facilitative role in second language acquisition.
 These variables are: motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, and personality traits.
 Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image,
a low level of anxiety and extroversion are better equipped for success in second
language acquisition.
 Low motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, introversion and inhibition can raise the
affective filter and form a mental block that prevents comprehensible input from being
used for acquisition.
o Natural Order Hypothesis
 Acquisition of grammatical structures follows a natural order which is predictable.
 The natural order is independent of the learner’s age L1 background, and conditions
of exposure.

Social Interaction and Socio-Cultural Theories

 Social Interaction Theory focuses on the language learning context and how learners
use their linguistic environment like conversational interactions to build their
knowledge of the second language.
 Vygotsky emphasized the role of the social environment on children’s learning.
Everything is first learned socially. Social interaction has a vital role in the language
acquisition process.
 Swain argues that “comprehensible output” in meaningful conversations is also
necessary for successful second language acquisition.

Communicative Approach

 The kind of second language the learners need to learn is the kind they will need for
real-world, real-life situations.
 Classroom Principles for Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

 An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target
 The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.
 An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning.
 An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities
outside the classroom.



Recall your experiences in learning the English language as your second or additional language. What were your
challenges in school and even in your personal life while learning English? How did you overcome these difficulties?



Which of the characteristics of Formalism and Romanticism can be commonly observed among literary works that
you have already studied? Explain briefly.


What do you think is the significance and relevance of studying the different theories in second language acquisition
to your specialization? How will it help you in the teaching of the English language to your future students?



Choose one theory about second language acquisition mentioned in the previous discussion. Create a classroom
activity where you can utilize the principles and concepts of your chosen theory. Use the box below.


The Language Curriculum in the K-12 Program

Excerpt from English Curriculum Reform in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges from a 21st Century Learning
Perspective by Jessie S. Barrot

ISSN: 1534-8458 (Print) 1532-7701 (Online) Journal homepage:


Globalization and rapid advancement in information and communication technology (ICT) are continuously
changing the landscape of our academic, professional, and personal lives. Recently, the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) has approved a “blueprint” that will guide its ten member-states on initiatives to achieve
regional integration. This integration allows the member-states to participate in the flow of goods and services,
capital, foreign investment, and labor. It also opens doors for regional job markets making the competition tougher
and pushing the education sectors to produce competent graduates who possess skills needed to actively contribute
to this knowledge-based society. The need to develop these skills gave rise to 21st century learning which refers to a
pedagogical concept that emphasizes skills and knowledge needed by learners in order to succeed in work, life, and
citizenship (The Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2015). On top of improving these skills, the ASEAN education
ministers also declared the importance of English language training in narrowing development gaps (8th ASEAN
Education Ministers Meeting, 2014). Locally, it has been observed that a 10-year basic education curriculum remains
to be congested and that students could not legally enter into contracts for employment and entrepreneurship when
they finish high school (Calderon, 2014). It was also observed that students lack maturity and competencies in
various subject areas when they graduate from high school. In fact, data shows that the score of basic education
students in the Philippines in the national achievement tests (NATs) across subjects remained to be way below the
75-percent target of the Department of Education (Department of Education, 2013; UNESCO, 2015).
These recent developments in the region and the need to develop ICT-literate individuals have prompted
the Philippine government to push for a new basic education curriculum which seeks to provide a quality 12-year
basic education program for Filipino students. One major feature of this curriculum reform is the integration of 21st
century learning framework in order to help students succeed in the 21st century milieu (DepEd Order No. 55, 2015;
SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012). The K to 12 curriculum lengthens schooling by adding a two-year senior high school
that offers technical and vocation courses. However, this education reform should not only focus on preparing
students for competitive employment and entrepreneurship, narrowing development gaps, addressing the crowded
curriculum, and integrating ICT. Equally important is transforming them into socially critical and productive citizens
and equipping them with skills necessary for resisting the exploitative and oppressive features of globalization that
benefits only the global elite (Jackson, 2014). Along with these developments is the curriculum review and
enhancement of the English curriculum in order to gain the lead in producing a pool of talents who have an adequate

