Modernization of The Control System of The Abrasive Stone Cutting Machine With A Reinforced Rope
Modernization of The Control System of The Abrasive Stone Cutting Machine With A Reinforced Rope
Modernization of The Control System of The Abrasive Stone Cutting Machine With A Reinforced Rope
7 Issue 2
Abstract— The object of development is an automated control system for an optical grinding machine. The
aim is to modernize the existing control system of the stone wire abrasive cutting machine. In the process of
development, an automated control system for an optical machine for abrasive stone cutting with a reinforced
cable based on an STM32 microcontroller was developed, control boards were developed and performance tests
were carried out. The development stage: the system has been introduced into production.
Keywords— microcontroller, abrasive stone cutting machine with reinforced rope, encoder, control,
The wire rope abrasive stone cutting machine is easy to manufacture, design and cheap.
Consider its general design, shown in Fig. 1 [1].
Fig. 1. Machine for abrasive cutting of stone with a reinforced rope: 1 – wheel with one
electric motor; 2 – machine frame with toothed guides; 3 – bed with toothed guides for the
table; 4 – device for finally tightening the reinforced cable; 5 – table
The principle of the machine is built as follows. The wheels of the wheel are reinforced cable,
and the electric motor rotates and drives the cable up to high speeds. The whole system then
moves down the frame, along the cogged rails, using another electric motor. Then, when the
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passage of the reinforced cable to the end was completed, the table, along with the workpiece,
moves along the bed and rotates [2].
To ensure safety, the system is equipped with limit switches that turn off the electric motors
when the base material is cut, and optoelectronic sensors for human action in the perimeter of
the installation.
Modification of this installation to perform fully automated work allows you to adjust the
parameters of the machine, thereby adjusting it to various materials, volumes of work and
reducing wear on equipment and components.
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To display the current parameters of the system, pins were placed on the board, allowing you
to connect a display or additional sensors to them, at the request of the technical task.
Fig. 2. Diagram of the control panel: 1 – potentiometer responsible for cutting speed; 2 –
potentiometer responsible for the lowering speed of the frame with the cutting cable; 3 –
toggle switch corresponding to the type of movement (rotation or longitudinal movement); 4
– toggle switch responsible for the direction of movement or rotation of the table; 5 – manual
control unit; 6 – indicator (display); 7–9 – buttons responsible for activating a pre-assigned
A. Control block
To implement the control unit, the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller is used (Fig. 3).
STM32F103C8T6 (hereinafter STM32) is a low-power, but at the same time high-performance
microcontroller. It can be powered by a 2V 72MHz core clock with all peripherals turned on
and only draw 36mA. In power saving mode, the STM32 consumes 2 μA.
One of the requirements for modern devices is to ensure the safety of the program code
from unauthorized access. For STM32 Flash memory, read protection through the debug port
can be set. When read protection is enabled, Flash memory is also write protected to prevent
the possibility of incorrect code being placed in the interrupt vector table. STM32
microcontrollers also contain a real-time clock and a small battery-powered SRAM area. The
contents of this area are automatically cleared by an interrupt from the Tamper Protection
Module [3].
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The STM32 requires a single power supply with a voltage ranging from 2.0V to 3.6V.
An on-board regulator is used to generate 1.8V for the Cortex core. STM32 can have two
additional power supplies. When using an ADC, the VDD power supply voltage must be
between 2.4 V and 3.6 V. The 100-pin packages have additional pins, VREF + and VREF-, to
connect the reference signal. The VREF- pin is connected to VDD, and VREF + should be
between 2.4V and VDDA. In all other packages, the reference signal is internally connected to
the ADC power supply pin. Each voltage source must have stabilizing capacitors.
The STM32 is well equipped with general purpose GPIO I / O ports and can have up to
80 bi-directional pins. They are grouped as five ports, each containing 16
I / O lines. Each digital pin can be configured as a GPIO pin or as an alternative function pin.
Each pin can simultaneously operate as one of 16 external interrupt lines.
The ports are labeled A through E and are all 5V tolerant. Many of the external pins of
the microcontroller can be switched to serve user peripherals such as the USART or I2C instead
of performing I / O functions.
The individual pins of each GPIO port can be configured as input or output of various
drivers. Ports contain registers into which you can write information in word format or
manipulate their bit fields. After making the settings, the registers can be locked.
A port pin can be defined as input or output, and its load characteristic can be selected.
If the pin is defined as an input, the built-in register can be used to "pull" the pin to ground or
supply voltage. If the pin is defined as an output, it can be configured as push-pull or open-
drain. Each output can also be configured to operate at frequencies up to 2 MHz, 10 MHz, or
50 MHz.
In addition to an excellent set of general-purpose peripherals, the STM32 contains five
different types of communication peripherals. The STM32 contains SPI and I2C interfaces to
exchange information between components on a printed circuit board. There is a CAN bus for
communication between different modules of the device, and a USB device interface for
communication with a PC. The STM32 also uses the popular USART interface.
