Iso 10523 2008
Iso 10523 2008
Iso 10523 2008
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 10523:2008(E)
© ISO 2008
ISO 10523:2008(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle ................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Interferences ......................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Reagents ................................................................................................................................................ 3
7 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................................. 3
8 Sampling ................................................................................................................................................ 4
9 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 5
9.1 Preparation ............................................................................................................................................ 5
9.2 Calibration and adjustment of the measuring equipment ................................................................ 5
Measurement of the samples .............................................................................................................. 6
10 (
Expression of results ........................................................................................................................... 6
11 Test report ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Annex A (informative) pH values of primary 10523:2008
reference solutions................................................. 7
Annex B (informative) Operative measurements in flow systems ................................................................ 8
Annex C (informative) Field measurement (on-site measurement) ............................................................ 10
Annex D (informative) Measurements of the pH value in water with low ionic strength .......................... 11
Annex E (informative) Performance data ....................................................................................................... 12
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10523 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 2, Physical,
chemical and biochemical methods.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10523:1994), which has been technically
revised. (
ISO 10523:2008
The measurement of the pH value of water is of great importance for many types of sample. High and low pH
values are toxic for aquatic organisms, either directly or indirectly. The pH value is the most useful parameter
in assessing the corrosive properties of an aquatic environment. Also, it is important for the effective operation
of water treatment processes and their control (e.g. flocculation and chlorine disinfection), control of
plumbosolvency of drinking waters and biological treatment of sewage and sewage discharges.
The electrometric methods addressed in this International Standard are based on measuring the potential
difference of an electrochemical cell where one of the two half-cells is a measuring electrode and the other is
a reference electrode. The potential of the measuring electrode is a function of the hydrogen ion activity of the
measuring solution (Reference [5]).
In view of its great practical importance, universality and exactitude, only measuring using the pH glass
electrode is described in this International Standard.
In the reference electrode, electrolytes applied can be in liquid, polymer or gel form.
WARNING — Persons using this International Standard should be familiar with normal laboratory
practice. This International Standard does not purport to address any safety problems associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to
ensure compliance with any national regulatory conditions.
IMPORTANT — It is absolutely essential that tests conducted according to this International Standard
be carried out by suitably trained staff.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for determining the pH value in rain, drinking and mineral
waters, bathing waters, surface and ground waters, as well as municipal and industrial waste waters, and
liquid sludge, within the range pH 2 to pH 12 with an ionic strength below I = 0,3 mol/kg (conductivity:
γ25 °C < 2 000 mS/m) solvent and in the temperature range 0 °C to 50 °C.
ISO 5667-3, Water quality — Sampling — Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water
measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in solution
NOTE 2 Whether a reaction is acid or alkaline is determined by the activity of the hydrogen ions present.
pH value
logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the molar hydrogen-ion activity (aH) multiplied by −1
NOTE 3 The pH(PS) (PS = primary standard) as a measure of single ion activity is not measurable. Therefore, the
pH(PS) of solutions of primary reference materials is established, in order to calculate it as closely as possible and enable
it to be traced back. This is achieved by using an electrochemical measuring procedure that rests upon the stringent
thermodynamic dependency of the potential of the platinum/hydrogen electrode of the activity of the hydrogen ions and
excludes diffusion current by using cells without transfer.
4 Principle
The determination of the pH value is based on measuring the potential difference of an electrochemical cell
using a suitable pH meter.
The pH of a sample also depends on the temperature because of dissociation equilibrium. Therefore, the
temperature of the sample is always stated together with the pH measurement.
5 Interferences
Deviations in the measurements are caused by additional ISO 10523:2008
voltages in the pH electrode, especially in the
membrane, the diaphragm, and the measuring solution, and result in incorrect measurements. These
deviations are lowest if both calibration/adjustment9e37e55fd7cb/iso-10523-2008
and measurement are carried out under similar conditions
(e.g. temperature, flow characteristics, ionic strength).
