HACS Seminary Admission Application

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Holy Apostles College and Seminary

33 PROSPECT HILL ROAD, CROMWELL, CT 06416-2027 – PHONE: 860.632.3010



I am applying to begin studies in the

Fall Spring of Year:

Please attach a
passport size photo

I wish to apply for admission to the following program:

____College Seminary Program (if you haven’t completed College)
____Pre-Theology (if you have completed College but do not have 24 credits in Philosophy)
____Theology (if you have completed College and have 24 credits in Philosophy)
____Certificate Program (permission may be given in certain individual cases for older men to
enter Pre-Theology before completing the undergraduate program)

______ a) A psychological evaluation given by the psychologist who does the testing of candidates to
the priesthood for the diocese where you live.
______ b) This completed application form, (including autobiographies and essays), with photo attached
and $50.00 non-refundable fee payable to Holy Apostles Seminary.
______ c) Official baptismal certificate, dated within six months of this application, and bearing the seal
of the Church of baptism.
______ d) Official confirmation certificate, with seal of the Church where conferred. (If at the same
Church as baptism, this may be recorded directly on the baptismal certificate.)
______ e) Letter(s) of evaluation from the rector(s) of any seminaries previously attended, and from the
proper authority of any diocese or religious community with which you have been associated.
______ f) Official transcripts of all post-Secondary education, issued directly to the Seminary from each
school. Send a high school transcript only if you have not attended college.
______ g) Proof of Urine Drug Testing and HIV screening, plus completed health and immunization forms.
______ h) A statement from a licensed physician, dated within six months of application, attesting that
you are free of contagious disease and in adequate health to undertake seminary studies.
______ i) Names of three references who are not family members. These must include your pastor,
religious superior or vocation director, and at least one other priest.

Previously married applicants must be canonically free to study for the priesthood:
______ j) If widowed, please include a copy of your marriage certificate and wife’s death certificate.
______ k) A list of all children including their names, dates of birth and current addresses.
______ l) The seminary will consider candidates with marriage annulments only if they are sponsored
by a bishop or religious community. The candidate must request official documentation of
the annulment to be sent directly to the Rector from the Tribunal.

Please type or print clearly all information.

Personal Information

Last First Middle
Any other name by which you have been known: _______________________________

Date of Birth:_____________________Place of Birth:___________________________

Present Address:_________________________________________________________
Number Street Apt. #
City State Zip Code
How long have you lived at this address?_______________________________________

With whom do you currently live?____________________________________________

Telephone Numbers:_______________________________________________________
Home Cell Work

Social Security #_______________________ Driver’s license #____________________

U.S. citizen?______ If not, of what country are you a citizen?______________________

Passport #______________________ Place issued:_______________ Expires:_______

Immigration status:_______________________________________________________

Are you a permanent resident of the U.S.?______________________________________

Are you a convert?_____yes _____no If yes, year received into the Church__________

Previous religious affiliation:________________________________________________

Are you registered with the Selective Service?__________________________________

Military service/Branch:_____________ Date of discharge: ______________________

Type of discharge:__________________ Reserve status:________________________

Have you ever been arrested?_________ If so, charges:__________________________

Age at time of arrest:_________ Disposition:__________________________________

Do you give your consent to the initiative of the Seminary to conduct State and Federal
Criminal History Checks and a Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Search?
Yes____________________ No ___________________
Occupational History:

Excluding your current or most recent employer, list chronologically, (starting with the
most recent) the last five full or part time jobs you have held. Give employer, location,
dates employed, type of work, and reason for leaving.
Employer/Type of Work City/State Date Reason for Leaving






Present or most recent job:

Name of employer:________________________________________________________


May we contact your present employer?________________

Job Title:_____________________________________Duration:___________________



Have you ever been fired from a job? If yes, indicate why:_________________________


List any professional organizations to which you belong:__________________________


List civic, social or service organizations to which you belong, and your roles in each:



Please provide two emergency contacts:

Name Relationship to you

Address Telephone number

Name Relationship to you

Address Telephone number

Marital Status:

Have you ever been engaged? ________ Have you ever been married? _____________

Widowed? (year)_____________ Divorced? (year)_____________

If divorced, do you have an annulment?___________ Date of Decree:______________

Which Tribunal__________________________________________________________

Do you have children?_______ Please provide their names, dates of birth and addresses:
Name Date of Birth Address