command of the English language. However, some textbook writers and classroom teachers reported that they
struggle in implementing K -12 English curriculum for various reasons (Pazzibugan, 2013; Valerio, 2015). For
instance, teachers reported that they were confused on re-planning their lessons due to the changes in the
curriculum (Valerio, 2015). Regarding textbook writing, some authors reported some difficulties in aligning the
suggested competencies per week into one consolidated and unified lesson. One reason for these challenges is the
lack of clarity and specificity of the curriculum. Before teachers can effectively implement a curriculum, they must fully
understand its basic concepts and implications for classroom practice (Carless, 1998; Rahman, 2014; Smit, 2005) as
well as the pedagogical principles it advocates (Wang, 2008). Thus, there is a necessity to make the new English
curriculum clear, specific, coherent, and aligned to the established pedagogical principles such as 21st century
learning. Note, however, that education is a complex system embedded in a cultural, economic, and political context.
Although clarity, specificity, coherence, and alignment of curriculum to 21st century learning and language learning
principles are crucial ingredients for a successful implementation of a curriculum, they may not be sufficient
conditions to advance language education. Other factors that must be considered include the overall wellness of
learners, safe and healthy learning environment, pedagogical processes that facilitate learning (UNICEF, 2000),
facilities (Chun, Kern, & Smith, 2016), roles and tasks of teachers (Kubanyiova & Crookes, 2016), implicit language
practices, and level of how the curriculum is understood, valued, and implemented (Wiley & Garcia, 2016). In short,
these scholars point out the relevance of quality of learners, learning environment, content, and processes as well as
the socio-political, cultural and historical contexts in the successful implementation of any curricula.
The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to analyze the Philippine K to 12 English Curriculum from 21st
century learning perspective. The first section briefly describes the current English curriculum in the Philippines. The
subsequent section describes 21st century learning in both general and ELT-related terms. The discussion then
reviews the specificity and coherence (i.e., sensible connection or coordination between and among different
components (Newmann, Smith, Allensworth & Bryk, 2001; Schmidt, Wang,& McKnight, 2005) of the new English
curriculum, how it is consistent with the principles espoused by 21st century learning, and how it is aligned to
established language teaching and learning principles. The paper concludes with the possible challenges in
implementing the curriculum, suggestions for future design and implementation, and implications for future studies.

Linguistic Context in the Philippines

The Philippines is a country of linguistic diversity with more than 100 languages (Galang, 2000). Before
English language conquered the Philippines, no one language was spoken by majority of the Filipinos and none was
a good choice as the national language (Kirkpatrick, 2010). Thus, English was chosen as a medium of instruction and
a dominant language of government, media, and business (McFarland, 2008). This influence of English was further
strengthened by globalization as it compels the Philippine government and businesses to adopt English as a
language of trade. As a result, the government adopted policies to ensure that Filipino students develop adequate
proficiency in the English language. One of these was the 1974 Bilingual Education Policy (BEP) which aims to use
English language as the medium of instruction in science and mathematics. The BEP was reaffirmed in 1987 as set
forth in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. However, recent research (e.g., Dekker & Young, 2005; Nolasco, Datar, &
Azurin, 2010) showed that Filipino pupils learn best through their mother tongues. These studies prompted the
Philippine government to institutionalize the Mother-tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) in 2009 through
DepEd Order No. 74. MTBMLE refers to a formal and non-formal education in which first language is used as a
medium of instruction and as a subject from Grades 1 to 3 (DepEd Order 31, s. 2012). This policy banks on the idea
that learners’ multilinguality can be developed by introducing multilingual education in the primary grades (Vez, 2009)
and adopting a multilingual language education policy (Dekker & Young, 2005; Hornberger, 2009). It is also based on
the belief that multilingual development is facilitated when learners use their linguistic resources in social contexts
(Cenoz & Gorter, 2011; Kramsch, 2006), practice multimodal communication (Kalantzis & Cope, 2007; Shohamy,
2006), code-switch (Ferguson, 2009; Lin,2008), and use multilingual communication in various societal domains
(Hornberger, 2009).
K to 12 English curriculum in the Philippines The K to 12 English Curriculum (also known as the Language
Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum or LAMC) was developed as a response to the poor performance of students in
NAT across subjects. It is founded on the belief that language, thinking, and learning are interrelated and that
language is the foundation of all human relations. Its overarching goal is to develop communicatively competent and

