PPP - Reading B - Test 3 Question Paper
PPP - Reading B - Test 3 Question Paper
PPP - Reading B - Test 3 Question Paper
Reading B13
The aim of the surgical hand scrub is to remove transient micro-organisms from the nails,
hands and forearms, thereby reducing the residual microbial count. All personnel, in
anticipation of gowning and gloving for surgery or invasive procedures requiring surgical
asepsis, must perform a surgical hand scrub according to regulations set out by the Infection
Control Committee. Surgical attire must be worn during the hand scrub where required, and
an effective antimicrobial surgical scrub solution or agent is to be used. A revised optimal
surgical hand scrub time of 3 minutes has been introduced based on published research by
both the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) and the Centre for Disease
Control (CDC). Although the protocol is otherwise unchanged, this effectively reduces the
time needed by two minutes across all specialties including orthopaedics.
Reading B14
15. The extract from the policy document about high-alert medication sets out
16. The extract from the guidelines about searches informs us that
A these can only be carried out with the patient’s consent.
B any dangerous items found must be confiscated immediately.
C the main purpose is to protect both staff and patients from harm.
Criteria for searches in an inpatient unit (section 354.1 of the Mental Health Act)
Patient searches are part of a health response, not a security response. Where
consideration is given to conducting an inpatient search, this will be a planned, nurse-led
initiative. As the safety of patients, visitors and staff of mental-health services is paramount,
patients should not have access to items that are in any way dangerous, or which may lead
to them harming themselves or others. Searching a patient or their belongings may be
required to ensure this. Since searches are intrusive and may impinge upon patients’ rights,
every effort should be made to defuse situations in which searches are made against the
patient’s wishes.
Reading B17
17. This extract from the policy document aims to ensure that
18. What do the guidelines say about the handover of paediatric patients?
A This should take place at the bedside.
B Parents need to be involved or fully informed.
C Notes may be made in either electronic or handwritten form.