Is anyone financially dependent on you? If yes, please explain:____________________



What debts or financial obligations do you have now?____________________________


How do you plan to pay for your college expenses?______________________________


Family Background:

___________________________________ __________________________________
Father’s name Mother’s maiden name
___________________________________ __________________________________
Occupation Occupation
___________________________________ __________________________________
Religion Religion
Living___________Deceased___________ Living____________Deceased_________

If deceased, year of death:_____________ If deceased, year of death:_____________

If living: If living:
Address____________________________ Address____________________________

___________________________________ __________________________________

Phone:_____________________________ Phone:____________________________

Parents’ marital status:_____________________________________________________

If divorced, has either parent remarried? _____ Yes _____ No

Stepfather’s complete name:________________________________________________

Stepmother’s complete name:_______________________________________________

If not by your parents, by whom were you raised?________________________________


Number of Siblings: Brothers:_____ Sisters:_____ Your place in birth order? ________

Briefly describe your life as a child and the quality of the relationships in your family:
(e.g. between parents and children and between siblings)







Do you have a high school diploma or a GED? Diploma__________ GED___________

Please list all schools attended beginning with high school to the present time:
School or Seminary City and State Years Attended Degree







Please have official transcripts forwarded to the Rector directly from all post-secondary
institutions that you have attended.

Did you have any academic problems in school? How would you describe yourself as a


List any awards, honors, or class offices held:___________________________________


List any skills or areas of education in which you have special training or qualifications:


Can you read, write or speak any foreign languages? If so, please indicate language and
level of proficiency: _______________________________________________________


Were you ever dismissed from any school?_______ If so, reason for dismissal_________


Health History:

What illnesses or accidents did you have growing up?



Have you ever had any serious illnesses, accidents, allergies, surgeries or physical
limitations? If yes, please describe in detail____________________________________



Do you exercise?__________ How often?_____________

What type of exercise do you do?_____________________________________________

Do you smoke? ___________ Amount per day__________________

Do you drink? ___________ Amount per day/week/month________

Do you have a history of or ever been treated for alcoholism? ______________________


Do you have any past or current health concerns, such as weight problems, insomnia,
headaches, digestive problems, or chronic illness such as diabetes, heart condition, etc?



Please list all medications you currently take and what they are for__________________




Have you ever used illegal drugs? If so, list each drug noting your age at time of use,
range of use and frequency of use_____________________________________________



Is there any history of mental illness in your family? If yes, please give details:




Have you ever been under psychological or psychiatric care? If yes, describe in detail:




Have you ever been the subject of physical or sexual abuse? If yes, please give details:



Medical Insurance:

Do you presently have medical insurance? Yes____________ No_____________

Who is financially responsible for the premium?_________________________________

How long will this coverage be available to you? ________________________________

Parish/Sacramental Background:

Current parish____________________ Pastor___________________________________

Address Telephone number

Sacraments of Initiation: (include a sealed Certificate of Baptism issued within last 6 months.
If date of Confirmation is not noted on the back of baptismal certificate, please include a
Certificate of Confirmation. Photocopies are not acceptable.)

Baptism: Date:__________ Parish:___________________City/State:_______________________

First Communion: Date:__________ Parish:___________________City/State:_______________________

Confirmation: Date:__________ Parish:___________________City/State:_______________________

Have you previously been affiliated with any other parish?________ If so, please list and
give dates of membership:

Parish City/State
Pastor Date
Parish City/State
Pastor Date
Parish City/State
Pastor Date

If you did not attend Catholic schools, please indicate the extent of your religious

education: _______________________________________________________________


Describe your involvement in your parish:______________________________________



How old were you when you first thought of becoming a priest?____________________

Discuss your interest in the priesthood:________________________________________



What prompted you to seek entrance into the seminary?___________________________





Does your family support your vocation?_______________________________________


Are you sponsored by a Diocese or Religious Community? _______________________

If so, which Diocese or Religious Community?__________________________________

Address Phone
Who is your Superior/Vocation Director?______________________________________

Did you ever apply for sponsorship as a seminarian in a diocese? Yes______ No______

Please list all Dioceses you have previously been affiliated with:
Diocese Date applied Accepted?



Why did you discontinue studying for that diocese?




