CBSE Class 6

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Class-6th, sub-science

Chapter-components of food

Q1) what are nutrients?

Ans1-nutrients are the substances that an organism needs for growth, repair and maintenance of its body.

Q2) Name the various nutrients needed by human body.

Ans2-carbohydrates,fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Q3) Apart from these nutrients , what are the other components of food?

Ans3- roughage and water.

Q4) What are energy giving foods? give 2 examples.

Ans4-carbohydrates and fats on digestion releases energy. Example- sugarcane, potato ,

Rice, sweet potato, wheat, maize, banana, papaya etc.

Q5)Which chemical reagent will we use to test the following food items: bread, pea nuts, soyabean, paneer, banana,
boiled rice,pulse, potato.

1. Bread ,banana, boiled rice Contain starch: Iodine solution is need


2. Soyabean, paneer Are rich in protein:can be tested using caustic soda and copper

3. Pea nuts Rich in fats: only a paper is needed

Q6)What are body building food? Give example.

Ans6-protein are body building food.These are necessary for the growth and repair of body that is why growing children,
pregnant women and people recovering from illness need more protein in their diet.

Q7)Name 2 sources of plant proteins and animal proteins.

Ans7-a)plant protein-beans, pulses, cereals

b)animals protein-meat ,fish, eggs

Q8)What is the function of fats in our body?name any three sources of fats?

Ans8-fats give more energy than carbohydrates, however it is difficult for the body to digest fats and excess of fat get
stored in body.milk, ghee, butter, cream, meat.

Q9)What are vitamins?

Ans9-vitamins are essential nutrients required in small quantities for normal growth,good vision, healthy teeth, gums,
bones, and overall good health.

Q10)Name 4 important vitamins required for overall good health.

Ans10-vitamin A ,vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D.

Q11)Mention the source and functions of the following vitamins.

vitamin sources functions

A Green leafy vegetables ,yellow fruits,fish Maintains healthy eye sight,skin and proper growth

B Whole grain cereals pulses,nuts,green Help in proper functioning of digestive system for good
vegetables, milk, cheese, fish, eggs skin, formation of healthy blood and proper growth of

C Amla, citrus fruits, green vegetables For keeping teeth,gums,and joints increases the
resistance of body to infection fight diseases.

D Milk, egg yolk, fish, butter, when skin is Essential for normal growth of bones and teeth.
exposed to sunlight ,vitamin D is
Q12)Why do we need to include minerals in our food?

Ans12-minerals are nutrients required by our body for its proper functioning normal growth and good health.

Q13)Mention the sources and functions of following minerals


minerals sources functions

iron Green leafy veegtables ,jaggery, egg Essential for formation of hemoglobin in R.B.C.
yolk, groundnut, cereals
Calcium Milk, cheese, cereals, meat Essential for healthy bones and teeth ,clotting of blood

iodine Iodised salt, seafood, green For proper functioning of thyroid gland.
Q14)Define roughage.

Ans14-The fibrous indigestible material present in our food .

Q15)Why is roughage considered to be an important component of our food?name 3 important sources of roughage.

Ans15-i)roughage adds bulk to the food ,prevents constipation.

ii)it can absorb a great amount of water and helps retain water in our body.

SOURCES-unpeeled fruits (like apple,pear), porridge(dalia),salads

Q16)What is meant by dehydration? How is it caused?

Ans16-excessive loss of water from the tissues of our body is called occurs when water intake is less than
water loss from the body.

Q17)What is a balanced diet?

Ans17-The diet that contains adequate amount of all the essential nutrients, roughage and water sufficient for

The normal growth and development of the body.

Q18)State two beneficial effects of cooking food.

Ans18-i)cooking improves the taste of food material.

ii)cooking makes the food digestible.

iii)cooking kills the harmful micro-organisms.

Q19)Name two cooking practices that lead to the loss of nutrients in food materials.

Ans19-If cooking is done in excess of water and the water is thrown away after cooking, many water soluble vitamins and
minerals are lost.

If cooking is done at high temperature, many proteins and vitamins are destroyed. For example vitamin C.

Q20)What is obesity? What are the causes of obesity?

Ans20-overeating of fat rich food leads to an overweight condition called obesity.

Due to lack of physical activity, fats get accumulated in the body and causes obesity.

Q21)Mention some of the methods for maintaining good health.

Ans21-1) always take fresh and clean food.

2.)avoid food that is too oily or spicy.

3.)avoid junk food.

4.)eat lots of fruits and green vegetables.

5.)drink plenty of water.

6.)do regular physical exercises.

Q22)Who needs more proteins in his or her diet in relation to body weight: a growing child or grown up man? Why?

Ans22-A growing child needs more proteins than a grown up man because child needs proteins for development bone
,muscles of his body.

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