Ageing and sedimentations (coatings) on the membrane (e.g. calcium carbonate, hydroxides of metals, oil,
grease) of the measuring electrode induce an apparent decrease of the slope of the pH electrode, long
response times or the occurrence of cross-sensibilities against anions and cations.
Sedimentations (coatings) or precipitations on or in the diaphragm (e.g. silver chloride, silver sulfide and
proteins) interfere with the electrical contact to the measuring solution. Defects in the diaphragm can be
identified by measuring the dilution effect of the measuring solutions.
If reactions between the electrolyte and the measuring solution result in precipitations in the diaphragm,
establish an internal electrolyte bridge (e.g. KCl/KCl + AgCl) or an electrolyte bridge with inert electrolytes (e.g.
potassium nitrate, c(KNO3) = 0,1 mol/l) between the sample solution and the reference electrolyte.
Especially in waters with low conductivity, high diffusion voltages may occur. Stirring effects and memory
effects (back-diffusion of the measuring solution into the reference electrode) can cause deviations in the
measurements. Special pH electrodes (e.g. with a ground diaphragm or with an internal bridge with an AgCl-
free solution of reference electrolytes) shall then be used.
In waters with low buffering capacity, the pH value may change very easily (e.g. by introduction or loss of
carbon dioxide from the air or absorption of alkaline substances from glass vessels). In these cases, it is
recommended to use suitable materials and to carry out the measurements in a closed flow system.
The release of gases in the vicinity of the pH electrode can cause additional interferences and, thus, a change
of the pH value.
In suspensions, deviations in the measurements may occur. In this case, let the sample settle in a completely
filled and closed vessel and subsequently measure in the clear supernatant.
Deviations in the measurements may occur when measuring ground waters or mineral waters rich in carbon
dioxide. In these cases saturation with carbon dioxide under high pressure and degassing may occur during
the measurement and cause changes of the original pH value. The pH value in anaerobic water containing
Fe(II) and/or sulfide also changes in contact with air.
For the influence of temperature on the pH value of aqueous solutions, see 7.2, 7.3 and Clause 9.
6 Reagents
Use only reagents of recognized analytical grade, unless otherwise specified.
6.1 Distilled or deionized water, e.g. deionized water as specified in ISO 3696, grade 2, conductivity
< 0,1 mS/m.
6.2 Buffer solutions, preferably certified buffers with stated measurement inaccuracy for calibrating pH
meters. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding storage and stability.
If certified buffers are not available and it is necessary to prepare buffer solutions in-house, see Annex A. The
in-house preparation of buffer solutions should be the exception.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide influences buffer solutions, especially those of alkaline pH. Purging the gas in the
headspace with protective gas improves stability. For all buffer solutions, avoid frequent opening and closing
of the vessels and removal of small amounts. Mark the time of the first opening on the reagent bottle.
Potassium chloride solution, c(KCl) = 3 mol/l. To prepare the KCl solution as electrolyte for reference
electrodes, use a suitable amount of solid potassium chloride and dissolve it in water (6.1).
ISO 10523:2008
7 Apparatus
7.1 Sampling bottle, sealable, flat-bottomed, made of polyethylene or glass, e.g. laboratory bottle as
specified in ISO 4796-2, designation 100 WS. The type of stopper used shall allow the exclusion of all air from
the sample bottle.
7.2 Temperature measurement device, capable of measurement with a total uncertainty not greater than
0,5 °C. The temperature sensor (7.2.2) is preferred.
7.2.2 Temperature sensor, separate or integrated into the pH electrode, e.g. Pt 100, Pt 1 000 or negative
temperature coefficient.
Temperature measurement deviations due to the device shall be corrected against a calibrated thermometer.
Moreover, it shall be possible to change the display of the pH meter to give readings of either the pH value or
the voltage.
The resolution of the pH value reading on the pH meter shall be 0,01 or better.
Whether the pH meter is provided with a manual or an automatic routine calibration is not a limiting
characteristic within the scope of this International Standard.
NOTE The temperature compensation carried out by commercially available pH meters is based on the Nernst
equation; i.e. it is dependent on temperature, and the corresponding theoretical slope of the electrodes is taken into
account in the indication of the pH value. This does not, however, compensate for the temperature dependence on the pH
value of the measuring solution.