For fast data exchange between PCB components, the STM32 contains two SPI
modules, which provide full duplex data transmission at frequencies up to 18 MHz. It is
important to note that one of the SPI modules is located on the APB2 high-speed peripheral
bus, which operates at up to 72 MHz. The second SPI is located on the low speed APB1 bus,
clocked at up to 37 MHz. For each SPI, you can set the clock polarity and phase. Data can be
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transmitted as 8 or 16-bit words, MSB or LSB first. This allows both SPI modules to act as
master or slave and communicate with any other SPI device.
To organize high-speed data exchange, each SPI module contains two DMA channels:
one for transmitting data and the other for storing received data in memory. The use of DMA
allows high speed data exchange in two directions under hardware control.
STM32 can communicate with other components on the PCB via I2C interface. The I2C
interface can operate as a slave or master, and arbitrate in a multi-master system. The SPI
interface supports standard data rates up to 100 kHz and fast data rates up to 400 kHz. The I2C
module supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes. Essentially, the I2C module simply
transmits and receives data over the bus. The I2C module generates two interrupts for the Cortex
processor, one to limit error propagation and one to control addresses and data transfers. In
addition, two DMA channels are allocated through which you can read from and write data to
the I2C transmit buffer. Thus, after coordinating the addresses of devices in the network and
data for transmission, the exchange of information can be carried out under the hardware control
of the STM32.
The STM32 contains up to three USARTs, each of which supports several advanced
modes to work with modern serial devices. Each of the three USARTs can communicate at
speeds up to 4 Mbps. For each USART, you can set the data length (8 or 9 bits), parity stop bit
and baud rate. One USART is located on the APB2 bus, which operates at up to 72 MHz, while
the rest are on the APB1 bus, which clocks at up to 36 MHz.
B. The diagram for controlling the speed and direction of movement of the DC motor
To control the speed and direction of movement of the DC motor shaft, we used a circuit
coupled with a control unit based on the IRS2186 microcircuit of the 74HCT08 logic gate and
the FGH40N60SMD transistor [5].
The 8-pin SOIC IRS2186 is a high voltage, high speed MOSFET and IGBT driver with
independent output channels. Patented anti-latching HVIC and CMOS technologies provide a
solid monolithic design. The logic input is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL output,
up to 3.3V logic. The output drivers have a high surge current buffer stage designed to minimize
driver cross-conduction. The IRS2186 is a 600V low and high level driver. Driver output
currents are ± 4 A, 3.3 and 5 V control logic compatibility, undervoltage protection.
In many situations, we have to use field effect transistors as top-level switches. Also, in
many situations, we must use field-effect transistors as switches, both high and low levels. For
example, in bridge circuits. In incomplete bridge circuits, we have 1 high level MOSFET and
1 low level MOSFET. In full bridge circuits, we have 2 high level MOSFETs and 2 low level
MOSFETs. In such situations, we need to use both high and low level drivers together. The
most common way to drive FETs in such cases is to use a low and high level key driver for the
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MOSFET. By far the most popular driver IC is the IRS2186. And in this article I will talk about
Let's first take a look at the block diagram and the description and pin locations in Fig. 5
and Table 1.
It's also worth mentioning that the IRS2186 comes in two packages – a 14-pin PDIP for
pin mount and a 16-pin SOIC for surface mount.
Now let's talk about different contacts. VCC is the low level power supply, must be
between 10V and 20V. VDD is the logic power for the IR2110, it must be between + 3V and +
20V (relative to VSS). The actual voltage you choose to use depends on the voltage level of the
input signals.
Usually a VDD of + 5V is used. At VDD = + 5V, the input threshold of logic 1 is slightly
higher than 3V. Thus, when VDD = + 5V, the IR2110 can be used to drive a load when the "1"
input is higher than 3 (somewhat) volts. This means that the IRS2186 can be used for almost
all circuits, as most circuits tend to be powered by about 5V. When you use microcontrollers,
the output voltage will be higher than 4V (after all, the microcontroller often has VDD = + 5V).
When a SG3525 or TL494 or another PWM controller is used, it is likely that they will have to
be powered with a voltage greater than 10V, which means that the outputs will be more than
8V with a logic one. Thus, the IR2110 can be used almost anywhere.
You can also lower the VDD to about + 4V if you are using a microcontroller or any
chip that provides 3.3V output (eg dsPIC33). When designing circuits with the IRS2186, I
noticed that sometimes the circuit does not work as expected when the IR2110's VDD is less
than + 4V. Therefore, I do not recommend using VDD below + 4V. In most of my circuits,
signal levels do not have a voltage less than 4V as "1" and therefore I use VDD = + 5V.
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If for some reason in the circuit the level of the logic "1" signal has a voltage less than
3V, then you need to use a level converter / level translator, it will raise the voltage to acceptable
limits. In such situations, I recommend raising to 4V or 5V and using the IRS2186 VDD = +
Now let's talk about VSS and COM. VSS is the land for logic. COM is "low return" -
basically the low ground of the driver. It might look like they are independent, and one might
think that it might be possible to isolate the driver outputs and the driver signal logic. However,
that would be wrong. Although not connected internally, the IRS2186 is a non-isolated driver,
which means that VSS and COM must both be connected to ground.
