5 EC 2151 - Electric Circuits and Electronic Devices
5 EC 2151 - Electric Circuits and Electronic Devices
5 EC 2151 - Electric Circuits and Electronic Devices
Second Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
EC 2151 Electric Circuits and Electron Devices
Part B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11) (a) (i) Find the equivalent resistance of a circuit shown in the figure - 1.
(ii) Using mesh analysis, find current through the 4 resistor in the figure - 2.
(b) (i) Find the Nortons equivalent terminals AB of the circuit shown in figure 3,
by mesh method.
Figure - 2
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Figure - 3
(ii) In the network shown in the figure 4, the load consists of a fixed capacitive
reactance and a variable resistance. Determine the value of RL for which the
power transferred is a maximum and calculate the maximum power.
12) (a) (i) Find the equivalent input admittance for the figure - 5.
Figure - 4
(ii) Find the equivalent input impedance for the figure - 6.
Figure - 5
(iii) The current i(t) in the RC circuit is given by i(t) = 10 cos 500t. Find the supply
Figure - 6
voltage V(t), if R = 10 and C = 20 f.
(b) (i) A sine wave of V(t) = 200 sin 50t is applied to a 10
resistor in series with a
coil. The reading of Voltmeter is 120 V and 75 V across R and L respectively.
Calculate the power and reactive volt ampere in the coil and power factor of the
(ii) A sinusoidal voltage V = 50 sin
13) (a) (i) Draw the V-I characteristics of PN Junction diode and explain in detail about
Forward and Reverse bias characteristics.
(ii) Derive the PN diode current equation.
(b) (i) Explain in detail about temperature effect in PN diode.
(ii) What is diode resistance rd and derive the expression.
14) (a) What is JFET? Explain with transfer and drain characteristics of JFET?
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(b) Explain the MOSFET structures, I-V relationships transconductance and substrate
15) (a) (i) With neat diagram, describe in detail about the operational details of SCR.
(ii) Write short note on LED and LCD.
(b) (i) With neat diagram, describe in detail about the operational details of UJT.
(ii) Write short note on Photoconductive and Photovoltaic cells.
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