multiliterate learners who are competitive in this global economy (Department of Education, 2016). Compared to
previous English curricula, the LAMC is decongested because students no longer cram the minimum learning
competencies and standards in ten years; rather, they are covered in 12 years. In short, students cover fewer
learning competencies per year in a 12-year basic education curriculum. Meanwhile, more advanced English
subjects are offered as core subjects (i.e., Reading and Writing and Oral Communication) and applied track subjects
(i.e., English for Academic and Professional Purposes) in the senior high school. This curriculum also introduced
some pedagogical innovations (SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012). First, it adopted the MTBMLE from grades 1 to 3. This
means that different subject matters (except in English and Filipino subjects) are taught in the L1 for concept mastery
until grade 3. From grade 4 to senior high school, English remains to be the medium of instruction. The
implementation of this policy is based on the assumption that using mother tongue during primary education
facilitates learning (DepEd Order 74 s., 2009; Tupas, 2015). Tupas (2015) further explains that the rise of MTBMLE
can be attributed to the following factors: (a) recognition of minority language human rights accompanied by
mobilization of cultural minorities in other countries, (b) maintenance of minority languages, and (c) dismantling the
hegemony of the national language as a de facto medium of instruction. In political contexts of education, MTBMLE
helps in educating various linguistic minority groups and promoting mother tongue in mainstream and non-
mainstream education (Tupas, 2015). The significant role of mother tongue also extends to other areas of
development such as promoting gender equality, alleviating poverty, reducing child mortality, and promoting health
(UNESCO, 2012). Second, the time allotment for English subjects both in elementary and junior high school levels
was reduced. From five hours per week at the secondary level, the time allotted to English subjects was down to four
hours a week. At the elementary level, the reduction was from 60-90 minutes to 30-50 minutes per session. The drop
in the total number of hours was part of the effort to promote mother-tongue education and to lengthen the contact
hours for other learning areas such as home economics and livelihood education. Third, the LAMC uses a different
assessment scheme. Instead of using NAT for both elementary and high school levels, end-of-grade 6, 10 and 12
assessments were adopted.

Jessie S. Barrot (2018): English Curriculum Reform in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges from a 21st Century
Learning Perspective, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2018.1528547 To link to
this article:


NEW VOCABULARY (New words I learned in the article.)


WHAT’S INSIDE THE ARTICLES? Write a summary about what you have read in this chapter.


A BRIEF REFLECTION: Write a brief reflection about what you have learned and realized after
reading the materials.

ESL and Bilingual Methods of Teaching Children

Excerpt from English Language Teaching: The Bilingual Method by V. Satya Sri Durga
Journal for Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Teaching


English is considered global language as it has spread widely in the present scientific and technological
world since we are living in the globalised society or global village. During and after the British rule, English has been
officially used in Indian government administration and other systems. According to The Indian Constitution, English
is an associate official language. English is the common language for communication as there are many regional
languages in India. It is the link language and window to the world. People understand the advantages and the
importance of English language which is the medium of instruction in educational institutions, and government and
private offices. In India almost all the people can understand English and educated Indians are good at English
language skills-LSRW (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Bilingual Method

Prof. C.J. Dodson Wales (1967) developed the bilingual method of foreign language teaching, as a
counterpart of the audio-visual method and he set out to make improvements to the audio-visual method. In this
method, there are two revolutionary principles based on the results of scientifically controlled experiments in primary
and secondary schools. This method allows the teacher and pupils to use two languages; one is the target language
to be learnt and the other Principles of the Bilingual Method.

• Pupils can understand the words and sentences in foreign languages easier by the use of mother tongue.

• In the classroom the teacher doesn’t need to create any artificial situations while teaching or explaining the

meaning of words and sentences of the target language.