HIN and LIN are logic inputs. A high signal at HIN means that we want to control the
high key, that is, a high level is output to HO. A low signal on HIN means that we want to turn
off the high-level MOSFET, that is, a low-level pin is made on the HO. The output to HO, high
or low, is considered not relative to ground, but relative to VS. When the level is high, the level
at HO is equal to the level at VB, in relation to VS. At a low level, the level at HO is VS, in
relation to VS, virtually zero.
A high LIN signal means that we want to drive a low switch, that is, a high level output
is carried out on LO. A low LIN signal means that we want to turn off the low level MOSFET,
that is, a low level pin is applied to LO. The exit to LO is relative to ground. When the signal
is high, the level in LO is the same as in VCC, relative to the VSS, effectively ground. When
the signal is low, the level in LO is the same as in VSS, relative to VSS, effectively zero.
SD is used as stop control. When the level is low, IR2110 is enabled - stop function is
disabled. When this pin is high, the outputs are turned off, disabling control of the IRS2186.
Now let's take a look at the frequent configurations with IRS2186 to drive MOSFETs as
high and low switches - half-bridge circuits (Fig. 6).
D1, C1 and C2 together with the IRS2186 form an amplifier circuit. When
LIN = 1 and Q2 is on, C1 and C2 are charged to VB because one diode is located below + VCC.
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When LIN = 0 and HIN = 1, the charge on C1 and C2 is used to add additional voltage, VB in
this case, above the Q1 source to drive Q1 in the high-key configuration. A large enough
capacity must be chosen for C1 in order for it to be sufficient to provide the necessary charge
for Q1 for Q1 to be on the entire time. C1 should also not have too much capacity, as the
charging process will take a long time and the voltage level will not increase enough to keep
the MOSFET on. The longer the time it takes in the on state, the more capacity is required.
Thus, a lower frequency requires a higher C1 capacity. Higher fill factors require higher
capacities C1. Of course, there are formulas for calculating the capacity, but for this you need
to know many parameters, and some of them we may not know, for example, the leakage
current of a capacitor. Therefore, I just estimated the approximate capacity. For low frequencies
such as 50Hz, I use 47μF to 68μF. For high frequencies such as 30-50kHz, I use 4.7μF to 22μF.
Since we are using an electrolytic capacitor, a ceramic capacitor must be used in parallel with
this capacitor. A ceramic capacitor is optional if the booster capacitor is tantalum.
D2 and D3 discharge the gate of the MOSFETs quickly, bypassing the gate resistors
and reducing the turn-off time. R1 and R2 are current limiting gate resistors. + MOSV can be
500V maximum. + VCC should come from a source without interference. You must install
filtering and decoupling capacitors from + VCC to ground for filtering (Fig. 7, 8).
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Fig. 9. OA OPA4277UA
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D. Scheme of matching the levels of the signal of the control and load unit
To use the control scheme, the main logic and low-current structures must be separated
from the high-current ones using an optocoupler. This construction uses the PC817
optocouplers shown in Fig. 10 [4].
a b
Fig. 10. The optocoupler PC817 (а) and standard wiring circuit (b)
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Fig. 12. The layout of the STM32 board on the control board
Fig. 13. The layout of the engine control unit on the control board
The unit of the inductive sensors with optical isolation is implemented using inductive
sensors and PC817 optocoupler. Optical isolation is required to match the level of the signal
which arrives at the microcontroller input of the control unit and the output signal of inductive
sensors. The layout of the optically isolated inductive sensor block on the control board is
shown in Fig. 14.
Fig 14. The layout of the optically isolated inductive sensor block
The display unit (the display) is connected to the pins in Fig. 15.
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The developed technical solutions were used in the modernization of a Russian-made
PCM-2000/2500 machine (Chinese analogue – SDNFX-2000). It shown in the Fig. 16. The
design fully meets all the goals set by the customer's terms of references.
[1] State all-union standard. (1998). Stone sawing machines: Types and basic parameters (GOST 30081-93).
[GOST 30081-93 Stanki kamneraspilovochnye Tipy i osnovnye parametry] - (in russian).
[2] State all-union standard. (1998). Stone sawing machines: General technical requirements and control methods
(GOST 28541-95). [GOST 28541-95 Stanki kamneraspilovochnye Obshchie tekhnicheskie trebovaniia i
metody kontrolia] - (in russian).
[3] STLINK-V3SET debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32 / STM32 Datasheet (PDF) -
STMicroelectronics. - 4 p.
[4] High Density Mounting Type Photocoupler / PC817 Datasheet (PDF) - Sharp Electrionic Components. - 4 p.
[5] High And Low Side Driver / IRS2186 Datasheet (PDF) - International Rectifier. - 23 p.
[6] 600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT with / HGTG30N60A4D Datasheet (PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor.
- 9 p.
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