7.4 Glass electrode and reference electrode. The chain zero-point of glass electrodes should not deviate
by more than ∆ pH = 0,5 (manufacturer's declared value) from the nominal pH electrode value. The value of
the practical slope shall be at least 95 % of the theoretical slope.
Use electrodes with electrolyte solutions and a flow rate of 0,1 ml/day to 2 ml/day as reference electrodes.
For reference electrodes with an electrolyte solution, ensure that an excess hydrostatic pressure is generated
by setting the filling level of the electrolyte in the reference electrode to be higher than that of the buffer
solution or the measuring solution, as appropriate. It is also possible to use pressurized reference electrodes.
In limited applications, reference electrodes with a solidified electrolyte (electrolyte gel or a polymerizate of an
electrolyte) may also be used.
For samples with low conductivity, electrodes with high electrolyte discharge should be used. If the
conductivity is > 30 mS/m, it is also possible to use an electrolyte gel or polymerizate in the reference
electrodes. In general, ensure that for electrolyte gels or polymerizates, the exchange within the diaphragm is
not be caused by the discharge of the electrolyte, but by diffusion of the ions involved.
When filling the sampling bottle, avoid gas exchange, e.g. release of carbon dioxide, between the sample and
the ambient air.
Fill the bottle completely and stopper it, bubble-free, e.g. with a solid stopper.
Samples should be kept cool (2 °C to 8 °C) and in the dark during transport and storage (ISO 5667-3).
The sampling bottle is preferably filled by flushing to overflowing from a water sampler via a flexible tube
extending to the bottom of the bottle.
In the laboratory, measure the pH value as soon as possible. When the samples are measured in the
laboratory, check possible influences of transport and storage on the pH value of the samples to be analysed.
Pay special attention to sampling strategies for certain types of water matrices (see ISO 5667-3).
Usually, sampling and transport are the major factors of uncertainty when measuring the pH value in the
laboratory. Therefore, the results of on-site measurements often show lower measurement uncertainty.
9 Procedure
9.1 Preparation
Follow the manufacturer's instructions when operating the pH electrode. Ensure the functionality of the pH
electrode by periodic maintenance and testing (9.2).
Prepare the calibration buffer solutions. For devices with automatic buffer identification, follow the
manufacturer's calibration instructions.
Choose the buffer solutions so that the expected measurement of the sample lies between the values of the
two buffers.
When using a pH electrode without an internal temperature sensor, immerse a temperature sensor in the test
For measurement, prepare the glass and either the reference electrode or the mono-rod pH electrode,
following the manufacturer's instructions.
Turn on the measuring device; for devices with automatic buffer identification, activate the stored data of the
buffer solutions prepared for calibration.
Calibrate the pH electrode at two points using buffer solutions of the expected range of pH values (two-point
calibration), following the manufacturer's instructions. Afterwards, adjust the devices manually, based on the
data determined. For automatic measuring devices, ensure that the prepared buffer solutions correspond to
the data of the buffer solutions stored in the software of the measuring device.
Immerse the pH electrode and the temperature sensor in the first buffer, usually the one at pH 7, which is
used for adjusting the zero point. Subsequently stir to avoid the enrichment of potassium chloride caused by
leaking reference electrolytes near the glass electrode.
Turn off the stirrer and start the calibration procedure on the measuring device.
Automatic devices independently identify the stability of the measurement, store this value and adjust the zero
When using devices with manual adjustment, initially adjust the zero point at pH 7, unless otherwise specified
in the manufacturer's instructions.
Thoroughly rinse the pH electrode and the temperature sensor before, between, and after the measurements
using water (6.1).
Immerse the pH electrode in the second buffer solution and stir. Turn off the stirrer and start the calibration
procedure for the second buffer on the measuring device. Automatic devices independently identify the
stability of the measurement, store this value, and adjust the slope. For devices with manual adjustment,
adjust the slope so that the pH value of the second buffer is reached.