• Bilingual method is the combination of the Direct method and the Grammar translation method.


• This method emphasizes on speech practice and provides greater practice in speaking English

• It suits both rural and urban schools and makes use of linguistic habits formed during learning mother-


• It makes Pupil learn two languages at a time and saves time, energy and labour of the teacher.

• It facilitates even an average teacher of English to teach the lesson successfully.

• It does not require any teaching aids and is suitable to all kinds of students.


• This method is still in an experimental stage and ignores other aspects like reading, writing.

• It neglects systematic teaching of grammar and makes students passive listeners.

• It makes pupils unable to think freely and they become dependent on their mother tongue.

• It is sometimes rather impossible to provide a correct mother-tongue equivalent.

• A contrast between the features of the two languages is likely to confuse students.

Source: V. Satya Sri Durga – Teacher, Bhashyam High School, Hyderabad, India

Excerpt from Child Language Acquisition Focusing On Bilingualism

By Gwynedd Nora Owen, Chong Seng Tong, Ng Yu Jin, Mohd Ariff Ahmad Tarmizi
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Putrajaya Campus, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

Child Language Acquisition Focusing On Bilingualism


Language acquisition is an amazing process which had always intrigued everyone. Children at a very young
age have been able to learn words and then turn them into meaningful sentences. Linguists, of course have been
fascinated by this extraordinary feat of a child to have acquired such complex structures of a language. To explain
child language acquisition, three theories have emerged. They are the behaviourist theory, the innatist or cognitivist
(here-on-after will be referred to as the innatist theory) and the Interactionist Theory. Out of these three theories, the
innatist theory is the most widely supported and is the most logical in explaining the acquisition of the complexity of a
language. This research therefore aims to determine if the language acquisition process of a bilingual child
corresponds with the innatist theories of child language acquisition.


Skinner, a psychologist, was the first to aggressively put forth a theory of language acquisition back in 1957.
Through his book “Classic Behaviour” he posited that humans are born with only blank slates and thus have no

internal processing whatsoever when it comes to language (cited in Brown 2000:22). Language learning is therefore
the result of imitation, practice, feedback on success, and habit formation (Lightbown & Spada 1999:9). Humans are
stimulated to acquire language by the use of rewards. This theory however, had been widely criticized as research
have found that the rate of imitation in a child is usually less than 10% and that children do not imitate everything they
hear (Lightbown & Spada 1999:11). Ervin (cited in Predestinate Grooves:74) in her study also found that children
produced imitations which were less complex than their spontaneous sentences. In short, the behaviourist theory
has failed to explain how novel utterances came about and why children continue to develop complex
language structures despite their already having been met and that “ language develops long before children
need to communicate in order to survive ” (cited in Predestinate Grooves:67). Lenneberg, in his innatist theory
opined that language is species specific where only humans have a complex structure of symbols called language
(cited in Brown 2000:24). Chomsky, the most progressive proponent of the innatist theory (cited in Brown 2000:24)
similarly claimed back in 1965 that language is an innate skill where children are born biologically programmed for
language. According to him, children have a special biological ability to discover linguistic rules of a language system.
He called this innate skill, the “ lit tl e black box ” as the Language Acquisition Device or in short, the LAD. McNeill
(cited in Brown 2000:24) listed four innate linguistic properties of LAD which are the ability to distinguish speech
sounds from other sounds in the environment, the ability to organize linguistic data into classes, the knowledge of
which linguistic systems are possible and the ability to evaluate the linguistic input to come up with the simplest
possible linguistic system. Chomsky (cited in Lightbown & Spada 1999:16) later called this innate skill Universal
Grammar implying that all children are endowed with a set of linguistic principles that apply to all languages around
the world, thus the name “ un ive rsal ”. He further claimed that children are born pre-wired with a number of possible
options of language to use and once exposed to limited specimen of the language, they automatically know how that
language works-they are “ sw itched on ” to that language (cited in A Blueprint In The Brain:103). The beginning of
true language is said to emerge when children produce 2-word utterances (cited in Predestinate Grooves:68). Braine
in 1963 (cited in Chattering Children:115) analyzed 2-word utterances of three 2-year old children and found that
there is a pattern which the children adhere to when coming up with 2-word utterances. From his findings, he
developed the principle of “ p ivo t grammar ” where one word would come from the pivot class and the other from the
open class. Words in the pivot class are not many but occur frequently and they are words such as MORE, THIS and
NO. The open class words occur less frequently but the quantity is significantly higher than the pivot class. Words in
the open class are usually nouns such as MILK, SHOE and BUNNY. However, this principle was abandoned when it
was uncovered that not all children follow this pattern as two open class words can actually occur in one utterance.
His finding however, was a good start to proving that grammar is universal. Another person who did a study on 2-
word utterances was Bloom who in 1970 (cited in Chattering Children:117) found that 2-word utterances are actually
structured and rule-governed. She discovered that whenever a child expresses relationships of locations, possession
and subject-order, it does it in the same way as adults would where an object or subject is uttered first before the
location while the possessor is placed before the possession. This signified that a child knows that a language has
patterns which are regular. Another finding from studies of 2-word utterances was that there exists “ min im al two -
term relations hips ” where children express semantic meanings in a similar fashion of word order. The most referred
list was that of Brown’s (cited in Chattering Children:120). An important aspect to point out about the innatist theory is
that it is believed that a child’s language is systematic where the child is constantly forming hypotheses, tests them
and then revises, reshapes or abandons them. If a hypothesis is retained, the hypothesis is then internalized by the
child. If a hypothesis is inadequate, they formulate a new hypothesis until they have come up with a set of linguistic
principles that can cater for all possible sequences of the language they are acquiring (cited in A Blueprint In The
Brain:93). This process of hypotheses testing continues as language is being acquired. The child’s utterances while
going through the hypotheses testing process are called “ g ro ping patterns ” (Braine cited in Chattering