Have you previously studied at another seminary?_____________ If so, which one(s)?

(Please provide a letter of recommendation from the Rector of each seminary attended.)

Name and address of seminary
Name and address of seminary

Did you ever apply for membership in a religious community?

Name Date Accepted?




Why did you discontinue formation in that community?___________________________




Please forward to the Rector’s Office a (3-4) page, single spaced, typewritten
autobiography which highlights the following:
* Your Family Life * Relationships outside of family
* School and Work experiences * Major satisfactions and problems experienced
* Prayer and faith experiences * Your vocational discernment up to the present


Please forward to the Rector’s Office two (2-4) page, single spaced typewritten essays
answering the following two questions.

1. “What does the priesthood mean to me?”

2. Discuss your concept of celibacy and what makes you confident that you can live it.


Please list three references who are not family members, two from priests if possible.
One reference should be your pastor, religious superior, or vocation director.

Name Address Phone
Name Address Phone
Name Address Phone

(Depending on the actual circumstances, the following may apply as impediments to ordination which
require dispensation. If needed, please seek clarification from your spiritual director or the Rector prior to
answering this section.)

a. Severe Mental Illness (c. 104.1) Have you ever committed yourself
or been committed to a psychiatric facility? Yes____No____

b. Apostasy, Heresy or Schism (c.1041.2) Have you ever publicly

abandoned the Catholic Church? Have you ever publicly advocated any
views contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church or ever joined another
religious body by a formal, public act? Yes____No____

c. Bond of Marriage (c. 1041.3) Have you ever been married civilly or in
a religious ceremony? Yes____No_____

d. Private or Public Religious Vows (c.1041.3) If yes, present document

demonstrating release or dismissal. Yes____No_____

e. Voluntary Homicide or Abortion (c.1041.4) Have you ever been

involved in the taking of another human life? Have you helped someone
procure an abortion, performed the abortion or cooperated in obtaining
an abortion for another person? Yes____No_____

f. Suicide, Self-Mutilation (c.1041.5) Have you ever attempted suicide,

or seriously and maliciously mutilated yourself or others ? Yes____No_____

g. Performed an act that is reserved to bishops or priests (c. 1041.6)

Have you ever impersonated a priest or bishop presiding at the
Eucharist, granting absolution for sins, and/or administering the
sacrament of the anointing of the sick? Yes____No_____

h. Excommunication Have you ever been excommunicated from the

Church? If yes, attach documentation indicating this fact. Yes____No_____


I, ________________________________________________________________
(Print Full Legal Name)

applicant for the priestly formation program of Holy Apostles Seminary, certify that the
information provided on my application form and the additional application materials are,
to the best of my knowledge, true and complete and may be verified by Holy Apostles
Seminary. I understand that my application materials include, but are not limited to,
confidential information such as prior or current: employment records; judicial records;
criminal and sex offender background records (including fingerprints), financial records;
medical records (including personal physician’s physical exam, H.I.V. test results);
mental health records (including psychological test results); educational
records (including transcripts); records from (arch)diocese(s) or religious order(s) with
whom I have previously made application to, or been accepted by; letters of
recommendation, and any other information pertinent to matters addressed in this
application form whether this information is provided by me or is received from another
source. I further understand that the submitted materials become the property of Holy
Apostles Seminary and will not be returned to me.

I hereby authorize Holy Apostles Seminary (including but not limited to the
Rector, the Director of the Office of Vocations and their delegates) to have access to and
use any and all of my application and application materials. I understand the purpose of
the application and application materials is to evaluate my fitness for the priestly
formation program and for possible ordination to the priesthood. This application is
submitted in an effort to assist the Rector in acting on behalf of the good of the entire

I further release Holy Apostles Seminary, its employees, volunteers, agents, and
all those who receive my application or application materials hereunder from any and all
liability arising from, or relating to, their use of such application and application

Finally, I swear that there is nothing in my past or current behavior that would
render me a danger to minor children or others with reference to physical or sexual
abuse/exploitation by me. I make this statement as a part of my application for
acceptance into the priestly formation program for Holy Apostles Seminary.

Signature of Applicant (as witnessed by Public Notary) Date

Signature of Notary Public Date

My Commission Expires___________________________________________________________________________

Please forward this application and all other application material to:



(860) 632-3010


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