Children:119). The third theory, the interactionist theory opines that language acquisition is a product of complex
interaction of the child’s linguistic environment and the child’s internal mechanism (Lightbown & Spada 1999:22).
Thus, modified verbal language, also called “ mothe rese ” is deemed to be crucial in language acquisition. This
theory however, is contradicted as research have found that children who are not exposed to “ mo the rese ” still
develop language eventually with little variation in speed and sequence as was found in a town called Tracton where
children of a working-class black community still acquire language efficiently even though interaction with adults is
rarely existent (cited in Puzzling It Out:151). As mentioned earlier in the introductory section, out of these three
theories, the innatist theory is the most plausible to explain the acquisition of complex grammar in a child (Lightbown
& Spada 1999:26). This theory is further supported by Crain and Thornton (1999:9) where they have identified three
hallmarks to prove innateness. Firstly, children adhere to linguistic principles which have no corresponding evidence
in the environment. Children utter “ g o ed ” and “ com e d ” often when no adults have ever uttered these words in
their environment. This lack of corresponding evidence is called “ n eg ative evidence ” and sometimes also called “ t
h e poverty of stimulus ” (Crain & Thronton 1999:19-20). The second hallmark is that linguistic principles are
universal, manifested by all children learning language. Thus, there has been little variation in the acquisition
sequence of children across languages. How could this be if not for innateness? Finally, the third hallmark is that the
highly complex linguistic principles appear early in a child’s life. It is impossible for a child to have “ le a rnt ” such
complex structures from the environment so early in its life. Thus, a child must have an innate language capability. In
studying the innateness of language acquisition, Crain and Thornton opined that a child is a good testing ground for
proving innateness. This is because the early emergence of linguistic principles in the language spoken by the child
proves innateness (Crain & Thornton 1999:10). As an expansion of this opinion, a bilingual child is also a good
testing ground for proving innateness as evidence have shown that when “ simulta neous bilinguals ” are in contact
with both languages in their environment, they will still progress in the same rate and manner as if they were
monolinguals (Lightbown & Spada 1999:3). Simultaneous bilinguals are those who are exposed to both languages
since birth, similar to compound bilinguals who are those who use both languages at the same time while a
coordinate bilingual is someone who uses different languages at different times for different purposes. Therefore, to
find universal language principles, one should study the speech patterns of simultaneous and compound bilinguals.
In studying bilingualism, it is imperative to know the two theories that are frequently used to explain the systems of
thought of a bilingual. The first is the Sapir-Whorfian theory of linguistic relativity where language shapes thought
(Kramsch 1998:11). Therefore a bilingual child is expected to have two systems of thought (cited from lecture notes).
The second theory is the Vygotsky’s theory of cultural relativity where language is deemed as a tool to transmit
culture and knowledge (cited from lecture note). Thus, a bilingual child is expected to use different languages for
different purposes, depending on the language that was used to transmit certain cultures. One example is if the
English language is frequently used by a mother to reprimand a child, the child would tend to use English when
speaking in a stern fashion to his friends. Other researches on bilingualism have shown that children use language
as an interdependent system where knowledge that is acquired in one language readily transfers to the other (cited
from lecture note).


The analyses and discussions of the utterances of the child had brought about conclusive evidence to
support the theory that there is Universal Grammar and that a child’s language acquisition is an innate skill. It is
highly apparent from the data analyses that the child’s language acquisition process is only minimally dependent on
imitation. In the instances that did show a certain extent of imitations, these imitations however adhere to the basic
phrase structures posited by Chomsky in almost all his utterances. Those utterances which did not adhere to these
structures however were due to reasons that were existent in the groping patterns of other children around the world,

displaying uniformity in child language acquisition. This ability to conform to the phrase structures proves that
children know the linguistic principles underlying the language they are acquiring. Chomsky (cited in a Blueprint In
The Brain) in explaining this fact had this to say, “ some general principle of language determines which phrases can
be questioned”. The novel utterances of the child using both L1 and L2 proved that there is a poverty of stimulus or
negative evidence in his environment for him to have been able to grasp the complex linguistic principles of
language. This confirms Crain and Thornton’s argument that knowledge of the complex language systems could not
have been learnt on the basis of the primary linguistic data and thus all speakers have some innate knowledge of
their language (1999:19). The groping patterns of the child confirmed that he is in a constant mode of hypotheses
testing, modifying, retesting and then retaining the hypotheses. When the hypotheses proved insufficient to cover all
possible sequences of his language, he then abandoned the hypotheses. In addition, his groping patterns were
similar to that of other children his age as demonstrated by the fact that he follows the same phonological and
grammatical sequences in developing a complete set of rules for his language. The child used the same universal
linguistic principles posited in the innatist theory. According to Chomsky (cited in A Blueprint In The Brain:93) it is
these rules that enable children to come up with novel utterances instead of repetitions of their utterances. These are
strong evidence that mere imitation and practice do not explain the complexity of language acquisition process. On
the contrary, these are proof that there is such a thing called Universal Grammar and that child language acquisition
is, in fact, an innate skill, a part of human’s genetic endowment. In doing the research, one apparent advantage was
that the researcher’s L1 is Malay which is also the L1 of the child. Therefore, the researcher was able to understand
the child’s utterances when he included morphemes from the L1. This made the data analyses more possible
especially in determining the semantics underlying each utterance. However, the limitation factor involved in this
research was the short duration of time to elicit data. Therefore one aspect that can be looked into in further research
is the developmental sequence of the child over a longer period time. This can be done by conducting a longitudinal
study on the child’s speech patterns to unearth more evidence of developmental sequence of the child that is
consistent with that of other children. This method of research can, for example find out if the child will eventually be
able to produce fricative sounds, whether the child will finally grasp the concept of specific dimensions by a proper
understanding of the definite article “the” which he had abandoned as of the time this study was conducted and
whether the child will know that it is not a rule for events to be stated in order of occurrence. These findings can
additionally support the current body of evidence that the language acquisition skill of a child is innate.


NEW VOCABULARY (New words I learned in the article.)


WHAT’S INSIDE THE ARTICLES? Write a summary about what you have read in this chapter.


A BRIEF REFLECTION: Write a brief reflection about what you have learned and realized after
reading the materials.



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